} Howard. | R. C. Leathers, of Mt. Eagle, smoved his family to Howard last Tuesday. A. Q. Yerger, who has been foreman at the tool works for several years, moved to Belle- fonte Thursday. Miss Edna Reber went to Williamsport Saturday, at which place she holds a position in a millinery store. A. A. Pletcher returned Tuesday evening from a short business trip to Harrisburg and Washington in the interest of the Milwaukee Harvesting Machine Co. Mr. Pletcher took in the races at Bermings also. Hon. John A. Woodward and Chester A. Moore departed last Saturday on the 4:14 train for St. Louis, where they will be en- gaged in placing the exhibits which Mr. Woodward shipped to that place some ten days ago. : On entering his butcher shop on Tuesday morning Orlando Smith discovered that some one had been there during the night and stolen about 30 1bs. of beef, 8 dozen of eggs and several rolls of butter; the parties hav- ing used a duplicate key. The butcher took out a search warrant and found a part of his stolen goods at the home of William C. Leathers, at the rolling mill, but no arrests have been made yet. Announcement. The following are the prices charged for Announce ments in this column : Congress, $10.00 ; Senate, $8.00 ; Assembly, $8.00 Prothonotary, $8.00; District Attorney, $5.00. All candidates are re- quired to pledge themselves to abide the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce Arthur B. Kim- port, of Harris township, as a candidate tor the office of Prothonotary; subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce William Groh Runkle, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for nomina- tion for the office of District Attorney of Centre county ; subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce Hon. J. W. Kepler, of Ferguson township, as a candidate for the nomination for Assembly ; subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention of Centre county. We are authorized to annonnce John F. Potter, of Boggs township,as a candidate for the nomina- tion for Assembly ; subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. ‘We are authorized to announce that John Noll, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for Assembly; sub- jeet to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. New Advertisements. RECEIVERS SALE —OF THE— JENKINS IRON AND TOOL CO’S. PROPERTIES. In pursuance of an order issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, the undersigned Receiver appointed by said court, will offer at public sale at THE COURT HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA., the following real estate of the Jenkins Iron and Tool Co, operating at Howard, Pa., on TUESDAY APRIL 12th, 1904, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. 15 ACRES OF LAND Situate in the township of Howard, County of Centre, bounded and described as follows : Be- ginning ata post on Bald Eagle creek, at the month of a railroad culvert, thence by land of Rudolph Pletcher, south 39}; degrees west, 55 perches to stone-pile; thence by land of Bernard Lauth south 51 degrees west 58.6 perches to a black walnut; thence by same north 39 degrees west 20.6 perches to post, 2 perches from centre of the Bald Eagle valley railroad, thence by the said railroad north 61 degrees east 26.3 perches to post, 2 perches from centre of said railroad; thence across said railroad by lands of said Lauth north 29 degrees west 43.3 perches to the Bald Eagle creek; thence by the several courses and distances of said creek to the place of beginning. Containing 15 acres, be the same more or less. Having thereon erected : A LARGE ROLLING AND PUDDLING MILL, CHAIN FACTORY, FOUNDRY IMPLEMENT FACTORY, OFFICE BUILDING, WAREHOUSE AND SUPPLY STORE, BLACKSMITH SHOP—OIL HOUSE, MACHINE SHOP and other necessary buildings to a large and well equipped plant, together with all the MACHINERY AND FIXTURES. On the property is also included A LARGE BOARDING HOUSE AND 12 DWELLINGS. Also a complete supply of mountain water piped to the dwellings and through the works. A 250 H. P. WATER POWER is also controlled by the property and is one of its most valuable franchises. : Railroad sidings are provided for all the build: ings and the plant is in a state of good repair and splendidly equipped for operation. Terme.—Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale, balance of the first third on confirmation of sale by the court, one-third in one year with interest, and one-third in two years with interest. The deferred payments to be secured by bonds and mortgage on the premises. JOHN P. HARRIS, 49-12-3t Receiver. Shoes. Shoes. SACRIFICE SALE AN 8 PIECE OAK dol. DD. AD. DD. AS SD DD AO 1 yo “ 3 #= Chairs, pr ee Srnd, 1. :*% Bed, 1 High 47-217 Bh ADD Dh DD DD. DD Db Db bi ob Bo Ab OD DD BB DO AS HD. OF FURNITURE. BED ROOM SUIT AS FOLLOWS: Oak Marble Top Bureau; cs Washstand, good set Springs. ALL FOR ¢15.00. DIRECT SUPPLY CO. street, Bellefonte, Penna. Better Md for the Injured, The Pennsylvania railroad officials bave approved the plan of placing medical boxes stretchers and surgical implements in the station and cars for the purpose of giving aid to people injured by accident on the railroad. This plan was conceived some some ago and has been under discussion since that time. It is the work of the Pennsylvania railroad relief department. In addition to placing the first aid to the injured boxes around the depots and on the trains, the company will also instruct the employees in the use of various arti- cles. : A Friendly Advice. One evening a young curate entered a rural railway station in England. He was much shocked to vee a dranken man loll- ing ahoat on the platform. He approach- ed the solitary porter and asked : ‘‘Are drunken persons allowed here?” “Weel, no, sir,’”’ was the rejoinder, ‘but if ye stan’ round th’ corner in th’ shadow, nae body ’ll notice yo !"’ New Advertisements. OR SALE CHEAP.—A perfectly new, three quarter white enameled iron bed- stead with brass knobs and trimmings. Apply to the Matron of the Bellefonte Hospital. IRL WANTED.—A good girl for gen- eral housework, none but a competent and reliable one need PHY. Write Mrs. I. B. MAITLAND, 619 Campbell St.,, Williamsport, Pa. 49-13-3t. {Yr uans COURT SALE nO Real! Estate at State College. Pursuant to an order out of the Orphans’ Court of Centre county there will be sold at public out- cry, on the premises, at State College, Pa. FRIDAY, APRIL} 20th, 1904 at 2 o’clock p. m., the following desirable Realty : A HOUSE AND LOT. Located on College avenue. A most attractive home with Modern Conveniences. It is bounded and described as follows : Beginning at & post at the intersection of Beav- er alley in State College Boro. with the College Junction turnpike road and opposite the north corner of lands of McAllister and Humes; thence along said turnpike road north 50 degree: east 50 ft. to a post; thence along lands of Mrs. Mary Herman, south 40 degrees east 150 feet to the ex- tension of Calder alley; thence along said exten- sion of Calder alley south 50 degrees west 50 feet to Beaver alley; thence along Beaver alley north 40 degrees west 150 feet to the place of be- ginning. Containing 7,600 square feet, more or less. It being the same premises which John H. Jacobs and wife, by their deed dated March 27th, 1891, and recorded in Centre county in Deed Book 64 page 33, granted and conveyed to the said Mary C. Weaver. the within named de- cedent. Terms —Ten per cent of bid to be paid on day of sale; balance of one-third upon confirmation of report of sale; one-third in one year from date of confirmation absolute and balance in two years from said date. Deferred payments to bear in- terest from date of confirmation absolute and to be secured by bonds and mortgage on the prem- ises. : FRANK B. WEAVER, J. C. MEYER, Attorney. Administrator. Wai. GOHEEN, Aue. Accident Insurance. VV AT AVA VTUNT AV AV LLY HE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. ANTED.—Two girls with good edu- cation to learn the printing trade. S E. GOSS, St Also a bright active boy. Inquire at this office. Successor to Joux C. MILLER. OR SALE.—Real estate belonging to the estate of Jacob D. Valentine, de- ceased. All that property 200 feet on Spring FIRE, street and 60 feet on High street. Containing the old homestead. For further particulars in- quire of the heirs on the premises. 49-1-tf LIFE, OMES WANTED FOR BOYS. — The Children’s Aid Society has two boys for whom good homes are wanted. They are aged 2 and 4 years respectively. Address or call on Miss EMILY NATT, Bellefonte, Pa. 49-12-tf ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Represents some of the Best Stock Companies. OAL FOR SALE. Farmers and others desiring to buy the BEST COAL direct from the mines can get it at Fountain Station Mines, two miles east of Snow Shoe by the wagon load. 48-45-2m P. B. CRIDER & SON. 2nd Floor Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PA. 48-40-1m Y OUR OLD CARPETS. ANAGER WANTED.—Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and ex- penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense mongy advanced. Posi- tion permanent. Address Manager, 810 Como Building, Chicago, Ill. 49-11-12¢ and scraps of carpets can be woven into BEAUTIFUL RUGS OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that the application of W. Walter Jones was this day filed in the office of the clerk of the court of quarter sessions, asking the court that the wholerale beer license of Matthew Davies, 2nd ward of Philipsburg, Pa., be transferred to - him. M. I. GARDNER, 49-12-3t Clerk. ANTED.—Experienced woodsmen to cut and skid logs in Juniata Co. Good wages will be paid to good men. Only first-class men wanted. Also want a man who owns several good stave mills, can furnish unlimited quantity of timber for manufacturing staves and will make a deal with proper party that will be to our mutnal advantage. Address Vincent Lumber Co. Patterson, Pa., or call at Denholm, Juniata, county, Pa. 49-11-3t* XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Mvs. Sarah Wagner, deceased, late of the borough of Belle- tonte, having been granted to the undersigned they request all persons knowing themselves in- debted to said estate to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly anthenicated for settlement. EMELINE HESS SUSAN WAGNER Executrices Bellefonte, Pa. 49-11-6t Br ISTERS’ NOTICE. The following accounts have been examined, any size from a Door Mat to Car- pet Sizes. For Beauty, Durability or Price they cannot be equalled as a floor covering. Send for circulars XECUTOR’S NOTICE.— Letters testa- mentary in the estate of John M. Dale, late of the borough of Bellefonte, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undereighed by the register of wills of Centre county, Pa., all per- ‘ sons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make payment and all persons having claims or demands against said estate are requested to present and make the same known without delay to FLORENCE F. DALE, Executrix, BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD, Atty’s 49-11-6¢ DENWORTH RUG FACTORY, 3045—51 Boudinot St. PHILADELPHIA, PA 49-3-6mos : Bellefonte, Pa. Montgomery & Co. AVA VA TAY HATS OFF! TO ‘YOUR EASTER SUIT. It came from Montgomery’s, that’s what people will say when they see you in it. There’s an *‘air,”’ a style, a destinction about the Montgomery Clothing, Men and Youths, to be found in no other, It’s like a well-bred man. SPRING SUITS—%$7.50—$8.25—§9.75—$10.50—$11.25 up to $22.50. SPRING TOP COATS, Both tan and black, $8.00— $10.00—$12 and $15.00. SPRING RAIN or SHINE COATS— From $10.00 to $25.00. EASTER HATS——— ——NECK-WEAR————HOSIERY. MONTGOMERY & CO ‘p&5=Counsult with John M. Bullock about Your New Spring Sait. 149413 Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. Benefits : $5.000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,500 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eye, 25 per week, total disability; (limit 52 weeks.) 10 per week, partial disability; (limit 26 weeks.) PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, payable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in pro- portion. Any person, male or female engaged in a preferred occupation, in- cluding house-keeping, over eigh- teen years of age of good moral and physical condition may insure under this policy. FREDERICK K. FOSTER, 49.9 Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. NA TA TA TA TNA/ TATA Ta | | Joseph Bros. & Co. Joseph Bros. & Co. JOSEPH BROS. & CO. We extend a Cordial Invitation to our GRAND SPRING OPENING TRIMMED HATS, MILLINERY ano NOVELTIES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3oth, THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, FRIDAY, APRIL 1st. It will be one of the grandest and most artistic exhibits of milli- nery ever shown. 49-11-2t AVA VA VAS AVA VAT AT LTA TATA TA AVA TAT AT AT ATA Db. DE DD. DE. OL. DL DE DL Db. ODD Db Dh DL Dh DL AO LYON & CO LYON & CO. OV VYTTYY VY YY YY YY YY YY Easter opening of new Neckties, Lace and Silk Collars, and Scrim Turn-over Collars, Cuffs to watch, embroidered in fast colors, from 15¢. up. Another newline of white Mer- cerized Waistings, just as good as the kind we have been selling so fast from 15c. per yard up. Fie? New Wash Silk in white, black New Kid Gloves, the $1.00 quality for 750; in black, tan, brown and and colors, from 50c. up. mode, all new Spring shades. Oar Shoe stock is now complete for men, ladies, children and infants, Prices that will convince you to buy them of us. Jr The $1.25 qual. Kid Gloves at $1, in black and white and all the new shades. ’ See our new line of Mattings, Carpets, Lace Curtains and heavy Draperies Linoleums and Rugs. We | will make prices on these goods that will be a big money saving for you. A handsome white Satin Girdle Corset, the $1.00 quality, our price 500. A fullline of Spring style new form Corsets fiom 25c. up to the best. CV YT VY YY YY YY YY YY YT OY Be Dh Ab ODEO ADS Sh DOH. AS HLH. DS SHO. A Db AD OD Dh AOL. ADS ODS Do HSH. ADS TV TYYTUYTeY LYON & CO. LYON & CO. 47-17 Bellefonte, Pa. a Bd oh. Ob Bb Bo Ob DE Dh DO Db d and filed of record in the Register’s office, for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested, and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre coun- ty for confirmation an Wednesday, the 27th day of April, A. D. 1904. 1. First and final account of William Seruders and Isaac Woomer, executors of the last will and testament of Lemuel H. Scruders late of Fer- guson township. 2 First and final account of Calvin Rishel, administrator of Lucy Brian late of Gregg town- ship, deceased. 3. Account of W. Harrison Walker, adminis trator of James Brown late of Bellefonte, Pa., deceased. 4 First and final account of A. M. Hoover, administrator of Isabella and Nancy Jamison late of Boggs township, deceased. 5. The final account of Frank K. Lukenbach, trustee appointed by the Orphan’s Court of Cen- tre county, to sell the real estate of George S. Turner late of Philipsburg, deceased. 6. The first and final account of C. M. Bower, guardian of Ruth A. Hubler minor child of Franklin Hoover deceased, as stated by Ellen E. Bower and John J. Bower, administrators of &e. of C. M. Bower, deceased. 7. First and final account of C. M. Bower, guardian of Wm. W. Rachan minor child of Elizabeth Rachau deceased, as stated by Ellen E. Bower and John J. Bower, administrators of C. M. Bower deceased. 8. The first and final account of C. M. Bower, guardian of Dooner C. Rachau miner child of Elizabeth Rachau deceased, as stated by Ellen E. Bower and John J. Bower, administrators of &e., of C. M. Bower deceased. 9. Second and final account of Frank Weber, executor of &c., of Hugh Adams late of Philips- burg borough, deceased. 10. The first and final acconnt of W. E. Brown, administrator of Geo. W. Brown late of Boggs township, Centre county, Pa., deceased. x 11. Firstand final account of John M. Dale, guardian of Lillian Muffly, as filed by Florence F. Dale, executrix. 12. First and final account of Geo. Z. Kern, administrator of the estate of Jacob Kern late of Miles township, deceased. 13. First and final account of Geo. S. Weaver, executor of Daniel R. Weaver late of Gregg town- ship, deceased. 14. The account of R. W. A. Jamison, adminis- trator of &e., of Jeremiah Kline late of Haines township, deceased. 15. The first and final account of Walter T. Stine, administrator of &c., of Abeduego Stine late of Half-moon townshlp, deceased. 16. The first and final account of David Roth- rock, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Henry Rothrock late of Spring township, deceased. 17. First and final account of M. L. Rishel, administrator of &ec., of Jeremiah Stover late of Gregg township, deceased. 18, First and final account of James, C. Smith, | gnardian of Bessie E. Sturgis minor child of Bella Sturgis, deceased. 19. First and partial acconnt of H. T. Me- Dowell, executor of the last will and testament of P. W. McDowell late of Marion township, de- ceased. Bellefonte, Pa., A. G. ARCHEY, March 30th, 1904, Register. HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of sun- dry writs ot Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed so ublio sale, at the court house, in the borough of ellefonte, Pa. SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1904 at 10 o’clock a. m., the following described real estate : 1. All that certain traet of land surveyed upon a warrant in the name of Hugh Hamilton, situate i. Rush township, Centre county, Penna., bound - ed on the north by tract in the name of John Harrick; on the east by tract in the name of Hannah Turner; on the south by tra:t in the name of Joshua Williams; and on the west by tract in the name of Joshua Williams. Contain- ing 433 acres and 153 perches and allowance. 2. All that certain tract of land surveyed in the warrantee name of Benjamin Jordan, situate in Rush township, Centre county, Penna , bound- ed on the north by lands known as London & Co., lands; on the east by tract in the name of Thomas Miller; on the south by Richardson & Co’s. lands, and more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a pine tree, thence along London & Co’s. lands north 50 degrees east 352 perches. thence by Fhomas Miller tract south 30 degrees east 178 perches, thence along Richard- son & Co’s. lands south 60 degrees west 640 perches to sassafras, thence north 30 degrees west 70 perches to the place of haginning: Con-. taining 396 acres, 12 perches and allowance. 3. One other tract in warrantee name of Alex-- ander McDowell, situate in Gregg township. Containing 330 acres. 4 One other tract in the warrantee name of" Barnard Hubley, situate in Gregg township. Con- taining 380 acres. 5. One other tract in the warrantee name of - Daniel Levy, situate 1 Potter township. Con- taining 400 acres. 6. One other tract in the warrantee name of John Copenhaver, situate in Rush township. Containing 100 acres. ir 7. One other tract in the warrantee name un- known, situate in Rush township. Containing 80 acres. 8. One other tract in the warrantee name of Jacob Beck, situate in Taylor township. Con- taining 80 acres. : 9. One other tract in the warrantee name of” | Daniel Beck, situate in Taylor township. €on-- taining 100 acres. 10. One other tract in the warrantee name oft” P. B. D. Gray, situate in Worth township. Con- taining 250 acres. 11. One other tract in the warrantee name of John Housel, situate in Miles township. Con- taining 2£0 acres. 12 One other tract in the warrantee name of John Irwin, situate in Harris township. Con- taining 50 acres. 13. One other tract in the warrantee name of Frank McCoy, situate in Boggs township. Con- taining 300 acres. 14. One other tract in the warrantee name of J. N. Packer, situate in Curtin township. Con- taining 150 acres, 93 perches. 15. One other tract in the warrantee name un- known, situate in Ferguson township. Contain- ing 150 acres. 16. One other tract in the warrantee name un- known, situate in Gregg township. Containing 51 acres. 17. One other tract in the warrantee name of Arnard, situate in Haines township. Con- taining 196 acres. . 18. One other tract in warrantee name of James Fowner, situate in Rush township. Con- . taining 433 acres, 153 perches. 13. One other tract in the warrantee name of John Copenhaver, situate in Rush township. Containing 250 acres. : » 20. One other tract in the warrantee name of Andrew Bayard, situate in Snow Shoe township. Containing 433 acres 153 perches. 21. One other tract in the warrantee name of John Bechtol, situate in Taylor township. Con- taining 58 acres. 22. One other tract in the warrantee name of William Brown, situate in Union township. Con- taining 100 acres. 23. One other tract in the warrantee name of Samuel Phipps, situate in Union township. Con- taining 100 acres. 24. One other tract in the warrantee name of William Packer, situate in Miles township. Con- taining 58 acres. 25. One other tract in the warrantee name of Job Riley, situate in Snow Shoe township. Con- taining 360 acres. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry G. Mackaye, Charles E. Mackaye and James 8. Laing. Terms.—No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. ; wl al "HUGH 8. TAYLOR, Sheriff.