Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 21, 1897, Image 4

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    A os.
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ernment of Philadelphia.
Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance.
ee ——
Bellefonte, Pa., May 21, 1897.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebp1roz.
Thievish Appropriation.
When at the last session.of the Legisla-
ture the Senate investigating committee, of
which Senator ANDREWS is chairmain,
was appointed, it was predicted that it
would entail a bill of expense upon the
State, without its doing anything to com-
pensate for the expense.
The purpose of this committee was well
understood. It was known to have no
other object than to give QUAY an advan-
tage over the other faction in Philadelphia
by conferring upon him the power of show-
ing up their crookedness by investigation.
As the favorite expression was at the time,
the committee was intended to enable
QUAY to put DAVE MARTIN and . his gang
into a hole. The interests of the State
were in no way connected with it. Noth-
ing else was involved than the rival inter-
ests of two disreputable Republican fac-
When out of this factional scheme was
hatched this investigating committee those
who were responsible for it declared that it
should not cost the State anything. They
averred that its chief object was to bring
about reform in the municipal affairs of
Philadelphia, and that an association of re-
formers in that city were pledged to pay
the expensk.
The way those investigators conducted
their operations is well known. Nothing
was further from their intention than the
exposure of the corruption that is known
to exist in the municipal politics and gov-
Whenever the
investigation was conducted far enough to
threaten a development of rottenness, it
was discontinued on - that line and turned
on something else. Two years consumed
in this kind of work resulted in a report
which, in its statements, disclosures and
recommendations, wasn’t worth the paper
it was written on. As a matter of interest
to the State it didn’t pretend to be worth
a cent.
But now what do we see ? Last Monday
chairman ANDREWS presented a bill in the
Senate for the appropriation of $65,908.96
to pay the expenses of this committee.
That this bill ‘will be allowed there is no
doubt. That it will be so much money
stolen from the tax-payers of the State
there is just as little doubt. , In this case
no service was rendered the public, and to
Pay public money where there was no ser-
vice is theft and nothing else.
—The American tobacco company, hav-
ing been declared an illegal corporation by
the courts of Illinois, it is reasonable to
suppose that there is considerable chewing
among the directors of that monopoly, even
if it is not of tobacco.
EE —————
. News From Greece.
Everything in a Hubbub and the Turk is on Top
LoNDoN, May 17th.—The conditions pro-
posed by the porte asthe terms of peace
with Greece have heen freel y discussed in
the lobbies of parliament to-day, and the
idea of the retrocession of Thessaly and of
such an indemnity as is already suggested
is ridiculed as impracticable and absurd.
At the outside an indemnity of 5,000,000
pounds or 6,000,000 pounds and a slight
strategic rectification of frontier are consid-
ered as likely to be the terms finally set-
tled upon.
ATHENS, May 17.—Dispatches sent out
from Domoskos at 6 P. M. say that the
Greek left wing has fallen back toward the
centre before thrice the number of Turks.
The battle continued after sunset, but des-
pite the yielding of the left wing, the
Turks were finally repulsed. General
Mavromichaelis was wounded. A dispatch
from Domoskos at noon by way of Lamia
says :
‘‘Thirty-five thousand Turks, infantry,
cavalry and artillery, have attacked the
Greek line at several points of the left wing
and the centre with a view of penetrating
southward and surrounding Domoskos.
Large forces are also attacking General
LoNDoN, May 18.—A dispatch to the
Daily Mail trom Berlin says it is reported
there that a plot to murder King George
has been discovered at Athens and that
many arrests have been made.
LoxpoN, May 17.—The Daily Telegraph
special correspondent with the Turkisl
forces in Thessaly, -telegraphing late las
night says : *‘Edhem Pasha has moved 0!
from point to point and finally occupied
Domoskos. The Greeks have sustained a
crushing defeat.”
ATHENS, May 17.—The most intense ex-4
citement prevails here. All the cabinet
ministers have been assembled since noon
at the ministry of marine, where the dis-
patches from the front are being received.
The gravity of the situation cannot he
Demand of Tarkey.
Before it @rants an Armistice the Greeks Must Get
Out of Epirus.
ATHENS, May 19.—The Austrian mail
steamer Manirva, which was captured by
a Greek vessel and towed tq Orei, had on
board seventy-two Turkish seamen and the
newly appointed Kaimakhan of Volo.
Turkey demands as a condition of an ar-
mistice that all Turkish territory in Epirus
shall be evacutated and the bridges -over
the Arta neutralized, A dispatch from
Lamia says that the bulk of the Greek |
army now occupies Phurka and the crown
prince is at Tarkaza, near Lamia.
ee ———
Official Greek Bulletin.
ATHENS, May 19.—An official bulletin
just issued says : “The Turks attacked the
army of the crown prince the moment it
reached the line of the Othrys’ range. The
Fourth infantry regiment was dislodged
from Aidinitiza Anihitz, northwest of La-
mia, and the inhabitants are precipitately
evacuating Lamia. The eastern squadron
has been ordered to proceed to Stylis, on
the north coast of the Gulf of Lamia, and
there to land Colonel Vassosand his troops.
General Smolenski has been appointed gen-
encral of the brigade, commanding the
First division.”
Crown Priiice Notified of A.
ATHENS, May 19.—M. Ralli, on behalf
of the government, has notified the crown
prince of the conditions of the armistice
concluded at Arta, adding :
*‘Impart these conditions to the Turkish
forces ; declare that from this moment you
suspend hostilities and will only resume
them in the event of an attack ; disclaim
all responsibility for any violation of the
armistice and invite the Turkish com-
manders to suspend hostility.’
A telegram received here dt midnight
announces the arrival of General Smo-
lenski at Lamia, where his presence ex-
erts a calming influence upon the popu-
Convention of Odd Fellows.
On the Second Ballot Wilkesbarre Was Selected as
the Place of Next Meeting.—New Officers An-
nounced.—W. Gaylord Thomas, of Scranton, is
Grand Master ; Samuel McKeever, of Philadel-
phia, Deputy Grand Master.—The Per Capita Tax
Fixed at 11 Cents Per Term—Exemplification of
the Unwritten Work of the Order Last Night.
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., May 10.—The
Pennsylvania Odd Fellows are having very
pleasant weather for their big convention
in this city, and that they are enjoying
their sojourn goes without saving. Every
visitor here is delighted with this beauti-
ful city and its surroundings.
Mayor Mansel to-day arranged an ex-
cursion up the river for the visitors and
100 grand lodge members and twenty Re-
bekahs left on the Boom company’s steamer
at 2:30 P. M. for a visit to the Jooms. At
5 P. M. the mayor took the grand lodge
officers and grand encampment officers for
a-drive around Vallamont and Grampian.
This morning the new officers were an-
nounced as follows : W. Gaylord Thomas,
of Scranton, grand master ; Samuel Me-
Keever, of Philadelphia, deputy grand
master ; Esau Loemis, of West Chester,
grand warden ; James B. Nicholson, of
Philadelphia, grand secretary ; M. Richards
Mouckle, of Philadelphia, grand treasurer ;
F. M. Rea, of Philadelphia, and Robert E.
Wright, of Allentown, grand representa-
This afternoon occurred the selection of a
place of meeting for next year. 'Wilkes-
barre, Harrisburg, Huntingdon, Allentown,
Philadelphia and New Castle were placed
in nomination. An informal ballot nar-
rowed the contest to Wilkesbarre and Har-
rishurg. The second ballot resulted in the
choice of Wilkesbarre, by a vote of 412
to 361.
After considerable debate the per capita
tax was fixed at 11 cents per term.
discussing resolutions and decisions of the
grand sovereign lodge. To-night hoth
lodges were occupied in the exemplification
of the unwritten work of the order.
The convention will likely adjourn to-
Pennsylvania Railroad Improved Pas-
senger Train Service.
The Pennsylvania railroad Co. will place
in service, May 17th inst., new passenger
trains on Sunbury division, between Sun-
bury and Wilkesbarre. A train will leave
Sunbury on arrival of tigin 8 from the
West and train 11 from the East, at 2 p.
m. for Wilkesharre, Scranton and other
points. Passengers can leave Canandaigua,
7:50 a. m. Elmira, 10:05 a. m. Kane, 3:30
a. m. DuBois, 7:10 a. m. Bellefonte 9:28 a.
m. Lock Haven, 11:20 a. m. Williamsport,
12:40 p. m.
reach Danville, 2:24 p. m. Catawissa, 2:45
p. m. East Bloomsburg, 2:50 p. m. Nesco-
peck, 3:15 p. m. Nocanaqua, 3:42 P- m.
Nanticoke, 4:02 p. m. Wilkesbarre, 4:15
Pp. m. and Scranton, 5:22p. m. Returning
train will leave Scranton, 4:41 p. m.
Wilkesbarre, 6 p. m. stopping at other
principal points counecting at Sunbury
with trains 6 and 15 for points East and
West, —
This new train service will no doubt be
greatly appreciated by the traveling public
and will be well patronized from the start.
On account of meeting of the state grand
lodge and encampment of Odd Fellows to
be held at Williamsport, Pa., May 17th to
22nd, agents of the Central R. R. of Pa.,
will sell low rate excursion tickets from all
poiiits to Williamsport and return, These
tickets will be good going May 17th to
22nd, inclusive, and for return passage on or
before May 25th, 1897. —
—Mr. J. C. Nason’s daughter opened
her new millinery store, at J ulian, yester-
day. Itis said to he exceptionally well
stocked for so small a village.
—After having held the position for
the last fifteen years Hon. Jno. Blair Linn
has resigned as librarian of the Presbyterian
Sunday school in this place.
——George Waite, of Thomas street, is
minus his cow for as she was neither al-
together in nor altogether out of the bor-
ough when the engine knocked her down,
it is doubtful if he can collect damages.
——The Clearfield Monitor says that two
members of Co. E, N. G. P., of that place,
will probably be court-martialed for not re-
porting for duty, last Friday morning,
when the company started for Philadelphia.
There is lots of fun in the militia, but the
discipline must be preserved.
See AAA rere.
—Mrs. Minnie Francis died at
Makomp, in the Soudan, Africa, on April’
9th, but word of her death did not reach
her sister, Mrs. C. C. Miller, in this place,
until the 8th inst. She only left this place
for a life as a missionary in January last,
and was stricken with African fever. Be-
fore leaving here she delivered several lect-
ures on missionary work in the United
Brethren church.
ee ?
——The musical, last Friday evening,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Schaef-
fer, on Curtin street, for the benefit of the
| aid society of the Methodist church, was a
pleasant innovation in the round of church
socials. The evening was perfect and the
music by the Imperial Mandolin and Gui-
tar club was "nigh on to it—indeed. the
i club’s playing was the special attraction of
the evening. Mrs. Schaeffer is a lover of
flowers and is more successful with them
than many professional growers. Her din-
ing room was beautiful with palms and
flowering plants and on the table was most
artistically arranged lilies of the valley and
violets. Ice cream and cake were served
with the Premium java, the splendid coffee
donated by Mr. John Meese.
The Rebekah assembly spent the day in |,
Harrisburg, 11:35a. m. and {
——The Clinton county veteran’s asso-
ciation have made overtures to the Centre
county organization to hold a joint picnic
and reunion, at Hecla park, at some date
yet to be decided upon. ®
MARRIAGE LiceNses.—Following is the
list of marriage licenses granted by or-
phan’s court clerk, G. W. {Rumberger, dur-
ng the past week. . \.
P. E. Hicks and Hannah C. B. Behrers,
both of Scotia.
Ellis A. Lorah and Sagah E. Boyer, both
of College township.
G. W. Ralston, of State College, and
Belle Etters, of Lemont.
Clarence G. Weaver and Mary I. Martin, |
both of Moshannon, Pa.
David N. Goss, of Janesville, Clearfield
county, and Evia V. Richards, of Decatur
The reunion of the students of the old
Academy, at Pine Grove Mills, that has
been fixed for Friday, June 18th, will at-
tract a number of distinguished men, all
but one of them former students of the in-
stitution and all of them down for ad-
There will he Rev. Wm. Gemmill, of
Allenwood ; D. F. Fortney Esq., of!Belle- |
fonte ; former judge D. I.. Krebs, of Clear-
field ; Dr. Edward Gray, D. D., LL. D,,
Williamsport ; president Geo. W. Ather-
ton, of The Pennsylvania State College ;
Rev. G. Tarring Gray, of Coalport ; su-
perior court judge James A. Beaver, Belle-
fonte ; former congressman J. H. Osmer,
of Franklin, and others.
There have been so many requests from our
subscribers for a continuance of the series
of test questions that we began last winter
that for the amusement of those of our
mathematically inclined readers we publish
this question and ask them to scratch their
heads over it for awhile. Send your an-
swers in as soon as you get them so that we
can publish them.
A column of soldiers 25 miles in length
starts on a march from a.given point. At
the same instant that the command to
march is given a courier starts from the
rear file of the column but at an uniformly
faster rate to carry an order to the front.
He delivers his order at the front
and starts to return at the same rate
of speed. The column still continues on
the march and the courier reaches his posi-
tion, opposite the rear file, just at it reaches
the point that had been occupied by the
head of the column when the command to
march was given.
Now find out how far the courier trav-
eled and send your answer in for publica- |
~ >
—Mr. Foster has sent out the following
bulletin as the kind of weather that may
be expected from the 26th to the 31st of
May. :
My last bulletin gave forecasts of the
storm wave to cross the continent from 21st
to 25th. The next will reach the Pacific
coast about the 26th, cross the west of
Rockies country by close of the 27th, great
central valleys 28th to 29th, and eastern
States 31st.
A warm wave will cross the west of
Rockies country about the 26th, great cen-
tral valleys 28th, and the eastern States
30th. A cool wave will crossithe west of
Roekies country about the 29th, great cen-
tral valleys 31st, eastern States June 2nd.
Temperature of the week ending May
22nd will be below normal in Texas,
about the upper lakes and in the north
Atlantic States at and north of Washing-
ton. In all other districts the temper-
ature of the week will be about normal.
Rainfall of the week will be about nor-
mal in Texas, lower Mississippi valley and :
about the upper lakes. In all other dis-
tricts the rainfall will be deficient.
The cool period predicted for the first
week in May came in time and style, so
thoroughly verifying the forecasts that no
criticisms are due, and by the time this
bulletin is published it will be known
whether the predicted hot wave followed.
- >
'NEss.—Recorder J. C. Harper is being
greatly annoyed, just now, by what seems
to be a very determined effort on the part
of his hig Irish setter to learn to keep the
books in that office. Notwithstanding the
many unceremonious exits it has been
forced to make, lately, at the point of the
recordial shoe the eager canine is nothing
daunted and sticks to it with the same de-
termination that a Boston kid shows for
literature. It is too bad that the poor dog
has become so studious, for itis indeed un-
natural that it should give up all the de-
lights that the canine tribe experience
swimming in the court house fountains. It
has done it, however, and every day the big
setter can be seen demurely trotting up
the walk, entirely unconscious of its ‘sur-
Once inside the recorder's office Rover
settles himself on his haunches and studies
the routine with a diligence that would be
commendable even in a human being. In
truth he has read so long and laboriously
that he has worn his eyes out and the
Recorder is in a quandary to know whether
spectacles or eye glasses would suit Rover’s
nose best. Of course he would far rather
have the glasses, for they would give him a
more gsthetic look, but Rover is too hard
a student to lose any time in picking them
up, every time he would sneeze them off,
so they will probably get him the good
old fashioned spectacles, with the wires
that will run around behind his ears,
of last week a car load of shelled corn, 800
bushels, was shipped from Nittany valley
to New York, for the famine sufferers of
India.” Of this amount Centre county con-
tributed as follows : From Zion, J. M.
Garbrick, chairman, 85 bushels of corn and
$3.00 cash. So far as known Rev. E. Ww.
Koontz, was the champion worker. He
secured, in Hublersburg and vicinity, 143
bushels of shelled corn in one day. At
Nittany Hall, Wm. Shaffer, chairman, re-
ported 55 bushels and at Clintondale, James
Bouse, chairman, 261 bushels were placed
on the car.
The people responded in a remarkable
manner to the touching appeal and some
contributions, both in corn and money,
were sent from Bellefonte and Lock Haven.
In addition to the corn $21.49 was sent in
‘The committee wish to thank all who
contributed in any way to the success of
the movement. To those who furnished
their engines and made it possible to have |
the corn shelled by steam and to the young
ladies who so beautifully and plainly mark-
ed the two large pieces of canvas, that |
were tacked on the sides of the car, hear-
ing the inscription : “Corn for starving
India from Nittany valley, Pennsylvania.
oo —
—Out of respect for the wishes of several of
our readers we herewith present a digest of
the laws governing fishing in the various
waters in the State of Pennsylvania.
Several times a year we are called upon
to publish this law and we trust that those
who are interested in the subject will cut
this out and paste it up somewhere for rei-
The fish lawsof Pennsylvania provides for
the open season as follows : Speckled trout,
April 15th to July 15th ; sea salmon, April
1st to July 21st ; black bass, rock bass and
wall-eyed pike, commonly known as Susque-
hanna salmon, May 30th to January 1st;
lake trout, January 1st to October 1st ; pike
and pickerel, June 1st to February 1st; shad
and herring, March 1st to August 15th. No
person shall cast, draw, fasten or otherwise
make use of seine, drift net or nets of any
other description, or use any other appliances
for catching of fish except rod, hook and
line, in any rivers, streams or waters of this
Commonwealth. No person shall kill, sell |
or have in possession after being killed ‘any
speckled trout save only from April 15th to
July 15th, under penalty of $10 for each fish. |
No person shall take for sale, any trout less
than five inches long, or fish in any waters
for three years in which brook trout have been
planted by the commissioners, when public
notice of said planting has been given, under
#20 penalty. There shall be no shooting,
hunting,or fishing on Sunday, under penalty
of $25. :
Sa | SS, |
ALUMNI BANQUET.—The alumni associa-
tion. of The Pennsylvania State College
banqueted at the Lochiel hotel, in Harris-
burg, last evening, and besides many of
the old students from all parts of the State
a number of distinguished guests were pres- |
ent. Among them were Governor Hastings, |
Representatives Schofield and Foster, Dr.
Lawerence M. Colfelt, Dr. Nathan C.
Schaeffer, state superintendent of public
instruction ; auditor general Mylin and
W. E. Gray Esq., of this place, acted as
toastmaster in the absence of John M. Dale
Esq., president of the association, and the
following toasts were responded to :
The Commonwealth and education, His Ex-
cellency, the Governor. $y
The public education of a Democracy, Dr. N.
C. Schaeffer.
The State College, . President Atherton,
The trustees, . . General James A. Beaver.
The alumni, . . . L P. McCreary Esq.
The ethical life of State College, Dr. Colfelt.
Athletics, past, . Geo. R. Meek.
Athletics, future, . . . Dr. Newton.
Engineering and the State College, Prof. J.
P. Jackson. !
Agriculture and the State College, Gabriel
Heister Esq.
Our alma mater, . H. Walton Mitchell Esq.
This was the first of what is contemplated
to be an annual gathering of the alumni of
the College and if the auspiciousness of this
event is an indication of future ones they
will grow to be one of the pleasantest oc-
casions of the graduate’s life.
times that have been affecting all branches
of trade have set men with an inventive
turn of mind to work and more patents
have been granted within the past year
than during any corresponding period for a
long time. Among these have been Ed-
ward Cain, his brother Peter and Emanuel
Corman, all of this place. Their ingenuity
has resulted in the construction of a clever
little labor saving device that will be ap-
preciated by the women in all parts of the
country. :
On Wednesday, we were shown a model
of the device on which they will soon he
granted a patent. It isa combined wash
bench, wringer holder, clothes horse and
ironing board, all detachable and capable
of being folded up into a compact mass to
be stored away from one wash day to
The bench has room for two tubs, with a
wringer rack between, so that clothes can
be worked from one tub to another with-
out moving. wringer or tubs. With the
washing done a strong, steady ironing
board can be adjusted to the frame and on
the opposite sidé twelve fingers for clothes
are extended with a hanging surface equal
to 27} feet of line.
The whole contrivance is so cleverly con-
ceived and constructed as to make it-of un-
questioned usefulness and-the best feature
is the fact that it can be put on the market
for the small price of $2.50. They are
manufacturing the *bench now and will
push the sale of it just as soon as the final
papers granting the patent are received.
NIA STATE COLLEGE.—The thirty-seventh
annual commencement at The Pennsylvania
State College will begin with the baccalau-
reate sermon, on Sunday, June 13th, and
conclude with the graduation exercises on
Wednesday morning, June 16th.
The following is a condensed program of |
the exercises during the week :
10.30 a. m.—Baccalaureate Sermon by the
Rev. Lawrence M. Colfelt, D. D.,
preacher to the College.
1.30 p. m.—Class day exercises, class of
1897, (on the campus).
3.30. p. m.—Annual inter-class
8.00 p. m.—Junior oratorical contest.
8.30 a. m.—Annual meeting of the alumni
9.45 a. m.—Artillery salute.
10.00 a. m.—Annual meeting of the board of
12.00 a. m.—Alumni dinner (in the armory)
2.00 p. m.—Meeting (in room No. 121) of
delegates and alumni to elect trustees.
3.00 p. m.—Exhibition drill of State College
8.00 p. m.—Annual address before the
alumni by the Hom._ S. J. MecCar-
rell, Harrisburg, Pa., president of the
Senate of Pennsylvania.
10.00 a. m.—Graduation exercises of the
class of '97.
Commencement address, by His Excellency,
Daniel H. Hastings, Governor of the
— *>oe
nual convention of the Central dis-
trict Lutheran league convened in the
Evangelical Lutheran church, in this place,
on Tuesday evening, at7 o'clock. There
was quite a representat’on of the churches
in the district, but the attendance on
Wednesday was much better and thiee en-
thusiastic sessions were held. The pro-
gram was carried out as follows :
7.00 Informal Reception,
house, dnd don’t be fooled into another val-
ley for higher prices.
Rev. Wm. Scholl, one of our self made
young men who is attending Dickinson
seminary, has been appointed as pastor of the
Pine and McElhatten Methodist churches.
Misses Byrd Stover and Alma Gramley,
two of our accomplished musicians and faith-
ful workers in the Christian Endeavor were
in Bellefonte, this week, as delegates to the
Lutheran league convention,
The concert last Friday evening of the
Rebersburg Normal school was first-class. We
have treason 1 he proud of our young people,
they certainly show great talent and persever-
ance in the musical line. Professor Newcom-
er and Ziegler have doing good work and we
are glad to announce that they will open
their school after harvest, if headquarters
can be secured.
Last Friday, Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Rebers-
burg, who died on last Tuesday of a paralytic
stroke, suffered the day before, was buried
in the Lutheran and Reformed cemetery.
The funeral exercises were conducted by
Revs. Moses George, of Rebershurg, and Fred
Aurand, of Mifflinburg. The large Luther-
an chnrch was almost full, Mrs. Walker
was 75 years 4 months and 19 days old.
| : ° Centre Hall.
| Ms. F. O. Bairfoot is spending a few weeks
I among friends and relatives in Philadelphia.
| Mr. Tom Swartz was in town Sunday
Tom’s visits are becoming quite fre-
{ Rev. F. F. Christine was installed as pas-
tor of the Sinking Creek Presbyterian church
at this place, on Tuesday morning.
| The communion service Keld in the Lutheran
church, Sunday evening, was well attended.
Rev. Rearick was assisted by Rev. Potts,
Miss Helen Bartholomew, who is teaching
| a summer term of school in Millheim, spent
| Sabbath with her parents in ‘this place.
Frank Bradford, one of our trout fisher- ;
men, spent a day in the mountains last week.
returning with eighty speckled beauties.
Let those who ride a wheel through the
borough be cautious. The centre of the road
| is covered with crushed stones, which have
! an edge like a knife.
C. F. Deininger’ returned home, Tuesday
{ morning, after spending several days in
7.30 Opening Services, Rev. E. E. Hoshour. | Philadelphia, to which place he went to view
Address of Welcome, W. P. Kuhn.
Response, Rev. Chas. T. Aikens.
Address, Rev. H. H. Weber. |
Convention Business : Enrollment of
Societies and Delegates.
Election of Officers.
Closing Services Rev. W. H. Schoch.
8.30 Devotional Services, J. M. Rearick.
9.00 Convention Business,
9.30 Subjeet—'‘The League an Educator.”
Essayists : Prof. H. C. Rothrock,
Miss Louisa Altrater and Miss Kate
Rev. G. W. Lesher. the unveiling of the Washington monument.
J. D. Meyer, a member of the graduating
| class at F. and M. college, Lancaster, is home
ion a short vacation. He will return in a
‘week or so to attend commencement exer-
| cises.
| Mrs. Minnie McCormick, of Montandon,
| died at her home, on Monday evening. She
| was a daughter of J. A. Reisman, of this
place. She leaves four children, the young-
| est of whom is about one week old. The
! funeral was held at the Centre Hall ceme-
| tery, on Wednesday evening at six o'clock.
Among the arrivals at the Centre Hall
hotel during the past week were : John Hol-
| loway, Phila.; sheriff WwW. M Cronister,
Parliament—Opened by Rev. C. B. | Bellefonte ; ¢. C. Kellog, Cleveland, Ohio ;
Graver. i J. M. Schock, Philadelphia; C. W. Filer,
10.00 Subject — *‘Spiritual
Development | Montgomery ; C. N. Bauch, Gordon Heights ;
Among Our Young People.’ Es. F.M. Dunkle, Lewisburg ; Wm. B. Chamber-
sayists :
D. K. Musser, Miss Edna ! lain, Milton; E. K. Hess, Williamsport ; M.
Krumrine and Miss Minnie Kurtz. | E. Dieffenderfer, Mifflinburg.
Parliament—Opened by W. L. Spang-
On Monday evening Mrs. Barbara Bitner,
ler. { wife of J. B. Bitner, died at her home about.
Young People in the Church.”
sayists: I. A. Shafter, Jr.,
Subject— ‘The Place and Duty of | two miles west of this place. Mrs. Bitner had
Es- not been well for some time but nothing ser-
Miss | ious was apprehended. She was a daughter
Tillie Beck and Miss Jennie Yarger. | of Maj. John Neff deceased, and was one of
Parliament—Opened by Rev. I. M. C. |
Subject—‘ ‘Love for Our Own.” Es-
»sayists: Prof. E. J. Wolf, Miss Sadie
Dannley and Mrs. C. McB. Dale.
Parliament—Opened by Supt. €C. I.
Reports of Societies by Delegates: - |
Prayer, Rev. J. I. Stonecypher.
2.00 Devotional Service, Rev. A. G. Wolf.
2.15 Conventional Business,
2.30 Subject—“The Duty of the Hour.”
Essayists: Miss Kate Furst, Mrs.
Clement Dale and Chas. Stevenson.
Parliament—Opened by Rev. C. L. Mc-
3.00 Subject—‘‘The Work of Our District
League.” Essayists: Ole Olson,
Miss Jennie Gramley and A. S.
Parliament—Opened by Rev. J. A.
Earnest, D. D.
3.30 Subject—'‘The Social Features of
Young People’s Societies in the
Church.” Essayists: C.W. Boyer,
Miss Mary Guise and Mrs. Lettie
Parliament—Opened by Rev. J. C.|
Prayer, Rev, C. D. Russel.
7.30 Opening Services, Rev. W. K. Diehl.
Prayer, Rev. Geo. S. Bright.
Convention Business, ,
8.00 Address, Rev. M.W. Hamma, D. D., i
Altoona, Pa. |
© Closing Services.
The election of officers for the ensuing
year resulted as follows : President, Rev.
C. B. Graver, of Lock Haven ; vice presi-
dents, C. T. Aikens and L. M. C. Weick-
sel ; recording secretary, W. M. Spangler ;
corresponding secretary, W. P. Kuhn;
treasurer, Miss Sarah Kloss.
Fifty delegates attended and the next
meeting of the convention will be held
at Renovo.
Mrs. J. K. Moyer is in Orangeville, Pa. {
The post office building is being repainted. |
Joel Deobler, of near Rebersburg, is on the
sick list. "
Jared Harper, of Williamsport, has been |
visiting here for several days.
Miss Mary Hartman and Miss Breon, of |
Millheim, visited Miss Sara Moyer last week.
Hon. Henry Meyer isin Williamsport as |
the Rebersburg delegate to the State meeting i
of 1. 0. O. F. :
Messrs. Ira and Wilson Walker and their
wives, of Ill., who were east attending their
mother’s funeral, will remain a short time.
If you want the best millinery goods at the
lowest prices go to the new shop in Carlin's
seventeen children, only three of whom are
now living. She leaves one child, Mrs. Sha-
dell, of Williamsport. She was a member of
the Lutheran church. The funeral services
were held, on Thursday morning, conducted
by Rev. Rearick, pastor of this charge.
— eee
Pine Grove Mention.
Dr. Ward, of Bellefonte, and his son
Arthur spent a day with his mother, the be-
ginning of the week.
tended the Lutheran league meeting in Belle-
fonte Wednesday.
Our townsman J. B, Piper laid by his saw
classes in session at White Deer.
I J. Dreese, the very efficient and obliging
ticket agent at Lemont, with his two daugh-
ters, Sundayed with his brother-in-law, J.
B. Ard, in this place.
President Frazer and Supt. Thomas spent
part ‘of Tuesday at'our station. The presi-
dent was satisfied with the prospects and out-
come of this station.
Rev. C. T. Aiken-and Miss Sadie Danley
were delegates to the Lutheran League con-
vention, in Bellefonte, this week. ' Mr.
Harry Frantz was also a delegate, but
spring crops needed his attention on the farm
Decoration day services will be conducted
by the Capt. J. G. Campbell Post 272, G. A.
R., May 29th, at 3 o’clock P. m., at the ceme-
tery. C. M. Bower Esq., and E. R. Chambers,
Esq., both of Bellefonte, will orate.
The finder of a child’s plaid coat will con-
fer a favor upon the owner by leaving it at
the Fairbrook postoffice. The coat was lost in
the Barrens between Gatesburg and Fair-
brook and belongs to Luther Sunday.
The sprightly form of W. J. Myers is again
seen on our streets. From this move we
judge he will remain awhile—in order to get
everything in running order for his suc-
cessor in the carriage business, who is now off
on his honeymoon.
the yearly consistory of the Reformed church
| met in Boalsburg. The session was made up
of delegates from Pine Grove, Pine Hall and
Houserville and after the affairs of the church
were transacted an adjournment was made
to the parsonage where a first class dinner
was waiting. Rev. and Mrs. Black assisted
by M: Amanda Fisher had provided and
prepa’ a most excellent repast for the
memb. _. and their wives. An elaborate
menu, with strawberry ice cream, shipped
{ from the College for a finish, was enjoyed
and after an hour's feasting the guests were
in rare good humor. Rev. Black is a
| most zealous pastor and a worthy man
in all respects. He has endeared him-
self to the community as well as to
his people and the day so pleasantly spent
with him as host will long be remembered
by those who were present.
and square this week to attend the Reformed
Mrs. D. G. Meek and Mrs. A.J. Tate at-