alesse _- A WE ET ET. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED, Wednesday, January 3. The American Institute of Architects will hold its 39th annual convention in Washington, January 8-11. The brick warehouse and oil house, with their contents, in the Reading railway yards at Rutherfords, Pa. were destroyed by fire. Loss, $20,000. Kenyon I. Butterfield, of Rhode Island, has been elected president of the Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege at Amherst, vice Henry Goodelle, deceased. Suicide and homicide are on the in- crease in America, 9982 persons tak- ing their own lives in 1905, as com- pared with 9240 in 1904, while homi- cides total 9212, as against 8482 last year. : Thursday, January 4. The resignation of Captain R. O. Richard, of the signal corps of the United States army, has been accept ¢d by President Roosevelt. Alfred J. George, a horseman, of Al- lentown, Pa., remarried Margaret Erb, a New York actress, after having been divorced from her 10 years ago. ‘While playing with toys, the cloth- ing of 4-year-old Willie Sturgess, of Philadelphia, caught de at the kitchen range and he was burned to death. James H. Peabody, former governor of Colorado, and his adjutant, General Shuman Bell, both believe they are marked by miners for assassination. The first National Greek Letter col- lege fraternity to be founded by col- ored students was organized at the Ohio State University, at Columbus. Friday, January 6. A storm which struck Josie, Ala. wrecked the school house, killing two pupils and injuring 14 others. Fire destroyed the Bennett & Mor- gan rectifying plant at Marion, N. C,, | the largest in the south. Loss, $250, 0060. Joseph Kift, Sr, one of the most widely known florists in the country, died at his home in West Chester, Pa., aged 79 years, The safe in Albaugh's store at Shoals, Ind., was blown open with dynamite and $2000 in cash and $11, 000 in government bonds stolen. Saturday, January 6. Two trainmen were killed and three injured in a freight collision on the Burlington road near St. Louis. Mrs. Mamie Dasch, of Philadelphia, took a dose of carbolic acid in mistake for medicine and may not recover. The bursting of an 18-ton flywheel completely wrecked the plant of the Morgan Engineering company at Alli ance, O. Mrs. Cora Cutshall, a retired Me- thodist missionary from Africa, died at her home in Franklin, Pa., from African fever after a short illness. The coinage at the mints of the United States during the year 1805 amounted to 170,892,472 pieces, of which nearly 21,000,000 pieces were for other countries. + Monday, January 8. A dynamite explosion at a stone quarry at Gary, Ill, killed five men and fatally injured four others. Elias Johnson, a negro cart driver of York, Pa., was kicked in the heart by a horse and died of his injuries. Three women were burned to death’ and one was injured in a fire which destroyed a boarding house in St. Louis, Nine to ten years’ hard labor in prison was the sentence given Leonard B. Imboden and James A. Hill, wreck- ers of the Denver Savings Bank. The new chair of Japanese history and literature at Notre Dame univer- sity, South Bend, Ind., will be occupied by Francis Sugita, of the University of Tokyo. Tuesday, January 9. John M. Pattison, Democrat, has been inaugurated governor of Ohio. ‘While sitting beside the sick bed of a brother-in-law, George Stevens, of Cincinnati, O., took poison by mistake and died within an hour. Frank Freedley, a farmer, of Jeffer- sonville, near Norristown, Pa. fell from the roof of his barn and received injuries that resulted in his death. J. Cabell Breckinridge, son of John C. Breckinridge, vice president of the United States during James Buchanan's administration, died at Yonkers, N. Y. The torpedo boat destroyer Worden was damaged in a collision with the Lawrence in Hampton Roads and was taken to the Norfolk navy yard for repairs. em vom Inet VICTIM OF SUICIDAL MANIA Doctor Took Poison Because He Could Not Suffer Longer. New York, Jan. 9—Dr. R. W. Steger, said to be a graduate of Vanderbilt and Columbia Universities, and of a family prominent in Nashville, Tenn., attempted to commit suicide in the Union hotel by taking a mixture of chloroform and morphine. He was re- moved to Bellevue hospital, where physicians san he cannot recover. Dr. Steger took the poison, after leaving a note saying that he had suf- fered from suicidal and homicidal mania for years, and that he could not bear the suffering longer. He willed his body to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. NEGRESS DEAD AT 135 Mary McDonald Remembered Wash. ington’s Camp at Valley Forge. Philadelphia, Jan. 8.—Mary McDon- ald, a negress, who claimed to be 135 years of age, is dead at the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons in this city. According to Mrs. McDon- ald and her surviving relatives, she was born November 14, 1770, in a set- tlement known as Frogtown, near Val- ley Forge, Pa. She often told of the scenes in and about the camp of Wash- ington’s soldiers at Valley Forge dur ing the winter of 1777-78. Mrs. McDon- ald was of robust physique and was an inveterate smoker up to a short time before her death. Woman Killed By Electric Philadelphia, Jan. 6.—While ; ing from a trolley car at 21st | Spring Garden streets, Mrs. Perry, a member of a well-to-do | delphia family, was run down electric cab and so badly crushed she died in a few hours. Mrs. was leaving the car to go to her which was within a few | where the accident occurred. i taking the uncorscious woman to a hospital, the chauffeur gave his name and address to the police, | Girl Commits Suicide In Well. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 8—Anna Dagen, 8 20-year-old girl of Baumgardner, this county, committed suic#le by jumping | into a well 60 feet deep at her home. She was suffering from mental aber- ration. Hy i i Books, Magazines, Etc. Srerrexs 10 Weire From Wasnixerox. —Line oln Steffens, the famous writer on “Graft,” whose stories of “The Shame of the States” and munie- ipal corruption, are credited with being partly responsive for the overthrow of bossism in many cities, went to Washinglon a week on a new assignment—to follow the trail of municipal and State corruption to the National Capital. fens will write these new stories of “Graft,” stories from the sea, of government, and for the first time his exposures will appear in the newspapers stead of in the magazines, The Pittsburg Sunday Dispatch has secured the exclusive rights tor the publication of this new series throughout this territory. The first article will appear next Sunday, January 14. New Advertisements. J INE woobRING wi ge 2 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW { Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all the courts. sly New Advertisements. YES, WHY ? WHY PAY $100 FOR AN ARTICLE When you can get the article for less money ? WHY TURN A CREAM SEPARA- TOR FOR THIRTY MINUTES when you can do the same work in twenty minutes. Our large machine costs no more than the other fellows little machine. thi I you oats have a machine grave n of getting a new one can afford a until J INVESTIGATE THE MERITS OF THE CLEVELAND. This machine has a skimming device made of Aluminum, making it ove of the easiest cleaned machines on the market. Every edtiug is ball bearing, making it one of the lightest runnin nes, The bowl is guyported right in under the bow] instead of being su on the end of a long spindle as the case with the other. Give us an opportunity to mail you a catalogne and prove our claims. EDWIN K. SMITH, Oak Hall Station. Enstern Representative of The Cleveland Separator Co., Cleveland, Ohio. al-22 OST SHAWL. — Lost on day alter Christmas between Hazel grocery store and poor house, a brown woolen shawl, finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the wWarcnuax office. 51-1.21% YOUNG WOMEN.—The Bellefonte Hospital desires application from young women wishing to become Foul nurses in the trainin, hoo, Apply to Superintendent Hos pital, Bellefonte, Pa. EO-38-t ORSES FOR SALE.—A large well dispositioned young horse--4 years old broken to double harness, can be purchased cheap. Inquire of **M,"” care of Warcumax, 50-48 XECUTORS NOTICE. — Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Mrs. Hannsh Hamilton deceased, late of the borough of Belle fonte, having been granted to the undersigned they request all persons knowing themselves in- debted to said estate to make immediate pay- ment, snd those having claims inst the same to resem them duly authenticated for seitlemen JOHN NOL Mus. 8. E. SATTERFIELD, Executors, Beilefonte, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE. — Letters testamentary on the estate of Levina deceased, late of Walker township, 51 1-6t having been granted to the un all persons knowing themselves indebt- ed to said are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims nst the same to present them, duly authen- tieated for seitlement. IRA. N. NeCIOSR EY Executor. b61-2-6t Lock Haven, Pa. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. — Letters of aiministration on the estate of Eliza Tyson, deceased, late of the borough Of Philips- burg, having been granted to the bade: all persons § claims inst decedent are ye usted bo Jrcuent them 3a v Mithent leated for omen ose owin, estate quested to make immediate Payment, apere Wx. E. TYSON, Adm, 51-2. Tyrone, Pa. EGAL NOTICE. kth sr Se trent att 4. tre Hall borough, deceased, i apart to his ed Mary A. Sver Plexney LVANIA RAILROAD TOURS CALIFORNIA JANUARY 25 to FEBRUARY 23 Visiting El Paso, San Di Riverside, Pas- adena, Los Angeles, Santa barbara, Del Monte iy Palo Alto, San F Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver and Chicago. ROUND $375 TRIP Covering all necessary expenses Special Pullman Train Over Entire Route FLORIDA, Jacksonville Tours, allowing two weeks in Florida, Fe 6 and March SL special train of Pullman Sleeping and ining Cars from New York, Ph and Baltimore. Rate from Bellefonte $51.00, Detailed Itineraries and full information may be had of Ticket Agents, or GEO. W, BOYD, General Passengicr A nt, Broad Street Station, Phi Iphin, Pa. J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. 51-22 A GREAT MONEY MAKER— THE NATIONAL CREAM SEPARATOR Is the best of its clase because it gets ALL the Cream and does it EASILY. For price or partion. lars write or see B. F. HOMAN, OAK HALL, PENNA, Dealer in all Kinds of Farm Implements, 51-22 EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is hereby tions da f | of the term, the same will be confirmed, to wit: The first and partial account of W. J. Weiser, guardian of Wessenna Hamler. The first and final account of Emanuel Bower, Committee of Henry Rishel. December 10th, 19C5. A. B. KIMPORT, 50-50-4t ? Prothonotary. —— § Is to ANTED. — Twenty gir o> pack Apply at factory from 7a. m. to é p. m. PENNSYLVANIA MATCH COMPANY. 50-48-1m Light Heat and Power. ame —_—— CHEAPER LIGHT Is now assured through the medium of the Lawrence Portable Gas Sl Machine, invented and patented by This machine, which is THE MARVEL OF Will reduce the cost of three of the than one-third their former cost and LIGHT, HEAT Mr. F. 8S. Lawrence, of Chicago. THE CENTURY greatest human necessites to less bas solved the great problems of AND POWER This machine saves the coneumer from 75 to 80 per cent. in the cost of gas used for power purposes, and generates gas for illuminating pur- poses at a cost of less than 25 cents present average cost of $1.80 per 1,000 cubic feet. per thousand feet, as against a Every owner of a home, factory, business house, church, school, hall or farm house will want one of these machines. The company now has orders for over three hundred of its machines. LET ME INTEREST YOU in this wonderful invention. I am now offering stock in the NATIONAL LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER CO. which is the parent company, at $1 sable, There is no preferred stock and no bonde. per share, full paid and non-asses- All stockholders are on an equal footing in this company. I believe that each share of stock you now buy at $1 will be worth $10 within six months. Write me today for booklet and other literature giving full particn- lars of this MOST WONDERFUL INVENTION OF MODERN TIMES, Don't put it off—write today. To-morrow may be too late, as the subscription list is liable to be closed at any time. WILLIAM B. MOORE, Fiscal agent. National Light, Heat & Power Co .y 36 La Salle 8t., Chicago, Ill. { Investments. EE ————— i i not . ARE YOU AN INVESTOR? fies, 2 Jeoce. We offer the CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR a five year 6 per cent Gold bearing Bond. INTER- EST and ONE TENTH of PRINCIPAL payable semi-annually. The yment of princi- pal in this manner DOES NOT IMPAIR the in- vestment at all. The payment of 6 percent on the face of the bond continues for the ENTIRE LIFE OF THE BOND regardless of the return of stated propor- tions of the principal. Write for Booklet ““A Plain Talk About Dollars.” | Se Bl BB DB BM BB BB Bo Bi Bl i Bo BP Bl BB BB DB BB BA BA. BB Bl BD DA BA A BB INVESTIGATE. West Exp Finance CoMPANY, 4 Land Title Building. { 50-50-3m. Philadelphia, Pa. Mov wr vr wr rer err vrvrwv-vrwvv — EY rw Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. { LYON & CO LYON & CO. } » p . 4 b r y p 3 p WATCH LYON & CO'S AD. a We are preparing for the largest White Sale we ever had at prices that will interest all money-saving buyers. All departments are going to be house- cleaned and price cut to close out odds and ends. Clearance sale of all Winter goods. Watch our store if you want to save your dollars. de BB BB 50-46 LYON & CO. LYON & CO. 47-12 Allegheny 8t., Bellefonte, Pa. EE —————————— New 5 and xo Cent Stor e. es Our Store is Growing in Popularity. Don’t put off visiting the Great 5 and 10 cent Store. Our low prices makes the getting of Household Goods easy. We carry a large line of Fancy China, Dolls, Games, Toys, Books, Handkerchiefs and every con- ceivable article. NOTHINGOVER 0c THE NEW 5 ano 10 CENT STORE, Bash Arcade next door to Dolls Bakery, Bellefonte, Pa. GENTS WANTED. — to sell the Novels of Paver vr Kock. The Outlook “he is one of the 10st amusing writers the ssuiuryy) and Bulwer wrote of him, “more racy powerful than othe writer | am aware of.” Pam welt on Ne quest. GEORGE BARRIE & SONS 1313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 505-17 : A - Hank delivery of mail. Price half eash, balance to suit purchaser. A SYDNEY T. ISETT, S048t1 Spruce Creek, Pa. RUE LADIES. —Miss Jennie Mor n her new room on ng St., late! as offices by Dr. Locke, Spring § ready % tmeet any snd all patients wishing treatments by electricity, treatments of the scalp, facial mas. sage or neck and shoulder massage. She has also for sale a large collection of real and imita- tion shell pins, combs and ornaments snd will be able to supply you with all kinds of toilet articles creams, powders, toilet waters, ex- all of Hudnut's preparations, 50-16 i to nelad acts an -— the Hon, Ellis L. Orvis, nt Judge of the [rei § ER rE ts Taylor, F. H. Clemson,’ Pure, ot. al | for 8 e of , for “GRAY'S © TERY ASSOCIATION," located in aE py A EE plements thereto. The object of said Associa: tion is for the purchase of real estate and impro- vement &e. for the purpose of sepulture. W. HARRISON WALKER, 40-508¢ Solicitor. HANpLE FACTORY FOR SALE. Handles, together with a Pottery tor the manufacture of Stove Pi; Collage, Crocks le, Pa., on the Pennsylyania ratiroad. lers, engines, machinery and buildings ARE ALL IN GOOD REPAIR. The Plants enj a profitable business during the life of the owner,but his death has made THEIR — SALE -— NECESSARY. Here is a good business for some one, For, particulars and terms eali at this office or address. ETTA R. LEATHERS, Adm. Mt. Eagle, Pa. B50-49-4t. Centre Co. OURT PROCLAMATION.— Whereas if : oh hl i ail 5% dl | Bgis El 3 i i Eh 1] i il + i 4 | i : JgrovsE's GROCERY STORE, BUSH ARCADE, THE BEST GROCERIFY, GOODS AL'WAYS FRESH, FAIR TREATMENT TO ALL: Cash Paid for Fresh Butter and Eggs. You can get it at i py ; get it al Biedse ha Shon you can't any STORE OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING 8 O'CLOCK, Su Y , Sunday and Legal Holidays 50-26.2m R. 8. BROUSE. SOFT DRINKS The subscriber having put in a com- Pete plant is Prepared to furnish Soft SELTZER SYPHONS, SARSAPARILLA, SODAS, POPS, ETC. STAY Mv of wlth are. moat oo: of the purest syrups and properly carbo- The public is cordially latited to test these inka. made free of charge within the limits of the C. MOERSCHBACHER, 5032-1y High Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. ACETYLENE The Best and Cheapest Light. COLT ACETYLENE GENERATORS.......... GIVE THE LEAST TROUBLE. THE PUREST GAS, AND ARE SAFE. Generators, Supplies and Fixtures. . . . JOHN P. LYON, BUSH ARCADE, fl General Agent for Central Pennsylvania for she J. B. Colt Co. She UE