0 EE EE EE AIRES Colleges & Schools, [* YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, An Engineer, An Electrician, A Scientic Farmer, short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit you well for any honorable pursui. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE A Teacher, 4 Lawyer, A Physician 4 Journalist, n life, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. PARKING EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur- nisn a much more varied range of electives, after the Freshman Zeon, than heretofore, includ- ing History ; the English, French, German, Spanish, Latin and thics, Pedagogies, and tures ; Psychology; reek Languages and Litera- olitical Science. These courses are especially adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession . of Teaching, or a general College Education. The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very best in the United States. Graduates have no difficulty in securing and ho ding positions. YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE FALL SESSION ovens September 15th, 190k. For specimen examination apers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses ot study, expenses, etc., and showing positions held by graduates, address 25-27 THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. wr Coal and Wood. EPWaED K. RHOADS Shipping and Commission Merchant, remeeDEALER IN— ANTHRACITE Axp BITUMINOUS { COAL s.} —CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS — snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS and PLASTERERS' SAND KINDLING WOOD y the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his P Fiends and the public, at Central 1312, Telephone Calls { Commercial 682. near the Passenger Station. 46-18 — Plumbing etc. “ee s8EREE srs ee SES EEIINN SIINININE SRS RE SRR ORINEINIISS PLUMBER as you chose your doctor—for ef- fectiveness of work rather than for lowness of price. Judge of our ability as you judged of his—by the work already done. Many very particular people have judged us in this way, and have chosen us as their plumbers. A. E. SCHAD. No. 6 N. Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA. 42-43-6t a sesssssnernstssssnasesnana ronan tsetse dy . . New Advertisements. D® J. JONES VETERINARY SURGEON. A Graduate of the University of London has permanently located at the PALACE LIVERY STABLES, Bellefonte, where he will answer all calls for work in his profes- sion. Dr. Jones served four years under State Veterinary Surgeon Pierson. Calls by telephone will be answered promptly day or night. ‘ 50-5-1y YOU WANT TO SELL standing timber, sawed timber, railroad ties, and chemical wood. IF YOU WANT TO BUY lumber of any kind worked or In the rough, White Pine, Chestnut or Washington Red Cedar Shing- les, or kiln dried Millwork, Doors, Sash, Plastering Lath, Brick, Ete. Go to P. B. CRIDER & SON 18-18-1y Bellefonte, Pa. EE Telephone. OUR TELEPHONE is a door to your establish- ment through which much business enters. KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN by answering your calls prompuy as you would ave Jour own responded to and aid us in giving good service, If Your Time Has Commercial Value, If Prompiness Secure Business, If Immediate Informalion is Required. If You Are Not in Business for Exercise stay at home and use your Long Distance Telephone. Our night rates leave small excuse for traveling. 47-25-41 PENNA. TELEPHONE CO. SS A, ——Take Vin-te-na and the good effecs |, will be immediate. You will get strong, yon will feel bright, fresh and active, you will feel new, rich blood coursing through your veins. Vin-te-na will act like magic, will pus new life in you. If not benefited money refunded. All druggists. EEEERREEEEEEIE] Bmore; Wada Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 25, 1905. NO RACE SUICIDE IN ZION Dowie Takes Charge of Courtship and Marriage of His Followers. Chicago, Aug. 21.—John Alexander Dowie has taken charge of the court- ship and marriage of all Zionites in a ukase issued to the followers. The order decrees: That each family shall bring a baby to the baptismal font each year, thus evangelizing by birth rate for the church and crusading against race suicide. That lovers shall not embrace or kiss each other before marriage. That no faithful member of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion shall marry without first obtaining the written consent of Apostle John Alex- ander I. That marriages performed by jus- tices of the peace shall not be recog- nized by the church as legitimate. Filtered Water For Washington. Washington, Aug. 22.—The fivst fil- tered water entered the mains of Washington yesterday from the $4, 500,000 municipal filtration plant at the head of North Capitol street. The process of starting the operation of the plant was begun last Tuesday, but that involved merely the turning of the water into the first of 29 filtration beds, each having a capacity of 3,000, 000 gallons. comms MILK TURNS BRIGHT PINK Believed Unusual Color Is Due to Ba- cilli, But Cause Is a Mystery. Tunkhannock, Pa., Aug. 19.—Stanley R. Brunges, ex-member of the state leg- islature and one of the foremost dairy- men of this section, has experienced a trouble with his cows the past five months the like of which, State Veteri- narian Pearson says, he can find no record of in this country or Europe. Mr. Brunges sells milk in this bor- ough, and early in the spring his cus- tomers began to complain of the milk. It was to all appearances like other milk when freshly drawn from the cows, but on standing until it soured it became a bright pink or almost crim- son hue. His customers deserted him until he could scarcely sell milk, al- though his cows and dairy surround- ings are of the best in the country. He appealed to State Veterinarian Leonard Pearson, who at first advised by letter and then sent on an expert to make tests. He at last fastened the trouble upon one cow, which now has been taken to the University of Penn- sylvania at Philadelphia, where the case is being studied. It is the opinion of Dr. Pearson that the unusual color is due to bacilli, but the cause of it is as much of a mystery as ever. Scien- tific men who have heard of it are much interested in the case. TWO MORE BODIES FOUND Death Rate In Train Wreck Near Nor- folk, Va., Reaches Sixteen. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 21.—The bodies of two more victims of the Kinston and Greenville ‘excursion railway wreck of last Thursday were found in the western branch of the Elizabeth river near the scene of the accident. One of these was Thomas Ferguson, the drawbridge keeper, who was knocked off the bridge and drowned when the train plunged through the open draw, and the other is being held for identification. This makes 14 bodies in all that have been recov- ered from the river, with two injured dead in St. Vincents hospital here, making 16 known dead up to this time. The wrecked engine was raised and placed on board of the wrecking ap- paratus. The other wreckage is being rapidly cleared, and work upon the new draw to raplace the old one will begin early in the week. It is believed that still. more bodies are in the river. Some of the excursionists who re- turned home, not finding their friends there, have come back to Norfolk to make further search. It is thought that as many as seven people are yet missing. ——Sahseribe for the WATCHMAN Reduced Rates to Grangers’ Picnic ag | Williams Grove, via Pennsylvania Rallroad. For the Thirty-second Annual Inter-Ssate Grange picnic ¢xhibition, to be held at Williams’ Grove, Pa., August 28th to Sep- tember 2nd, the Penusylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets from August 23rd to September 20d, inclusive, good to return until September 6th, inclu- sive, at reduced rates, from all stations on its lines in the State of Pennsylvania, and from Baltimore, Frederick, and intermedi- ate stations on the Northern Central Rail- way. There will be an elaborate display of farm machinery in actual operation during the exhibition, and addresses will be de- livered by well-known agricultural speak- ers. " For information in regard to train serv- ice and specific rates application should be , made to ticket agents. Niagara alls Excursion. Low-rate Yacation Trips via Pennsylvania Railroad. The remaining dates of the popular Penn- sylvania Railroad teu-days excursions to Nigara Falls from Washi:gton and Balti- more are Augnst 25, September 8 and 22, and October 13. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 7.55 A. M., Baltimore 9.00 A. M., York 10.40 A. M., Harrisburg 11.40 A. M., Millersburg 12.20 P. M., Sunbury 12.58 P. M., Williamsport 2.30 P.. M.,, Lock Haven 3.08 P. M., Renovo 3.556 P. M., Emporium Junction sr M., arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 Excursion tickets, good for return pas- sage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington’ and Baltimore; $9.35 from York; $10.00 from Listlestown ; $10.00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8.50 from Harris- burg; $10.00 from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone; $6.45 from Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridgway; 1 $6.90 from Sunbary and Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williameport; and at propor- tionate rates from principal points. A stop- aver will he allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pallman parlor cars and day coaches will be ron with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chag- eron will accompany each excursion. For decriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting ‘trains, and farther information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 50 33.48 Asbury Park Booklet. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company bas just issued an attractive booklet de- scriptive of Asbury Park. The publication is designed to present the attractions and claims of Ashury Park as a Summer sea- side resort. Persons desiring information concerning this popular resort may obtain a copy of the booklet by enclosing two cents in post- age stamps to Geo. W. Boyd, general pas- senger agent, Pennsylvania railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. 50-26 $56.50 to Portland and Return. Via Chicago Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Rai!way, $56.50 Chicago to Portland, Seattle or Tacoma and return is the low price for the round biip offered by the Chicago, Milwan- kee & St. Paul Railway. Tickets are on sale daily until September 30th, and good for return for 90 days. Oae may go via Ss. Paul and Minneapolis, via Omaha and Ogden, via Omaha and Denver, or via Kan- sas City. Bess of all, one may make the going trip to the Pacific Coast via one of these routes and return via another—offer- ing an excellent opportunity to visit sev- eral sections of the West at greatly redue- ed rates. Lewis and Clark Exposition book sent for two cents postage. Folders fiee. John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Special Eleven-Day Excursion to Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, or Long Branch via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the benefit of those desiring to visit the great Ocean Grove Camp Meeting. the Pepnsylvania Railroad Company will, on August 25th,sell excursion tickets to Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, or Long Branch from stations named below at the very iow rates quoted. These tickets will be good for passage to Philadelphia on train indicated, thence on regular trains leaving Broad Street Station at 12:27, 2:32, 3.30, 4:00, and 4:09 p. m. that day to destination. Lrain Leaves. Rates. RONOVO.cuevreeerrssrsiseriinsrees Leave 635A. M. $6 00 North Bend..........icivuiciinsedesinns 642 6 00 Hyner.............. vi 048 6 00 Farrandsville .. 16. 5175 Lock Haven.. 5 5 50 McElhatten .. T338 * 5 50 Jersey Shore wi 000 5 50 Newberry...... BAL 5 50 WillIamaport...........iernrvsecsanisess §23 5 50 Philadelphia Arrive 316P. M. . ...... Bellefonte..... 6 40 A. M. LEMON. ...coiit 1 oorrsritensaseisincsnsiins 0 * Oak Hall...... 1 Linden Hall 10. Centre Hall... Millmont .. x TR STR 288zaanReST Mifflinburg... 845 * Lewisburg. ....cceeisecnninceinsnnsanenns 906 “ Philadelphia......ccceeeenneee Arrive 316P. M. .... Tickets will be good for return passage on regular trains, except limited express trains, until September 4th, inclusive, and will permis of stop-off at Philadelphia within limit returning. Medical. {§CROFU LA Is very often acquired, though generally inherited. Bad hygiene, foul air, impure water, are among its caases. Itis called “the soil for tubercles,” and where it is al- lowed to remain tuberculosis or consumption is pretty sure to take root. ] HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA For testimonials of remarkable cures send for Book on Secrofula, No. 1. C. I. HOOD C€O., Lowell, Mass. 50-27 [2] EEEEEEREEEEEEEEK: J IITs You Will nem som SEEESEEEREEEEEEEEXEELEEB=X Find The Right, Sort, of Boys School Clothes At. The Fayble Stores New fall goods, the largest, assortment, we have ever shown. We would like to show you, whether fou want. to buy or not. You are sure to be pleas- ed with what. you see here. Buying your Boy’s clothes at, the Fayble Stores means better clothes for the Boy and money saved for you. tg FAUBLE’S. £) SE eee aEHSSSEEESSSSSSSl"E 2 y 0 4 EUR EJ IEEE BREEEEEEREEEESEEEESE Attorneys-at-Law C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law Rooms 420 & e 21, Crider’s Exchange Belletunte, Pa. 49-4 B. SPANGLER.—A (rney ai Law. Pracuce ° in all the courts. Consultation in Eng lish and German. Office in the Eagle building 40 22 Bellefonte, Pa. I i S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a Ale Law. Office. No. 24, Temple Cour fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega business attended to promptly. 40 49 C. HEINLE.—Atlorney at Law, Bellefonte o ° Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite Court House All professional business will re- ceive prompt aitention. 30 16 H. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at Je Law, Office No. 11,” Crider’s Exchange second floor. All kinds of l¢gal business attende to promptly. Consultation in Englich or German 3 39 4 ETTIG, BOWER & ZERBY,—Attorneys-at Law, Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa. Suc cessors to Orvis, Bower & Orvis. Practice in al the courts. Consultaiions in English or Ger man. 50-7 M. KEICHLINE—ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— ¢ Practice in all the courts. Consultation in English and German. Office south of Court a house. All professional business will receive prompt attention. 49-5-1y* Physicians. NV 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, « State College, Centre county, Pa., Office at! s residence. 35 41 i —— Dentists. 9 E. WARD, D.D.8,, office in Crider's Stone ° Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High Sts. Bellefonte, Fa. Gas administered for the teeth. Crown and Bridge ainless extraction of ork also. 84-14 R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office inthe Bush Arcade, Bellefohte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices reasonable. 45-8-1y. Rotel. C oNTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en- tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host. lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex- tended its guests. 4F~Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 Meat Markets. (FET THE BEST MEATS. You save nothing by buying, Zoo thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST, FATTEST, CATTLE, and supply my customers with the fresn- est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than poorer meats are else- where. I always have ——DRESSED POULTRY,—— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. Try My SHoPp. 4 P. L. BEEZLR. High Street, Bellefonte 18-84-Iy AVE IN YQUR MEAT BILLS. There is no reason why you should use poor meat, or pay exorbitant prices for tender, juicy steaks. Good meat is abundant here- abouts, because good catule sheep and calves ara to be had WE BUY ONLY THE BEST and we sell only that which is good. We don’t Promise to give it away, but we will furnish you OD MEAT, at prices that you have paid elsewhere for very poor. GIVE US A TRIAL and see if you don’t save in the long run and have better Meats, Poultry and Game (in sea- son) han have been furnished you : GETTIG & KREAMER Bush House Block BELLEFONTE, Pa. 44-18 Mine Equipment. MINE EQUIPMENT. CATAWISSA CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, CATAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO., PA. BUILDERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Bituminous Mine Cars. Every type. Mine Car Wheels. Plain. Solid hub oiler. Bolted cap oiler Spoke oiler. Recess oiler. Mine Car Axes. Square, Round, Collared. Car Forgings. Bands, Draw bars, Clevices, Brake, Latches Chain. Rails and Spikes. Old and New. Iron, Steel and Tank Steel and Iron forged and. prepared for any service. We can give you prompt service, good quality, lowest quotations. Distance is not in the way of Siting LOWEST QUOTATIONS, TRY US. 18-26" Fine job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING O===A SPECIALTY=—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFIOE, There {8 no style of work, from the cheapes Dodger” to the finest {—BOOK-WORK,—} that we can not do in the most satsfactory man- ner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work, Call on, or comunicate with this office.