| ! { ¥ 4 AS SCS SOR ———; ~~ / ciple that tariffs should be for revenue _ties were held up for loyal homage. : HM The Queen’s. Jubilee. Penvorratics afelymuans Continued from page 1. a oe ——— > old Baroness ‘Burdette-Coutts, who put up a false front of massive gold columns, con- nected with heavy drapery of royal purple and fringed with solid gold fringe. Pall Mall and St. James street, where so many great clubhouses stand, are each a vast mass of gay color, very elaborate, costly + and in not half as bad taste as most of the London decorations. The “Daily Tele- graph,’’ all immaculate and white, like a bride, is the best building on Fleet street and ia.the heart of the city. The Bank of England and the Mansion House are treat- ed in elaborate schemes of gay, cloth of gold devices and myriads of electric lights. Five hundred pounds were spent on the Mansion House by the corporation of the city, but that is a mere bagatelle com- pared with what Lord Mayor Faudel Phillips, must have spent in dinners, luncheons and receptions during the jubilee fortnight. A member of the corporation said to-day that Phillips contracted to spend $150,000 to entertain, but as he is | certain to receive the elevation to the peerage, nobody marvels at his lavish ex- penditures, in fact he was made Lord Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance. —————————— Ebpiton. Tiliman’s Tariff Position. Senator TILLMAN takes a novel stand on the tariff bill. He says that he knows he cannot prevent its passage, and therefore since the steal is to be perpetrated, he can’t see why his State should not have some of the plunder. Therefore he voted for a duty on cotton, and also on lumber which South Carolina produces in large quantity. His position reduces the tariff to a ques- tion of local advantage, and it is not illogical, in view of the fact that in the proceedings on this tariff bill each section is grabbing all it can get. The South Carolina Senator merely takes advantage of the stealing that is forced upon him by a Republican tariff which he is powerless to defeat, arid he does this without renouncing the. Democratic prin- mm em ae sm. spend. A SIGHT UNPARALELLED. Loxpox, June 22.—] got to my seat in the Strand to-day just in time, five min- utes past ten, fora glance around before the Iv | show began. ony. | as the eye could reach in both He made a good point when he said that the WiLsoN tariff, having been made a | The gentleman next to me likened the i ) ¢ ades in | roups to beds of flowers, and said he had | The absence o highly protective measure by reneg the Senate, should not have 1 assed | Peverseen such a massed and multitudin- | Was perl : he Senate, should not have been pass ous array of bright colors and fine clothes. | one a apply These displays rose up and up, story by | he Alc thus fi windows being e sciively. : tehing | Out necessarily by Democratic votes. How'much better it would have been if it had heen rejected by | story, all balconies and the House when it came back to that body | Packed, as also the battlements stre with the Senate's high tariff alterations, | 2100g the roofs ; 2 : with people standing, but not uncomforta- President CLEVELAND professed to he so bly crowded, they being fenced from the displeased with it that he refused to sign road way by red-coated soldiers, a double it, letting it become a law without his | Stripe of vivid color which extended 2 5 : throughout the six miles which the proces- signature. Would it not have heen more sion would traverse over. to his credit if he had acted the manlier part by vetoing it ? The result of his weakness in this matter has been that the Democratic party has | had to bear the blame for the defects of a tariff that is not a Democratic tariff. Af'the WILSON bill had been killed, as it should have been in the House, or bY | tacle for the kodak and not for the pen. the President, the McKINLEY tariff would Presently the procession was without visi. have gone on completing the business ruin | ble beginning or end, but stretched to the for which it was responsible, the blame for | limit of sight in Both directions, Bodies of which could then not have been shoved on : to the Democrats. If this had been the case, ‘‘where,”’ as Senator TILLMAN asked, ‘would the Republicans, be to-day 27? ‘Could they have bamboozled and deceived the people last November into the belief that the WiLsoN tariff had brought dis- aster upon the country 2” | Something of a Difference. man in the British army, and then the cheering began. It took me hut a little could not be described, there w: be too much of it and too much variety in of buff, a block of yellow and so on, an in- terminable drift of swaying and swinging splotches of “strong color, sparkling and bayonets, lance heads, brazen helmets and burnished breast plates. | unceasing surprises in the way of new and splendors it much surpassed | unexpected I was —X any pageant that I have ever seen. When the supreme court of the United | not dreaming of so stunning a shoy States decided, last Summer, that the income tax law was unconstitutional, the support- ers of the plutocratic interests were delight- ed with the decision, They praised its wisdom and infallibility ; and they. more- over denounced, as little better than trait- ors, and quite as bad as anarchists, all those who ventured to assert that the court had made a wrong decision, That action of the Supreme court was | pq many shades of black, and some of these peculiarly pleasing to those who believe in | were the very blackest people I have seen the privilege of wealth. It\ established as | yet. Then there was an exhaustive exhi- le of | ; , bition of the hundred separate brown races 3 ule lay datihe Wealthy Fete tobe | of India, the most beautiful and satisfying exempt from bearing their share of the bur- | of an the complexions that have been den of taxation necessary for the support of | vouchsafed to man, and the one which best the government, and fixed as a public | sets off colored clothes and best harmonizes Policy that the revenues wer: to he derived | with all tints. t h . | The Chinese, the Japanese, the Coreans, rom the necessaries and not from the super- the Africans, the Indians, the Pacific Is]. fluities of life. This was such a glorious anders, they were all there, and with them doctrine in the eves of those who believe samples of all the whites that inhabit the : 4h that wealth should be favored with special enka LTE The exemptions, that they overlooked what seemed a matter of suspicion to the gener- seemed to be represented. It was a sort of allegorical suggestion of the some who live to see that day will probably recall this one, if they a disturbed in mind at the time. There were five bodies of Oriental sol- diers, of five different nationalities, with complexions differentiated by five distinct shades of yellow. There were about a tion, a spectacle curious and interesting. and worth traveling far to see. ality of the people, that improper influence th The most Pipa oe costumes es ; a ose worn by the Indian princes, an was employed to bring about that decision, they were also the most beautiful and the But the same parties who regarded the court as infallible when i decided that the incomes of the wealthy should not be taxed, have changed their opinion of that tribunal richest. and princely carriage, and wherever they ‘passed applause burst forth. Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, and still more, and more ; oe z soldiers, and cannon, and muskets, and for its decision that railroad pooling is an lances. There seemed to be no end to this offense against the law that prohibits com- | feature. There are 50,000 soldiers in Lon- binations for the restraint of trade. The | don, and they all seemed to be on hand. I : : : : have not seen so many except in the thea- court was all right when it decided in favor | ter, when 35 privates and a general march | | Mayor because he was rich and willing to | speaker of the house. | i | The houses opposite, as far | of Barn directions, " ae suggested boxes in a theatre snugly packed, | live in history. the sidewalks were filled pynade it. | i = | | | | f | | | | soldiers in buff, then a block of red, a block | Monday, | ics, higher algebra and geography. Sever flashing with shifty light reflected from | the Lock Haven normal school. | | | | last day, and | | | | They were men of stately build | the track. | | | | of track were torn up. gress and accumulation of moral material and political ; it was made up rather of the beneficiaries of these prosperities than the creators of them, as far as mere glory goes. The foreign trade of Great Britian has grown in a wonderful way since the Queen ascended the throne, last year it reaching the enormous figure of six hun- dren and twenty millions sterling, but the capitalist, the manufacturer, the merchant and the workingman were not officially in the procession to get their share of the re- sulting glory. Great Britian has added to her real estate an average of 165 miles of territory per day for the past sixty Years, which is to say, she has added more than the bulk of an Eng- land each year, or an aggregate of seventy Englands in the sixty years, but Cecil Rhodes was not in the procession. The chartered company was absent from it ; no- body was there to collect their share of the glory due for their formidable contributions to the imperial estate. Even Dr. Jameson was out and yet he has tried so hard to ac- cumulate territory. Eleven colonial premiers were in the pro- cession, but the dean of the order, the imperial premier, was not there, nor was the lord chief justice of England, nor the The bulk of the re- ligious strength of English Dissent was not officially represented. In the religious ceremonials at the cathedral that immense new industry, speculative expansion, was not represented, unless the pathetic shade ato rode invisible in the pageant. It was a memorable display, and must It suggested the material lories of the reign finely and adequately, the chief creators of them aps not a serious disadvantage, as the vacancies hy imagina- out, the procession very One can enjoy a rainbow with- forgetting the forces that By Julian Ralph, in the Pitts. urg Post, ADDITIONAL LOCALS. * —A third story is hy be added to Kel- reet. The house Five minutes later the head of the col- | 18 hotel, on Bishop : umn-came into view and was presently fil- | 13 becoming so popular that 1 mist be en- ing by, led by Captain Ames, the tallest | larged to accommodate the guests, *oo —Mr. Wallace Clark Chadman, for- Grace Darling Pearce, of Conneaut, Ohio,’ it, so I give up the idea. It was to be a spec- | are to be married at the home of the bride’s parents, June 29th. —_— soe & MARRIAGE L1cENsEs.—Following is the list of marriage licenses granted by or- phan’s court clerk, G. W. Rumberger, dur- ing the past week. Robt. K. Haddock and Mary Barr, both | of Snow Shoe. - John Koonsman, of Poe Mills, and Nel- son Viola Keen, of Aaronshurg. Daniel Bradford and Sarah both of Haines township. | —_——- FoLLow ur Foster's PREDICTIONS, HE Hits IT.—My last bulletin gave fore- casts of the storm wave to cr s the conti- nent from: the 25th to the 29th, and the next disturbance will reach the Pacific Bowersox, 1 coast about the 29th, cross the west of | Rockies country by the close of the 30th, | great central valleys July 1st to 3rd and eastern States July 4th. : A warm wave will cross the west of Rockies country abont the 20th, great cen- tral valleys July 1st and eastern States July 3rd. A warm wave will cross the west of Rockies country about J uly 2nd, great cen- tral valleys July 4th and eastern States 6th. The above described disturbances will occur during a high temperature storm period and, therefore, while the fluctuations in temperature will be about as usual in July weather, the average temperature of this storm wave will range above the nor- ‘mal. 2 This disturbance comes in one of the principal rain periods, and showers will | occur more generally than will be the aver- | age of this June. Many showers will fall {in the upper Missouri, upper Mississippi | and lower Ohio valleys, and in the south- | eastern States, while in the New England | states and Texas good rains will not be so common.’ Temperature of the week ending June 26th will average about or a little above normal as a general average. In the New England States the average will be consid- | erably above and in the southeastern States while to’ determine that this procession : : yer : iss | considerably below. as going to | Merly of Pine Grove Mills, Pa., and Miss Y Rainfall of the week ending June 26th Iwill be generally below normal. Next bulletin will give general features of week’s Julyweather. That is the important corn —Supt. C. L. Gramley went: to the’ month and the weather will be of the un- soldiery in blue, followed by a block of | State normal, at East Stroudsburg, last to examine the classes in phys- al years ago he was one of the examiners at i ——An attempt to burglarize the Penn: >be A PAGEANT UNSURPASSED FOR SURPRISES, sylvania railroad depot at Poit Matilda; For varied and beautiful uniforms and | was made, on Wednesday night, but whe ever did it must have been frightened off before the purpose was accomplished. s; all | Holes were bored in the door almost the y ¢ . the nations seemed to be filing by, all | entire way around the lock. i *de —On Tuesday, ‘‘Aunt” Mary Seibert, re not too much | 25she is generally called, was visiting at the home of Mis. Mary E. Hoover, gn Spring street, and in walking from one room to another fell and hurt her head. The accident was rather a serious one in a8 dozen hodies of black soldiers - from various | much as she is nearly ninety-seyen years? | parts of Africa, whose complexions covered | old. : *de ——The petition for an injunction re- straining the Citizen's water company of Philipsburg from taking water from Cold Stream, the source of the supply of the old company, has been dismissed and the new company will go to work, notwithstanding the fact that the case will probably be car- ried to the supreme court. —The Lewisburg and Tyrone mixed hibi- | train, ‘running between Scotia and Tyrone, was wrecked. Monday morning. The tank and six freight cars left the track near Pennington. Three of the cars were load- ed with wood which was scattered along The three cars loaded wiih ore did not upset. One hundred and fifty feet >to — ——The charmingly appointed tea, last evening, given by Mrs. M. W. Jackson and her daughter, Mary Woodin Jackson, at the home of Col. W. F. Reeder, on north Alle- of wealth, but it is al] Wrong when its de- | geross the stage and behind the scenes and | gheny Street, was the social event of the cision is against a combination of railroads | across the front again, and keep it’ up until | week. Five hundred invitations were is- that conspired to exact extortionate freight | they have represented 300,000. charges. | PRINCE RUPERT A PEACEFUL GUEST. From this it would appear that it js trea- | A In the sul part jhe Fajen) Die) ers 1 . ‘os drove by with the host, and by-and-by sonable and anarchistic to condemn the | J¢tor a long time, there was a grand output of foreign princes, thirty-one in the invoice. United States Supreme court when its decis- ion isto the disadvantage of those who are | The feature of high romance was not want- not rich, but al e | 10g, for among them ‘rode Prince Rupert, it hth it d a Diop oe to censure of Bavaria, who would he Prince of Wales . > against railroad com- i now, and future king of England and em. panies that have violated a United States | peror of India, if his Stuart ancestors had law. r conducted their royal affairs more wisely. | He came as a peaceful guest to represent | his mother, Princess Ludwig, heiress of the { House of Stuart, to> whom Jacobites still | pay unavailing homage as the rightful | queen of England. The House of Stuart was formally and. officially shelved nearly two centuries ago, but the microhe The Queen’s Jubilee, : From the Pittsburg Post, The grandeur and splendor of the jubilee procession have probably never heen sur- passed. It was a moving representative picture of the empire on which the sun’ never sets. There was the glitter of royal- ty and dynasties—the blare and ‘pomp of war—but we do not see that what has made England great had recognition. Fen- dal traditions were honored. The indus- try and progress of the People were ignored, nani of Glagbaane, wis icc he | resenting the United Sat furbelows of 3 o IHS ths fo thors and princes and princesses, then five four-horse nosy Jusignificant di carriages [reighted with off-shoots of the English dearly love a Jord, and enjoy this | family. The excitement w. sort of thing. In reality it has not been Yictorin who has led England in the march of empire and progress, but her great | © : Tor: : Statesmen, her great inventors, her hi | Sola sas Wi P Ostill ions av pods merchants, her great captains of industry. | and prec ay 0 ame They seem “to have had | bowling along, followed by ite Prins of I 4 oe no Pesopbition | -Lverything was to adc prestige to the ? ’ ; x Guelphs, from the great grandmother to | 3nd na ee, The Then foes OR the baby in the cot. “What fools these | OMe, and she was received with Yearem mortals be,’ > | thusiasm. - i — | BUT THE QUEEN WAS ALL IN ALL. New Governor of Alaska, It was realizable that she was the pro- . cession herself ; that all the rest of it was WASHINGTON, June 21.—The Senate | mere embroidery, that in her the public to-day confirmed the following nomina- | saw the British empire itself. She was a tions © John G. Brady, of Sitka, Alaska, symbol, an allegory of England’s grandeur to be Governor of Alaska ; John U. Smith, J and the might of the British name, of Portlagd, Ore., and William J, Jones, It is over now, the British empire has of Port Bownsend, Wash., to be commis- | marched under review and inspection. sioners in and for the district of Alaska. termidable by time, force, or argument. At last, when the procession had been on appear in it. First came a detachment of two-horse, one containing ambassadors ex- traordinary, in one of them W, y of | Jacobite loyalty is a thing which is not ex. | enjoyable. | | | f | 1 | | | | | sued and the beautiful house and «vide, roomy porches were crowded from 5 until 7 o’clock.. Mrs. Jackson and her daughter were assisted in receiving by Misses Eliza- beth Stone, of Warren ; Margaret and Cath- arine Wood rough, of Knoxville; Gra¢e Phil- ips, of New Castle ; and Mary Mathek, of Lewisburg. all guests of the house and all school mates of Miss Jackson, whe gradu- ated at Mrs. Summer's school, in Washing- ton, two weeks ago. Mrs W. F. Reeder was assisted by Mrs. D. H. Hastings, Mrs. Mollie Valentine and Mrs. John N. Iane in presiding over the artistically deforated tea tables and the whole affair was [pleasingly > THE FALLS CREEK BAND WoN.—A¢t viéw an hour and a half, carriages began to | the tournament of the Northerr Pennsyl- vania and Western New York band asso- hitelaw Reid | ciation, held at Houtzdale, lat Friday, ? representing the United States, then six | the tannery band from Falls Greek took domestic | first “place. Only five bands were in the contest and noue of the larger t¢wns were as growing, in- | Tepresented. The lucky bands were Falls , terest was rising toward the boiling point. | Creek, 1st ; South F ork, 2nd ; Philipsburg, Finally a landan drawn by eight cream-/ 3rd ; Hawk Run, 4th. colored horses, most lavishly upholstered’ The mext annual tournament will go to Philipsburg. ———— ete CAPTURED THREE EAGFES. — Sam Wales, and all the world rose to its feet Grimes and Wm. Dunlap, two Philipsburg woodsmen, captured three: bad eagles on last Saturday. The men were(n the moun- tains cutting mine props, when they dis- covered the nest. Though if was. almost on the top of a great pine tre( one of them climbed up to investigate, whereupon the old bird flew off her nest un@vering three young ones, probably the sizqof a chicken. They were taken out and carried into Philipshygg, where they are the objects of The procession stood for sixty years of pro- | marked a tention. —— - "usual kind, particularly in the great corn | belt. — de THE NEW CONSOLIDATED BAND.—Last | Friday afternoon the people of this place | were given the opportunity of hearing the | new consolidated Milesburg and Coleville bands. A concert was given in the Dia- { mond and to say that it was greatly appre- | ciated is expressing it mildly. The bands are under the leadership of Frank Wetzler and Charles Rote and that well known old musical enthusiast, Nathan Beerly, is the director. It can scarcely be wondered at that the organization has proven a good one, with such people leading it. Fortunately for the consolidation the new uniforms of the Milesburg band are similar to those of the Coleville and when together it looks like one great band. At the \ concert, on Friday evening; director Beerly had a fine selection of music, hav- ing used a quick step to show off the vol- ume first. then a difficult waltz to test the technique, he went to his solo artists and some nice work was done on the trombone, by Mr. Proudfoot ; on the emphonium, by Mr. Rote ; and the bass solo, by Mr. Essing- ton, was something rarely heard except in | high class bands. — *oe A FRIGHTFUL HAIL STORM AT TYRONE. —A most frightful hail storm threatened to knock Tyrone off the face of the earth, last Saturday afternoon, and it was only the size of the stones that saved the town where lives the man who gets a wagan load of mail every day. : Just about three o’clock on the eventful afternoon angry looking clouds came scur- rying over the mountains, from the north- west, but as the entire attention of the town was concentrated on a game of ball that was being played by the rival sets of note-peelers nothing was thought of what Was going on overhead until old mother nature got her battery to working and began pounding in duplex- quivers and all manner of curves and. twists. Hail stones as large as hickory-nuts fell so rapidly for twenty minutes that it really wasn’t safe to be out. In fact one hundred and nine. ty-five chickens died in Tyrone, that after- noon, because their mamma’s had taught them only enough to £0 in out of the wet. Besides this great destruction to poultry thousands of panes of glass were broken, trees stripped of their foilage, gardens beaten down as flat as pan-cakes and shingles on the roofs of many houses so badly split up that new ones will be re- quired. It js estimated to have caused a loss of $40,000 in Tyrone and vicinity and the singular part of it was that the storm was only local. There was none north of East Tyrone, east of Birmingham, or west of Tipton. The storm lasted only twenty minutes, but in that time Tyrone saw more hail than she ever did in her life be- fore. At some places on the streets it was six inches deep and it is no exaggeration when we say it had to be shoveled from the side walks and laid in heaps in the gutters ‘until Sunday morning. Thousands of windows were paneless and Ed. Irvin, formerly of this, place who is now in the hard-ware business up there, came down, on Saturday night, and pur- chased 125 boxes of glass at the factory to supply Tyrone’s demand. It was a singularly freakish storm, for while one reperty suffered great loss the adjoining one probably lost nothing. Among the ‘more serious losses was the almost total destruction of W. H. Agnew’s photographic gallery. In it were stored a number of valuable negatives and the one of the large group of old students at the Pine Grove Academy reunion, only made the day before, was broken: | | t | fo A Grand Reunion. Continued from page S. The Academy occupies a fine location on one of the highest points of the county, over- looking the broad and fertile valleys that stretch off to the cast and west, as far as the | €ye can see, and planted on the very abut- ments of the Tussey mountain range it has truly a picturesque prospect. een miles from Bellefonte in those early days a tri-weekly stage line connected Pine Grove with Bellefonte and gave student and teach- er the advantage of frequent intercourse with the world outside the academical halls, " After Prof, Ward had put the Academy on a firm basis and helped prove the first bekef of its promoters, that it would be a success, one'of his first pupils, John Elias Thomas, who had meanwhile graduated at Jefferson college, was called to succeed his old master, He was a staunch friend of the common schools and of the cause of education in gen- eral, and ‘was the pupil and protege of the first principal of the insti tution. J. C. Whitehill and William Gem- mill were assistants to Prof. Thomas and helped him push the school along until the war broke out and its progress received a temporary check because he went off to the had charge, but he soon gave way to Theoph- Thomas returned to take charge of it and continue as principal until his death, which occurred in 1872. For more than sixteen years he had driven the institution steadily onward to a higher standard and with its ad- vancement came ga large student body. From all parts of Centre and adjacent coun- ties scholars heard of the superior educa- tional facilities of the Pine Grove Academy and sought admission to it. Boys and girls who have since become famous men and women received their first broadening in- struction at that old place. Not every one could enter the Academy. Applicants for admission were required to | furnish testimonials of good moral character and pledge themselves to totally abstain from the use of intoxicating liguors, while stud- ents from other institutions were not accept- ed unless carrying honorable dismissals with them. The courses of study were as many and varied as the needs of the scholars warranted. Any one could La fitted for college or given an ordinary business training. Special at- tention was given to those preparing to teach and as a kind of a coaching school for teach- ers the Academy gained a reputation all over Central Pennsylvania. The names of many men who have since become prominent can be found on the old rolls and the little village of Pine Grove points with pride to the fact that her Academy has been the nursery of Doctors of Divinity, Governors, Congressmen, Judges, ministers and men of wealth and repute in business circles. The success of the school was largely the result of the pure, moral atmosphere that pervaded it at all times. Twice a day the students were assembled for devotional exer- cises and on the Sabbath day all were re. quired to attend church and bible class. Those who had no particular church prefer- ence went with the principal, while others were permitted to go to the church of their choice. In those days schools did not “have the long sessions they now have. Young men had more work to do at home and could not be spared until very late in the fall, ;so that the term never opened until the first Wed- nesday in November and closed the last Wednesday in March, with one week's vaca- tion at the holidays. There Was a summer course, from the first Wednesday of April un- til the last Wednesday of September, that af- forded those who were ambitious for study an opportunity to stick at it most of the year. Then for all these superior advantages the eXpenses were extremely moderate. Just think of it, boarding, tuition, nglish branches and furnished room was only $45 a term. Incidentals 25cts., term, with light, heat and washing extra. German was also a side-dish at the instructor’s own charge. It Was a wise provision of the trustees that beld students responsible for damage to the build- ingor furniture for there were some gay lark- ies among those boys and as it was the fear of such financial punishment did not curb the pranks they were wont to play at times. All bills were payable one-half in advance and the other half before leaving the school. A careful record of the standing of all scholars was kept and sent to their parents, from time to time and regular hours for study and recreation insisted up: One hun- dred demerit marks subjected any onc to dismissal, but very few got them. student was required to provide himself avith towels, an umbrella and a bible, afid on the whole it was a very systematically main- tained, carefully conducted educational in- stitution. : The list of men who have been at its head at one tinre or another is as follows : . Prof. Ward was the first principal and he was succeeded by Prof. Milton Camptell, who taught but one term, when Prof. McKenan took his place. Prof, Davidson followed McKenan and taught until the fall term of ’58, when Thomas was clected and continued at the head of the Academy, with William. Gemmill and J. C. Whitehill as as- sistants, until he enlisted in the army and ‘marched oft with the soldiers. In his ab- reese eer eiop——s si THE OLD ACADEMY Buin Though cight- confines of war and most of his students followed him. | During his absence Rev. Samuel W.. Moore ilus Weaver! who ran the school until Prof. ; Each i DING AS IT NOW APPEARS. { sence Rev. Moore, Theophilus Weaver and | Prot. Hewes had charge, but upon his return " he took up the reins again and continued un- til his death. in 1872. Then. came Prof. Houtz, who left to prepare for the ministry ; Prof. Glenn who quit for the same purpose, ‘and Prof. Musser. The latter was succeeded by N. B. Spangler Esq., of this place, and he gave way to Mr. Noll, of Pleasant Gap. Rev; Ji A. Koser was the next to take charge and - he ran the school until Rev. W. C. Kuhn was called and then L. C, Thomas, the only son of the old professor, assumed his father’s du- ties, but soon quit to study medicine. The advance of greater institutions and the improvement of means of travel and re- source gradually kept depleting the old: Academy until its later years have been more as a select school than anything else. Rev. C. T. Aiken undertook to rebuild it and did have one successful term, but gave up the work and now Mr. Rhone has charge of it and is on a fair road to-Tetrieving some of the fallen laurelsof the old school. | During the presperous days of the i Academy two' active literary societies flour- ished there and many the warm debates that were heard in Pine Grove then. There was the Euphronian, the ladies society, and the Athlonon and then, in 1861, the student role | grew so that a third society, the! Prescott, ' sprang into existence and it afterwards ah- sorbed the Athlonon,, W. F. SOME OF THOSE WHO WERE THERE. Those of the old students and their chil- dren who registered on the grounds were : Prof. J. K. Bottorf, D. A. Smith, L. W. Miller, H. 8. Laird, + Adie R. Louder, A. G. Archey, Laura R. Lytle, Elmer Ross, Ettie Ross, B. F. Homan, W. H. Musser, Sallie €, Musser, G. W. Homan, Albert Smeltzer, br. J. E. Ward, S. Dannley, Maggie M. Housman, Lottie M. Harter, Bella S. Ward, G. W. Rumberger, J. H. Carner, Prot. Jacob Rhoan, Mary K. McWilliams, J. M. Keichline, | Jus, AL Beaver, i \. H. Bailey, | Nannie Glenn, | Wm. H. Fry, Sadie Glenn, | B. J. Laport, iL. B. Laport, Alice Weaver, J. C. Miller, i A. H. Smith, FM. K. Rider, D.W, Woodring, F. B. Stover, i J. 8. Gray, br L.C Thomas, A. J. Mattern, M. Kate Bailey, | Col. J. H. Musser, A. R. Krebs, D. L. Krebs, | Thos. Miller, YCol. D. F. Fortney, | ). A. Grove, B. F. Housman, i | J. H. Ross, Lizzie McCracken, { J. H. Osmer, Henry McCracken, { J. M. Tate, W. E. Rhoan, |G. W. Ward, J. W. Fry, "J. H. Ward, N. T. Krebs, | D. 8. Erb, C. 8. Dannley, M. Dannley, E. S Moore, J. D. Dannley, Wm. B. Ward, | Sadie Dannley, J. H. Joy, Dent Ingram), Julia Z. letcher, | C. B. McWilliams, Hal M. McGee, Prof. 8, C. Miller, Wm. Gibson, Jas. Me Williams, Jennie Shaw, Edward Osmer, L. A. Smith, H. M. Krebs, 1. M. Essington, J. L. Dunlap, Col. J. W, Stewart, 8. E. Goss, J. G. Bailey, Andy Lytle, C. B. Hess, J. A. Musser, G. B. Campbell, A. J. Tate, Etta Moser Irvin, Minnie B. Goss, Kate L. Moser, Marian S. Hlingsworth, H. M, Stover, Jacob Harpster, N. B. Spangler, Dr. AC. Nor Ww. E. Burchfield, Inez Krebs, Rev. C. T. Aikens, Emma W. Meek, Albert Hoy, David G. o£ M. E. Stover, Robt, ££ A. C. Thompson, Adam Duck, Michael Hess Maggie C. Williams, J. A. Campbell, J. MU Watt, Rev. W, . Mattern, Wm. H. Smith, H. C. Campbell, Chas. H. Smith, Rev. Isaac Krider, Bessie L. Fry, Eliza Glenn Meek, Mrs.J. H. Ross, Dr. E. 8S, Dorworth, Ross Louder, Rev. G. W. Fortne 3 Maggie McW. Hess, Matie Ewing Drib ebis, Jennie A. Tate, Sadie M. Glenn, Ella W. Fisher, Sadie Keichline Gardner, Bell Gray Mattern, Alfaretta Fisher Goss, Carrie Thomas Williams, Alice J.vtle Duff, - J. B. Ard, Lizzie Murray Gibson, J. H. Miller, Sofie S. Hunter, Ida Meek Musser, . Ada Burchfield Gilliford, Grustie Ward King, G. E. Weaver, Susana M. Meek, Francis J. Weaver, Maggie Zentmyer Stine, Walter H. ge Amy Rider Roop, E. C. Fry, Wm. M. Shiffer, Wm. Fry, Mrs. G. R. Spigeln.yer, S. F. Rider, Sadie Dunlap Heberling,M. A. Elder | Lilla Meek Gilliford, D. H. Weaver. Carrie Musser Fortney, John McWilliams, i C.8. Fortney, Viola Smith, | Eff Burchfield Jacobs, David Barr, | Anna M. Dale, Daniel Koch, | J. L. Murphy, Kate Shiffer Woods, i Adam Bucher, - Sallie Nicholas Adams, |sMary Fry Dale, M. E. Heberling, | G. B. McM. Fry, H. C. Myers, . i J. B. Krebs, Rev. Wm, Gemmill, i 4. C. Eckel, - Wm. E. Meek, Peter Keichline. Many. other old students were present | but failed to register. All who desire to | be enrolled can communicate with W. H. Fry who is in charge of the roll. ; James Hess, A Card of Thanks, { W.H. Fry, who had charge of the program and ! arrangements for the reunion of Pine Grove ! Academy and Seminary students, on the 18th, de- sires to return thanks to all who aided in the . work, especially to Charles Smith and the ladies who had the decorations in charge. ‘ - Low=Rate Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad. {The Pennsylvania railioad company an- { nounces that it will run a special excursion | to Chautauqua from Philadelphia, Balti- more. and Washington on July 2nd. Train will leave Philadelphia, 8:30 a. m., Wash- ington, 7:50 a. m., Baltimore, 8:50 a. m., connecting with special train leaving Har- | rishurg at 11:35 a. m., arriving Chautauqua | 10:30°p. m. Excursion tickets good to re- turn on regular trains, exclusive of limited express trains, July 12th to August 1st, | will he sol at rate of $10 from Philadel- | phia, Baltimore, and Washington, and .at proportionate rates from other points. For further information apply to nearest ticket agent. > © 42-25-2¢. To Americanize the Navy. WASHINGTON, June 21.—Secretary Long has a plan to Americanize the navy. A large portion of the seamen now enlisted {on American men-of-war are of foreign birth. In case the United States should get into war with any foréign power, the fact that our vessels are manned by-for- eigners. would "give rise to serious appre- hensions. Recruiting is soon to begin at the Atlantic seaboard, the great lakes and probably the Mississippi river. ~~ —-