“ for her “Bellefonte, Pa., April 20th, 1904. ' FARM NOTES. i — When making a g a garden bave a place as sage, thyme, balm, dill, sweet t Josh » eto. "They will always be found useful and may be grown from seed. a claim that salt should be applied asparagus beds is not supported y 3 ex- perme, It destroys a number of weeds ms mechanical service in’ the sol, but it is not a necessary fertilizer. --Whey is more valuable than “may be supposed. It contains more sugar than ~ does cream, skim milk or butter milk, and its use as food for pigs demonstrates that it is a valuable substance for that purpose. —The growing of trees, whether for fruit or shade, is an important matter, and trees deserve a aL care and fertilizer. It a tree dies or becomes diseased there is a eause, which should be discovered, and some remedy applied. —A rise in the grade in the road of .one foot in ten doubles the draft. A rough, soft or sandy road increases the labor of the team to nearly or quite the same de- gree, and unoiled anxles will as effectually ble the labor and weariness of the ani- mals which pull the wagon. 3 —For family nse there is no neoessit for having six or seven varieties of a single kind of fruit. Early, medium and late varieties may be used, but it is better to ~ have a variety of a kind that is prolific and satisfactory than to have the 1nd oc- ".oupied with Several varieties that ¢ seldom produce crops. ever, may b i : Bean may be planted in April, ; hep wg 3: a Eon is exolod gh —When putting out young trees do not ‘use manure around the roots. Set each tree in ils place and fill in with the top * goil, using pl of water, and first cut- ting back as mac of the top of the tree as may be necessary to remove, to prevent overtaxing the roots to supply too many | handful ‘branches. A of bone meal is the - best fertilizer to use with the soil Shot is returned to the roots. d \ —Potato beetles are easily destroyed by thie use of Paris green, and they also bave many natural enemies. It is surprising, therefore, how they come every year in lone numbers, which may be due to the delays in destroying them. If a few beetles no consideration is given the fact, they are thus allowed some opportunity to multiply. Every beetle destroyed early in the season, or as soon as. it puts in an appearance, will reduce the work necessary another season. —The practical value of birds in con- trolling insect pests should be more gen- erally recognized. Is may be an easy man- ner to exterminate the birds in an orchard or grain field, but it is an extremely diffi- cult one to control the insect It is certain, too, that the value of oar vative sparrows as weed destroyers is not ap- preciated. Weed seeds form an important item of the winter food of many of these birds, and it is inrpossible to. estimate the immense numbers of noxions weeds which are thus annually destroyed. —Many farms are estimated below their true value because of slovenly appearance. Weeds bigler than the fences, trees blown down and left to rot in the same place, fences out of repair, gates and barn gure off the hinges or swinging on one hin unsightly litter in door yard and at barn—these and many such evidences of carelessness depreciate the value of any farm. The soil may be excellent, the wa- ter facilities all that could be asked for and all natoral advantages requisite to’ make a good, high-priced farm may exist, and vet that farm scarcely makes ite owner a living. —Bnrdeaux ‘mixture is made thus: r sulphate blue vitriol, 4 pounds; auto me 4 pounds; water, to. make 50 a. Use a tight barrel, such as for ~Sillen oil. Dissolve the copperin hot water, it wanted for immediate use, or place it in an old guony sack and suspend it in the barrel, two-thirds fall of waser, until itis © all dissolved. = Slake the lime and add wa- ter until it is of the consistency of milk, and when cocl, pour it into the copper so- lation, usinga sieve to remove all coarse material. barrel with water; it is then read; For plants with tender foliage ouly one- half the amount of copper and lime should Stir this mixtare and fill the y for use. “be used. ©. —It is not desirable to plant seeds of of a too early. : G Jarm es may rot before it oan ger- Such crops as beans, melons, es and eggplant will not endure even pn poh in orm, avi et “ready for transplanting as soon as the ground i is warm and g danger hiv frost has One nf des in the nting of gar. yp 4 080 when _ the apple trees are in bloom. Peas, how- ‘but when Svece are in fall blossom it is gop in the seeds io! high i epends pon soil. If Pants is Ba or spaded deep, and then worked fine with a Sed does and 00 hee the air takes in the warmth and the soil be- er comes warn much sooner than when it is . given careless preparation. —The loss of valuable plant food in'ma- aero the very warm of summer than any oi 5 ‘to prevent — oh fm is one of the i. ola of the former. If : ~ muanare conld be hanled to the itr : ‘land and - ‘under with a one-’ ar plow as fast as it acoumul ‘there ) ~ wand bea saving, 1 but as the farmer oan- i every day to | be 80 maoage his InaTrS the the Dracsice will net become | 5 Rae hte "IE . not neglect his regular work that manure and ensi i on be kept in the same manner; to | materials should be in the finest ition and heavily weighted down 5 went the ipgress of air. re shown that when dry. ianare and 01 materials were excluded from Te Fa emote was Sighs. vas ner t 16 per cent. bh fie's “Kainit is excellent as a sub: ‘stance for preventing esoape of amthonia, as it is orade sulphate of potash and contains iE in ahi common salt. Gypsum | lain—gently delicately. nit: used together, sprink- | Don’s use a e or linen rag for your | ne a manure asily, as the face; instead, use a flannel one. hy of the heap acocumul Cold | Dou’t believe. you can get rid of wrinkles water. will serve well in reducing oped by filling in he crevices with powder, In- in the h yn less heat will ooour il air | stead, | bath e z ef style this season than fhe habit It the ground is not. well | gray : style. $0 use'a waist lining light enough either to | ; teh or still paler, so nok fo the It you are going to wear the sk when air was admitted the loss was from { never use very cold water for it. an unlem it is with alcohol or a little vase. | hoe use #i Trio od in arresting The inverted pleat-bmek skirt much SE Waists of dotted Swiss are pridicted as the HQ sumer favorites, Yi Very foe Breton net with a helmabitolied border and patterned nearly all over with the narrowest orepe is a novelty offered for a widow’s first veil. Pale biscuit-colored over-gaiters worn over patent leather ties are one of Dame Fashion’s whims just now. Except for a slight tendency to a higher bust there is no marked change in this year’s corset shapes from last year. The idea of the moment is to pnt a pretty ribbon around the neck, topped with a dainty ruche. — by N Six to ten inch ribbons, crushed in to about four inches, are used for the girdles | as fashionable just now. Plain brown pongee shirt waist suits are to he among the most swagger of the sum- mer. ed effects in oriental ambroidery and in I are not nearly so good style now as those of all white ye the broderie: Anglaise kipd. Ready -made yokes.of of rows of fine lawn, with on i rows of fagoting between, is a convenience for the home dressmaker. If comes in all white, white and blue, black, and royal blue. ie Imitation harness buckles of gilt, ox- idized gun metal or nickel are seen upon the popular-priced erusl leather belts. Gold bead okekTnees as acoessories for dressy toilets are a fad of the moment. ‘While ‘‘cobweb’’ or “‘veiling’’ "hosiery in plain weaves is fashion’s latest fauoy, it is not likely to last long, as it wears 0 quickly. i The new arrangements of ostrich feath- ers for hat garniture are almost bewilder- ing. Some have the upper half curled to- ward the stem and the under curled down- ward, making them look like soft ruffles. The house dress of shirt waist and skirt || has now almost entirely superseded the old-time wrapper, both with mistress and i maid. The French corset cover is by far the first favorite. Champagne-coloted stockings are now in the market in order to match the dainty spring toilets of canvas, etamine and voile in delicate champagne color. ‘‘Cobweb lisle’’ thread stockings are in- tended for ladies. Navy blue, tan, white and black is the range of color. They are fine and thin and suitable for snmmer. © Green leaves with colored dots are em- broidered upon the fronts of lisle thread « | Stockings and also on silk hosiery. The champagne-co ored stookings with iugtep decoration in a panel of dots B ite or black, is realiy the prettiest of i new, stockings, and the delicacy of orna- | mentation commends i$ to the many wom- en who admire dainty effeots, § Unlined skirts seem the aale for walking gowns in summer weights, another evi- dence that most of ns forward to a sudden coming of the inevitable hot spell, The newer two-piece and three-piece suits of mohoir, one and all have the skirt made without lining, a move in the direction of comfort. The unlined skirt, ot Liberty satin, is another feature of summer styles. This will be found more stylish than foulard, althoogh ssarcely so cool. Hav- ing greater body, it does not reqaire a tin- [2 iog, and it makes a useful trav eling gown when made up in the darker colors. —_— The fashions in feminine lootwear for the summer as anu show some striking novelties. Fore , boots hall white and ball yellow are shown as an extreme style. Fle. permis issible to the Sotrestly dressed ut red boots will not. “do” at al 'Richelien shoes are shown in brows and white. Boots of § with tops of lasting cloth, whioh'is oe ba cooler than leather, will be generally worn. For evening, slippers of rig satin will be worn ‘with stockings of the same color. Gils kid slippers with me also good — The torrent of brown toilets is still with us, bus yet there are those who appreciate $he refinement ot Jane Selisate ow tones. o pigeon gray and clond gray. supposed to be the newer. Re Jane: = de chine, henrietta and vellings w a delightful freshness. They: do loug to the blne-grays and ee but tend toward stone polos, very clear, and intended to be relieved with Jouches of black velvet fithon, wh white lace silver passementerié. Cloud light and the dressmaker ow gays wo gues tticoat of gray taffeta there will i iffioulty in Shion the lining. It not, you had best line the corsage with | the | white silk or white cambrio; then skirt | and waist will show in Snitormil on rayness. Cloud gray. bengaline, © ay albatross or voile, and cloud etamine are excellent choices oe a Ai new gown. " Hing thas will help, Jonto have a prety skin. Don’t bathe in with 8 few drops of ammonia or a little ive bathe while it is very warm, and Don’t wash your face while traveling, Don’t attempt to remove dust with oold water; give ho face a hot bath and give it a riosi ti water. = 4 wood rin I nd a coarse towel; just duty it is not made of cass iron, and treat it as you would the fnest porce- oar face a Russian night; ‘that To bathe it with water overt thot S05 wonder on Jacobs and wife, rd water; soften it | i a sand it, ‘then a minute after wi will make it glow with warath; dry it with a soft towel and go is growing firmer and free from wiinfes and you are resting. m—— * Why Popcorn. Pops. ‘Why does popeorn pop pop ? The Department of Agtinlinie Sy. Suction, Which was propoun a small op- corn by reason of the volatilization of the oil contained in the kernel by heat. Field corn does Bok pop because the outer portion of Be ksrnel is more porous, per- fuising the of the oil as it yolagil izes, Ww ie case of popcorn a pressure is developed in the kernel Hp the confined oil and the kernel is suddenly ex- Ploded, and turned wrong side out. If is considerate of the Agricultural De- |. t, observes the Boston Herald thus fo gratify a little boy’s thirst for usetal knawledge. It pleases the little boys and: it enlightens the bigger ones. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling inei- dent, is narrated by John Oliver, of Phila- ia, as follows: “I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, es sunken, tongue coated, pain continu- ally in back and sides, no appetite, growing : weaker day by day. es physicians had given me up. Then I was advised fo use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided im ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim.”” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed at Green's drug store. Castoria sC C Cc Breb | mrnan HAMHR 00000 70 59 4 50 10 ht Bb ily eT a a cco For Infants and Children BEARS THE a SIGNATURE OF CHAS. H. FLETCHER. sd { THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT In Use For Over 30 Years. cccC A Cc A Cc C C Fd fad wEmnnnn Hee 000000 WERNER rd pd ef fd fo. pt cee T 48-4-21m The Centaur Co., New York City. New Advertisements, (QFFEANs cover SALE | Real Estate at State College. Pursuant to an order out of the Orphans’ Court of Gentre county there will be sold at public out- HOOSE ery, on the he ‘at State College, Fa. Je C FRIDAY, APRIL 20th, 1904 5 at 2 o'clock p. m., the following desirable Realty : | YOUR - A HOUSE AND LOT. Located. ot on College dveaud. A mot attractive ome with Modern Conveniences. s bou and described as LL toni ga PLUMBER n, at the in er 0] v- er Begin Ba Bate the College X Junction turn o Col log rr 0 te dh 10! h 33 you Spraer of of land: 8 of Moaitistor aud 1 umes; thence - chose your doctor—for ef- ; © no; es eas fectivéness of work rather RS, ina post; out hence alo: of M ; : Herinan, sou py vd ng lands of Hite d than for lowness of price, sion bf Cader alley; Sends along = along said Xion. Judge of our ability as you : ria of ad Ee aie Judged of his—by the work ee eaver oy Hedin ong ver ‘iy already done. fin SE BC being 27th, 1891, and a vo tre count) nd Peed Book 64 page 3 granted. and. co to th said lary C. Weaver. the ta named ~ Terus.—Ten J gentolhid to to be paid Jn 3 of sale; Ten per cent of oo ot ; rt of sale; one-third Lp © year mation of onal absolute Dr Eo: | Hy he iio ie. and to Je secured by bonds and mortgage on the prem x C. MEYER, : FRANK B. WEAVER, Attorney. {5 Administrator. - Wa. Goueex, Aue. a ] Accident Insurance. EE PREFERRED ACCIDENT Semler INSURANCE CO. 7 /£ ein THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY 25 per . ial aiabilt weeks 1 diebility: , 88 9, fittait 26 Hic of PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, payable quarterly if desired, A : Jagr ort ipnaller umonits In Pio- Any person Dale gr fet le 3 Shred es oiatorred ,in- Shaagea “hossekeaping, over er eigh. phys! ears of age of moral and ph "po al condition by asa Under FREDERICK EK. FOSTER, : 499 Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. coll water dat w bed. where you ought to sleep like a baby ‘while your skin | ! LL for any service. x - —_——— }] AxERS If your bloed is thin and impure, : you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigor- ates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know SARSAPARILLA i the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only med- icine tested and tried for 60 years. " doetor's medicine. id owe 8 my life, without doubt, saparilla, It is the hi Sondermu) medicine In fhe world for nervousness. M; permanen snd I ve y wo you enough. Mags. Dewia McWeLL, Newark, N.J. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists J. C. AYER CO. Lowell, Mass. ~—FOR— POOR HEALTH Laxative doses of Ayers Pills each night Stestly aid the Sarsap- . arilla. 49-17-1¢ Green’s Pharmacy. ere Noe nl fv Er rl Bc tl 1. REP CEDAR FLAKES... - The difference of a few cents upon the price of §a pound of moth preven- tive means the difference between a satisfied and a dissatisfied customer. { ~ RED CEDAR FLAKES. 3 The Host moth preventative is made : from genuine Red Cedar, combined with the most valuable moth destroying arti- ] B y 3 cles known. RED CEDAR FLAKES. . : 13 Cheap and it i i effectual a pac Sold only att age. GREEN’S PHARMACY Bush House Block. BELLEFONTE, PA. 14-26-1y £ Mtg 0. mm tli le Sn ait la 8 Lt ie ER Ll A ie EN —— Plumbing etc. . Many very particular i people have judged us in this way, and have chosen * us as their plumbers. R. J. SCHAD & BRO. : No. 8 N. Allegheny St., ! BELLEFONTE, PA. en HONEA IININ INNA Res ees iseietesisessatsttttnstene | Mee EQUIPMENT. = CATAWISSA CAR A AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, 'CATAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO., PA. BUILDERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF . 4| Bituminous Mine Cars. - Every spe; Mine Cor ¥ Bein oy Solid er BE Bolted cap oiler. Mine Car Axles. Square, Round, Collgred. ~~ Car Forgings. Ce Wt in Draw bars, Clevices, Brake, Latches Old 3 Sikes. \ Steel and Tank Steel and Iron Torgen and We can ve you prompt service, good quality, lowest quotations. Distance is not in the way of LOWEST QUOTATIONS. TRY US. 48-17-2m Groceries. a Are now selling the finest Cream Cheese we have ever had—price 16cts. per pound. L El SECHLER & CO. RELLEFONTE, PA, PUTTING MONEY INTO GOOD FUEL looked after. ig spending money to good advantage, ges- ting the best quality at a nominal price. One may be justly proud of the suocess * of a hobby, and our hobby is to keep THE BEST COAL that can be found on the market. Particular attention is given to all or- ders Sent in, weight and quality carefully BEST STOVE WOOD AND KINDLING WOOD. MoCALMONT & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. New Advertisements. Groceries, On AND LOT FOR SALE. & desirable home on east Bishop St. Bellefonte, TY offered for sale. The house is modern and siahds on 3 lot hai, size alsohas a front- e on Logan St. on or i Mrs: SARA L eats, 46-30tf llefonte, Pa. ; Jewelry. |— TO GET. The Latest Novelties, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, STERLING SILVERWARE, ————————— CLOCKS, JEWELRY, POCKET BOOKS, UMBRELLAS. SILVER TOILET WARE, An abundant Stock at Moderate Prices. tons [3 mre F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, 41-46 High St. BELLEFONTE PA Meat Markets. \ a E GET THE A vi BEST MEATS. You save ‘nothi by buyin or gristly oy i he : RARSHSY, FATTEST, CATTLE, and su Im susindiers with the fresh- pr d muscle mak: ing Steak Shoat nd ny y prices are me higher than poorer Ref, are else- . where. r, thin I always have ~——DRESSED POULTRY,— Gane in season, and any kinds of Sod meats you want, : Tay My Sxor. 43-3¢-Iy P. L, BEEZER. g . High Street, Bellefonte NAVE IN YOUR MEAT BILLS. ete] is no esson why you. Should use poor or tender, ' Good meat a here: good catile sheep and salves Tost: x bn Basan l We Boy ONLY THE BEST and we sell only! that which is good, We don't Fomise opie its , but we will farnish that you have potd elsewhere for very poor GIVE US A TRIAL— and see if you do's save in the dog run and have better Meats, pulkay. and Game (in sea- son) han eae, been Th GETTIG : KREAMER, Buison, Pa. Bush House Bloek Sewing Machines. : MPROVED : ELDREDGE Bn Gi FOR = THIRTY. ¢ YEARS gs. Te Positive ta stood for the B. Sewing Mac ine The name EAE the winder: p ales Ler vey iy leasing woodwork fs 1 set of nickeled stee hepts ‘velvet lined fancy metal your Fodenter for, we tinproved | ot buy any machine ani you ay i. NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO BELVIDERE, 1LLINOTS. - 2 ! 93 Reade Street, New York City. 46 Madison Street, Chicago 1. 13-30.0m Hearst Building, San Francisco Cal. { ¢ aLso: JT RECEIVED New invoice Porto Rico Coffee— Fine goods but heavy body — use less quantity. At 25cts cheap- est Coffee on the market. SECHLER & CO. New Advertisement. HICHESTER'S ENGLISH Origi NYROYAL PIL Ls. Saf nal and on uine. fe. Always re- liable. Ladies ask re for Chichester’s ” lish in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed = blue ribbon. Take no other, refuse dangerous OF send dc In stamps for i Buy Shi T Sen n 8 8 for u aud ‘’Relief for Tadics, ott, fa. bogs od a all dru 10,000 testimonials. is. CHICH BTR CHEMI Menton this paper. F YOU WANT 10 SELL standin aber. sawed timber, railroad ties, and chemical woo IF YOU WANT TO BUY kind worked or in hite ie Pine. Chestnut Shing- "lumber of any the rough, i or eh ned 3 Millwork, Doors, i Plastering Lath, , Brick, Etc oP B. CRIDER & SON 48-18-1y Bellefonte, Pa. _ Money to Loa Me / MONEY TO LOAN on good security and houses for rent. J. M. REICHLINE 45-14-1yr. y at Law Groceries. £ Fo: a CHANGE . On Breakfast Food—Try our Grape Sugsr Flakes. It will please you. SECHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE PA Flour and Feed. (CUBTS Y. WAGNER, BrockERHOFF MiLis, BeLLeronNTE, Pa, Manufacturer, ROLLER FLOUR, FEED, CORN MEAL, Et. “ Also Dealer in Grain. Manufactures and has on hand at all Limes the following brands of high grade WHITE STAR, : ' OUR BEST. 5 ! “HIGH GRADE, VICTORY PATENT, FANCY PATENT—formerly Pho- nix Mills high grade brand. + os The only place in the county where : SPRAY, an extraordinary fine grade of /, Spring wheat Patent Flour can be ne Sn INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. + FEED OF ALL KINDS, x Whola or Manufactured. All *inds of Grain in bought at office. ‘Exchanges Flour for for Wheat. OFFICE and STORE, < Bishop Street, Bellefonte, | MILL Sri - + ROOPSBURE. BELLEFONTE, PA.’ adison Square, Loot. Pa