Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 04, 1897, Image 6

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. building from entire demolition and the
_ step-mother.
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Bellefonte, Pa., June 4, 1897.
Accused of Dynamiting.
Trial of Wintersteen and Knoor In Bloomsbnrg.
The case in which Lloyd S. Wintersteen
and Clifton Knoor have been jointly in-
dicted apd whose trial is now going on in
the Columbia’county court at Bloomsburg
is the most sensational in the history of
that tribunal. The parties are all promi-
nently connected, belonging to the oldest
and most influential families in the place.
At 1 o’clock on the morning of September
11th, 1896, Levi P. Waller, was awakened
by a report that sounded like a pistol shot. |
He raised the bed room window, but being
unable to see anybody, thought the matter
of little consequence, aud returned to bed.
Two hours later, however, the house was
shaken from foundation to gable and the
inmates were terribly alarmed by a terrific
explosion. Upon investigation it was
found that several sticks of dynamite had
been exploded on the front porch, and the
fact that the perpetrator had not placed the
charge near enough to the wall of the douse.
was probably the only thing that saved the
members of the family from instant death.
The otherwise peaceful community was
immediately convulsed with excitement
over the affair, and no cause for the crime
could be suggested. Mr. Waller is a son
of Rev. D. J. Waller, a noted Presbyterian
minister. and his wife is a daughter of
Charles R. Buckalew, ex-United States
Consul to Peru and ex-State Senator. All
are highly respected in the community,
and were not known to have any enemies.
Detectives worked upon the case with
apparent ill-success until Christmas, when
Clifton Knoor, was arrested in Reading.
Knoor is a son of Colonel Samuel Knoor, a
wealthy citizen of Bloomsburg, who died
some years ago” leaving a large estate to
his son and widow, who is the young man’s
At .a hearing, some days
after his arrest, young Knoor made a state-
ment’ in which he acknowledged having
committed the deed, and saying that he
had been bribed to do so by Lloyd S. Win-
tersteen, who promised him g200 as soon
as the deed was committed and $5,000 to
be delivered later.
During Colonel Knoor's lifetime he had
been a partner with Wintersteen in the
ownership of the Bloomsburg Iron Com-
pany, and when he died Wintersteen was
made executor of the estate. Matters not
developing to the satisfaction of the widow,
a suit was entered ine the name of the
Knoor estate against the Bloomsburg Iron
Company in which Levi P. Waller as attoraesorted at 800,000 tons
y h
ney for the plaintiff, moved that Winter-
steen be compelled to render an account
of his conduct of the estate. Waller's per-
sistence in the matter is alleged to have
so incensed Wintersteen that the latter was
desirous of having Waller put out of the
way. At the preliminary hearing evidence
was introduced to the effet that Winter-
steen had once been heard to say that ‘‘he
would serve twenty years in the peniten-
tiary for the sake of putting a bullet
through Levi Waller.”” Mrs. Sallie Gast
with whom Knoor stopped while in Read-
ing, also testified that conference had been
held in her house between Knoor and Win-
tersteen, and that she had known of the
plot substantially as set out in Knoor’s
Wintersteen has protested his innocence
from the beginning, and professes to be
confident of winning the case. He has
back of him a host of confident friends,
and his record for uprightness and integri-
ty kad been beyond reproach. He came to
Bloomsburg twenty-two years ago, and
entered the law office of Samuel Knoor as a
student. He was subsequently admitted
to the Columbia County bar, and became a
member of the law firm of Knoor and Win-
tersteen. He gradnally worked himself
into prominence in his chosen profession,
and was much esteemed throughout the
community. He is said to have amassed a
«considerable amount of money, and is
financially interested in a number of the
feading manufacturing industries of the
town. :
The eminence of counsel on both sides
the case, together with the large numberof
witnesses supwenwd, indicated that evgry
point was contestod to the minutest, aediit
The police of Braddock are looking for
the unknown, inhuman fiend, who has
been venting some supposed, but unknown
grievance, against William Boyle, a mer-
chant whose place of business is at 307
Camp avenue, Braddock, by practicing
atrocious cruelties on his two horses.
Wednesday morning, when Mr. Boyle
went to his stables he found that a knife
had been used on one horse. The flesh on
one of the animal’s legs had been cut to
the bone, all around, crippling the brute
for all time, all the tendons having be¢n
severed. At first Mr. Boyle attributed the
injury to some accident, but the veterina-
rian who was called in said a sharp knife
had been used, and that there was no acci-
dent about it.
Yesterday morning when Mr. Boyle
went to his stable he found his other horse
acting strangely ; from its actions it was
suffering intense pain. Upon making an
examination he was horrified to find that
three six-penny wire nails had been driven
into the forehead of tlie brute, just above
the eyes. The nails are about three inches
long and had been driven into the bone so
firmly that not more than a third of an
inch, just enough to take hold of with a
pair of pinchers, was visible. It required
the efforts of two men to pull the nails out.
Mr. Boyle has no enemies that he is
The Work of a Fiend. ne
aware of, and cannot imagine who the vil-
lain is who has so inhumanely sought re-
venge, if he had any to seek. Mr. Boyle is
one of Braddock's best known men, having
been engaged in business there for a num-
ber of years. He reported the matter to
the police, and chief William Bennett and
Lieut. John Donovan, who think they
have a slight clue, are busily engaged on
the case. -
——The Pheenixville Republican says :
Quite a large number of people were at-
gracted to T. J. Wilson’s blacksmith shop
not very long ago. The object of their
curiosity was a horse. with the largest set
of feet ever noticed in town ; each one of
them measured fifteen inches from heel to
front tip of hoof. It took Mr. Wilson sev-
eral hours to urepare the hoofs for shoes
and then properly adjust them; pieces
were cut off that would weigh anywhere
from one-half to a pound. = a»
rrr ee te snares re
—— To what do'you attribute the fail-
ure of your lecturing tour ?
I tried to tell what I know of irrigation
in Mississippi and Louisiana. ;
Protection can give Nothing to Workingmen while
Labor is on the Free List.—The Laborer Now-
Competes With Lowest Responsible Bidder of the
World—Low Prices Stimnlate Both Consumption
and Production—Example of Steel Rail Pool.
One of the best speeches made in the
house while the Dingley bill was being
discussed was made by John C. Bell of
Colorado. With facts which are indis-
putable and logic which is unanswer-
able he exposed many of the fallacies of
protection. His exposure of the absurd
claim that protection helps the work-
ingman is especially good. Here is a
part of it: -
‘But our friends upon the other side
say that they levy a tariff for the bene-
fit of the wageworkers. I say to you
that any tariff bill, I care not from
whom it comes, that does not contain a
provision for prohibiting the free in-
flow of immigration from foreign coun-
tries is oblivious of the rights of labor
and is opposed to the interest of all
wageworkers. [Applause. } .
“Protection is always asked in the
interest of others. Now, observe how it
is asked in behalf of the poor laboring
man—just enough to cover the differ-
ence between the European scale of
wages and our own. What hypocrisy!
Who ever heard of the laboring man
getting rich manufacturing? The sta-
tisticians clearly figured from the cen-
sus of 1880 that about 6 per cent on
our dutizable list would cover the differ-
ence between the European wage sched-
ule and ours, or that about 18 per cent
ad valorem covered the entire labor cost |
of our list of 1880. While the manufac-
turer then asked for the poor laborer
his 6 per cent he got for himself at the
hands of congress six times 6 per cent.
¢¢Tg there any reason why a high tariff |
affec.s wages injuriously? Yes; by en-
abling employers to build up a vicious |
trust system for the manufacturer and
against the laborer. The high tariff
makes the manufacturer complete mas-
ter of the wageworker.
“In the review of R. G. Dun & Co.,
in their weekly review of trade, dated
Feb. 12, it is stated:
“ ‘No other event of the week ap-
proaches in importance the disruption
of the steel rail pool. In two days,’ says
the report, ‘after it a greater tonnage of
rails was probably purchased than the
entire production of the last year, re-
And instead of
$28 in December and $35 in January,
$17 is now the price at which works
east and west are seeking orders. And
further,’ says the report, ‘the Carnegie
company has been selling -at $17, Chi-
cago delivery. These sales will employ
many thousand hands, with an impor-
tant decrease in the cost of track laying
on renewal of railroads.’
‘““Now, my friends, let me ask you,
was it the rising or lowering price that
employed these thousands of men? Our
friend Mr. Hopkins of Illinois tells of
the benefits of a higher duty on iron
and steel. Did the steel rail pool need
more tariff?
What is the difference in giving the
manufacturer a double profit thrcugh a
high tariff or through a pocl? Do they
ever share the profits of the pool with
labor? No. Will they ever share the
profits of a tariff? Never.
“It takes no political economist to
answer these questions. If the United
States manufacturers can reap twice the
profit under a high tariff by limiting
themselves to the home market and
running half time, why should they
run full time and invade foreign mar-
kets? They never will. They will sit
down comfortably and sell their limited
supply of goods for increased profits,
making them more than whole, while
the laborer tramps the country in search
of work just as he now does under the
trust system.
“‘It is unfortunate that the humdrum
of the tariff has been sounded in the
ears of the people until many of them
really believe that foreign trade is un-
important, if not a curse. Why did the
breaking of the steel rail pool put so
many men to work? It was because the
consequent lowered price for iron and |
steel brought most liberal orders from
abroad as well as at home. Suppose
the tariff had been prohibitive and
we would have been confined to the
home market. Would the manufacturers
have made so many goods? No, but they
would have doubled their profits on
what they did make.” The people could
not have bought:so many because of the
increased price. Who would have suf-
fered? First, the workmen, because they
would have had fewer goods to make;
secondly, the consumer, because he
could not have bought so many at a
higher price. Who would have been ben-
efited? The manufacturer, because he
might have made and handled less
goods, made a double profit. and really
bave gained, as he would have had few-
er to handle for the same profit.
“This bill will increase the manufac-
turer’s profits on -the individual arti-
cles, but will lessen the power of the
people to buy or use his wares.
‘It is the poverty of the buyer, not
the producer, that must be relieved be-
fore things will thrive.
“The manufacturer has every facility
to produce, but no facility to sell.
“It is the consumption that must
first be stimulated, and that will stim-
ulate production. .
“There are but a few crumbs in this
‘bill to aid the oppressed farmer of the
interior or the laborer, but thousands
of things to further oppress him. Higher
sugar, higher salt, higher lumber, high-
er clothing, higher manufactured prod-
ucts and absolutely nothing to raise the
price of labor—a high tariff on labor’s
products, limiting the degund for his
labor by narrowing the® market, but
throwing the ports wide open for the
freo importation of other laborers from
foreign coaatries to freely compete with |
his work. .
«Consistency, thou art a jewel!”
; :
~ He—You insist on my getting my |
lite, insured before we are engaged?
She-—-Yes, even before you ask papa:
—— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Swapping Free Hides For Dutiable Sugar.
“The senate tariff bill as a whole,”
‘says ex-Congressman John De Witt
Warner, “is a notice to eastern manu-
fagturers of what they may hereafter
expect. Hitherto they have considered
protection as a sort of providential ar-
rangement by which they were enabled
to feed on the rest of “the country. Now,
like Polonius in ‘Hamlet,’ they are in-
vited by ‘a certain convocation of politic
worms’ to a supper ‘not where they eat,
but where they are eaten.” The manu-
facturers of New England, New York
and Pennsylvania are to take their turn
at being mulcted for the benefit of oth-
ers who now control legislation. This
applies especially to the hide schedule.”
“Cannot the New England senators
secure favorable changes in that sched-
«I think not. The bill as it stands is
satisfactory to the Sugar trust and prob-
ably cannot be kept so except by the
votes controlled by the Cattle trust of
the west. Were the New England sena-
tors willing to risk offending the Sugar
trust, they could doubtless defeat the
duty on hides, but the fact is that Bos-
ton and Providence, in proportion to
their size, are far more thoroughly sat-
urated with Sugar trust influences than
is any other part of the country, and,
however much Senators Aldrich, Wet-
more, Hoar and Lodge may bewail the
fate of their boot and shoe manufac-
turers, there is no prospect whatever
that they will sacrifice the Sugar trust
interests to help them.”’
Senator Hoar—That (free) hide has
been in the family 25 years, and it al-
most breaks my heart to part with it.
Senator Allison—Yon needn’t snivel.
Keep your old hide if you want to, but
you don’t get any sugar (profits). See?
“Sugar Trust Exists No Longer.”
We are assured by The Sugar Trade
Journal of May 13—organ of the Suga
trust—that ‘‘if ever a monopoly existed
in the sugar refining business it exists
no longer, and it is not likely that it
will ever be renewed.’’ This is delight-
ful news. The Journal was discussing
an amendment to the senate bill to have
refined sugars pay the same duties as
raw sugars in cases where the manufac-
ture is controlled a monopoly. If this
“‘visionary proposal’’ should pass the
senate, it would jeopardize the tariff
bill and the Sugar trust’s tens of
millions of surplus profits, which are so
near at hand that the mouths of Have-
meyer and Searles are watering for them.
The Sugar trust trembles at the prospect
and tries to keep up its courage by hav-
ing its organ inform the world that ‘‘A
lot of such visionary proposals will, no
doubt, be introduced while the bill is
under discussion, but in the end the
sound judgment men will control and a
tariff bill he passed without very much
change from the senate schedule. ”’
The trust may be right. It usually is,
for it can predict what will happen’ to
the sugar schedule of tho senate bill. It
knows what demands will be made by
its agents and tools in the senate, and
it also knows the power of those who
make demands to enforce them. It puts
$70,000,000 against the interests of 70,-
000,000 people, and it knows from ex-
perience which has most weight in the
senate, where two or three hold the bal-
ance of power. -
No, there is no sugar trust and never
was one.
‘‘When the devil was sick, the devil a
saint would be.’
Who Pays For Protection?
The law is invariable that the unpro-
tected must pay the ultimate cost for
the protection of the protected. —David
Lubin. :
— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
™ " Wall Paper Store.
Picture and Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles, and
- Fixtures at Wonderfully Low Prices.
42-11-3m 117 West High Strect,
joe Tourists.
New Advertisements.
Only $25.00 to San Francisco.
From Chicago via the North-Western Line (Chi-
cago & North-Western Railway); the famous “Cali-
fornia in 3 Days” Route, June 20th? to July 3rd,
inclusive, on account of the C. E. Convention.
Similar rates will be made eastbound, For full
information apply to ticket agents of connecting
lines or address Frank Irish, T. P. A., Marine Na-
tional Bank Building, Pittsburg, Pa., or W. B.
Kniskern, G. P. & T. A., Chicago, Ill. 42-22-4t.
Three Great Conventions.
The Young Peoples Society of Christian En-
deavor meets at San Francisco, Cal., July 7th-
12th. .
National Educational Association at Milwaukee,
Wis., July 6th-9th.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at
Minneapolis, Minn., July 6th-oth.
These are all National conventions, and dele-
gates and others interested should bear in mind
that the best route to each convention city from
Chicago is via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway. “I'wo trains daily via Omaha to San
Francisco ; seven through trains daily via four
different routes Chicago to Ren six
daily trains Chicago to Milwaukee. Choice of
routes to California, going via Omaha or Kansas
City, returning via.St. Panl and Minneapolis. |
Through trains vestibuled and electric lighted.
All trains run on absolute block system. Low ex-
cursion rates to each convention. Ticket agents
evervwhepe sell tickets over the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway or address John R. Pott,
district passenger agent, Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway, 486 William St., Williamsport,
Creameries in South Dakota.
During the past two years the creamery in-
dustry has grown from a small beginning until at
the present time there are one hundred and nine-
teen (119) creameries and cheese factories scat-
tered over the State, and all doing well.
Four times as many creameries are needed in
South Dakota, and farmers or dairymen desiring
free list showing where creameries are now lo-
cated, together with other information of value to
live stock growers and farmers generally, will.
please address George H. Healtord, general pas-
senger agent, C., M. & St. Paul railway, 410 Old
Colony Bldg., Chicago, IIL 42-20-2t
New Advertisements.’
There is no saying more true of any dis-
case than of Kidney Disease, that “you
don’t know you have it, 'till it has you."
It begins in such a way that you don't
care about it.” It is “only a slight back-
ache,” and ‘will go away.” But it don’t.
It stays right there, and” you soon learn it
is a peculiar ache and seems to be very
deep seated.” Well, it is. It is in the kid-
neys and it will stay there unless cured,
and nag the life out in its sapping and
painful way. We simply sav to you, stop
it now, and permanently. When the back
aches is the time to do it easiest and best.
A little fire is put out easier than a big one.
First symptoins are more easily eradicated
‘than chronic conditions. Doan’s Kidney
Pills never fail in Kidney co uplaints, in
any stage, but we wish we might so im-
press the fact that backache, is kidney
ache, that all may know the fact while it
only takes a few doses to cure. Weare a
nation of newspaper readers, and rapidly
learn the matters of every day interest.
It ix xo in Pottsville, and the conditions
are bettered whenever Doan’s Kidney
Pills are known. Mr, A. J. Weber, of 124
Academy St. Wilkesbarre, gives his opin-
1on of Doan’s Kiduey Pills. To use Mr.
Weber's own words he said: “I was
troubled very badly for about ayear. At
times I had sharp pains in the small of
the back directly over and in the kidneys. i
They also extended up the back and |
caused severe headaches, a ‘catch in the |
back’ as it were, was often prevalent when
stooping over or bending or lifting, or
when 1 eaughta cold, and colds always
made me worse, affecting urination. I be-
gan taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, and felt
improved after three or four doses, and
they helped right along until I got entire-
ly over it. © shall always recommend
Doan’s Kidney Pills to others. Tam satis-
fied they are a good remedy, and shall
take thém again if occasion requires it.”
For sale by all dealers—price, 50 cents.
Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo N.
Y.. sole agents for the U.S. 42-16
Ov Oat-meal and flakes are dlways fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
Oem AN}
INMuminating Oil.
0 J
For Sale by The Atlantic Refining Company.
CHINES.—The Altman Co., of Canton,
Ohio, warrant their machines and they must give
satisfaction. 3
and most convenient. Prices to suit the times.
For particulars address. .
42-13. Centre Hall, Pa.
sow $5,000
Low Rates to Pieturesque Mackinac and re-
turn, including meals and Berths. From Cleve-
land $18 ; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50.
Connecting at Cleveland with earliest Trains
for all points East, South and Southwest and at
Detroit for all points North and Northwest.
Send for illustrated Pamphlet. Address
42-10-7m NAV. CO.
Condensed Time Table.
velers Guide. .
Schedule in eftect May 17th, 1897.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10 a. m., at Altoona, 1.00 p. m., at Pittsburg,
5.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 2.15
p- m., at Altoona, 2.55 p. m., at Pittsburg, 7.00
p- m.
Leave Bellefonte,~4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyr
6.00, at Altoona, 7.40, at Pittsburg at ae,
Leave Bellefonte, 9. a ¢
, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Ty
11.10, at Harrisburg, 2.40” p. m., at Phir
- phia, 5.47. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone
2.15 a. m., at Harrisburg, 7.00 p. m., at Phila
delphia, 11.15 p. m. ?
Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone
6.00 at Harrisburg, at 10.20 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven,
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m., arrive at. Williamsport, 3.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, at 9.30 p. m. :
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven
10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at
Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23
p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
243 p. m,, arrive at Williamsport, 3.50, leave
4.00 p. m., Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia
11.15 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
Yon, Ob D> n pave Williamsport, 12.20 a.
., arrive at Harrisburg, 3.22 a. m., arrive a
Philadelphia at 6.52 a. Ly Tee ot
Leave Dellstonle, at 6.30 a. m., arrive at Lewis
burg, at 9.15 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a.
Philadel hia, 3.00 p. m.. = >
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewisburg,
ie at Horrisvary, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia at
All combined in an immense Stock of Fine NORTHWARD. | | SOUTHWARD.
_ Saddlery. 2! 2) ig lg
& : 21k] d |
E158 | 5 ay 1nth, user, 2 2% C3
o Blan 1 | RE ' 2
“ Lo) wl a
I A.M. (P.M
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7 26 11 14/6 04
—_— 7 28 3 02
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7 31| 11 0915 57
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cme 745 10 59|5 48
To-day Prices [« 7 54 10 51/5 39
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JAMES SCHOFIELD, 8 53| 4 50| 10 10\....Woodland....| 7 26| 9 47]4 27
33.37 BELLEFONTE, PA. | 8 56 4 53) 10 13\... Mineral Sp...| 7 25 9 44/4 24
900 457 1017..... Barrett...... 7 21) 9 40{4 20
’ 05 5 a Io 2 i 2 Leonard 717 935/415
0 06 forerd earfield..... 713 9
Travelers Guide. 9 14| 511] 10 34... Riverview..... 700 9 oot -
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: 9 25 2 of Es: a «| 700] 9153 51
Pei TRE I ARENFE Ts a3 fre + Df eknses EHC. eee
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BETWEEN : hanno
— 57 LOUIS :| 8181 : | §|%
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$ G 600 2 12 307 15
JOPLIN PITTSBURC ol) 2 12 36/7 21
3 ino 2 12 40|7 25
WICHITA 5 46, 2 10 56 12 44/7 29
z a 5 40.......... 10 49 . 12 50(7 35
EUREKA SPRINGS 5 o gy 10 46 12 52(7 38
7 y 5 1 51| 10 44 12
Ft. SMITH PARIS 3 z ] 5» 10 36' 1 oor i
, 9| 10 28 067
DALLAS 512] 131 1 24s -
> Ti 3 503 123 12 2
HOUSTON 453 113 ..Milesburg.....| 918] 1 33/8 23
> 444" 105 ....Bellefonte....| 9 28/ 1 42(8 31
GALVESTON 4 32! 12 55] Milesburg 941] 1558 43
4 25 12 48) Curtin........ 949 2048 51
Ral TH ount Eagle...| 9 53] 2 088 55
4 14 12 38 ... Howard. 959 2 14lo 01
me in 4 05) 12 29| 9 15.....Eagleville....| 10 08] 2 23/9 10
z 2 1 2 9 12 Maee 1Creek...| 10 11] 2 26/9 13
ae i . ; : 6: 90... Mi sve 21 2 37)
Solid Vestibuled Trains with Pullman sleepers 3 2 od 8 59 Flemington n on ; HH o
. oli iit ite obec EO hing - § 2 100 8 55!...Loc aven..| 10 30 3
and rec ining chair car: Smoy aiming halls. nw awl bE hs a
Maps, time tables and full information furnish- | = LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD.
ed’upon application to EASTWARD. May 17th, 1897. WESTWARD.
a a - | STATIONS. !
Gen’l Agent, Gen’ Pass'r Agent, P. M. | A. M0. |Lv. Aria. Mm (P.M.
i 215) 6 30i..........Bellefonte...........| 900) 4715
PirTspura, Pa. St. Louis, Mo 2 21 6 sAxemann. il 955 214
: E z 224 6 Pleasant Gap.. 8 52 407
HE COAST LINE TO MACKINAC 221 eal... a) 8 47 403
I 234 6 ..Dale Summit. 8 42) 358
TAKE THE 2 > lant, £37 353
; 243 6 Oak Hall 833 348
D&C. Ia Linden Hall 8 28 3 44
ant 2 551 1 07.............. rege... .... 821) 337
MACKINAC 302 71 Centre Hall.. 815 3.31
TO DETROIT 3-101 7: Penn's Cave. 807 323
PETOSKEY LI fib Speing. 801 317
: 25! 752 308
CHICAGO : 2 7 74 302
The Greatest Perfection yet attained in ‘Boat 3 49] : - 7 24 2s
Construction—Luxurious Equipment, Artistic | 4 ar 8 7101 Gal
Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service, in- | gv] gs pl 22
suring the highest degree of 1 15 8: 7 02) z 2
Four Trips PER WEEK BETWEEN 3 ; x ? x z 2
aa 5 39 9 ..Biehl 624 153
PETOSKEY, ‘‘THE S00,” MARQUETTE 447 9 Lewisburg. 615 145
AND DULUTH. 4 55] 9 25... .Montandon.... 540! 138
P. M. | A. M. |AT. A.M. | P.M.
{ ° mE
12 = 5 |
| g | 8 &
+ i i i
[P.M | ALM 0 |
4 25 920 4 50|.
408 903 5 07.
4 02| 8 57|. 5 13].
3 56] 8 51 5 19|.
3 50{ 8 45). 5 25
3 44 8 39|. 5 31.
eesees 8 35 5 35].
3 38) 8 29|.Furnace Road,| 10 58) 5 41|.
3 31] 8 26|...Dungarvin...| 11 01| 5 44.
3 23| 8 18 Warrior's Mark| 11 10| 5 52|.
3 14[ 8 09'..Pennington...| 11 20| 6 01].
3 03 7 58... Stover....... 11 32) 6 12),
frets 2 55 7 50|..... Tyrone......| 11 40| 6 20|
P. M. | A. M. |Lve r. A. wm. PM
Time Table in effect on and after
May 17th, 1897. .
Leave Snow Shoe,........... 11 20a. m. and 3 15 p. m.
.142p.m. * 520p. m.
“ 105 p. m.
“ 252 p.m.
«7 00a. m,
9 00a. m.
For rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent or ad-
__ ReaD own Nov. 16th, 1896 __Reap vr. | dress Thos. E, Watt, "Pass. Agt. West. Dist. 360
s | 10%: y > | le Sixth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa.
No 1{No oko 3 No 6/No 4/No2 | J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD.
i | General Manager. General Passenger Agent.
a, m.|p. m.|p. I a. m.
£ 9 ROAD.
7 41] 8 05| 4 03]. y 9 50 v
7 46 8 13] 4 08 ¢ 9 45 Schedule to take effect Monday, Nov. 16th, 1896.
7 48] 8 15( 4 10,...... Dun kles...... 9 49('5 44] 9 43 | WESTWARD EAGTWARD
7 52| 8 19| 4 14|...Hublersburg..."9 45/ 5 40 9 39 read down 1 | read up
7 56) 8 23| 4 18|...Snydertown.....| 9 41| 5 37| 935 | No To | drmon: TT TR
7 58] 8 25 4 20!. wv... Nittany.......| 9 39) 5 35/ 9 33 | * Ee 35 No.2/ No.4 12
8 00! 8 27 422 a Huston .......| 9 371 533( 931 | __ °|_~ | | |
8 02] 8.29 41. ..| 935 531 929 , |
8 04] 8 31] 4 20/....Clintondale....| 9 33! 5 20] 9 26 ra An | au Lv, Hh
8 09] 8 36| 4 31|..Krider's Siding.| 9 28 5 24] 9 21 | 4 56! 10 37 6 30
8 16] 8 42| 4 36|...Mackeyville....! 9 23] 5 18] 9 15 | § 50/ 10 4a! 6 25
8 23] 8 48 4 42|.. Cedar Spring... 9.17 512, 9 09 | 4 a3! 10 47| 6 20
8 25( 8 50| 4 5 ..Salona....... 915 511} 9 07 ' 4 50l 10 53! 16 15
8 30| 8 55 4 55 ..MILL HALL... 19 105 05/19 01 | 4 | 10 56 3/...,.Fillmore...... 6 12
930] 0 4 .........Jersey Shore... TE30T 755 | 4 46) 1102] --Briarly.......| 8 24| 6 07
10 05) 10 20{Ar } Wate PORT Lve| 400] +7 25 | 4 48] 11 05] .. Waddles 8 20 16 03
$10 201%11 30 Lve f 7" 0° SSA. 240] *6 55 | 4 50, 11 08 I 8 18| 26 00
505 7100.5 PHILA.........| 18 35[%1130 | 500 11-20 8.071075 46
, AL | starr. | t4 1 504 11 33! 8 02 1 02/5 43
. ie a 4 Sa . 3. i Bn a5 5
| | (Via Tamaqua.) | a 2 ary Cm Can OLE: mane i 00:5 40 3
7 25! {0 30)........NEW YORK......... | 47 oy PASTE Ot Ta RTECS, el TT ET LOL
iy] IPT ei on
pom. mi mp. m. {122 id g Lrore oH 0 20
*Datly, Week Days. 26.00 P. M. Sundays. Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg
110.10 A. M. Sunday.
Purvaverriia SLeeriNg Car attached to East-
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
West-bound from Philadelphia‘at 11.30 P. M.
General’ Superintendent.
Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect
with train No. 3 for State College. Afternoon trains
from Montdindon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53
from Lock Haven connect with train No. 5
for State College. Trains from State College con-
nect with Penn'a R. R. Bellefonte.
+ Daily, except Sunday.
F. H. THOMAS Supt.».