Pine Grove Mention. J. D. Hubler is again a resident of our township. Mrs. E. C. Frye returned home Tuesday after a week's visit among Tyrone friends. Mrs. Samuel and Laura Feltz, of Altoona, are happy visitors among old acquaintances here. Samuel Rowe. who represents the Altman M’f’g. (Co. transacted business here a few days ago. Mrs. Frank Koch, of Bellefonte, is a wel- come visitor at Amos Koeh’s, near Fair- "brook. Mrs. G. W. Keichline is recovering from an illness which caused her family some anxiety. Mrs. D. W. and Murs. J. H. Miller are driv- ing through Mifflin county this week visit- ing relatives. Last Saturday the old Glenn homestead, Just east of town, was sold at public sale to H. C. Campbell, for nine hundred and ninety dollars. Isaac Underwood. the genial Bellefonte implement man, circulated among the farm- ers Monday, and report says he sold a clover | huller of the Birdsell make to Mr. Gardner. | Vance the brush slinger made his head quarters at the St. Elmo, last week, while he | literally painted our town ‘‘yaller.”” This week he is doing Boalsburg up in bright col- Ors. D. M. Nideigh, one of State College au- thorities, was hustling around yesterday in the peach business. His fruit is the largest variety ever offered to our people, who are buving freely. Mus. Arthur Bailey is here on a two week's visit while Arthur is stopping at a Pittsburg ; hotel. our park, is a fine summer resort as the many city visitors will testify. The venerable Henry Bloom, who has The Bailey home, just at the edge of | heen quite ill with pulmonary trouble, takes | great pleasure in showing twelve foot corn stalk of the Bryan kind, which grew on his farm. The parsonage is closed this week so that | those who are equipped with the necessary license will call on the squire. Rev. Aikens is attending synod at Newport, while his wife and son are tarrying among Mifflin county folks. J. H. Weber is supplying State College people with the choicest lot of potatoes they ever had. They are of the Rural New Yorkers and Rose of Erin varieties, some of them tip the scalesat 11 Ibs. and this in a poor year. C. B. McCormick has purchased the J. Shannon McCormick farm and is now mon- arch of all he surveys. We congratulate Charley for he could have made no better investment than the old homestead around which so many pleasant memories linger. Our newly wedded couple, Wm. Brown and wife, have moved to Boalsburg into the house vacated by Prof. Rothrock. Wm. is an up to date farmer hound to get his share of this world’s goods, and will do his part in swell- ing the Democratic majority in old Harris. The Boalsburg Odd Fellows will hold a public meeting in the Reformed church at that place, on Thursday evening. the 14th of October. The meeting will be one of un- usual interest and thorough preparations are being made to have it a success. Rev. J. C. Hart, of Jersey Shore, will make the princi- pal address. A hearty welcome is extended to every one. Admission free. Robert F. Sample, proprietor of the West | End hotel, Uniontown, Pa., stopped off be- tween trains, one day last week, to say ‘howdy’ and note the improvements, which have been made in the last dozen years. Bob was for some years the chief clerk of a big coke concern but he left that to go into the hotel business when the ducats are roll- ing in more rapidly. He pays $3000 rent and employs ten helpers so that it is no lit- tle thing. While here he was the guest of Joe Ard. ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT GONE.—On the 24th William Kaup died at his Oak Hall home, without pain or suffering he peaceful- ly fell esleep after a life of 81 years 9 months and 1 day. He was a carpenter by trade and lived a useful humble life respected by all. He was a consistent member of the Reformed church to which he had belonged from hoy- hood. He is survived by his brother Levi, of Mifflinburg, six sons and two daughters. George, Reuben, Isaac and William, of near Bellefonte, two sons in the West, Mrs. Hol- ter, of Howard and Anna at home. He was buried on the 27th in the Boalsburg cemetery with Rev. Rlack officiating. The pallbearers were Austin Dale, Andrew Kneppe, Emil Peters and J. S. Poorman. New Advertisements. K EEP WARM THIS WINTER. I have on hand a fine line of Furnaces, Stoves and Double Heaters, just the things to keep your home warm and cosy this winter. A FURNACE THAT BURNS SOFT (OAL DOUBLE HEATERS THAT BURN HARD OR SOFT COAL. A FULL LINE OF GOOD SECOND HAND DOUBLE HEATERS THAT WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. These are specialties for winter weather but hear in mind that I still do all kinds of Tin and Iron Roofing and Spouting and carry a full line of Tin and Granite Iron Ware, Tin shingles are better and cheaper than wooden ones. Slating, both new and repair work. Estimates on all kinds of work cheerfully fur- nished, REPAIRING OF GRANITE... .... seieeer «IRON WARE 4 SPECIALTY. COAL OIL AND BOILED LINSEED OIL. W. H. MILLER, BELLEFONTE, PA. 4208 Allegheny St, his friends a Lyon & Co. FOR WINTER READY We have been busily engaged for the past three weeks unpacking Fall and Winter Goods. J 1 | We are prepared to show a very fine selected | stock of Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s | | Winter Suits. Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ and Child- | ren’s Over Coats and all goods belonging to Men's Furnishings. | i New shapes and all colors in Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps. The best of Woolen and Merino Underwear Hosiery, Gloves, Dry Gcods, Blankets, Dress Goods. In Boots and Shoes we beat the world. Infants’, Children’s and Misses’ Coats. | | Ladies’ Tailor made Cloth Coats and Capes. H A most complete assortment of Ladies’ Fur and Jet trimmed Plush Capes at the most reason- able prices. G. LYON, trading as LYON & CO. 42-9 BELLEFONTE, PA. Lyon & Co. DRY GOODS MILLINERY AND —OUR ANNUAL CLOTHING. OPENING— of Fall and Winter Dress Goods combined with a display of Fall Millinery such as has never before been shown in Bellefonte takes place SEPTEMBER 30th, OCTOBER 1st and 2nd. This year we promise to show vou a display that fears no competition. THE GLOBE KATZ & CO. 1:4, Fauble’s You CAN'T HELP BUT SEE IT. You have only to give us a call, take a look through our Immense Stock and you will see for your self that there is but one place in Bellefonte to buy your Clothing and Furnishing Goods satisfactorily. You will see the Largest and Best Assorted Stock ever shown in Centre county. You will see the Swellest and Most Stylish Things that the market affords. You will see the Lowest Prices at which Good Honest Clothing was ever quoted. You will see and believe. Your seeing will positively mean the saving of MANY DOLLARS. —TRY—IT COSTS NOTHING. YOUR MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING. FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. 42-1¢ | ANTED - TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Pennsylva- nia, Monthly $65.00 Reference. stamped envelope. Dept., Y Chicago. 'W steady. New Advertisements. Montgomery & Co. New Advertisements. ! O YOUR OWN SHOEMAKING.—Cut i this ont and bring it vith you, and I will { sell you 4 iron lasts, and stand, one hammer, one pair shoe soles, and 2 papers of nails all for 50cts. | 42-37-35 JAS. I. McCLURE, Bellefonte, Pa. i \%Y ANTED.—A trusty young man or | hoy to work on farm, take care of stock | and drive a team. A winter's job will be given | one who can come well recommended. Address a J. H. HOLT, Moshannon, Pa. 2-38-2t. A GENTS. —g25 to $50 per week easy ! i Yon work right around home. A brand new thing. Write to us quick! You will be sur- prised at how easy it can be done. Send us your address anyway. It will be to your interest to in- vestigate. Write to-day. Address “People’s” 3941 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. ANTED - TRUSTWORTHY AND : ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established houses in Pennsylva- nia Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self - addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept., Y Chicago. 42-35-4m. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Let- ters testamentary on the estate of Wil- liam M. Adams, late of Milesburg borough, hav- ing been granted the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate are here Hy noti- fied to present same, properly authenticated, for payment, and those knowing themselves indebted to same to make immediate payment thereof. MERRITT 8. ADAMS, Administrator, Milesburg, Pa. 42-38-61. OST OR STOLEN—VERY PROBA- | bly on the grange park picnic grounds, ; on Wednesday of last week, a package containing | notes of considerable value, wrapped in brown paper and held together by a gum band. These papers are of no value to any one except the . owner and a liberal reward will be paid for their : return or any information whieh will lead to their recovery. SAMUEL T. GRAY, 42-37-3¢ Benore, Pa. ; OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that i we, an application will be made to the court of quarter sessions of Centre county on Tuesday, the 5th day of October, 1897, for the appointment of a jury of view to view and condemn that portion of the Agricultural College and Junetion Turnpike road, which extends from the eastern line of the borough of State College, to the gate at the main entrance to the College grounds, at northern end of Allen street, and being the western terminus of said turnpike. The same being wholly within the limits of the borough of State College. | 42-34-4t. W. E. GRAY, Att'y for Petitioners. A UDITORS NOTICE.—In the Orphan’s AL court of Centre county, in the matter of the estate of John Rishel late of Gregg township, | deceased. The auditor appointed in the above . case to make distribution of the funds in the and expenses. Position Enclose self - addressed The Dominion Company, 42-35-4m. Y) er COLLEGE tives a specialized Bread-winning Education. 42-34-2m FOR CIRCULARS APPLY TO P DUFF & SONS, 244 Fifth Avenue, Prrrsevre, Pa. pore | | | For a limited time, with each box of Ma-Le-Na, a Beautiful Picture Story Book that will please and instruet the little folks, BABIES Need Ma-Le-Na for chaps, chafes, galls, cuts, burns, blisters, bruises sores etc. Only ten cents a box. Guaranteed to cure or money re- funded. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. 41-46 F SHIRT (Cuff links and 4 Buttons) F. C. RICHARD'S SONS, ashion’s endorsement has made this the most pop- ular style of the year. We have them in all shades of leather from $1.00 UP | | | | | | | | 1 | i ! i | | 42-10 — lo]— WAIST SETS, | (xVYER, YOUNG'S, AND IMPERIAL HATS are now in and ready for your inspection. New Fall Styles and THREE OF THE LEADING MAKES, so your selection of a becoming hat will be an easy mat- ter. ——NEW SUITINGS—— and swellest of covert. OVERCOATS JUST RECEIVED. ree {) rere MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. jo cry? —0]— High St. BELLEFONTE, PA | hands of M. I. Rishel administrator and trustee, | to and among those legally entitled to receive the | same, hereby gives notice that he will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appoint- ment on Tuesday, October 12th 1897, at 10 o’clock a.m. at his office in Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested must make their claim or i debarred from coming in upon the same. | 42-36-3t J. H. WETZEL, Auditor. HERIFF’'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex- ponas, Vide issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pa., on SATURDAY OCTOBER 2nd, 1897. at 10:30 o'clock a, m. the following real estate : All that certain lot of or piece of ground situate in the borough of Bellefonte, Centre county, Pa., on the north side of the recent extension of High street, east of county jail and bounded and | described as follows: Beginning at a point on | said extension of High street the southeast cor- ner of an alley il feet east of triangular conveyed to Martin and 56 feet east of lot formerly sold to said Martin Cooney. Thence east along said ex- tension of High street 50 fect. Thencewith along the lands of Beaver and Shugart 200 feet to an al- ley. Thence along said last mentioned alley west 50 feet. Thence south along alley first men- tioned 250 fect to place of beginning, Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of William T. Markle. Terms :—No deed will be acknowledzed until purchase money is paid in full, Sheriff’s Office W. M. CRONISTER, Jellefonte, Pa., Aug. i3th. 1897. Sheriff’ ! SHERIF SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias i=sued ont | of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, | Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be | exposed to Joni sale, at the court house, in the ! borough of Bellefonte, Penn’a. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9TH, 1x7. | at 10:30 o'clock a. m., the following real estate : “A that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in College township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described aw follows to wit : Beginning at a stone in the road leading to the Branch : thence by land of Rev. Robert Hammil, south 16° east 7 perches to a post : thence by same north 7114° east 33 perches to a post : thence by same north 6° west 14.7 perches to a stake : thence by same north 7414° east 16.5 perches to a stake : thence by same south 815° cast 21.1 perches to a stake by land of Wm. I. Sellers, north 14° west 41 perches to a stake : thence by land of Henry Dale and said John A. Rupp, south 814° west 36 perches to a stone: thence by land of A. W. Dale, south 301{° west 14.5 perches to a stake : thence by lands of E. B. Peters, south 18° west 24 perches to an ash : thence by land of William Kaup, soutl 17842 cast 4 perches toa stake : thence by same south 45° east 15.5 perches to a stake : thence hy same and land of E. B. Peters, south 24° west 24.5 perches to white oak stump: thence by land of E. B. Peters south 58)4° west 3 perches to a stone, the place of beginning, containing 19 acres and 35 perches net measure. Thereon erected » Roller flouring mill, three two-story frame dwelling houses, bani barn, coal sheds and other ont-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John A. Rupp. Terys :—No deed will be acknowicdged until purchase money is paid in fall, Sheriff's Office, W. M. CRONISTER, Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 22, 97. Sherift. 42-37-5¢ WE BUY AND SELL. We have sold five large Clover Hnilers within the last ten days; one to Millheim, one to Centre Hall, one to Oak Hall and two to Bellefonte, and by the last of the week, rubbing and cleaning Clover Seed will be booming in Centre county. We also can furnish a first class wind mill, with thirty-six riddles and seives for cleaning farm seeds. Orders taken tor riddles and scives for other wind mills, We have a few of the Dildine Adjustable Seed Seives for sale—the last that are in the market. We will buy Clover Seed, clean sced, when fariners are ready to sell, including wheat and other grains and farm products, UP TO DATE DAIRYING SUPPLIES, The De Laval Cream Separator was the Favorite Cream Separator shown at the Granger's picnic, where the sample Baby Separator was sold. We keep instock butter workers, Babeock’s Milk Testers, Dairy Thermometers, Creamers, Churns and al other dairy fixtures, including parchment paper for wrapping butter. HOUSEHOLD FIXTURES AND SEWING MACHINES. Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, Re- frigerators, Step Ladders, Baskets in great va- riety, including the best make of sewing ma- chines, which we sell at prices ranging from, $12.50 to $25.00 each. Those in wunt of sewing machines will protect their own interests, as well as save money by calling on us. BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGONS. We are agents for the Columbns Buggy Co.— the finest make of buggies, surric« and carriages in the market for the least money—hand made roods. Other makes of buggies and carriages of est quality and lowest prices, SLEIGHS AND SLEDS. Binghamton sleighs and cutters, the finest in the world. Boy's cutters and fivers, Farm and lumber sleds to suit buyers. BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Fire and Red Brick, flag stones, lime, roofing Raney plastering hair, sand and Victor Patent Wall Plaster, including Caleined Plaster. Logan and Rosendale Hydraulic Cements in quantities to suit buyers, 40-11-1y MeCALMONT & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & CO. state College, Pa.