Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 27, 1902, Image 6

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    re A—
itated to utter any word or to take any
position that would impede or embarrass
easy reconciliation with the coal operators.
Every delay and precaution, every conceiva-
ble conciliatory effort that honorable and
ed, purchased and handled, was much great-
er than any previous year in the history of
the company. The rate per ton per mile
earned on coal hauled was 8 91 mills. The
present outiook is favorable for an indefl-
Neither a hole in the brain nor a broken
neck necessarily is a serious matter, ac:
cording to the every day reports. of the
newspapers. A good life risk could be|tak-
en upon either by a most conservative com-|
to return until October 31st, 1902. Home seekers
excursion tickets are sold on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month to points West and
Northwest of Chicago, good twenty-two days.
For particulars call on or address John R. Pott,
the most popular ones.
Pure CipEr VINEGAR, the kind you can depend
i » : oT: : :
> that the coal companies can afford to pay | risk their lives working in the bowels of Fine Groceries Travelers Guide.
Bemorralic increased wages to the mine workers with- | the earth were a lawless class, who have Tourists,
: RI out increasing the cost of coal to consumers | no high conception of the duties of Amer- | == : ANI
i we submit the following extracts from the | ican citizenship. That they have been gross- | yellowstone Park and Alaska Tours’ E ENN Ivay 2 RalB0AD AND
i Bellefonte. Pa., June 27. 1902. government reports showing the selling | ly maligned is proved by the records of the : p-. : 3 Schedule in eftect Nov 24th, 1901.
i $n ? value of coal loaded on cars for the eleven | police courts and the testimony of the Jndet ascort of the American tourist association. A
i years beginning with 1890 and ending with | chiefs of police departments of the four | Special sleeping cars leave Chicago Tuesday, Leave Bellefcr or oon, TMINARD
Mitchell’s Address. 1900, as compated with 1901. The aver- largest mining communities in the anthra. July 1st, as 10 p. m., via. ] 11.05 a. ra 1.00 at ons
President of the United States Mine Workers ot | age home value of all coal mined and sold | cite field, namely, Scranton, Wilkesharre, | THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R'Y. SECHLER & CO. Loa 20 ps :
America Issues One to the Public. States the | during this period was $1.48 per ton, while | Hazelton and Shamokin. The reports of | Extended time in Yellowstone Park, and extra RR , ale 2h, BY 3; Tyrone, 2
Miners Side. Says Every Possible Means was | @ press bulletin recently issued by Charles | these cities and the statements of the bur- | day at each hotel. Special stages and rooms al- p.m. hid oi rg; 6.06
Resorted tn to Prevent the Great Strike | D. Walcott, director of the United Sta'e3 | gesses and chiefs of police prove that there | ready reserved. Lesve Bellelonte, 444 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
Now on. Operators Refused all Offers. geological ‘survey, says that for thé year | has been less infraction of the law and few Alaska on the new and elegant$. 8. “Spokane.” | | FINE GROCERIES ua Yoond, 6.0, at Pittsburg at 10.45.
: : 1901, ‘‘the increase in the value of the an- | er arrests during the time the strike has Choice rooms reserved, | Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 copii I at Tyrone
President John Mitchell, of the United | thracite product received at the miues | been in progress than for a like period pre- | The itinerary includes the Columbia River, | 11.05, at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at Philadel
Mine Workers of America, has . issued an | showed a gain of $27,746,169, or more than | ceding it;in fact a person passing through | Glacier, Banfl, and Canadian National Park. | | Loaih aap In "1.05 p. 'm, : .
address to the public for publication. It |3] per cent: everthat of 1900. The aver- | thrgoal fields and mining towns of North- | TICKETS INCLUDE ALL EXPENSES EVERY- | BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. | 2.20 a. m.. at Harrisburg, 6.45 p. me at Pilla:
is partly a reply to the letters of the opera- age price for the marketed anthracite coal, | eat Jn Pennsylvania would not know that WHERE. | delphis, 10.20 p. m.
ors declining to accede to the demands of | that is the product shipped to market or | a greds ihdastrial contest is in progress but | Hotels, carriages, railway and sleeping car fares, : Le 0 oe ponte: 4.44 p. B% 2ixive ai-Tyrone,
the union, which were published about ten | sold to local trade, was $1.87, the highest | for the presence of a perfect army of coal | meals in dining cars, berths on boats, etc. VIA LOCK ve oa :
days ago. . figure obtained since 1888.” , and iron police, who proudly display their For circulars, maps, itineraries, ete., address Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven
Briefly summarized, the address says | [In other words, while according to Presi- | revolvers and rifles and flaunt their author. | C. C- Mordough, traveling passenger agent; C., Lear petite 1.05 i
that every possible means was resorted to | dent Olyphant, 13 cents per ton represents | ity in an effort to overawe peaceful strikers | M. & St. Paul R'y., Cincinnati, O., or F. A. Miller, : 2.10 p. m., arrive at Duala i, Lek Haven
in the effort to prevent the strike, claims the operators’ increased cost of production | or provoke them to acts of violence. general passenger agent, Chicago. y Leave Bellefonte, at 8.16 p. m., ATIVE at Lock Ha-
that living has increased to the point | ip 1901, 39 cents per ton—as compared As was said in the opening paragraph of ————————— It you are looking for Seasonable Goods ven, at 9.15 p. m.
where the miner has been compelled to ask | with 1900, represents the increased value | this statement, we have done all that hon- $50.00 Round Trip to California. —We have them. Leave Bellefonte, o, Pe dul Tock Haven
s a . A - : 3 ils ade wt Teg
for higher wages, denies the allegations of | of the product to the operators. In view | orable men could do both to avert and to Chicago & North-western railway from Chicago, Not sometime—but all the time—Ervery 1080, eave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at
fhe operators that the productive capacity | of the fact that this enormous increase in | end this strike. It i w t that g os f : urg, 3.15 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23
: I : ; e e 8 Now apparen August 2nd to 10th. The new Overland Limited, | day in the p. m,
«dt the mine workers has fallen off, but on | the selling price of coal has been extorted | t} ] £ ti 1 is t i tral i : y year. Leave Bellef i
Abe ther band bas. i a ¢ fA g 1€ real purpose of the coal operators is to | the luxurious every day train, leaves Chicago 8:00 e Bellefonte, 1.05 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
y oh er : ong fas eign quo ks ofil- | from the consumer by the coal truss, ‘can | destroy organization among their workmen. | p.m. Only three days enroute. Unrivaled scenery. Don’t spend your strength during this od sitive ab Williamsport 2.48, p. m.,
ge . pares ° sy 4 ay is ie 2 Son ention | anyone say that the demands of the miners | Jt by any chance they should succeed in | Variable routes. New Drawing Room, Sleeping | extreme weather in a fruitless search for Bor P00 Prim Philadelphia 732
ab the employers can pay higher wages | for a small portion of the increased wealth | their design—which is not at all likely— | Cars and Compartment cars, Observation cars | what you need, but come strai ht t Leave Bellefonte, 8.16 p. m.. arrive at Lock Ha-
without anpreasing the cost of coal to the that labor has produced are unreasonable | another labor organization will spring | (with telephone.) All meals in dining cars. Buf- z ’ ! Taig 0 roms be Ban leave Williamsport, 1,35 a,
tonsumer, asserts that fhe coai garying or unwarranted ? 2 from the ruins of the United Mine Workers fet Library Cara (with barber.) Electric lighted | #10 &et the goods promptly. Philadelphia at T.33 a 5, +10 ® M-, arrive ai
railroads which control about 85 per cent o Further evidence of the ability -of the | of America, and the contest for living wag- | throughout. Two other fast trains 10:00 a. m. and 2 VIA LEWISBURG.
the mines absorb the profits of the coal coal mine operators to pay increased wages | es, for humane conditions of employment, | 11:30 p. m. daily. The best of everything. Daily Leave Beliosmts, at 6.40 a.m., arrive at Lewis-
companies by charging exorbitant freight | is found in the sworn testimony of Mr. Jobn | for better education, for higher citizenship | and personally conducted tourist car excursions bo 11.30 a Bieniandon, 9.15, Harris.
rafies, claims that a ton at she mines means Markle, managing partner of the G. B. Mark- | will go on until the men who produce the | to California, Oregon and Washington. Apply to a_i Leave I ellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive) at ines
anywhere from 2,740 to 3,190 pounds in- le Coal company. This firm operates three | goal, the originating motor power which your nearest ticketagent or address A, Q. Tallant, faa Harrisburg, 6.50 p. m., Philadelphia at
steal «of 2,240 and say that more men are mines in the Lehigh region and is known | drives the wheels of commerce and indus- | 507 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. i
killed and injured in the anthracite mines | ag an independent operator. In thesupreme | try, the product that is so essential to the a + er TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD, R. R
«of Pennsylvania annually than were killed | court of Pennsylvania,in re Markle vs Wil- | welfare of society, the mineral which is the Battle in Wyoming. 3 NORTHWARD. So %
«or wounded during the Spanish-American | hur (Pennsylvania State Reports, page 200) | very foundation of our national prosperity, fe © v Fixesr Cartror¥ts and imported aun
war, The address also says that in the | “John Markle was sworn and during v hist shall receive for their labor sufllolent corr. e Custer Massacre to be Reproduced in Wyom- ORANGES.............0....00. 30, 40, 50, 60 per doz. i ~ 5 i Nov. 24th i 8 3
event the union is crushed, which, it adds. | testimony swore that he was appointed pensation to relieve them of the necessity ing ow the 41, of Julg=1000 {naiang to Taha : H as | 3 ¥+ 244, 1001 a <
is not likely, a new organization would | superintendent or manager by the articles [of sending their bove and girls of tender art. Lemons, finest Mediteranean juice - i "
id : 8 . p . ger by 2 ( 2 ve and girl ! juicy
mee from its ruins. : It concludes with an- | of co-partnership, at a salary of $15,000 per years and frail physique to the mines and A reproduction of the historic Custer Massacre, | ffitecccnnniiiiiind 30 and 40cts. per doz. | p.m. p.m. | 4. m0
other appeal for arbitration of all the ques- | year, and that under his management from | mills, there to destroy their youthful vigor | near to the place where poor Custer and his 650| 325 820 Me an big
tions in dispute. The address, in full, is | 1890 to 1894, inclusive, the partnership niade in an effort to assist their underpaid par- | gallant band in reality met their tragic fate, is | BANANAS, the finest fruit we can buy. 5 % 321 3 26 y 49| 11 14/5 44
as follows : / ... | large profits of over $1,000,000.” During | ents to maintain their families. | | what will occur at Sheridan, Wyoming, on the 701 335 831 bh 11 12/5 42
"WILRKESBARRE, Pa., June 23, 1902.—To | the five years referred to by Mr Markle the | Conscious of the great responsibility rest | 4th of July. Near by is the Crow Indian reserva- | papsy Biscurrs Clos and Oracko 711 346] 842 38 I 587
fthe Public : If the contest now in progress | government reports show that the home | jing upon us, apprehensive of the danget | tion and the Sioux are not far off, so it is planned ” ? Te. 3 5 2 0 8 47 8 35| 10 59 : 2
in theanthracite coal regions of Pennsylva- | value of coal produced by the anthracite | threatening our commercial supremacy | to bring a thousand warriors together and take ? 3 730 406 : 5 827) 1051/5 21
mia affected only the welfare of the rail- | goal companies was $1.51 per ton. If the | shonld the coal miners of the entire United part in this unique out-door drama. The battle | Sect Mild Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and | 734) 4 10| 9 09 3 1 » M 2 i:
road and mining corporations on the one |G. B. Markle company could make a profit | States become participants in this struggle, | will be the ain feature of a three days’ carnival, Dried Beef, i 3 : : Pe 3 i i 8 11} 10 855 07
hand and the coal mine workers on the | of over $1,000,000 in five years when ‘the | we repeat our proposition to arbitrate all | July 3rd, 4th and 5th, during which there will be ; 748 424 921 . 8 09110 335 05
other, the public would bave no vital in- | selling price of coal at their mines was $1.51 | questions in disput nd if our premises | a continuous Wild West show iia s, | CANNED MEATS, Salmon and Sardines. | ewe| el 7 59] 10 2314 pT
2 P gp q pute, a Pp show, Indian games, ] ov. 10 20/4 52
tterests at stake and would consequently be | does it not seem reasonable to suppose that | are wrong, if our position is untenable, it | polo, horse races, cattle roping and branding con. Ion 3 20h 7 541 10 17|4 49
less concerned than it now is in the con-| the larger companies-- whose cost of produc- | our demands cannot be sustained hy facts | tests. Sheridan is on the Burlington Railroad in | OLives, an excellent bargain at.................... 25cts. | 802 4 35 9 40]. 3 0 10:13/4:45
Sinaance, the extension or the termination | tion is necessarily less—counld make a suf- | and figures, we will again return to the | Northeast Wyoming. The Indians there now are 806) 445 945 7 42 0 oi >
«af the conflict; but as much as there is a | ficient profit in 1901, when the home value | pines, take up our tools of industry and | good Indians, and not long ago completed a con- | Tapis Ons, home made and imported fia. 130 350 737 10 024 30
great and an important interest involved, was $1.87 per ton, to enable them without awais the day when we shall have a more | tract for grading the new Burlington line to Cody, Bi Ported 822 5 02 = 5 732 9 56|d 24
which, although in no wise responsible for | detriment to their business to pay the ,an- righteous cause to claim the approval of | Wyo., in the Big Horn Basin country. : ; 8 28/ 5 08] 10 08 ; 26 > i 45
{ the present strike, is, nevertheless an inno- | ghracite mine workers the small pittance | the American people, en PickLes, sweet and sour, in bulk and various ge 5:10 10 11 7 9 40/4 06
cen} victim thereof, it is but fair and prop- | asked for by them ? : - Jorn MITCHELL, Special Excursions, sizes and styles of packages. 8 3b 5 18 io 7 13| 9 36/4 C1
i er that the general public should be fully In his annual report to the directors of President United Mine Workers of America. Via Chi Mil Aight 3% Pac, Railway i ~ 8 45 5 25| 10 26.....Clearfiel 70 3 23 i
and accurately informed. upon the merits of | his company, President Truesdale, of ‘the —_— P a hieago, Milmaiizee, Hi An 3 id Pure Extracts, Ginger Ale and Root Beer. 3S $3 10 32... Rivervie 655 9 21/3 40
the question in controversy. If it shall be | Delaware, Lackawana and Western,says in Broken Necks Not Fatal. _ ur iio thats wi er . Pion 900 5 10 a ( ° i ’ 2 a
asked why we have waited until the close substance, ‘‘The year 1901. will be passed — q | ’ New CHEESE now coming to us in 6 01 10 50] 3
Pil ? : elegant shape. 6 40],
of the sixth week of the strike to issue a | into history as one of the mostsatisfactory, Swwarel People Have Been Injured in This Way, But 21st and Aogast 2nd to 8th, good sixty days. go g 8 Ape 8 0) Io 58 631 g Is
# statement of this nature, sufficient answer | jf not the banner year for the anthracite coal | S4/vived the Accident. | Colorado and Utah points tickets will be on sale Oxruss PrErsmsmions, : We: eirry 8 ‘Site. Tile ‘of ] FIELEW, I 6 30|. 305
may be found in the fact that we have hes- | interests of this country. The tonnage min- {daring Juve, July, Augus sud September good ’ FA hoe line. SR En
MoNDAY Owny —Express train leave ;
2 = s C -
ville at 4:35 a. n.; Clearfield 4:51; Philipsburg
5:30; Osceola 5:39, arrivin Y 3 i
train stops at all hw bd St TyTone at.6:55, This
: i Rue us at WESTWARD,
conservative men could take to avert rup- | nite continuance of these favorable condi- pany. only thas the panies judgely thei District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Build-|: ‘Yyyo, pave any difficulty in getting suited ina | § 8 EWARD: 2
ture and every means that thought could | gions.” ’ The and not 1. She exeeption. . ar || ing, Pittsburg, Pa. fine Table Syrup come to us and you can get what 3 8 |, No. 21th, 1901 g I
est to bring the matter in dispute to The Commercial and Financial Chronicle August Riemsher, of Hartford Wis. Mrs ro you want. M " : = -] Be
> 3 i = = »
arbitration, was resorted to by th : : id E. H. Wilder, of Wilton, Pa., and Thom- | Very Low Round Trip Rates. / HE
, sorted to by the union | commenting upon the report of President as Degolyer, of Indianapolis, are living ex- | Sund PE PH Er TD Ta
both before the strike order was issued and. Olyphant,of the Delaware and"Hudson;says DCs of oe ee mere hrok.| Via the North-western Line Chicago to Salt : 00 290 11 05... [yrone. | “5 10] \2 S57 nG
Since it went into effect, but without avail, | that the average anthracite selling prices p g : hex Lake City and Ogden, Utah, until September 15th. 2 141 10 59. East Tyrone...| 8 16] 12 31|7 06
whe coal magnates replying to all our ov | en neck, says the the Chicago 7ibune . ? ’ ’ ! He £ 80| 2 10f 10 55. .....,..Vail.. 8 20! 12 35(7 10
} nag plying over- | for 1901, must have been 30 to 40 cents Riemsher fell d broke his neck on| Return limit October 31st, 1902. ‘Luxurious fast 546 2 06] 10 5!|...Bald Eagle....| 8 24
t h the decl t t} I : : « temsner fe an )roke his nec . rag 12 39|7 14
‘Steen wit e declaration that there was | higher than in 1900, and the profits of the April 16. © A physieci t his neek in a] trains leave Chicago 10:00 a. m., 8.00 and 11:30 p. 8 401......... 10 45 .........Dix.. 8 30| 12 45(7 20
mothing to arbitrate. The statement on | coal mining operations of the Delaware and prio. Da DN er m. daily. For tickets and information apply to A B 8h rrrenns: 10 43....... Fowler 8 33] 12 47(7 23
heir part is equivalent to saying that th cast and the patient is accused by his friends} ™- daily. s ; : 5:35 156/ 10 41|.....Hannah...... 2 35 12 49/7 25
p: } eq ying tha e | Hadson was $1,407,307. f bei ble to *‘rubber-neck’’ now with | Q Tallant, 507 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. 528 150) 10 35..Port Matilda... 8 42| 12 5/7 5¢
«coal mine workers have made unreasona- | President Baer, the recognized spok oO anpabie 0, . Fuliternec 5211 1 41{ 10 28|...... M: 57:82
’ gunized spokesman I TE , : : Yotnnle | 2.501 2 3M 20 ZB)... artha sees 849) 1 01i7 39
ible demands and bave strack without real | of the coal trust, made the. statement. that.| 2) Nis old-time ease and confidence. In| The Fish are Biting. Our store is always open until 8 o'clock | 5 lg 1310 20|....... Julian, oo. 8 58) 1 08|7 48
3 ficient To this: Tet olai ye PARE the case of Mrs. Wilder, who is the wife of nd on Saturday antil 10 o'clock 5 1 28( 10 11... Unienville...| 9 07| 1 157 87
or sufficient cause. 0 this let plain, un- | he was ready to submit the books of the h & f the vill f Wilton. Pa Up in Wi : 3d Michigan. First-class | P+ I» and 0 urday v 4 66 1'22( 10 04/Swow Shoe Int.| o 10 1 ols 2
ished facts. and figures replv eh ir d the pos master o evi lage o! ton, ra., p in Wisconsin an c ga , 8 453 111 10 01]. Mil o 218 05
Vr than b i) a pa . h coal departments for examination, in order | ag going down a flight of stairs when | train service Chicago & North-Western R'y dur- 444 108 0353 Balepre.- we : Li 1 24/8 08
o a a IE ar Joan yl 5 30 prove that wages soni no} he increased | 1. tripped and fell to the bottom. She |ing the fishing season. Summer tourist rates 432) 12 85) 9 41|.. Milesburg | 9 41 ! us gs
i a I by en y a is propest a, on She suriaces J A was picked up unconscious, but after con- | now in effect. Direct connection is made at Chi- 421248 sa jp Comtin. 9.49! 1 34/8 36 -
mst. Tntolerable and infinmane. conditions | ed; 1 15 positively absurd. Eighty. ive. or | 2016ation of doctors the dislocated vertebra | cago with al lines from the south and east. A. SECHLER & CO. A18055753) 8 34/7 Howpaier| 888. 1388 do
a A is 4 Zn posirive Y 8 : id, fo ie ey were set and she is recovering. Thomas | @ Tallant, 507 Smithfield street, Pisssburg, Pa, = 10 Iz 2 9 1s i leville. 10 08 1 5118 55
i: : = : JE dad 4 Degolyer, the Indianapolis drayman, was Se ——————————— Soy} «Beech Creek...| 10 11] 1 #48 58
adfodl Raine have been less then Moe anthracite regions is from fives owned alli oor ond a ball on the operating table, Business Notice: GROCERS. a 1 I a i all. ® z= 2 ole 09
rol any other class of workmen in the Unit- | operated hy the various coal carrying, ihe is partly paralyzed by the shook of 21 BELLEFONTE, PA. | pate. wm. | a. ot. |Tv. oy Jojo 2 209.)
red States, votwithstanding tbe fact that | railroads; the freight charges for hauling 8 | his fall. But his physicians say shat he 0 i
heir work is more hazardous and the cost | ton of anthracite coal one mile, are three will get well. Castoria LEWISBURG & TYRONE RA
wflliving greater than in any other import- | times as great as those of other roads for As to the small matter of a-hole: in the Travelers Guide. SRT isd ILROAD.
wnt Ameiicah industry. The total num- | hauling a ton of bituminous coal one mile; brain, a 3}-year -old son of Joseph Waguer a 4 ov. zith 1901. WESTWARD.
ber of persons employed in and around the | and as a consequence, the coal departments near Wagiomna Wis. is a striking exam: «| EXP. MAIL] EXP.
wuthracite coal mines is 147,500 ; they are | while actually earning Puofmens profit ons Plc. The child's brnther, 15 a od, CASTORIA THE STANDARD — | Sr Stations. a.
employed never to exceed 200 days in any | legitimate basis may and do appear to he was playing with a rifle, when the weapon . oF THE 215 6 40|.. 9.00 410
one year and they receive as compensation | losing money, for the reason that the rail-| 0 i, sending the ball iii FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 2 3 : 2 8 5 4 08
for their service an average of $1:42 for a | way departments absorb the profits of the the little one’s head. A skiagraph showed The Kind You Have Always Bought SOUTHWEST 221 651 Boa 34
tem hour work day. It will be thus noticed |'coal departments by chaiging the coal de- | 01." et had passed from the right : ’ 2 3 : os $4 3a
‘that they earn annually less than $300. partments exorbitant freight rates. They temple back, lodging against the hone at| Bears the CHAS. ¥. FLETCHER. 3 2 yo 8 39 3 80
‘Sueh pay may supply a living on a par with | thus rob Peter to pay Paul. It cannot DB | (Le base of the skull. But he will et well. | Signature of § "FRISCO. 248 710 Sash 34
some classes of European laborers; but who | said, in extenuation that there isany pecu- ‘Tis Use For Over 30 Years. 2 2 7 17). 824] 335
avill say that it is sufficient to support | liar necessity for this triple charge on ans Dust. from. Sahara. \ ! SYSTEM 3 x iz ; 8 18 3 80
American citizenship or enable parents to | thracite coal, for all other kinds of freight ie 5 > | 311] 735 3 3 2
gcate and properly maintain their fam- | —very much more troublesome to handl@ | 7,0usands of Tons Blown from African Desert to Medical. send | 395 7 a3" Bo
ilies? Twue itis that a ten per cent in- | and more perishable—are carried at far lo >| England. TWO GATEWAYS 3% ? 50 # 780 302
«crease in wages was granted by the coal | er rates. : oe VIA A AYE 341 800 aa
operators as a strike concession two years | In connection with this subjectattentioll | [n the conrse of a paper on ‘‘The Cornish: : 3 4 8 08 = Tid: 20
> ago, but it is also true that a large portion | is respectfully directed to the fact that &| pDustfall of January, 1902,’’ read before the Either iid TOU or ZaNsas ofryl 3s 2 2 = 7 26) 238
of this 10 per cent was paid back to the | ton of coal, as the consumer understands i | Royal Meterological society at 70 Victoria Ane nuiseors Yste eth es Chen 3.58) & 180 ST 55
companies to buy the suppression of an old | is not a ton of coal as the miner is paid fof | gsreet yesterday. F. R. Mill said that since service to MEXICO, TEXAS. and all 4 06) .8 26].. 7.00 223
p } pp y ol : 415 ‘833
f powder grievance; moreover, according to | it; that is to say when the consumer puts | the Mrakatoa eruption in 1883, : when the ; Sestivations in Missoue, Kansas Are iin. i 2 1
reliable commercial agencies, the cost of | cheses a ton of coal he receives 2,240 pounds volcanic dust thrown into the air. made it- New Mexico, Arizona, aod ao 419 8 a0; Sse 258
¢ diving has increased, particularly in the | a legal ton; when the railroad companies | self apparent for many months all over the i g » i 650 205
; purchase of foodstuffs, from 30 to 40 per | transport coal to market they receive tariff | world in a long series of brilliant sunsets, Pee THEIR DUTY. OAKLAHOMA 135 asa $ 82 1 2
«cent, so that the purchasing power of a | upon 2,240 pounds a legal ton; but when | the most remarkable instance of far-travel- 4 42) 9 05] 630 145
smiver’s earnings is less now than before the | the miner is being paid for his labor he reé- | .q dnst was that which oecurred in Maich, AND 2 80! 915 | 540 138
strike of 1900. quired to produce and load from 2.740 to | 1901. a INDIAN anil ts wm. a.m. am pow
"The presidents of the various coal carry- | 3,190 pounds for a ton; it is Beaines this | In Italy the rain fell so thickly Sharged : LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD.
ing railroads have given publicity to a | flagrant injustice which the anthracite mine { wish red sand that the peasants took it for . ; A SRE EASTWAED. TEPER END. Nii
Silflenins that during Ae year of hoy he workers ODrotest, The operators Sikh blow ad bicane pasiostricken. For fies SCORES OF BELLEFONI'E READERS ARE and the Fritco Sytem without change 3 | 3 TTR
oductive capacity of mine workers de- | course, that the excess weight is required | days the dust clond trave northwar y those who prefer that gateway. x XM |Nov. 21th, 1901] X
D aorated an average of 12} per cent ; in | to compensate them for impurities and re-{ over Central Europe,snbstantial traces fall- LEARNING THE DUTY OF THE al iarvey Cafe Cane aadp DAE alls ® = = 5
other words, the United Mine Workers’ or- | fuse matter that is loaded with the coal ing as far north as the Panish islands, and oN Soot ara rially e |
ganization is accused of encouraging poor | and cannot be marketed; bus if their state- | jnstances in which it reached parts of Eng- KIDNEYS. hy an Ar. Sota" 24% Pu
workmanship. An examination of the re- | ment be true why is it necessary to continue | jand and Scotland had been recorded. For Rates of Fare, Map Folders and Free De-| “| o 29 16. 120.
ports on coal production complied by the | asystem of docking by which at times,they | A lage quantity of similar dust fell about seriptive Literature, 1 3 45 8 57l..... Musser...... 10 27 4 42.
: United States government, discloses the | deduct from a miner’s wage from 10 to 15 | january 21st last in Cornwall over an area -_— address bres 2 : 51 Peni, Furnace 10 3 i 2 =
i act that the allegations of the railroad | per cent. of the total as a penalty for load- | of 2 000 square miles, and the conclusion O M. CONLET . OYSIDNEY VAN DUSES. orn ea BE
u presidents are misleading and untrue, as | ing impurities for which they bave already | seemed to be that about this time the atmos- ; ; General rent Traveling Pass. Azt 11 35H © |unLoveville, | ol...
i the following figures will demonstrate : penalized him in excess Neizln? . 38 must | phere over the extreme West o Earope sor Jotiiier the bisod is the kidneys duty. | A aL Suilding Tiavelie Paes gt. & Fimace Road i Bt 8 ii :
i From 1890 to 1900, inclusive, the mines | be obvious to every inte ligent observer | gisted of air which had come from the Af- Tahoe I i Ta ’ kid 18| Warrior's Mari| 11 20 5 ql.
: were im active operation an average of 182 | that the coal companies derive a consider: | rican deserts,carrying with it a quantity of Urinary troubles, Diabetes : 09\...Pennington...| 11 30| 5 47|.
: «lays per year, and for each person employ- | able income from the continuance of his | fine dust, of which a mere vestige--some 100- Poss Ridney Fine sire them all. (CENTRAL: RAILROAD OF PENNA. |: 2 3 PE Lie I 2 5 3 -
i «ed there were produced 361.58 tons per | system of measuring the earnings of their | 000 tons or more—had heen caught in its Peep! . ] an nl aa ihm 605...
: wear, or for each day the mines were in | employees as they thus receive a large | f4]1 and carried to the shore of the channel. Mr. W. E. Haines of No. 1, Beaver Row, Bdensed Time Table. BELLEFONTE & SNOW S
operation 2 16 tons were prodnced per em- | amount of marketable coal for which they | There seemed to be little doubt that the locomotive engineer says: el wa suffer. Riss save Soin vh — HOE BRANCH.
ploye; while in the year of 1901, against | return no compensation to the miner. The | farmers of the west of England had this a dull, lingering aching over A kid- =————1—— June 17th, 1901. .T%.__{ Time Table In eflect on ang after Nov 24, 101.
ich the operators so bitterly complain, | miners have asked that the coal they pro- | spring plowed many tous of the sand of the neys. I feltitin my head also and there ' | ng iio 8No 3 No 6|No 4|Nog | Mix | Mix | Stations. | Mix | Mix
the mines were in operation 192} days and | duce shall be honestly weighed and correct- | Sahara into their furrows. were tiie Svet my Bi pal 2 ington or Behe ie rere GEEEE
there were producted 475.43 tous for each | ly recorded. : srre—— Ey hem A id T or | nTLip. mip. m. lve ATP Alp. TI Ta ow Milesburg........... 5
person employed, or for each day the mines | This recital of facts disposes of the oper- | gy glars Chloroform Members of a i ole to attend. tomy. duties aw I 17 10 Ye 40 bi 40 BELLEFONTE. | 9 15| 5 10| 9 40 | fg 15/f10 14/,.. Bow Shoe Toi z 5 o 2
were in operation 2.36 tons were produced | ators claim that they cannot afford to Household and Take $600. was on night work and had to get Song jo 8 5 2% {1 on 3 ’ 5 ’ 2 £6 19/10 18. aa, Sti, "118 Bold 27
employe, thus showing that instead of | pay living wages for faithful service and Jost in she day ime: Tor on Seconnt of my 7.33) 7 03) 3 08| HEGLA PARK.| 8 81 4 46) 9 16 | ;* =| A! 26|AT.......Snow Shoe.......Lv.| 7 30 3 18
a Oeterioration there was a decided im- | unceasing toil amid surrounding coustantly Burglars entered the house of Samuel Dont Doan Rivas ily. ond ovr 7 350 7 05] 3 05]... Dun 16S... Slit 2 cM A MIP. M.
provement in the productive capacity of | fraught with the gravest danger. Peters, an official of the Ocean Coal Com- tained them from the Bush House block 3 » : 0 30 wHublershurg.. 45 td ’ lo ye BoD a: femal, Week days only. cob
che wen after they became thoroughly or-| The reports of the wine inspectors’ | pany, at Herminie, Westmoreland sauniys drug TE eri I os foe ihe I sn ml a0 General Manager. General Passenger, Agent.
aniged. Cav the unprejudiced reflect up- | purean of the State of Pennsylvania show early yesterday morning, chloroformed the Rey oun : 748] 7 19] 3 181s. ‘| 835] 430] 900 ELiBFONT :
ganwel i i ked the house. securin 7 51] 7 22| 8 21|....... Lamar. 832 421] 8 57 B E CENTRAL RAIL
«ou these facts and conclude that the anthra- | that during the past decade the average | inmates, and ransac the onse, Sec E 2 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. 7 331 7-250 3 23. Clintondale....| 8 23] 4 34] 8 51 ROAD.
«cite miner is not a better workman than he | yearly fatalties in the anthracite coal mines clothing, jewelry. and $600 in money. Eu- Foster-Milbirn Co. , Buffalo, N. Y., sole 7 57) 7 20| 3 27| Krider's Siding. 8 25| 4 19] 6 40 | Sohedule vo take fect Monday. Apr. 3rd. 1309.
‘wa cession in rance w vr 8 ~.Mackeyville....
was before the 10 per cent. concession in | were 437, and that for the year 1901 there | trance was affected by the use of a skeleton agents for the s 02| 7 34| 3 82|..Mackeyvill 819] 413] 8 43 ’
¢ im, ! “hon-fatal i- | key in the kitchen door. This is the third Remember the name—Doan’s—and take 8 08| 7 40| 3 38|...Cedar Spring...| 8 12| 4 07 8 37 | WESTWARD EASTWARD
wages two years ago? were 484 fatal and 1,256 non-fatal aeoci 2s5ing bu alarv in that vicinity within the no substitute. 8 10| 7 42| 3 40|.........Salona....... 8 10 409 g35| read down read up
“The railroad presidents contend that they | dents. This means that for every 119,000 | daring urglary u that vicinity 8 15| 7 47| 3 45|..MILL HALL... |t8 05/+4 00/18 30 #No. 5/4No. 3 No. Srarions. £No. 2|No. 4
annot increase wages without akivg a | tons of coal brought to the surface one per- | Past ten daye. Beah Crek & : . -30 - -
warsespouding increase in the selling price | gop js killed and more than twa seriously in- RR Ga 11 45 8 15........ Jersey Shore......... 3 2B | yay FOI or pel
pr ps product to the consumer, and have | jared; it means that for each day the mines —~—Rev. Samuel B. Basnitz, D. Ri 2 0 o & ire \ who PORT jis 2 8 fn 2 PX AL jaa, Ly idru an r rx
mooused the wine workers of suggesting a | are in operation more than two persons’ formerly a well-known en 4 of the Con, ee 6 Rearting TT. 1o1 10 81 s Bl Colevile 8 vie 840 228g 0
proposition that would impose a hardship | Jives are sacrificed and more than five per- | tral Pennsylvania 3 Mo oe 1 8.99] 7.00} ceieni. BHI Ais co ioss 18 36/*11 26 1% 10 > or albus Ty 2 4 4
upon the public by increasing the market | gong are injured. Indeed, it is a matter of | On Thursday last at DesMoines, Towa. ial 10 50 NEW YORE +430] go 0o| 433] 10 0110 4 Hunters Parke 81] 3 10g 3
price of coal 10 cents a ton. the amount | reeord that eight times as many men and : (Via Phila.) 4 36) 10 66/6 50/...,.Fillmore......| § 238 2 06lg 13
shat would have been required to meet all | hogs are killed and injured annually inthe | HAPPY TIME IN OLD TowN.—*‘We felt p. m.|Arr m.lp. m. $ 4 i oz 5 ih RFs g 24 2 6 u
the demands made by the miners. How- | anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania as | very happy.”’ writes R. N . Bevill, Old Money to Loan *Dally, {Week Days. _ 26.00 P. M. Sundays. | 4 45| 11 087 03|....Lambourn....| 818 1 52lg oy
ever, their solicitude for the public welfare | were killed and wounded from the Ameri- | Town, Va., ‘‘when Buoklen’s Arnica Salve ¥ . 110.55 A. M. Sunday, 4 85 11 20/7 12|... Krumrine.....| 8 07 1 37/5 59
has not deterred from advanciug the mar- | sap ranks in the Spanish-American war in | wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of | = Pritapienia Stave Can Hache to Bast E00 jE
Ket price of their coal more than $1 per ton | Cuba. © | scald head.” Tt delightsall who use it for | w roNEY TO LOAN on good seouisy | byand train from Williamsport at HIP. M, and BCH IT 247 21 res... "a5 13%
since the strike was inaugurated Withoat Yet if one were to credit the stories th at Cats, Corns, Buses, Bruises: gs leer M and houses for rent. o REIGHLIN West-bound from Philadelph nse AAR 3 Bl I 31 Binesors Sdorfs. : i
0} i i i i i iles. . . M. C NE, . W. . : :
giving any part of that increase to the mine | appear in the columns of the daily press it | Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only
workers. In substantiation of our claim | would seem that the men who constantly at Greeu’s Pharmaoy. ‘ 45-14-1yr. Att'y at Law, General Superintendent, i", H. THOMAS, Supt.