Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 02, 1897, Image 1

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‘no title to patriotism.
_ ter of the men Republicanism is represent-
of a Juniata gudgeon.
© of the gray matter that invariably follows
Ink Slings. |
—The brains of a woman are in inverse
proportion to the height of the heels of
her shoes. :
—We trust that Tyrone’s new shoe
manufactory wont be a sufferer because of
the tax on hides.
—The Legislature quit, they say, yes-
terday at noon ; but the tax-payers will
pay and pay and not quit so very soon.
—The Senate has fixed a 20 per cent ad
valorem duty on hides. This to please the
great butchers of Chicago, but what of the
New England shoe manufacturers ?
— Electoral reform acts have caused the
fall of Holland’s ministry. Probably it is
fear of like fate that prompts the QUAY
ministry in Pennsylvania to make no
change in our present corrupt system.
—1It took Senators MAGEE and FLINN
quite a while, on Tuesday, to tell their col-
leagues in the Senate that they have not
howed down tothe QUAY hat. In such
matters actions speak louder than words.
—The blue Danube river, that STRAUSS
has memorialized in one of the most ex-
quisite waltzes ever composed, is just now
making notoriety for itself by over-flowing
its banks and cutting high-jinks in general.
—The end of the hundred-dollar bicycle
came, on Wednesday, and now the fellow
vho laid down that amount for his "97
“eel will get a kind of pneumatic feeling
den he sees others scorching off on the
same machine for seventy-five.
—The glorious Fourth of July is at hand
ad the{ fellow who does not paint things
as red as the reddest shootin’ cracker has
It is not really
necessary to get full, but then you might
as well be that way, for you will be blamed
for it all the same.
—The Republican convention of Clear-
field county has indorsed WILLIAM C. AR-
NOLD, of DuBois, for Governor. As quali-
fications do not seem to be requisite with
Republican aspirants for gubernatorial hon-
ors ARNOLD might just as well have it as
anyone else.
—TFormer ambassador BAYARD is to be
Philadelphia’s Fourth of July orator. It
will be interesting to see how the jingo
sheets of that city, that were so quick to
call “‘toady’’ at him, will act after he has
given them a few shots on broad Ameri-
can citizenship.
—The war with Cuba must be still in
progress since WEYLER has decided that it
will take 60,000 more Spanish soldiers to
suppress the insurgents, whom he declared
to have had in a state of subjugation
months ago. The war in Cuba still goes
on and WEYLER is having about the same
success bringing its end about that Mc-
KINLEY is having ushering in prosperity.
—The bituminous coal miners of Penn-
sylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and |
Ohio are said to be ready to go out on a
great strike to-morrow. Scarcely fifty per |
cent of these men have been working dur-
ing the past year and it is to be wondered
what they hope to gain by such an inop- |
portune stroke. If the coal business were |
booming and operators anxious to mine
things would be very different.
—Inasmuch as the Legislature adjourned
at noon yesterday a resume of the work it |
has done will possibly be expected as a
part of the news matter in this issue of the
WarcHMAN. The absence of such infor-
mation can only be explained by the fact
that the Legislature did nothing but abuse
the privileges it enjoyed and waste the |
public money. The less heard about these |
things the better it will be for the poor tax- |
payers of the State.
—For thirty years hides have been ad-
mitted to this country free of duty and a
great shoe manufacturing business has
sprung up. What is to become of it now
that Republican wisdom (?)—meaning sub-
servience to trusts—has put a duty on
them. As most of our hides are imported
from South American countries the busi-
ness men of those Republics, now looking
into our resources, might stop to think that
the United States is a model at crip pling
her own.
— “The Senate is nothing more or less
than a broker’s office for trusts and monop-
olists.”” That is the language in which
Representative CAROTHERs, of Philadel-
phia, expressed his opinion of the upper
branch of our state Legislature on Wednes-
day. When the notorious gang that is at
Harrisburg once gets to exchanging com-
pliments the full knowledge of the charac-
ed by will come to the surface. No one
knows them any better than they know
‘ne another, so such remarks as Mr. CA-
OTHERS has made can be considered more
ruthful than poetical.
che Tyrone Methodist preacher, struck at
our bait last week with all the verdancy
With that swelling
when a two-cent man tumbles into a two
thousand dollar job, he has written the
editor of the WATCHMAN a letter freighted
with the most dove-like expressions of ad-
miration for our powers of misrepresenta-
tion. Weare glad that we have pleased |
the Rev. Hoo-raA, for truly we imagined |
him to be one of the kind who is pleased |
with nothing but himself. We will publish |
his letter some day, meanwhile the Metho-
dist minister who seemingly seeks newspa- |
per notoriety rather than the evangeliza-
tion of the earth, will go on firing bouquets
at himself to the great amusement of the
Tyrone people.
VOL. 42
NO. 29.
Quay’s Sham Reform.
In no respect has the present Legislature
been more of a failure than as a reform
At the opening of this session it pleased the
owner of that hody of law-makers to pose
as a reformer. He gave it out that he in-
tended to have a number of bills passed for
the reform of the civil service, the repres-
sion of the tax receipt abuse, and the pre-
vention of the assessment of office holders
for political purposes.
These were evils that tended to corrupt
the politics of the State. They were large-
ly responsible for the low condition of po-
litical morals that prevailed in every branch
of the state government. They had, in fact,
become so bad that even the corrupt
party leaders could not shut their eyes
to them, and it was for this reason that the
Republican state conventions, of 1892 and
1896, made specific pledges that they should
be reformed, and boss QUAY declared that
the reforms should be carried out by this
The reform bills were presented at the
beginning of the session with great flourish
of virtuous intention, but as there was no
earnest purpose at the back of them
they lingered along through the ses-
sion, and, when passed near its close, they
are found to be so altered as to have in-
creased the evils for which they were
claimed to have been intended as a remedy.
The fact is that the Legislature is of
such a character that it was impossible for
it to pass genuine reform bills, and its
boss never intended that any such bills
should be passed.
Representative KEATOR, a Republican
Member from Philadelphia, denounced the
bills as ‘‘shams,”’ declaring that ‘they were
the greatest samples of political chicanery
and false pretense that had ever been seen
in any Legislature.
Mr. KUNKLE, Republican Member from
Dauphin, said there had never been any real
intention on the part of Senator QUAY to
give adequate reform, else the bills would
not have been changed to make them
Speaking of these bills in detail, Mr.
KUNKLE said further that ‘‘the bill regard-
ing the purchase of poll tax. instead of pre-
venting, legalized the present system of
buying tax receipts by the thousands ;
that by the insertion of the word ‘unduly’
the whole intent and purpose of the coer-
cion bill had been rendered non-effective,
while as for the assessment bill it gave
countenance to. rather than prevented,
this objectionable system of raising funds
for campaigns.’
Thus it is seen that testimony is given by
Republican Members as to the double-deal-
ling and deceit which QUAY has practiced
| in the passage of these sham reform bills.
| Denounced by Its Own Party Organs.
There is some encouragement in the fact
that Republican newspapers are becoming
severe in their condemnation of the state
Legislature. Its worthlessness must be of
a very pronounced character to excite the
reprobation of journals that have habitual-
ly defended or excused the misconduct of
their party leaders and officials.
Among the severest censors of the Har-
risburg law-makers is the Philadelphia
Press, which uses no mild expressions in its
strictures in their proceedings. Their fail-
ure to pass reform bills that were not only
recommended by Republican conventions,
but promised by the Republican boss ;
their fooling away in factional contention
the time that should have been devoted to
public business ; their expensive investi-
gating committees that have had no other
object than to make the State pay for their
fun in traveling through the State and to
give them a claim to extra pay ; their con-
tinued extravagance ata time when they
are too imbecile to devise revenue measures
for replenishment of the treasury ; and their
utter incapacity to do anything without
directions from their boss—all of these
combined evidences of this Legislature's
general good-for-nothingness have been too
much for even the Press to excuse or de-
fend, and it pitches into these legislative
reprobates in a manner that should con-
vince its Republican readers that their
party has good reason to be ashamed of the
law-makers it has to Harrisburg.
Other Republican newspapers are equally
free in giving their opinion of this Legis-
lature ; but it would have been better if
they had commenced their condemnation
some years earlier. There was abundant
reason for denouncing the conduct of the
law-makers whom their party has been
sending to Harrisburg for a number of
years past. The conduct of this one is no
worse than was the behavior of the one
that preceded it. But no matter how dis-
| gracefully QuAY’s legislative henchmen
behaved in the past their misdeeds were
condoned and defended by the Republican
papers, and the party, through their in-
fluence, was encouraged to send back to
Harrishurg the same worthless class of law-
makers, In fact they were sent back by
increased majorities. The result has been
| that hy a natural growth this demoraliza-
tion has become so great that even Repub-
lican newspapers are at last compelled to
| denounce it.
The Investigation Abuse.
Of the many abuses connected with state
legislation about the worst is the shameful
expenditures caused by legislative inves-
tigations. Almost any object that may
serve as an excuse for wasting the State’s
money is made the subject of investigation,
this form of extravagance having become
the favorite way of enabling Legislators to
indulge in junkets at the public expense.
During the prolonged session whose dis-
graceful proceedings have just drawn to a
close, more than the usual number of in-
vestigating committees have wasted the
time thatshould have been devoted to hon-
est legislation, and squandered the money
of the people in worse than useless expense.
As an example of this vicious practice, we
need but refer to the investigation of the
eastern penitentiary. The committee that
attended to that job made no pretension of
getting at the facts connected with alleged
abuses in the management of that institu-
tion. This object seemed to be to em-
barrass the efforts of those whose purpose
was to conn“ glaring abuses in the treat-
ment of prisoners. The investigation was
a farce, but the alleged expenses of each
Member of the committee bordered closely
on a thousand dollars. In a city where
these sham investigators had an oppor-
tunity of having a good time, they felt
no restraint in running up extravagant
bills for car fare, hotel expenses, and other
charges incurred by law-makers who were
disposed to enjoy themselves at the State’s
This is a sample case, but it is only one
of a number of investigating picnics in
which the time of our law-makers was
wasted during the present session and the
people’s money squandered. The cost in
this case will be about $10,000, but this is
a trifle in comparison to the expense of the
ANDREWS investigation, which didn’t pre-
tend to investigate anything but a dirty
squabble between two corrupt Republican
factions, and hadn’t the remotest connec-
tion with any interest in which the State
was concerned.
This investigation abuse gave a further
example of its extravagant development in
the two committees that went through the
coal regions for the ostensible purpose of
inquiring into the condition of the mine
laborers. One of these junketing parties
directed its attention to the bituminous,
and the other to the anthracite region, as
hy this arrangement two sets of law-makers
could be given the opportunity of having
an outing.
They have spent a large part of the ses-
sion in discovering facts connected with
the condition of the mine workers which
almost everybody was acquainted with,
and which are not likely to be corrected by
any Legislature that the Republican party
may send to Harrisburg. In a question
between the mine owners and mine labor-
ers a Republican Legislature is sure to
lean to the side that exerts a pecuniary
pull on the law-makers.
The investigation abuse is indeed one of
the greatest of the many evils connected
with state legislation in these times. It
has attained a scandalous development
under Republican supremacy, and it will
continue its baneful growth as long as that
corrupt party has control of the state
The Working People are Not in It.
The members of the Amalgamated asso-
ciation of iron workers are greeted by a
rather surprising situation just on the eve
of the passage of the tariff bill which is
claimed to be intended to promote their
prosperity. They find a general shut down
of the iron works. This is represented as
being preparatory to a re-adjustment of the
scale of wages, but it will most likely be
found to end in a reduction, and a strike if
the workmen shall not be willing to sub-
mit to it.
But should there be any question as to
wages at this time when the manufacturers
are about to be favored with even a higher
tariff than that which was furnished by the
old McKINLEY bill ?
It seems, however, that the more protec-
tion that is given these industrial sharks,
the lower they screw down the pay of their
working people. Wages never sustained
such severe cuts, nor were there ever so
many strikes as occurred under the Mc-
KINLEY tariff. Some of them almost as-
sumed the character of civil war, as was
the case at Homestead.
The country can prepare to see a repeti-
tion of this greed under the new tariff that
is being prepared for the benefit of the
trusts, the millionaire manufacturers and
combined monopolies. The workingmen
won’t be in it.
From all quarters are heard reports of
the reduction of wages. Mill owners, who
allied their workmen last vear for Mc-
KINLEY, upon the assurance that their
prosperity would be secured by his elec-
tion, are now coolly cutting their wages.
They don’t blush to do it in the face of the
fact that there isn’t one of them that has
not been favored with an increase of duty
on his line of manufacture.
It would seem that so far as the working
people are concerned, the kind of pros- |
perity of which McKINLEY was the ad-
vance agent is less pay for their labor.
The Conflict in Mark Hanna’s State.
Ohio is, politically, the most corrupt State
in the Union. We do not except Pennsyl-
vania, which, although extremely low in
political mdrality, owes its demoralization
largely to the influence of a few bosses,
while in Ohio the depravity of the party is
indicated as much by the sentiments of its
rank and file as by the purposes of its lead-
ers, Ohio Republicanism is as rotten at
the bottom as it is at the top.
In no other State could there be seen
such a sight; as was presented in the Ohio
tepublican convention last week, before
which MARK HANNA appeared and set it
howling by the mere shake of his money
bags. The rule of a leader who had no
other qualification than his money was ac-
cepted with boisterous enthusiasm. With
ready acquiescence the convention ac-
knowledged plutocracy’s supremacy by its
obedience to the will of a plutocrat who
can put millions into political campaigns.
Even the preacher who opened the conven-
tion with ‘prayer, gave the Lord some
points on the beauty of a protective system
that increases the profits of the class which
HANNA represents. His petition that the
Almighty should bless the policy that is
plundering the people and increasing the
wealth of the millionaires excited the
howling approval of the delegates. Such.a
demonstration could be made only by a
party that has sunk to the low moral plane
to which Ohio Republicanism has de-
There surely must be enough public
conscience and political morality surviving
in that State to check such demoralization,
and overthrow a party which thus shame-
lessly proclaims its alliance with the'mo-
nopolies that are plundering the people,
and acknowledges its subservience to. the,
plutocracy that is absorbing the'conntry’s
wealth. ge
The predominance of that party in the
State of Ohio will be challenged at the
polls by the combination of those political
elements which under the leadership of
bank-syndicates that
"corruption fund and the deceptive promise
of better times.
The Democratic party in Ohio will go in-
to this year’s contest on the same platform
of principles upon which it made its fight
last year. Its ranks will be increased by
thousands to whom promised prosperity
has failed to come, and who will be con-
vinced by the continued business depres-
sion that no relief can he expected until the
money of the constitution shall be restored.
Philadelphia’s Indignation.
They seem to be greatly disgruntled
down in the Quaker City. The course of
legislation at Harrisburg has taken a di-
rection that is exasperating to a majority
of Philadelphians. And the most aggra-
vating part of it is that Philadelphia Repre-
sentatives are responsible for it. 1
The facts of the case are about as fol-
lows : The ‘gang of machine politicians
who compose the new combine want to
manipulate the official appointments in the
city government, so that they may secure
the spoils of office for themselves. The
BuLLITT bill, which is the basis of Phila-
delphia’s municipal system, gives the ap-
pointing power to the mayor, who needs
no more than a third of members of seléct
council to confirm his selections, and in
some grades of appointments even this is
not required. This makes the mayor prac-
tically master of the situation.
The combine ringsters who want a better
show in the deal, and in fact would like to
have all the trump cards, got up the BECK-
ER bill which won’t allow the mayor to
make an appointment of any kind without
the approval of three-fifths of select coun-
cil. This would make the combine practic-
ally masters of the situation, as it rules
the councils.
The BECKER bill excited great opposi-
tion from the city, as its effect would be to
serve the interest of a corrupt gang of po-
litical ringsters, but it had strong backing
in the Philadelphia delegation. It could
not be passed, however, without the as-
sistance of country Members.
The chance for a dicker appeared in the
MERRICK bill, which makes a change in
the distribution of the state school appro-
priation. The basis upon which it pro-
vides for the distribution gives the country
districts a larger share than heretofore at
the expense of the cities, the loss to Phila-
delphia being about $180,000. :
Here was presented the opportunity of |
the Philadelphia ‘‘roosters’ who wanted |
{ to pass the BECKER bill. An es
was made with country Representatives
| that if they would vote for that bill, Phila- |
| delphia support would be given the MER- |
| RICK school appropriation bill by which |
the city is cut short some $180,000 in the |
| distribution of the school fund. The thing |
| was done and both bills were passed.
Is it any wonder that the Philadelphia
| papers ave howling at the traitors who
| have thus doubly betrayed their constitu- |
= ol "i |ithe ratio of 16 to 1 is a dead issue and ad-
WiLLiAM J. BRYAN made a heroic stand: |ivises a modification of the Democratic
last year against the party of’ frfists ‘and. |:pesition on the currency question.
won i +|* “The only persons who can revive free
through the assistance of MARK HANNA'S | fuage nud give itsadvocates 3 dlianog fo
ents? The country Members are entitled
to credit for looking after the interest of
those whom they- represented, but what is
to be thought of the scaliwags from the
city who, in order to pass a bill for the
benefit of a gang of corrupt local politicians
who want to control the city offices, were
willing to sacrifice the interest of the
Philadelphia schools.
The average of the Pennsylvania Legisla-
tors is very low, but those sixteen Phila
delphia renegades are far below the aver-
As destinies seem to have been arranged ;
Many a friend has become estranged,
And the course of many a life been changed
By “ships that pass in the night.
As softly as darkness follows the day,
Many a light bark is borne away
On the breasts of the waves, that follow the spray,
From “ships that pass in the night.
As the years go by, again and again,
We misjudge the deeds of our fellowmen,
Who've received some message beyond our ken,
By “ships that pass in the night.
Even as ships that pass by day;
They bear some part of our lives away
Sometimes the bonds that would bind us for aye,
These “ships that pass in the night.
These ships that sometimes seem so real,
We can hear the swish of the paddle-wheel,
As into our lives come woe or weal,
On “ships that pass in the night.
And now, as it was in the days of yore,
Many a heart-ache is borne to life's shore,
Heart-aches that linger for evermore,
By “ships that pass in the night.
E’en as the past, the future will be
And still will the billows of life’s great sea
Bear on their bosoms, so wild and free,
‘‘Ships that pass in the night.” -
He Has Done Nothing of the Sort, Nor
is Free Silver a Dead Issue.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Horace Boies, ex-Governor of Iowa and
ex-presidential candidate, is one of the few
free coinage advocates who know when they
are whipped. He has notified the country
in general and the Democratic party in
particular, that the free coinage of silver at
win in the future -are President Me¢Kinley
and the Republican party leaders. ' If they
advise Congress to place the currency of
the country on a sound basis and Congress
follows their advice free coinage is doubt-
less as dead as Julius Cwesar. If they do
nothing but wait for an international
bimetallic agreement, which will never be
agreed upon, the prediction of ex-Governor
Boies may turn out to be false prophecy.
Under normal and ordinary conditions,
however, Boies is right and his advice to
the Democratic party sound. The free
coinage battle was fought and lost last
fall, and unless Republican folly revives
this issue it cannot be revived at all.
Those Rascals at Harrisburg.
From the Pittsburg Post.
Stealing at Harrisburg seems to have
reached its climax in the padding of the
pay roll of the House and Senate. Mr.
Coray, of Luzerne, charges the pay roll of
the House has been enlarged to the extent
of $35,000 without warrant of law, and
that of the Senate by $15,400. The grabs
are included in the general appropriation
bill, and after the exposure the House vot-
ed the bill all right, rejecting a motion to
eliminate the grabs. It appears, according
to statements made by Mr. Coray, after in-
vestigation, that senator Quay has a way
of sending down men from Washington,
presumably whom he cannot induce Presi-
dent McKinley to ‘‘take care of,’’ to be
provided with places at the expense of the
State, and the only way todo it was to
add them to the House or Senate employes.
“The Tay roll of the House,”’ said Mr. Co-
ray, ‘has been padded by adding to
it political bummers from all parts of the
State.”” No attempt was made to prune
the rolls, but the Quayites and the com-
biners united in putting the jobs through.
The vote stood 109 for the grabs and 66
against. There is a remote possibility that
in this way a combine of the combiners was
arranged that even reached so far as to ef-
fect the Pittsburg reform bills
The Economy of Poor Farms.
From the Williamsport Sun.
The county of Clearfield saved $29,000
in the cost of maintaining her poor last
year, through the almshouse plan, in com-
parison with the old system of farming out
the paupers to individuals. A large farm
was purchased, a commodious building
constructed, and the poor have a home and
such comforts they never enjoyed before.
In a few years the almshouse will be self-
supporting and the poor of the county as
well as the taxpayers will have reason to
thank the county commissioners for hav-
ing decided to adopt the plan. What is
true of Clearfield county is also true of
other counties of the State in which the
almshouse system has been conducted
honestly and successfully, and the same
satisfactory results would undoubtedly
follow the adoption of the scheme for Ly-
coming county.
Unanswerable Arguments.
From the Doylestown Democrat,
The West Chester Village Record says :
“The Republicans in the Senate are soanx-
ious for the prompt passage of the tariff bill
that they are omitting all discussion, and
even allowing attacks of the Democrats |
upon the bill and upon party records to |
pass unanswered, in order to make as brief
as possible the time occupied in the con-
sideration of the hill.” This is a plausa-
ble excuse. It would not do for Republi-
can papers to give the real reason and say
that the arguments of the Demcerats are
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The Woodward colliery, at Kingston,
started yesterday. 4
—DMichael Michier was fatally squeezed by
a car at Reading.
—For burglary at Harrisburg, Henry Fos-
sel was arrested at Lebanon.
—It will require 22 miles of wires to re-
construct Reading's police telegraph system.
—Too many cigarettes killed Walter
House, aged 22 years, at Landisburg, Perry
—After 76 fruitless ballots the Belle-Vernon
school board adjourned without electing a
—At Norristown there was a rush recently
among aliens to take out naturalization
—Reading’s school board has not yet de-
cided the principalship of its girls’ high
—Washington county’s Republican com-
mittee re-elected Alexander M. Templeto
—James Clark told Reading policemen he
had been held up and robbed of $20 and a
gold watch.
—Blair eounty’s Democratic primaries will
be held August 12th. and the county conven-
tion August 14.
—Four breech-loading mortars were ship-
ped to Sandy Hook by the Bethlehem iron
company. :
—Mrs. A. M. Diehl became dizzy and fell
off a tandem at Stroudsburg, sustaining se-
vere injuries.
—The extraction of a tooth gave Lillie M.
Ternan, of Harrisburg, lockjaw, and she died
in great agony.
—Isaac Hipple had his hand caught in an
ice cream freezer at Columbia, and will die
from lockjaw.
—Charged with deserting a wife and five
children at Easton, Theodore Snyder was ar-
rested at Reading.
—The state league of Republican clubs will
hold their convention at Williamsport on
September 8th. :
—Aged Jacob Koons was trampled by a
frightened horse at Columbia, and sustained
probably fatal injuries.
—St. Joseph's Catholic church at Renovo
was dedicated Sunday in the presence of an
immense throng.
—In a wreck on the Reading road at Blan-
don, brakeman Henry Sponheimer, of South
Allentown, lost his life.
—Striking ironworkers at Hollidaysburg
decided to resume work on the basis of $2.75
per ton for puddling.
—John Burd, arrested for assaulting a 6
year child at Sandy Hollow, narrowly escap-
ed lynching at Brownsville.
—William Wilson, aged 16 years, was cap-
tured after a chase at Altoona, charged with
stealing a horse and buggy.
—John Colerio, employed in the Luke Fid-
ler mines, near Shamokin, had an arm al-
most blown off by an explosion.
—Over 300 children were confirmed Sun-
day at St. Gabriel’s church, Hazleton, the
largest number in three years.
—No news has yet been received by rela-
tives of the whereabouts of Reading’s miss-
ing minister, Rev. H. B. Strodach.
—(Convicted of the murder of a fellow-
countryman, Fausto de Paola was sentenced
to 14 years’ imprisonment at Easton.
—Rev. D. A. Medlar, of Allentown, preach-
ed the baccalaureate sermon at Albright Col-
legiate Institute, Myerstown, Sunday.
—Edward Welsh was found unconscious
near Beaver Falls with a wound in the side
of his head. Itis thought he tried suicide.
—Antonio Lowrey died at Pittsburg from
the effects of wounds received in a stabbing
affray. His assailant has not been captured.
—The annual bible conference of the
Young Men's Christian Associations of Penn-
sylvania will be held at Bloomsburg, July
—Children of George Swernley, of Iron
po York county, have been lost in the
igeon Hills. They had not been found up
to Sunday.
—Judge Brubaker scored Lancaster city
officials for favoring the Pennsylvania rail-
road company in the matter of cheap water
—Thomas J. Strausser, a Reading husband,
has been missing since Wednesday, having
told his wife that day he was going to attend
—Walter Woodward, a carpenter, fell off
the roof of a barn near Medena. He broke
his leg in two places and badly fractured his
thigh. ,
A Reading alderman stood at his bedroom
window and saw a thief 10b J. Peter Koch's
hardware store. He was too late giving an
—Luzerne borough recently dispensed
with night policemen. As a result burglars
broke into the Burgess’ barber shop and stole
many razors.
—The degree of doctor of philosophy has
been conferred on Milton F. Schaack, a Leb-
anon man, by the Strassburg University,
—Rev. Henry B. Strodach, about whom
relatives in Reading were worried, has sent
word that he is safe and sound with friends
and will return.
—With stolen goods in their possession
John Miller and Joseph Yesher are in jail in
Lancaster, charged with robbing Lancaster
county residents.
—York county tobacco raisers have con-
siderably increased their acreage this year,
due to good prices for Pennsylvania broad
leaf last winter.
—To answer the charge of changing the
signals of the Union traction company, near
Reading, 12-year-old Leroy Hilberton is un-
der heavy bail for a hearing.
—At Kipple, Blair county, the coroner
went to the house of Mrs. J. C. Harvey to
notify her of her husband’s death on the rail.
He was met at the door by the supposed dead
—There is much dissatisfaction among the
Schuylkill miners because the collieries at
Shamokin and Brookside colliery work from
two to three days per week more than in the
Schuylkill region.