Colleges & Schools. IF YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician A Scientic Farmer, A Journalist, short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit you well for any honorable pursui. :n life, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. i VG EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur- EIN Be more varied range of electives, after the Freshman Sear, than heretofore, includ- ing History ; the En tures ; Psychology; thics, Pedagogies, an lish, French, German, Spanish, Latin and reek Languages and Litera- olitical Science. These courses are especially adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession hing, or a general College Education. of Tea : Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineerin Graduates have no difficulty in securing and holding positions. The courses in Chemist Civil © CDost in the United States. are among the very YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE FALL SESSION ovens September 15th, 1904. For specimen examination study, expenses, etc., and show 25-27 apers or for catalogue giving full information repeecting courses of ng positions held by graduates, address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. Cozal and Wood. EPVARP K. RHOADS Shipping and Commission Merchant, ree DEALER IN==—= ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS { COAL 5} —CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OA T8 snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS’ and PLASTERERS' SAND KINDLING WOOD y the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his P eno and the public, at Central 1312. Telephone Calls { commercial 682. near the Passenger Station. 46-18 a — Plumbing etc. teesesses srases SESTERIIL IERRONINN SUNIL SRRUIIILE SRLS PLUMBER as you chose your doctor—for ef- fectiveness of work rather than for lowness of price. Judge of our ability as you judged of his—by the work already done. Many very particular people have judged us in this way, and have chosen us as their plumbers. ne A. E. SCHAD. No. 6 N. Allegheny 8t., BELLEFONTE, PA. 42-43-6¢ New Advertisements. R. J. JONES VETERINARY SURGEON. A Graduate of the University of London has permanently located at the PALACE LIVERY STABLES, Bellefonte, where he will answer all calls for work in his profes- sion. Dr. Jones served four years under State Veterinary Surgeon Pierson. Calls by telephone will be answered Ly day or night. 50-5-1y JE.JOU WANT T0 SELL timber, sawed timber, standing ties, and chemical wood. railroa kind worked or in hite Pine, Chestnut Cedar Shing- lumber of an the rou; or Washington Red * Jes, or kiln dried Millwork, Doors, Bash, Plastering Lath, Brick, Ete. P. B. CRIDER & SON 48-18-1y Bellefonte, Pa. EN Telephone. Your TELEPHONE is a door to your establish- ment through which much business enters. KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN by answering your calls promptly as you would ave your own responded to and aid us in giving good service. If Your Time Has Commercial Value. If Prompiness Secure Business. If Immediate Information is Required. If You Are Not in Business for Exercise stay at home and use your Long Distance Telephone. Our night rates leave small excuse for traveling. 47-25-tf PENNA. TELEPHONE CO. 5 " £ 5 § 5m 3 A ——Take Vin-te-na and the good effect will be immediate. will feel new, rich blood Sousing through your veins. Vin-te-na will act like magio, will pus new life in you. If not benefited money a refunded. All druggists. = EEE You will get strong, | § you will feel bright, fresh and active, you | BE REE ES Benoa Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. Ii, 1905, Fever in Care of Government. New Orleans, Aug. 8.—Official yel- low fever report to last evening: New cases, 32; total cases to date, 565; deaths, 8; total deaths to date, 113; new sub-foci, 4; total sub-foci to date, 07. With the marine hospital service and the authority of President Roose- velt placed in complete control at noon of the scientific fight to eradicate yellow fever from New Orleans before frost comes, the campaign against the scourge took fresh life. With ample funds, the best available medi- cal talent and an army of willing workers at his back, Dr. J. H. White, surgeon in charge, hopes for a success- ful termination of the struggle. There was a prompt response to the appeal of Chairman Janvier, of the citizens’ committee, for additional subscriptions to the citizens’ fund to the end of raising the $250,000 desired by the government. In addition, Mr. Janvier telegraphed to Gover- nor, Blanchard, asking the state’s as- sistance in securing the money desired to fight the fever. Unsolicited checks have been sent from other parts of the country, and the whole fund will be fully subscribed, it is believed, be- fore it is wanted. The death reported on the Bell plan- tation, in Jefferson parish, across the Mississippi river from New Orleans, TSR is the fifth that has occurred there, showing the heavy mortality from the fever where adequate attention is not given. Five Italians fled from New Orleans to be Bell plantation, and. all have died of yellow fever. The vicin- ity has been thgroughly isolated and disinfected. 1t will probably never be possible to estimate the losses which New Or: leans suffered financially through the diversion of business, but the heavy tax on the people by the present visit- ation is shown by the fact that, be- sides the money already spent by the boards of health and the $250,000 to be raised for the government, thou- sands of dollars have been subscribed and expended in ward sanitation. August has always been regarded as one of the worst months in an epi- demic, and the comparatively small number of fatalities thus far this month, in comparison with other years, gives great encouragement to the authorities. Eight hundred men are now at work in a general cleaning movement, and more will be added to this force daily. Dr. Guiteras, of the marine hospital service, spent the day in Southwest Louisiana, investigating ' reports of suspicious cases, one of them in St. Mary parish. ; Reports from the bedside of Arch- bishop Chapelle are that he is slightly better. Dr. Larue is beginning to hope that the archbishop will recover from the attack of yellow fever that pros- trated the eminent churchman last week. ; In addition to the revenue cutter Winona,” which is now at Gulfport, Miss., the revenue cutter Forward, now at Key West, the Hamilton, at passing over the southern lines by way of New Orleans, so as to send them by way of St. Louis or Memphis. Pennsylvania Adopts Quarantine. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 8, — At a meeting of the state quarantine board of Pennsylvania, in the quarantine sta- tion at Marcus Hook, a resolution was adopted quarantining against all ports south of St. Mary’s, Ga. Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, the new state commisioner of health, presided, and the yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans was thoroughly discussed. HOLLAND'S NEW CABINET Professor G. A. Van Hamel Is Made Premier and Minister of Justice. The Hague, Aug. 8.—A new cabinet was formed under the premiership of G. A. Van Hamel, professor of philoso- . phy at the University of Amsterdam. { Jonkheer R. de Marees Van Swinde- Tampa, and the Seminole, at Wilming- ton, N. C., have been ordered to Gulf- port for the purpose of maintaining the national quarantine, and will pro- ceed to that point at once. They have been directed to act ‘under the in- structions of Captain W. G. Ross, chief of the revenue cutter service. It is expected that other and smalled boats will be needed in order to make an effective patrol, and to this end any boats required will be employed, and the revenue cutter flag hoisted over them and a recvenue cutter officer put on board. They will then be, to all intents, government vessels. It is believed that in this way an efficient quarantine can be maintained. Southern Pacific Stop Trains. Washington, Aug. 8.—The post-office department has been advised that on account of yellow fever no passenger trains are running through between New Orlenas and Houston, thus dis- continuing all the Southern Pacific through service. Instructions have, therefore, been issued to divert all Texas and Mexican mails heretofore A ER RRRRIERRRERERERERERRaER fo. EE ES ren, minister at Washington, was ap- pointed minister of foreign affairs. Premier Van Hamel also takes the portfolio of minister of justice. Other members of the cabinet are: Minister of the interior, Deputy Rink; minister of finance, Herr Deceester; vice president of the council of the Hast Indies and minister of marine, Captain Cohen Stuart; minister of war, General Staal; minister of public works, trade and industry, Herr Krans; director of the technical uni- versity and minister of agriculture and labor, Herr VeVegens; minister: of the colonies, Deputy Fock. The cabinet, headed by Dr. A. Kuy- per, appointed July 31, 1901, resigned July 3 last, owing to the result of the ; general elections, which sent a ma- jority of the Anti-Ministerialists to the second chamber of the states general. BERMUDEZ ASPHALT CO. LOSES Venezuela's Federal Court Annuls So- Called Hamilton Concessions. Oyster Bay, N. Y., Aug. 8—Presi- dent Roosevelt has been informed, through the department of state, that the federal court of “venezuela has rendered a decision . j«inst the Ber- mudez Asphalt Company in the case involving the so-called Hamilton con- cession, annuling the concession. What action may be taken by this government regarding the matter can- not be announced at this time, in fact, so far as can be ascertained here, no determination of the question has been reached. It is quite probable that nothing will be done until Secretary Root, who new is on a vacation in Labrador, shall have returned to the United States, and considered the sub- ject with the president in the light of the report which will be made by Judge W. J. Calhoun of his investiga- tion of the entire asphalt matter. LAST WEEK 1-3 Reduction Sale (We will be Talking Fall Clothes Soon) Ni FAUBLE’S. | , itis only a mask. of the Fauble Stores You can make a Five or Ten Dollar . Bill do almost. Double Duty for One Week more. | Not. much Left. But. if you are not. too choicy you may find what, you want. EEREEESEESSH $56.50 to Portland and Return. Via Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway, Tacoma and return is the low price for the round sip offered by the Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul Railway. Tickets are on sale daily until September 30th, and good for return for 90 days. One may go via St. Paul and Minneapolis, via Omaha and Ogden, via Omaha and Denver, or via Kan- sas City. Best of all, one may make the going trip to the Pacific Coast via one of these routes and return via another—offer- ing an excellent opportunity to visit sev- eral sections of the West at greatly reduc: ed rates. Lewis and Clark Exposition book sent for two cents postage. Folders free. John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Asbury Park Booklet. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has just issued an attractive booklet de- scriptive of Asbury Park. The publication is designed to present the attractions and claims of Asbury Park as a Summer sea- side resort. Persons desiring information ning this popular resort may obtain a copy of the booklet by enclosing two cents in poss- age stamps to Geo. W. Boyd, general pas- senger agent, Pennsylvania railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. 50-26 ONLY A MAsSK.—Many are not heing ! benefited by the summer vacation as they should be. Now, notwithstanding much outdoor life, they are little if any stronger than they were. The tan on their faces is darker and makes them look healthier, but They are still nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, and they do not eat nor sleep well. What they peed is what tones the nerves, perfects digestion, creates appetite,and makes sleep refreshing and that is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teachers generally will find the chief purpose of the vacation best subserved by this great medicine which, as we know, ‘builds up the whole system.’’ Hardly! Fargonn—*‘I asked your daughter to marry me, and she just laughed at me!”’ Mr. Billyans—‘‘Well, did you want her to go into hysterios?’’ Medical. A TIRED STOMACH Does not get much good for you out of what you eat, for it does not digest much—it is wasteful. It feels sore and lame and is easily distressed and often upset by food. The best treatment is a course of HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA For testimonials of remarkable cures send for Book on Dyspepsia No. 5. s C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Mass. 50-21 ¢ | $56.50 Chicago to Portland, Seattle or ten 1 BERERTRE ) | TRY US. Attorneys-at-Law J C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law Rooms 420 & e 21, Crider's Exchange Belletunte, Pa, 49-4 B. SPANGLER.—A (rney a. Law. Practice oe __inall the courts, Consultation in Eng lish and German. Office in the Eagle building Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22 S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a d ° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Cour fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega business attended to promptly. 40 49 C. HEINLE.—Atlorney at Law, Bellefonte . Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite Court House All professional business will re- ceive prompt aitention. H. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at *Je Law. Office No. 11, Crider's Exchange second floor. All kinds of legal business atten ed to promptly. Consultation in English or German 39 ETTIG, BOWER & ZERBY,—Attorneys-at Law, Eagle Block, Bellefoute, Pa. Suc] cessors to Orvis, Bower & Orvis. Practice in all the courts. Consultaiions in English or Ger- man. 50-7 M. KEICHLINE—ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— oJ. Practice in all the courts. Consultation in English and German. Office south of Court house. All professional business will receive prompt attention. 49-5-1y%* Physicians. 8S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa., Office at his residence. 35 41 Dentists. J E. WARD, DD. 8 office : In Crider's Stone ock N. W. Corner Allegheny an igh tu. Bellefonte, Fa. sheny z Gas administered for the teeth. Crown and Bridge ainiess extraction of ork also. 84-14 R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in’the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices reasonable. 45-8-1y. Rotel CENTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Miss , Centre county, has been en- tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its barcontains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host- lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex- ded its guests. Ba-Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent Jace to luneh or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 Meat Markets. GET THE BEST MEATS. You save nothing by buying, r, thin or gristly meats. I use EE ? LARGEST, FATTEST, CATTLE, and supply Jy coslomens with the fresh- est; choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts, My prices are no higher than poorer meats are else- where. I always have ~——DRESSED POULTRY, Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. Try My SHop. P. L. BEEZLR. High Btreet, Bellefonte 43-3¢-1y AVE IN YOUR MEAT BILLS. There is no reason why you should use poor meat, or pay exorbitant prices for tender, juicy steaks. Good meat is abundant here- abouts, because good catile sheep and calves are to be had. WE BUY ONLY THE BEST and we sell only that which is good. We don’t Piomise to give it away, but we will furnish you OD MEAT, at prices that you have paid elsewhere for very poor. 2 GIVE US A TRIAL and see if you don’t save in the long run and have better Meats, Poultry and Game (in sea- son) han have been furnished you : GETTIG & KREAMER. Bush House Block BELLEFONTE, PA. 44-18 Mine Equipment. MRE EQUIPMENT. CATAWISSA CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, CATAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO., PA. BUILDERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Bituminous Mine Cars. Every type. Mine Car Wheels. Plain. Solid hub oiler. Bolted cap oiler Spoke oiler. Recesr oile=. Mine Car Axies. . Square, Round, Collared. Car Forgings. Bands, Draw bars, Clevices, Chain. Rails and Spikes. old L Spikes. Iron, Steel and Tank Steel and Iron forged and\ prepared for any service. We can give you prompt service, good quality, lowest quotations. Distance is not in the way of LOWEST QUOTATIONS. Brake, Latches 48-26-~ ——————————————————SSS Fine Job Printing. : JiINE JOB PRINTING OA SPECIALTY=—0 AT THE WATOHMANiOFFIOE There is no style of work, trom the cheapes Dodger” to the finest $—BOOK-WORK,—} that we can not do in the most satsfactory man- ner, and at : Prices consistent with the class of work. Oal on, or comunicate with this office.