Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1902, Image 7

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    Colleges & Schools.
A Chemist, A Teacher,
An Engineer, A Lawyer,
An Electrician, A Physician,
A Seientic Farmer, A Journalist,
n short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit you well for any honorable pursuit in life,
TAKING EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur-
nish a much more varied range of electives,
after the Freshman year, than heretofore, includ-
ing History ; the En lish, French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek Languages and Litera-
tures ; Psychology; Ethics, Pedagogies,
olitical Science. There courses are especially
adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession
of Teaching, or a general College Education.
The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very
best in the United States. Graduates have no difficulty in securing and holding positions.
YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men.
THE WINTER SESSION anens January 12th, 1902.
For specimen examination oT.
study, ee ete., and showing positions held
apers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses of
by graduates, address
State College, Centre County, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
.——DEALER TR meee
snd other grains.
oy the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfull "solicits the patronage of his
n ; ea and the public, at
Telephone Calls Central 1313 682.
aear the Passenger Station.
me) fe
Daily, by mail, - . $6 a year.
Daily and Sunday, by mail, - $8 a year.
Demorraic ald
Bellefonte, Pa., April 25, 1902.
He Changed His Socks
Mr. Otey, of Virginia, recalls many de-
tails of the journey of the state militia,
made to Harper’s Ferry when John Brown
was executed.
‘“‘We had to move thither by way of
Washington,” said he. ‘‘Stonewall Jack-
son, then of the Virginia Military Institute,
commanded the company from there. The
boys were quartered over night here at
the Tremont house, which still stands on
Indiana avenue. My brother was of the
company. It was his habit to sleep with
his watch and pocket book under his pil-
“Don’t you know that it is the last
valuables,” Jackson said to him, “A
burglar would look there first. Then you
are apt to go away and forget them. Put
them in your socks. You can then never
miss them.
The next morning while the boys were
marching to the train, my brother met
Jackson hurrying back to the hotel. His
questions developed that Jackson was after
his watch and pocket book.
“But yon put them in your socks, pro-
fessor,”’ my brother protested. :
“I changed ’em,’ was the laconic an-
swer.”’— Washington Post.
Malvar an Accomplished Mam.
The surrender of General Miguel Malvar
removes from the field one of the hest com-
manders in the Filipino army, whose cap-
ture was sought for months by the Ameri-
can forces,
General Malvar is a Tagal and a native
of the province of Batangas. He was for-
merly mayor of his native town of Santo
Tomas. Educated in Manila at the Royal
university, he is considered an able and
highly educated man. He is one of the
most popular men in his province, and his
popularity extends throughout the islands.
In his staff officers he had three promi-
nent lawyers,one of whom was a judge. All
his officers belong to the highest classes of
Filipinos in his province.
Malvar was one of the original 38 who
came over with Aguinaldo and took an act-
ive part in the operations in Luzon. Al-
though a good general, it is thought by
many that he would make a still better
place in the world you ought to put your
Don’t Tell Anyone.
A Simple Calculation Shows How a Story Grows.
One never knows how fast and how fara
rumor may fly. A shrewd and keen ohserv-
er once said, ‘‘the second deadliest weapon
known is a dynamite gun—the most dead-
ly a human tongue.”” A simple little
mathematical calculation may serve toshow
how easy it is to blast a reputation, break a
heart or wreck the life of a sensitive human
If you by chance have come into posses-
sion of a disgraceful, discreditable or slight-
ly dubious fact about your friend or neigh-
bor and carelessly repeat it to two friends
that day, three persons will know it. Not
very many but if each of these two persons
tells it to two more seven persons will
know it. If a thing of this kind could be
kept within these mederate bounds, each
person who heard it telling it to only two
others and not telling those two till the day
after it was heard, 32,735 persons would
know it at the end of the second week.
There would not be enough people in Cen-
tre county to hear it—it would be necessary
to take in several miles of the surrounding
This may seem exaggerated but itis a
moderate estimate—the firss impulse of the
average person who learns a bit of news is
to tell and very seldom does the telling
stop when two persons have been inform-
The change of a word, an inflection, a
ders may give an entirely different meaning
| to a story—be careful not only what you
say, but how you say it.
There is a story told of a woman who
was addicted to repeating unpleasant ani
unnecessary things about her neighbors and
realizing that it was not the right thing
she resolved to stop it bat found the habit
was too strong to be broken easily. In her
extremity she appealed to a friend for as-
sistance, for a charm if necessary.
The friend assured her that he could help
her but she must obey his directions im-
plicitly in order to derive any assistance
from them. He sent her to a neighboring
market to purchase a goose and directed
her to pluck the down and drop it along
the street as she returned. She did so and
was 1equired to retrace her steps and col-
lect the down.
She gave up the task in despair but it
was impressed upon her mind that the feat
was no more difficult than to recall her
spoken words.
Many events here at home have shown
us with what frightful rapidity rumors
travel and each and every one who repeats
news should ask two questions of himself
| before he tells anything that is not good :
‘Is it true ?’’ and *‘Is it necessary ?"’
She Got it in Drinking Water.
Doctors Thought it Was Appendicitis, But it Was a
Five Inch Frog.
A large frog was removed from a wom-
an’s stomach in St. Catherine’s hospital, in
Williamsburg, L. I, the other day. The
woman is Mrs. Charles Burtis, of Hopewell
. Junction, near Matteawan, N.Y.
Sne had been suffering from a trouble
which baffled her physicians for some time:
It was finally decided that an operation
for appendicitis would he advisable and she
was taken to the Williamsburg hospital.
A Fishkill, N. Y., doctor performed the
operation, which revealed that she was not
suffering from appendicitis. But the doc-
tors did discoverand remove from herstom-
ach a live frog, said to have been five inches
the frog when it was very small, while she
was drinking water.
It was said at the hospital that Mrs. Bar-
tis had already returned to her home and
had recovered entirely from the ill effects
of her unpleasant experience.
——When an elderdown quilt has be-
1ift of the eyebrows or ashrug of the shonl- |
It is supposed that she swallowed .
~The Bad Boy and the School.
This item is for the fifteen year old boy
who thinks it is a smart thing to act so
mean at school that he wears out the life of
his teacher and destroys the good work
which the school was intended to accom-
plish. This sort of heathen are found in
| country as well as town schools. They are
| too big for the little woman to thrash and
, seem to have no moral sense which may be
| appealed to. Now, boys, you are architeots
, of your own fortunes. You can improve
' the educational advantages given you and
become useful and worthy citizens or you
can raise Cain, as you do at school, gradu-
ate from there into a brake beam tramp and
die a dirty bum.
You can make your choice. The sure
way to get into plenty of trouble when
grown to manhood is to make lots of trou-
ble in the public schools. You ought to
have the meanness well licked out of you,
but the teacher can’t do it, your father
“won’t and the school hoard bad rather fire
you than lick you. Fun and plenty of itis
a birthright of the American boy, but your
type of meanness is not fun ; it is the out-
cropping of the heathen in you, and you
‘belong with the Moros or Tagals of the
Philippines rather than with the people of
givHissd North America. Turn over a new
That's the condition of thousands
whose systems have not thfown off the
impurities accumulated during the winter
—Dblood humors that are now causing erup-
tions, feelings of weakness, loss of appe-
tite, and other troubles.
removes all these humors, cures all erup-
tions, clears the complexion, restores ap-
petite, renovates, strengthens and tones
the whole system.
‘I'his is the testimony of thousands, an-
“I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla when
needed for a number of years, and have
always found it does me good. I always
take it in the spring with the best results.
I have that tired feeling in the morning
and cannot eat, but after faking two or
three bottles of this medicine I always
feel like a different person, and I advise
everyone needing a tonic to give it a fair
trial.” James Hey, 3070 Amber St., E.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
“I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla too highly as a spring medicine and
blood purifier. One spring we all took
Hood's and I do not know of any summer
when we all felt so well. When our neigh-
bors were all tired out and overcome by
the heat we were all enjoying the sum-
mer. My husband always takes Hood's
when he gets tired.” rs. S. H. Neal,
MecCrays, *
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure
| and keeps the promise.
When your liver becomes clogged - and
stagnant the bile which goes into the in-
testines gets into the blood and billious-
ness results. Constipation and billious-
ness are two great foes of health, and each
results from the other. If you keep your
bowels open by the use of
the great tonic laxative, you will never be
troubled by either billiousness or consti-
ation. It acts directly upon the bowels
na mild and gentle, not a violent and
irritating way, as do cathartics. Ii is
something more than a laxative,—it is a
marvellous tonic; acting directly upon
| the stomach, liver and kidneys, keeping
. them active, clean and strong, and toning
| gu Hie entire system to a condition of
A DocToRr’S BAD PLIGHT.--‘‘Two years
ago, ‘at a result of a serions cold,, Ilost my
voice,”” writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough, of
Hebron, Ohio, ‘‘then began an obstinate
cough. Every remedy known to me as a
practicing physician for 35 years, failed,
and I daily grew worse. Being urged to
try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs and Colds, I found quick re-
lief,and for the last ten days have felt better
than for two years.”’ Positively guaranteed
for throat and lung troubles by Green’s
Pharmasy. 50¢ and $1.€0. Trial bottles
The High Bottom.
‘Has it never occurred to you as strange, ’’
remarked the inquisitive man, *‘that straw-
berry boxes never have any lids to them ?’’
‘“‘Not at all,” replied Wiseman, ‘‘it’s
bardly necessary, since the bottom is so
near the top.”’
New Advertisement.
LANDS.—At the same time and place
as given in the Treasurer’s Sale of Unseated
Lands, will be sold the following tracts or
lots of land, returned by the tax collector of
the following districts. respectively, for the
Foaty 1898 and 1899, to the Commissioners of
entre county, for non-payment of taxes,
according to the provisions of the several
Acts of Assembly relative to the sale of
seated land for taxes:
Description. Owners. Taxes.
2 Lots Mrs M McColluman...... $29
Lot George Blowers........ 9 92
Lot Traction Co.... 13 22
Lot J M Kepler. 16 56
Lot George Brown.. 301
Lot Sanm’] Edminson....... 128
2 Lots Wm. Frebarger... PR
2 Lots I RGillam............... 3:0
Lot Jas Homser.............. 2 99
Lot Jno Lieb Est....... 393
100 Acres woodc’k & Burke't 102
15 Acres Catharine Deeters. 3 80
H&L X 624
Lot 188
79 Acres 9 59
18 Acres Jno Ammerman......... 294
178 Acres J B Mattern Est......... 918
75 Acres John Kimport.......... 92
384 Acres Isaac Crawford........ 10 08
H&L DDDavis............... . 399
1% Lot Mrs Doyle............... 161
1 Acre Danijel Lutz............. 8 54
70 Acres Kline & Shugert......... 17 98
80 Acres John Ward .. 68
50 Acres Catharine Resides.. . 670
2 Lots N.C. Bauer.......... «113
200 Acres Jno G. Coanfer..... sereir 12.58
1 Acre William Moore.............. 110
Lot 8, M. BUCK, cesmersscsnsesc.s 295
Lot Mrs. M. Bland.. 382
Lot Benner Sisters. 515
1 Acre PF. P. Blair..... 3 69
1 Acre Peter Jones... 221
10 Acres James Cowher............ 2 65
33 Acres Dennis Reese...... ve........ 4 84
11 Acres Michael Walk _..... -. 8 47
15 Acres ‘Wesley Lego Est.. .. 208
160 Acres Jno. A, Hunter...... ..10 41
52 Acres Robt. Cowher Est.. ...J11 47
3 Tracts Sam’l Frantz... ./...2.... 14 92
Lot Rebecca Kettley.............
Lot Susan & Chas Robb ...
Ore right 31 acres, Curtin & Co
“ 138 .
65 “
Val'nt'e & 00ssnnre ned
In accordance with the Act of June 6th,
1837, interest will Le added to the arcount of
all taxes assessed against unseated lands
above advertised.
All persons corresponding with the Treas-
urer in reference to land advertised for sale
in the above list should remit sufficient to
pay postage, stationery and advertising:
OWER & ORVIS, Attorneysat Law, Belle-
fonte,Pa., office in Pruner Block. 44-1
J C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 20 & 21
e 21, Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa.44-49
EEDER & QUIGLEY.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. 43 6
B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices
. in all the courts. Consultation in Eng-
lish and German. Office in the Eagle building,
Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22
ORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law
: Bellefonte, Pa. Office in oodring’e
uilding, north of the Court House. 14 §
8. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at
e Law. fice, No. 24, Temple Court
fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega
business attended to promptly. 40 49
C. HEINLE.—Atlorney at Law, Bellefonte,
eo Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite
.Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
J W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor ai
*) o _ Law. Office No. 11, Crider's Exchange
second floor. All kinds of legal business attende
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
39 4
8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
« State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
at his residence. 35 41
E. WARD, D. D.8., office in Crider’s Stone
e Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High
Sts. Bellefonte, Fa.
Gas administered for the
teeth. Crown and Bridge
ainiess extraction of
ork also. 34-14
R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in'the
Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern
electric appliances used. Has had years of ex-
perience. All work of superior quality and prices
reasonable. 45-8-1yr
ACKSON, HASTINGS, & CO., (successors to
» Jackson, Crider & Hastings,) Bankers,
Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Fishange and Netes Dis-
counted ; Interest paid on special deposits; Ex-
change on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17-36
A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre Sounty, has been en-
tirely refitted, re; ished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
.| county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its barcontains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host.
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex.
tended its guests.
#®._Through travelers on the railroad will find
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24
Harness Oil.
Rain and sweat have no eftect
on harness treated with Eureka
Harness Oil. It resists the
damp, keeps the leather soft
and pliable. Stitches 'do not
break. No rough surface to chafe
and cut. The harness not {only
keeps looking like new, but
wears twice as long by the use of
Eureka Harness Oil.
Sold everywhere
in cans—all sizes.
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World. | ouch 0 2nd therefore daring peace he come har sop Jos al is slastielty; hic | All druggists, 25 and 50 cts., or send fora free | The advertising is $1.00 on each tract. Made by
Price 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. | would be one of the most prominent men in | ¥ in tl g us or 3 ew hours, and a the sample to THE LAXAKOLA CO., Nassau St. | J. 0. CORL W. T. SPEER,
47-3 Address, THE SUN, New York the Philippines. te will come back to it. | New York. 47-45m Clerk. County Treas. ' 46-37 STANDARD OIL CO.
REASURER’S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS Aeres. Per. Warrantee Supposed Owner Taxes Acres. Per. ~~ Warrantee Supposed Owner Taxes Acres, Per. Warrantee Taxes Acres. Per. Warrantee ~~ Supposed Owner Tawes
T FOR TAXES OF 1900 AND on b 2 Jukuow ere dia va B Shaffer Fars 8 50 Irvin, John .....W C Heinle........... 63 = 90 Brisbin, John. ge 433 « “ M’Cosl’d & Forc'y......22 50
of law relating to the nknown ......... ndrew Ocker..... ! meron,— 3
Ee er La for the non-payment 5) Unknown.......... Mrs Levina Geph’rt 66 HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 218 Falls, Thos. lenn Un. Lbr Co..16 61 Le 153 Darker W I. nee Sys 2 5B
of taxes, notice is hereby given that, there will be HI 107 107 Brown, Samuel..Mary M Frank 81 196 Fulmer, H B. 150 McLanahan, Sarah W. Zimmerman 186
exposed at public sale or outcry the following tracts HAINES TOWNSHIP. 104 63 Brady, John. W Zimmerman 90 20 Fulmer, HB L 400 Martin, Alex hs 20 80
or parts of tracts of unseated lands in Centre county, 34 16 Bolinder, John....A J Gotschall..... 3 52 104 63 Brady, John. W Zimmerman.. 39 | 205 Gordon, Thos..... Glenn Un. Lbr Co.. 4 62 433 Morten. Beni. E ra 158 18
Penna., for taxes due and un aid thereon, at the 388 60 Bolinder, Henry...A J Gotschall..... 3 52 104 63 Brady, John. W Zimmerman...... 3 90 400 Harrison, Wm.... W C Heinle........ 4 80 409 Mitchell. N «ee "96 57
Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Mon- 325 60 Bolinder, Fredr'k.A J Gotschall..... 3 35 136 92 Harris, Jas D....D F Allison.......... 10 29 400 Harrison, Wm.... Theo Vail..... 10 00 433 McManus, Jas... lie "92 55
: -day, June 8th, at 1 o'clock p. m., and to_continue if 313 60 Bolinder, Adam...A J Gotschall..... 3 07 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 266 Jacob, G........... Glenn Un. Lbr Co.17 50 | 433 153 Milliken, M. Foo... “ © 28 13
necessary by’ adjournment from day to day until all 144 Black, Peter. .Laurelton I’b’r Co 2 90 433 163 Whelland, John..Charles Levis....... 22 52 288 McKin bert. ..Beecher & Sober....18 15 115 Wahn. Richard. 8. K Senna 1
are sold. 458 Epler, Adam .Spangler & Smith. 9 39 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. i 248 McKin, David.... Beecher & Sober...15 47 433 153 Wahu, Rebecea....W. K. Gray U0 63
: BENNER TOWNSHIP 13 s, Jacob Spangler & Smith. 3 70 | 305 120 Dunwoody, John . Thos B Harned.....22 50 | 166 86 McKin, Robert...Glenn Un. Lbr C0..10 29 | 53 DO We a eo
2 # do 7 i Ser, Radin. Span Jer Ss Smith. : 2 146 Hays, Bo 4 & Jas.D& 4, Bechdel..... ¥1 ” i on 1 Yes in par... ' $ 12 40 433 153 Wharton. Elizab'h ¢ ¢ 50 63
Acres. Per. Warrantee Suppos wner ‘axes ratz, Simon...... i Smith........ 5 ess, Geo D...... . TAY oss ssssss ris, John...... 86 128 Wahn, Phobe. S. Saylor... "10 07
209 Grove, Wendell....Calvin M Hayes..21 46 of 309 Irvin, Robt........WC Heinle........ 9 50 | 280 Reeder, RC...... y LODO. sere :
2 Harms] eel Se faeetsses 3 ps 437 198 Hartman, John....H 8 BYIOF.. oor 8 95 of 309 Irvin, Robt........ W H Gardner..... 950 = 100 Sawyer, Wm, M Hewitt. 5% 6 Yharion, Sha op Eaiser Wher 10 %
% im ? john or Wm ey res totaeel 68 = Hall, Charles Si rapTelion Liz go. 2 % on Leach, Nathan. Some Hall Enon 2 ! wm 16 Smit : Daniel Na Jruner 400 Williams, David "R. SimS...cconene i 720 80
. 2a A ve ayes, Calvin M.Caivin ayes... aC! athan...Theo Vall........... nknown ....... M Grove.. 433 Norton Joseph TW. C Heinle 32 50
M SHIP. 435 Kidd, John....... Laurelton Lbr Co.. 8 9 33 Mahaffey, Wm...L J DeLong... . 192 100 Young, Samuel... Theo Vail... rion, seen We GK ve
= wh 20g0s E Sanders....10 35 173 McElroth, Robt.. Laurelton Lbr Co.. 3 55 250 Jackson, John...W Zimmerman...... 6 25 | RUSH TWP 23 5 Jainey, Bobert.. Mf Cas] 24 For it 2
400 Cascadden H ‘Emma Hammel 3 rid apa So ¥ 3 5 1% : only A ner oe i | 390 110 Arthur, Ann W C Heinle 25 74 [102 Tompkias, Jos..... Hugh War 29 30
3 1 9 a. he © OW 1 OU 0 AAYIOL, JAS. eesea- .e .e ceevesssree eevecenes. i v
483 16 Frazer, Walbro..Benj Walker....... J} 21m Rhoads, Daniel...Calvin M Hayes...12 30 MARION TOWNSHIP. : lo a A rene HL Sag Ba | 10. | ge Tompkins §.. Fas Ward Es x18
. 433 163 Gray, aroha Th Bamed 9 92 300 60 Swineford, Albri’t.A J Gottschall... 3 08 18 120 Lamb, David....David Harter....... 19 | :00 Burg, Chas........... .Chas Smith .. 890 x Hs is
= 137 Bo airey artha.Thos B Harned..... 2 i Sim son, John... Laurelton Lbr Co... 3 x 1 5 Thos om DOMEAN. 1 2 5 i i 153 Prices, Isaae aesees r 2 fitass resem “28 = ' TAYLOR TWP.
e “es is 1 cKinney, aufman....... openhaven, Jno... eNaAN. cons uy
Packer... -JerreChatman.....128 | 5; Seldell, Peter... 632 | 438 107 Miles, James. ....Moses Thompson...31 84 ~~ 434 Grant, Thos............K Sims...... met | soo Jddleman, Wan... 2. HL Hee
BURNSIDE TWP. : 380 Seidell, Stophell.. “ 7 80 55 18 Shugert, J D.....W C Heinle.......... 1 18 3 of 433 133 Graff, Sebastian....W F Biddle......71 45 | 433 153 Copenhaven, J...... 1% 30
2 of 433 163 Beyer, John ....... CM Bower........ 662 | 2% Seidell, George... > 22 50 Unknown........ DF Allison....... 108 %0f433158 © “ ..MorrisCEDly.....71 45 | 90 Cony ney Yom ET
34 of 443 163 Beyer, John. ....... OM Bower. 4 86 61 Seidell, Godfrey .. . 123 200 Unknown.. ......Isaac Frain........ . 420 216 156 Grant, Thomas ......W H Blair Auty,28 52 =25 Hoover, John........8am’} McCammont.......3 00
1% of 140 22 Cox, Paul ....J HHolt ... 3 01 125 Unknown........ W 0 Heinle.......... 2 59 17 Unknown........ W Johnsonbaugh... 2 00 433 eet M’'C'us’ld & Forc’y28 38 300 mb. John... . Fowler..... 718 00
3% of 140 22 Cox, Paul........... 01 106 Workman, Mathi’s.Spangler & Smith 2 17 80 * Young, Robert..John P Harris....... 168 433 153 Hamilton, Thos.....F P Blair.... ..... 18 42 25 Lowden, Chas......Orvis & Morrison 153
483 163 Donnelly, John... 63 359 Antis, Henry ......Spangler & Smith 7 37 14 0f 199 Zantzinger, Paul.Theo Vail........... 216 216 156 2 ¢ ...W H Blair, Atty.28 52 434 Montgomery. JW: C. Heinle 198
433 163 Ewing, John.......W a 62 196 Amard, Re Li S Cc Oihles nk 2 v MILES TOWNSHIP. [12 Hn di Haines, Reuven ..Levi Reese. 3 3 134 Montgom’y, W. W, Hi 4.98
os = Twin s Hannah ¥ ¢ NorNisony W 85 135 Crawley, vei Dag or m 32-75 of 300 Boyd, Thomas....Sarah J Rine. ..... 438 |: ne 109 Fa rp 1 2 129 160 Norge, Marion... Mary Xe Mori 2 So
OX, Samuel Mv Moprison 18 63 HALF MOON TOWNSHIP. 440 ¥ady, Wm P....Mrs Navn Haugh.. 5 38 | 3/'or433 183 Irvin, Robérter... W. A. Christ..... 4221 200 runer, F. J; Terbett.. 24 00
G Al WE Gray. ........ 18 63 131 Unknown.......... Elizabh J Fowler. 2 78 273 Barton, Wm..... Mrs Nat'n Haugh...10 70 = 3i3 153 Jordan, Owen, "98 58 433 163 Snyder, Barbar: 28; fad] ay 26,01
433 163 Greaves. ol ox WE oie 17 87 HARRIS TOWNSHIP. 100 Brooks, Jesse. ..J H Reifsnyder..... 215 | 433 153 Lowden, John “11 29 96 142 Shemick, John Sam chammont. 115
16 Milter, Wan... J Torbett...... 6 29 ; gap :|- 530 Black, James... H & J R Gast... 1770 | 433 153 Miller, J. Jum W, H. dd 20 | 103 Hiss, Poly AON
46, er, Wm. ....... . OWsvarierns 40) Andre, Absalom..W M Grove......... 1 100 Boyd, Wm....... Wm Bletz 74 Matos. Taco Citizen Water Go......42 92 Wallace, Thos. C. Heinle...... -
433 163 Morris, Joseph, WEGray.......... 18 63 400 Brown, Wmn.......W M Grove........ 10 60 17 yd, Wm Wm Bletz 16 | 433 zker, ob... $e r Go. 87 100 Wilson, Wm 1.6 00
64 O’Brien, Michael. . Wm P Humes... 140 | 5 "Bell, John......... Meck & Naugle.... 101 | 35 Wr IW Bletar ar oroi 1 bAe an 1m Yovord s Camp IN Crd Spi 3 0 | 2 1m Williams, Josh Da 14 30
216 163 Parker, Jeremiah. RCaus an 933 Couley, Adam..... bos & Hoi $ u 200 Brady, John.....Theo Vail 10 65 % of 433 153 OT he Tw a a Bell, Wi.....ccconeun. P. W. Hartwell........... 24 00
Thos Joseph JF Norbett. 178 | ot or a PR RT I Calhoun, Geo. ... Laurelton Lbr Co...12 68 | 433 Miller, ‘Jane........H. Y. Stitzer..... oa | UNION TWP.
tio Wheeler Henry... John Hoy..." 39 | 30 DA rae al oor Cas oy. | dos Carutres, Jas... Mrs N Haugh 743 | 433 153 Miller, Robert......Smith & Grove..........28 58 | 388 URRNOWRD....divssii Fs Bi BIT 15 70
40 151 Wallace, Jos.........W CHeinle...... 17 63 1 08 Bainiseon, Saar], “ Tos | 300 Cowden, John....H Gast.......... ..21 80 | 170f433 153 Peters, Richard....E. M. Leifer Est..........9 50 1' 435 163 Wister, Wither... Bilal. Orvis 18 22
433 163 Wallace, Jos.....,...H.C. Hyatt......18 63 | 19 Fisher. J Crone MG Brown........ 3.36 | 45 I 9:88 Jv.+ Tisobim, a Orvis & Morrison......19 82 LCE TYP
COLLEGE TOWNSHIP. 133 Fox. George.......Wm Colyer .. 305 | 156 Derr & 3718 ) eer > Eee TWP, |
250 Johnson, Thomas. Robert Valentine.11 25 | 200 he BW I Uns 200 0 Decring, Christ. John hors. 310 3 5 Bit) Josephs PELE pg aL Ae Smith... ........... ID
OURTIN TOWNSHIP. y : le.... 2 80 pes $e & Hartel, 660 | 212° 10 Baker, John i 88
415 Brooks, Jesse......Orvis & Morrison.21 06 14h ay Stophel. : nd Sa br Co 8 63 20 a overt. Corer § Branche 12% 4 of 451% Morgen, #8 10 5 ut 65 Baker, Robt 2 88
110 a i iy rrison- 3% fein, Joba... Mary antl i Bal Chas cre WO 9% | a3 18 Meyer, Jacch 128 | 20 129 Currier, Mery... Agar &Smith Lae
Sus iun os . ’ nee xen aes Chas... oie SES © M int
208 Neuron ot Sonn At, oe. Meck & Nawglo,..135 | 2 Jackson, Jerem'h Smith & Grover... 7 75 4 150 Rush: Benj... 12 | 15 Shon Ei TR
hi Ev, Cadwallader. Samuel Hail 592 | 260 McClelland, Geo. Glen Union Lbr Co.17 24 i) £4 Roamer, er IO Osu: ae 14 406 Slough, Jaob........ 670 | 220 35 * «..... Ambrose M’Mull’n......2 53
311 : lader..W E Gray... 3236 | 108 Nel and, eo Snr 7 5). Delors joi Miles, Win... Proner & Bower 1: 2 | Hora 1m beter, Richard... fo | mau MarghW.C. Helle... om
415 B,snsir WEGTAY. cose v ers 43 16 402 80 McCormick, Elnr..Meck & Naugle.... 533 Is 9g Princeton, Jacob.A E Grove.......... 6 20 urner, Hannan... T 92 26 Bekert, Wm..... r & Smith.. oh
415 . all... .... 38 180 McCandles, Wm... Linden Hall br Co 2 9 27 Packer, Wm i Philip Walker Tog 80 . Nitmer, Henly... WH. Cog ™ 3 100 39 Evans, Jesse.........Agar & Smith, 7% 15
415 J F Torbett 32 82 50 McCandles, Wm. 66 | 419 Re h H& rag og | 13 153 Weish, Pp 69 39 Evans, Jesse........[saac Mar . 80
G John W. A D Lucas. . 82 | 400 Parker, Richard..W M Grove......... 5 30 On GASHY.P- 1% 75 Wilson, Wm.........J. 49 50 | 1.5 of 250 Eyrskine, Jno........Mrs. L. Bush.. 3 46
1 oatroy. John W.. Harned... 2 50 | 400 Patterson, Robt..W M Grove. we | 2° Seigtried, Jacob.OM Bower... ...« A385 | 433 153 Wharton, K..........F, 2858 | 45 of 250 “ “.......W. Breh. Nat. 3 80
100 God frey, John W..Thos B Harned... A 5% Je Teol + 3 MO ailious 10 50 79 Seigfried, Jacob.Laurelton Lbr 00.. 3 47 bi 1 2 x 3 bt War 23
60 Hallowell, Ed...... J F Torbett....... 486 | 412 124 for or Somas.. El n a ie parewsio 2 210 Seigfried, John.. Thomas Stover. ..... 380 = 20 G we i
203 Irwin, James...... JF orate. 4 eine 3 23 1 iy Heynok 8, JO n,Q en Ip jon] Lor 0. 13 25 Steadman, Jas...C W Wilhelm. . | SPRING TWP. 123 “a x 70
37 Lane, Sarah... Thos B Harned... a1 ; 8 “43 iv 4 Moc & Naugle.... 3 69 ant Swineford, Peter.C M Bower... 405 | 4 Johnson, John...... G. Aldricks’ Sons 9 7 211 72 Hahn, Pete .2 53
207% Lownst, Caleb....W E Gray.......... 10 152 ankey, Thos. eck & Naugle.... 3% 7-120£72 Shaffer, Michael.J H Reifsnyder 01 m FORO SO S Audvioks . 3% 1 32 Haho, Peis 2.8
Big oo foueeth dsm WE gu eB Stoel. Allon... “ bir | Zizot Shafter Michael. WE Smith ........ # | YH 5 I
, Sarah.......A D Lucas........ v i ’ » .. = omas.. elm : \ ; 3. ; 5 1
178 Lane, Mary.......O L926 | 438 Steel. Jobn....... J 947 | 35 Seidell, Stophel..A E G SNOW SHOE TWP 145 Miles, Sam’L...... o
70 Mason, John 8. 7 20 dae gample, Robert.. 947 | 413 Tripp, JOS........ Smith id 412 Cascadden, D........C. M. BoWer.............. 0146 | 327 160 Mansel), Nn 0
10 iy I Bi 05 Sweet; Fobest.... Lina'p Hall Lbroo £ 5 204 “Tagger, Roberi.0 W Wilhelm... . 530 | pw UR Sim. Hw | 3, ofr dolny. Io
A A vere . . : y wawiiael 4 nknown....... alier...... . eee ¢ ir aT.
2 a hael..J F Torbett. 3318 ' 100 Sankey, Jerm’h.. $s 198 5 apr 412 44 “ “ 21 46 384 36 Miller, Wm....... g 49
8 ore Yhibatine.) F Torbett....... 8 6 10. Sankey, Thomas. Glen Union Lbr Co. 134 | 193 HLL Ee err id IRIS. a no 340 | #48 59 Osman, Capt. 5
110 Meyers, Rodger....J IF Torbett....... 8 69 245 Simpson, Nathan. : 1 16 12 125 Wharton, Moore.J R "hompson vere 550° | 434 "Dalton, Hug 28 22 25 = ai 46
5 Miller, James.......J F Torbett....... 1259 ' 203 Simpson, Nathan. Beecher & Sober....3 98 5 p ilamvev: McNeal... : ; 434 Dalton, Geo 45 10 86 40 Packer, Job..... see -e 98
146 7 s ! 401 55 West, Andrew ...Harvey McNeal..... 16 20 , Ker, Jas. J 04
200 Palmer, John W C Hsinle, wav dats 30 0 103 148 Sankey, dorm h...Linden Hall Lbr Co 1 x 400 West, Andrew ...Harvey McNeal. ....16 20 434 Dobeon, Jus 2 2 = 10 ak or as. Pusrens 14
415 Roberts, Joseph...Samuel Hall....... mith, John...... . 315 williams, Dan’l. Smith & Grover..... 12 95 434 obson, Sal Piles, Benj... 2
1% 0f200 Times, Itichard....E L Orvis 519 Unknown......... 716 150 Young, Benj... Pruner &Bower...... 6 07 300 Devling. Jos.. 15 60 By rcs one on 11
var.) F Torbett 145 Unknown......... e 189 ‘ 20 a ? 4 Eddy, Geo..... ...28 13 382 138 Sutter, Daniel......Agar & Smith 9
pi Wister Joo rep Torbett........32 82 407 92 Wharton, Kearny. Wm Jolyer.........10 78 PATTON TOWNSHIP. io Ly Lewis “1560 | 201 133 Suttler, Jas. Thos. Love.. 90
160 Willis, Jola (Send) E Li Orvis......... 16 64 ; 2 Yitson, Samael. Glen Union Lbr Co.13 i 30 Patton, Robe. ve Mrs : ) Clanise Vay yey 3 z 400 “ ¢ ‘ 20 80 3 : Dale! Ambiese Mule o
FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Lo 8 son, Wm...... it ! A ehl, Adam.. ..Sarah I Christ. ..... 5.0 433 153 Linn, Samuel. s 22 55 - ore Sr M1 2
: 15 Wilson, Peter.... 98 150 Diehl, Nich. Jr... * ie 37 00 50 Hardishell, B........ ards’ Est... 260 -| 09 Swanzy, Wm.. J. H. Reifsnyder.........
» Burchfle 1d, Wn Ah Wil een: 1 9 213 Wilson, Samuel.. Beecher & Sober... .. 430 PENN TWP 250 Hall, Os OM, ...13 00 441 Robinson, Sam’l......Ambrose M’ Mull’n...... 6
150 ) Yam hn... Thos P Sh non.. 6 5) 107 Wilson David.... hid 27 : 383 Hale, Jas. T..........W. E. Gray ...25 39 21 6 Rohrer, Christia John Dorman.... .
2 Shannon, Jon... 1003 Annon.- 75) | 19 Work, David..... at 3 16 100 Cook, Wm....... Willis Musser........ 2 18 50 Ne wi 14 25 30 Wickersham, A.......Isaac Markle... .. 36
254 Turner, Hannah..D W Woodring... ot Work, Joseph.... se 2 47 300 Montgomery, W.J F Torbett..... ... 648 J 13 12 Wilson, Ropt..... .... Zimrm’n & Robison....1 16
J W Kepl 692 | 1H , Josep of 400 Holt, Edgar. J. H. Holt......
164 Turner, Daniel.... epler........ | a1 Wilson, David... Meck & Naugie 6 54 276 Montgomery, D.. * rh on 601 i olt, 1 BH an
40 Unknown.......... W P Stevenson... 150 ' 9% , ei Naugle..... %% of 170 neo Ins n 4 of 400 “ou [. Bower WORTH TWP.
9 Unknown. .........Emma Bucher..... 41 1 Wilson, Wm..... 2 85 ’ - : 325 Banks, Wm Sime. 1692 | g70 Sundry warrantees..H. F. Chaney............ 73 33
GREGG TOWNSHIP. 12 Wilson, Peter... . “ 28 ”® Unknown, » 325 i) ** wl 16 92 25 Morris, Wiate Levi Reese Is 237
130 Duncan Daniel... Edward Allison.. 218 48, . Wilson, Edward, 8 63 360 Pimm, John......... “ 1834 | 17 i ep Power Millman... 1 02
70 Gregg, Smith Edward Allison.. 1 31 279 Work, David... a 553 216 82 Parker, JeremiahS. K. Sch 11 25 Eliza J. Fowler... or
30 Unknown.......... Pierce Dornblazer 56 , 31 Work, Joseph... 6 47 265 Glenn Un. Lbr Co..16 46 J 433 Parker, Geo......cer TE eens 22 50 } ig Eliza McMODIZAL..oeerern 7