— EE ——— Colleges & Schools. I YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientic Farmer, A Journalist, n short, if you wish to secure a training that will THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE fit you well for any honorable pursuit in life, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. FAKING EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur- h a much more varied range of electives, after the Freshman = History English, French, German, § anish, Latin and tures ; Psychology; Ethics, Pedagogies, an ear, than heretofore, includ- reek Languages and Litera- olitical Science. These courses are especially adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession of Teaching, or a general College Education. 1 Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineerin Y The courses n ot ’ Graduates have no difficulty in i A and ix, Erin positions. best in the United States. are among the very YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE WINTER SESSION anens January 7th 1903. For specimen examination Yapers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses ot study, expenses, etc., and show 25-27 ng positions held by graduates, address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. TATA TATA TATA TA TATA TA TA TA TA TL TL T4 : DICKINSON WILLIAMSPORT SEMINARY js a Home and Christian school. It: provides for health and social culture as carefully as for mental and moral training, taking a personal interest in each pupil. . A splendid field, with athletics directed by a trained athlete, make ball field and gymnasium of real value. Single beds, bowling alley and swimming pool. Ten regular courses, with elective studies, ofter wide selection. Stenog- raphy and Business Course. Eight competitive scholarships are offered. Sev- enteen skilled teachers. Music, Art, Expression and Physical Culture, with other branches or alone,under teachers with best home and European training. Home with tuition in regular studies $250 a year, with discounts to ministers, ministerial candidates, teachers, and two from same family. Fall term opens September 7th, 1903. Catalogue free. Address REV. EDWARD J. GRAY, D. D., President, Williamsport, Pa. 48-23-8¢ SONATA TA TL TATA TL TLV 4 Coal and Wood. JK ovarp K. RHOADS. Shipping and Commission Merchant, ree DEALER IN ANTHRACITE aAxDp BITUMINOUS {coxrs] —CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS, snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS and PLASTERERS SAND KINDLING WOOD oy the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. ctfully solicits the patronage of his Reape SY and the public, at Central 1312. Telephone Calls { Gommercial 682. near the Passenger Station. 36-18 ES Prospectus. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE I > NTS. ATED TRADE MARKS, ESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS. ETC. sending a sketch and description may quietly ascertain our opinion free whether an in- vention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Handbook on patents sent free, Oldest agency for securing patents. y Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eircu- Lio of any Y cientific journal. - Terms $3 a year; four months, §1. Sold by all newsdealers, MUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BrancH OFFICE, 625 F Sr, WASHINGTON, D. C 47-44-1y Fine Groceries rea. TEA, TEA, The finest beverage of all. For- mose Oolong, Japan, Young-Hy- son, Gunpowder, English Break- fast Ceylon, and several grades of choice Blends. We have them all grades at right prices—sometimes people discard tea because the goods they get do not meet their expectations. Just try our goods and see the result. SECHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Er —————————————————————— FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HiyM.—Bed- ridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J.J. Havens, Versailles, 0. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies. ‘‘I’'m on the road to complete recovery.’’ Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Green’s Phar- macy. Gorman’s Son Wins in Politics. Colonel A. P. Gormau, jr., the only son of the United States Senator A. P. Gor- man, was nominated on last Wednesday by the Howard county, Md., Democratic convention for the state Senate, having won a decisive victory over his opponents. Colonel Gorman is thirty years of age, and begins his political career where his father began, thirty years ago. Dewey tcp. Bellefonte, Pa., September 11, 1903. ——The last day of August ended three months of the coldest summer weather within the memory of living man. The weather bureau records are broken, but the weather bureau only dates back to 1871, and there are many people living who can remember the severe weather of 1857. It will be necessary to take up the books, however, and go back to 1816 to find anything to beat this summer for | , bandry, to be held at Centre Hall, Pa., weather. In the year 1816 snow fell every month in the year except one, and there | was frost in every month of the twelve. Wheat did not ripen, people thought the end of the world was coming. There has been nothing like that this summer but it has been a cold, wet season. Three days sat of every four bave heen rainy and cold. : ram 2 Heart Wounds Not Necessarily Fatal. Many Instances in Which Persons Thus Injured Have Recovered, In wounds of the heart itself the escape of blood is never in large quantity and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape of blood from within its cavity (or cavities) into the surrounding sac of the pericardium mechanically inter- rupts the alternate contraction and expan- sion by which iss pumping is main- tained. Accordingly, the results of wounds of the heart are usually identical with those of gradual suffocation. This fact was strikingly demonstrated in the case of the Empress of Austria. And the diabolic skill and precision with which the wound was inflicted in her case offer a diagram- matic illustration of a necessarily fatal wound of the heart. The instrument used was two large to form a mere ‘‘needle punctare,’’ it was in- flicted too high in the chest to be ‘‘non- penetrating,’’ for it was aimed with truly fiendish ingenuity at the position of one of the thin-walled of the fourth cavities of the heart, and the directness of the pene- tration, combined with the thinness of wall of the cavity, rendered it physically impossible that the wound could be ‘‘val- valar.”’ The Israelite warrior of old smote the enemy—when possible—' ‘beneath the fifth rib,” because the impulse of the heart is felt there. But he probably did not know that it is in that precise position that wound of the heart is least necessarily fatal. The Italian assassin of recent date dis- plays incomparably greater skill and knowl- edge. The science of the present day also proves that the historic account of the death of Admiral Villeneuve is open to skeptical doubt. And the recent cases of | suture of the heart give illustration that modern surgical ekill may attempt and with succees the seemingly impossible.— American Medicine. Man And His Wife Murdered. Mr. and Mrs. Yeager, aged respectively 60 and 61, were found murdered at their home on a farm a few miles out of Warren- ton, Mo., by officers and neighbors, who went to the house on Wednesday. Infor- mation of the murder was found by the rural mail carrier in an anonymons letter left in a box in front of the house. The carrier at first thought the letter was a hoax and did not investigate at once. The hodies when found were badly multilated and indicated that there had been a fearful struggle between the aged coupleand their assailant. Suspicion is directed against William E. Church, an adopted son of the murdered couple, who has disappeared, | and the most diligent search has failed to disclose any trace of him. All his personal ! effects had been removed from the house. Reduced Rates to Centre Hall, Pa, | | Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Patrons of i Husbandry Exhibition. | To accommodate visitors to the encamp- ment and exhibition of the Patrons of Hus- September 12th to 18th, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets from all stations in Pennsylvania to Centre Hall, Pa., at special reduced rates. These tickets will be on sale and good from September 11th to 18th, inclusive, ! "and good for return passage until Septem- ber 19th. Niagara Falls Excursions. Low-Rate Vacation Trips Via Pennsylvania Railroad. September 4th and 18th, October 2nd and 16th are the remaining dates for the popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore, via Pennsylvania railroad. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 8:00 a. m.., Baltimore 9:05 a. m., Harrisburg 11:40 a. m., Lock Haven 3:08 p. m., Renovo 3:55 p. m., arriving Niagara Falls at 9:45 p. m. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Baltimore; 6:45 from Bellefonte and at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor- car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chaper- on will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and further information ap- ply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, general passenger agent, Broad street station. Philadelphia. 48-34-3t Reduced Rates to Baltimore. Via Pennsylvania Railroad Account Meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the annual session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of I. 0. O. F. at Baltimore, Md., September 21st to 26th, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip | sickets to Baltimore from all stations on its lines, except Woodberry, Harrisburg, and . intermediate stations ; Columbia, Freder- ick, and intermediate stations on the Northern Central Railway ; Lancaster, Harrisburg, and intermediate stations; and stations on the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad (exclusive of stations sonth of Townsend, Del. ), on Sep- tember 19th, 20th, and 21st, good for re- turn passage until September 28th, inclu- sive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus one dollar. For conditions, and stop-over at Phila- delphia on tickets reading through that point, consult ticket agents. 48-36-25. AFTER VACATION.—Just as it is harder to set a hall in motion than to. keep it in motion, it is harder to take up any line of work again, after the summer vacation, than to keep on with it. The effects of the strain are seen in changed looks, diminished appetite and broken sleep. Now is a time when many—clerks, hook- | keepers, teachers, pupils and others— should take a tonic, and we think the best is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which acts on the whole system, builds it up, and wards off sickness. There Are Others. Bacon—Did you understand the language when you were in Paris last summer? i SYA) vie I talked to myself id. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE.—Has world- wide fame for marvelous cures. It sur- passes any other salve, lotion, ointment or | Balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fevers Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. On- | Iy 25¢. at Green’s Pharmacy. SEE EADY When You Are. your self. IRI TERT goods produced in this country. going wrong when you trade here. FAUBLE The Fayble Stores are now ready to supply your Fall Wants Ready in a way that, you hardly count.ed on. Ready with more GOOD CLOTHING than ALL the other stores in Bellefonte. THE PLAIN TRUTH. Come, see for Ready with better values than we have ever offered you. Ready with the kind of goods you will want, at prices even less than You expected to PAY. When you think of clothes think of Faubles. We can do you a lot, of good AND WILL. Come, look the greatest stock of Clothing in Central Pennsylvania over and you ‘will agree with us that, the Fauble Stores CAN and WILL please you better in every way than others, giving you a larger selection, lower prices and positively the best, Always your Money Back. ‘No chance of you ® SON. Medical. Attorncys-at-Law. N ANCIENT FOE To health and happiness is Scrofula —as ugly as ever since time imme- morial. It causes bunches in the neck, dis- figures the skin, inflames the mucous membrane, wasts the muscles, weak- ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and develops into con- sumption. “A bunch appeared on the left side of my neck. It caused great pain, was ot and became a running sore. I went into a general decline. I was persuaded to try Hood’s Sarsa- parilla, and when I had taken six bot- tles my neck was healed, and I have never had any trouble of the kind Mas. K. 'T. since.” Snyper, Troy, Ohio. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA AND PILLS | Court "House All will rid you of it, radically and per- manendy, as they have rid thou- sands. Books. ltteers ie Be cillyile.. £ oll lb... 'FRUSTS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS That is a head-line you don’t see in the news columns of this paper. The trusis are not breaking up into the smaller con- cerns that were merged into them. The trusts are the greatest labor-saving inven- tion yet made, and they will stay tll] they can be replaced by something better. There is only one trouble with the trusts. They enable men to produce more wealth with less waste of energy than was ever possible before but they take most of the wealth away from those who do the work and give it to those who do the owning of stocks and bonds. Suppose that we who work for a living should decide to do the owning ourselves, and to run the trusts for the benefit of all. tr ct. ctl fc itll, ls. cool incite lb. wottlite alll... wcotMhalli.. tre atlie THAT WOULD BE SOCIALISM. Alli. colle Alte If you want to know about it, send for a free booklet entitled “What to Read on Socialism.’’ Address lh. alli. scsi ile £6 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. 48-22-6m i CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY a ey A = Ae ge am E ¥ A npg T= OUR BLENDED TEAS, 40c., 60c., 80c., and $1.00 per lb. You will be well pleased. SECHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. 8) Seca (S¢ SE SSE EES ESSSESESE13LE86LE&K Hw = EERE C. M. BOWER, E. L. ORV1S Boek & ORVIS, Attorneys at Law, Belle- fonte,Pa., office in Pruner Block. 44-1 J C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 20 & 21 o F. REEDER.—Atlorney at Law, Belle- ° fonte, Pa. Office No, 14, North Al- legheny street. 43-5 B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices ° in all the courts, Consultation in Eng- ish and German. Office in the Eagle building, Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22 DAVID F. FORTNEY. W. HARRISON WALKER ORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’. building, north of the Court House. 14 2 o. JAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at ° Law. Office. No. 24, Temple Court fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. 40 49 C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite rofessional business will re- ceive prompt attention. H. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at ° Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Ex¢hange second floor. All kinds of legal business atten ed to promptly. Consultation in English or Germ gn. 39 Physicians. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, « State College, Centre county, Pa., Office at his residence. 35 41 a RR Dentis s. E. WARD, D. D.8., office in Crider’s Stone ° Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High ts. Bellefonte, Pa. Gas administered for the painiess extraction o teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 34-14 R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in'the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices reasonable. 45-8-1y. Bankers. ACEKSON, HASTINGS, & CO., (successors to ® Jackson, Crider & Hastings, Bankers, Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Netes Dis- counted ; Interest paid on special deposits; Ex- change on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17-36 Insurance. EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write policies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House 22 6 PONT INSURE UNTIL YOU SEE GRANT HOOVER iy Sr fa, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, STEAM BOILER. Bonds for Administrators, Execu- tors, Guardians, Court Officers, Liquor Dealers and all kinds of Bonds for Persons Holding Positions of Trust. Address GRANT HOOVER, Crider’s Stone Building, BELLEFONTE, PA. 43-18-1y Hotel {CENTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en- tirely refitted, refurnished an replenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host- lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex- tended its guests. ¥®_ Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to luneh ar procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 E————— — New Advertisements, Tar NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH. We are Direct Agents PRICES FROM $10 TO $100. Genuine Edison Records $5.00 per dozen or 50c.. singly. Will deliver machines and instruct you ears experience in phonograph for catalogue. J. H. WARD, Pine Grove Mills, Pa. machine. 10 business. Sen 47-5 Nj sos FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES Lightning Fruit Jars, best jar of all. Sold only by SECHLER & CO. 42-1 BELLEFONTE PA. Telephone. Y OUR TELEPHONE is a door to your establish- ment through which much business enters. KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN by answering your calls romptly as you would ave yout own responded to and aid us in giving good service, If Your Time Has a Commercial Value. If Prompiness Secures Business. If Immediate Information is Required. If You Are Not in Business for Exercise’ gtay at home and use your Long Distance Telephone. Our night rates leave small excuse for traveling. 47-25-tf PENNA. TELEPHONE CO. Fine Job Printing. FYE JOB PRINTING : o—A SPECIALTY—o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest Dodger” to the finest {—BOOK-WORK,—1 that we can not do in the most satisfactory man ner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or comunicate with this office. 21, Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa.44-49 how to make your own records ‘and operate: Min li