Colleges & Schools. Ir YOU WISH TO BECOME. A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientic Farmer, A Journalist, n short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit you well for any honorable pursuit in life, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. TAKING EFFECT IN SEPT. 1900, the General Courses have been extensively modified, so as to fur- nish a much more varied range of electives, after the Freshman year, than heretofore, includ- ing History ; the English, French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek Languages and Litera- tures ; Psychology; Ethics, Pedagogies, and Political Science. These courses are especially adapted to the wants of those who seek either the most thorough training for the Profession of Teaching, or a general College Education. The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very best in the United States. Graduates have no difficulty in securing and holding positions. YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. THE WINTER SESSION onens January 12th, 1902. For specimen examination papers or for catalogue giving full information repsecting courses of study, expenses, etc., and showing positions held by graduates, address 25-27 - Ceal and Wood. J ovanp =. RHOADS. Shipping and Commission Merchant, DEALER IN—/8— ANTHRACITE anp BITUMINOUS {coxrs| ——CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS,—— snd other grains. —BALED HAY and STRAW— BUILDERS and PLASTERERS’ SAND KINDLING WOOD—— oy the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at wie § Central 1312, Telephone Calls Le 682. near the Passenger Station. 86-18 : Prospectus. NEWS AND OPINIONS ee () NATIONAL IMPORTANCE —THE SUN— ALONE CONTAINS BOTIL. Daily, by mail, dk - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday, by mail, - $8 a year. THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World. large doses, as lias been shown by’ the: re Price 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. 47-3 Address, THE SUN, NewxYork THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. " Bellefonte, Heart Stimulant. There is a deep-seated belief amounting almost to superstition that alcohol is a very important heart stimulant, especially when this organ is weak. Wiaternitz, the great authority on hydrotherapby in Ger- many, has often told us of the very great ! value of cold as a heart stimulant or tonic and it is far superior to alcohol in this re- spect. Dr. Kellog gives the method of ap- plication as follows: ‘The application consists of a compress applied to the portion of the chest wall over the heart. This comprises the space hounded by the second rib above, the right border of the sternum, a line falling oue- half inch to the right of the nipple, and the sixth rib below. The compress should be large enough to cover this space, and tend at least two inches outside of it. ex- Or- dinarily the best effects are produced by employing water at a temperature of about 60 degrees. The compress should be wrung moderately dry and should be very lightly covered. It is desirable that cool- ing by slow evaporation should be encour- aged and be continued for some time.’ Dr. Kellog continues: ‘‘In Germany .and France it is the custom to administer alcohol to the patient just before putting him in a cold bath. Some practitioners, as Winternitz, administered but a very small amount, a single mouthful of wine for instance ; while others give brandy in considerable quantities. © A few American practitioners employ brandy with the cold bath. The unwisdom of this practice will be apparent on due consideration of following facts : 1. ‘‘One purpose in administeiing the the cold bath is to secure a true stimulant or tonic effect by arousing the vital energies throngh excitation of the nerve centres. Alcohol was once supposed to he capable ' of affecting this, and was used for this pur- pose in typhoid fever and various other morbid conditions accompanied hy depres- sion of the vital forces. At the present time, however, itis well known, and with practical unanimity admitted, that alcohol is neither a tonic nor a stimulant, but a ' narcotic ; that it lessens. and does not in- crease, the activity of the nerve centres; and that this is true of small as well as searches of careful investigatois.”’—F Health. om Will of Cecil Rhodes. Provides for Two Scholarships to Each of the Present States and Territories. The will of Cecil Rhodes provides for the establishment of colonial scholarships, as previously announced, and two American scholarships to each of the present states and territories of the United States. The will also provides for five scholarships for students of German birth, at Oxford, to be nominated by Emperor William, and, com- menting on the bequest, Mr. Rhodes, in a codicil telegraphed from South Africa, said : “Fora good understanding between Eng- land, Germany and the United States will secure the peace of the world, and educa- tional relations form the strongest tie.”’ Mr. Rhodes divides 100,000 pounds be- quested to Oriel college, in several funds, indicating concisely how he wishes them to | be applied and adds this characteristic sen- tence : “And finally as college authorities live | secluded from the world, and so are like | | ehildren as to commercial masters, I would advise them to consult my trustees regard- | ing the investment of these various funds, | so far as they would receive great help and assistance from such advice.” Regarding the American scholarships, | Mr. Rhodes says : “Whereas I desire to encourage and fos- | ter an appreciation of the advantages which, | I implicitly believe, will result from a | ‘union of the English speaking people | throughout the world, and to encourage in | the students from the United States, who | will benefis'by the scholarships, an attach- ment to the country from which they have sprung, but without, I hold, withdrawing them or their sympathies from the land of ! their adoption or birth.” | The will provides that the executors may, at their discretion, delay establishing any territorial scholarship until such time | as they may think fit, but it provides also that the territorial scholarships, once es- | tablished, shall not lapse upon the admis- | sion of the territory to statehood. Aunoth- | er provision is that no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to al scholarship on account or race or religious | | | ‘opinion. Mr. Rhodes desired that the students should not patronize any particular college but distribute themselves throughout the university. The trustees are allowed to suspend or remove any scholar at his dis- cretion. Mr. Rhodes expresses the hope that the trustees will arrange an annual 1eunion for all students and scholarship graduates who are able to attend and invite thereto as guests ‘persons who have shown sympathy with the views expressed by me in my will.” Dentistry Through a Hole in a Sheet. ‘“The Nawab of Rampur, which place is about 1,000 miles to the northwest of Cal- cutta, came down from his home to call on us,’”’ said Dr. D. 8S. Smith of Calcutta. ‘“‘He brought 150 people with him the whole 1,000 miles just to see about getting his mother’s teeth fixed. She wanted a set of false teeth and hecause every English woman had two sets the maharima must have two =ets also. The Nawab of Rampur is a Mohammedan, so, of course, the moth- er could not show her face. Likewise on that account I had to go to Rampur to do the work. Two thousand miles to make two sets of false teeth. Well, it cost the Nawah 4,000 rupees. The old woman— | she was a grandmother, as is almost every | older woman in India—lay back with her face covered up and I worked at her month Courier-Journal. The Head of the Family. He—And now I suppose I'll have to ask your father’s consent ? She—Not at all. « Just ask mamma. She'll take care of papa. —Judge. Reduced Rates to Los Angeles. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, on Account of Con- vention "of Federation of Women’s Clubs. On account of the Convention of Feder- ation of Women’s Clubs, to be held at Los Angeles, Cal. May 1st to 8th, the Penn- sylvania railroad company will sell special excursion tickets from all stations on its line, to Los Angeles and return, at re- duced rates. Tickets will be sold from April 19th to 26th, inclusive, and will be good to re- turn until June 26th when properly vali- dated. For specific rates, routes, and conditions of tickets apply to ticket agents. 49-17-2¢ Warned. “Mamma, what would you do if that big { vase in the parlor sheuld get broken ?”’ said Tommy. “‘I should whip whoever did it,”’ said Mis. Banks, gazing severely at her little son. : ‘‘Well, then you’d better begin to get up vour muscle, said Tommy, ‘‘coz papa’s broke it.” Medical. I OSS OF APPETITE 4 IS LOSS OF VITALITY, VIGOR, TONE. That stands to reason. It's common in the spring when the blood, which needs cleansing, fails to give the organs the stimulus necessary for the proper performance of their fune- tions. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA cleanses the blood, restores appetite, gives vitality, vigor, tone—this is one of the reasons why it’s called the Greatest Spring Medicine. Take it. ; : “[ could not eat, and took everything I could think of without getting an appetite. Finally 1 began taking Hood’s Sarsapa- rilla, and the first bottle did me so much zood that I took four bottles. I now have a good appercite and can eat as much as | ever could.” H. J. Carl, 313 N. Hale St., Allentown, Pa. “I had no appetite and was fast falling away and getting weak. | began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. lt gave me a good appetite so I can eat almost anything placed before me and I am now gaining strength and flesh. I heartily recommend this medicine to the weak and suffering.” Noel Whipkey, Higbee, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. ACE YOU BILLIOUS IS YOUR LIVER STAGNANT IS YOUR COMPLEXION YELLOW When your liver becomes clogged and stagnant the bile whieh goes into the in- testines gets into the blood and billious- ness results, Constipation and billious- ness are two great foes of health, and each results {rom the other. If you keep your howels open by the use of LAXAKOLA the great tonic laxative, you will never be troubled by either billiousness or consti- pation. It acts directly upon the bowels through a hole in a sheet.”’— Louisville | ina mild and gentle, not a violent and irritating way, as do cathartics. Ii is something more than a laxative,—it is a’ marvellous tonic; acting directly upon i the stomach, liver and kidneys, keeping them active, clean and strong, and toning up ihe entire system to a condition of health. / All druggists, 25 and 50 cts., or send for a free { sample to THE LAXAKOLA CO., Nassan St., 47-4-3m ‘New York. ' A Doctor's BAD PLIGHT. -*‘Two years ago, at a result of a serious cold, Ilost my voice,”” writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough, of Hebron, Ohio, ‘‘then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to me as a practicing physician for 35 years, failed, and I daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds, I found quick re- lief,and for the last ten days have felt better than for two years.”’ Positively guaranteed for thinat and lung troubles by Green’s Pharmacy. 50c and $1.(0. Trial bottles free. Only Natural. ‘Well, how are you feeling now?” asked the doctor. “I’ve had a stitch in my side all day,” replied the pugilist. ““That’s all 1ight. It shows that the bones are knitting.’’— Chicago Tribune. New Advertisement. FPREASURER'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS.—At the same time and place ad given in the Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands, will be sold the following tracts or Centre county, for non-payment of taxes, according to the provisions of the several Acts of Assembly relative to the sale of seated jand for taxes: MILESBURG BORO. In accordance with the A¢t of June 6th, 1837, interest will be added to the amount of all taxes assessed against unseated lands above adv rtised. SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons corresponding with the Treas- urer in reference to land advertised for sale in the above list should remic sufficient to pay postage, stationery and advertising: ‘The advertising is $1.00 on each tract. J. H.CORL W. T. SPEER, Clerk. County Treas. Jots of land, returned by the tax collector of | the following districts. respectively, for the | years 1898 and 1899, to the Commissioners of | Description. Owners. Taxes. | 2 Lots Mrs M MeCollumn...... $29. PHILIPSBURG BORO. Lot George Blowers........ 9 92 Lot Traction Co..... ve i-18 22 Lot J M Kepler. . .. 16 56 Lot George Brown.......... 301 S. PITILIPSBURG BORO Lot Sam’l Edminson....... 128 2 Lots Wm Frebarger......... 3 20 2 Lots 1. R Giliam............... 30 BENNERTWP, Lot Jas Houver.............. 299! Lot Jno Lieb West... .... so Bo 100 Acres » vode’k & Burke't..... 102 BOGGS TWP. 15 Acres Catharine Deeters...,. 38) H&L Thos Stanley Est....... 6 24 Lot Mrs W Morris else i0 Acres Benj Walker............ 9:9 HUSTON TWP. 18 Acres Jno Ammerman. 9b 178 Acres J B Mattern Est......... 918 | PENN TWP. 75 Acres John Kimport.......... 93:1 RUSH TWP, 334 Acres Isaac Crawford........ 10 08 H&L DD Davis................ 2 99 1% Lot Mrs Dovile............... 161 i Acre Daniel Lutz:............ 8 54 SNOW SHOE TWP, 70 Acres Kline & Shugert.... ... 17 98 30 Acres John Ward ~. .... « (8 50 Acres Catharine Resides . 67 2 Lots N. GC. Bauer......... 113 200 Acres Jno G. Confer... +1254 1 Acre William Moore............... 1 10 SPRING TWP. Lot Ss. Lot mrs. M. Bland. 3 32 Lot Benner Sisters............ 515 1 Acre ¥.P. Blair...........0.... 3 69 1 Acre Peter Junes................ 22 TAYLOR TWP, 10 A: res James Cowher.. 2 65 33 Acres Dennis Reese... 4 84 11 Acres Michael Walk . 3 47 15 Acres Wesley Lego Es 2 08 160 Acres Jno. A. Hunter... ..10 41 52 Acres Robt. Cowher Est. a1 47 3 Tracts Sam’l¥rantz...... ....... o 1492 WALKER TWP. Lot . Rebecca Kettley............. 8 Lot Susan & Chas Robb ......... Ore right 81 acres, Curtin& Co ........ a He Valine ®'Cos. .... a 6 3 NOTE. | C. M. BOWER, E. L. ORV OWER & ORVIS, Attorneys at Law, Eelle fonte, Pa., office in Pruner Block. 44 J C. MEYER—Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 20 & 21 e 21, Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa.44-49 W. F. REEDER. H. C. QUIGLEY. EXDER & QUIGLEY.—Attorneys at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Oflice No. 14, North Al- legheny street. 43 5 B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices J ° in all the courts. Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Office in the Eagle building, i Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22 DAVID F. FORTNEY. W. HARRISON WALKER {JORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law ' __ Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s building, north of the Court Houxe, 14 2 H S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor st . Law. Oftice, No. 24, Temple Court fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega business attended to promptly. 40 49 C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, . Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite Court House. All professional business will re- ceive prompt attention. 30 16 W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at LF Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange, second floor, All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. Consultation in English or German. 39 4 Physicians. WS GLENN, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, | «State College, Centre county, Pa., Office | at his residence. 35 41 | , Dentists. E. WARD, D. D. 8, office in Crider's Stone 2 Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High | Sts. Bellefonte, Fu. Gas administered for the painiess extraction of teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 34-14 R. H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, office in the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All modern electric appliances used. Has had years -of ex- perience. All work of superior quality and prices | reasonable. 45-8-1y 1 Bankers. ACKSON, HASTINGS, & CO., (suceessors te : Jackson, Crider & Hastings,) Bankers, Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Netes Dis- counted; Interest paid on special deposits; Ex- change on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17-36 » ¢ [~d a dt { ENTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en - tirely refitted, refurnished' and replenishes throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex: tended its guests. : ¥®.Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent Risce to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 Harness Oil. In every town. and village may be had, the MICA AXLE GREASE that makes your horses glad. Made by 46-37 STANDARD OIL CO Per. Warrantee Supposed Owner - o | REASURER’S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS Aeres. Per. Warrantee Supposed Owner Taxes Acres. Per, Warrantee Supposed Owner Taxes Acres. Per. Warrantee Supposed Owner Taxes Acres. T FOR TAXES OF 1906 AND 0 : 2 {uinows Sisal wo 8 Shafer feist 5 50 Irvin, John ..... W O Heinle........... 63 2 90 Risin, John..... y N ge chai, 56 433 “ “ M’Cosl'd & Forcy the provisions of law relating to the 4 Inknown. ........./ w Ocker..... 61 . AMErOn, — . .... ohn Decker. ....... 9% 3: CI Rd 3 Heinle 4 te 61 68 Edministon, Sam’l. “ 1 04 19 Cools WH. on CW Wilhelm. ! 34 of 433 153 Peters, Richa 132 153 Wister, Win no... Ellis Li, Orvi 15 +16 Wallace; Joseics. 2: you 196 Fisher. J C........ MG Brown........ 236 | 4 Dowart, Wi... HGast............ 0 | 3. 108m, George. WALKER TWP COLLEGE TOWNSHIP. 133 Fox. George.......Wm Colyer........ 3.85 | 156 Derr & Stahl.....Smith & Grove... ... 378 2 y SIonIE ihe Eh hai y 250 Johnson, Thomas. Robert Valentine.11 25 | 200 Fisher, Sam’l W...M G Brown........ 2 65 | 200 40 Deering, Christ..John Short...... 570 | 32 58 Pim, Joseph 92 91 Asker, Robti....Agar & Smith... {10 " OURTIN TOWNSHIP 260 Gregg, Thomas. ..Glen Union Lbr Co.15 28 | 156 60 Derr & Stahl.....J M Weiss............1 9) | 1% Passinores B 50 Ackert, Wm Ambrose M'Muil'n 58 as Brookes, Josso. Orvis & Morrison. 21 06 | 14 Honry Stophel.. tion Union Torco 8 63 | 300 Gray, Robert. . Clover & BRIGCHGE 12 00 |; of 433 10 Morgan, b. Bio Baker, Robi Afar & Smith : 5 Brooks,Jesse...... 21 I ‘id F rn, James. H & J. skin BI fo ) 2 204 Bruce, Charles....Orvis & Morrison..15 18 | 130 Irvin, John........ Mary M Frank..... 1 96 in . Hn Yo Chas. WO Boros ee 3 » | 54 of £3 15% Mosse Jobs - 162 Brooks, Rut Agar & Smith. 119 Cassadden, D... .CM Bower ceenen 3 2 = 82 Irvin, John... .... feck & Naugle.... 1 14 32 Hall, Chas........ WF Smith... .[... 31 355 og levers atch 280 129 Currier, Mar Agar & Smith : 104 DeHaven, eter. Syiiael all. 10082 400 Johnston, Thos... Meck & Naugle.... 5 30 250 Jackson, Jerem’h.Smith & Grover... 77 | ui ns Vien] ner 60 Agar & Smith tia erin 208 DeHaven, Peter..,W TY gong 250 Mitchell, John.... Meck & Naugle....15 32 20 Kreamer, Peter.. W O Royer.......... pas es eg Ja os Ambrose M’'Mull'n 18 114 Ev, Cadwallader..Samuel Hall. nS 93 260 McClelland, Geo.Glen Union Lbr Co.17 24 9-16 of 402 134 Miles, Wm..... Pruner & Bower....14 25 | 34 of 433 153 Pet ore Rohan 220 135 * , Ambrose M Mull’n...... 2 58 311 Ey, Cadwallader..W E Gray.......... 3 108 Mitchell, John.... Beecher & Sober... 5 23 7-16 of 402 134 Miles, Wm..... Pruner & Bower....14 25 1 8.000 Lo Le Ro anhah HY 1 az Marg’t...W. C. Heinle......... . 415 Elliott, Wm....... WE Gray...... ..43 16 402 80 McCormick, Elnr..Meck & Naugle.... 5 33 200 Princeton, Jacob. A E Grove.......... 6 20 | 5 Turner i han, BY 2 26 Eckert, Wm. Agar & Smith. i BESEELCCeadBTRE) BSE iedndthiG eg | 2 paste fille ag Ew Er t 5 lnEoE mune 0 ve . 3, oe $ 3 John.... H& JR Gast........ i he) A elsn, S J. M. 4 + ¥, Jesse. As 4 AH 169 Godlrey, John W..A D Lucas........ 8 82 | 400 Parker, Richard..W M Grove......... 5 30 207 Selgtried, Jacob.C M IR gust ih . (63 Wilson, Wm.........J. 8 1-5 of 250 Byrskine, Jno. 100 Godsray, John W..Thos B Harned... 2 2 400 Patterson, Robt..W M Grove......... 10 ¢0 79 Seigfried, Jacob. Laurelton Lbr Go... 3 47 3 15% Wharion RK; 5 Ry Ce 60 Hallowell, Ed......J F Yorbett....... 412 124 Parker, Thomas..Elln Hale Andrews10 9” 210 Seigfried, John.. Thomas Stover. ..... 3 80 3 . , wee . H. .. . 31 129 Gilbert, W mo. 203 Irwin, James..... JF Torbett 170 Reynolds, John. ..Glen Union Lbr Co.11 28 25 Steadman, Jas...C W Wilhelm." ..... 74 SPRING TWP. 121 Wm... 47 Lane, Sarah...... Thos B Harned..... 100 Reed, James .....Mary M Frank..... 3 05 207 Swineford, Peter.C M Bower. ......... 405 : an 5 243 55 ote 207% Lownst, Caleb....W E Gray......... 152 Sankey, Thos..... Meck & Naugle.... 3 69 7-12 0f 72 Shaffer, Michael.J H Reifsnyder..... 9 419 Johnson, John...... G. Aldricky Son<......9 7 211 72 Hahn, Pete 2071; © Longstreth, Isaac W E Gray 43% Steel, James...... ” 9 47 5-120 72 Shaffer, Michael. W F Smith ......... 29 20 + 'Foole, Henry.......E. J. Pruner.............7 64 1] 65 4) Hahn, Wm... 71 Lane, Sarah....... AD Incas { 438 Steel, Allen....... “ 947 | 200 Smith, Thomas..C W Wilhelm. ..... § 10 SNOW SHOE TWP 50 40 Johnson, David.. 7 a TE Tn bir | i TR nts Dh B10 Maden Win s WE Gray. ......... 8 y . i pipp,Jos:....... $ (Grove: ..... B41 AR nse DL 5M. REF... oinicis ZL 40 32 A , Win 200 Meyers, Philip....J IF Torbett........ 15 80 | 102 06 Steel Robert.....Lind'n Hall Lbr Co 435 ° 9203 Ta rt, Robort.0 W WHLeI a u 0 | ar ee, Si 90 94 Mercer, John .. 100 Meyers, Simon of e Det eens = 30 400 Smith, John... .. " 198 | To Unknown. ......W B Shaffer... ..... 101 1 412 “ “ 327 100 Mercer, David. Agar & Smit, 420 48 Meyers, Mic! uel Pu be est. reseenad 3. 100 Sankey, Jerm’h.. , les | 100 Unknown........Harry Keller. 262 | 412 44 « I 384 36 Miller, Wn... Agar & Smith. 420 Meyers, Valentine. orbe Ceaneen 3 10. , Sankey, Thomas.Glen Union Lbr Co. 1 34 44 Saknown, rea Harry Keller........" "93 | 412 14 “ os 448 59 Osman, Capt. Agar & Smith... 110 _. Meyers, Rodger....J If Foro des srme 19 8 | 25 Simpson, Nathan, : 16 12 125 ‘Wharton, Moore.J R Thompson...... 550 = 434 Dalton, Hugh. 26 ant Ss Ambrose M'Mull’n 146 75 Miller, James....... JF Torbett.......12 59 | 203 Simpson, Nathan.Beecher & Sober....3 98 1 401 55 West, Andrew... Harvey McNeal 620 | 434 Dalton, Geo. 86 40 Packer, Job.. Agar & Smith...... 200 Palmer, John......W OU Heinle........ 105 148 Sankey. Jerm’h... Linden Hall Lbr Co 1 30 | 400 Werk, Andrew... Harvey McNeal 1620 | 434 Dobson, Jas. 80 40 Packer, Jas. Jr... Agar & Smith... 415 Roberts, Joseph 145 Smith, John..... * ” 1:9 315 -- Williams, Dan’l.Smith & Grover 1295 | 434 Dobson, Sam 50 Piles, Benj. ..J. R. Thompson, % of 200 Tames, Schad 519 Unknown... i a : 15. | 150 Young, Benj....Pruner &Bower...... {300 Deviing. Jos 50 in 5 te Basi ...J. R. Thompson. ne Wister, Gasper. i 92 Yjenowy Kearny. Wm Oolyer.........1n 78 PATTON TOWNSHIP. ! om Fda, geo. =” 133 Sutrier, To. elie hoe fri 160 Willis, Jola (Se 235 Wilson, Samuel.. Glen Union Lbr Co.13 7 » Button; Roby...» Mas s } Clirist re nhin B70 gio ren? “ Be «© Ambrose M’Muli’'n Y. s 3 7 : oat 2 a su { a > i Py 3 ) 100 BO LW Gra y, treas.. 1 30 1 : } “ Bos LBs Eh ee i Se 00 I 3 i Wh er 150 McWilliams, B W. W B Williams.....14 90 | 213 Wilson, Samuel... Beecher & Sober... 430 Ci a PENN PWD, 1 i 280 Hall, Peter 441 Robingon, Sam’l......Ambrose M' Mull’n.. 90 Shannon, John... Thos P Shannon.. 6 5) 107 Wilson David. o 278 100 Li Cook, Wn tis Willis Musser... .. L218 | 383 Hale, Jas, T\ 21 6 Rohrer, Christian...John Dorman 254 Turner, Hannah..D W Woodring.... 7 5) | 139 316 300... ‘Montgomery. W.J F'Torbett Es 0 aah nee ee 30 Wickersham, A.......Isaac Markle... .. Bf 164 Turner, Daniel....J W Kepler........ 6 92 | 124 Hol 2 ATL om Mon mor, Poise se gg) + 34 of 400 Holt, Edga 12 Wilson, Robt..... .... Zimrm’n & Rubison....1 16 40 Unknown... ....W P Stevenson... 15) | 31 Nausglesic.; Gist Pijgorin ‘Swinetord, Deter. Andrew HAFIOF.. Po o WORTH TWP. 9 Unknown.......... Emma Bucher..... 41 44 . ARTI08 GPG ol 1h tas | 325 Banks, Wm 970 Ary: warrantess. H. FP, Chane 3 “ . - 46 Unknown......... Gentzel (i). 106 99 , 97 Sundry warrantees..H. F. Chaney ] 129 249 i "ag “ “ GREGG TOWNSHIP. Allison 218 | 1 Wilson’ Eaward. hid se5 | 0° rn: sees TL AUMBN nae #5 IB 25 Morris, Wister........ Levi Reese Ist 2 37 130 Duncan, Daniel... . Edward son.. 2 18 i w 50) be . 525 POTTER TWP Hi {| 80 . Pimm, Joh 1 Unknown...... Mi ; 102 70 Gregg, Smith....... Edward Allison.. 1 3t ¢ ork, cen ee ; eri ro Ci O16 82 Parker, Jere 3 Unknown. Lo 0 Unknown.......... Pierce Dornblazer 56 | 81 Work, Joseph... 647 © 265 Blair, Joseph.....Glenn Un. Lbr C0..16 46 433 Parker, Geo..... 13 Unknown... Tor .