er . ing them the basis of their circulation, - passed the Senate, on Wednesday. Terms, $2.00 a Year, in Advance. / Bellefonte, Pa., June Ii, 1897. P. GRAY MEEK, - - EDITOR. 1 ESE TERETE A Monetary Commission. A Republican exchapge remarks that “business men will be disappointed if the present session of Congress ends without provision for the appointment of a mone- tary commission.” The usefulness of such a commission will depend entirely upon what kind of a one it will be. If it shall consist of repre- sentatives of the banking interest, and its membership shall be composed of gold- bugs, its labors will be of no beneiit to the country. The monetary convention held some months ago at Indianapolis gave us a sam- ple of what we could expect of a commis- sion appointed, under Republican auspices, to reform the currency. The reform it would recommend would be sure to be on the basis of gold monometallism. The first thing it would commend would be a further contraction of the currency by the retirement of all the paper money that the government has in circulation. The greenbacks would have to be called in, paid off and cancelled, and if there should not be gold enough in the reserve for this purpose a sufficiency would be procured by a sale of bonds. This would not only give a profitable job to the Wall street bond dealers, but it would enable the wealthy class to invest their money in government securities, and | furnish more bonds from which national banks could derive a double profit by mak- while at the same time they would be drawing interest on them. This has always been one of the ‘bene- fits’? of the national banking system, which the proposed currency reform would am- plify by withdrawing the greenbacks and giving the banks the exclusive control of the paper circulation. . It is not difficult to foresee what would be the kind of currency reform the pro- posed monetary commission would recom- mend to Congress. We know that the goldbugs would run it, and we know that it would favor no other measures than such as would contract the currency and con- duce to the maintenance of the gold stand- ard. The only object and result of its labors would be to confirm the power of the gold trust that has cornered the currency of the country. ——The bill requiring the payment of interest on state funds on deposit in banks It re- quires the payment of 2 per cent. on all standing sums then the selection of five re- liable banks, two in Philadelphia, two in Allegheny county and one in Dauphin cBunty, that are to carry the funds in daily | use paying 1) per cent interest on their | daily balances. Points of Interest at the Pennsylvania State College. ~ Next week the commencement exercises well be held at The Pennsylvania State College and doubtless many of our readers will visit that intitution on one or more days. We publish this list of points of in- terest about the place in order that any of you who go there may have an idea. of what is to be seen and where it can be found. The various departments and build- ings will be open to inspection from 8:30 to 12:00 A. M. and 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. on Mon- day and Tuesday and from 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. on Wednesday, unless otherwise stated. At these hours, some officer of the College will be present to receive visitors and an- swer inquiries. TEMPORARY AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. First Floor. Chemical laboratory for students. Fertilizers and fats from bones. Set of German potash salts. - Collection of plant ingredients. Second Floor. Charts, models, specimens, etc. Agricultural machinery. Incubators, brooders, etc. Grasses of Pennsylvania. Part of Agricultural’ Exhibit of Penna. at the World’s Columbian Exposition. COLLEGE FARM. Buildings and Equipment. Dairy and Registered Short-Horn Herds. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. CHEMICAL LABORATORIES, Station Build- ing. “ Appliances for the analysis of fertilizers, foods, feeding stuffs, milk, butter, te. Specimens from the phosphate deposits in Juniata Co. ° Exhibit of pure spices. CREAMERY. Near Station Building. - Operating both as a separator and a gath- ered-cream creamery. Weekly output 1,200 pounds of butter. The separator will be run from 7:00 to 8:30 A. M. each day. . Churning with combined churn and worker at 9:00 A. M. daily. Exhibit of Gonda cheese made by stu- dents. DAIRY HERD. Station Barn. Grade and Registered Guernseys. Record for 1896, 350 pounds of butter per head. i Mehring milking machine in operation at 5:30 A. M. and 4:00 P. M. daily. Herd of Registered Improved English Berkshire swine. FLOCKS oF PURE-BRED POULTRY. EXPERIMENTS IN PROGRESS, Station Farm. Tests of varieties of wheat, oats and po- tatoes, 11th year. . Tests of clovers and other legumes,’ grasses and forage plants. General fertilizer experiments 15th year. Phosphoric acid experiments, 14th year. Seeding to grass after oats. Varieties of small fruit and vegetables. APPLIANCES FOR FEEDING AND DIGES- T10N EXPERIMENTS. Station Barn. PUBLICATIONS. . The publications of the Experiment Sta- tion consist of an Annual Report and at least four‘Bulletins yearly. These pub- lications contain the results of tke ex- periments made at the Station fost the benefit of the public and are mailed, free of charge, to all citizens of the State who desire to receive them. Copies of recent publications can be had, at the Station Building or at the Business Of- fice in the Main College Building. BOTANICAL BUILDING. Collection of woods and botanical speci- mens. Recitation rocm and botanical laboratory. Conservatory and propagating house. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS BUILDING. CHEMICAL SIDE. Chemical lecture rooms and laboratories. Assaying laboratory. Museum of chemical industry. PHYS8ICS SIDE. Lecture Room. X-ray apparatus. ‘Seeing’ through an opaque screen. Laboratories. x 5 Some instruments of precision. MAIN BUILDING. ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Room 206, —“ Second Floor. Te THE PENNA. MINING EXHIBIT AT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, Room 126. First Floor. Relief map of the State. Topographical and geographical models. Crude oils and their refined products. Basement. Working model of coal breaker. Model of primitive iron furnace. Clays, tile, bricks, ete. Building stones, iron ores, paint ores, etc. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN, Rooms 274-284, 2nd Floor. Partial display of students’ work. Open Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:00 P. M. BRILL AND SCHROEDER MATHEMATICAL MopEeLS. Rooms 437, 438, 440. LIBRARY AND READING Room. No. 226, Second Floor. BusiNEss OFFICE. No. 170, First Floor. ENGINEERING BUILDING. Civil Engineering instruments, Room 37. Cement testing machine, Room 5. Descriptive geometry models, Room 36. . MECHANICAL LABORATORIES. Rooms 4, 5. 6, 7 and 12. . 150 H. P. Experimental Corliss Engine. Testing lubricants. Testing strength of materials. Experimental gas engine. Steam turbine. Hydraulic Work. MECHANICAL MUSEUM, Room 11. SHOPS WITH STUDENTS’ WORK... Forging, Room B., Machine shop, Room C. Foundry, Room D. Wood working, Rooms E and F. Wood turning, Room G. LIGHT AND HEAT PLANT, Room 3. ELECTRICAL LABORATORIES, Rooms H | “and I. : : 8 DRAWING RooMS WITH STUDENTS’ WORK Rooms 30, 31, 32, 36, 38 and 39. MUSEUM OF ORES, FossILS, ETC., Room 29. METALLURGICAL MUSEUM, Room 26. EXHIBIT OF MINING TooLs, Lamps, Pow- DER, ETC., Room 24. ' MECHANICAL ARTS BUILDING. Model of a plant for cleaning impure lead, gold and silver ores. - Working model of a coal breaker and coal washer. Full-sized three compartment jig and ele- vator belts. Coal mining car. Machine for cutting rocks and grinding and polishing rock sections for micro- scopic examination. ‘OBELISK OF PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING ‘STONES. - For the accommodation of those who wish to obtain a general view of the Cam- pus and the Station and College Farms, conveyances will leave the front of the main building at intervals after 9:30 A. M. on Tuesday and after 2 P. M. on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Those desirious of making more de- tailed inspection of any portion of the work of the College will be given every facility for so doing upon making their wishes known at the proper Department or at the Business Office in the Main College Build- ing, [No. 170,] where catalogues of the College may also be had. All connected with the College will feel it a pleasure to be of service to visitors in any way possible, either by answering questions, pointing out the location of buildings or departments or in such other ways as may suggest themselves. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——Curwensville has voted to float bonds to the amount of $15,000 to he expended for street paving. erie i rmeermemmmm———— ——-A.'F. Sweely, of Salona, has been selected as one of the farmers’ institute managers for Clinton county. nl eee -——Hay is selling in Beech Creek at $8 a ton, while $12 and $14 are the prevailing prices in Bellefonte. > eet ol rasta. ——A slick forger has been working Williamsport with checks for small amounts. He looks like a working man and appears with a check that would amount to about two week’s wages. His game is to make a small purchase and get the balance in cash. | —The miners of West Virginia, Mary- land and Pennsylvania, who mine tide- water coal, are to meet at Altoona, on June 17th, to discuss their conditions. A WHO 18 THE BRUTE OF A HUSBAND AND FATHER.— Wednesday's issue of the Lock, Haven Democrat contained the following account of a Centre county, woman's dis- tressing plight. “A family passed through this city, last night, who excited the sympathy of all sho | heard their tale. A woman, having in charge six small children, the eldest of which was not over 7 or 8 years, was on her way from Sheffield, Pa., to her home at Coburn, Centre county. The woman dated that her husband left his family al- most destitute, recently, and departed for parts unknown. The kind people of Shef- fifld raised enough money to pay the car fares to Coburn, where the woman will en- deavor to raise her children among her old friends.” : es eee A. ——Forest E. Ginter, a son of James Ginter, of this place, was married to Miss Mary A. Fisher, of Philadelphia, on June 2nd. Forest has a good position in a Bal- timore wholesale drug house. J HAPPILY MARRIED.—June Se month of roses and weddings has not been smiling approval on either this year so when Wed- nesday dawned clear and cool there was some rejoicing for the marriage of Miss Ida E. Gerberich and Louis C. Wetzel was to be solemnized at twelve o’clock. The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ger- berich, on north Thomas street, in the presence of thirty guests. The house was decorated with roses, peonies, and flowers, that Mrs. Gerberich has so much success with, ’til it was a’ perfect bower of bloom and a beautiful background for the wed- ding party, and as Miss Sallie Tyson, of Philipsburg, played the wedding march the bride and groom came down the stairs and took their places in the reception room. The bride wore a dainty, pretty gown of |. white mouslin de soie embroidered in pink, over pink silk and carried a boquet of Brides’ roses. Rev. Frank Wetzel, the groom’s brother, who is now stationed in Somerset county, performed the ceremony and after the congratulations a most ex- cellent and bountiful wedding breakfast was served by Achenbach. The bride and groom are two of our well | known. young people, clever and capable of of contentment and prosperity. The bride is an intelligent girl of rare good sense. Her husband is a son of John Wetzel and that means energetic, industrious and honora- ble. He has built up a good bicycle and, répair business and we wish for them only happiness and success. They departed on the 2:15 train for Philadelphia and Coates- ville, where part of the honeymoon will be spent. Upon their return they will make their home, for the summer, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerberich. THE ARREST OF JAMES CORNELLY.— Late last Thursday evening detectives ar- rested James Cornelly, of this place, on in- formation made hy Col. W. Fred Reynolds charging him with having set fire to the armory of Co. B., cdrner of Lamb and Spring streets. It was not an unexpected act on the part of the police as Cornelly has been cc .scious of being ‘shadowed’ by detectives for months and is rather glad that the climax has been reached and those who have been continually accusing him of being the cause of Bellefonte’s numerous incendiary fires will now be forced to prove their charges or stand convicted, them- selves, of most uncharitable persecution. Tis true that Jim Cornelly has com- mitted a number of offenses, when under the influence of liquor, and we condone none of them, but we cannot but resent the injustice that has been and is heing done him by thoughtless people who are talking and acting as if he were actually guilty of the grave crime they are thus helping to fasten about him. If he is guilty then the WATCHMAN will be foremost to urge the severest penalty, but let us stop and think a moment before adjudging him so hastily. He has not been proven guilty and until that time, at least, he has the right to be considered innocent. Upto this time nothing more is known to substantiate any charges against him than has been produced by paid detectives, who were brought-here to find some one upon whom to place the charge of incen- ‘diarism, and Cornelly has been the unfor- tunate. Because they have said that he is the man, however, is by no means proof that he is. The mistakes of this class of private police have been matters of public notice too often to permit of any belief of infallibility in them. Cornelly has been acoused of setting fire to the court house, thaplectric light station and the armory and his persecutors might just as well scrape up all the conflagrations that have occurred in town since he was born and heap them ontd kris shoulders. Think you because he is poor, without influential friends and addicted to the ex- cessive use of liquor that heis without | heart or mind to’ keenly feel the awful stigma you are so ready to blacken his character with. The WATCHMAN does not take up the role as apologist for Cornelly, nor does it deny the fact that he merits little sym- pathy on the part of the people of this community, but in‘all fairness and honesty would it not be a more charitable course to pass judgment less hastily and wait until more substantial proof of his guilt is forth- coming before he is condemned and pro- claimed to the world as a fire-bug ? If the crime with which Cornelly stands charged were not almost the gravest one known to criminal law his position would A FOUR LEGGED CHICKEN.—Mrs. Isaac Loveland, of mar, is the possessor of a freak of nature ‘in the shape of a little chicken that has four legs. Besides the two members in their normal position, it has two others proffuding from its sides. The chicken is as nimble as>can be and Mrs. Loveland will try hard to’ raise it just to see what it will be like when full grown. deavorers of Clinton county, last Friday and Saturday, at Beech Creek, was interesting and well attended. According to the -re=1 port of the status of the society in the county there are 16 societies with a total membership of 993, distributed as follows : Evangelical, five societies, 322 members ; Presbyterian, five societies, 251 members ; Methodist, two societies, 200 members ; Disciple, three societies, 195 members ; Baptist, one society, 25 members. ——The joint picnic of the societies of Epworth League and Christian Endeavor of Buffalo-run valley that was held at Hun- ter’s park, last Saturday, was a success even though not as many people as were expect- ed attended. The day was ideal and the park was in beautiful condition so that everything was conducive to a splendid time. The entertainment features were carried out according to program and the committee, Messers A. Boyd Cowher, C. R. Norris, G. C. Blair and P. B. Kephart deserve credit for the interest they took in the work and the enjoyment of the guests. abs PICNICS AT THE BELLEFONTE CENTRAL PARKS.—Already the following picnics have been scheduled for the parks on the line of the Bellefonte Central railroad : June 17th, Reformed Sunday school of Bellefonte at Pine Grove. June 18th, reunion of ex-students of Pine Grove Academy at Pine Grove. Coleville consolidated bands at Pine Grove. June 29th, St. John’s Episcopal Sunday school of Bellefonte, at Hunter’s park. coo = MARRIAGE LICENSES,—Following is the list of marriage licenses granted by or- phan’s court clerk, G. W. Rumberger, dur- ing the past week. : William H. Antis and Anna Bainey, both of Philipsburg. Chas. W. Corl, of Linden Hall, and Liz- ete ——The meeting of the Christian Ep zie Meyers, of Boalsburg, Pa. William G. Heaton and Miss Lizzie Em- | enheizer, both of Boggs township. Levi E. Williams, of Wilmington, Del., and Effie E. Lucas, of Chester Hill, Pa. | Elmer R. McClellan and Emma 8. Det- wiler, both of Tusseyville, Potter Twp., Pa. ’ : Lewis C. Wetzel and Ida E. Gerberich, both of Bellefonte. Harry Edward Rhodes, of Spring town- ship, and Georgiana Shook, of Bellefonte. ode ——On June 22nd all the Methodist churches and societies of Williamsport will picnic at Hecla park. oe ———— — Children’s day exercises will be held in the Methodist church, in this place, on Sunday morning at ten thirty o’clock. — ode ——The Woman’s Missionary society of the United Evangelical church beld sessions in Millheim, beginning on Tuesday even- ing. The convention was well attended and Millheim people fairly lavished good things on their visitors. v ho oT A RALLY FOR THE Y. M. C. A.—Last Sunday was know as Y. M. C. A. day in Bellefonte and services were held in the Methodist, Reformed, U. B., Lutheran and Presbyterian churches and in the court house. State secretary S. M. Bard, sec- retary Dodge, of Pottsville; secretary Worth, of Lock Haven ; and College state secretary Hugh McA. Beaver were the speakers. The earnest appeals of the men met a fair response in our people, but not nearly enough was pledged to guarantee the expenses of the association for a year. Things have come to just such a pass that our people must respond to these calls or see the Y. M. C. A. doors closed. It cannot be run on good-will alone. There must be money to support this ref- uge of the thousands of young men who visit it every year. Bellefonte does not realize what the association has been doing in the last decade and it seems will only waken up when it is too late. An actual extremity confronts you. Unless the run- ning expenses of the association are pledged soon it will be closed. Once closed those who have worked so untiringly for it and begged so vainly for you to support ‘it, will abandon the work and Bellefonte will then know the full extent of her loss. See THE CORNER STONE OF A NEW DiIscr- PLE CHURCH LAID.—The laying of the corner stone for the new Disciple church, at Howard, on Wednesday of last week, at- tracted quite a number of people to the services. When completed the new church will be quite a convenient structure with seating capacity for 250 people. D. K. Batchelor, of Lock Haven, is the builder and he will try to finish it for dedication some time in September. Mill Hall brick are to be used in the building. ! Rev. C. S. Long .offered the opening prayer and also laid the corner stone. Rev. C. W. Harvey, of Plymouth, de- livered the principal address, subject : “The origin and history of the Disciple church.” Other addresses were made hy Revs. E. E. Manley and M. S. Blair. In a receptacle in the corner stone were placed the following articles : Daily News, Bellefonte Republican, DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, Centre Magnet, Gazette, Centre Democrat, Christian Standard, of Cincinnati, Christian Era, of St. Louis; Christian Worker, of Lock Haven; a copy of the scriptures, tract entitled ‘‘Opposition,’”’ a list of officers of the church and building not be so serious. committee, and three coins bearing date of 1897. ——Sheridan troop of Tyrone has pur- chased new mounts and by July 1st all the privates will be riding dark bay horses, as nearly alike as is possible to get them, while the officers will be astride of animals of slightly different color. Each trooper has purchased his own horse so that the State has nothing to do with them. A PAINFUL BREAK.— Rebecca Hewes, the aughter of C. P. Hewes, Esq., of west Linn street, was swinging in a porch swing" at the parental home, last Thursday even- ing. She and Jennie Harper were sitting on the back of the swing when Rebecca tilted backward and fell to the porch floor, break- -ing the humerus of her left arm near the elbow and shattering the bone above the fracture. It was an extremely painful in- | jury, but the little girl is getting along nicely now, : IMPROVEMENTS.—The residence of Gov- ernor D. H. Hastings, in this place, is be- ing greatly improved by the laying of a fine vulcanite pavement throfigh the lawn and on the streets. It isa question, how- ever, whether such material * will make a suitable pavement for the Lamb street front, as it is sosteep there that a perfectly smooth surface, such as the vulcanite would make, would be too slippery in winter for the safety of pedestrians. HUBLERSBURG AND SPRING MILLS THE PLACES.—Hon. John A. Woodward, repre- senting the state department of agricul- ture ; J. S. Dale, of Lemont, representing Pomona grange ; and Owen Underwood, of Union township, representing the old | county agricultural society, met here, on Tuesday, to select the places for the hold- ing of the farmers institutes in this county next winter. After considering many den : Jerural towns they decided on Hublersburg June 22nd, picnic of the Milesburg and | and Spring Mills. The time will be fixed by the department. oo JURORS FOR THE AUGUST TERM OF CouRT.—The following jurors have been drawn for the August term of court : GRAND JURORS. Wm. H. Derstine, tailor..., John I. Curtin, gentleni Martin Fleck, farmer..... John J. Wensel, farmer. ..Bellefonte ..Bellefonte ...Huston J. M. Parker, merchant... ................... Boggs C. C. Shuey, merchant.... ...Bellefonte Frank Bobb, Iaborer....couinciiinn, Walker Wm. Harrison, baker.. tate Co'lege James Knox, 1aborer...1..................s... Benner. H. F. Mussor, 1aborer.......coavrniennne.s Potter Reuben Stover, farmer... ...Miles Samuel Royer, Laborer... ....Haines H. C. Brew, salesman. .. ...Bellefonte Bert Beek, farmer.................ci00ies Walker Jonathan Tressler, Jr., farmer............ Harris Win. R. Hopkins, forgeman........ Howard Boro R. G. Meek, Iaborer...........d............ Snow Shoe C. U. Hoffer, agent.........c.., Philipsburg Boro Wm. Sellers, foundr; man. ...College Twp John A. Slack, Iaborer......................en... Spring W. C. Patterson, Supt.........State College Boro Jeremiah Brumgart, farmer.. ...... Miles Jonathan Stine, farmer....... George Gentzel, farmer = TRAVERSE JURORS—IST WEEK, H. B. Pontius, clerk....... George Young, farmer. Amos Koch, farmer....... Frank Hunter, gentleman John Rote, laborer........... Peter Coyle, laborer... Dallas Cronister, farmer. i James WIser, farmer............... .ccoiveiiee Worth J. D. Williams, laborer.. H. F.: Rumberger, clerk. Daniel Youthers, farmer... Scott Houser, laborer...... Snyder Tate, ice dealer. A. P. Zerby, farmer........ Wm. C. Wantz, farmer.... Harvey Noll, carpenter..... outh Philipsburg Huston ..Spring James S. Weaver, farmer.........ccccceeennans Boggs Alfred Jones, merchant. Philipsburg D, W. Orr, farmer............. ..... Marion Christ Swartz, gentleman, E. J. Williams, teacher.... G. F. Smull, student. J. A. Confer, farmer......... A. C. Musser, marble cutter.. John Rishel Sr., farmer..... J. E. Rickard, teacher..... A. C. Thompson, teacher. John J. Taylor, farmer... John Strayer, bottler....... William Stewart, laborer... Potter Schamp, laborer..... David Allen, farmer..... Reuben Lucas, carpenter.. Morgan Reynolds, laborer. Harry C. Valentine, Supt.. E. C. Howe, laborer...... ..Philipsburg George Carson, laborer..... ...Milesburg William Robb, merchant........ccceeueenidd Curtin Frank Turbridy, farmer... Snow Shoe Dan’l Dreibelbis, farmer.................. Ferguson B. D. Brisbin, huckster... .Centre Hall Calvin Garbrick, laborer...........ccusevuneens Walker Alfred Vail, laborer... .... Philipsburg boro Robert Thompson, merchant......... Show Shoe P. D. Womelsdorf, civil engineer..Philipsburg W. S. Miller, barber............ wens Miles Sanford White, farmer. .. Taylor Thomas Moore, jeweler... ...Bellefonte . Marion ...Howard Boro .... Bellefonte ....Bellefonte TRAVERKE JURORS—2ND | Wm. H. Benner, miller..... Philipsburg Boro Wm. H. Zeigler, laborer. J. A. Bowersox, laborer... William Heath, miner .....Rush Daniel H. Rote, jeweler.,........occeuninnns Haines Thomas Allison, butcher. ...Howard Boro T. F. Jamison, agent........ Elias Haines, laborer... Israel Hoover, laborer..... Benjamin Breon, lumberman Dr. E. 8. Dorworth, physician... J. D. Brickley, farmer......... Ephraim Keller, farmer... Wm. D: Port, blacksmith.. George Harpster, laborer... Robert Cook, liveryman.... John Gunsaullus, gentleman....... Miles Mattern, farmer......... Calvin Myer, laborer... Wm. H. Tibbens, farmer ‘ollege Twp J. A. Crider, lumberman..... .....Boggs John Pagker, JRDOTT......corsceurssss terrenees Howard Richard Armstrong, teamster.......Philipsburg F. N. Wrye, farmer..........ccovanennns Half Moon Park Bullock, laborer. ....Snow Shoe E. C. Deitz, teamster... Howard Boro Daniel Shirk, laborer....... 1 Orvis A. Williams, farmer Vinton Beckwith, farmer... John A. Hoy, clerk........ aries GrEEE .Bellefonte fein Curtin ....Snow Shoe ....Howard Boro ..Snow Shoe ....Patton Gregg ....Taylor Patton John DeLong, farmer.........counny Miles Adam Moyer, gentleman..... ...Philipsburg D. B. Kunes, lumberfian.... ...Liberty G. W. Hoover, lumberman.. ...Philipsburg ‘D. G. Meek, farmer... coi Ferguson J ——A cross bull recently gored a horse owned by James Metzger, of Beech Creek. A wound ten inches long was inflicted over the horse’s hip. ' ! PETE LIL THE DOINGS OF COUNCIL.—At the meet- ing of council, last Monday evening, the following business was transacted : of Mr. Keller, chirman of the committee on new public building, and an agreement whereby F. W. Crider is to build same was adopted. He is to put up a building on the borough lot, on Howard street, ac- cording to specifications already published in the WATCHMAN, except that the entire structure is to be of Mill ‘Hall pressed brick. and rent it to council at a high rental for eight years. At the end of that period council is to have the privilege of buying it at the nominal sum of $1. This is practically a purchase on the installment plan and was the only way it seemed possi- ble to secure the property, without raising the millage from 11 to the maximum rate of 15. The bicycle ordinance was defeated by a tie vote. It was decided to extend the water service to the home of Mrs. Gross, on south Potter street. The Water, Street and Nuisance committees reported the progress of their work, the latter having showed evidence to prove that the street commis- sioner, and not the high constable, should bury dead dogs and cats, thus saving the difference between $1 and 20cts. The only other matter that was taken up was the question of the pavement along the north side of Governor Hastings’ property. The Governor is laying a new pavement on the Lamb street front and wanted to put in several steps every 25 feet, steps with a 12 inch tread. According to the present grade all of the necessary steps are just off the Allegheny street intersection. The resi- dent® of ‘Bunker Hill’ petitioned against the change, as they claim that it will make the street dangerous for pedestrians and impassable for baby carriages. The Gov- ernor was permitted to go ahead the way he wants to, council having voted to favor him by a vote of 5 to 2. Orders were drawn to the amount of $440 and council adjourned. es. A FINE TEAM oF HORSES FRIGHT- { FULLY ABUSED.-—What proved to have heen one of the most dastardly deeds that has been committed in this place for a long time came to a focus, early Sunday morning, when the spirited team, owned by Geo. W. Jackson, of Linn street, ed into the stone porch of the Hale oN. of Al- legheny and Howard streets, and were ser- iously hurt, besides wrecking the buggy. The horses had been taken out of the stable, late at night, and driven by some un- known from whom they had evidently run away and dashing down Howard street at high speed they were umable to make the turn at Hale’s and plunged over the fire plug and massive stepping stone, their wild flight having only Been stopped when they plunged into the porch. The terrible force of their impact with it will be bet- ter conceived when it is known that one of the horses’ fore-legs broke clear through the iron support of the porch roof. The whole thing is shrouded in mystery. Lieutenant George L. Jackson had been out driving the early part of Saturday evening and had sent the horees home with the coach- man. He. says that he locked the stable securely before going to spend the night at afriend’s home, in another part of the town. In addition to this security the two fierce dogs that are kept in the stable at night were there, but with all this precaution the team was taken out and hitched to a light driving wagon. Whoever did it must have been a very fair horseman for one of the team is particularly hard to harness. It is altogether probable that, if the motive was not theft and if whoever took the horses out merely wanted to drive them that night, nothing would ever have been known of it had they not run away. The first knowledge anyone had of the misdeed was when the people living along south Spring street were awakened, at four o’clock Sunday morning, by a wild clatter of horses’ hoofs on the the street. Those who got to their windows quick enough saw the runaways disappear in the early dawn. It is known that they ran from Spring to Howard, thence to Allegheny, where they were unable to turn into the homeward course. The noise of the col- lision with the stone porch attracted Mr. Archibald Allison to the spot and he was soon followed by several other gen- tlemen, who found the mare {down on the pavement with the horse standing over her. Both were bleeding profusely and it was ! thought that the one that was down was | dead, but when she was untangled they were able to get her up. The horses were | then taken to the stable, where the coach- | man appeared shortly after, stating that he ‘had gone to the stable quite early and, finding them gone, had started out to look for them. The horses were both severely | cut and sprained and it is a wonder that | they were not killed. { Itis quite apparent that their driver, | that night, had gotten drunk and lost con- | trol of them for broken whiskey bottles { were found under-neath the upturned bug- | zy and the rug, that had been in the bot- | tom of it, was saturated. Marriage. Marriep—At Centre Hall by Rev. Rearick last | Thursday, Henry Stitzer, of near Rebersburg, | and Lydia Spayd, of Madisonburg. : ———— | | | | Resolutions of Thanks. Howarp, June 5th, 1897 At a regular meeting of Grove Bros., post, No 262, G. A. R. it was Resolved, That this post tender its sincere | thanky-to Capt. H. S. Taylor and the firing squad | of Co. B, of Bellefonte, for their services at the | burial of George W. Brown, at the Curtin ceme- | tery, on May 21st, 1897. | (Wa. T. LEATHERS, i 2 Committee < H. C. HOLTER, | : | Wu. B. Smit. - Council unanimously adopted the report +’