WASHINGTON, June 21.—President Me- Kinley, by announcing that he had begun negotiations for another Anglo-American arbitration treaty immediately after send- ing in the Hawaiian annexation treaty, un- doubtedly desired to make the impression ‘that his foreign policy would not be of the jingo variety, hut would he characterized "by the friendliness for all nations, espe- cially for Great Britain, which he ex- pressed in his inaugural address. . Whether he is able to bring about the conclusion of another arbitration treaty, or having done so, to secure its ratification by the Senate or not, he has made the position of his administration clear by this act. "Although Senators generally would look with much more friendliness at a treaty of arbitration with Great Britain which Pres- ident McKinley had negotiated than they did on that which was negotiated by Sec- retary Olney and sent in by President Cleveland, no matter if the new one dif- fered but very little from the old one, they have no idea that. President McKinley would, in the face of the known objections of the Senate, duplicate the Olney-Paunce- fote treaty. They say generally that any treaty of arbitration with Great Britain anything more than a name would have _very ‘little chance of securing the neces- sary two-thirds vote in the Senate next winter without most active effort on the part of the administration, which by that time will have filled most of the offices and will therefore have less influence with the Senate. Loyal Democrats. "Clearfield County Conv CLEARFIELD, Pa., June 22.—The Dem- ocratic county convention, at its session to- day, adopted strong resolutions favoring bimetallism, denounced tariff ‘bill and arraigned the. Republican party in this State for its extravagance in public expenditures and the increase of taxation. A contest was made for the chairmanship of the county organization, aud W. A. Haggerty, who was supported by Matt Savage, was successful. Wm. P. Smith was nominated for sheriff. He is a brother of Frank Smith, the Re- publican incumbent, and has acted as his deputy. D. S. Herron, of DuBois, was named for district attorney without opposi- tion ; W. B. Beamer, of Decatur township, for coroner, and M. F. Johnson for jugy commissioner. Ruoaps.—Snook.— At the age, Willowbank St., Bellefonte, by Rev. C. H Goodling, on June 10th, Rhoads and Miss Geor, Bellefonte, Pa.’ Dr. L. R. Hensyl, spent last’ Friday in Lock Haven. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moore spent Tuesday in Bellefonte. Cap't. Sam Benison, of Walker, paid usa visit on Monday. J. H. DePue has opened his commercial school in this place with 15 scholars. Mrs. Vine Moore, of Flemington, paid her sister, Mrs. G. H. Wister, a visit on Monday. The base-ball festival held on last Saturday : ; 0 : By evening, was not much of a suécess on ac- yplainly. Tableau, ‘‘Evening Prayer,” by count of the bad weather. George Leathers, who has been painting roofs out at Clearfield, spent Sunday at home | with his parents Mr. Leathers. Jas. T. Heverly, selling agent for Messrs H. A. Moore and Co., returned home on last Wednesday. . Milton Derr, of Bellefonte, visited Howard over Sunday. He assisted in the children’s service in the Evangelical church on Sunday, evening. Lamar, Miss Mary Keister, of Lock Haven, was at home over Sunday. Miss Pifer spent Sunday at hothe. She is attending the Normal at Lock Haven. Charles Loveland, commissioner’s clerk of Clinton county, accompanied by his wife and family, paid a visit to their former home at this place. Monday morning Jack frost putin his ap- pearance. At some places the frost was real heavy. Back at the old furnace everything had a snow-white appearance but no damage was done so far as is yet know. Miss Carrie Loveland, who for the past four years has been teaching school at Johns- town, isspending her vacation at home. is a daughter of Isaac Loveland, and has been a very successful teacher in Cambria coun capital. It is almost certain that a first-class wheat crop will be harvested in a short time. About ninety per cent. of the wheat through this valley. is of the bearded variety. The corn throughout this township is rather a advance of any between Bellefonte and here, and yet it is very small for this time in June. Dr. 8. M. Huff is steadily gaining popu- larity among our people, and enjoys a good share of the public’s patronage in his pro- fession. Dr. Huff applies himself continual- ly to his books and keeps posted on the ad- vances made in medical science, which in ‘many . stances is sadly neglected by some doctors, after they have diplomas. F. M. Crawford and family, and Mrs. | Jennie Fairchild, of Mifflinburg, were the guests of -the Huff family‘ for several days. Mrs. Crawford is a daughter of J. H. Huff and resides at Centre Hall, where her hus- band is a member of the wide-awake mer- cantile firm of Wolf & Crawford. Mrs. Fair- child has been a life-long friend of the Crawfords and a school-mate of Mrs. Huff Jr. The Methodist Sunday children’s day last Sabbath, and gendered the program in splendid style. J. H. Huff is superintendent, and much of the success is due to his special efforts. Among others who are deserving: of special mention are Miss Watson, who recited a splendid poem ; also a good recitation by little Miss Elsie Krape. Misses Nora Lovelsnd and Maud Krape per- formed solos in excellent manner. chorus singing by the school was much en- Joyed by all. The collection, much to the _satisfaction of all, was the largest taken in the pastorate this year. : ——Subseribe for the WATCHMAN. Friendly Foreign Policy. That Is What the Administration Has Decided On— Chances for Arbitration Treaty. | der that the fruit may be more perfect. Mr. |S. takes great pride in fruit culture and gives ention Endorses Bimetallism. the McKinley Marriage. 1897, Mr. Harry E giana Skook, both o Howard. and Mrs. W. school observed Centre Hall. The Reforms will observe children’s day Sunday evening. a The Masonic picnic at Hecla park was well attended by Masons and others of this Rlace. Sheriff Cronister and party were in town Wednesday on the trail of escaped prisoners. Miss Swartz, of Mahonoy City, will pay Miss Grace Smith a visit this week. Miss} Swartz spent some time here last summer and made a good impression upon many of our young people. Mrs. Jennie Kreamer Heckman, of Lock Haven, is spending a short time with her dear folks at home in this place 4 C. F. Deininger and his mgther went to New Bloomfield, Sa ere Mrs. Dein- inger will stay for several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. James Stewart. The Lutheran church is to be painted on the exterior by some unknown kind hearted member of the congregation. The whole of the expense is to be born by the unknown party and a first-class job is guaranteed. John T. Lee will do the mechanical work. The building committee of the grange hall to be erected ‘by Progress grange have sent out to its members estimates of the amount they wish each to subscribe toward the build- ing fund. The structure is to cost not less than $2,500, will be of brick or stone, two stories high. : H. G. Strohmeyer has more than one hun- | dred peach trees well loaded with choice | fruit. He is at present thinning them in or- it close. attention. He has gooseberries al- most as large as hen eggs, in fact, their size is astonishing. {iss Stapleton’s class fn elocution is much piggsed with their work, and Miss Stapleton is no bt pleased with the class. Her reci- tation rendered in the Reformed church, Sat: urday evening, dispelled any thought that she is a novice in her line. The course of in- struction will be closed with an entertain- ment by the class in the auditorium at Grange park. = The patrons picnic and exhibition mana- gers are clear of debt and are now beginning to improve the park. Last week several car loads of cinder were used to construct walks from the principal buildings to headquarters. A number of substantial improvements will be made this season, and the coming exhibi- tion bids fair to exceed any held heretofore in point of interest. Miss Mary Kreamer’s Sunday school class of the Reformed church, rendered an en- Jjoyable program Saturday night last. Miss Kreamer personally superintended all de- tails and deserves much credit for the splen- did entertainment given by the class of little girls, varying from about nine to thirteen years of age.. The program opened with mu- sic by Centre Hall’s splendid orchestra which is receiving many deserved congratulations. “The Gambler's Wife,”” was then recited by Ethel Eisenberg. Solo, by Katie Keller, and then followed an exercise by the class, enti- tled the ‘Pennies we Give.” Each scholar represented a native of some foreign country in which missionary work is needed. The characters were well selected and the dress and manners told each one’s nationality Mary Foremat ; duett, “Bring Your Loving Gifts to Jesus,” Pearl Rider and Pearl Run- kle. Lizzie Boozer came in for a good share of the honors of the evening when she ! recited “Who Made the Speech,” which was a representation of a little girl’s talk to a doll. She also played “Little Gretchen’ in the illustration of a recitation by that title re- cited by Mabel Keller. Blanche Taylor also recited, and Helen Hosterman posed in a tableau, “Rock of Ages.” The female quar- tette was highly applauded in the hearts of all, and perhaps has been unexcelled in this place. Books and instruments were discard- ed. The voices blended to perfection, and it is hoped-the appearancé of the quartette will be frequent. The combination consisted of Miss Emilie Alexander, first soprano ; Mrs. S. S. Kreamer, second soprano ; Misses Mary Kreamer, first alto; Tacy Kreamer, second alto. DANCING AND CARD PLAYING.—Your cor- respondent is in receipt of a communication commenting upon the sermon delivered by Rev. Rearick iff the Lutheran church, Sun- day night, June 13th, in which he touched on dancing and card-playing. The author of the article referred to does not dance nor countenance gambling, hence it cannot be said that it is the wincing of a galled jade. Here are his words, which it will be seen leaves the question whether dancing and card- playing are right or.wrong to the individual. Hear him :— Mr. Watchman Correspondent :—‘ Please send these pages to the DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, which is largely read in this locality, and ask for its publication.” % . ““Itis my intention to correct what I think are errors in a .sermon delivered by Rev. Rearick, last Sunday . evening, from a text found in the thirty-second chapter of Exodus and remarks as to dancing based on the nine- teenth verse. In the first place, the text does not suggest a line of thought such as was given 1n the discourse, but has to do en- tirely with idol worship—idolatry. Dancing -and card-playing were not hinted at as being the gods worshiped by those following the { amusement, else there might have been a | foundation for the remarks.” ‘ ‘It was asserted ‘that to those who could not play cards or dance, the arts were no temp- tation I" Is that true? No! Emphatically, no! We say this to correct impressions made upon hearers, rather than the ministers, who now believe,judging from remarks made, that because they are too ignorant to play cards and to awkward to dance, they have a good title to a better land on that score, while those who practice the amusements referred to are doomed. Isa man honest simply be- cause he has never had an opportunity to steal, or because he never stole when he had opportunities? We would say the latter. ence those who do not dance or play cards, simply because they can’t are not a whit bet- ter off than those who can and do. If there is any wickedness in these sports to those who do not practice them because of ignor- ance, no credit is due. Evil must be hated because it is evil.” “On a parallel with this thought was the exnression that if the children of Israel lid not had the gold ear-rings, otc., tite golden calf would not be in history? Not so. The earcrings, etc., are as innocent as the'golden calf itself. No blame can be put on either. The misdeed might as well be attributed to the skill possessed by the gold-smith which enabled him to form the image, or if you : . Rents ‘artistically arranged. It was a beautiful — please, the gold itself. To study the script- ures thus, the Creator would logically be re- ! sponsible for the idol. y Happily the version is wrong. The Crea- | tor, the gold, the skill of the smith, the calf | or the egr-rings, etc., had nothing to do with the case. The evil lay in the hearts of the children of Israel, and had there not been a pennyweight of gold in the Israel- itish camp, an image—an idol—would have ! been cast and idolatry practiced God's | chosen people. ; | Spring Mills. James Runkle, ‘formerly of near Centre Hill, but now of Middleburg, Snyder Co., | was here last week on special business. Butter is down to 8 cents. Some say that our “continued prosperity’’ will capse it to advance “backward” to 6 cents before many weeks. Shade of Napoleon! — Last week Wm. Pealer, the well known merchant of our village, killed a black snake of the racer species, measuring over four feet in length. His snakeship was quietly taking a survey of the premises, when discovered and dispatched. ; Miss Mabel Sankey closed her school session of ten weeks for the “little folks” on Fri- day last. Miss Sankey isan accomplished lady and a teacher who thoroughly understands how to instruct little children as few do. She has heen appointed teacher for the fall and winter term here. Children’s day services in the Presbyterian church here, on Sunday afternoon last, were largely attended. The program was quite lengthy and consisted of singing, recitations, etc., and was interesting throughhut. All the. children did remarkably well, recit- ing their pieces in an admirable manner. Considerable taste and skill were displayed in decorating the platform. Roses, pansies, pinks and ferns were in profusion and very sight. The chagrin and disappointments which cropped out here and there immediately fol- lowing the appointment of postmaster for this postal district. have all melted into thin air and entirely disappeared, and now all is serene and happy again in the previously tempest-tossed Republican family of our vil- lage. Iam informed that Mr. Long contem- plates placing a letter box in some convenient locality on the “hill”’—an elevated section south east of the town proper, and have the letters collected in time for all mail trains. This will be a great accommodation and be highly appreciated by the people residing in that neighborhood. The post office building will be less than 75 feet from its present loca- tion. unquestionably the most convenient lo- cality in our village, Mr. Long is simply lo- cating the building within tha distance all the applicants promised to do, ground was broken on Monday last, and its erection will be commenced immediately. Mr. Long ex- pects to occupy it August 1st. . Considerable improvements have been made in our village this spring. Several barns have been greatly enlarged and new stables erected. Quite a number of new fen- ces have faken the place ofthe old rickety ones which formerly adorned (7) the front garden of some of our dwellings; Our main street has a new and substantial plank ee ———— walk of probably 300 feet, which will be con- tinued, the M. E. parsonage sports an impos- ing portico, and several residences have been handsomely painted. CC. P. Long is erecting # neat and pretty fence in front of his beautiful residence on the new thor- oughfare to the R. R. station. The dwelling is brick, and built on the English style of architecture and is very attractive, Wm. Pealer, I regret to add, the retiring post- master of our village, is also erecting a very commodious dwelling on his farm located a shart distance below our town, besides seve eral substantial out-buildings—about 80 acres endosed with wire-fencing. When com- | pleted the property will present a charming and inviting appearance. We are becoming prond of Spring Mills. All Through Brush Valley. Mrs. H. H. Miller is very ill. Rev. and Mrs. Mumma are away on a visit. Steward Weber will teach the Woodward school next term. The dedication A of the new United Evangelical church at Wolf's store were held last Sunday, and many people were present. Some from a distance. A good thing it will be. surely, to make a fence along Jos. K. Moyer's dam, where there is a high bank and over which a horse and wagon has already gone. This bank is, not less than seventy feet high and all these | years, since Noah flooded the ark on dam, a fence has never been built. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY.—A wee yesterday, the kind heart of Mrs. Henry Brungart was made sad and glad on the an- niversary of her fiftieth birthday of her hap- py life. Mr. Brungartin his usual but not ur- geat way suggested to Mrs. B. that they do a little visiting and call on his brother Newton with whom he had some business. After a lit- tle hesitation she went along for a drive. Wtlen they returned she met her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Woods, and her sweet little grand- daughter, Margaret, and grandson, at her door. This made Mrs. Brungart burst into teas. But in a moment. she discovered all her many friends who had the table literally hesped with all the delicacies of the market icecream, cakes, strawberries, ete. ete. All this made her take a good, hearty laugh, as she now had entered into a little paradise. So about thirty of her friends, while she was away, not even having as much as asked the old cat for admission, took possession of the hcuse and kitchen more earnestly than women usually do. And when Mrs. Brun- gart saw her birthday presents, a dining room set, gold glasses, a dozen engraved tumblers, the finest calicos, linens, ete., she rejoiced and many were the thanks she re- turned to all for their many kindnesses. Among those present are the following that we are able to recall. Mrs. Sholl, Mrs. Nora Corman, Mrs. Wm. Bair, Mrs. L. C. Gramley, Mrs. Harry Corman,: Mrs. Calvin Crouse, Mrs George Haines, Mrs. Luther Frank, , Mrs. James Corman, Mrs. Reuben Bierly, Mrs. James Frank Mrs. Jasper Brungart, Miss Mame Corman, Mrs. Woodling, Mrs, Snyder Mills, Glen and Paul Leitzell, of Mifflinbarg, Miss Grace Mil- ler and Mrs. Wilson Leitzell. Thus all had an excellent dinner and a happy time long to be remembered. Fauble’s (NE GREAT BIG SWEEPIN G PRICE. Reduction on all our Spring and Summer Clothing. This “is an save Big Money. YOU SHOULD a opportunity for you to fms NOT MISS .IT. You can only appregiate what this Reduc- 3 tion Means by seeing us. 42-10 Costs nothing to see. - ° \ \ i 9 i / oo \ \ Ll Nee FAUBLES’, : Bellefonte, Pa. ; of : - Aen 40-15 { | THE GLOBE. | & ! A GREAT DISPLAY Of Wash Fabrics at most unusual prices can be seen here this week. We have been receiving several shipments * of new goods this week. Owing to the very unusual cool weather, the sale of thin dress goods has been very much restricted and we found the market overstocked. We bought cheap. Our present prices are just about one half what they were at the beginning of the season. PRINTED Challies in new and original de- igns 4cts. just the thing for hot weather house wrappers. Vinette Batiste, a new and beautiful lawn comes mostly in linen effects § cents. Organdie Raie, beautiful colorings gcts. (These were formerly sold at I5cts. Lappett Mull sold everywhere at 20Cts. TOW 10Cts. : Our z20and 25ct. Organdies and Mulls all go now at r5cts. A beautiful line of plain Organdies (all colors) ranging from 8 to . 25cts. Dotted Swisses from 10 to 4octs. Silk Mulls in both Black and white. ‘line of sailors and flowers on hand. It will pay you to look at the Silk Gloria sun umbrella with genuine Congo handles that we are selling at 98 cents. It is well worth g1.50 and 1s a guaranteed article. * Something new in Curtains. Che- nille Portieres full length and very wide. We have a limited “quantity for $1.98 a pair. We can get n more to sell at this price after these are sold. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. As we will wind up oyr Spring sea- son in a few weeks we have began to reduce stock-jn this Department. We have had a very successful season and intend to close out everything in this department. We shall carry no old stock over. We have reduced our prices very materially, apd those who have delayed buying i now, will get good concession in prices, full ALL HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. Montgomery & Co. ——————0 WATCH FOR THE HOT WEATHER. The hot weather is here at last, and you must have thin clothing. If we may judge from past seasons it is likely to continue warm until late. We are selling off our goods now at reduced prices, so you may have the benefit. Our store is full of choice things in 1 all lines, therefore you get the best selection. Suits in nobby Cheviots, Black and Blue Serge, Bicycle and Linen Crash. See our all wool suits for men and boys at ; 3.00. Hats of all kinds DERBIES, SOFT and STRAW. BELTS, BELT-HOLDERS, DUCK and CRASH TROUSERS, NEGLI- GEE SHIRTS, GOLF HOSE and GARTERS. In our Tailoring Department we | have some rare bargains. Ask to see our special Made-to-Order Suits, for $20.00. a MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. 42-10 KATZ & CO. 114. New Advertisements. OST.—A lady’s black brocaded satin shoulder cape between Bellefonte and Centre Hall, on the 12th inst. The finder will lease communicate with 8S. W. Smith, Centre all. 40 PER MONTH SALARY.—A few energetic ladies and gentlemen wanted to canvass. Above salary guaranteed. Call on or address Miss McAvLriNg, Clearfield, Pa. 42-23-1t* PBreyoLes AT CUT. RATES.—Regular list * prices almost cut in two. All $100 bicycles at $60 and $50 bicycies at $35. Single or double tube tires at $5 per ret. Other cycle sundries at correspondingly low cut rates. Ex- amine stock and be convinced. JOHN S. WALKER, McCalmont & Co's Warerooms, Bellefonte, Pa. 42-18-2m * NNUAL MEETING.—Office of The Valentine Iron Co., Bellefonte, Pa., the annual meeting of the stockholders ofthe above named corporation will be held at the company’s general office at Bellefonte, Pa., on Tuesday, July 20th, 1897, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the election of Board of Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of other business. 42-20-2m ROBERT VALENTINE, Sec. UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Orphan’s court of Centre county, in the matter of ‘the estate of Z. T. Williams, late of Walker town- ship, deceased. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the said court\to distribute the funds in the hands of Sarah Jane Williams, executrix of said decedent, as appears bysher final account, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will sit for the duties of his appointment on Tu. day the 29th day of June, 1897, at 10 o'clock ig at the law offices of Permey & Walker, Bellefonte, Pa., when and where all parties interested are re- uired to present and prove their claims or be orever debarred from coming in upon the said fund. W. HARRISON WALKER, Auditor. 42-21-3t ; Jewelry. 5 ARNESS ee e———— 8 ’ : BELTS. Fashipn’s endorsement has: made this the most pop- ular style of the year. . We have them im all? shades ‘of leataer from. ? $1.60 UP —[0]— SHIRT WAIST SETS, (Cuff links and 4 Buttons) 50 CENTS. meen —[0]— F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, 41-46 High: St. BELLEFONTE, PA \