Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 21, 1897, Image 1

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    Beworai tcan.
BY P. GRAY Medk.
Ink Slings.
—Because the world owes you a living |
that is no reason why you should be ever- |
lastingly trying to keep' the printer from
making his.
—By drinking embalming fluid under
the impression that it was whiskey those
two Iowa men were unwittingly laying
themselves out.’
—As naturally as the duck takes to
water does the great daily paper turn to
the Cuban war, now since Greece and
Turkey are quieted down again. :
—There are eight hundred and ninety-
three more men than women in Centre
county and this fact possibly accounts for 4
the number of white topsies that appear at
every term of court.
—The town of Beaver has a population
of a little more than fifteen hundred souls.
Philadelphia has more than a million.
Doesn’t it seem strange that one of the
one’s fifteen hundred should be ahsolute
monarch of the other’s million or more ?
—Ambassador BAYARD is home from
England and with him comes the log of
the Mayflower. It had been in Lambeth
palace library since its discovery, in Lon-
don, in 1846. It will now be deposited
with, the archives of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts as one of the most precious
—It is little wonder shat anarchism,
socialism and all the other pernicious isms
are growing so strong and menacing to our
free institutions. The centtMization of
wealth, the corruption of legislative bodies
and the failure of the working classes to
live on the scanty wages they can earn are
all conditions that are working to the end
of a mighty and disastrous social upheaval.
—The Reading iron company will re-
duce the wages of all employees, on June
1st ; four hundred men have struck against
a reduction by Spang, Chalfont, & Co.,
of Etna, Pa. ; and two hundred men are
out of work because they would not ac-
cept a reduction proposed by the Eleanor
iron works company, of Hollidaysburg. So
much for prosperity and its advance agent.
—Even the Philadelphia Times is seeing
the hand writing on the wall. It warns
tariff tinkers, in flaming red letters, that
BRYAN polled six million, five hundred
and two thousand, six hundred and eighty-
five votes. So hedid and all the deserting
gold sheets in christendom won’t keep
him from being President four years hence,
if he keeps up the noble career he has led
since coming before the public, at Chicago,
nearly a year ago.
—The WATCHMAN was not so far wrong,
after all, when it asserted that the State
would be ealled upon to pay the expenses
of Quays sham senatorial ifvestigation
that was promised would not cost the State
a cent. At the opening of this session of
the Legislature we asserted that the tax-
payers could expect a bill for about $100,-
000. Sure enough, one was introduced,
on Monday, asking for $65,909.36 to de-
fray the expenses of the investigating com-
mittee that investigated nothing.
—The bill prohibiting employers of labor
from discriminating against men who be-
long to labor unions is on a fair way to be-
coming a law, but of what use will it he
after it is passed and approved by the Gov-
ernor, if such should be the case. Em-
ployers will go on employing whom they
please, just the same as ‘‘pluck-me’’ stores
are-run and just the same as the semi-
monthly pay law is ignored. Republican
legislation is for the capitalist, not for the
—The action of nineteen Philadelphia
ward leaders in going clear over to Brig-
antine Beach .at Mr. QUAY’s call, last
Sunday, just to see what he would have of
them in the manipulation of city politics
was a most disgusting revelation of the
servility of that city to bossism. Only the
day before it had worked itself into a very
frenzy of jubilation over the unveiling of a
magnificent bronze equestrian statue in
memory of the man whose every public
utterance and action is voiced in LINCOLN’S
memorable epigram : ‘‘This is a govern-
ment of the people, for the people and by
the people,”’ yet this action of the leaders
in that city proclaims that down there they
need a revised reversion to read : A gov-
ernment of a boss, for a boss and hy a boss.
* —Our friend MATT SAVAGE, editor of
the Clearfield Spirit, is nothing if not
original, but the little stroke of genius dis-
played in the last issue of his paper takes
the rags right off all the bushes in the field
of journalistic slickness in Clearfield coun-
ty. Under thecaption, ‘What the Penn-
sylvania Législature has Done for the Tax-
payers ‘of the State,” there is an entire
column on the editorial page of the Spirit
that does not have so much as a line of
reading matter in it. Thespace is entirely
blank and of course fits the case to perfec-
tion, for it means nothing and that is just
what the Pennsylvania Legislature has
done. That isn’t exactly what brother
SAVAGE was after, however. He was kill-
ing two birds with one stone, we’ll bet.
He was ‘‘behind’’ with his paper when
press time came and the happy thought of
the blank column under such a head made
up for the column of matter they were
behind. We all get caught that way, but
the trouble is that most of us are not
smooth enough to find these slick ways
out of it and have to resort to the boiler-
of emmralic
VOL. 42
MAY 21. 1897.
NO. 20
Free Silver as a Present Issue.
In a recent editorial the Philadelphia
Press announced the fact that the Demo-
crats are ‘‘still for free silver.” This an-
nouncement is made in a tone indicating
yi, as if it were astonishing that the
emocracy should adhere to Democratic
The utterances of Democratic newspa-
pers force the Press to the conclusion that
in the approaching state elections ‘‘there
will be a strict adhesion to the free silver
plank on which Mr. BRYAN ran for Presi-
This should not give occasion for sur-
prise. There were some foolish people who
came to the conclusion, after the last presi-
dential election, that the free silver cause
was annihilated by that result, and that
nothing more would be heard of it as a po-
litical issue. But they only displayed
their folly in believing that a movement
like that of last year, in support of a mon-
etary principle based on a requirement of
the constitution and eminently Democratic
in its Character, in which six and a half
million of voters took part, was merely a
political flurry that had no permanent sig-
Nothing could exceed the foolishness of
such a belief, and those who are surprised
that free silver continues to push itself to
the front as a leading issue of public policy,
prove their political imbecility by such
surprise. The free coinage of gold and sil-
ver, at the ratio which the relative value of
the two metals had maintained for centur-
ies, is not a new Democratic doctrine. It
is not an innovation upon the policy of
those Democratic leaders who were instru-
mental in framing the constitution of the
Republic. When the Democratic party,
under the leadership of WILLIAM J. BRY-
AN, demanded that the free coinage of the
two metals should be restored, they merely
asked for the restoration of a monetary
policy which the founders of our govern-
ment had authorized, and which had en-
dured for three quarters of a century, until
a comparatively recent period, when it was
surreptitiously substituted by the contract-
ing policy of gold monometallism to serve
the greedy interest of the money dealers.
It should not be surprising to any but
political simpletons that so old and sound
a Democratic doctrine as that which ac-
cords the equal right of coinage to the two
monetary metals, should continue to be a
leading insistence of the Democratic party.
It may, however, be a question of policy
among Democratic leaders whether free sil-
ver, or, in other words, equitable coin-
age, should be made an issue in this
year’s elections, it being the opinion of
some that the contest should be conducted
on state issues. But in regard to this mat-
ter there can hardly be a mistake in believ-
ing that policy would go hand in hand
with principle in putting free silver coin-
age prominently forward in the platforms
of this year’s Democratic state campaigns.
The Press affects to be surprised
that there is an appearance of such
an intention on the part of the
Democrats, but it will have no reason for
surprise if such a campaign issue, put for-
ward this year, will greatly contribute to
the defeat that is in store for the Republi-
Wanamaker’s Lamentation.
Good JOHN WANAMAKER is notin a
happy frame of mind concerning the pres-
ent condition of the Republican party.
He is distressed by prosperity’s backward-
ness in coming forward in response to the
invitation of its ‘advance agent,’’ and his
pious soul is grieved by the wickedness of
the corrupt bosses who are running the Re-
publican machine, of whom boss QUAY is
the most frightful example in holy Jonn’s
The troubled feelings of this Republican
saint found expression in an address he
made last week to the business men’s
league of Philadelphia, an organization
which strongly sympathizes with WANA-
MAKER'S despondent view of the Republi-
can situation. He spoke to them of the
obstacles with which bad men like MAT
QUAY and his henchmen were obstructing
the reforms in the State government which
are the earnest desire of good men like
himself and the members of the business
men’s league, and he used language that
might be construed as meaning that QUAY
and his gang were no better-than ‘savage
Turks.” .
He, moreover, deplored the fact that ‘ ‘the
country is not prosperous,’ feelingly
portraying the disappointment that has
followed the last presidential election
which ‘‘was fixed as the date of the begin-
ning of good times,’’ but instead of pros-
perity there is a condition of things that
will “turn the people to any leaderships
that offer promise of better times, believ-
ing that worse times can never come than
those now existing.”’
It is thus that holy JOHN bewails the
situation.: But when the cause of his lam-
found to arise from the fact that QUAY is
allowed to run the party machine in the
plate relief.
State instead of WANAMAKER.
entation is subjected to inspection it is’
No man did more than the Philadelphia
political merchant: to-elect the Republican
President and bring about the Republican
policy that has been such a disappointment
to those who were led to expect that it
would give the country better times. In
view of this fact, what is the pious fraud
making all this fuss about? In what way
is MAT QUAY and his gang more responsi-
ble than WANAMAKER and the business
men’s league for there ‘‘not being any no-
ticeable improvement of the wretched
times.” Business continues to be de-
“pressed, and it will become still more de-
pressed, in consequence of the monopoly
tariff measures of this administration, and
surely there was no stronger advocate of
such a line of policy than.was JOHN WAN-
And when the dry goods politician snif-
fles his lamentation about ‘‘the political re-
ligion of the country falling lower and
lower” under the corrupting influence of
bosses like QUAY, is there not downright
hyvocrisy in such complaints, when made
by a man who at one election was the chief
agent in contributing nearly half a million
dollars to the Republican corruption fund,
and who has done more to bring politics
under the debasing influence of money
than any other man in this State ?
Of the two, QUAY is the less reprehensi-
ble corruptionist, as he does not attempt to
hide his faults under the cloak of religion.
Renewed Interest in Cuban Affairs.
Interest in the Cuban situation has been
revived by the report of sufferings endured
by American residents on the island,
caused by the tyrannical and cruel prac-
tices of the Spanish military authorities.
The island is being converted into a desert,
involving great injury to Americans, and
destruction of property owned by those
over whom it is the duty of this govern-
ment to extend its protection. *
The recent increase of this suffering
which now demands American sympathy
and relief, is caused by the military ev-
lutions which force the residents of the
country districts to abandon their planta-
tions and concentrate in the towns. The
object is to destroy agriculture and in that
way deprive the rebellion of the means of
subsistence ; but while the rebels are to be
subjected to this process of starvation,
thousands of non-combatants, driven to
the towns, must also starve, and among
these are a number of American resident-
who were cultivating Cuban plantations,
and are thus not only deprived of suste-
nance, but have the double misfortune of
seeing their property destroyed.
This is the latest stage of the Cuban hor-
ror, which, brought to the attention of our
government and people, has revived Amer-
ican interest .in the distressful affairs of
that unfortunate island. It is no longer a
question of whether it would be proper to
recognize the belligerency of the insurrec-
tionists, but this government has imposed
upon it the question whether it will allow
a number of American citizens in Cuba to
starve, in addition to the endurance of
other outrages practiced upon them by the
Spanish authority. : 0
It was for such a reason as this that Pres-
ident MCKINLEY sent a message to Con-
gress, on Monday, asking for an appropri-
ation of money for the relief of the suffer-
ing Americans in Cuba. The amount of
$50,000 for this purpose was promptly
voted by the Senate. The House was
equally disposed to render assistance,
but the appropriation was detained by the
tobjection of Mr. BAILEY, of Texas, who
desired to couple with it the recognition of
Cuban independence.
The suffering Americans should be help-
ed, but it will be but a half-way measure
unless action is taken by our government
to stop the war. This will have to be done
ultimately, and why should it be delayed
and thus expose the hapless island to
more unnecessary blood-shed, and to
misery that could be prevented ?
——The condition of the merchant
marine of the United States has long been
known to be in a most dilapidated condi-
tion, but no one knew that there is really
nothing of it at all until th- navy depart-
ment started to find an American hoat to
carry America’s gift of grain to starving
India. One could not be found and a
foreign vessel will have to be chartered and
granted special permission to fly the Amer-
maritime commerce that used to he one of
this country’s greatest resources is indeed
a pretty commentary on the usefulness of
tariff laws, .
——Philadelphia went into ecstacies of
delight while the United States cavalry
troops were encamped jn Fairmount park,
but now that the troopers have gone and it
has been announced that it will be neces-
sary to plow up and reseed the site of their
camp they are becoming wild with rage
down there because those omnipresent
signs: ‘Keep off the Grass,” went un-
——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
ican flag. Such a déplorable condition of
‘A Scheme for Contraction.
From a recent declaration of chairman
DINGLEY, published in a newspaper inter-
view, it would appear that the object of his
tariff bill is not only to benefit certain fa-
vored interests by excessive tariff taxation,
which will oppress consumers for the ad-
vantage of monopolies, but also to produce
a contraction of the currency by which the
money dealers may have their interests pro-
His purpose is to produce a great treas-
ury surplus which is to be effected by the
revenue features of his bill in conjunction
with the internal revenue to be derived
from the tax on beer, coffee, tea, sugar and
other commodities which are now but
lightly taxed, or not taxed at all. By this
means it is intended to produce a surplus
of a hundred millions a year to be added to
the existing surplus, $228,000,000. This
will enable-a large amount of greenbacks
to be redeemed and withheld from_circula-
lation, causing a contraction of the curren-
cy which will largely increase the advan-
tage of the money loaning fraternity.
This scheme of impounding the green-
backs, thereby reducing the volume of cur-
rency needed for business, is not only
exciting the opposition of the Democrats
who supported BRYAN, but is arousing the
disapprobation of Republicans who are op-
posed to making money scarcer by holding
a large surplus idle in the treasury. There
are Republicans who are willing that the
taxing power should be used for what they
erroneously consider the protection of in-
dustry, but they are not willing to follow
DINGLEY in laying excessive taxes to raise
a large fund that may be kept out of circu-
lation and thereby contract the currency.
This would be done ‘in violation of the
currency law which requires that when
greenbacks are redeemed they shall be
again reissued and circulated. Even Sen-
ator GRAY, of Delaware, a Democrat
whose opposition to free silver was so strong
that he could not support BRYAN, is get-
ting his eyes open to the contraction fea-
ture of DINGLEY’S scheme. In speaking
of it he says; “A bill which proposes on
one hand to take millions by way of tax-
ation out of the pockets of the people to be
paid as bounties to favored classes, and on
the other to take additional millions be-
yond the requirements of governmental
expenditure, to lay idle in the treasury,
and thereby produce a contraction of the
currency, would seem to lack any feature
that could commend it to popular favor.”
It is to be hoped that every Democrat
who allowed the ‘‘dishonest-money’’ and
*‘50-cent dollar’’ humbug to frighten him
into the support of Republican gold mon-
ometallism, may, like Senator GRAY, get
his eyes to the scheme of contraction im-
that is embodied in DINGLEY’S design to
pound the greenbacks.
Republican Logic and Good Times.
Brother WANAMAKER'’S attack upon the
Republican administration for the non-ap-
pearance of the prosperity that was promis-
ed, is exciting much feeling and resentment’
in Republican circles. Some of the organs
declare that it is unreasonable to expect
that prosperity should come right aleng
with the advance agent. but that he should
be given some time to put in shape the
measures that are to make everybody pros-
perous and happy.
But WANAMAKER’S complaint is not
illogical. The people had a right to ex-
pect that prosperity would come right
along with MCKINLEY. They had reason
to believe from what they were told that it
wouldn’t be a step behind the advance
agent. They were promised that the two
would travel together, and all the declara-
tions and representations of Republican
leaders an gans encouraged that, expec-
When CLEVELAND was elected the sec-
ond time didn’t they say that the prostration
of business and hard times were the imme-
diate, effect of his election? There had
been no change in the laws and the tariff
was the same, but they declared that pros-
périty collapsed as the instantaneous se-
quence of the election of a Democratic
President. They should not now try to
dodge the effect of their own logic. If
business prostration came as the immediate
result of CLEVELAND'S election, why
should it be unreasonable to expect busi-
ness to revive and prosperity to set in at
the very start of MCKINLEY’S administra-
‘tion, as the direct consequence of the res-
toration of Republican rule ?
It was natural for the people to draw
such an inference from the declarations and
claims of the Republican spellbinders, and
it won’t do now for the latter to say that
the people should have patience and give
MCKINLEY time to bring along the pros-
perity he promised. If the mere loss of a
President by the Republicans, in 1892,
brought an immediate collapse, shouldn’t
their gain of one, in 1896, have brought an
immediate revival.
——Mr. McKINLEY knows what it is to
break up, but he won’t have a corner on
the sensation after his administration’ is
finished. ‘There are too many others who
are doing it daily.
It Ism’t the Investigation it is the
Junket the Legislators are After.
From the DuBois Express.
The miners who hope for a better condi-
tion of affairs through legislative action at
Harrisburg are hoping against hope. The
legislative committee which is traveling
around taking evidence at a big cost to the
State is entirely unnecessary and a good deal
of afarce. If the Legislature had needed en-
lightenment on the condition of affairs in the
coal regions it could have got it direct from
Members who know the situation in their
respective districts. If Representatives Har-
ris and Alexander and Senator McQuown
are not familiar with the condition exist-
ing in the Clearfield mining region; Messrs.
Mitchell and Smith, in Jefferson county;
and Messis. Hyde and Dixon, in Elk, and
other Members in their own districts, who
is? They met hoth miners and operators
during the campaign. They live amongst
them. They have opportunities to talk
with them frequently. What information
can a legislative committee, which is look-
ing into the question for a week or two,
give men who have been thoroughly con-
versant with the condition of affairs for
years ?
Laws have been enacted to remedy
nearly every evil at present complained of,
but they amount to very little and there is
no assurance that any new laws would be
more effective.
Let the Blame Rest Where It Belongs.
From the Northumberland Democrat.
Suppose William Jennings Bryan had
been elected President of the United States;
suppose that the trade conditions following
his election had L#.n exactly as they are
reported from day to day by-Dun and
Bradstreet ; suppose the same bank failures
had occurred in Chicago, St. Paul and else-
where ; suppose wages had been reduced
on the same number of railroad systems ;
suppose the cut in wages had occurred in
Lynn and other manufacturing centres;
suppose everything had happened exactly
as it bas since McKinley's election, would
not these unhappy events be attributed to
Bryan's election? Would not a grand
howl and stentorious “We told you s80’’ be
going up all over the country? Would
not the country be convinced that it had
made a mistake in choosing the Democratic
candidate ?
Blaine Was Really a Free Trader.
Frem the York Gazette. .
What would James G. Blaine say of the
senate tariff if he were alive ? It is pretty
safe to predict that this magnetic states-
man would have the whole Republican
party up in arms against the nondescript
bill reported in the Senate, if he were alive
to-day. Blaine appreciated th portance
of extending trade from this country to all
parts of the world and he was always op-
posed to tariff measures which tended to
destroy or curtail the trade we have.
Both Dingley and Allison would be polit-
ical and economical outcasts if Blaine were
alive to make one speech against their bill.
Yes, Isn’t It Wonderful.
From the Easton Sentinel.
The promised prosperity boom struck
the town of Lodi, Ill., with so much force
| that one-half the place is in the hands of
receivers, and the other half is paralyzed.
Nine business firms assigned last week in
the place, as a result of the failure of John
Sheldon’s bank. Sheldon fled to Chicago
and is supposed to have committed suicide
by jumping into the lake. Isn’t it simply
wonderful how the gold wave is sweeping
over the country ! \
Give Us an Income Tax.
From the Altoona Times.
Congressman Cochran, of Missouri, has
presented in the house of representatives
an amendment to the national constitu-
tion, allowing the imposition of an income
tax. This measure ought to he pushed and
passed through all the stages requisite to
its becoming a part of the organic law of
the nation, for there can be no fairer tax-
ation than that imposed on incomes.
McKinley’s Message on Cuba.
The President Asks Congress to Make Provision at
Once to Relieve American Citizens in the Ruined
Island.—An Appropriation of $50,000 Wanted.
WASHINGTON, May 17.—The President
to-day sent the following message to Con-
gress : :
‘“To the Senate and the House of Repre-
sentatives of the United States : :
‘Official information from our Consuls
in Cuba establishes the fact that a large
number of American citizens in the island
are in a state of destitution, suffering for
want of food and medicines. This applies
particularly to the rural districts of the
central and eastern parts.
“The agricultural classes have been
forced from their farms into the nearest
towns, where they are without work or
money. : Th /
- “The local authorities of the several
‘towns, however kindly disposed, are una-
ble to relieve the needs of their own people
‘and are altogether powerless to help our
‘The latest report of Consul Lee esti-
mates six to eight hundred Americans are
without means of support. I have assured
him that provision would be made at once
to relieve them. To that end I recommend
that Congress make an appropriation of not
less than fifty thousand dollars to be imme-
diately available for use under the direc-
tion of the Secretary of State.
- “It is desirable that a part of the sum
which may be appropriated by Congress
should, in the discretion of the Secretary of
State, also be used for the transportation of
American citizens who desiring to return
to the United States are withont means to
de so,”
Executive Mansion, May 17th, 1897.
——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The national Slavoni¢ society convened
at Wilkesbarre Monday.
—A blast at Cameron colliery, near ‘Sha-
mokin, killed Charles Barrent.
—A telephone factory be erected Hy
Pittsburg at a cost of $75,000.
~Owing to sharp competition the Reading
iron company will refluce wages on June 1.
—The Scranton heating company has the
_| contract to heat the Scranton federal build-
—A delegation of Philadelphians visited
Reading and inspected that city’s sewer sys-
—A wreck at Avon, on the Lebanon Val-
ley railroad, demolished 13 freight cars Mon-
—Top coal fell at the Black diamond col-
liery, near Shamokin, and fatally hurt Frank
Shock. %
—While picking coke at East Lebanon, 11
year-old George Baylor fell under an ash
car and was killed.
—David Morgan, aged 10, of Plymouth,
fell into the Susquehanna river at Plymouth,
and was drowned. :
—York’s contested election cases for the
mayorality and city treasurership will be re-
sumed to-day.
—Ex:chief of police George Rudloff was
shot in the head by an air gun he was clean-
ing at Mahanoy City.
—Burglars got $996 and some diamonds
from the Globe warehouse safe, at Allentown
late Saturday night.
—Ex-district attorney Lewis Potter, of
Perry county, has heen paralyzed at New
Bloomfield, and may die.
—President Thomson, of the Pennsylvania
railroad, inspected the round houses, shops
and yards at Harrisburg Monday.
—Well-known J. J. Smith, chief of the
Easton fire department, has been stricken
with paralysis, and his recovery is not ex-
—The great council of Red Men of Penn-
sylvania opened at Mauch Chunk Tuesday
and was preceded by an elaborate reception
Wednesday evening.
—John Field, ex-postmaster of Philadel-
phi-, delivered an address in the Methodist
church, Pottsville, at the seventh anniver-
sary of the local Young Men’s Chmstian
—The Rus of Frank Reed at Clear-
field, was Warglagized about 1 o’clock on Sun-
morning and some time later the house of
John I. Irvin on Second street was entered.
At the latter place the thief was heard and
captured. Mr. Irvin and son cornered the
intruder with a revolver and held him until
Sheriff Smith arrived and took him to jail.
He was a colored man and gave the name of
Wilson, of Mt. Pleasant. ~
—The Vallamont company has tendered a
lot of ground at Williamsport, which is to be
operated on the Pingree plan for the benefit
of the poor. About thirty-five or more ap-
plications have been made. Altogether a
space, 1,200 feet by 150 feet has been placed
under cultivation, over fifty bushels of po-
tatoes having been planted. It is now deem-
ed that the potato patch will prove a success
since only such persons have applied who are
known to be industrious in their habits.
—A bad accident occurred on the B. (.
road about a mile above Clearfield Junction
Saturday morning. The unlucky engine,
which has already killed two men, was going
up the mountain and ran off the track near a
switch, striking two engines, which were
standing there. Engineer George Duke
jumped from his cab, and swears he will
never again turn anotirer wheel on that en-
gine. The engineer of cne of the other en-
gines was badly injured, and the morning
passenger train was detained five hours.
—The first Lutheran church of Altoona,
one of the finest structures of the kind .in the
State, will be dedicated on next Sunday. On’
Saturday evening some of the former pastors
of the church will deliver addresses, among
the number being Rev. M. J. Fiery. of Potts-
ville. The services, on Sunday, will be in
charge of Rev. H. H. Weber, of York, and
in the evening Rev. Dr. Orb, of Wilkensburg,
will preach the dedicatory sermon. It will
be a big day for the Lutherans of Altoona, it
being the mother church of that denomina-
tion in that city.
—On account of the mad dog scare last
week the borough council of Everett caused
the following notice to be posted up: “‘All
owners of dogs will after the date of this no-
tice, for the period of ninety days be requir-
ed to muzzle their dogs. All dogs found
without muzzles will be impounded and if
not reclaimed within forty-eight hours will
be killed. Persons outside of the borough
limits, who come to town accompanied by
their dogs will be subject to the same restric-
tion.” The aboveinotice was posted on Mon-
day and already a large number of dogs have
made their exit from the streets.
—A sad drowning aeeident occurred lost
Friday shortly after the noon hour near the
home of Filmore Piper, along the Juniata
river, about two miles east of Petersburg.
Two of his sons were engaged dragging the
brush and trimmings from an orchard to the
river, by means of a horse and chain, the one
lad, Lloyd. aged about 11 years, riding on
the horse. While turning in the stream to
| come ashore after dropping a load, the horse
stumbled, but regained his feet, and instead
of coming to the shore started to cross the
stream. When near the opposite shore the
horse again stumbled throwing its rider into
deep water, from which the lad was unable
to extricate himself, and he was carried down
the current.
—Wahile. walking the sidewalk on Main
street in Galeton last Friday, a man named
Anson fell over the railing and broke his
neck upon the stones thirty feet below. Mr.
Anson had been employed in the woods near
Galeton, and, it is said, had been visiting
some of the ‘‘pig’s ear’s,”” which had unfitted
him for walking along the elevated walks,
for which Galeton, is celebrated. The main
street of that borough is hung loosely upon
the side of the mountain, and at the places
where the railing is low or broken down it
needs a steady foot and a level head to navi-
gate safely. But a few months ago a horse
and driver went over the bank on the same
street where Anson lost his life. . rE