pero r—m—_——————— NEA ——— A ————————— Bellefonte, Pa., May 14, 1897. CoRRESPONDENTS.—No communications pub- lished unless gecompanied by the real name of [ ‘ the writer. _ THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY ——Quite a number of Lewistown wheel- men rode to this place on Sunday. ——A rather severe wind storm shook this part of the county up a little on Sun- day evening. Barber Billy Flack has a handsome new sign pointing the way into his rooms on the Diamond. ——The story that two children perished in a burning house, in Stone Valley, last week, is untrue. The Howard Hornet out-fit has been shipped to Eagles Mere, where it will be used in publishing a paper at that summer resort. ——Miss Kate Hockman and Gardner Grove, both of Farmer’s Mills, this county, were married at Mt. Carrol, Ill.,, on April 1st. —Only one marriage license has heen issued during the past week. It was to H. M. Krebs and Ada Sausserman, both of Pine Grove Mills. ——The ladies aid society of the United Brethren church will hold a festival in the McClain building, on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. ——Wheelman Geo. T. Bush, of this place, has been asked to referee the bicycle- races that the Arrow cycle club, of DuBois, will have on July 5th and 6th. ——CharlessFoster doubtless thinks he’s about the only fellow. in the new borough of State College, since the arrival of that ten pound boy, on Tuesday morning. ——W. H. Denlinger, of that place, owns the first bicycle that was turned out by the Welivar manufacturing company, of Phil- ipsburg. It is called the ‘‘Welivar Spec- ial.” Architects Robert Cole & Co., of this place, are working on a design for a new building which Progress grange ex- pects to erect, at Centre Hall, some time in the future. ——The Coleville band boys are chanc- ing off a handsome lamp. The chances are only a penny a piece, and for that small sum you stand to win a lamp that will ornament your room. ——The grocery firm of Schreyer and Sheffer, of Allegheny street, was dissolved, on Wednesday, Harry Schreyer retiring. Hereafter the business will be conducted by Samuel B. Sheffer and son Herbert. ——Former associate judge Chester Mun- son, qf Philipsburg, has gone to Blooms- burg to have a growth, that was thought 40 be of a cancerods nature, cut from his dip. A-specialist there gives hope of a per- fect cure. ——Lyon and Co. have a new advertise- ment in this issue that offers you an oppor- tunity to see something. Don’t complain about there being no ufarket for everything until you have read their advertisement and seen want they want to buy. Frank Crosthwaite, of South Thomas ‘street, was out walking around, on Mon- day morning. He looked as if the inflam- matory rheumatism, with which he has suffered a long time, had given him a pretty hard tussle, but Frank is happy be- cause there is even enough of him left to get about. ——‘‘Brack’’ Powell, the notorious col- ored character who has made Bellefonte un- easy for years, has heen released from jail upon condition that he leave town for a period of five years. He signed a paper to such effeet that if he returns before that time the commissioners can incarcerate him for almost any term they see fit. ——By a vote of eight to three Lock Hav- en council has decided to pave Main street, in that place, with vitrified brick. The street will be paved from Jay to Mill and $6,000 have been appropriated for the pur- pose. Lock Haven lays nineteen mills for general purposes and one mill for her sink- ing fund. | ——Former state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Chas. E. Hurlburt, of Philadelphia, has gone to Africa in the interest of some missionary work he is carrying on on the dark continent. Mr. Hurlburt will be re- membered as a resident of Bellefonte, two years ago, and his many warm friends here will wish him God's protection and guid- ance in his noble work. ——Dr. Chas. Wood, of Philadelphia, a son-in-law of Mrs. Wister Morris, and a minister who has filled the Presbyterian pulpit in this place on several occasions, is going to build himself a tabernacle similar to the one Bellefonte people presented to evangelists Weaver, Weeden and Wharton last year. He will spend his entire sum- mer vacation in evangelistic work and thinks he can do more for the Master in that than in any other way. ——Josh Foulk says: ‘“Whenever you see a dog running along the street with its head down, tail sticking straight out and apparently not conscious of what it is do- ing, then you had better take to a tree, or some other place of safety, for it is a sure sign it has hydrophobia.” Josh’s symp- toms of hydrophobia would be rather hard on straight tailed dogs that might be tired enough to leave their heads drop or that might be running their master’s track through the streets. In such events they would be running along with their head down and as they couldn’t have their tails out before they would have to have them out’ behind. : A GREAT NEW INDUSTRY FOR BELLE- FONTE.— The WATCHMAN has an an- nouncement to make, this morning, that will doubtless flash across the industrial horizon of this community like a flash of lightning from a clear sky. Within two weeks there will be the be- ginning of what might eventually develop into a gigantic enterprise in this place and 80 quietly has the whole thing been work- ed up that a very few people know of it at all. It is quite in keeping with the policy of the gentlemen who are pushing it not to make parade of their business ventures, but when it is announced that the Morrisses are back of it this story of the new enter- prise for Bellefonte will be read with far more interest and conviction that it will be carried out. So far as present calculations can go two weeks will hardly have elapsed before work will be begun on buildings for the manu- facture of acetylene gas in this place. The plant will be located at the Armor’s gap operations of Mr. A. G. Morris and all the buildings will be made of brick or stone. Though it has not been definitely settled just how large the plant will be made, if we give you an idea of it you will be able to draw your own conclusions. Acetylene gas is of comparatively recent discovery and is made from the chemical action of water upon bicarbonate of lime. The bicarbon is produced through the fusion of bituminous coal, lime, and sev- eral other ingredients by means of an elec- trical current. It is the principal agent in generating the gas and is suspended in a basket in a small galvanized iron tank. To generate gas by this process three tanks are used. One filled with water ; one holding the basket containing the bicarbon and the other being the receiver for the gas. The water from No. 1 runs into No. 2, where it comes in contact with the bicarbon and gas is at once generated. It is returned through No. 1 to No. 3, which is merely a receiver and when 1} lbs. pressure has been pro- duced an automatic shut-off stops further generation until the pressure is reduced. The acetylene gas is a perfect, white light, without a flicker or smoke. The ‘most crucial tests have proven it to be far more powerful in penetration and illumin- ating than either electricity or coal gas. The trouble has been, heretofore, to fuse the carbide at a cost low enough to make the gas of commercial value. Mr. Bucher, a well known chemist, of Atlanta, Ga., has overcome that difficulty and it is estimated that the new light can be made at a cost of one-tenth that of ordinary coal gas. So much for the process of making it; now for its use. It can he used for all kinds of illuminating, heating and motive purposes and as an illuminant it has no superior, as recent tests made in Philadel- phia disclosed. It ought to be of great commercial value, since with it gas can be had in any country home, park, or other place, no matter how far removed from a town. And it can be consumed through the ordinary gas fixtures now in buildings, by merely adding the three tanks mention- ed above. It is thirty times less dangerous from an asphyxial stand-point than gas and is a far more intense illuminant, besides costing only one-tenth as much. The-car- bide will be placed on the market in solid form and people owning buildings equipped with the ordinary fixtures would need to add the tanks, only, then buy the carbide in lumps and generate gas for themselves. From this it will be seen that the acety- lene ought to be of great commercial value. Owing to the supposed expensiveness of fus- ing the carbide capitalists have been slow to take it up and there is only one plant in the country to-day. It is located at Ni- agara Falls and is the company that ex- Secretary of the Navy William A. Whit- ney, of New York, is at the head of. Mr. Charles Morris, of Tyrone, is at the head of the new company. His father, Mr. A. G. Morris, and brother, Mr. Thomas Morris, of this place, will be associated with him. Their company is capitalized at $100,000.00 and work will be begun at once. The equipment of the plant will in- clude a 250 H. P. electrical dynamo, a 250 H. P. engine, other apparatus and a com- plete machine shop for the manufacture of the tanks. Everything will be made here, so you will have an idea of what immense proportions it might some day assume. * The fact that such keen, substantial busi- ness men are back of it makes us sanguine of the success of the business. The WATCHMAN gives this as exclusive information and if present business condi- tions are to be relied upon there seems to be every assurance that work will be begun within two weeks. : Gp A NEw INSURANCE MAN IN TowN.— ‘With the assurance that he isn’t afraid to be called a real down-east Yankee Mr. J. E. Lawrence is introducing himself and his business to the people of Centre county. He has come, with his family, to reside in Bellefonte and the fact that he liked WiLL OUR WHEELMEN COMPETE, Bellefonte has some fast wheelmen who ought to be in training for the meet that will be held in Altoona, on May 29th. Our riders have had considerable success on the path and especially at Altoona. * The races there are going to be interesting and Bellefonte should certainly be prepared to carry off a few of the prizes. A BELLEFONTE GIRL MARRIED IN OHIO. —The announcement that Miss Rose Me- Kibbin, a step-daughter of Ira C. Mitchell, Esq., of this place, had been married at Lima, Ohio, on the 5th, was verv much of a surprise to that young woman’s friends. From one of the Lima papers we take the following account of the ceremony. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. C. W. McKibbin, in this city, on Wednesday evening, May 5th, in which the contracting parties were Miss A. Rosa- mond McKibben, of Bellefonte, Pa., and Mr. P. Ainsworth Kale, on& of “Lima's most promising and well to do young law- yers. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s brother. Promptly at eight p. m. the bridal party took their places for for the ceremony, to the beautiful music of the wedding march, as played by Miss Ma- mie Peale. The bride looked very beauti- ful in a costume of a delicate blue organdy, and carried a handsome bouquet of bride roses. The groom was dressed in canven- tional black and looked manly and hand- some. Immediately following the ceremony a splendid supper was served in five courses, after. which the happy couple were driven to their future home, No. 206, S. Cole street, where they will remain until June, when they will make the bride’s parents happy by a tour East, Mr. Kale not being ‘able to leave his business at present. ee fi DR. WATERS TO BE MARRIED.—The following clipping, taken from the Colum- bia, Mo., Herald, of May 7th, will be of interest to the friends of D.. H. J. Waters in this county and all of them will unite in heartiest accord with the felicitation of that paper. The engagement of marriage of Dr. H. J. Waters and Miss Margaret Ward Watson is announced, the marriage to take place at Calvary Episcopal church, in Columbia, on Thursday evening, June 3rd, at 8 o'clock. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Watson, a charming. girl, with sweet disposition and gracious ways, a Social favorite and beautiful as the fairest picture. The groom is the dean of the Missouri Agri- cultural College, intelligent, handsome, popular, corteous, hardworking. We wish our young friends long and use- ful years. Dr. Waters will he remembered as pro- fessor of agriculture at The Pennsylvania State College prior to the fall of 1895, when he was offered and accepted the position he now holds. While connected with the College he was a very popular instructor and just as efficient. His circle of ac- quaintances in this county extends to all parts of it, since he was so much inter- ested in the work he was engaged in that he never declined to lecture at institutes or other gatherings, which were designed for the promotion of agriculture and kindred pursuits. DEATH OF MRs. ELiZA CURTIN.—On Sunday morning, after a long illness Mrs, Eliza Curtin, widow of the late Roland Curtin, one of the old tiie iron men, died at her home, on the corner of Allegheny and Howard streets, and was buried Tues- day afternoon in the Union cemetery. For years Mrs. Curtin had been in failing health and her death was not unexpected, as she had been confined to bed for two years and was gradually weakening. She was a daughter of John Irvin, of death, in 1843, was the second largest land owner in Penn’s valley -and one of the most prominent men in the county. Her oldest brother, Gen. James Irvin, repre- sented this district in Congress from 1840 to 1845, was the Whig nominee for Govern- or in 1847, and was one of the most gener- ous benefactors the State College has had. D. William Irvin, another brother was consul at Amoy, China, at the time of his death, in 1865. Of a large family of sisters and brothers she is the last with the excep- tion of Mrs. Sarah Potter, wife of the late Capt. W. Wilson Potter, of this place. She was born at the Irvin home, gf Linden Hall, on the 6th of Oct. 1814, antl is said to have heen a beautiful woman in her younger days. On the 17th of June, 1834, she was married to Roland Curtin, eldest son of the head of the Pennsylvania family of Curtins. At that time he was associated with his father in the iron works at Curtin and for more than fifty years he was active- ly engaged as manager of the Eagle iron works, now called Curtin’s. Her husband died, in 1875, and since then two sons, Will and Roland. Surviv- ing her are Col. Austin, superintendent of the orphans’ school, at Chester Springs ; Andrew T., of Philadelphia; Gen. J. I. and James C., of this place. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and Dr. Laurie conducted the ser- vices at the funeral which was held on Tues- day at three o’clock. 9 1 | ONE OF THE OLDEST SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE COUNTY IS DEAD.—Death has again visited the vicinity of Spring Mills and taken away an honored citizen, Mr. Fredrick F. Jamison. Mr. Jamison was born: November 28th, 1832, and at the day of his death he was 64 years, 5 months and 10 days old. The early part of his life was spent in.George’s valley, where he received his early school training. In 1855 he completed his edu- cation in the Aaronsburg academy, under the instruction of professor Ilgen Bur- rell who afterward became the 2nd superintendent of the schools of this county. In the fall of 1856 Mr. Jamison began his “career as a teacher. It was in the little old school house which stood near the present residence of Samuel Bruss, about one mile above Centre Hall. He taught there that winter and the following sum- mer and it was the beginning of his thirty- seven years of professional life. During all this time and up to a few years ago he taught every winter but at last was com- pelled to stop on account of ill health. Every school, save one, in Gregg township and some in Penn and Potter townships have been taught by him at some time or other. Many of our teachers were pupils of his. He was one of a family of ten children, eight sons and two daughters. Four of his brothers and one sister survive him. In politics he was a staunch supporter of the Democratic party and never failed to cast his vote when election day came. He was always honest and upright, never stooping to anything low or degrad- ing. He adhered to the Lutheran faith. His widow, four sons and a daughter sus- vive him. : The remains were buried in the Cross church cemetery on Tuesday. Many friends attended. oe ll l I A SAD DEATH.—On Wednesday. word was received that Mrs. Clara R. Swartzel had died, on Monday morning, May 10th, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Tisher, in Richmond, Ind. Mrs. Swartzel will be remembered as Miss Clara Fisher, Mrs. Aaron Williams’ only sister, and while visiting her sister here, about five years ago, she made many friends who will be sorry to hear of her death.: She was an mtelligent, gracious woman with a beauti- ful voice which she used generously for the church or charitable entertainments. She was born in Aaronsburg, this couniy, on Jan. 28th, 1851, and her death will be a great sorrow to Mrs. Williams, who went to Richmond, after Mr. Swartzel’s death, to be with her mother and sister. i] I . ——Mrs. Rosetta Grove, relict of the late Wm. Grove, died at her home, at Lemont, last Saturday morning, after a brief illness with heart disease. Deceased was 64 years old and a consistent member of the Evan- gelical church. Her remains were buried, at Shiloh, on Monday afternoon. Of a fam- ily of twelve children six sons and one daughter survive. yey ——Alfred Strunk, one of the, most pop- ular passenger conductors, on the Philadel- phia and Erie road, who died in Harrishurg last week, was born at Jacksonville, this county, April 16th, 1847. Attheage of 18he was married to Miss Mary Askey, who was well known in Jacksonville and Howard. oe 8 I li I ——G. M. L. McMillen, a brother of C. G. McMillen, formerly proprietor of the Brockerhoff house in this place, died very. suddenly at his home in Dayton, Ohio, Friday afternoon. Deceased was 75 years old. of Linden Hall, who at the time of his’ ——A four-year-old daughter of James Gregg, of this place, died at the home of its parents, on east Beaver street, on—Mon- day morning. Burial was made from the Episcopal church on - Wednesday after- noon. I I I ——Mrs. Mary T. Baird, widow of the late Preston Baird, died in Renovo, on Tuesday. Deceased was 60 years old and was born in Howard, this county. — ene PROMINENT AT THE A. P. A. CONVEN- TION.—A dispatch from Washington, D. C. announces that Clement Dale, Esq., of this place, and John W. Stuart, of State Col- lege, are among the prominent delegates from Pennsylvania to the annual meeting of the supreme council of the A. P. A. now in session in that city. — —_— eesti — Low RATES To PHILADELPHIA.—On ac- count of ceremonies attending the unveil- ing of the Washington monument, on Sat- urday, May 15th, the Central R. R. of Penna., is selling very low rate excursion tickets from all points on its line, good go- ing May 13th and 14th and for return pas- sage or on before Tuesday, May 18th. AN Ecc WITHIN AN EcG.—A few days ago, while Miss Annie Whitehall, of Le- mont, was breaking some eggs, preparatory to baking a cake, she made a discovery that has aroused no little curiosity up in College township. In one of the eggs she had broken a tiny white speck in the yolk or yellow arrested herattention. Upon examination it proved to be a perfect egg about the size of a sparrow’s egg and with a glossy white shell. It will be preserved. ooo DESECRATING THE CITY OF THE DEAD.—For some time past a number of children have been making a play ground of the Union cemetery. It is a common oc- currence to find a dozen or more there in the evening after school ‘hours running over the graves and lots and pulling flowers, and it is impossible for those owning lots to plant flowers or shrubbery without their being destroyed. These children have been entering through openings in the fence next High street and it is said they have torn the palings off for that purpose. We regret to say that not only children but older people are guilty of stealing flowers and plants from graves. Considerable com- plaint has been made and the cemetery as- sociation have taken the matter in hand.. The fence has been repaired and persons trespassing, hereafter, will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. Those who are guilty of these offenses are doubtless ignorant of the law on the subject and for their benefit we quote from the act of assembly, relating thereto, as fol- lows: ‘Any person who shall wilfully and maliciously injure, destroy or remove any fence, railing or other work for the protection or ornament of a cemetery or maliciously destroy any trees or shrubbery growing in such cemetery or graveyard shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction of either of the said offenses be- sentenced to undergo an imprisonmetit not | exceeding one year or to pay a fine not ex- ceeding $100, or both, or either, at the discretion of the court.” The names of some of the offenders have | been procured and a watch is being kept for others. The association is in earnest and means to put a stop to this outrage. We hope those who have been engaging in the practice will heed this warning for if they do not trouble for them will follow. News Purely Personal. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.. Marshall and their daughter, Mrs. Charles Cook, leave, Tuesday, for a month's stay in Michigan. They have relatives in Kansas, and it is possible they will visit in that State before returning home. { —General supervisor Wm. Gainsfort, of the C. R. R. of Pa. spent Sunday in Lock Haven with his evangelist friends, Messrs. Weaver, Weeden and Van Deventer. Mr. Gainsfort was very much gratified with the success they are meeting with down’ there. —Superintendent W. C. Patterson of the ex- perimental farms at The Pennsylvania State Col- lege went down to Jersey Shore, on Tuesday, to join the veterans of the 5th Penna. Vol. with whom he spent three years of life during the war. They held their reunion on Tuesday. —Mr. J. 8. Rowe, of Centre Hall, was in town yesterday afternoon attending to some business. He has lots of it too for besides the trade that ten year’s experience inthe music line has brought him he is doing outside business in thé sale of road making machinery, —Master Alfred Brisbin, who had been having a fine time sight-seeing in Philadelphia since the previous Thursday, returned to his home here, on Wednesday evening. His uncle Jack Spangler looked after him while down there and that means that “Johnny” enjoyed his trip. —AlL Neubauer, the genial young clerk at the Brockerhoff house, is back from a month's visit to his parentsin Erie and is once more politely looking after the comfort of guests of that hotel. Al has had quite a serious time getting well, but the trip to his old parental home seems to have fixed him up for he looks all right now. —Mr. H. T. McDowell, of Abdera, was in town on Wednesday and expressed it as his opinion that we ought to put up a rooster to erow over the defeat of the Hamilton road bill. Of course Mr. McDowell, being a farmer, is in a position to know far more about the conditions and needs of country road making than we do, but it does seem to us that some legislation is needed along this lite. —Hon. Wm. K. Alexander, of Millheim, with his hands just full of business’ for the building and Joan association they have down there, was in town, on Wednesday, looking after share holders in this place and giving them credit books. Millheim companies are always considered good things because people are =o honest down there that investors never have acare forthe safety of their shares. —Sam Taylor, manager for Wilkinson's china hall, and Morris Trone, who expects to be a law- yer some day, went over to New York, last even- ing, to take a look around the place and see how much it has swelled since becoming the second largest city in the world. Both young men are members of Co. B. and will return to Philadelphia, on Saturday, in time to march in the great parade that will eclebrate the unveiling of the Washing- ton monument in that city. ——As we announced in our last issue, the Imperial mandolin and guitar club, of Bellefonte, will give a concert in the Bush Arcade, Thursday evening, May 20th, at eight o’clock. Preparations for this event are now being perfected and the concert will undoubtedly be one of the finest things of the kind we have-had an opportunity of hearing for some time. The program will be an entirely new one. In addition to the marches, waltzes, mazourkas, Etc., which will be rendered on mandolin, flute, cor- net, guitar, banjo and batjuar, there will also be several vocal selections. Mr. Wm. B. Reeve, barytone, has been specially en- gaged for this concert, and Mr. Gerhart in the comic line. Mr. Young’s violin solo may be looked forward to as some- thing artistic and novel. The boys should have a good house. = Admission 35, 25 and 15cts. - Seats on sale at Parrish's drug store. LT A CHRISTIAN RALLY AT HECLA PARK. —The picnic season for 1897 will be opened at Hecla park, on Tuesday, May 25th, when there will be a great christian rally there under the spiritual guidance of evan- gelists Weaver, Weeden and Van Deventer. The gathering will be similar to the one held there last year. Many people from Lock Haven and Bellefonte will attend. « iil, ——Prof. Henry P. Van Liew, of New York city. will give his stereopticon enter- tainment, ‘Slums of New York by flash- light’ in the court house, next Monday evening, May 17th, under the auspi- ces of the Y. M. C. A. Admission free. A silver collection will be taken. Everybody cordially invited to attend. > ——Geo. W. Cable, whose stories of the South have made his name one that will ever be associated with New Orleans in a literary connection, lectured at State Col- lege, last Friday night, and a lot of Belle- fonte people who were under the impres- sion that the lecture would not be until this evening were greatly disappointed at missing it. : obo ——The members of the Imperial man- dolin and guitar club are hard at work practising for the concert they will give, in the Arcade, next Thursday evening, May 20th. The club will be assisted by Mr. Reeve, barytone, and W. P~*Young, violinist. odo ——Henry Van Liew, of New York, will give a stereopticon exhibition in the court house, next Monday evening, May 17th. His pictures are mostly illustrations of life in the ‘Slums’ of the great city. body is invited to attend, as the exhibition will be free. - oe ——The executive committee of the Clinton county veteran’s association will meet to-morrow afternoon, in Lock Haven, to decide when they will hold their annual reunion and picnic. The place has already been settled for Hecla park. — oe ——The Pennsylvania College ball team from Gettysburg will play at State College to-morrow afternoon and State's team has given its word to win. If such is the case it will be the first game State has won this season. : ae ——The Weaver, VanDeventer, Weeden tabernacle meetings are having great suc- cess in Lock Haven. They have intro- | duced several new features under the can- | vass, among them being stereopticon views of “‘the Slums’ in New York. f — ooo ——Thus far it looks very much as if Bellefonte is not to have a circus this season. Nothing has yet heen heard from one that wants to come here. Pe ——Wallace’s show will exhibit in Phil- ipsburg on June 11th. £4 oo — Wallace's circus is billed for Tyrone for June 20th. : Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co. The following "are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes Tess : ad Whtat ie . 5 ye, per bushel..... 30 Corn, shelled, per bus 30 Corn, ears, per bushel.. 127 Oats, per bushel, old..... 13 Oats, per bushel, new 18 30 Barley, pr bushel........ Ground Plaster, per ton... Buckwheat, per bushel.... Cioverseed, per bushel.. Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co. Potatoes per bushel................ceniiiiiesnsecinee Eg seassesseny ats 50 EES, PEL dOZCN creeecereerssirarisssrnssssssssarvasseee 10 Lard, per pound. ‘er Country Shoulde: 6 Sides.. 6 J Hams. 10 Tallow, per pound.. 3 Butter, per poindic.ccuirisccrcnscvssccrsmssrsrnenie 18 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Pa., at $1.50 per annum (if paid strictly in advance) $2.00, when not paid in advance; and $2.50 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less paid for in advance. | A liberal discount is made to persbns advertis- ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: SPACE OCCUPIED 3m | om | ly One inch (12 lines this type 85 88 (810 Two inches ee 7,10. 15 Three inches.........c.cuuneeee 10 | 15 ( 20 Sates Column (5 inches).. wl 12120] 30 alf Column (10 inches)... “| 20 | 35 350 One Colump (20 inches).........ceeerreen. | 35 | 55.| 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per cent. additional. . - Transient advs. por line, 3 insertions........... 20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line.... . Local notices, per line................. a Business notices PEL UHNO....ccciavvsirisnirens esses 10 cts. Job Printing of ever: kind done with neatness and dispatch. The Watchman office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor ~~ will sing one or two of his recent successes \