Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 04, 1897, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
{ mas
—There is a decided difference betyeen
being ina ‘brown study’’ and having a
‘‘hrown taste.”’ !
—A new United States Senator was sworn
in on Tuesday. Will he be a sugar spec-
ulator, a gold sycophant or a tariff tinkerer ?
—Snow and frost in the® Northwest were
unhappy reminders that the winter months
"are not the only ones that have a cinch on
the flannel business.
—The Providence Journal insists that
the DINGLEY bill is catering to the Ger-
mans and canary birds because sauer-kraut
and canary bird seed are on the free list.
—There are very few fellows who meet
with as cool receptions as Lieut. PEARY,
the Arctic explorer, does, yet there “are
fewer who have the same tenacity to stick
to abad job that he displays.
—Secretary GAGE predicted, in his St.
Louis speech, that there will be an imme-
diate advance of prosperity. but the country
"is not rejoicing over the sight of the ad-
vance agent and his bill car.
—Angle-worms and tangle-foot are the
greatest essentials on a fishing expedition.
How strange that angle and tangle should
be so near alike, with only a t's difference
and that very ‘tea’ that makes angle
—T.ondon notion eis has record
of “a man who thought himself to death.”
He must have been an American who went
over there and then thought he heard the
hum of the industry that was to resound
through the land after MCKINLEY'S elec-
—One of the features of the Queen’s
jubilee ceremonies will be the creation of a
lot of new dukes and earls. The American
demand is getting greater than the English
production and they have to make them to
special order now to keep up with the
idiotic heiress’ cries for more.
—Dr. LockwooDb, of Dunlo, drank some
nux vomica, the other day, just to show a
“hesitating patient, for whom he had pre-
scribed it, how harmless it was. The
doctor is dead. Yes, it killed him and we
believe all the more firmly in the old adage
that a doctor’s mistakes are always buried.
—The Mercersburg constable, who shot
and killed a desperate negro character, who
was resisting arrest, will never live down
the horror of baving killed a human being,
but if there is anything in extenuation re-
lieving the consciousness of having done
such a deed the fact that the whole town
went his bail ought to furnish that.
—New York city sends BooTH-TUCKER,
head of the Salvation army, to jail for keep-
ing a disorderly house when that very
“disorderly house’’ has probably been
the means of saving that city millions of
dollars and many lives by reducing crime,
through the conversion to God of those
prone to commit 1t.
—“Liar!” ‘“‘Perjurer!” and other like
epithets are not exactly the nicest wording
in which to express opinions of certain
State Senators, yet that is the way some
of them are being called off now. With
scandal in our national Senate and scandal
in.our state Senate our Republican insti-
tutions are apparently breeding license for
too much lee-way.
—’'Tis indeed a pity that a greater in-
centive is not offered for oratorical effort in
the Bellefonte public schools. One gentle-
man has led the way and the results are
certainly such as should warrant others in
establishing prizes. There is no accom-
plishment that is quite so valuable to a
young man or young woman as the faculty
of being able to express their thoughts
—Things are beginning to shape up out
in Ohio and it looks - very much as if the
Democrats will have a sweeping victory in
the fall. HANNA is to be knocked out
and the failure of he and his side partner
to produce the much boasted prosperity 1s-
what is going to do it. BRYAN isin Cleve-
land now and this visit has done much to
cement the breach in the Democratic ranks.
All that remains to produce victory is a
thorough union of the party against the
common enemy.
—The cold water party is in session in
Altoona and as is always the case the dele-
gates are making a great fuss over what
they intend doing. No need of such dec-
larations. Everybody knows just what the
Prohibitionists will do. They will vote
the Republican ticket, most of them, when
the time comes and keep up the reputation
they have always had for howling one
thing and doing another. We have great
respect for the women Prohibitionists, but |
the men are not faithful.
—*‘Pull down the wall that a high tar-
iff constructs and make trade as free as pos-
sible,”’ says A. B. FARQUHAR, the great im-
plement manufacturer of York, and then
J. R. G. PITKIN, delegate from the New
Orleans boards of trade to the commercial
congress in Philadelphia, says: “There is
necessary, first, a protective tariff and, sec-
ond, an active foreign trade.” Now did
you ever hear of such rot as this jasper
from the South talks. The idea of a high-
er tariff and then a larger foreign trade, as
if the two went hand in hand. The higher
the American tariff wall the harder it is
for American products to scale it and it
stands to reason that no, foreign country is
going to play at the one-sided game, of
tickling us without being tickled in
_VOL. 42
The Junketing Abuses
A letter protesting against any more
legislative junkets has been issued to the
voters of the county by president HOOPES,
of the Chester county branch of the na-
tional league of business men. The reason
given for the protest is the impropriety of
such junkets at a time when there is a
deficiency of state revenue. -
What else could president HOOPES ex-
pect of the kind of men his party sends to
the Legislature than that they should idle
| away their time in junketings, and spend
the public money in the manner he com-
plains of ? When the Representatives whom
the Republican party selects to make the
state laws are the henchmen of a political
boss and the instruments of a party ma-
chine, it is folly to look for faithful public
service on their part, and useless to con-
demn them for indulging in idleand waste-
ful practices, which are in keeping with
their general character and conduct as
This junketing abuse is not a new thing
with Republican Legislatures. They have
indulged in it at every session for years
past ; yet this abuse, together with others
equally reprehensible, has not prevented
the Republican majority in the State from
sending such characters back to the Legis-
lature to repeat and continue their cen-
surable proceedings.
By continuing to invest such characters
with the legislative function encourage-
ment is given to such abuses as the ap-
pointment of the ANDREWS investigating
committee, whose proceedings have been
nothing more than along continued junket.
The members of that committee have been
enabled to loaf around Philadelphia, off
and on, for the last two years, at an ex-
pense of $468 a day to the State, if the big
appropriation asked for to defray the ex-
pense shall be passed, of which there is
every probability.
The committee that for the past two
months has been going through the coal
regions pretending to investigate the con-
dition of the mine laborers is another
junket. It does not require investigation
to discover that the condition of that class
of workmen is deplorable. The fact that
they are robbed and oppressed by the
pluck-me store system and the manner in
which their’wages are paid is so patent
that it need not be investigated by a com-
mittee. Much of the wrong to which this
kind of labor is subjected could have been
prevented, long ago, by legislation that
would have shielded it against the wrongs
practiced upon it, but Republican Legis-
latures could not be brought to enact laws
that would conflict with the interest of
corporations and wealthy employers.
This junketing committee that is travel-
ing through the mining regions will do
about as much for the mine laborers as has
been done by Republican Legislatures in
the past. Its principal object is to make
an appearance of doing something for the
working people, and to give its members.
an outing at the expense of the State. A
report will be made recommending some
sort of legislation that will be so framed as
to enable the mine owners to evade it in
the same way that they evade the act re-
quiring monthly payment of wages and
prohibiting company stores. The heavy
expense of the committee’s useless tour
will be paid by the State, and will help to
increase the deficit in the state treasury
caused by Republican extravagance and
It is well that president HOOPES, who
is himself a Republican, should protest
against the junketing abuse, but he should
know that the only way to stop that and
other legislative abuses is to turn out of
power the parfy that has been encouraged
to commit these wrongs by the approval
which the people have accorded them year
after year at the polls. When such un-
faithful public servants are backed by a
majority at every election, what else can
be expected than that they will continue
their wrong doing ?
The Bill for Fitting Up Grace Church.
The prosecution against doctor SWAL-
Low is still pending. As all the world
knows, that reverend gentleman is con-
fronted by the penalty of the law for hav-
ing dared, in his editorial capacity, to make
the charge that crooked business was being
done in some of the departments at Harris-
burg, particularly in that which has con-
trol of the public grounds and buildings.
His general charges, which did not trans-
cend the liberty which a due regard for the
public interest allows to the press, brought
down upon him the wrath of the entire
state administration, which manifested it-
self in a number of libel suits ; but the
party who was particularly insistent upon
a vindication of his official character by
process of law, was BILLY DELANEY, super-
intendent of public grounds and buildings,
whose suit against reverend SWALLOW has
not. yet been determined by the blind-
folded goddess who holds aloft the seales of
While the question whether doctor
SWALLOW was justified in charging super-
to $16,531.68.
intendent DELANEY with extravagant, if
not corrupt, conduct in his management of
public buildings is still suspended in the
court, the superintendent hands in to the
Legislature his charges for having put
Grace church in condition to be occupied
by the Legislature.
The size of the bill almost took away the
breath of a lawmaking body that is not
easily scared hy extravagant charges.
Even the Legislature that has been scatter-
ing the state money right and left, regard-
less of an empty treasury, was stunned by
DELANEY’S figures, which amounted to
$56,590.36. This was an amount almost
sufficient to have built the church from the
corner stone up to the top of the steeple,
and if it took all this’ money, merely for
the inside fixing needed for the temporary
use of the Legislature, the cost of a new
capitol, on the basis of DELANEY’S figures,
would run into millions.
The work done in the church did not ap-
pear, even to the liberal minds of a QUAY
Legislature, to warrant such charges. It
was difficult to understand how the little
temporary desks in the House could have
cost $18.40 apiece, and the larger ones in
the Senate $37.60 each, amounting in all
The painting did not seem
to be of such artistic finish as to call for an
outlay of $4,322.25. Nothing but a heated
imagination could conceive the heating ap-
paratus to have cost $12,872.96, and a bill
of $4,322.65 for lumber and carpenter work
could be based en no other hypothesis than
‘that indicated in representative NESBIT'S
resolution that called for an investigation
of the charge that lumber which had not
been used was put in the bill, a resolution
that was quietly pigeon-holed.
Superintendent DELANEY’S suit against
doctor SWALLOW, which is still in “court,
may vindicate his official reputation by in-
flicting a penalty upon the reverend gentle-
man. Yet it will strike the public mind
as a singular circumstance that-an official
exculpated by such a vindication should
have brought in a bill for repairing Grace
church which astohished even a Republi-
can Legislature, and compelled the House
committee on public grounds and ‘build-
ings to hand it back to the superintendent
for’ revision.’
I11 Timed Violence.
The workingmen at Wilmerding, in the
western part of this State, who, the other
day, tore down pictures of President Mc-
KINLEY on account of the delay of pros-
perity, did not act wisely, although there
can be no question as to the energy of their
They were emplovees of the WESTING-
HOUSE air brake company who had been
thrown out of employment by reason of the
works being closed for want of orders.
Their discharge provoked them to commit
this act of violence to the President’s pic-
ture, while they denounced his advance
agency as a fake and his prosperity as a
In all probability these same workmen
were among the number ‘who swelled Mc-
KINLEY’S majority. They helped to elect
him, and they should now not get into a
rage because he does not do what they
should have had sense enough to know he
could not perform. He was nominated by
a party that had all the trusts, monopolies,
corporations, bank syndicates and pluto-
cratic gold-bugs working for the success of
its nominee, and a little reflection at that
time, exercised with a reasonable degree of
common sense, should have convinced
these laboring people that if that nominee
should be elected President these’ great
monied interests would have to be served
and not the interests of poor workingmen.
There is nothing now left for these dis-
appointed WESTINGHOUSE employees to do,
at least for the present, but to grin and
bear their situation. Major MCKINLEY
was elected to serve the interests of quite a
different sort of people. A stiff tariff will
be enacted that will increase the profits of
the beneficiaries who contributed the money
for his election, and this is about the only
prosperity that those who put their money
up for the election of the Republican Presi--
dent are interested in.
We would advise the disappointed work-
ing people who voted for MCKINLEY not
to show their anger by tearing his pictures,
Rather let them show that they have learn-
ed a lesson that will prevent them from
being again fooled iato the belief that a
party that is run by trusts and bank syndi-
cates, and looks to that source for its cam-
paign funds, will do anything for the
benefit of working people.
—The CAMPBELL bill, that is before
the present Legislature, fixes a tax of three
cents per day on all unnaturalized male
residents of the State over twenty-one years
of age, and the employer of such people to
collect the amounts. Though the bill has
passed sed¥nd reading in the Senate it will
hardly become a law, since it has already
been held that no law requiring employers
of labor to be tax collectors, when not
elected as such, can be constitutional.
——Sub soribe for the WATCHMAN.
pa mm
Similar Cuban Policies.
Newspaper readers have a recollection of
the manuer in which the CLEVELAND ad-
ministration was abused by the Republican
organs for its Cuban policy. It was repre-
sented as being indifferent to the wrongs
of the Cuban people, if not in actual sym-
pathy with their Spanish oppressors.
It is remembered how President CLEVE-
LAND was denounced for not assuming an
attitude of hostility to Spain in compliance
with a resolution of Congress that would
have put the résponsibility on his should-
Gers if trouble had ensued. Nor is it for-
gotten how he was censured for alleged’
neglect of American citizens who were said
to have been the victims of Spanish op-
pression and cruelty.
All this clamor was so recent that it is
easily remembered, but not a word is heard’
from that source at this time when Presi-
dent MCKINLEY 18 pursuing the same
course that brought such censure upon
CLEVELAND. The neutrality laws are be-
ing enforced just as CLEVELAND enforced
them. Fillibustering expeditions and sup-
plies of warlike munitions are prevented
from going to Cuba, just as they were inter-
dicted by the CLEVELAND administration.
If American citizens are imprisoned, out-
raged and oppressed by the Spanish au-
thorities there is nothing more being done
at this time to prevent or avenge it than
was done before MCKINLEY got into office.
If President CLEVELAND failed to recognize
the belligerency of the Cubans upon a reso-
lution of Congress, a similar resolution
passed by the Senate is prevented from be-
ing brought before the House by speaker
REED, who is nodeubt carrying out, in this
matter, ghe wishes of the President.
Thus it is seen that the present adminis-
tration is pursuing a course with regard to
Cuba just like CLEVELAND'S. The Repub-
lican organs that censured the one are now
making excuses for the other, although the
course of both is similar.
Favoritism in Administering the Law.
The administration of the law in this
country is getting into such shape that it
has different treatment for different kinds
of offenders. The law applied to
the wealthy does not appear to be the same
as that which is applied to people in hum-
bler circumstances.
An example of this discrimination is fur-
nished by two cases in Washington. The
broker CHAPMAN, who was sentenced to
thirty day’s imprisonment in the Washing-
ton jail for refusing to testify before the Sen-
ate committee in regard to the sugar trust
scandals, isallowed, during his confinement,
all the luxuries that wealth can purchase.
His jailor has fitted up his prison ‘‘parlors’’
with palatial sumptuousness, and every-
thing is done that may contribute to his
ease and comfort.
In contrast to this, a resident of Wash-
ington named BALL was put into the dis-
trict jail for a bailable offense about the
time of CHAPMAN'S incarceration. As he
was a poor and uninfluential person he
could not furnish the bail that would have
released him ; but he was not a convict as
CHAPMAN was. Being a person in humble
circumstances, the request of his friends to
supply him with something better than
prison fare was positively refused, while
the keeper of the prison allowed the rich-
broker to revel in luxury. >
Another instance of discrimination in
the treatment of those subject to the law is |
furnished in New York. Last week the
leader of the salvationists was arrested for
being too noisy in his religions perform-
ances, and as he wasn’t backed by wealth,
he was adjudged to be an offender and sub-
jected to punishment. This, however, was
not the kind of treatment accorded to the
SEELEY bacchanals, in whose case the pros-
ecution for immorality that shocked the
public some months ago has not been
pushed. The prosecuting officer of the
city of New York, the same functionary
who was so prompt in putting the law in
force against poor BOOTH-TUCKER, the
salvationist, announces his intention of
_dropping the suit against wealthy SEELEY
and his licentious companions, as he thinks
that gentlemen of their wealth and stand-
ing have been punished enough by the
publicity that has made the incident un-
pleasant to them.
Our country is getting in a bad way
when such discrimination is shown in ad-
ministering the law.
The Primaries Tomorrow.
Don’t forget that primary elections will
be held in every precinct in the county to-
morrow afternoon and that<it is your duty
to attend. All elections, will be held at
the regular polling places between the hours
of 3 and 7p. m.
——The HAMILTON road bill, with a
$500,000 appropriation clause for expen-
ditures on the roads of the State, has bpssed
second reading in the Senate.
Tell your friends that the WATCH-
MAN is the best paper published in the
NO. 22.
And We’ll Leave Our Gold Abroad.
From the Pittsburg News.
We are off for a month to Europe
Iu bang-up tourist style.
With a gripsack full of guide books
From Scotland down to the Nile ;
We'll chase through the Tower of London
And whirl around Paree,
And there ain’t a sight, by day or night,
That we.will fail to see.
We ain’t much stuck on pictures
The Dago artists paint,
But we'll size them up, ‘‘ong passong,”
(Just notice our accent quaint).
We will drop for an hour on Madrid
To taste the garlick rank,
And then at Moate Carlo,
We'll break the derned old bank.
Ww e'll take a shy at Pisa,
Where the leining steeple stands ;
And we'll lope through old Vienna,
With her soldiers and her bands.
Then in Constantinople
We'll see the turbaned Turk,
Who sits and smokes while other folks
Have got to go to work.
The Pot Calling “the Kettle Black.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
City and State, Herbert Welsh’s paper,
quotes with emphatic approval a brace of
the best paragraphs from Wanamakers’s
recent speech before the business men’s
league, and thed City and State wants to
know what special warrant, or any war-
rant, Mr. Wananraker has for saying these
things. It will be remembered that holy
John void bitterly against corruption
in Pennsylvania politics, but this corrup-
tion has been notorious for yéars and Mr.
Wanamaker’s, voice has not' been raised
against it, but on the contrary has he not
has been identified with it in the raising of
campaign funds.
‘We are getting the truth in all this
just now, in all this fullness, simply be-
cause Quay has turned his back upon his
whilom, facile and most munificent sup-
That is the meaning of it put plainly,
but that is just the reason why there is par-
ticular cause for rejoicing. When rogues
fall out the people profit. In the light of
the well known facts of Wanamaker’s
activity in the raising of great campai
funds, ‘‘put without accounting in the
hands of this very bad man QUAY,” his
comments upon the corruption of our poli-
tics and the growth of this man’s power
make a severe indictment of John Wana-
Of What Use is It?
From the Easton Argus.
Lieutenant Peary, who has made a name
for himself as an Arctic explorer, has been
granted a leave of absence for a period of
five years for the purpose of extending his
inquiries in the exploring line. Although
his services as an engineer in the navy are
valuable to the government, there is a feel-
ing that his work in the Arctic regions
may he of inestimable. benefit to the gov-
ernment of this country and to the world
in general. The North, in its icy grasp,
holds many treasures that would be valu-
able in a scientific and a geographical
sense, and it is with no feelings of regret
that the leave of absence is granted. It is
Singerly sti Chasing Rain-bows :
3 ha
From the Philadelphia Record.
Mr. Benjamin C. Potts, of Delaware
county, this State, who did good work
upon the stump last fall, has written an
open letter to chairman Given, of the Na-
tional Democratic party of the State, which
is in effect a call to the true Democracy of
Pennsylvania. to move to the front. Mr.
Potts urges that a date for the state con-
vention should be fixed, for the reason that
the dominant party offers no'hope of good
government in Pennsylvania, while in na-
tional affairs it has been equally a disap-
pointment. The points are well taken.
The time is certainly propitious for a for-
ward movement of the Jeffersonian Demo-
crats of both the State and the country.
It Is a Condition, Not a Theory, that
Confronts Him Now. ’
Frem the Clearfield Republican.
Two years ago Governor Hastings was
doing his best to have laws passed creating
new offices for men who were supposed to
have long political pulls which would be
useful in his campaign against Quay. Gil-
kinson, Orlady, Delaney, Willard, Rice,
Reeder, Wells, Lambert and others were
unnecessary except to boost big Dan into
power. ‘The Democrats protested at the
time, but their protests did not avail. To-
day the same governor is in a dilemma over
the question of raising sufficient revenue to
rebuild the capitol and make the necessary
appropriations. -
Mr. Searles Acquitted.
‘WASHINGTON, June 1st.—In the case of
John E. Searles, the sugar trust witness,
Judge Bradley this morning: ordered the
jury to bring in a verdict of acquital, hold-
ing that the questions asked the witness
by the Senate committee were not pertinent
and if so were not within the jurisdiction
of the committee. -The jury accordingly
rendered such a verdict-that Mr. Searles
was free.
The judge pointed out that Mr. Searles
had testified specifically that no money had
been contributed by the sugar trust to the
national campaign, or for the purpose of
influencing legislation or the action of
United States Senators. Mr. Searles had
testified that he did not know how the
contributions had been used. .
The judge said a simple investigation as
to whether the sugar trust had contributed
ranted search into the private affair of the
company. If the money had gone for the
purpose of electing members of state legis-
latures, whe in time would elect a United
States Senator, it was heyond the power of
the United States Senate to go behind the
eleetion of legislative members. If this
were true as to state matters, how much
more true was it of local elections. It would
be the wildest conjecture to assume that
the money so contributed in any way had
“Tt costs only $1.50 a year now.
gone to make up the sugar schedule.
not expected that the trip will be in vain.
legislated into fat jobs which were wholly
to a campaign fund would - be an unwar-.
Spawls ‘from the Keystone.
“—Sunbury will have free mail delivery on
July 1st.
—Pittsburg will put its highway and sewer
employes on bicycles.
—John Wanamaker
will address the
Shamokin high school graduates on June -
—Hamilton Bros., of Pittsburg, will erect
glass bottle and tinplate works at Irwin and
say they will employ 600 people.
—Bernard Adams was attacked and
stabbed on Market street bridge, Shamokin,
Saturday night. James Cottes was arrested.
—After drilling 3100 feet oil sand has been
reached in a well near Waterville, Lycoming
county. The well will be shot with nitro-
—William Yackley, who gays he was
drunk, stabbed Samuel Hersog, at Lancaster,
Saturday night, in the left breast. Yackley
was arrested.
—Director of public safety J. O. Brown, of
Pittsburg, has prepared an answer denying
the charges of fraud made against him in
connection with the department’s new build-
—Harry Farmer, of Lexington, was terri-
bly injured Sunday in attempting to jump an
east-bound Pennsylvania railroad train two
miles east of Lancaster, being en route to
see a sister.
—The large barn on the farm of supervisor
George Peck, in Uwchlap township, Chester
county, was struck by lightning, Sunday,
and totally destroyed, together with several
head of'stock and all the farming implements.
There was no insurance on the building.
—It cost $56,590.36 to fit up Grace church
in Harrisburg for the use of the Legislature.
The furniture cost $1§,53E.68, and steam heat
fixtures $12,827.96. Conservative people in
the rural districts. think a very handsome
‘house could be built complete for half a hund-
red thousand dollars, but then legislative
honors come dear.
—Through mistaking nitrate of silver for
salt a farm hand Sunday night poisoned the
entire herd of cattle belonging to T. Darling-
ton Strode, of West Chester. A half dozen
head are already dead and the survivors are
in a bad condition.
barn, and when instructed to feed the cows
the usual quantity of salt, the hired man by
mistake got into the wreng bag.
—When Allen B. Rorke, the contractor of
Philadelphia, who was awarded the contract
for tearing down the old capitol at Harris-
burg at his bid of $4,750, began work on Mon-
day morning a whole army of unemployed
workmen gathered in the capitol grounds,
clamoring for work. Only 115 were em-
ployed while 1000 were disappointed. There
were more than 100 women on hand plead-
ing for work for their husbands.
—David Fillkjll (colored) was fatally shot
by policeman Wolff at Mercersburg Saturday
night. Wolff had arrested Fillkill and was
taking him to the lock-up when the prisoner
and his brother attacked him. Finding the
men were getting the best of him Wolff fired
five shots from his revolver, one taking effect
in the abdomen of David Fillkill. The lat-
ter ran a short distance and then fell uncon-
scious. He was taken home and died Sun-
day night. :
—Joseph Spencer one of the best-
known citizens of Blair county, was fatally
injured at Roaring Springs Monday, while
attempting to save a neighbor's dwell-
ing from the flames. Mr. Spencer was stand-
ing in front of the house, and directing the
firemen in their work. Suddenly the chim-’
ney directly above him toppled over, pinning
the unfortunate man to the earth and crack-
ing his skull. His death is momentarily ex-
pected. Mr. Spencer was chief of the fire de-
He has a.
partment and a school director.
wife and four sons. x
—As a result of a peculiar accident, Miss
Holt, of Warren street, Philadelphia, will
probably lose the sight of one of her eyes.
While engaged in dressing her hair, Sunday,
she in some way touched the hot curling
tongs to the eye. Miss Holt, who is 23 years
old, was hastily making her toilet at the
time, but is unable to explain just how the
accident occurred. She was hurried to the
Presbyterian hospital, where it was found
that the eyeball was severely burned, and.
the physicians fear that the sight has been
—Word comes from Nippenose valley to
the effect that another cave have has been
found about one-fourth of a mile from the,
opening of the cavern. recently discovered
near Oriole. The second cave has not yet
been explored. Another exploration of the
oriole cave has been made. A raft was put’
in at the opening and came out at Sander-
son’s dam, three-eights of a mile below. It °
is now known that there are fish in the cave,
as two trout were caught in the stream. The
cave is fifteen feet high and fifteen wide in
many places, and there is talk now of light-
ing it by electricity.
—Jesse Willis, a prosperous farmer living
near Ryot, Bedford county, is the possessor
of a remarkably strange freak of nature in
kittens, built on the Siamese twin order, only
‘this one is a quintet, inasmuch as there are
five fully developed heads attached to one
body. The freak is but a few weeks old,
and a strange feature about it is that four of
the heads have ceased to show any signs of
life and are ‘‘dead-heads” in the true sense
of the word. An effort was made to ampu-
tate the deceased craniums, but it was final-
ly given up, and the ultimatum of the would
be surgeon was that the freak could follow
“Topsy’s’’ footsteps and *'jist grow."
—The large saw mill of Weaver, Johnson
& Co., at Hyner, was destroyed by Bre, Mon-
day night. The watchman was under the
mill, when suddenly he discovered .that
flames were issuing from, the entire upper
portion. How the flames originated is not
known. The flames communicated to the
stable and to the large piles of lumber, all of
which were burned. The yard was piled.
full of sawed lumber and all of it was con-
sumed. All the buildings except the house
were burned, together with the wagons.
The mill had a capacity of 40,000 feet a day.
When running full handed from eighteen to
twenty men were given employment. A few
days ago the mill had ceased sawing pine to
start on a job of shingles. The mill was
covered with an iron roof. There was no in-
gurance and the loss on buildings and lumber
is placed at about $30,000.
The nitrate of silver had
béen used on asparagus beds and left in the-