Centre Hall, ‘Mrs. W. W. Boob is iu Philadelphia. A six o'clock Easter service was held in the Lutheran church which was well at- tended. : A little girl has selected the home of Mr and Mrs. Forest Ocker as a good place to stay permanently. Section boss James Smeltzer has improved the property he bought on Hoffer street by erecting a stable upon it. Photographer Thomas Bartges struck over seven thousand pictures luring his recent ten days’ reduced rates. Potatoes being well up in price this spring, puts all in a notion to plant largely. Ex- perience has taught in the past years that high priced seed produces cheap potatoes. Mrs. W. A. Curray, west of town, has been seriously afflicted for the past few months with inflammatory rheumatism and has not been able to perform any household duties. Rev. Oboyle, pastor of the Sunbury Re- formed charge, paid Centre Hall a brief visit last week. The reverend has many personal friends here who are always glad to see him. Colyer’s saw and stave mill isin full blast at present, which is giving employment to a number of men and boys. Some new ma- chinery has been placed in the mill for the manufacture of staves, which are turned out in large quantities. D. R. Foreman, for several days this week, taught sehool in the borough, filling his brother Frank’s position while the latter at- tended the wants of a little sick son. The child has greatly improved after suffering severely from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. W. H. Kreamer has retorned to her home after having given six or eight weeks of undivided time to her sister, Mrs. W. H. Bartholomew, during her illness. The de- ceased sister was satisfied with no one’s at- tention except Mrs. Kreamer’s, which was given with a good heart. / Dr. J. F. Alexander had rather an exciting experience Tuesday while across the valley to visit a sick patient. A school friend of his daughter Grace accompanied him on this trip, and as they were driving along near Centre Hill the front axle of the buggy broke, throwing the top forward so that itstruck the horse. The animal took fright and started on a run. The doctor and his companion cooped in the top were taken over the pike at great speed for a considerable distance until the horse broke loose from the vehicle. The occupants were not injured more than receiving a severe shaking up, but it is mir- aculous that both escaped with their lives. Madisonburg. Assessor D. W. Harter was through our section this week on official business. B. F. Miller, who was ill for some time past, looks quite well again. H. A. Moore, of Howard, candidate for the office of county treasurer, was circulating among our people this week. Mr. Moore not only re-visits his old friends but’'makés many new ones. gore Recently while John Rishel was loading manure his horses started suddenly and he | Both‘wheels passed over him. No bones are broken; so far |- was thrown under the wagon. as.is known but he is unable to walk. - Rev. F. W. Solver, lately of Lock: Haven, passed. thyough here, stopping. with sold, ac: (1. from -:quaintances. while: on his way back, .fro as minister and Colyer, where he is station whither he expects to move in" the near {} future. - Rev. Solver: was formerly on this || circuit. . — New Advertisements. MONEY TO LOAN on good security and houses for rent. tsa J. M. KEICHLINE, Att'y at Law. OUSE FOR RENT.—House occupied by D. S.. Mechtly, ORposjie Methodist church, on Howard street. Inquire: of W. P. HUMES. 44-11-tf 44-14-1yr*. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary on. the estate of S. A. Martin deceased, late of Walker township, having been granted to the undersigned he requests all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them-duly authenticated for settlement. N H. BECK, 44-14-6t Nittany, Pa. ATCHED TEAM FOR SALE.—They are an exact match in color, con- formation, size disposition and gait. Bays 5 years old, 15.3 hands high, weight 2,050 pounds, trotters —standard bred—can show 3:00 on road. Are thoroughly broken to drive single also. Are ab- solutely sound, kind, reliable and showy drivers, fearless of steam and trolley cars. Lady can drive them. Also bay gelding, 8 years old, pacer, record 2:23%4. A fine single roadster. Address, A. KAUL & SON, 44-14-1¢ St. Mary’s, Pa. A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — Let- . ters of administration on the estate of G. Tarring Gray deceased, late of Patton township, Centre county, Pennsylvania having been grante to the undersigned, by the clerk of the orphan’s court of Centre county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated, with- out delay for settlement to . E. GRAY, Administrator of G. Tarring Gray Dec'd. 44-12-6t : Bellefonte, Pa. .EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is hereby giv en that the following accounts will be pre- sented to the court for confirmation on. Wednes- day, April 26th, 1899 and unless exceptions be nled thereto on or before the second ay of the term the same will be confirmed, to wit. The first and final account of D. L. Zerby, as- signee of Luther Guisewite. The first and partial account of Adam Bartges, assignee of Adam partges. M. I. GARDNER, Prothonotary. 44-12-4¢. March 20, 1899. AIN UNNECESSARY IN CHILD- birth. —Pain is no longer necessary in childbirth. Its causes, being understood,” are easily overcome, the labor being made short, easy and free from danger, morning sickness, swelled limbs, and like evils readily controlled, and all female Jissases sheedily cured. Cut this out; it may save your life, suffer not a day longer, but send us a 2 cent stamp, and receive in sealed envelope full particulars, testimonials, confi- dential letter, &c. Address Frank Tuomas & Co., Baltimore, Md. 44-10-6m. OURT PROCLAMATION.— Whereas the Honorable J. G. Love, President J udge’ of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th ‘Judicial District, consisting of the county ,of Centre having ‘issued his Precept, bearing date the 1st day of April 1899, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte. for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of April being the 24th day of April 1899, and to continue two weeks, notice is herebv given to the Coroner. Jus- tices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables ot said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper persons. at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon of the 24th with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrance, to do those Wings which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 1st day of April in the year of our Lord, 1899, and the one hundred and twenty-second year,of the inde- pendence of the United States. W. M. CRONISTER, 44-1-4t Sheriff New Advertisements. Joseph Bros. & Co. New Advertisements. Svs BULL CALF eight weeks old for sale. Address GEORGE CURRY, 44-13-2t* + - Warriors Mark, Pa. ENT AND SALE.—I have for rent ‘several desirable houses -and one for sale at bargain. A. M. HOOVER, Bellefonte, 44-12-3t* Jd. H. GROSS, FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. High St., next door to Centre ccunty Bank Building, BELLEFONTE, PA. The Latest Patterns in Spring and Summer Suit- Ings for Men are now on Display, and the Prices will Suit you. 45-13-3m XECUTOR’S SALE. — The under- signee executrices of the last will and testament of Martin Laughlin,’ late of Bellefonte borough, in the county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose to sale at public vendue or outery on SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1899, at 9 o'clock a. m. That property late the estate of ‘said decendnt, situate in the borough, county and State aforesaid bounded and described as follows to wit: First—Three vacant lots, each 50 feet wide by 103 feet deep bounded as follows: on the North by property of Mrs. Mary Blanchard, on the East by other property of Martin Laughlin, deceased, on the South by Lamb street and on the West by lands of Mrs. Mary Blanchard. Second—Two improved lots, with a TWO AND A HALF STORY FRAME DWELLING erected on each, bounded as follows: Fronting on Lamb street 50 feet each, and extending back 103 feet to property of John C. Miller and Mrs. D. 8. Keller, on the East by Ridge street and on the West by the aforesaid vacant lots of the decedent. Sale to be on premises at which time and place terms will be made known. TavLor & JounstoN, MAGGIE LAUGHLIN Attys. JENNIE LAUGHLIN, 44-13-3t. Executrices. RPHAN’S COURT SALE OF VALUA- BLE REAL ESTATE.—Pursuant to an order of the orphan’s court of Centre county, will be sold at public sale on the premises in Patton township, ori county, Penna. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 18tu, 1899. at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described real es- tate late of G. Tarring Gray, deceased, to wit: Purpart No. 1. “The undivided one half of all that certain messuage tenement or tract of land situate in Patton township, Centre Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post, thence by lands now of Esther Gray and Meeks lines south 54° west, 133 perches to a chestnut stump, thence by lands of heirs of Jacob Gray deceased, north 4014° west, 6414 perches to a post, thence north 40° west 94 6-10 perches to stones, thence by the mountainland north 5414° east 57 7-10 perches to a post, thence north ‘63° east 76 perches to a white oak stump, thence by land of Isaac Gray’s estate south 403° east - 146 rches to post the piss of beginning, contain- ing 121 acres and allowance, excepting and re- serving the church lot heretofore sold to the M. E. church and occupied for church purposes con- taining about one half acre. : . Purpart No. 2. The undivided one half of all that, certain tract of mountainland situate in Patton. and Huston townships, Centre county, Pa., and bounded and described as fol- Jows: On the northeast by lands of Samuel T. Gray and the heirs of M. D. Gray deceased, and Esther Gray, on the southeast by Purpart No.1 above described, on the southwest by lands of Jacob Gray’s heirs, John I. Thompson's heirs, et al, and on the northwest by the Bald Eagle creek, containing about 200 acres. The above interest in said tracts of land will be sold subject to a de- vise of five hundred dollars, due Durbin L. Gray, as per terms of will of Samuel P. Gray decease which is duly probated. Purpart No. 1 has erec- ted thereon a two story stone house, bank barn and other outbuildings. There is an orchard of fruit trees. and water on the premises. Terms oF SALE.—Ten per cent. of ‘purchase mon- ey ta be paid on day of sale, forty per cent. upon confirmation of sale and delivery of deed, and the balance in one year thereafter with interest to be secured by bond and mortgage or Srigmans on the premises. © W.E.GRAY, Administrator of. estate of G. Tarring Gray, de- ceased. 44-12 copia sims ‘Montgemery & Co., rT washed Thies MELHEOTO CIE DI 9030 iB a Ir THERE IS ANY MAN OR BOY in Centfe county who fail- ed to get one of our FOLD- ERS, showing 3 samples of our — 2 GREAT $7.50 SUITS, — please notify us at once, and we will mail him one. We have a great big seller in Black Diagonal Worsted Snits at $7.50 also. Thor- oughly made and trimmed —all wool worsted yarn-—-- 18 ounces: are helping us on in our new department. LADIES’ PARASOLS, LADIES’ COLLARS AND CUFFS, LADIES’ GLOVES, LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES’ SHOPPING BAGS, LEATHER CASES, LADIES’ HOSE, LADIES’ SILK GARTERS, ALSO CHILDREN'S GARTERS, LADIES’ SAILOR HATS. _— MONTGOMERY & CO. 44-12 BELLEFONTE, PA. : W EDDING GIFTS. BRO’S & CO’S J OSEPH o | | FRIDAY, MARCH 7th. S i | SATURDAY, MAR. 8th. | 0 o 0 o 0 Joseph Bros. & Co. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING. o o 0 0 o 0 The Highest Art of Millinery in now gn Exhibition. DAINTY BONNETS, EXQUISITE TOQUES, NOBBY WALKING HATS, CHIC CREATIONS FOR MISSES : will be the greatest MILLINERY cvent in the Millinery History of this Town. JOSEPH BROS. & CO. HATS FOR LADIES, No cards—obut We are pleased to announce that our Spring Millinery Opening Jixed for Today and Tomorrow AND CHILDREN. HATS FOR MISSES, HATS FOR EVERYONE. We have secured Miss Schaver, one of New York’s finest artists, to design for and over see our Millinery Parlors. And we are determined to excel all other Millinery Establishments in Centre Co. . A visit will repay you. No one is urged to buy. We are displaying the latest examples of Tailor made Suits, Jackets and Wraps. Also the noted Stanlly Shirt Waists in 50 different varieties. A well selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Carpets. ——DON’T FORGET THE MILLINERY OPENING. 3 JOSEPH BROS. '& CO. te iuuda ewelry. TVPHEE New Advertisements. .. |’ “'Néw. Advertisements. a sl Pais (aide gid Ta alle ini ganas | Phas. saxaad | nde) odndl uengd esl Y WITT 7 a Wilk So \HE FAIRBANKS SCALES, SHERIFF'S SALE. tt ATER Beds rn ()) eee —STERLING SILVER— a is the most appropriate thing to give. It is useful, has beauty, and lasts g life time. . vs OUR STOCK INCLUDES EVERYTHING for the. table, and prices are very little more than is asked for the plated were. COME AND LOOK AT IT. —[0}— F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, $c i. VALVES AND SUPPLIES, 236 and 238 Third Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. xy H. C. BREW, AGexT, AH 2h Bellefonte, Pa. Easy AND QUICK IS ai SOAP MAKING —— WITH BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dis- . solve a can of BANNER Ly2 in cold water; © "melt 534lbs. of grease ; pour the’ Lye water _in the grease ; stir, and put aside to set. FULL DIRECTIONS ON EVERY PACKAGE Banner Lyk is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, permitting . the use of a small quantity at a time. It ‘is Jas the article needed in every house- hold. . It will: clean paint floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets, and waste pipes. For sale by Grocers and Druggists THE PENN CHEMICAL WORKS, 44-10-3m * PHILADELPHIA. High St. BELLE E, P fii eh % : Foy JPapering and Painting. Shoes Etc : : Wi: PAPER Gro. T. Bush. A. C. HEVERLY. eer SHOE HOUSE IN CENTRE COUNTY ——FouNnED 1870.—— —_—— ALL THE SPRING STOCK OF OVER $3000.00 IN GOOD GOODS NOW IN. Give us a fair trial and you will find our mottoes, FAIR TREATMENT, HIGH IN QUALITY, LOW IN PRICE, NEW IN STYLE, Ww aye correct in every particular and you will eall again. Vg i + 0 POWERS SHOE CO. Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PA. 43-48-6m "ROOM MOULDING, PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER HOUSE PAINTING, GRAINING —AND— PAPERIXG. —AND— Everything Pertaining to the Business at the Lowest Prices for Good Work. ECKENROTH and MONTGOMERY, High street, Bellefonte, Pa. Crider’s Stone Building. 44-9-3m By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, Fieri 'Faclas and Venditioni Exponas issued ‘ont of ‘the Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co. Pa: and to me directed, there will be'exposed to Public. Sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pa., SATURDAY APRIL 22nd, 1899, at 10:30 o'clock, the following described real estate, to wit: anew AE pe All that certain piece or lot of ground situate in the village of Port Matilda,” Centre coufity: Penn- wit: - Beginning at High street corner of lot. No. ‘13 on the plot of said town: thence fronting and running along my street 60 feet to lot "No. 9: thence along lot No. 9:200 feet to said lot; bein 60 feet front on High street and extending io 200 feet and known as lot ‘No. 11 in the plot or plan of said town. . Thereon erected a two-story frame: dwelling house, stable and other out-buildings. : Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the Spopeity of Mary A. McMonigal and R." R." Mc- Monigal, . vor Sle ALSO: - All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Aaronsburg, Haines township, Centre . county Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: On the south by Plum street on the edstby lot No. 385 on the north by Cherry alley, on the west by lot No. 385 being known in” the plot of Aarons- burg as lot No. 384, and containing in_breadth along Plum street 60 feet and in depth to Cherry alley 230 feet. PR Thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house, and other out-build:ngs. ‘ Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Elija Burd Admr. of &c., of Wm. R. Burd deceased. . : "ALSO _All those four certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Gregg township, Centre county Penn- sylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: No. 1. On the north by lands of J. P. Condo, on the south by lands of John Ebert, on the east by lands of Richard Dunlap and on the west . by lands of John Ebert, containing Shoat 8 acres. Thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house. No. 2. On the north by lands of J. P. Condo, on the south by railroad” on the .east by lands of Wolf, and on the west by Richard Dunlap, con- taining 1 acre. Thereon erected a two-story trame dwelling house, stable and other out-buildings. No. 3. On the north bo Syvole and Dunlap, on the south by lands of John Ebert, on the east by lands of Confer and Jamison and on the west by lands of Richard Dunlap, containing 33 acres.” No. 4. On the north by lands of- and others, on the south by land of G. Decker and E. Confer and on the east by land of E. Confer, and on the west by land of A." Auman, containing about 10 acres. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Richard Dunlap. ALSO All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Bellefonte, Centre county Penn- Yvaniay ounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of Armor, on the east by Wil- son street, on the south % Howard street, and on the west by lands of Wm. Clark and Monroe Armor, containing about 2 acres more or less. Thereon erected a large stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of M. B. Garman, ALSO All that certain messuage, or lot of ground situate in Spring township, Centre county Penn- sylvania, bounded and described as follows viz: eginning at the north east corner of lot of ground of the Spring township, school district: thence north along line of Bellefonte turnpike to the middle of small run on lands late of S. H. Yocum: thence east along lands late of S. H. Yocum 200 feet to a contemplated alley: thence south along line of said contemplated alley 80 feet: thence west 200 feet to the Bellefonte turn- pike to the place of beginning, being a lot front- ing 80 feet on said Bellefonte turnpike and ex- tending back east there from 200 feet and having erected thereon ten tenement houses, it being the undivided ome-half of the same Whites con- veyed by S. H. Yocum and wife to W. R. Teller, &e. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of S. M. Buck. ALSO All that certain tract of land situate in Snow Shoe township, Centre county Pennsylvania: Beginning at the southeast corner: of 100 acre tract of land conveyed to P. B. Crider & Son owned by Hopkins & Weymouth: thence along said land north 4° 20/ east 73-10 feet to a stake: thence along lands of Lehigh valley coal com- pany, south 86° east 288 feet to post and stones: hence still along lands of the said Lehigh valley coal sompeny, south 4° west 234 feet to posts and stones: thence still along lands of the said Lehigh sylvania,- bounded and described as. follows to | MH % nar valley coal company, north 86° west 690 feet to a stake on the east side of road from Snow Shoe to Sugar Camp mine: thence along east side of said road north 4° east 229 feet to a post in southern line of tract sold to P. B. Crider & Son: thence along said line south 83° 40’ east 402 feet to the place of beginning, containing three ani 75-100 acres, Thereon erected a 2 two-story frame dwelling houses, stable and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Madill. ALSO All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the township, of Haines, coun- ty of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows viz: Beginning at a dead hemlock: thence by land of Jacob Motz and Christian Motz south’ 6814° west 158 perches to a post: thence by land of Henry Vonada north 14° west 183 perches to a post: thence by land of Benj. Orndorf and Henry Reinhart south 873° east 166 3-10 perches to a post: thence by land of Daniel Hosterman and Jacob W. Stover 1214° east 16414 perches to the place of beginning, containing 161 acres and 121 perches and allowance. Thereon erected a two-story. frame dwelling house, bank barn and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Philip 8 ale: ALS All that certain Jot or piece of ground situate in the township of Rush, Centre county, Pennsyl- vania, to wit: Beginning at a corner "of a 16 foot alley or lane running from the Clearfield turnpike to the Kylertown road and one and a quarter acres of land of Mrs. Cullen: thence along land of Mrs. Cullen north 200 feet: thence along residue of tract east 30 feet: thence along residue of tract south 200 feet to the above mentioned alley or lane 30 feet to the place of beginning, and having erected thereon a frame dwelling house and other out-buildings. : Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Minetta Haywood and Amos Brown. ALSO All that certain messuage, or tract of land situ- ate in Boggs jownshin, Centre county, Penn’a. bounded as follows: On the north by public road leading from Bullets run to Marsh Creek via Fair- view school house, on the east by lands of Mor- gan Lucas, on the south by lands of R. B. Lucas and on the west by lands of Thomas Shawley, containing 46 acres more or less. { Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Melvina Watkins nee Melvina Fink and Robert Watkins het basband, All that certain messuage,tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Potter, county of Centre and State of Penn’a. bounded and describ- ed as follows to wit: Beginning at Dost thence by land of John D. Decker 102 perches to post, thence by land of John and Nicholis Decker 21 perches to post, thence by land of John Decker 102 perches to post, thence by land of Brockerhoft estate 21 perches to place of beginning, containing 13 acres, 2614 perches. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel J. Decker. ALSO All those two certain tracts or pieces of ground situate in the town of State College, College town- ship, Centre county, Penn’a. bounded and de- scribed as follows : Jeginning at north corner on Atherton street and Humes alley running 50 feet south 3934° to corner, thence 215 feet, 5014° west to corner on alley, thence 50 feet northwest to corner of Humes alley, thence 215 feet, 4° northeast to place of beginning and known as lot No. 73 in the plot or plan of William and Thomas Foster, addition to said village of State College. The other thereof situate. in the township, county and State aforesaid, bounded and describ- ed as follows: Beginning at the point of inter- section of College avenue and the College lane, leading to the barn, thence by said Colllege ave- nue north 51° east 250 feet, thence by other lands of the grant or north thirty-eight degrees and 45 minutes west 331 1-10 feet to line of right of way of the Bellefonte Central Rail Road Co., thence along said Tipnt of way by a curve the chord of the arc of said, running south 76° 45 minutes west 366 feet to point in College lane, thence along said College lane south 48° east 496 7-10 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 2 84-100 acres neat measure. . - . Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of University Hotel company. rie Sil ALSO All the right title and interest of Samuel White of, in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Gregg township, Centre county Pennsylvania, hi and described as follows. On the north by lands now or late of John Kearns, on the east by lands of John Ream, on the south by lands of Aaron Long and Emanuel Ungart, on the west by ‘lands of Jacob Neidigh and James Waugh, con- Saining 102 acres net measure, © reon erected a two-story frame dwelling © 1'1ouse; "bask barn, ‘wagon shad and “other out- ‘buildings. ws Seized, taken in execution, and tobe sold as the ‘property of Samuel White. ALSO All that certain tract of land situate in Union township, Centre county Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at stones running south 59)5 east 88 perches to a post: thence ;south 6714 west 173) perches to stones: thence north 19 west 35 perches to stones: "thence by land of Shedrack Parsons north 6714 east 105 perches to place of beginning, containing 60 acres 1414 perches. i +Thereon erected 114 story log house, log barn and other out-buildings. ‘Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Richard Blackburn. ; ALSO All'that certain messuage, tenement or tract of land situate in Boalsburg in the county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ‘as follows to wit: On the north by Pitt or Main ‘street, on the east and south by lands of Daniel ‘Mosser, and on the west by lot of W. A. Murray. Thereon' erected a two-story frame dwelling honse and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Sarah Johnstone and Maggie Lytle. 4 A LSO All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Boggs, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a hick- ory: thence by lands of Andrew Fetzer and Wm. Heaton north 47° east 130 perches to a post: thiénce 43° east 2 perches toa post: thence north 43° west 2 perches to a post: thence north 47° east 56 perches to a post: thence north 21° east 20 perches tostones: thence north 60° west 82 per- chesto a rock oak: thence south 51° west 195 perches to a pine knot: thence south 44° east 98 perches to the place of beginning, containing 119 acres and sixty-five perches. Thereon erected three one-story and a half log houses, two barns and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be seld as the property of Abram Poorman, Isaiah Poorman. and Alfred T Poorman. Terms: —No deed will be -acknowledged untik purchase money is paid in full. W. M. CRONISTER, 44-14% : In the beautiful valley of the Penn river in North Alabama, where the climate is elegant. good water, good markets and good railroad fa- cilities, where there isa good class of people, where agriculture is shown Jess attention than any other industry and where elegant land can be heffield Ala, ite J. C. FOSTER. particulars write s pia formerly of Centre county. VV RIT IN PARTITION. — To the heirs and legal representatives of Chryssa Ann Batchelor, deceased, late of Philips- burg borough, Centre county, Pennsylvania : Ma- tilda Flegal, Francis C Flegal, her husband, Wil- liamsport, Pa; Jennie Ross, Lewis Ross, her hus- band, Clearfield, Pa.; Jemima Cross, Samuel Cross her husband, Philipsburg, Pa.; Simiar Batchelor, Philipsburg, Pa.; J. Willard Batchelor, Philips- burs, Pa.; Effie Todd, John Todd, her husband, Phi ipsburg, Pa.; Mary Mitchell, Howard Mitch. ell, her husband, Williamsport Pa. Take notice that in ursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Centre county, Pennsylvania, a writ in pardijon has been issued from said court to the Sheriff of said county returnable on Mon- day, April 24th, 1899, and that an inquest be held for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said decedent on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1899 at 8:30 o’clock a. m., at the late residence of the deceased at which time and place you can be present if you see proper. All those two certain lots of ground situate in the Borough of Philipsburg, County of Centre and Stace of Penna., bounded and described as fol- ows: No. 1. Bounded on the north by Beaver street on the east by Second street, on the south by lot No. 63 and on the west by lot bequeathed to John Willard = Batchelor, fronting on Beaver street about sixty (60) feet and extending along Second street sixty-six (66) feet, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and other out- buildings. No. 2. Bounded on the north by Beaver street, on the east by lot bequeathed to J. Willard Batch- elor, on the south by lot No. 63 and on the west by Front street fronting on Beaver street about 60 feet and on Front street sixty-six (66) feet having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and other out-buildings. ' W. M. CRONISTER, 44-10-6t Sheriff, Sheriff. . F INTEREST TO HOME SEEKERS. where the soil is rich and fertile, where there is . bought at from eight to ten dollars per acre. For - Sb aa aii i 3 | : i : 2 1