Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 18, 1897, Image 1

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    Beara Wits
Ink Slings.
—Annexing Hawaiia seems like an at- |
tempt fo tie a small sized mill-stone about
uncle SAM'S neck and drop him into the
— Bellefonte is not nearly as bad off as
plenty of other towns we know of, yet just
last night a hard working man remarked
that it just took the hardest kind of pinch-
ing to feed his family and clothe them re-
— Granted that the average girl gradu-
ate imagines she could set the whole world
afire—if some one else would only furnish
the matches—we still hang onto a negative
argument on the ground that she can’t
strike the match.
— CLEVELAND has been honored with the
degree of L. L. D, by Princeton Univer-
sity. Now the great Democratic party
wants to confer the degree of B. T. M. P.
on him and he will be fixed up. Although
he has more claim to the latter, which
means bigger than my party, than he hae
to the former, no one will object if he will
only remember to sign himself as sheriff of
Buffalo, L. L. D., B. T. M. P.
—_No one would have recognized ‘‘flag
day” in Bellefonte, on Monday, either from
any demonstration, or anything that was
said or done. In fact the banks, schools
and other public buildings had as little
show of the ‘‘national colors’ about them,
as our citizens seemed to have care for the
_day on which some people plant their patri-
otism before the public, under the impres-
sion that they are passing off as patriots and
doing a great honor to ‘old glory.”
—The Sultan of Turkey has at last made
up his mind that he can accept an Ameri-
can ANGELL as United States minister at
Constantinople. When he first heard of
Dr. ANGELL’S appointment to the mission
he objected, but no one seemed to know
why. The WATCHMAN will possibly
throw some light on the situation when it
suggests that the name ANGELL sounded
entirely too good for the ‘‘sick man of
Europe’s’”’ murderous heart to put up with.
are hoth reported as being aspirants for the
position of deputy collector in the revenue
service. This position was generally con-
ceded to Centre county until collector
HERRING added it to the emoluments that
Clinton county enjoyed. Whether it will
get back here under the MCKINLEY admin-
istration we do not know, but can certify
to the fact that in addition to the above
two candidates there are a thousand other
Republicans, within the limits of the
county, who are anxiously watching for
just such a plum.
—German manufacturers are beginning
to find out that American made bicycles
are driving their own product out of their
home market and are asking thg govern-
ment to prohibit the importation of Ameri-
can wheels into Germany. For once we
have scored on the low priced foreigners.
The bicycle was first made abroad, but
now the American genius has brought it to
such a degree of perfection and cheapness
that the world is our market. Such exclu-
sive measures as the DINGLEY tariff, how-
ever, will soon set the world against us,
for if we are not to be liberal in permitting
competition at home then we can expect no
liberality in entering into it abroad.
—The jingoes are at it again and this
time it is a revival of the old Hawaiian
annexation scheme. Just what the United
States would have to gain by assuming the
protectorate of about 70,000 Chinese, Japs,
Portugese, half-breeds, Hawaiians, and
British when there are only 1,974 Ameri-
cans on the island, it is pretty hard to tell,
but HARRISON wanted it done and it is
altogether likely that MCKINLEY will en-
deavor to force it through after the tariff
bill is disposed of. If they want something
for buncombe so badly why don’t they
recognize the Cuban patriots. That would
be an honorable and popular act.
— President MCKINLEY has done for
Mr. QuAY what President HARRISON re-
fused to do—appointed his son to a captaincy
in the regular army. Young QUAY was
graduated from West Point, in 1888, and
his father undertook to boost him up faster
than the army promotions occur, but
President HARRISON refused to lend assist-
ance to such partiality and QUAY Sr., left
the white house in a rage and never re-
turned while HARRISON occupied it.
—Inasmuch as there are no places for
this year’s class, graduated from West
Point, the new soldiers will have very little
chance to be soldiers at all, unless they
rally the scattered COXEYITES and get up
an army of their own.
—The disgusting truck that Republican
papers are teeming with just now because
the faculty of the University of Virginia
saw fit to accord about the same honor to
have to any other good American citizen,
speaks only too pfathly of the narrow big-
otry of the writers of such articles. It is
not a crime to be a Democrat. Any man
who choses may be a Republican, Prohibi-
tioniste are good people and even the gold-
bugs and silverites are made of the same
stuff, breathe the same air and are inspired
by the samesentiments that other Ameri-
cans are, yet some people are that narrow
that they can see no good in any other view
than their own. These are usually the
mental weaklings whose shallow prating
foments trouble and disorganizes society
everywhere. .
= SS TiTumwenTs germpesALUMeN, wn CC
. 42 BELLEFONTE, PA, JUNE 18,1897. = NO. 24.
Our Country’s Flag.
Every patriotic American loves and re-
veres the flag of his country. To him it is
the emblem of the majesty and glory of the
republic, and it symbolizes the govern-
ment that has for its foundation the prin-
ciples of constitutional liberty, and for its
highest aim the personal freedom of its cit-
izens and. the equality of all before the
law. :
It is not because the American flag is the
most beautiful of all the national ensigns
that wave on land or sea, but it is on ac-
count of what it represents, and the glor-
jous memories which the heroism of our
forefathers have associated with it, that the
true American accords it his devotion. It
is the flag, as a symbol, that is honored
on those occasions set apart as flag day as
a special expression of our love and rever-
ence for it as was the case last Monday.
But in this flag worship may it not be
possible for us to overlook the principles
which the flag stands for? At this very
time does it not appear as if the American
people, while adoring the banner of their
country, are allowing the sacrifice of that
which that banner symbolizes ?
The American flag represents a govern-
ment of the people, by the people and for the
people ; yet wesee that the influence which
is gaining the’upper hand in controlling the
government is not a popular influence. We
see that wealth and not the will of the
people is becoming the controlling power.
The election of the President, as well as
of Senators and Representatives, has be-
come a question of money, vast sums for
the influencing and corrupting of such elec-
tions being employed to effect the object of
those who propose to use the government
for their personal gain and the advan-
tage of the class to which they belong.
Interests that design to profit from this
perversion of popular government furnish
the means of corruption, which has grown
to the proportions of millions, by which the
presidential office is bought like a pur-
chasable article in open market.
It is seen that those who thus buy the
government run it in their own interests,
as such was the object of their purchase.
Sueh legislation is furnished as will favor
special interests. The beneficiaries of fiscal
laws are allowed “to dictate their specifica-
tions. [Exactions are imposed upon the
general mass for the profit of the class that
pay for this advantage.
Such combinations of wealth as increase
their gains through the agency of trusts
and other forms of monopoly, have not
only the higher branch of Congress com-
pletely under their control, but are rapid-
ly absorbing the membership of the Senate,
which is becoming an assemblage of mil-
Not only can wealth claim the owner-
ship of the legislative and executive
branches of the government, but it is able
to exert such an influence over the federal
courts as to secure their decision against
la ws that may conflict with plutocratic in-
The currency is regulated so as to in-
crease the profits of the money dealers,
and the treasury so managed that the sales
of bonds are necessitated, thus giving the
banking class a chance to secure a share of
these special advantages.
When to this subjection of the general
government to the money power is added
the corruption of state Legislatures, that
are ready to sell their service to any that
may have money to buy legislation, it is
seen what a wide departure has been made
in public affairs from that government of
the people which-the flag is intended to
symbolize, and how, in this surrender to
the power of wealth, the public is being
crucified on a cross of gold.
Six Months of Shame.
The present scandalous session of the
Pennsylvania State Legislature is drawing
to theclose of its sixth month. Most of
its time has been wasted in‘doing nothing,
or worse than wasted 1m factional conten-
tion, or in the profitless consideration of
measures which it has been unwilling or
unable to pass.
It started out, nearly six months ago, with
work of reform cut out for it by the party
boss, which has utterly failed, either be-
cause it was not intended to succeed, or
because measures of reform were beyond
the moral capacity of such law makers.
There has not been a single measure
passed that can be counted as a benefit to
the people. What might have been to their
advantage has been neglected or defeated.
The ballot law has-been left with all the
defects that are promotive of fraud and
conducive to dishonest elections. Its amend-
ment was purposely prevented in order
that the Republican party might have the
advantage of a corrupt ballot. This was
the avowed intention, openly proclaimed
by those who opposed and defeated the re-
form of the ballot law.
Bribery has made manifest its corrupt
presence in the capitol, and it has been at-
tended with the disgraceful determination
to keep it concealed by preventing investi-
With the finances of the state fearfully
embarrassed there is no abatement of the
disposition _to waste the public means.
Payment of such dishonest expenses as
those contracted by the ANDREWS investi-
gating committee, and other charges equal-
ly scandalous, is demanded, and no doubt
will be allowed in the appropriation bills,
although there is not money enough in the
treasury to meet the State's legitimate
The sixth month of the session draws to
aclose, and, with the time shamefully
wasted, this incompetent and demoraliz
legislative body finds itself unable to de-
vise the means of supplying the deficiency
of revenue caused by its profligacy and that
of its predecessors. It flounders in its ef-
forts to raise the revenue needed to run the
state government, and may require another
month before it can devise some plan of
taxation that may save the state treasury
from the bankruptcy that threatens it.
At the end of the longest session on rec-
ord, the Pennsylvania Legislature ‘pre-
sents a spectacle at which every honest cit-
izen of the State has reason to hang his
head in shame.
Prosperity for Chicago.
The people of Chicago are seeing pros-
perity coming to them in rather a singular
way. : :
At the last presidential election they
gave a tremendous majority for a return of
prosperity, and also for the rescue of the
country in general and Illinois in particu-
Jar from the designs of the free silver an-
archists who were said to-be conspiring to
ruin everything. :
The reward they earned by that grea
achievement has been given them by the
Illinois Legislature through the bills it has
passed for the promotion of their. prosperi-
ty. One of them was the bill jammed
through at a cost of about $1,000,000 to
the Chicago street-railway combine. As
the fruit of this large expenditure of money
the combine gets the streets of Chicago for
fifty years without having to pay a cent to
the city, and also is permitted to charge a
five-cent fare on each section of its road
during the whole period.
A bill almost equal in its enormity was
bought through the Legislature by the con-
solidated gas companies of Chicago, by
which they are empowered to subject the
citizens to any extortion they please in the
price of gas. This bill was not quite so
expensive as the YERKES street railway
outrage, as it is said that it did not cost
more than $250,000 to put, it through the
It is questionable whether the prosperity
of the citizens of Chicago was advanced to
any considerable extent by the passage of
these acts of legislative piracy, but there is
no question but that the corporations who
got the bills passed, and the Legislators
who got the money for them, have pros-
It will not be out of the way to mention
that during the four years that Governor
ALTGELD was in office, and while the
Dem ocrats had control of the Legislature,
the street railway and gas companies of
Chicago did not dare to come forward with
their rascally schemes, as they were sure
they would receive no favor from either the
Democratic Governor, nor the Democratic
the Coal Miner.
There was no class of men, black or white,
intelligent or ignorant, rich or poor, who
stood up more unanimously, or voted more
vigorously last fall for the ‘‘advance agent
of prosperity’’ than the coal miners up in
the anthracite region. They commenced
before breakfast to ‘‘whoop-er-up for the
good times that were to come immediately
after the closing of the polls and they kept
whoop-in it up until after supper, and
then went home to dream of the
full bellies and fat times that would
come : with the morning and ‘the viec-
tory they had won. The victory and the
prosperity are both here and the miner
knows now what Republican promises mean
for him. It is not the demand for work,
the good wages, the well filled stomach and
the warmly covered back, that they looked
for, nor do they secure the plenty and
comforts they dreamt of. What they got
in place of what was promised them is bet-
ter told by the joint legislative committee
—made up of Republicans—appointed _to
investigate the condition of the miners in
the anthracite coal region, which has just
made it’s report and among other things
says :
“The testimony taken,’’ shows conclusively
the deplorable condition of affairs for a per-
iod covering about two years, and PARTICU-
PRESENT YEAR, since which time the men in
and about the collieries have been employed
not more than two or three-fourth days per
week, upon which, in many instances, they
are compelled to support large families.”
" ——1If Mr. MCKINLEY would attempt to
annex some prosperity to the United States
and leave Hawaii alone there would be far
more rejoicing among the masses than there
will be should he succeed in tying a horde
of half-breeds onto us.
‘the same ower tariff there was an equal
week, earning on an average about per.
A Farcical Entertainment.
The banquet given to the commercial
delegates from the South American coun-
tries at the Philadelphia Bourse, some
weeks ago, had much the appearance -of a
Its absurdity consisted in the fact that
while the hospitality it expressed was de-
signed to bring about closer commercial
relations with the countries those delegates
represented, the Republican Congress was
engaged in strengthening the tariff wall
that will more effectually obstruct that
The Philadelphians who were the enter-
tainers on that occasion were zealous sup-
porters of the tariff that is calculated to
frustrate the object for which the entertain-
ment was given, and as if to complete the
absurdity of the thing, the chief guest and
speaker at the banquet was President Mc-
KINLEY whose tariff policy can have no
other effect than to prevent the commercial
intercourse which the banquet was intend-
ed to encourage.
These Spanish Americans afterwards
went to New York, where they were also
the objects of hospitable attention. But in
the midst of the New York entertainment
it occurred to Senor ROMERO, the Mexican
wepresentative, to make a few remarks. He
id, in effect, that while the American
merchants were doing the agreeable to
them in such handsome style for the pro-
motion of commerce, the American Con-
gress was getting up a tariff that would be
the destruction of commerce between the
South American countries and; the United
States. The people of those countries had
wool, hides and other raw materials which
taey wanted to exchange for our products,
ad which our manufacturers could turn to
god advantage, but the DINGLEY tariff
would bar out their raw materials, and un-
dr the circumstances it was difficult to see
what chance there would be forthe South
American trade which the American mer-
chants appeared to be so anxious to secure.
There was much truth in Senor ROMERO'S
remarks, but there are interests involved
in this matter which the South American
representatives may not be aware of. The
Republican tariff makers are bound to look
3 the interests of the Chicago beef trust
wAich will be benefited to the amount of
$10,000,000, annually, by the duty on hides.
That trust was a liberal contributor to the
Republican campaign fund, and what is
the South American trade in comparison to
suchan obligation ? The people who use
leather and wear shoes will be the losers by
this hide wax, but that is of no consequence
when the Republican party has to pay the
election debt it owes to ARMOUR and the
other beef barons who compose the trust.
As regards the duty on wool, which is
another obstacle to South American trade,
that tax isdemanded by the wool raisers
who feed their flocks on the cheap lands of
the Rocky mountain States. The votes of
four or five Senators from those States are
required to pass the DINGLEY tariff bill,
and they won’t vote for that scheme of
plunder ualess the wool raisers of their
section are given a share of the spoils.
This is the situation that interferes with
commercial relations with South America
whose chief commodities of trade are wool,
hides and other raw materials. When these
are kept out by a high tariff, banquets, for
the promotion of South American trade
appear to be rather absurd entertain-
The export of butter from the United
States to Europe rose, in 1896, from 9,539,-
000 pounds to 21,933,000. :
This great increase was made under a
lower tarff than MCKINLEY’S. Under
increase in the exportation of all other
kinds of American products.
We are row to return to the higher rates
of duties, esacted by the DINGLEY bill. Is
it probable that the great increase of
American exports, particularly in the agri-
cultural ling, that sprung up so remarkably
under the lower WiLsoN tariff, will contin-
ue? Foreign countries are already threat-
ening to refiliate by imposing duties on
American faim products.
The foreign trade which, under the en-
couragement, of lower duties, developed
last year with such great advantage to
American exporters, will be destroyed in
the conflict of tariffs between this country
and foreign ®muntries that will be justly
provoked intdtreating the Americans with
a dose of theinown tariff medicine.
Many of thefarmers have been deluded
into the belie] that a higher tariff will
benefit them. The decline of their exports
to Europe will surely follow the increased
duties of the DiNGLEY bill. They will
find that its on}y effect will be to increase
the cost of theirclothing and other necessa-
ries, and make it harder for them to meet
expenses, whileghey will see such countries
as England, France and Germany dispens-
ing with Amelican butter, meats and
grain, and looking for those commodities
in countries whith give them a more equal
| next year, but not now.
A Good Suggestion.
The Legislators are racking their brains to
find something to tax in order to raise rev-
enue to meet past and present extravagances,
by increase of salaries and investigating com-
mittees, etc.
. I can suggest where there can be a million
raised without trouble. Tax every per-
son riding on a free pass on railroads, particu-
larly Members of the Legislature and Judges
of courts, ten dollars each.
The framers of the constitution wisely pro-
vided against this indirect way of bribery by
the railroad companies hut the Legislature has
made no provision to carry the mandates
of the constitution into effect, which they
have sworn to support.
The “Advance Agent” Now to Arrive
via. Hawaii.
From the Pittsburg Post.
It is not in evidence that prosperity is to
come from the new tariff, and it is an even
chance if the bill in process of formation
will equalize government receipts and ex-
penditures. Tariff prosperity may come
It wonld be
‘‘childish’’ to ask it, now say the boomers
of the last campaign. The attempt to re-
coup the fortunes of the administration by
a Cuban sensation is also a failure, and, as
something must be done, we are now as-
sured salvation in that respect will lie in
the revived scheme to annex the Sandwich
islands. In the closing hours of his admin-
istration Mr. Harrison negotiated a treaty
of annexation, but Mr. Cleveland with-
drew it from the Senate, to the very great
satisfaction of the American people.
Commissioners from Hawaii arein Wash-
ington, and have been working for some
time to create a feeling in Congress in favor
of annexation. They have progressed so far
that the alleged terms of the new treaty
have been published, and as soon as the
‘tariff is out of the way the power of the
administration will be used to push the
treaty through the Senate. Itis quite possi-
ble annexation may be accomplished in
that way without action by the House of
Representatives. That depends upon Reed,
of course. Let us see what a heterogeneous
mass of humanity it is proposed to bring in.
The population of the Hawaiian islands
consists of 72,517 males and 36,503 females
—two men to every woman. According to
nationality the males are classified in the
Hawaiian census of the present year as fol-
lows : Japanese, 19,512 ; Chinese, 19,167;
Hawaiians, 16,399 ; Portuguese, 8,202 ;
half-breeds, 4,249; Americans, 1,974;
British, 1,406, with a scattering of Ger-
mans, Scandinavians, French and South
Sea islanders.
Just how good times and reyived pros-
perity—more work and better wages—are
to result from the masterpiece of folly in-
volyed in the annexation of this mongrel
population is just about as difficult to
cipher out as how the same beneficent re-
sults are to flow from adding to the gains of
the sugar trust some twenty millions a
But Still it is the McKinley Boom.
From the Clearfield Spirit.
The Republican leaders of the Hanna
faction of the party are whistling loud as
they go past the graveyard. On the other
side they can see lots of business prosperity
and right here and now through a subsi-
dized press as usuai they are trying again
to fool the people. They are out in great
heavy headlines proclaiming that prosperity
is already here and assert that he who
doubts is a ‘‘croaker.”” It will go hard for
the working men in ‘this section to believe
that they have steady paying employment,
lots to eat, lots to wear and lots to spend
when they have neither work or wages.
But the ‘‘city dailies’’ owned by corpora-
tions mean to do it-or bust.
They Can’t Unlock Their Shops Any
too Soon.
— 5
From the Boston Herald.
Now that President McKinley has heen
made the recipient of a wooden key of
prosperity, a foot long, gilded and berib-
boned, from a southern admirer, the por-
tals might as well be opened to let things
begin to hoom at once.
Having Their Turn Now.
From the Philadelphia Times.
While Senators make the tariff to suit
their own localities, the people’s turn will
come when it comes to turning the grind-
Victoria is Blind.
Her Affliction is a Recent Culmination, but it has
Been Threatened for Some Time. .
~ :
LoNDON, June 16.—The whole aspect of
the coming jubilee has been suddenly
changed by the painful information which
comes from a source that makes it impossi-
ble to doubt its accuracy. It is announced,
bn the authority of one of ‘the royal phys-
icians attendant upon her majesty, that
“the Queen is almost totally blind.” No
details of the sad news are yet available,
beyond the fact that the affliction is a re-
cent culmination, although it had for some
time been threatened.
If the cause of her majesty’s blindness is
cataract, which is the commonest form of
impaired” sight in advanced age, ‘it, of
course, is possible to cure it by a simple
delicate operation. No information is yet
vouchsafed on this point. Infact, it was
hoped that the pitiful truth that the aged
Queen would be unable to see the millions
of her subjects who will pay homage to
her on next Tuesday would be withheld
po their knowledge until after the jubi-
This is the true reason why she will not
ride alone in the procession and why she
will not leave her carriage at the services to
be held at St. Paul’s cathedral on Tuesday,
and it is semi-officially announced that she
will be unable to respond to the greetings
that will be extended to her along the line
of the royal procession.
It also explains, possibly, the recent re-
chance in trade. |
vival of the gossip of a regency under the
Prince of Wales in the near future. ¢
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The seventeen-year locusts have appear-
ed in many portions of Schuylkill county.
—York county Republicans think of noth-
ing but getting postmasters appointed.
—Rev. John Walsh, the Pittsburg priest
reported assassinated at Cape Town, died in
Sierra Leone of fever.
—The sheriff has levied upon the hard-
ware store of P. S. Greenawalt, at Lebanon,
on an execution for $8,000.
—A compromise ticket for State delegates
Tioga county on Saturday.
—A United Brethren church under con-
struction at Laughlinstown, Pa., was badly
damaged by the storm Sunday night.
—Arch street, in Allegheny City, will be
widened by demolishing a dozen houses.
The work will cost about $100,000.
—The legislative prison investigating com-
mittee began the investigation of the West-
ern penitentiary on Monday last.
Rev. W. H. Shaw, of the Methodist church
at Hummelstown, is in a critical condition
from an attack of neuralgia of the heart.
-—Bicycle riders in the neighborhood of
Pheenixville are being worried by some mis-
creant who scatters tacks along the roads.
—After a hard fight Gen. Gobin succeeded
in securing two of the four delegates elected
from his own county, for auditor General.
—The 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack McCreery, of Derry, was struck by a
train near Coopersdale and will probably
—Winfield Scott Shaffer, who disappeared
from Mercer, Pa., 20 years ago, has been
heard from at Portland, Ind., where he is
" —Three cows belonging to Andrew Van
Syckle, of Upper Makefield, Bucks county,
died recently of a disease which resembled
—Lycoming county leads the State with
three candidates for Governor—attorney-
general McCormick, Colonel Coryell and
State Senator Cochran.
—The Pennsylvania railroad company has
purchased ground for a new depot at Millers-
burg. Work will be commenced in a short
time on the new structure.
—Going into one of the chambers of the
Phenix colliery at Duryea, Martin Smith
ignited the gas with his naked lamp and was
suffocated by the after-damp.
—The Chester county Democrats are not
expected to make any nomination for the
late judge Waddell’s successor, but leave the
field clear to the Republicangactions.
—A gang of thieves has'Ween operating in
Londonderry and adjoining townships in
Dauphin county, and the houses of Albert
Foltz, John Zeiters and Harry Ulrich have
been entered.
—The Republicans of Blair county have
nominated A. I. Harr for sheriff, and chosen
as delegates to the state convention E. G.
Bobb, H. E. Gross, S. A. Hamilton, J. D.
Hicks and William Orr.
—The statement of the Twin Shaft Relief
Association, made public recently, shows a
total of over $74,000 collected for the relief
of the widows and orphans of the miners who
were never rescued from their graves in the
—The executors of the estate of the late A.
P. Whitaker, of Franklin. have disposed of
the ‘Venango Spectator,” the only Demo-
cratic paper in Venango county, to J. P.
Donahue, of Pittsburg, who will assume
the management. ?
—Foley Bros., of Olean, last week com-
pleted the Soldiers’ monument to be erected
in Kane. Thisis one of the largest monu-
ments in McKean county, standing over
twenty feet high, consisting of a pedestal,
surmounted by a soldier at parade rest.
—Joseph E. Balliet, one of Allentown's
best known citizens and for forty years con-
nected with the Allentown National bank,
died on Saturday. For thirty years he served
as deputy county treasurer and at one time
filled the office of county auditor. >
—Judge Brubaker, of Lancaster, has pre-
sented to the Lancaster county Historical
Society a collection of interesting’ historical
papers including two copies of “Der Deutche
Porcupein’”’ printed in Lancaster in 1799.
One of these German ‘‘Porcupeins’’ is a me-
morial number of the death of General Wash-
ington. :
—Two young men and two young ladies of
the State Normal school in Indiana county
were expelled from the institution recently
for taking an evening walk in the country.
The other students of the school expressed
their disapproval of the action of the faculty
by making a demonstration when the an-
nouncement was made.
—Jennie Fessler, a pretty fourteen-year-
old girl, who resides at Mt. Carmel, has been
in the habit of piercing her forearms with
needles and leaving the sharp and dangerous
obstacles in her flesh. Recently the girl's
parents took her to Dr. Millard, and the
physician extracted twenty-one needles from
one of her arms. The girl says she has over
one hundred more in her flesh.
—Linn, the 10-year-old son of Alex. Antes,
of Centre Clearfield county, was badly gored
by a cow on Friday last. He had gone into
the stable to tie the animal, when she tossed
her head up quickly, the horn entering his
abdomen and inflicting a wound that allowed
the bowels to protude. Hopes are enter-
tained, however, for his recovery.
—According to the Bedford Gazette Bed-
ford has seen the day when she was able to
boast of having several cows that Knew
enough to open gates and destroy gdrddns.
But W. S. Fletcher has-a cow that takes the
cake, for in addition to opeming gates she
goes to the hydrant, turns on the water and
tukes a drink of pure Bedford ‘‘dew.” She
has.not vet learned to close the hydrant.
—On the 12th of last May Peter Engleman,
of Lower Milford township, hearing an un-
usual commotion in his chicken house, went*
to investigate, and captured Allen Stauffer,
a wagon containing ninety-six chickens, be-
sides a bicycle and some clothes. Neighbors
came who identified some of the chickens,
and six cases on the charge of larceny against
Charles and Allen Stauffer ensued. Allen
pleaded guilty, but Charles succeeded in
proving an alibi and was acquitted. One of
the witnesses identified his chickens because
when taken to his’ home they immediately
went to their roosts. .
was voted at the Republican primaries in