Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 15, 1904, Image 5

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Aikens, M As | pr
2 ens, Mrs. J ios Topulsl'e ‘Bellefonte Furnace Co. ..... coal
Allison, Archibal dumber aie Boer! étore p eaumit. Ss SATEgaURG Jato Y
r = Er a i
Baum, Sim ares. graceries Mattern, JL RUN |Ri der, SE Sy geners] stor) omazon Ebi i races Oud rma tose
Ee fe ARE Sain RON den M...L als Store K oh hlbecker AA Hoel tore l Caan ster, W M...... hard
rown, Ed. .... .. 0igars|parrvh NCHARD Smith SUYER Wm B & Son. genera) cigars Champ & NorrlLLI wail” paper wos Bi |
al WR. far Tults Clark, iL 8 8... une t be (ith, Martin ......general st Miles urg Store Co.. .general store im Shas LT Sigars|\v Wee ii 1 ny.
Bain Sasa urniture garter, W hard 40 HANNAH ore Neff, Mrs LE .general store/(rissm ropuce Co...... groce esi He brig I Rumler on eg
rockerhoff JM... ...... ..Jewelry |g: r. WI. hardware & ware| FURNACE Noll fGen, ILA ND groce: ies| Deaki A 4 Ue dn RE Ls
Bouse, Re. GTC cigars pp nes, D B seeds eck with, Mrs JW ...gen hay F Cand Bb panorals coal/Davi by Thomas india 2 ate Wher ci a i; 3 en i
Beezer, P L.... groceries| moore. AR cigars Walk. JW........... pral stare Toller, Viola. 0.,general store Boe Cll. Ls "Je gars Winter & Sr qe Te jeweler om i
Bellefonte Hie GL meats w Forenal oer HOUS SERVILLI ..greoeries| MINGOVILLE. “groceries Ebhart, gary LL groceries Yonge done ge k me = |
3 : ; pine 4 ars owsaianea sr SHOOH 21 i store El
Coxey, WC stationery eneral Store Houser. EM...... roalote Wein Sn groceries Ly store 0 g100e. 1 dich aril. rasa L UAL. il i store Borman, Jacob:
neto, roceries . «=... 2T0Ce! Ad) » rp Gee ty Fink . E Ee
ee Chas Lswis. toro nfectioners B general store Hoy. G HUBLERSBURG MONUMENT. grocerieS| Fores. Mies a our % groin Nain] +n 5 oe HR E v A
Logan 3 08. spon i 5 isan Allen. T M OALSBURG Bo Ti vais dd general store JBSy, Albers ENT. Rr Chas. srry neat Kerstetter, ge sermesreenininns ES as, Medicines en OAK HALL.
, Jesse “en rs . dEadie sh sige McC wy FLo....... general «ti avis N Shan we groceri SAO, +r. rel, PINGGLEN. ro > : Es =
5 REE en ew | ar are Nak es/Gelfant, S....... ries PIN Snyder, L G. .furnitur HALL.
Doll, W PE Son... Tambor Bricker. Mes hardware 21KeY: ee ;Feneral store Vulcan Trading Co. oe BioCSTios Fp Clothing Co..." Hrsg gions {Ar ol tei fr i or
he “ i i ee ho as a oe MUNSON. Srocerios Gaib ny ae cree Sonne Watscn, Wie. oe eneral store JGLeT, CE vwrreers ims wr Produce B PENNA FURNACE r--grain
) LT nts 2 QW... nn im ohk, Robt..... merville, And Gos! y Baiada PINE VE > : gm .
Ed a lel a Co prrduce e, Andro... groceries Gowland Mig Co ee HE; TROVE Mus. Aunt HG. EER. date:
Ed = en fp ae fire Che store Holter B ros... general are Auman, NA... $ Selick, Chas Hi ....... e steam fit'g Bradud, fit .coal STATE i AdelmangRatowsk) :
= i = = fy ih i No Tr store Auman. 1. eerresinn sjoveries é Tay, W EB rr Wa Fons He rlin J B. grain Gollege Hdw. Co gE. 4aptie Refining a see dry Zoods
x TCR SON. cigars|B 4 ongee. A G...0igars ¢ eneral st &Co....... - bic 5 ; re EE =
ar A Came gars ud inger, TE general ston gees Bios i rs & nor Po pbell, & M....... .bicvcles Hawcoek, Chas . groceries pes uioniery Corl, Renpen.. ware oi & Son, JD..
Hh a Bud 2 nT B......gen oral store Lahr .general store Fr: enhugh, Jacob. ....tarniture Ho Sooke, G WV... x oo ard ral store|Caldwell, W G.. . Hoover, Geo W
Galbraith Frank... a Kacnik, im... General store Lucas CO. ony ain Hartman, J HB & 66 géisril Store Ba wy go. He hr ns i 3
da Een aos: Jewelry Mecow. FROME uring groceries|y Som, v 0, nt Sire Hosterman & storm... neral storeluzs, Evoeh.......... .is groceries ‘PORT ....general store Bonn d F-.
Garbrick Po etal Ozle, GeoRB.... ... groceries Miner. M Aan Hie Mig Al heirs Haines 3 EERE Hi ie :
a oe : a Se ames Be la irre cigars Haines. Mrs J.. ..tobaco/Bennett, Rs produc Holmes & Cu. oo siSwift & Co. .
at Hei rd Lo a oy arocares Bowarth, Bros. roceri s/Chaney & leary. produce HOY. Jos Co general Turnbach Haw.
Hazel. Chas ery Co..... CRN EL Pletch & Son..." PAL hd Maize, A P. Agi... .......8 Roceries Hg Sei = SE a B
= = 3 it oh yi EE forele Male, A P. Agi....111L. groceries |LaLDer: A Ww. Eller & MeKin G L.general Sine Ean: has.. niaads Kel NOW SHOE.
En 5 ik iL a So rondo.” gore ieS ddieb Mauk, Mrs Miiry E.. enseresis meate Hoffer, Benj confections|Gates, nney general store [XK import Bros general Hoes Kelley & Co...
Ea = oe \ hi eRe Bee mente pede oon -novelties|Harshberger, Bros... Sore SPRING scenes... gTOCETIOS
oo = = bas a a Fr sisi He nk i lrags Grabar, Herd & onfections Hoover, W P. oe Cormick - I CL Spring mills RING MILLS.
ml 2 a wri RE os cers Meyer, Ag. st ceries|f' roc” Joseph. . gro ware|Macker, W H Markle J C implements ry Co...produce
SE HT NE ideal store over, (SR ry goods 3H: Lilllan’B.. m Derles Macker, WH..""""\"""""" produce Musser, H \-.. -- ©. g meats. . R TUSSEYVILLE
pa fl gi Gn io SRE Reman. Dy : grain Jaffer. L Sa bE es, inery Patton. Jas H ...groceries ockey, W Fou ;
Rise) Bros.. a sa ere ain ~ eats Davberman, J Gl eg wl Boy drews, Miss Annie d Sprin ME. 0. oLuing or Mt A Bis rocerie = iy fy = i
ii id mr ba By So yivoceries Boyer, Chas. .paper wood, re £& goods ih JL... ies cigar Jenes & alvin... eS eirivis aor Heese: A w enna jeweler BELL ARDS
» . re Ve es EAR RE EY Re : iL :
McClure, Wm Agé.... oh meats|Kreamer & amery Co... -vroduse Dillan. J Tria ©1100 groceries 2 Spigelineyer, ro Eeneral store doues, A... oo. I Sore Wilms LS Tr hessey. © LR ee
Montgomery & Co. ...harness Krumbine, JH... 8 a store Henderton, J E . ...produce er, KR: S..,..... gr ceries Ke 5 Co. lhe L G. general Store Wiser, W 3 ..flour & grain|theasle CR. photo goods!K x Josse Kum iii Bitlard
ends, Peter.. vves.....ClOthing Luse, AP Son... ul urniture Nason, JC. ee ..groceries NITTANY. groceries Kitohe art. James....... .. groce. es Woolton fl tpl a Stu hi a re a
Meese, John... EO gD --Jumber| CUSone: BW IG isis groceries Bec. NY. Re ry aime Tel i ey Toss ma
. re WH. Zenoral . _aroceries/Lebman, JOS...... cigars & > MOLA. aan. STE n
NEw IIe shoes Reesman. J A general store| Lallhelm. wv gro imert, C E.. groceries/Lehman, Jos..... conf’s ROM TU n n, Jos..
_ Miller, W H..". yO TRIO: J. cents eoscearod stoves| Turner, J yi 5 Son...gen’1 store Shot ps Lym Broceries Meyers, ‘& Ns lothing Robb, E B... ii Swarts, Ci et hy om
i : T Fei Ean dW ee — Wilson, ¢ MM... general store Peck, Apres &C Co eneral os Motor: ¥ ny A - Ha a seeral store Swartz, C 1 elllinery Bilder Jas A..
a airrtisianan eries wers, I. ASE BRIS) ns Ti LIVONIA. uce $ .....general M y . ed P s 2 ral store| Thompson. J ..bil.ard
oH RBI “sore LIVONIA. OAK al store Marks, A W. rug store Parker & Co Hoy, J WADDLE. Roth JP billiar
M y OBS A Lo iene C Stover, Ge HALL. Milick, WM........... abides shues| . RUNVILLI oustel ut "Ros — =
fa implements Meese, G R OLYEE 1 : TR ter nsues cigars Eirers. Havin Stee general store Meer Sr a a party Tet - a i wd - oe Bo i
aganey. F E.............far cigars eens ner: storaiBve H ellers Ed Sari isan vainanar grai an GN ER. 23a. gener: cManaway, H y, Jno A... :
Sis, Hamilton. ..... furniture COBURN ai fen ......general store Weber. J H ward... Ginplothanty funson, IH. sseesseves genera NanelC paem nc a RE ” hc i
Olowine, JOE: voor... --tobaces| Coburn Gratn & Crary to Prot eed Sino OSCEOLA ee ----grain| Motter. Margaret. ei aor Bh ol al ; a ro 0
aie Ra pe i oduce Jenker, . .general Som Gscerla M’l'ng C . Markowitz, A ..groceries Frank, L 0+ aban, a ore! earick;N Ho .general store ennedy, WA. billiard
Rowan, Jam w Co...... hardware| Evert. T. a - .cigars|Ross ell. Johm.....c..o... hardw re Pie, Justice, asd J Coffy..grain Moshannon mf'g Co. mine .peddler|Harter, J W..... general ae : w Sa oe s Fe
Bo an, BT. Spe sznarrd groceries| Finkle C. B..L.... _general store Withiame ai - general store Walker, R J ED Srontn fitting Nora Lumber 0 un Mier 8 t a Hoo sR ATR tw en as
Ray chards, F C Sons. ... ponies ER Eo LOVEVILLE Fi PENN ALL. -..lumber| Ne geomer, BH... 0... 00000 cigars SANDY RIDGE. a Ci Ca fl
ess sansa pros 5 2 sees 8 i S| . 3, R na rn 3
Rhoads, Bi. o spinels Harter, Jame: ¢« neral store Wyre. Walter........ her, J B Sons...... generai store olson Jusrsronieaennnnan i Collis JW A = o, £50 To Si > : wi
Seer En Sry hs Li CE euppilos ie LL Freee PENN CAVE re Sone Koen a an rs gy SE Omi. i ii
: 3D - 2 seers ensnes OALITY
Singer. Mfg Jo... I sewin| _.groceries|Rote. S Game inl es. Mrs. JW general pons. Jesse.............. i phe Planing Mi Fenerd st. Kennedy. A nni WoL RM. oer ng o PHILIPSRURG, 5 Lo
Be SE Sy ir general Store man. D H........ 00. pr cigars Pate ATT mber Sandy | Ridge Stor ..cigars YARD general store/champ. T IF
ae SESE I Yi sone store .-...broduce press: M.......... Frais meat Stuart, HS.... en Store| Heat: ARNELL. Meyers & ucAlarney.. .eating hous®
Strayer. J N..... ....groceries|Vonada. Andre MOUNT EAG store, POWELTON. Poters, Jos........ : Se De hoeerien © Le SE SE
Schofield. ny >candies| Weaver, C A Dietz, J F LE. lv air Bros., Coal Co assmore, Jas.. SNO ‘groceries| Confer: Ira Poi. FoniSrooeries Buss John. ‘Guth house
5 i CE 1 nl Ls I nal iio atts Per a Bi i ay Buddinger, T y SHOE. .general store| Test. Frank Aing houe®
i a a : ..gTroo Ons re rg Milling '¢o.. gra fl. Kau ous®
Ee LR ans ERE BL i, Aisi rT i te LILLE Me i
Es wi in n, = r yw , LCugene.,..... . as (3) ’ e988 ain
gE : ti: 3 hr coh IF... Cone Drodu c e Ducks: RP to Wine Shon: 5 plows Bernd Fara ‘Feneral store Refioz & Co. | J a a Reiley rag hua, es tins Jewsier 0 BRT fon S .eating house
witmire, W Ee. anne ak store. ‘PENNA FURN generg) x En
Taylor, It B : Alexander, § B ne SLO naa i Loa FURNADE storeiifanioy & Gres roclgars Kelly & Nusent.. general store Atlantic Refiolug Co... La
1lkinso Ne D. hnreeey BOR TE A er. 0p : :
oo ; i gone EB : sou s ID... general store| Miller, 0D..." general store Summerville, Mrs ...cigars id IH. iin SAE groceries Bellefonte Fuel & Suppl oils BYE W Men BURG. .
Sn IE als Nara Bro 7 general sto. e|otreet- Thos groceries, Re ding, Lawrence, clothing} Crider & Son ply Co..coallmotal . roker
i eo Ch ry ai a ‘general store Swires. Jacob .groceries Stokel Ww John A... «Cigars Joseph Bros & o. lumber Tot: no. retaiiers assessed,
i HE oN on dd ets \ a ErOCeres\ jctenan : HILIPSBURG. Sale: Samu org) Store oely A.. Gora ee meaty Dotter Hdw C Toral 2 Wiivieslons an a> 5
eager & Davi .haruess ....:general store Tubrity, K& A..." general store AD Be eonioot pny Hi: Sic . = = Cin
Zeller & Sons.. FIEDLER VY K&A.... ou. geoc rej Us.A® fisias vain confe BO all eg URE To er i : a
nn Lp = Ande. gs gs {Swite:r, &CoL J. clothin yzle, John G... ....gen store BUFFALO. 'otal no. brokers 9s assed ei 9
BENORE JW Winiclebleoh. No id ‘|Bierly Ig S Ne B er, James A.. FPA 'y Foo s/Schmidt, F& A. ch mery Senet os LH Cy i = =
; Pas ey Se SCE ees ens grocerie |B 2 on imp! {Black. James.. .. ..cigars Shields & a i a iy :
Baisor J W |Wolf. G W & son BarkSs s is S. plements Barnes. Sot Ale s & Ayers,..... SMULLT! 3 comuR) SE i IR
tiie saa e ++ ....general id, S ..2TOC Thos Jr gars Test, Frank. .......cigars : ON. any rm
i RE store B Gir. Boi confections Busmell 3 en Thomas AB, cli PR = Huckenbers, IW... general store Atlantic dg JFor tae purgose of eor
vate se J cvineaie NY 3 ac. & ~ Veav op w Ee
2 : aa HE ih ol on P tistruments Thompson, A iO Co. J’ a i bardw Burirey wld genes 1 Shurngraln & « gleam’ y o.. Bp pes! will bo oa ements, iy
’S OF UNSEA" she Luvnennn inne. m sv J Ea... vs» n Shoe S . rs| Eves, J Ciress ua ral sto RE HALL. sda po
A oF AND [UNSEATED LANDS FOR TAXES ba eat Callahan, Harry. gi Vail, Orrin. tore. ries hae Grithin, Py (produce Sg ee ibd nh be
TT 2 0 grecan tothe provisions | 3 Jancan, Daniel. Edward Alli hy a cigars Mattern, JC id mens enns Vy., Produce Co. as he house of 10 o* ti bet tween
os ovisions | an: ison.. vy ee. E ents HOWARD D. mi, . an
Be : he hae har sven pi | > 31 en Ney Of Cri : 1 3 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP . produce! Deihl, J SOAR those who so Rn Ea fay xheh
: = : ; oases soosen voor. ui. PI
i EE Ey oH i — Nu te rank 169 > Garrel, Wm........ AP Mo 400 Lev produce Morcaitiy HAUPT,
i iE % IE Fr, entre | a0 y. , Barnard W C Heinle.. > o 14 of 309 Hares 8, & Jas.D & J QITien = oii 213 : oe ie C Heinle ppraiser.
at 1 o’clock on Monda | M ary MF . 200 ¢ in, Robert..... WH "83 i600 . i: j i :
ee 7 gh of Balletontc, on SER osby, Jacob... W rank... 5923 Krous . Gardner... 16 David... Der Unknow
om day to day until al if neces- | 9 McDowell, Alex. m Witmer & Son 2 95 > fey, Win, 1 Del iE : - ! oi : ; i i
1 are sold. | 200 1 Alex W C Heinl s. 293 60 Mahaffey, Wm...L Son 5 30 obert..Glen Union Lum- SNOW SHOE i
BENNER TW {iis ower, Jas.. e er 1878Y Nestlerod J Delong... 20t 3 on Lum- { SNOW SHOE SWNSHIP, 2
Acres. Per Warra P. re Baknown. Grove & Siah : 80 stlerode, C...... Balzer Web 2 22 y 138 « B00 crit | gr ’
ntee i 1 sl ¥ n., .Grov 5 34 Smith, Rob eber. 3 33 105 David..... iar a ye Hein
50 Coon, Andr Supposed Owners. Taxes. | : Unknown... oe w C o% Iniu . 70 es : +A P Morricon............ 2 39 190 Ss 5 Wm’ Wiimer os i. a
199 oY wo P MOTTionD | 859 HAINES TOWNSHIP a 70 50 Alliso N TOWNSHIP. ie i. os By oe fe um pa 2d
: a 5 HE J es osfonsen . 1 oa Nort & Co. ons | 1-5 433 163 Fighe Tool Ll Carmen Coomb: 34
.J D Shugert.. { D © Cawley, H B .Chas Steele.. 20 L ris, -A. D Mary M Frank......... 2 93 ris, John.....Glen Uni 3%. Po a : :
100 Si Grove. | 4 2 Dudbridge amie! Engl : il Lewis, Thom Mp iY 1 on | ma > :
Ss : | ar... J J& CM B
434 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. en... | encrersudeaion .F H Duffee... a3 peal oi 7 tL i : : = = TE : : =r =
: . _— is Towsuir. © 458 “G3 Epler, Peter Laurelion = 200 J oGalmont, A P Morriso 1 & ires & FullmerWm Brus Sons i 18 Pal Peter.......& M Bower.
» . arscadden, D. LS west... «1102 | vesiveri HO 0uiersiesrens 1 : : EE) : 3 Fu = %
To 163 Godirey. i al ine or » 19 in 157 Henry, Jos... id rg i . 1214 » * BC bighmn, Jr ? i 400 Sawyer Wma as Sige. es 3 I Ne Ga oH ie :
; , Sarah. 1 09 arter, A M....... umbe ) . John Fr ra m. Witmer . Sons : 00 ds, Lin Coo
309 McCoy, Fran AE Monison,.. a: 361. 3 108 Hartman by Ral Co aber a 8 Wai ¢ pT ohnzonbatigh 483 92 Shi & Co..... nes |. 400 Martin, TmpeuniiC “Coon i :
Packer & Lewis.A D feinle, 1630 | 06 Lowry, 9 Jona... 1] © Hyalt ey » 199 ne Wm ‘ym Waite 144 108 61 Tellay, oe. eanssery CE Fle hie 5 i Gi oie is
nt | | a 9 36 a in » Mls a Tolley, Ferrell. Elen It fidre 4 “4 as .
34 of 4: BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP aang 9 K A arson. 102 Eine shi A 202 20u Ya: pore. Tell ~-Allen H Andrews... 3 88°! | 550 Re? Jere i Sa ei fall 1
sl OWSSL,; i | 10 9% Hiitamer, Sen: ol Lo umber ~ 200 Antis; He S TOWNSHIP. 170 m_ Witmer Sons |B 1% Heily, Jerem'h Saige] Bail, Bor 1B 0
A me 10! ee a a evy, Aaron... sieeeeaaesesinee trian 893 “Fre ie mE E
Bot 379121 Bell, Wm Smit ades & { 80 ; ry J Win 1 Retisnyder. 3 2 Bors of 300 B Sd. ita H Reifsnyder........ 9 88 "Rs Tow TH i i ti 7 : i
- 5 fo : ‘ 3 32° : Boy Thos. ttrold Cin 494 168 WNSHIP. ous / Tomkins, J as Hewitt... ‘
32 0f 140 22 oo Panl. | 600 Philips, Lewis. -paniel Engle.. 4 1 Brady, Wm. wo Sarah J Rine.. 3 Ban an i ; oi
433 163 Davi aul... ny t | 0. Unknown... «J H Reifsnyder. L [Oe Harry Kelle 320 oi 40 1. Atherto es....S D Gettig... 22 86. 433 153 W "Jos...... Hugh Ward ...
ds 163 vg Wm Jr.Chas E Allen = ; we J IE SMph. nl = Barton, Wm.....\.. Mrs Nathan Hogi. 088 | 20 110 Arthur pt” t irk aE in i w
i. ds ip : am = : orrison.. 82 100 & RA RAsh Col pe | 433 110 Arthur, Ann w CB Meek 27482 pis, 415 Wharton bi ard, thao Are Us
Ajtohe Be {. 125 . Helivensin ws 2 46 100 i "5 i Reitanyd . 153 Brickley, Da YC Hane 7 f 7 » “ME oe Sena :
163 E i . 4 12 enson, Peter... W or 2: 3 ye 4 i
i of 433 2 ar reais I 167 HALFMOON ROWSE 1 160 i teil, Joh. SE tan. bs . . open a FE : i z = Ss =
i i iio dobas sons Miller, 45 250 aver, Jno.WCH BY, 76 Ansh ielJohn F Maite:
13 163 “ | 48 B ultz, Geo. . Caruthers, J. Reifsnyder. 3 90 ll ri i : i: = = i
g a oy pl) aa 2 re as.....Mrs N Haugh... 988 | 250 .Chas E An 17 82 80 4 orrlson.. EY
34 of 433 133 . ey | off rn ABB Morac 140 217 Hepburn, bth B Reinier 7 8% sit pent, Wn. Cw HE MCHA 30 81 |= 4
sesen Keith, J: MR 108 “ T 3 |Z ig 3 Wi i :
4 of 433153 | 120 L , Jacob......Chas I Fit: _ 68 Hall, Chas... oo 494 Em i & i is
= pi : fi sae LE - 10 ), pith Jj) tnyder 2173 ® “ Toa Wm H McCansl'nds.. 8 72 45° Bechdel, John... W C Heinle... . 11 00
4 of 333163 K , Franc. 131 , Isaac......A P Mo a . 2) Housel, Joh - OVer....... 5 ig French, Adam, SR Pringie....... 100 ryhill And’wMary F . 294
; Cy = a i 30 : 0 n = H Reitsnyder 7 = | 50 Groe, KE lizabeth, IR Pringle Cum pbeli, Rob’t. Pittabu Bodhi 138
S101 Cans) David Sen Rhond ang _,_ HARRIS TOWNSiIP Sw 2 Kreme peli LR PB WR oR 8 pr
% of 433153 McPherson, Wm Smith 6s & avi | om impson, Nathan Glen Union Lum it Kius, Geo... NL no 18 Sunn Jno. Seen Eli a
75 Miller, Wm. “ er Co.... > 400 attimore, Robt. H n. wo v8 433 54 i vo nl Py Sia
; ; 3 i ; . 20 : per Cory - 13 93 Lake, Rich arry Keller... % 153 Hamilton, Thos. Heinle 30 94 48 der n
34 of 243 153 Nicholson, Jolmgen R Boak.. 235 Wilson, § Hear’yWm Colyer. . 557 10 Levy, wR Goodman... 19 7 438 163 Hopkins, aos, BP Blair 8 fag ond Nici Jo ik 3h
61 , Mich Smith, Rhoades & 52 , Samuel... Glen Unio! 11 14 58 Milés, chal ape sjfsny der. 100 | 434 163 H fon i a ee 3
mith 2 ; “ er Co. 3 4 arker, Wm Ww er. “1017 | > aines,Reub. Jr. Frank P BIair..... L290 15 100 ‘Hoover, John ..... oy
34 of 183 153 1s « HS Tayl 15 ‘ Wn...... “ 12 54 00 Seigfrisd. Daniel C Heinle... | BS ini 2 dp i i
Pettitt, Chas.......Smith, Rh 4 02 231 1 . Peter os “ . 280 2 Toto, Thos... B3k Bhs : i | i lots re ni i : ih ; :
% of 433163 Stewart, Ch Smith. 3 107 PRE ud Satis), Beecher & Sober, 5 86 Tis of Shafer, Nici ii He 3 E aa - : Hi. :
mn aah, 10 7 2 © Work, pad, wo . 2 Bo 100 72 Shaffer, Michaels H Shaffer. 13 368 1% Lucas, Bennett...P ol io 30 b4 410 - i :
1 Wharton, Thos 2 Gray sel: Tr 2 31 100 You Joseph... ee Ta % 4 Unknown HSTLy 2 pH | 1% 80 TR har: AGreb Alen > : |
: : Sake
410 151 Wallace, Jo Deposit Co. 12 id Cos, Samael. .P Gray Meek.. . 334 a 45 Le he 7 | > 153 Lee, Yoh, "HC Bennett & ne i :n
Li EAs : " — Conteh am... Beecher & Sober....... 279 a3 Wistar, Mart 20 433 Long, A. B.. ennett & Co.. YB M Deposit Co.
- er a : Adm. er a be 2D 38 “ Weaver, David... Mrs Geo Wolf 19 77 100 153 Lovin, Tobi 68 | oe Yong Soy w ~ : 1 1
5 19 Atwood. . 3 Fox. Andrew... Williats Colven, gio oi al : : tn Fi 1: : es
300 H C Bennett & C 260 Greg ew..... Willan Col ere. ue wae. = Ci i = ; ii |
: EE mu — SE 25, Bono WR 433 163 mpbell......... 82 Pruner, E. c . 539
Allee Ch orrison nion Lum- 150 HIP, Malone, Ric ir... wr So tho nF
7 131 Curtai .Wm Harve 8 26 140 Hen ber Co. Deihl, J io i : i id i 3
104 Catala, Roland. H C B Ye. 17 33 400 ry Stophel... Dre elprive 13 94 2 be 3 i Bi = ia
: = T Ham : 153 “ 128 : » P Morr i
114 Denaven Duons .Samuel Hall 1 % 1 gg Hd GE M Frank... Sige 10 Gover, Robert.. LL sass ine 13 26 2 1 er iE ; : i ; — :
294 31 Godfrey, M er "hk op ayo NIE IR Chas E Allen... : re ww SSE gE i :
204 31 Ys, artha A P Morr : 27 5 snares Mh hearin 14Y 200 M NN TOWNSHIP. Ya of 433 1563 Musser, oJ 1 NE ion i any ; iF
100 Kelso, Vesopl ‘ a 260° . 300 McCally, Wn... J F Torbert... foo 0 Je 1g : :
178 joue 3 i! 12 79 : os Bigomery W.JCMeyer 488 | Horan ier, Magou J OE BE. 5 ORE i
= ; ers, Ri 0%
20 Leach, | iad 2 Dig. v 2 +1 Kroamer, Pier J H Reifsnyder... : 14 rr 84 Phillips, Hard'n. J A Hilts a a io ba i a i
2 . 8 : 400 |
i pm iE D1 5 i ey Beecher 43; 4 = 8%. Anderson, John. Bh EE je Robison, Wm H. AD Morsisetavnins 598 2% 3 Bay es Davis, 2 $
C| sassscsseens : B
: » RE Sti Har 3 ardWilliam Widmer 11s | 400 Brady, Wm. P....M ons Co........... = land 270] 100 Fisher, Wo Bb 6 12
100 = Smith a hd “WGC 87 L Beunes 44 100 Reynolds, John. Slen Hi Lue 2 55 A Blair,’ Joseph... Glen. ato iy 433 > Seine yy Robert... "Frank P Blair. 1 5 20 Re : :
of 200 "Tani jo eter....... . 924 Reed, J 100. ies mn. 330 * Bars ber Co.. 433 153 Spear. nese ‘WC Heinle alt . iE
| : ye i i : : . 2 = ¢ oe , 0 » ger, Adam... di Winaer87 os 153 Smith, “Mary 3 snes & Co 30.94; 1 140 Phil , Sua . 3 i
; or. Joseph. Seerss 2 . amen nion Lum- Brow re 5 : : : yr : :
4 5 of 160 a. ili oseph...A P Morri . 854 ber Co. 80 n, Johu...... 3 50 hi Feeney :
: 2 oe ; ; essen ieens sess nee Hoi : Lo
fe ai 18 HL a 1a | 40 Cogwell, Daniel, Chas Stecic 5% imu gen J Ee 32 | tas WALKER TOWNSHIP. 52
: . S BudBllis L Orvis. 2 30 Soak on : : =
i ed oe is Fa h am, Surah. JRossnnaC Roghrs... 155 m = Witmer 4 308 153 fi land 3004 | a rt, Wm......Jesse L Ctesse
Mt TOWNSHIP. 25 G: ..Martha.Chas E Alle ot Falls; 1} wit i : g :
Fy N TOWNSHIP. a anime Sh x (61 TIE Falls. Thomas..Gl bit 23 a“, ue = janiel., 14 58 22 a7 Dgheny, Wat Onas 5 Kien pres 8,85
55 Movgan, Jas TrnElS Lytlen..omme 40 Greysburg 4 aA P Morrison. . 170 60 hy 8 UnknOWD....... os] ® Lingle, J J 2 SE
100 CM ell, David..Chas I Fi ie 208 33 151 Holte: 2; Jas... ‘, . 10 87 100 Felamalee,M 25 ; 31 | so oF = :
oore, Th 4 Fitzhugh. ... 136 : r, Jacob. we ..C wee . 80 20 y gseshiruce DW 5 5 2
n Shannon, 98 Lior "Thos bein stenoses seers 4 x 40 #182 fairs, Jas D .D 3 Gants .193 13 rf Fulmer, H. B. 40 oD Wii = 2% Witmer. Henry. ‘Ed 5 2 02 : Jigen .B wahiier saseseasaenrene 1 3
2 NKNOWN......v.oe Taos Poon Bon. we in wo sow Rothrock..... : 33: : Emel, vs : NL . 2 i Wii to a5 : & = i
) “ Stevenson TOWNSHIP. ve ; 275 32s 34 son, John......Jas Passmore. 1% Pucker i E
.... WC Heinle 164 433 163 Baxt Gordon, ThomasGie iL : : os I az 5 i iE TE ]
2! Te : : a a oor = SL smote, Lich- 2B 100 Robi remhiah © “i... 1 198.
1 Ants, Henry... rs Gopliart 0 GALE, ems coro 1A Hifi “sia 23 93 155 Gettig, ChristianWra. Wir sons 8 09 433 1% lace: Jos, a CB Blair. = 21 2 itt Soo} Robin Chaya fd 1 Yeurick 2 E
130 erson, Jacob har 3 02 Kuhn Ad usan Hartsock : 1% 5 ; 4 s E = -
er 3 Se it : y ia 1 oben] Cline op tmer, oo J 30 94 Ward 4 n Dorman. . 168
150 Askin, Robt...... W H Philli 0 56 Wm. omas......... 1 oben, hns...... i : y...1da G Richards. : : Bo we ert
- Gowdéa, Jolin. H B Herring Bos renin | ee Arve dm 1 | 8 at oc oat Com
33 y | =——esC 1 60 offm mit : iz, J dy LR
~ 102 163 Wellarm John.. pas Ellen. 1219 62 Hoo a ps ves mn Marrow............ 100 Meo Sop fh i 11 = SH st
TREASURER’S SALE OFSEA illiams.....A P Morrison. . 3 i {266 ae & Witmer Sons : Meolure, Wm..... $d o i rd Ar) i
T] . cinio: 1L40 | 266 Jacobs, Gu........Glen Union Lum: s
Su Rd = Ee i | 8, Giivrini on: Glen Union Lum- In Ela clung. aie. 168 223 Hawthorn, Mich "AP Morrison Sy > :
the ey ny Yd Lands, eon a Lots Mrs § J Shope, Leases NY 120 Acres D } es o = gi = Be : : 2 8 a _
EE He ot Ro 13 30 | 120 ey... a e, John 7.88 Abr. Geor % Ham . 13 88;
districts, res collector of the followin - | 17 Lots Mrs Beil Etaabyssivsasiieand 1.19 | 147 gree epi Packer. co 38 | 1ot” i = Ee; >
and 1901, to Meet vely, for the years 1900 MIL a Jones, Hist... .3 15 | 35 A cres Howard Tipto ...8 49 |1 Lot Robert Valentine...........3 : ; or 2 z
En SEES TRA |i Hl wok as i anlage gon onen 13152 es Er
In Ha ont of taxes, accor : Ig Keven YW Spm. 120 Acres Dvd } Mearns i UT 40 49 | 10 Acres Howse NE ~~ | 38 Acres Pa Young 200 | H&L John Dunkte, Est....... smb Pe =
and for taxes a ive to the sale of seated | J ¢ 1, BOGGS TWP. ceed 52] gg ee Joseph Para, I. 8 = 1 Lot Lillie V ey Ba 1 2 2 Aree Sadje Walker: 3 > 2 Ase Is am Densmore. it 2 de i on =
eser: J . 2 i eatasr inion row Spicer, : u 48 a
a i py b Ea ik : p ores 0 08 100 Actes Saray rv. ares Shas Teche... o bo ne I Mrs og: le.. wl 3 $0 Ames k Hobome: Blowers... Yor En : z
H&L Rob! BORO. H&L acob McClincey... -3 40 ...6 03 BUR €Tuerreecinassranees 2 950 Acres EHC wg 2 | 2 Lots nel i Hl : ARE gh = i
t VM John H: “4 69 NSIDE TW arr, Est i : * a a hee
1 Lot James Bir. 121 88 n Aures Jacob iin aeais ..5 b4 iy Acres Peter Bechtol 433 Acres Brew, Holt & we. HUSTON TWP. ” 3 Acre ar shih i die 3
ot Brew & McClai 3 95.| 10 Acres Michael M cey 4 60 5 Acres John Ki BON isicris in airernd 50 13 Acres J H Holt ii 5 | i E : Fi hal SE i
1 Lot cain 395.1 19 Acres Wm Maye ayes... 7 16 Sp MPOXterrrrrrrrrrsooiors nO Ri 2 di 5 g8 | 289 George 11 79 |} ore: 1. 12 Hverson... A Epa Ii
1 am iE faves.” (| SwiseTwh mer HAMONIT Sesotho e M HEE Ee
1 Lot Frans Hipple.... “ia 13 | Lhot M Edward Co 99 | 1 Lot ¥ P Blair... :2 83 | Lot WH Miller... 1 Lot RB Wi fi Ja ro Ro 3 re hn 4
1 Lot WO Jeinien “os | HEL Mrs W Morris. | 2 Properties, 10 Toes | HET 14 Susan Weight. Wigton & Sons........ 32 | 1 Lot Andrew J ohnsor a Br ey
1 Lot Kli Duncan “it 45 | 100 Acres J rs P H Haup 6 urtin s H&L 214 Susan A McDo POTTER TWP. 110t James So oR dy an
1 Lot Kline s Cartin... “30 Lot & 5 A os Green, Est.. 7| H&L FPG 2 84 215 Geo Sheasle 326 Acres John D De 1 nic Lie” SEs ; hi:
ieCaff ...40 45 eres, Mrs M 1 Lo eh ¥en 7 GROL. csuierssnssser ” X Tanisl Loner LB a k
: = 5 3 i 10% i : ih i airy oy... wel 8. i BORO. BA Rh 0 H&L Sarah Rossman... %
1 Lot Ed over. ‘Jaz og | 11 Acres OM os M Quick 111 1 Lot Ed Ston nes 2 06|1 Lot Josep BrOSeisesise esos 2 90 | 1 Lot fre J & Giles ‘ Leta” A i = Ea =
1 Lot Edward Woods ag atilda Baney 6 | 1 Lot Dr Th or 141|1 Lot oland Lucas, Kst......... H& Mrs J R Gille 315 | Lots ° Tank MoCoy... 1 vi Biers wi bo add ic
y John vin2 01 164 | 2 Pr os To Mrs. Jame wl 10: F 4 20 ey Wa A hi
| Po i hi lids vs {i Thos Tobin. 141 SNOW SHOE Pooh. et 41 | SL0k 315| 1 fot oh Maran ve SLO BI, faxes “Jl be added to the amount
Lot John F Hall, RO. 55 ron Ie Butler, Sr H&L Robl Valentine 2 52 70 Acres Kline & Shu Ee H s L 3 o 1 Lot Joseph Naylor. ne Ee pECIns, age
ui oa Br i 3 Frank D Seprotu: wh i " Actes John elicher.. All lands assessed to this 3 2 I Paxton ie on All per SPECIAL NOTICE.
i = Lin $ Fee : aac Crawford 1A 8 ewis Rayde Treas sons correspondin
hos Tobin 58 UNION TW > B08 ota Eimer Shaw a ! i
Ea ht 1 fore Stere sirack. or sale in the above list Si ode ised
C Ras ROCHE. ..c..cvvin iii uve 721 $00 Acres id Coun 41 ¥ : Hii § "HE ms nc :
. wenn >
omers 1 73| 906 Acres Isaac Cnior he emg I Lik 0,
al BR 12 31,00 or mn each tract.
: ounty Treasurer