Facls for Gareful Gloies openders. SUITS EIGHT, TEN and TWELVE DOLLARS. You can find Suits like the ones we are showing. You will come across prices just the same--but you'll never find the two in the same company. Sim’s Suits are distinctly different in being better values for the price. To see the Suits is to understand our meaning. Snug fitting collars and lapels that will not sag after a few week’s wear ; broad, weli padded shoulders, fitting with an easy, comfortable grace. Made to fit—and stay a fit. You'll feel well pleased with the clothes—You’ll be surprised at the prices—No one shows so many--No one shows so good. Suits $15.00 and Upwards. Fabrics of plain and mixed patterns ; conservative and rather gay effects ; Styles new, nobby, correct; extra good hand tailored, made not only in but- ton holes and lapels to deceive a buyer but wherever itis of real advantage over machine work. We’re willing to show them--They make their own argument. Mid-Season Styles as we call them--Styles orginating in New York and other [Eastern cities in the midst of season--Are here--Almost daily--as soon as the Styles are shown something new finds its way here--tending to make this a stock of freshness as well as largeness. SIM, the CLOTHIER. Here always was and will be Your Money Back for the Asking