\v Colleges & Schools. I" YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, An Engineer, An Electrician, A Scientic Farmer, short, if you wish to secure a training that will THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE z A Teacher, 4 Lawyer, A Physician A Journalist, fit you well for any honorable pursui. no life, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. PARKING EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so a~ to fur- nisn a much more varied range of electives, after the Freshman year, than heretofore, incind- ing History ; the English, French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek Languages and Litera- sures ; Psychology; Ethics, Pedagogies, an olitical Science. These courses are expecially adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession of Teaching, or a general College Education. 7 ses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very he E+ the United States. ' Graduates have no difficulty in securing and hoiding TL YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE FALL SESSION anens September 15th, 190k. For specimen examination papers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses ot study, expenses, ete., and showing positions held by graduates, address 25-27 THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. . om Coal and Wood. J 2VasD K. RHOADS Shipping and Commission Merchant, ~===DEALER IN=— ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS { COAL s | —CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS — snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS’ and PLASTERERS’ SAND KINDLING WOOD y the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his ope Nienas and the public, at (Central 1312. Telephone Calls Commercial 82. near the Passenger Station. 46-18 sim Plumbing etc. A. E. SCHAD Fine Sanitary Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Furnace, Steam and Hot Vater Heating, Slating, Roofing and Spouting, Tinware of all kinds made to order. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Eagle Block. BELLEFONTE, PA. Both Phones. 42-43-1y Telephone. Yow TELEPHONE is a door to your establish- ment through which much business enters. KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN by answering your calls romptly as you would 4 our own responded to ry aid us in giving good service. If Your Time Has Commercial Value. If Promptness Secure Business. If Immediate Informalion is Required. If You Are Not in Business for Exercise stay at home and use your Long Distance Telephone. Our night rates leave small excuse for traveling. PENNA. TELEPHONE CO. 47-25-tf CS SEs ——Take Vin-te-na and the good effect will be immediate. You will get strong, you will feel bright, fresh and active, you will feel new, rich blood coursing through your veins. Vin-te-na will act like magic, will pus new life in you. If not benefited money refunded. All druggists. King to Give Bible to Virginia Church Richmond, Va., Sept. 19. — Bruton parish, the historical church at Wil liamsburg, Va. the second oldest church and the church longest in con- tinuous use in the United States, has just received the offer of a Bible to be donated by King Edward VIL, of Great Britain. Rev. W. A. R. Goodwin, rector of the church, is in receipt of a letter from the archbishop of Canter- bury, in which the latter states that the king has consented to donate a Bible for lectern use in Bruton parish, This royal mark of esteem is to be given by the king in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the estab- lishment of Anglo-Saxon civilization and the English church on Virginia shores. . ’ General Meade’s Daughter Drops Dead Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 16.—Miss Margaret B. Meade, daughter of Gen- eral George Gordon Meade, who com- manded the Union forces at Gettys- burg, dropped dead in front of the Episcopal church in Chelsea. She waa 80 years of age. | dragged | crime was committed to a consider- Demorealic; Wado. Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 22, 1905. Girl Murdered and Body Hidden. Was Assaulted and Robbed After a Desperate Struggle. Suspect Under Arrest. New York, Sept. 18.—The body of Augusta Pfeiffer, 22 years old, who had been criminally assaulted, robbed and strangled, was found in a clump of bushes on the Pelham road in the Bronx. Coroner O’Gorman issued a warrant for the arrest of Joseph Girard, a driver, charging him with the murder. Coroner O'Gorman said: “We have traced the movements of Girard up to the time of the murder and to within 200 feet of the place. We have also traced the movements of the girl up to 8.30 o’clock on Wed- nesday night, when she boarded a Throggs Neck car. The two undoubt- edly met. The man’s clothing has been found, and consist of overalls and jumper. These are smeared with blood.” Miss Pfeiffer had been somewhat ex- pensively dressed, but when the body was found the dress was torn into shreds. There was every indication that she had made a most desperate struggle before she was overcome. After she succumbed rings were torn off her fingers and the body was from the spot where the able distance and concealed in a tan- gle of briars. The body was found by Mrs. A. H. Black. She had been vrsiums trromws and passed along the road on her way home. , As she neared the shed she was attracted by the red ribbon on a yellow straw hat lying on the grass. She went over to the spot and was horrified to find the young woman lying there, with her clothing dishev- eled and her features badly bruised. Mrs. Black ran screaming along until she met a bicycle policeman and told him her story. He immediately notified Captain Burfeind, and the machinery of the police was set in motion. One of the victim’s shoes was found about 12 feet from the body, and the white sole of the uncovered foot was, soiled by mud, showing the body had been dragged for some distance be- fore being abandoned by the mur-'! derers. Miss Pfeiffer was well known and respected in the neighborhood in which she lived. She left her boarding house about 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening to meet her brother, and car- ried a small dress suit case in which she intended to put her clothing. This case was found near her body. The walk from the street car to her home is a lonely one, and it was while on this that she was assaulted, according to the police theory. The autopsy showed that she had been dead about 12 hours when her body was discov- ered. EMBEZZLED $20,000 Clerk In Marine Hospital Service Un- der Arrest. Washington, Sept. 19. — James W. Boyd, a clerk in the public health and marine hospital service, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Chief Clerk W. P. Worcester, of that office, charg- ing him with embezzlement. The dis- covery of the facts leading to the charge was made last Thursday dur- ing Boyd’s absence, and the amount abstracted will, according to Boyd's confession, reach not less than $20,- 000. It was Boyd’s duty to prepare bills ' for the approval of the surgeon gen- eral, and when checks were signed they were delivered to him to be mailed to the persons for whom they were intended. It is charged that he manipulated the bills by erasing the dates and amounts of duplicates left in the office, and that he secured the money on the checks by endorsing on the checks the names of the firms to which they were issued. The alleged defalcation has been in progress for the past three years, but Boyd was not suspected until a recent illness compelled him to be absent and made it necessary for some one else to as- sume his duties. When his desk was opened a number of suspicious docu- ments were found. This discovery led to an investigation by Surgeon Gen- eral] Wyman and Chief Clerk War- IF YOU Ours is Holidays. THEN Are after Clothes that, the most, critic- al cannot, tell from the product. of the Best. Custom Tailor shops, You should by all means take a look at, the Faubles’ showing this season. a High Class Clothes Store . . .. Where THE BEST Clothes made in America can be bought. .at, moderate prices. We will show you more good Clothes from which to select, from than you will find in all Belle- fonte’s stores combined. The kind will please you. Our Stores will be Closed Saturday, September 30th, and Monday, Oct. sh 9th. Jewish cester, with the result that the case was placed in the hands of the secret service operators, who made the ar- rest. Property belonging to Boyd, val- ued at about $8000, has been seized. NORSE WAR IS AVERTED Sweden and Norway Will Reach An Amicable Settlement. Washington, Sept. 18.—Reliable in- formation reaches the department of state by way of Paris that in a few days Sweden and Norway are expect- ed to reach an amicable settlement and adjust their differences in a peaceable way. The considera?ion and disposition of details has caused delay. Dr. Harper Again Operated On. Chicago, Sept. 19.—President Har- per, of the University of Chicago. has undergone another operation, and ac- cording to a statement issued by his family, he is resting comfortably. The operation, which was performed on Sunday night, is said to have been but a slight one to relieve intestinal reten- tion, and although there is much ap- prehension felt over his condition at the university, members of his family are confident he will rally quickly. The statement of his physicians is that he will be up and about his usual affairs within a few days. This is the third time within the last year and a half Dr. Harper has béen on the operating table. Jap Paymasters Embezzied $165,000. Tokio, Sept. 18.—Information has been made public that three naval pay- masters have embezzled $165,000 of government funds. The announcement has been calmly received by the pub- lie, but the knov'~ ize that the com- mission of the cri... extended over the period of a year without discovery may, it is said, cause a feeling of dis- trust and uneasiness toward the naval administration and furnish a weapon to the political parties that are opposing the government. $56.50 to Portland and Retarn. ——— Via Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rai!way, $56 50 Chicago to Portland, Seattle or Tacoma and return is the low price for the round tip offered by the Chicago, Milwan- kee & Ss. Paul Railway. Tickets are on sale daily until September 30th, and good for return for 90 days. One may go via Ss. Paul avd Mioneapolis, via Omaba and Ogden, via Omaha and Denver, or via Kan- sas City. Best of all, one may make the going trip to the Pacific Coast via one of these 1oates and return via another—offer- ing an excellent opportunity to visit sev- eral sections of the West at greatly reduc: «ed rates. Lewis and Clark Exposition book sent or two cents postage. Folders fiee. John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room ; D, Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. 5) IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8aaRE you want, at, prices that Niagara Falls Excursion. Attorneys-at-Law Low-rate Yacation Trips via Pennsylvania Railroad. The remaining dates of the popular Penn- . MEYER—Attorney-at-Laa Rooms 420 & C J e 21, Crider’s Exchange Belletonte, Pa, 49-4 sylvania Railroad ten-days excarsions to Nigara Falls from Washiagton and Balti- more are August 25, September 8 and 22, and October 13. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 7.55 A. M., Baltimore 9.00 A. M., York 10.40 A. M., ® Harrisburg 11.40 A. M., Millersburg 12.20 | {NUE Joon Beljcfonte, Pa WwW C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Belietonte P. M., Sanbary 12.58 P. M., Williamsport 230 P. M., Lock Haven 3.08 P. M., Renovo 3.55 P. M., Emporium Junction SSD. M., arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 Excursion tickets, good for return pas- sage on any. regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will he sold at $10.00 from Washington and Ba!timore; $9.35 from York; $10.00 from Littlestown; $10.00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8.50 from Harris- cessors to Orvis, Bower & the courts. Consultaiions in English or Ger- man. : 50-7 B. SPANGLER.—A (rney ai Law. Pracuce . in all the courts. Consultation in Eng lish and German. Office in the Eagle building Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22 S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Cour All kinds of .lega 40 49 Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite ° Court House All professional business will re- ceive prompt stention. J H. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counseliu: at Je 30 16 Law, Office No. 11, Crider's Exchange second floor. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. Consultation in English or German 30 4 ETTIG, BOWER & ZERBY,—Attorneys-at Law, Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa. Suc- Orvis. Practice in all hurg; $10 00 from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone; $6.45 from Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridgway; $6.90 from Sunbary and Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at propor- tionate rates from principal points. A stop- over will be allowed at Buffalo within in English and German. house. prompt attention. : M. KEICHLINE—ATTORNEY-AT-LaW.— « Practice in all the courts. Consultation Office south of Court All professional business will receive 49-5-1y* come Physicians. limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be ran with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. V S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, « State College, Centre county, Pa., Office at his residence. 35 41 CE—— An extra charge will be made for parlor-car seats. Dentists, An experienced tonrist agent and chap- eron will accompany each excursion. For decriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and farther information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address teeth. Crown and Bridge E. WARD, D. D. 8., office in Crider's Stone ° Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High ts. Bellefonte, Fa. Gas administered for the ainless extraction of ork also. 34-14 Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 50 33 4% Asbury Park Booklet. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in'the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices reasonable. . 4 5-8-1y. has just issued an attractive booklet de- Botel scriptive of Asbury Park. The publication is designed to present the attractions an ix claims of Asbury Park as a Summer sea- (CENTRAL HOTEL, side resort. Persons desiring information concerning this popular resort may obtain a copy of the booklet by enclosing two cents in post- age stamps to Geo. W. Boyd, general pas- senger agent, Pennsylvania railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. 50-26 MILESBURG, PA. ‘A. A. KoBLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en- tirely refitted, re: throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains and choioest liquors, its stable has attentive host. ers, an rnished and replenished the purest every convenience and comfort is ex: tended its guests. Medical. &a=Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to luneh or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes, 24 24 Is very often acquired, though generally inherited. Bad hygiene, foul air, impure water, are among its caases. Itis called ‘“‘the soil for tubercles,” and where it is al- lowed to remain tuberculosis or consumption is pretty sure to take root, HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA For teslimonials of remarkable cures send for Book on Scrofula, No. 1. C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Mass. 50-27 oy REEL BELLEFONTE, Pa. 4-18 Meat Markets. (xET THE BEST MEATS. You save nothing by buying r, thin or gristly meats. I use Te ? LARGEST, FATTEST, CATTLE, and supply my customers with tne fresn- est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are 20 higher than poorer meats are else- where. I always have ——DRESSED POULTRY, Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. Try My Ssor. P. L, BEEZLR. High Street. Bellefonte 43-34-Ty AVE IN YOUR MEAT BILLS. There is no reason why you should use poor: meat, or pay exorbitant prices for tender, juicy steaks. abouts, because good gatue sheep and calves ara to be had, WE BUY ONLY THE BEST and we sell only that which is good. We don’f Jromise to Five it away, but we will furnish you OD MEAT, at prices that you have paid elsewhere for very poor. GIVE US A TRIAL and see if you don’t save in the long run and have better Meats, Poultry and Game (i - son) han have been TAS you . (18908 GETTIG & KREAMER Bush House Block New Advertisements, DE J. JONES VETERINARY SURGEON. A Graduate of the University of London has rmanently located at the PALACE LIVERY STABLES, Bellefonte, where he will answer all calls for work in his profes- sion. Dr. Jones served four years under State Veterinary Surgeon Pierson. Calls by telephone will be answered promptly day or night. ; 50-5-1y ol | 18-18-1y F YOU WANT TO SELL standin timber, sawed timber, railr ties, and chemical wood. | IF YOU WANT TO BUY kind worked or in hite Pine, Chestnut or Washington Red Cedar Shing- les, or kiln dried Millwork, Doors, Sash, Plastering Lath, Brick, Ete, 0 0 P. B. CRIDER & SON, Bellefonte, Pa. lumber of an the rough, > Fine Job Printing. "BR | J INE JOB PRINTING 0——A BPECIALTY—o AT TEE WATOHMANOFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapes ‘| Dodger” to the finest 1—BOOK-WORK,—% that we can not do in the Joost satsfactory man- RERRERERERCECCSSE ner, and a Prices consistent with the class of work, Cal n, or comunicste with this office. Good meat is abundant here-.