Colleges & Schools. IF YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientic Farmer, A Journalist, n short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit you well for any honorable pursuit in life, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. 3 SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur- TAIN rs varied range of electives, after the Freshman Sear than heretofore, includ- ing History ; the En lish, French, German, 8 tures ; Psychology; Ethics, Pedagogies, an ish, Latin and reel Languages and Litera- olitical Science. These courses are especially adapied to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession of ‘eaching, or a general College Education. The courses in C! smisgy Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very best in the United tates. Graduates have no difficulty in securing and ho ding positions. YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE WINTER SESSION onens January 7th 1908. For specimen examination pers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses of study, expenses, etc., and showing positions held by graduates, address 25-27 THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. Coal and Wood. Bova K. RHOADS. Shipping and Commission Merchant, ree DEALER IN— ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS {coars] en en — CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS, snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS and PLASTERERS’ SAND ——KINDLING WOOD——— oy the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. ¢fully solicits the patronage of his Respes iends and the public, at Central 1812. Telephone Calls { Commercial 682. aear the Passenger Station. 36-18 Prospectus. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE PATENTS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS. ETC. ding a sketch and description may (iol ascertain our opinion free whether an in- vention is probably patentable. Communjcaiions strictly confidential. Handbook on patents sen free. Oldest agency for securing patents. i Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN illustrated weekly. Largest circu- ABsndromely Lig journal. Terms $3 a year; four months, §1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORE, BrANCH OFFICE, 625. F Sr,, WasHINGTON, D. 47-44-1y Fine Groceries — ps The finest beverage of all. For- mose Oolong, Japan, Young-Hy- son, Gunpowder, English Break- fast Ceylon, and several grades of choice Blends. We have them all grades at right prices—sometimes people discard tea because the goods they get do not meet their expectations. Just try our goods and see the result. SECHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. TEA, TEA, ey OUR BLENDED TEAS, 10c., 60c., 80c., and $1.00 per lb. You will be well pleased. SFCHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. SAVED Two From DeATH.—‘‘Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,”’ writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y.: “hut, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Dis- covery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this won- derful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well”? Desperate throat and lung diseas- es yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 500 and $1.00 bottles | guaranteed by Green’s Pharmacy. Trial bottles free. Boys Murder a Girl Half buried in weeds by the roadside, her throat cut from ear to ear, the body of Mary Prokosh, a Bohemian girl, 13 years old, was Saturday discovered nearher home in Payne county, Okla., Izey Rogers, a 17- year-old white boy, has made a full confes- sion to assaulting the girl and afterward helping murder her, because she declared that she would reveal to her parents the story of the assault. Rogers bas also im- plicated with himself Frank Quinness, and a youth named Maley, now iu jail in Still- water. Rogers is in jail at Perry. In the Bohemian settlement where the murdered girl lived there is strong talk of lynching. ViIN-TE-NA—The Great Nerve Tonic, Body Builder, Blood Purifier. A Specific for All Nervous Conditions requiring a Tonic-Strengthening Medicine. It makes Pure Blood; gives Strength and Vigor to both the Nervous and Muscular Systems. Demonic atc Bellefonte, Pa., october 9, 1903. Chief Justice M'Collum Dead after Long Tilness, Chief Justice J. Brewster McCollum, of the Supreme court of Pennsylvania, died at his home at Montrose, Pa., Saturday night, after an illness of about two years. His last days were painless. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. A meeting of the bar of Susquehanna county was held there on Monday, to make arrangements for the funeral. Mr. McCollum succeeded Henry Green as chief justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania in 1900. Justice McCollum was born at Bridgewater, Susquebanne county, Pa. Sept. 28th 1822. After grad- uating from the Franklin academy, he at- tended the law school at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar of Susque- hanna county in August, 1855. He was elected president judge of the Thirty-fourth district ih 1878. He has devoted his en- tire life to the practice of his profession. Murdered With a Fork. William Hopkins was stabbed with a fork and killed at Victor mines in Walker county, Ala., on Friday, by Hannah Rob- ertson, with whom he boarded. Hopkins angered the woman, and, grab- bing a fork from the table, she drove it with all her strength through the man’s clothing to the heart. She made no effort to escape, and was arrested. Ice Out ot Polluted Pond Causes Death from Typhoid. There is an epidemic of typhoid fever at Sabula, a village five miles from DuBois. Reed F. Mercer,station agent for the Penn- sylvania railroad, died Monday night from the disease. The doctors attribute the cause to the use of ice cut from a polluted pond. cc Didn! Know it Was Loaded. Because he didn’t know it was loaded 22-year-old Ingnatz Klenent, of Olyphant, near Wilkesbarre, a groom of two weeks is to-day a widower and a prisoner. Last Mon- day he and his 17-year-old bride returned from their wedding tour and began house- keeping. Thursday afternoon hestarted out on a hunting trip. As he kissed his young bride goodbye at the gate she laughingly said something about his being unable to shoot and that she would give him *‘leave’’ to shoos her. He playfully raised the gun, pointed it at her and it went off. She was only six feet distant and the top of her head was blown away. He said to Squire Dolphin that he didn’t know the gun was loaded and did not at all events mean to pull the trigger. He was committed to the county jail, but will likely be released on bail as there is no question but that the killing was accidental. Klenent is hysteric- al with grief and a man is constantly on watch at bis cell to prevent him doing away with himself. ——An attempt was made at an early hour Friday morning to rob the DuBois postoffice. Two officers were eating lunch in the cafe next door to the postoffice when a crash of glass was heard. They hurried- ly investigated and found a hole broken in the lower part of the upper sash ina side window of the postoffice. The open- ing was near a catch and a stick which re- inforced the lock had been knocked out of place. The would-be robbers escaped. A DREADFUL TrIO—There are three common diseases, Scrofula, Catarrh and Consumption. The first and second com- monly go hand in band, and sometimes the third joins,—a dreadful trio! Why call attention to them ? Simply to tell what will cure scrofula and catarrh and consumption, according to incontrovertible evidence. It is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. In the fall the progress of these diseases is most rapid and we would advise that treatment with this medicine be begun as once. < Tour to the Pacific Coast. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Meeting Na- tional Bankers’ Association. On account of the meeting of the Na- tional Bankers’ Association, to be held at San Francisco, Cal., Oot. 20th to the 23rd, the Pennsylvania railroad company offers a personally-conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour will leave New York, Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other points on the Pennsylvania railroad east of Pittsburg, Wednesday, October 14th, by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. A quick run westward to San Francisco will be made, via Chicago,Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Five days will be devoted to San F'ran- cisco. Returning, the special train will run to Los Angeles, where two days will be spent among the resorts of Southern Cali- fornia. Santa Barbara, Del. Monte, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver, and St. Louis will be visited on the journey eastward. The party will reach New York on the evening of November 4th. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses for eighteen days, except five days spent in San Francisco, $190. Rates from Pittsburg will be $5 less. For full information apply to ticket agents, or Geo. W. Boyd,general passenger agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia, Pa. 48-40-3t. Trials of a Composer. A friend of Edward MacDowell attended a recital given by a mediocre teacher’s pu- pile, and when he met the American com- poser, he remarked : ‘I heard one of the pupils, a little girl of eight, play your “To a Wild Rose.”” The composer sighed dejectedly, *‘I suppose,”’ MacDowell re- marked, ‘‘that she pulled it up by the roots.’ Niagara Falls Excursions. Low-Rate Vacation Trips Via Pennsylvania Railrcad. September 4th and 18th, October 2nd and 16th are the remaining dates for the popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore, via Pennsylvania railroad. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 8:00 a. m., Baltimore 9:05 a. m., Harrisburg 11:40 a. m., Lock Haven 3:08 p. m., Renovo 3:55 p. m., arriving Niagara Falls at 9:45 p. m. Exoursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Baltimore; 6:45 from Bellefonte and at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor- oar seats. An experienced tourist agent and chaper- on will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and further information ap- ply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, general passenger agent, Broad street station. Philadelphia. 48-34-3t Tour to The Paelfic Coast. Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Account Meeting Na- tional Banker's Association. On account of the meeting of the Nation- al Banker's Association, to be held at San Francisco, Cal., October 20th to 23rd, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company offers a personally-conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour will leave New York, Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other points on the Pennsylvania ‘Railroad ‘east of Pittsburg, Wednesday, October 14th, by special train of the highest grade ‘Pullman equipment. A quick run westward to San Francisco will be made, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Five days will be devoted to San Fran- cisco, allowing ample opportunity to visit the near-by coast resorts. Returning, stops will be made at Salt Lake City, Col- orado Springs, Denver, and St. Louis. The party will reach New York on the evening of October 31st. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses for eighteen days, excepé five days spent in San Francisco, $190. Rates from Pittsburg will be $5.00 less. For full information apply to ticket agents, or Geo. W. Boyd, General Passen- ger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel- phia, Pa. 48.36-3¢. ——— BrokE INTO His HousE.—S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his custo- mary health by invasion of Chronic Con- stipation. When Dr. King’s New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he’s entirely cared. They’re guaranteed to cure, 25¢ at Green’s Pharmacy drug store. Medical. Attorneys-at-Law. AL ' HUMORS Are impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys and other organs can not take care of without help, there is such an ac- cumulation of them. They litter the whole system. Pimples, hoils, eczema and other erup- tions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indigestion dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA AND PILLS Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone and invigorate the whole system. “I had salt rheum on my hands so that I could not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and it drove out the humor. I continued its use till the sores disappeared.” Mzs. Ira O. Brown, Rum- ford Falls, Me. Hood’s Sarsasarilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Books. lnc 0 ccc fn. cl nce el Mr RUSTS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS That is a head-line you don’t see in the news columns of this paper. The trusts are not breaking up into the smaller con- cerns that were merged into them. The {rusts are the greatest labor-saving inven- tion yet made, and they will stay tll they can be replaced by something better. There is only one trouble with the trusts. They enable men to produce more wealth with less waste of energy than was ever possible before but they take most of the wealth away from those who do the work and give it to those who do the owning of stocks and bonds. Suppose that we who work for a living should decide to do the owning ourselves, and to run the trusts for the benefit of all. alls oot lect ili. coil on... tlle, iff recom cit 0s fect ti Ie a alli pg ge OT | ge we conitllt ill THAT WOULD BE SOCIALISM. Mtr, LL Cae Allreon If you want to know about it, send for a free booklet entitled “What to Read on Socialism.” Address EB CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY |. 56 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. 48-22-6m ill Ll wots ln. ll. tlh, = ge mee ge A np NV] sons FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES Lightning Fruit Jars, best jar ot all. Sold only by SECHLER & CO. 42-1 BELLEFONTE PA. & GEC EEE SC EEE C EEE . YOU. If not henefited money refunded. All druggists. 48-29. umm— EE ESS EE EEE EE SL THE CLOTHES QUESTION 3 If you positively knew where you could get. the very best, Clothing produced in America without paying anything for the extra goodness, you would go there for your clothes, wouldn’t. you? Well, we think you can do this very thing with ys at. the Fauble Stores. We know there is no better Clothing made than we show. We try hard to make the price of our High-grade Clothing as low, and lower when possible, than others ask for the “any old kind.” We know you will find it, to your advantage to give these stores your Clothing business. We promise to show you THE BEST CLOTHES ever sold in Centre county ; to show you MORE of them than all of Bellefonte’s other stores combined, and we will quote you prices that. will SAVE YOU MONEY—more than you expect. The stores are at. their best. now. COME, SEE WHAT THE BEST MEN'S STORE IN CENTRAL PENN'A CAN DO FOR 4 M. FAUBLE ®& SON. J . ) that we can not do in the most satisfactory man R Alt hea od Prices consistent with the class of work, Call 5 on or comunicate with this office. p % ra No L Na CEREEEEL % & LEKL EISESSEEEEES C. M. BOWER, E. L. ORVIS B= & ORVIS, Attorneys at Law, Belle- fonte,Pa., office in Pruner Block. 44-1 J C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 20 & 2% e 21, Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa.44-49 F. REEDER.—Atiorney at Law, Belle- ° fonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al- legheny street. 43-5 B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices ° in all the courts. Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Office in the Eagle building, Bell te, Pa. 40 22 DAVID F. FORTNEY. W. HARRISON WALKER ORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’. building, north of the Court House. 14 2 o. sAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at ° Law. Office. No.24, Temple Court fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. 40 49 C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, o, Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite Court House All professional business will re- ceive prompt attention. H. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at * Law. Office No. 11, Crider’'s Exchange. second floor. All kinds of legal business Eee} to promptly. Consultation in English or German. 39 4 Physicians. 8. GLENN, M, D., Physician and Surgeon, « State College, Centre county, Pa., Office at his residence. 35 41 EE ————————————————————————————— Dentis s. E. WARD, D. D. 8., office in Crider’'s Stone ® Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High te. Bellefonte, Pa. . G as administered for the painiess extraciion o teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 34-14 R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in'the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices reasonable. 45-8-1y. Bankers. ACKSON, HASTINGS, & CO., (successors to ® Jackson, Crider & Hastings,) Bankers, Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Netes Dis- counted ; Interest paid on special deposits; Ex- change on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17-36 Insurance. EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write policies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Courv House 22 5 WwW ILLTAM BURNSIDE. Succegsor to CHARLES SMITH. FIRE INSURANCE. . Temple Court, 48-37 Bellefonte, Pa. PONT INSURE UNTIL YOU SEE GRANT HOOVER 16 16 STRONG } REPRESENTS { STRONG COMPANIES COMPANIES FIRE, . LIFE, ACCIDENT, STEAM BOILER. Bonds for Administrators, Execu- tors, Guardiaug, Court Officers, Liquor Dealers and all kinds of Bonds for Persons Holding Positions of Trust. ddress GRANT HOOVER, Crider’s Stone Building, BELLEFONTE, PA. 43-18-1y Hotel {CENTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en- tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the puresé and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive hest-- lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex tended its guests. ¥®_ Through travelers on the railroad will ind this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 New Adve rtisements. THE NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH. We are Direct Agents PRICES FROM $10 TO $100. Genuine Edison Records $5.00 per dozen or 50c. singly. Will deliver machines and instruct you’ how to make your own records and operate machine. 10 years experience in phonograph business. Send for catalogue. J. H. WARD, 47-5 Pine Grove Mills, Pa.. Telephone. ¢ Y OUR TELEPHONE is a door to your establish- ment through which much business enters. KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN by answering your calls Fromptly as you would ave your own responded to and aid us in giving good service. If Your Time Has a Commercial Value. If Promptness Secures Business. If Immediate Information is Required. If You Are Not in Business for Exercise stay at home and use your Long Distance ‘Telephone. Our night rates leave small excuse for traveling. 47-25-tf PENNA. TELEPHONE CO. Fine Job Printing. NE JOB PRINTING 0——A SPECIALTY-—o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest Dodger” to the finest {—BOOK-WORK,—}