Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 22, 1905, Image 3

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As long as there is anything to be done in a
matter, the time for [grieving about it {has not
come,—Sir A. Helns.
Without Ceremony.
There is in Philadelphia & young ar-
chitect who, though entitled by birth
and breeding to enter the sacred pre-
cincts of Quaker City society, has al-
——Mark Twain has had this little verse
out in the modest block of marble which
marks the resting place of his wife in
Woodland cemetery, Elmira, New York:
Warm summer sun, Tio)
Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 22, 1905. is ways affected a supreme indifference The wise buyer is “posted” PUR : fy 2hize kindly nese.
— = | Ibave quoted more than once the title | to social distinction, even going so far ja what he buys and where he E FOOD STORE. Grong a
— Evergreen branches make an excellent
winter protection for many plants, and
they are often useful to hold down forest
leaves and prevent the wind from carrying
them off.
—-The only sure method of eradicating
purslaive is to get it up by the roots and
allow no portion of the plant to remain in
given to spinach by a renowned writer up-
on dietetios—‘‘The Broom of the Human
System.’”’ Its specific action is upon the
blood. It isalso a gentle laxative, and a
solvent of biliary calculi, or gravel. I
remark regretfully, in passing, thas this
invaluable green vegetable is more fre-
quently maltreated in the cooking than
any other that comes upon our table.
as to evince a disinclination to observe
the conventionalities.
This young man tells a good story on
bimself. It appears that when he had
proposed to and been accepted by the
young woman who is now his wife he
began at once to talk of the wedding
“We will,” suggested the young man,
“do without some of the ridiculous fuss
8} years of unquestioned ascendency.
84 years of steady improvement in quality and
workmanship. ’
84 years of constant increase in sales and still
. growing.
—This is the Record of—
We carry a full line of all goods in the
line of Foods and Fine Groceries.
Lie light, lie light.
Good night, dear heart,
Good night, good night.
—Harper's Weekly.
EE ——
the ground. It is very difficuls to destroy, Empire styles are being hinted at for NN cosines TRUGTORN, oo 0] Jat wip ai saint doing wm d 1 Roan =
a measures will result simply | such widely differing sorts of things as sud feather business of marriage. We MANHATTAN DRIPS JOHN F. GRAY. & SOX
in loss of time. raincoats, evening coats and lounging | Will go away somewhere by ourselves, Are there any who will deny the above, A fine Table Syrup in one quart, . ’
robes. my dear. There will be no flourish, no Three first-class workmen kept busy all (Successors to Grant Hoover.)
two quart and four quart tin pails, at
Astempting to grow a crop by loosin ; cards, no ceremony”’— winter making
the ground A a barrow or cultivator Ty i get hing a Whereupon ' the Yair indignantly in- HEA: AND LIGHT HARNESS 120., 25c., and 450. per pail; try is. FIRE,
save time and Jaber, She only Sorsest around your ankles in a way conducive to | terrupted with this observation: y Maple Syrup in glass hottles and tin LIFE,
nay to prepare the = 2 14 Pp oo an! your catching a heavy cold. “My dear, we may ulspense with the ans.
arrow it down until a fine seed-bed is be flourish, but I shall certainly insist up- OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN 4%
the seed. : , p
Gu a the wae. in which uso | wos com hd i ove 1 woes 0 te ceremony Harps Weeki. | | Fam, 705, BUGGY, seme | | 4gcroey
—One of the ways in whic oors of | w 0a EW ORLEANS MOLASSES
poulsry houses may be made rat proof is | them on. An Eléphant’s Strength. WAGON AND LIGHT DOUBLE INSURANCE.
to take about 25 hushels of coal ashes and
mix it with one bushel of thinly slaked
lime. Spread this combination over the
floors and pound it down hard.
——Spraying with helehore has been found
serviceable in preventing the ravages of
rosebugs on roses, but the difficulty in the
way is that the remedy is expensive when
the bugs are found in large numbers, as is
often the case in some seasons.
Carefnlly gather the scraps from the
table and give them to your fowls. There
is no kind of food which will produce a
more liberal supply of eggs. There are
hundreds of suburban families who throw
these scraps into the waste-bucket, to be
Gora Tor the fowls, whore the former a ey | Embroidered ties promise to be wonder. | 127 near by. Tho rest of the party ex- COLLARS, cenging In. price :
the best food for egg production. fully, popular—thas is, ties fashioned on but the mahout said quietly: om s2i0 51 Ton fail toes INSURANCE CO.
—Reduoce the stock of fowls as soon as
the year’s hatch is well provided for, but
hold on to old turkeys and-old - geese; they
get used to the ways of the farm, and are
worth much more as breeders than young
ones. Ducks also are good till three years
old. A turkey is in her prime at two or £1 : : 1 :
: : : continued the mahout, 9 C Benefits :
me Ae 2 Zope will i’produce} | «inic of these ties are embroidered a8 | The animal stuck the sledge hammer | Niams' Wall Paper Store A J fe. be poet, $ $5,000 death by accident,
In large pastures animals are liable £0 | cog. na sme Looe von tins "as though | 12. her mouth and walked off as If en- Dates, Figs sot ‘as Ting Habis, 5/000 logs of born feet,
—-In large pastures an re li end; and some look, w i ; s ble Raisins. 5, o ands,
graze off some places very closely 704 leave the butterfly ab each en Were] poised there. joving & mornlug Smoke All tbese goods are well worth the 2 Jo 3 gue Band and one foot,
others torun to seed. Itis a good plan to | A few, of heavy linen, have broderie An- Er i ‘Will oi 1ther hand,
use movable fences, and with these pas- | glaise ends; and a very few are of handker- A Doubtful Compliment. prices named on them and will give 2,300 loss of either foot,
Another | chief linen or a sort of mulle. Butthese| “My dear, I have a great compli- good satisfaction. oss of one eye
ture small portions at a time.
good plan is to keep a mixed lot of animals,
80 that one kind can follow another. Socat-
ter the droppings of cattle, or else there
will spring up bunches of tall grass. To
prevent patches from going to seed mow
them, a small quantity ata time, and give
the wilted grass to stock.
—If the garden is thoroughly under-
drained, as it always should be, itshould
be fall plowed in ridges and the surface left
rough, so as to expose the soil as much as
possible to freezing. This is the more nec-
essary because the garden is always a
sheltered spot, where snow lies much of
the winter, so that there are few times
when the soil freezes very deeply. The
garden is always the richest spot on the
farm. If often is heavy with manure and
needs the winter’s freezing to lighten the
soil and make its fertility more available.
—Some of the best farms in Penpsylva-
nia have been brought to the highest degree
of fertility by the use of clover, lime and
manure. The farmers who have accom-
plished such results have aimed to save
every pound of manure, and also to pre-
serve it in the best manner. Lime is sed
extensively by those who know that lime is
an essential ingredient of plants, and also
because it is excellent for increasing the
clover crop. Clover enriches the sapply of
nitrogen in the soil, hence lime and clover
make an excellent combination.
~—Weighing the milk is the best means
of registering the capabilities of a cow and
her yield. If done one day each week,and
noted down, the table so constructed will
Lots of womewu are sewingaway on shirt
waists, getting them out of the way before
they begin the regular fall sewing. Anda
significant point ahout those shirtwaists is
that they’re more and more severe.
Chemisette styles bid fair to be good
again this fall, bus there’s a rare difference
in the chemisettes, for the exquisitely sheer
little things, all lace and beading, or hand-
work, are being replaced by severer styles
—those of pique and of linen, the lighter
weight linens laid in small pleats, being
already here. With them are worn stiff
little ties of black.
the same lines as the small butterfly ties,
but of heavy linen or pique, or that other
form of pique that is like a fine honeycomb,
embroidered heavily. The stiff little bow
loses all of its mannishness through the em-
broidery, yet keeps the individuality of the
severity of the style.
last are too soft to carry out the tailor-made
Broderie Anglaise has spread even to
buttons, those on some of the embroidered
shirtwaists echoing the main motif.
Girdle corsets haven’t lost a bit of their
popularity. They’re the most comfortable
corsets of all for a slender figure. The
prettiest little new ones have come ous,
made of ribbon—satin, or a dull silk with
tiny, shining dots thrown to the surface in
some mysterious way in the weave.
Broderie Anglaise is shown with the
newest of the fall blouse designs. And
band-embroidered blouses — and blouse
patterns—are everywhere.
Hints of black coming strongly to the
fore for fall and winter suits are becoming
more definite each day. Black broadcloth
suits are the most evident form of it as
Ribbon ruffles on petticoats, although
rather expensive, give splendid service.
Some of the ribbon sales give opportunity
to rid them of that one objectionable feat.
ure—their greater cost than silk.
Velvet ribbons are heing worn with
white blouses, and white linen skirts, and
with lingerie blouses aud white woolen
skirts. Turquoise blue is first in favor,
but white velvet is worn a great deal, and
Bombera was the name of a big ele-
phant employed in the construction of
a Ceylon dam. Bombera drew from
the quarry the stone to be used, unfas-
tened the chain, rolled the block with
her forehead along the narrow em-
bankment and fitfed it into its place.
If it were not just even she would
straighten it until it was right, and all
more quickly that a stone mason would
have done it and nearly as accurate.
Once some visitors were watching the
elephant when one of them asked if
Bombera could break a large stone
with a heavy sledge hammer which
“Bombera can do anything.”
He gave a command, and the ele-
phant swung up the hammer as if it
were a feather and knocked the stone
into bits,
“Now take your pipe and smoke it,”
ment for you,” said the Boston man
to his New York niece, who was pay-
ing a month's visit and attending
many serious entertainments.
“A compliment?” and the pretty eye-
brows were raised incredulously.
“Yes,” said her uncle cordially. “Pro-
fessor Mildew said he noticed you
particularly at the reception Monday
afternoon, and he thought you had a
most intelligent face.” :
“There, aunty,” said the frivolous
young person, turning reproachful
eyes on her relative. “I told you I
looked like a perfect frump in that
brown dress, but you said I didn’t.
You see what he thought, don’t you?
He couldn’t think of another thing to
say.”—Youth’s Companion.
Low. Rates to California
Via Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway.
On a number of days this summer lw
round-trip rates to California points arelof-
fered via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway. Liberal return limits and
stop-over privileges. Two through trains
every day from Union Station, Chicago,
via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and
Union Pacific Line. The Overland Limit-
ed leaves 6.05 p. m., and makes the run to
San Franeisco in less than three days. The
California Express, at 10.25 p. m., oarries
through tourist as well as standard sleep-
ing cars, and the berth rate for tourist
We have a large assortment of
made in different styles. We
invite you to call and examine
our goods and get Lice,
Don’t pay the price for old
harness when you can buy new
for the same Honey: on’t
ask us to Compete with infer-
ior made goods,as we use only
the best material and employ
first-class workmen.
We have over SIX HUN-
these goods before buying.
Yours truly, for your trade,
Spring street,
Certainly you deand we wish to call
your attention to the size and quality
of our stock of
wees WALL PAPER...
It consists of 50,000 rolls of the most
beautiful and carefully selected stock
of Wall Paper ever brought
* Our specialties consist of a large line
of beautiful Stripes, Floral De-
signs, Burlap Cloth Effects
and Tapestries.
+s000e OUR PRICES.........
Are right, ranging in price from 5c. to $1.00 per
roll. We have a large line of Brown: Backs
The finest new crop New Orleans—a
rich golden yellow and an elegant bak-
er. That is the report our oustomers
bring to us. Fine Sugar Syrups—no
These Nuts are clean and sound,
your Life or Property
write large lines at any time.
This Agency represents the largest
Eire Insurance Companies in. the
Do not fail to give us a call before insuring
,a8 we are in position to
" Office in Crider’s Stone Building,
heavy in the meats and in every way
very satisfactory. We have some very
good California Walnuts but not equal
to the Marbots. Fine Almonds and
~ Mixed Nuts.
Peaches 100., 120., 15¢. and 18c. per
pound. Apricots 15c., 180. and 20c.
per pound. Prunesb5e., 80., 10c. and
120. per pound. Raisins 100. and 1%.
per pound, either seeded or unseeded.
The foundation of our Mince Meat
~ is good sound lean beef, and all other
ingredients are the highest grade of |
goods. It represents our best effort
and our customers say it is a success,
and at 12}c. per pound is very reason-
able in price.
We are now receiving some of the
finest California Naval Oranges and
Florida bright and sweet fruits. This
fruit is just now reaching its very fin-
est flavor. They are exceptionally fine
and ab reasonable prices. Lovers of
Grape Fruit canbe nicely suited on
the fruit we have. Lemons for some
25 per week, total disability;
yo Banit 52 weeks: )
T week, partial disability;
Bimit 26 weeks. hw
payable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in pro-
portion. Any person, male or female
engaged in a preferred occupation, in-
cluding house-keeping, over eigh-
teen years of age of good moral and
physical condition may insure under
this policy,
50-21 Agent, Bellefonte, Pa.
time past have been a difficult proposi-
tion, but we now have some fine fruit.
Pure Food and Fine Groceries.
Our stockis now complete and awaits
your inspection.
be a most. efficient guide to the total | the lighter shades of violet. Heepet is only ¥. Complete intormation at 50, sud go) ER yith mais Joie 49-3 BELLEFONTE, PA, TABLE AND TOILET WARE,
ity yielded, th i ; — regarding rates, routes an train service sen Also a large assortment of White
Ja es i ee Te The most stunning new petticoats have | on request. Colorado-California Book sent Blanks at 6c. to 10c. per roll Fixe UMSEELLAS,
ing, the time of going dry, and the effects | "ome out, more varied in style, and in | for six cents postage. Folders free. John sad oD. npertecs : PocKET ~~ K8,
of particular food, eto., while a sudden |More shades of colors as well. For there’s B Pott, Disksios Famenger Agent, Room > : Green’s Pharmacy.
decrease is the first symptom of any dis- a Stone. probability that gE Petticoats , Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Ou Ingraing spd Gold Papers are 676 Vesutifal : 2
ease or trouble. Benefits can be derived | Will either match the suit or dress they're than ever before with 18in, blended borders PR
from even a roughly-kept register of the Rota With or he pare of a color scheme that Low Rates to Colorado. and Sellings to match, In fact anything i i TP fe a lint Goto. JEWELAY, WATCHES
i i 2 — made in the Wall Pa E 30LD, JE , 5
produce. Wi1 dennnate all ¢ 6 Aogensoties Only $30 Chicago to Colorado and return we are able to ‘show you. Too < [
—A maple tree of eight or ten inches Are the new corsets going to bring fitted | €¥ery day this summer. Return limit Oc- 2 = DIAMONDS. .
diameter, well formed and growthful, has | gorset covers and chemises with them? Let | tober 31st. Two through trains every day § ’ :
on the average 25,000 leaves on it, and it is | us hope not; for nothing could be prettier | {rom Union Station, Chicago, Milwaukee ° < . —
a safe computation to say that such a tree | than the little French styles. & St. Paul and Union Pacific Line. Leave = : yo
will throw off, in the space of every twelve = Chicago 6:05 p. m., arrive at Denver 9:30 4 = ,
ar 10,000 rains weight of water. An | Some of the new girdles show a reaction | P- M. next day. Or, leave Chioago 10:35 | orr/) rn WORKMEN... : F.C: RICHARD SONS,
acre will easily contain a large number of | against the girdle we've worn all summer, | P- M., arrive at Denver 7:50 a. m. the seo- “| § Twelve years ago ground black pep-
such trees, and as the weight of one pint | They are barrow in the back, no wider ond aa Descriptive book a Colorado : ( | per was selling here at 40c. the Ib,— High Street,
be oud, Sp nonin, Son om | pg Delt but are doe and put: 28 CW sec fe any addres for a | arses tut gn he gprs tt sng | 4 000 SRA, Oe
single ACTe Of 107050 Ton d, Bandidoct al ed 1n fron. oy | Pott, distriot passenger agent, room D, _ anything in the. business, We do 4 Hwe couldzsave our customers money BELLEFONTE, - - - - PENNA.
lons of pure water are thrown off and dis-| The shirt waist fever is on most of us, | Park Balding, Pittsburg, Pa. Painting, € Dbybuying in large quantities, direct 41-46 :
tributed through the hody of the surround- raging at its fiercest heat. Shirt waists FE I i from the men who imported and
ing atmosphere in every twelve hours. are such staple things, so necessary to the | ton Fain, Graining,
—There are only a few countries where
the grape will not, under certain condi-
tions, grow and thrive, but there is no
country in the world where all kinds of
grapes will succeed. Species found in the
lower latitudes will not flourish if removed
farther north. The native of higher lati-
tudes will not endure the Southern heat.
The fox grape of the North will scaroely
grow in the lower regions of California and | Sucks and pleats applied in the trimmest | rate, 25 cents). Tickets good going and sent it. Manufacturer,
Georgia, and the scuppernong seems oon- | Of Ways. The result is a surprise to most | returning only on date of issue. Also dealers in and wholesaler
Fined limited ig oR see whioh | Of 0, for the sheer stuffs conform to the | During she continuance of the fair, trains PURE SINGAPORE PEPPER 20d retailers of
produces delicious grapes in one place may,
become very inferior in the moss appar- ue : 3 and 4.00 p. m., and Sunbury at 9:42 a. m.; Oil’ Paintings, San '
ently ye localisies of other ool ope Heavy linen shirt waists are being made 1:13 and 5:10 p. m., will at the fair Wadler. Colors, Invite your trade for pure spices. FEED, CORN MEAL, Ete.
up now, too, for winter wear, some of them grounds. 37-94 Window Shades : 3 5
—The first year of the ocol#’s life should | severely plain and worn with the new stiff — iri ) Also Dealer in Grain.
be fruitful of instruction. The colt will Soflare-T4 8106s Desweds af Hainish ool- I VIR TENA for Depressed Feeling) pe iy a ¢ en
earn more easily when six months old | lars and lingerie stocks that is cbarm- | baus y, Nervous Debility and | 9% : i anu as on’
than when a . old. It can also be con- | ing. Diseases requiring a Tonic Strengthening Glass, Etc, GREENS PHARMACY Co., : a aii fava lke
trolled more easily. Hence it is wise to Harts 350 Medicine. It oures quickly by making Bush House Block, flour
handle the colt early. Its early training | And, of course, albatross—plenty of | Pure Red Blood and replenishing the Blood S. H. WILLIAMS : > WHITE STAR
should not stop with breaking to the halter. | white ones, and plenty of colored ones, too Supply. Benefit Guaranteed or money re- High street, BELLEFONTE, PA " 44agyy DELLEFONTE, PA. 3
It should be handled until it will drive as | —and voile and the whole wide range of | funded. All druggists. : * y "OUR BEST.
well as lead. To teach it all this, and to | light-weight woolen stuffs, with enough | ________ HIGH GRADE,
keep is from forgetting what it has learned, | warmth in them for even the chilliest of us, : : :
average wardrobe, that they are usually
fallen upon, tooth and nail, and got out of
the way in early fall.
Batiste and handkerchief linen and the
same sheer stuffs that are employed for
making lingerie blouses are used for the
tailoriest sort of shirt waists, stiff, in the
sense of severe, and trimmed only with
stiffer styles and make stunning shirts,
On account of the Milton Driving Park
Association Fair at Milton, Pa., October
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, the Pennsylvania
Railroad company will sell on these dates
round-trip tickets to Milton and return
from Bellefonte, Lock Haven, East Blooms-
burg, Mt. Carmel, Millersburg, Middle-
burg, and intermediate stations at rate of
single fare for the round trip (minimum
leaving Williamsport as 8:25a. m., 12:35
Paper Hanging,
House Decorating,
Sign Writing, Ete.
Picture and Room Moulding,
. ground it—packing it in pound pack-
ages ourselves—we did so, buying
Singapore Pepper, and for five years
Flour and Feed.
sold it to you at 15 the Ib.—then itad-
vanced to 20c, For the past three
years we have sold it for 22c., itis
=sifted free from stems and dirt before
grinding and is just what we repre-
The price is still 22c. the pound—we |
McMeel tl
heb iin Ri ae ae 8 eine 0 tt i ae ie ie i i UR a TT
are used. Some of them bave attached
collars; others are worn with embroidered
collars and stiff little ties, or with plain
is a little trouble, but if the cols is of good
stook the trouble is well paid for. Practice
a little common sense with the young stock
TS a Ty
: FANCY PATENT— formerly Phe-
and note the high rate of interess coming | collars and embroidered ties, or both bie PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. Prospectus. SEUSS Migrate bia,
Idk yo you as the result of she invest- | and collar embroidered. ‘The only place ir tha Soubty whe
: ; Everything in the class of shirt waists is THE ONLY PERFECT MACHINE MADE. So IEARY SPRAY, :
. —1 does not pay ¢0 negleot hogs, keep- | made with some sors of a yoke. There's ; : PATENTS. EEPERIENCE an’ extraordinary fine. grade of
ing them with half enough to eas until a | even a hin that we'll have the old ruffed VISIBLE WRITING ; STRONG MANIFOLDER ; UNIVER- TRADE MARKS, Spring wheat Patent. Flour can be
year or more old and then fattening them, | shirs waists back again, those with she ; ; copyliSleNs, obtained. :
The feed from the first should be liberal, | front-piece trimmed. each side with SAL KEY-BOARD; LIGHT TOUCH RAPID ACTION. a EE TC © gs0/d il TT
and while growing the difference between | ruffle. ae) : quickly sscerialtt ous setaion ras ania aris |p ALSO: ;
t ; a aud! fattening must be made by variety = . vention is prob; table. Communications INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD.
all that i will eat, of Something thors | tar cutie oot tailored styles, so far, are Price, $75 frac. fds sgemy farsabock_ on patents sent | J PEED Op ALL KINDS,
Bulky rather han Sonoentrated. " olore TF Su) SWAY: Wi - : 3 ps Sak hash Mp the Yo. receive jis Whos or Manufactured. }
eld, or a run in an o loes this,and | Close on the heels of shirt-waist suits : : . Rb a ey 11 1) : "All kinds of Grain bought at office.
the variety is the great advantage Sinan are treading morning dresses--things nos — J 1t Reaches the Demands of Business. [ SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Exchanges Flour fof Wheat,
methods of feeding. ' With the skimmilk | more dress than shirt-waist, “suits, ‘ bnt A handsomely ; ; FER EE aie :
from a few cows, and a little meal, pi
ge | indesoribably different. It's the difference Unexcelled for billing and tabulating. Send for catalog and Proposition to dealers,
ly illustrated weekly, ‘Largestotron- | ® (ron oon or rad
1ation of any scientific journal. Terms $3.a year; | 4 OFFICE and STORE, - Bishop Street,
four moths, $1. Sold by Sil mewetamay ® TORT: {1s Belltonte
will be nearly fat enough to kill at any | between someshing you think of as a whole ITTSBURG ‘WRITING MACH! : :
Gal time, and two or three vieeks of corn will. ‘aud something that $ a combination of two | | PITT BURG w JITING MACHINE CO, |MUNN'#'C0., 361 Broavwiy, NEW YORK. “gL Liiols oie ne) ROOPSBURG.
fit them for the butoher. separate things. 94410 PITTSBURG, =» PA. a, 48 Fema Vamgon, [TW ME aan