En . . clay taken from Frank Wallace's brick yard. If that boy had encouragement and a tutor he would make an artist. All his work is artistic. Hook and ladder company No. 1 have held their election of officers and the result is as follows : President, Lew L. Wallace ; vice “president, Frank Baldridge ; secretary, Wm. Shope ; financial secretary, Alvan Smith ; treasurer, Claud Fulton, foreman, James Noll ; 1st assistant foreman, Hamilton Reed ; 2nd assistant foreman, Samuel Swarm ; trustees, Frank Baird, John Johnson, and Joseph Charles. : The: Bellefonte High school ball team and the Academy team were to have played a match game on Saturday on the Central City ball ground. For some cause the High school did not put in an appearance, the Academy boys waited until after. three o’clock when rather than let them go home disappointed, without a game, a picked nine was taken from Milesburgand vicinity and the game then started off in good shape. All through, the game was water and mud and full of fun. The score stood 13 to 15 in favor of Milesburg. New Advertisements. OTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—Notice JF is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between H. H. eh and Samuel Sheffer, trading under the firm name of Schreyer and Sheffer, Grocers, has this day been dissolved, by mutual consent. H. H. Schreyer having retired from the firm Samuel Sheffer has ii interest and the business will be con- tinued under the firm name of -Samuel B. Sheffer " & Son to whom all accounts of the dissolved firm are due and payable. H. H. SCHREYER, SAMUEL SHEFFER. 42-19-3t Bellefonte, Pa., May 12th, 1897. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER.—Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Hon. John G. Love, president judge of the court of Common Pleas of Centre county, on Tuesday, the first day of June, A. D., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, for the charter of a corporation to be called the “Nittany Rod and Gun Club,” the character and ob- ject of which is the stocking of the streams on the ands leased by the said corporation, the protec- tion of game and’ for the purpose of hunting and fishing. 42-19-3t. JOHN M. DALE, Solicitor. OTICE OF APPEALS. — From the Annual Assessment for 1897. ~ Notice is hereby given to the tax-payers of Cen- tre county, that the county Commissioners will hear and determine appeals at the Commission- ers’ office, at Bellefonte, Pa., for the respective districts as follows : : Tuesday, May 25th—Miles, Haines and Penn townships and Millheim borough. Wednesday, May RB Greg and Potter town- ships and Centre Hall borough. wrsday, May 27th—Ferguson, Harris, College and Half-Moon townships and State College borough. Friday, May 28th—Snow Shoe, Burnside, and Union townships and Unionville borough. Saturday, May 29th— Curtin, Liberty, Rush and Howard townships and Howard borough. Monday, May 31st—Boggs, Marion and Walker townships and Milesbur rough. Tuesday, June 1st—Huston, Patton, Benner, Worth and Taylor townships. Wednesday, June snd—Dhilipsburg and South Philipsburg boroughs and Spring township. ? Thursday, June 3rd—Bellefonte borough. The time for hearing Appeals will be between the hours of nine (9) o'clock, a. m. and four (4) o'clock, p. m." The assessors of the several dis- tricts will be present with the board of commis: sioners on the day of said appeal for their respec- tive districts, as well as all persons’ who may feel themselves aggrieved. Assessors will bring all books and papers they-have to the appeal. M. F. RIDDLE, THOS. M. i DANIEL HECKMAN, County Commissioners. Attest : N. E. ROBB, Clerk. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. ICYCLES AT CUT RATES.—Regular list prices almost cut in two. Al $100 bicycles at 860 and $50 bicycles at $35. Single or double tube tires at $5 per set. Other cycle sundries at correspondingly low cut rates. Ex- amine stock and be convinced. JOHN 8. WALKER, McCalmont & Co's Warerooms, Bellefonte, Pa. 12 A CCIDENT —AND—- HEALTH INSURANCE. THE FIDELITY MUTUAL AID ASSO- CIATION WILL PAY YOU If disabled by an accident $30 to $100 per month If you lose two limbs, §208 to £5,000, If you lose your eye sight, $208 to $5,000, If you lose Ths smb, 883 $082.00, If you are i er month, If killed, will pay is heirs, $208 to £5,000, If you die from natural cause, $100, IF INSURED, You cannot lose all your income when you are sick or disabled by accident. : Absolute protection at a cost of 1.00 to $2.25 per month. . oo : The. Fidelity Mutual Aid association is pre- eminently the largest and strongest accident and health association in the United States. It has $6,000.00 cash deposits with the States of b California and Missouri, which, together, with an ample reserve fund and large assets, make its certificate an absolute guarantee of the solidity of protection to its members. For particulars address J. L. M. SHETTERLEY, Secretary and General Manager, San Francisco, Cal. 4 42-19-1-y. SSIGNEE’S SALE OF COAL LANDS. —Assigned estate of Robert Hare Powel & Co. and Robert Hare Powel, Sons & Co., ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,-1897, AT 12 M,, at the Exchange, N. E. cor. 3rd and Walnut Sts., iladelphia, Pa. . PR BOWEL TON TRACT”—Situate in Rush township, Centre Co., Pa., on the Tyrone & Clear- field R. R., adjoining lands of John Eberman, Jacob Stout, et. al., embracing about 1280 acres ; and” containing both A and B veins of semi- bituminous coal, both of which have been de- veloped and worked. The improvements are : 2 shipping tipples and tracks complete, about 30 miners’ houses, 2 stables, large store, &c. Alsoa large fire-brick works, comprising 2 kilns, drying floor and necessary machinery, pans, moulds, &ec. The entire property is underlaid with a vein of fire-clay. Both veins of coal are under leases at 8 cents per gross ton. The fire-clay is under a nominal lease, which can be terminated by the gurchaser on 3 months’ notice. The income from all the leases goes to the purchaser. “Powelton” is reached by the Penna. R. R. (Tyrone and Clear- field Branch.) ; : “STERLING, NO. 2"—Sijtuate in Woodward & Decatur townships, Clearfield Co., Pa., and adjoin- ing lands of Abraham Goss, now D. Blair & Co., Albert & Bro., Moshannon Coal Co, et. al., em- bracing about 320 acres, and containing B &D, veins of semi-bituminous coal, one of which has been developed and worked and the others has not yet been developed. The improvements are : a shipping tipple with track (no scales) ; several miners® houses, &c. The upper vein is leased at 5 cents per gross ton. The income from said lease goes to the purchaser. It is reached by the Penna. R. R., at Brisbin Station (Osceola and Houtzdale Branch.) CRISFIELD TRACT—Situate in Woodward township, Clearfield Co., Pa., adjoining lands of | Whitesides et. al., containing 162 acres 30 perches excepting 6 acres 146 perches. Subject to rail road rights, mining lease, and mortgage of $9000. For full descriptions, &c., see posters, which may be had on application to THE GUARANTEE TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO., Assignee, 316-320 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa., JOHN G. JOHNSON, Esq., Attorney at law offices, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Commissioners’ Office, Bellefonte, Pa., May JAMES A. FREEMAN & CO., ..uctioneers. 10th, 1897. 42-19-4t. 42-19-3t No. 422 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. § 0 WANTED—s0,000 Ibs. WOOL Oo = AT LYON & CO. lin me sis Prete ee oe} BELLEFONTE, PA. Oe, 0 : court of Centre county, in the matter of the estate of John Sweetwood, late of Potter town- ship, Centre county, Pa. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been: appointed an auditor, in the above estate, to pass upon the ex- ceptions filed, restate the account in accordance with his findings, and make distribution of the balance, to and among those legally entitled to receive the same and that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Belle- fonte, on Wednesday, the 26th day of May, A.D, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. 42-18-3t J. K. JOHNSTON, Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of- the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex- sed at public sale, at the court house, in the orough of Bellefonte, Pa., on SATURDAY MAY 29th, 1897. at 10:30 o'clock a. m. the following real estate : All that certain tract 4 lsd situate in Liberty and Howard townships, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by land claimed by Jacob Holter, on the east by public road, on the south by land of John B. Thompson, and on the west by land of same, containing about 40 acres. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, bank barn and other outbuildings. ALSO ._ All the right, title and interest of the defendant in a certain tract of land situated in Li erty and Howard townships, bounded and descrfbed as fol- lows: Commencing at a pine at public road, thence by land of Jacob Holter, south 43 degrees west, 184 perches to a post; thence by land of Jo- seph Gardner, north 4234 degrees west 145 perches to stones; thence by land of David B. DeLong, north 31 degrees east 27 perches to stones, thence by same 78 degrees east 39 perches to stones; thence by land of Henry Thompson, south 22 de- grees east 13 perches to a post ; south 87 degrees east 69 perches to post, and north 80 degrees east 94 perches to stones ; thence /by public road, south 50 degrees east 5 35-100 perches to the place of beginning, containing 93 acres and 621 perches, net. a Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob Holter. Terms :—No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. Sheriff's Office W. M. CRONISTER, Bellefonte, Pa.. May 6th, 1897. >= Sheriff ; AUDITOR'S NOTICE—In the Orphan’s. thence by same ! New Advertisemegnts. E PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT. Physicians have been for years interested in cy- cling and they pronounce it beneficial. There has only been one drawback and that has been the saddle. There has been but one perfect sad- dle on the market which they could recommend, that is the CHRISTY ANATOMICAL SADDLE. The base is made of metal that cannot warp or change its shape. It has cush- ions where cushions are required to re- ceive the pelvis bones and a space so that “there can be no possibility of pressure on the sensitive parts and positively prevents saddle injury. COLUMBIAS, CLEVELANDS, STERLINGS, STEARNS, SPALDINGS, and all other high grade bicycles will come fitted with the CHRISTY SAD- DLE if you ask for it. High grade makers have adopted and will furnish the CHRISTY without extra charge WHY ? Simply because upon careful exam- ination they have come to the conclu- sion that it was necessary to offer to their buyers a Saddle that would not prove injurions—and hurt cycling— and their decision was without hesita- tioninfavdrefthe . . ©. 1 , CHRISTY ...Anatomical... The only Anatomical Saddle built right..... SADDLE ONCE A CHRISTY RIDER 4 ALWAYS A CHRISTY ADVOCATE Booklet, “Bicycle Saddles from a Physician's Standpoint,” free. ! A. G. SPALDING AND BRO., NEW York, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON. 42-18-2m. Fauble’s me DRESS WELL ‘To have your clothing fit. GO TO To have your clothing well made. YOUR MONEY BACK AT A SMALL EXPENSE. To have your clothing look stylish. To buy your goods fully 25 per cent. less than others ask. FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. FOR THE ASKING. ° Frep E. RicHARrDs, President. THE UNION MUTUAL LIFE. © i ———————— © PORTLAND, MAINE. ORGANIZED 18,8. NEARLY FIFTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL PROGRESS AND o SQUARE DEALING WITH POLICY HOLDERS. CONDENSED ANNUAL STATEMENT DEC: 31, 1896. 4210 : : ———— . ECR Se ——————————————— ee tet ——— Insurance. Insurance. 0 o o o [o] 0 [o] o 0 0 0 o 0 0 © o, J. FraNK Lang, ° Secretary. ® Assets - - - - 039,323.43 Liabilities : . : an Surplus - or : - 507,348.19 ° Totdl Payments to Policy-Holders - $29,326,727.38 ° Total Insurance in Force - = 38,086,849.01 S c! OLD STRONG AND PROGRESST PE Our policies are all up ta date and have the endorsed cash values—paid up insur- > ance values and protected by the popular Maine non-forfeiture law. ol Below we give a list of rates according to different ages under popular term plan | ~~ —computed on a basis of $5,000 insurance. . S | Age 2 30.11 Age 2 $74.95 These premiums are reducable each © « op 63.30 « a7 i year by annual dividend which may be = “O98 64.50 “38 81.95 used towards reducing the cost. “29 6575 “ 39 84.95 FT . wl EE Roun J. E. LAWRENCE, se 81 084 “1 113 “89 69.90 “O50 152.25 Dillon sess 1 Manager. . “ 33 wm) “ 55 21g tice over Centre Co., Bank, $30 v3.10 60 303.50 BELLEFONTE, PA. 42-19-3m 00 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’ Re. Katz & Co. Limited, THE GLOBE. | i | DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. The WASH DRESS GOODs season has begun in earnest now, and we are making an unparalled exhibit in this Department. We have always made WASH FABRICS for dresses a feature in our store, and to-day we show a a larger, finer and more beautiful assortment than ever before. Lappett Mull, the new fabric this season in all colors of ground work, with raised figures, including the new shade of Geranium Red, 10, 15 & 20cts. PRINTED GRASS LINEN. Natural grounds, and printed in Red, Black and Blue, 1octs. ¥ ' AMERICAN DIMITIES in corded effects, 5, 10, and 15cts. FRENCH ORGANDIES printed in extremely delicate and tasty de-’ signs, 20 to 35 cents. AMERICAN ORGANDIES, 3, 10 and 15 cents. : CRASHES FOR SKIRTS, we have them plain and striped, 15, 20 and 25cts. Plain Organdies for Linings, all colors, g cents. WHITE DRESS GOODS FOR GRADUATING DRESSES. ORGANDIES, white, 15 .to 3scts. Swisses white, plain and dotted 12 to 40 cents. SILKS, white 35 to 75cts. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. We acknowledge no competizion. . We receive new styles and new shapes every day and are always ready to show the very newest things as soon as they appear in the Eastern cities. - OUR SWELL STYLES combined with Artistic Arrangements of trim- mings and last but not least our ex- treme lowness of price, have proved irresistible attractions to those who de- light in stylish headwear. 300 Sailors this week, 12cts. 40-15 KATZ & CO. Lud. Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors. summa Montgomery & Co. New Advertisements. JPEERLESS BARGAINS : mn J eee CLOTHING. ga You can depend upon what we say. Goods bought and sold on a small margin. ‘Money refunded if goods are in any way unsatisfactory. All the new shapes in Straw Hats. Bicycle suits in all colors, also in Crash. Summer underwear in Gauze and Gauze Wool. A handsome display of Children’s Clothing. Washable neckwear. Cool Things for Hot Weather. GRAND ARMY SUITS. MENS’ AND ROY’S ALL WOOL SUITS AT gs.00. MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. 42-10 ALESMEN WANTED.—To sell our high grade inspected. Nursery Stock. Many new specialties offered this year for the first time, as well as the standard varieties of fruits and or- namentals. No previous experience necessary. Write for terms, stating age, ete. Hoores, Bro. & Thomas, 42-15-4t* ADMIN ISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Let- ters of administration on.the estate of J. Shannon McCormick, late of Ferguson township, deceased, having been granted to the undersign- ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted. to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them for payment. “JOHN T. McCORM CK, 42-18-6t* State College Pa. a West Chester, Pa. JERWARD McGUINESS, TAILOR. McClain Block, opposite the Bush House, Second Floor. A Full Line of Spring and Summer Suit-. ings is Now Being Shown to Purchasers of Fine Clothing. 5 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. m 42.9 Jewelry. ARNESS BELTS. Fashion’s endorsement has made this the most pop- ular style of the year. We have them in aln shader of leather froma $1.00 up elo) — SHIRT WAIST SETS, (Cuff links and 4 Buttons) 50 CENTS. —[0]— F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, 41-46 High St. BELLEFONTE, PA. le Avenue Nurseries.