It’s a lot and should be considered. But when you buy clothes there are many things you should not loose sight. of. SEE that the clothes you bety are tailored correctly, that the clothes for which you give your hard earned dollars are wool. The kind that holds its color. Examine the workmanship carefully and satisfy yourself that the suitor overcoat you buy will retain Copyrighted 1902. tain of getting all this,and the price will be right. Our guarantee of your money ‘back at any time with or without cause assures youbeyond all question of just such treatment. We sell everything that Man or Boy wears, sell it in a way calculated to make you, your neighbors and everybody you come in contact witha constant customer of this store. We sell only the product of America’s best clothing makers and the size of our ‘business permits of prices below what others ask for the ordinary kind. If you give this store a call you will be pleased with the Fauble’s Clothing, Fauble’s prices and Fauble’s methods of doing business, and be money in Docket, costs nothing TO TRY IT. FAUBLES.