Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 14, 1897, Image 3
Bellefonte, Pa., May 14, 1897. A ES Ti, FARM NOTES. —1It is very hard to keep currant bushes thrifty and productive when any where from six to ten or a dozen sprouts are allowed to grow in each hill. These conditions are just right for the currant worm to doa good deal of injury before he can be found and killed with hellebore. out all but three or four shoots. —The horn fly, unknown to cattle breed- ers until within a few years, is now widely spread, and its attacks need to be counter- acted in every locality. The best preven- tive is to apply grease pretty thoroughly around the head and horns where the bulk of them will’ congregate, and” then sponge the animal - along its back, sides and legs with kerosene. emulsion. Enough of the grease will remain after the water has dried away to repel the fly. It breeds in the fresh excrement of cattle, and if this is broken to pieces so that it quickly dries many of the eggs will fail to hatch, or at least will not reach maturity as a fly. —Walnut trees require about 20 years before they can be considered ready for use in market. The practice of those who ‘have gone into the business of growing walnut trees is to plant the trees about 30 feet apart, gradually cutting out alternate trees as they reach the proper stage of growth. They are of slow growth, and time is required before returns can be se- cured, but after a walnut grove begins to pay it gives a large profit on the invest- ment. Land that is idle can be planted to walnut trees to advantage, and the nuts will be a partial source of revenue in a few rears. A little cultivation and care at the start is all that is required. —An emulsion which has been over- looked compared with its advantages is that made of soap, kerosene and crude carbolic acid. The crude acid is very cheap compared with the refined article, and those who have tried it report that the kerosene emulsion is greatly improved by the addition of the crude acid. Kerosene will not mix with water, nor will the crude acid, but they form an emulsion with soap. Shave one pound of hard soap and boil and dissolve in a gallon of water. While boil- ing remove it from the fire and add one gallon of kerosene and one pint of crude carbolic acid. Agitate briskly for ten min- utes with a sprayer and a creamy substance will result. Now add 16 gallons of cold water, agitating briskly, and. the mixture will be ready for use. It costs but little, is not injurious to plants, and destroys all kinds of parasites, lice and many insects. —No domestic animal is so badly misused as the cow. As a rule, stables are low, damp and dark, and if not so, they are so open and cold as to require a pick and crow-bar to clean out the frozen manure. They are so close and. ill-ven- tilated that the air is heavy with the foul odors and the breath of the cows. In these they are confined from sixteen to twenty hours, and then turned out to shiver in the snow for exercise and to make them hardy. When in the stable more than nine-tenths are continuously kept with their necks in the old-fashioned stanchions. They are watered but once a day, and then out of doors, and compelled to drink ice water at that. Their food is corn stalks, timothy, hay and straw for forage and. corn or corn meal for grain ; and then the owner growls because they do not give milk enough to ay. > ooaness knows there are enough poor cows in the country—those which with the best of care and keep would not pay to own ; but where there is one of this class, four or five are now unprofitable to the owner, which, if sensibly kept, fed and watered, would pay a fair profit instead of running the owner in debt. The average stable is a disgrace to the owner. It is low - and dingy, and the cows are crowded into it like sardines. —The subject of orticulture is receiv- ing considerable attention at the farmers institutes and the variety of questions asked imply a growing interest in this im- portant subject. Grape growing in the eastern section, although especially adapted for the pur- pose, has not received the attention in the past: that it ought to have, and we often _have inquiries like the following : ‘What are the best varieties of grapes for this sec- tion ?”’ Our answer is : . Concord, Wor- den, Delaware, Moores Early, Janesville, Agawaih, Brighton, Magara. ‘‘When do you trim your vines ?”’ In the fall after the leaves are off, and before the ground freezes. 7 “Would you mulch grape vines ?’’ No, we want the soil to receive the di- rect rays of the sun. We advocate inulch- ing for all other fruits, but the only mulch- ing we want for grapes is the ‘‘dust blanket’ formed by frequent shallow cultivation. “In what direction do you train your vines ?”’ ! North or east, in the opposite direction from the prevailing winds during the grow- ing season. “With what do you cover, and how much ?”’ ’ Three or four inches of earth. Some use straw, but it is objectionable we think for several reasons ; the mice are apt to work among it and it might thaw out too early in the spring. ‘What time in the spring do you un- cover the vines ?”’ : We can’t set any date. The buds begin to swell from the 1st to the middle of May, but if left too late you are liable to break the buds off in taking them up. ‘‘When do you put up the trellis ?”’ In the spring of the third year, train the vine horizontally to the lowest wire, and tie the new wood to the upper wires as it reaches them. ‘‘Are there any grapes in the middle states that do not require winter protec- tion ?”’ None that are worth growing. ‘‘How about the so-called wine grape ?’ Perfect humbug. “Is there a strawberry plant that does pot put out any runners but has a bushy top like a potato plant?’ Emphatically, no! If an agent tells you he bas a strawberry plant that does not run, you had better make him run as fast as he can. ‘Is the Bismark apple a success ?’’ ‘‘No, better leave that and all other novelties for the experiment stations to try, and if they don’t succeed, the aver- age man has no business with it. ‘‘How about the Malinda apple ?’’ Very fine apple ; good keeper ; similar to Tallman Sweet, but very difficult to grow from root grafts ; does better top- worked on some other hardy stock. I have no doubt that there will be thousands of trees sold for Malinda that are spurious. Grown from root grafts itis a very crook- ed, homely tree, and branches out close to the ground. These are just a few of the questions that are asked at every institute. ‘We always cut Dr. Swallow’s Sermon ‘Nearness to God.” Talks at Legislators.—He Believes in Mixing Re- ligion With Politics. Rev. Dr. S. C. Swallow, who has been ‘prominently before the people of this State for some time past, preached a sermon at the Twenty-ninth street Methodist church, Philadelphia, on Sunday evening, May 2nd. Dr. Swallow is editor of the Pennsylvania Methodist, which paper for some months has been charging the state administration with corrupt practices in manipulating the public funds for private ends through the public building board at Harrishurg. Out of these publications grew several libel ‘suits, one of which the doctor lost. Not- withstanding this reverse the Doctor claims to have evidence of the truth of his state ments, and continues furnishing it in his paper. ’ The speaker's text for his sermon was found in Acts XVII, 27, the theme was ‘Nearness to God.’” He showed this to result from God’s chosen nearness to his intelligent creatures. The thought was enforced and illustrated from lessons found in Nature, in Providence and in the King- dom of Grace. Under the second thought he dwelt on man’s disposition to forget God in prosperity and fly to him in adversity. Referring to the nation he said: “In the year of our inflated prosperity, succeed- ing the war, a prosperity more apparent than real, because of the destructive forces which had heen in operation for five years of war and during fifty years of slavery, we assumed that we were rich and inde- pendent ‘‘having of nothing,’”’ when, in fact, we were like the Laodicean Church, ‘“‘and knew not that we were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”” It has taken us thirty years to find out our true status as a nation before God. While there are glorious exceptions to the rule, the average politician has not found it out yet. He goes right on mis- appropriating the people’s money and abus- ing their confidence as though he had suc- ceeded by shutting the all-and-every-where- seeing eye of the Almighty, by use of the same duplicity employed in shutting the eye of the average taxpayer. Much of the poverty of these last years ; poverty in labor, in money, in the neces- saries of life, in moral development, in true manhood, in high character, in con- secrative effort and magnificent achieve- ment ; we say much of this poverty is the result of a low. estimate of the potential force of faith, as a prime factor in the maintenance of individual and national character. Prior to hard times, thousands of persons have paid a dollar a piece for the privilege -of hearing the most accomplished bhlas- phemer of the centuries ridicule, faith and mouth the name of the world’s Re- deemer in derisive rhetoric. Suddenly there came upon us as a nation great fear. Banks failed, business became stagnant, manufactures stood aghast, and few knew the cause. Some said it was owing to the fears of laws likely to be enacted by an in- coming administration ; . others, to laws | which had been enacted by an outgoing administration. But all soon came to realize that it was the result of a lack of confidence, and con- fidence is only another name for faith. Four hundred millions were drawn out of the banks in twenty days, and went into hiding, individuals, corporations, banks, business, manufactures commerce, had no faith in each other, and to all human ap- pearance, little faith in God. When Garfield stood uncovered amid the swaying, seething crowd of Wall street, who were gnashing their teeth over the assassination of the martyred Lincoln, and with uplifted hand awed the wild people inte silence by that single sentence, ‘‘God is not dead ; God still lives.” He uttered a truth that had been ringing down the corridors of the ages; a revelation of the living God ; back to which we must come, no matter how far we have strayed. or failing to return must miserably perish. Faith in husbaif, in wife, in childhood, in paternal wisdom, in social purity, in private and public virtue, as the chief corner-stone of national greatness. Faith in home, in the marts of trade, amid the whirl of wheels, and caprices of commer- | cial ventures ; yes, faith everywhere, re- | sultant from faith in the everywhere God, must now as ever be the substance, the very ‘‘substance of things hoped for.” ‘““Without faith it is impossible to please God,’ and just as impossible to push to completion varied enterprises of men. Our faith in God sets the gauge for our fellows, and he who strives to weaken either the former or to destroy the latter, except for the purpose of overthrowing vicious leadership, personating virtue, isa public enemy. A consciousness of a nearness to. God prompts us to love what He loved, and hate what He hated, for none can love good and not hate evil. Hate is the shadow cast by love. To be a good hater—not of men but of their sins—is as Godlike as to be a good lover. He who interprets, ‘‘to the pure all things are pure,’’ so as to call black white, and evil good, and vice vir- | tue, whether seen in a tramp, an alderman, a legislator, a governor, a president, or a king, has reached. that .point in moral legerdemain where, being himself froward, ‘God deals with him frowardly.”” In his endeavors to be an extreme optimist, he has reached a condition of character only less to be pitied than that of the extreme pessimist. : Nearness to God, therefore, will charac- terize the individual on Monday as well as on Sunday ; as a tradesman .as well as a Sunday school teacher ; as a voter as truly as an elder or an exhorter, or a church trustee. It will be enmity between him and that which ‘‘biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder,’'like unto that en- -mity found in Him whose heel the pro- phetic promise said.should bruise the ser- pent’s head. He will consecrate his best powers to throttle lawlessness among lawmakers as well as in the slums. To compel the high- toned thief to disgorge his booty stolen under forms of law, rather than to punish him who, to save his wife and children from starvation, purloined a loaf of bread. To drive to an honest toil the two hundred and fifty thousand tempting liquor deal- ers, rather than to drive into insane hos- pitals, alm-houses, penitentaries and tramp- dom their five millions tempted victims. To show more zeal in’ protecting the boys and girls of America from the saloon, the brothel, the gambling den and their ally, the legislative bagnio, than in protecting pig-iron and wool for the profit of the American manufacturer. Nearness to God will put backbone where before was only backsliding. Will cause men to ask. ‘‘Not what will people say ?”’ but ‘What will God think of me?’ And will, if adhered to by’the masses of our people, bring us back to the high moral character bequeathed by our self-sacrificing sires, and most miserably wasted by their profligate sons. . It has come to be understood that poli- tics in this country is no longer the ‘science of government,’’ but finds its most expres- sive formula in ‘‘get there Eli!” and no matter how you get there. By fraud, gambling, working the growler, duplicity, bribery, crimes against the ballots, pray- ing good Lord to-day and good devil to- morrow ; working the Sunday school teacher-and the saloon keeper, the brewer and the bishop, the elder, the deacon, class leader, and the brothel keeper and boodle grabber, all in the same political team. Yes! Yes! Yes! Anyway; only get there. Striking down with the bludgeon of packed juries, private citizens who dare complain of the robberies under forms of law being committed by public officials. Yes! Yes! for the party power must have the right of eminent domain, though its juggernaut cart runs its crushing wheels over the dismantled homes, the dismem- bered bodies, the bleeding hearts and broken hopes of the taxpayers who make government possible. Shall we accept without a protest the dictum of our own State boss that moral questions have no standing in political issues? Or, of him of Iowa, menaced by the golden rule and ten commandments, and therefore Sunday school politics must be relegated to the rear? Or, of him of New York that ‘‘politics and religion shall not sail in the same craft, so long as he treads the deck and commands the crew.” Or, of him of Kansas, that religious men shall attend to their religion, since politi- cians are competent to steer the ship of state? For one, I answer no! An ever- lasting no ! And eternal shame to the sons of Belial who dare affirm the monstrous doctrine. Seven hundred years before the Man of Calvary began his career, inspiration winged to earth the glorious heraldry that “the government shall be upon His shoulders.” And until it is placed there let faint hearts to the rear. Let men of faith, of hope, of courage, of eternal loyalty to God, to the front and with vigor dow and sword of the spirit flashing in the white light of the sun of righteousness rid- ing cloudless in his meridian splendor let the tramp ! tramp ! tramp ! of his invinei- ble squadrons be heard til he sits upon the throne clothed in the garments from Bozra, the emblems of this regal glory. Low Rates to Washington, D. C. Special Ten-Day Excursion via Pennsylvenia Rail- road. The list of the Pennsylvania company’s Spring excursions to Washington will leave Pittsburg May 20th, 1897. Round-trip good within ten days, and permitting of a stop-over in Baltimore in either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quoted helow, good for use going on special train, or on Train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 8.10 p. m., returning on any regular train except the Pennsylvania lim- ited. Special train of parlor cars and day coaches will be run on the following sched- ule :(— . Train leaves. Rate. ANOONg.... 5 ssn nnn 11.40 A. M. 87 35 Bellwood.. £€ 735 Bellefonte. 725 Clearfield..... 725 Philipsburg.. 72 Osceola........ 725 Tyrone..... ... 72 Washington............/ re 7. epsen Passengers from branch points desiring to take the special train. will use the follow- ing trains :— Southwest Branch, Train No. 101, to Greensburg ; Indiana Branch, Indiana Ac- commodation No. 84, to Blairsville Inter- section ; Western Division, Train No. 2, to Blairsville Intersection ; Martinsburg and Hollidaysburg, Accommodation Train No. 412, to Altoona ; from Bedford, Train No. 4, to Huntingdon. Pullman sleeping cars will be run through on night train leaving Pittsburg at 8.10 P.M. Should the number of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the running of a spe- cial train, the company reserves the right to carry participants in this excursion on regular train. For.full information apply to Agents or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Wes- tern District, Fifth Avenue and Smith- fleld Street, Pittsburg. About the Mosquito. A Few Truths About Our Summer Visitor From New Jersey. There are four truths respecting the mos- quito which modern science has estab- lished : . First——A mosquito cannot live in air free from malarial poison. Untainted air has the same effect on him as a healthy com- munity on a doctor. It deprives him of patients, and he must go to less favored localities to practice his profession. . Second—The lymph, which flows through an automatic valve when it inserts its pro- boscis, contains a modified germ of the ma- larial fever, and, according to the well- settled law of inoculation, the instruction of the weak germ renders harmless a sub- sequent attack by the strong germ. Third—The mosquito never swallows hu- man blood. It cannot. The! ~ that its body becomes discolored and swells, while probing, is caused hy the discoloration of the lvmph in contact with the blood and the muscular effort of inserting the probe. Fourth—A mosquito will never insert its lancet in a person not susceptible to an at- tack of malaria. This also proves, not only its unerring instinct, but that it never wounds unnecessarily. Its thrusts are those of a skilled and humane surgeon, and even more unselfish, for hope of a fee never quickens him, nor does the malediction of his patient deter him in the fulfillment of his duty. : Remember, then, that the presence of a mosquito is an infallible sign that malaria is in the air, and that you are exposed to it, and when you hear that well-known but solemn note of warning, do not treat him as a foe but as a friend. ——A new game bill which has passed the-lower house of the Pennsylvania legis- lature limits the amount of game to be killed by one person in one day to 10 wood- cocks, 10 pheasants, 15 quail and 2 wild turkeys. But two deer may be killed in a season by one person. The opening sea- son for woedeock is in July, and also Oc- tober 15 to December 15; rabbits, same ; pheasants, October 15; squirrels, same. No game can be killed for shipment outside the State.. No insectivorous birds can be killed for millinery purposes, but only for scientific purposes. ’ recently sued a delinquent subscriber and recovered judgment for seven years’ sub- scription with costs amounting to $24. The paper had been ordered .stopped and had been returned from the postoffice as refus- ed, but the subscriber had not paid up arrearages and his name was continued on the books and the paper mailed to his ad- dress. The decision of the court was that a subscriber could be held for subscription until all arrearages had been paid. _ Considered Them Unwise. The Governor Vetoes Bills Relating to Election and Debts. HARRISBURG, Pa., May 8th.—The Gov- ernor has vetoed two house bills, one pro- viding for suitable places for holding elec- tions and the other authorizing and empow- ering courts of common pleas to direct and decree the sale of real estate of insolvent | debtors by their assignees for the payment of debt and the discharge of such sales of the right of dower by which such real estate is, or may be, charged or encumbered. With respect to the first bill, the Governor says it is general in its terms, and applies to every county in the commonwealth. It gives to the county commissioners the right of eminent domain, and enipowers ¥hem, in cases where they are unable to secure suitable rooms or ground to enter upon and occupy sufficient ground for such purposes upon giving bond. Provision is made for the appointment of viewers. The Govern- or says that no right of appeal is giver from the report of the viewers nor from the judg- ment of the court. He is of the opinion that this legislation would be unwise, par- ticularly as it affects the large cities and towns of the State, and would open the door to unnecessary expenditures. As to the other bill, the executive says it is clearly not competent for the law mak- ing power to thus deprive the owners of encumbrances of their securities upon prop- erty without notice. He deems the legis- lation unwise and unjust to wives. Liquor in the State House. Members of Grace Church May Oust the Legisla- ture. HARRISBURG, May 8.—It is stated that there is dissatisfaction among -members of Grace church, where the Legislature is now meeting, and statements have been made that there is a likelihood of the edifice be- ing taken from the State. The alleged grounds on which the move is contemplated are that liquor is taken into the building and freely drank in the committee rooms. This has reached the ears of some of the worshipers at Grace church and a number are said to be highly incensed. A committee of the trusteesof the church, it is reported, will be appointed to wait on the speaker of the house and the president pro tem of the senate and ask them to pre- vent liquor from coming into the building. If they do not prevent it, then the commit- tee will ask them to move. Monday evening a meeting of the hoard to build a new capitol will be held, when the preliminary arrangements will be com- pleted and made public. The board is de- sirous to begin work as soon as possible, but the circumstances, they say are such that speed is impossible. Just as soon, however, as the architect is selected there will be a lively pushing of the work. Dress Uniforms of the N. G. P. Governor Hastings Favors Them and Will Try to Secure Them. HARRISBURG, May 8. — A dress uniform is favored by Governor Hastings for the members of the National Guard. He was instrumental in having passed a bill ap- propriating $75,000 for a dress uniform during the Beaver administration, but the failure of the revenue bill at the same ses- sion spoiled the plans fora dress uniform. The comparison with the well-dressed troops of other states on big parades is causing discontent among Pennsylvania militiamen, as they use their service uni- forms on all occasions. > Bushnell Will Oppose Hanna. WASHINGTON, May 8.—Governor Bush- nell, of Ohio, has announced himself as a candidate to succeed Mark Hanna. This stand has awakened Senator Hanna to the gravity of the situation and he is writing to each of the Republican party leaders in Ohio. will be declared by the administration against Senator Foraker. The latter’s friends are stirring also. ——We belieue if the unemployed of this town, who are heads of families, would express such a desire, they could secure the use of probably an acre of vacant ground each, on which they could raise enough garden produce, such as potatoes, beans, peas, corn, beets, onions, etc., to keep them over next winter. This is a plan now in operation in various cities and towns in the United States, and besides be- ing successful is highly commended. It furnishes honest employment for idle hours besides giving the workers something to live on. ITCHINESS OF THE SKIN AND ECZEMA— The only remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness of the skin on any part of the body that is- absolutely safe and never failing is Doan’s Ointment. Free Samples at IF. Potts Green's. Business Notice. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Fac-simile signature of Chas. H. Fletcher is on the wrapper of every bottle of Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Wheh she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. New Advertisements. SOMETHING NEW. TESTED GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS AT HALF PRICE. - We offer great bargains in papered Garden and Flower Seeds, as well as bulk seeds of - the Best Selection. Orders by Mail given Special Attention. An inquiry on a postal card will receive prompt answer. FIELD SEEDS.—Choice Clover Seed and Timo- thy Seed, including ‘Barley, Seed Oats, Spring Rye and Spring Wheat, Seed Potatoes. Garden Tools and Spray Pumps. Corn Planters, Champion and Pennsylvania Grain Drills. Chilled Plows, Cultivators, Spring Tooth Har- rows at a Way Down Prices. —CONKLIN WAGONS.— In short. We have everything for the Farm and Garden. Don't fail to visit us and examine our Stock before purchasing. Everybody is welcome. McCALMONT & CO., Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & CO., State College, Pa. 42-11-1y His letter intimates that open war |. Medical. Medical. HoT FLASHES. GENERAL DERANGEMENT AND NERVOUSNESS PRE- LUDED BY STOMACH TROUBLE. Blood Disorder and Nervousness of Years Standing. \ From the Commercial, Mattoon, Iu. Mrs. Christiana Foster is a matron of Mattoon, who has recently been restored to the ranks of health after many years of suf- fering. She gave her statement toa re- porter in such concise shape that we print it : “My name is Christiana Foster, I am fifty years of age and a housekeeper. I have lived in Illinois ever since I was twelve years old. ‘During the latter years of my life I have been much afilicted with stomach trouble, blood disorders and ner- vousness, and these were greatly aggravat- ed about two years ago, when I became subject to most disagreeable hot flashes, (or perhaps I should say ‘flushes).’ “I seemed to be losing ground all the time. I could not sleep but for a short time, not being able to obtain any appro- priate rest, and I may say I was truly wretched. ‘‘About one year ago, after reading an advertisement of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, I determined to get some of them, and did so, beginning to take hem strictly according “to directions. I had not taken half a box before I experi- enced relief, and before I had taken four boxes, I was, I may say, well. Of course Iam growing old, but that did not ac- count for the bad condition I was in, my blood did not circulate, and if I picked my finger while sewing, no blood followed the the puncture. All this is different now, thanks to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. (Signed) MRS. CHRISTIANA FOSTER. Witness : MRS. ED. HEARN. » Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their proper- ties shows that they contain, in condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases’ as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, pal- pitation of the heart, pale and sallow com- plexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all diseases re- sulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, ete. They are also a specific for troubles pecu- liar to females, such as suppressions, irregu- larities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. They are for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Death From Lock-Jaw. Mrs. Susan Deardorff, widow of Joseph Deardorff, the late president of the Dills- burg national bank, who died two months ago, died at her home in Dillsburg last Fri- day, aged about 55 years. Mrs. Deardorfl’s death was very sudden and sad in the ex- treme. Sometime during the week she ran a splinter under the nail of one of her fin- gers ; the splinter was removed but lock- jaw set in, terminating in death. ——‘“John,’’ said a Sommerville mother to her 3-year-old boy, ‘how do you ever manage to wear such big holes in the knees of your stockings.’ “I don’t know, mamma,’’ John answer- .ed thoughtfully ; “maybe I doit when Isay my prayers.’’ Castoria. C A B® 709 ® I A C A BT OO. BRB I A C 4A 8 7 60 BB I A Cc A § TT 6 BD 1 c A 8 TT 0 BR © A ccc FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN: DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON, BUT INSIST UPON HAVING CASTORIA, AND SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF CHAS. H. FLETCHER IS ON THE WRAPPER. WE SHALL PRO- TECT OURSELVES AND THE PUBLIC AT ALL HAZARDS. A ® mg 7B TA Cc A § nm 6 nn 1 ‘A C A = 1" oo © I 3 C A 5 7 0 BI A c xX © 9 1 Ay ccc THE CENTAUR CO., 41-15-1m 77 Murray St.,, N. Y. Our Big Country. The distance across the United States is found to be 2,625.2 geographical miles from the lighthouse six miles north of Cape May, N. J., to the lighthouse six miles south of Punta Arenas, following the thirty-ninth parallel of latitude as closely as possible. This is conceded to be about the mean breadth of the country. A glance at the map will show that the United States is much wider toward the north and much narrower toward the Gulf coast, but the thirty-ninth parallel is about as fair an av- erage as can be drawn. The measurements were made by triangulation—that is, by taking observations from fixed landmarks and verifying them by astronomical tests. The distance across the continent thus ob- tained is 140 feet longer than that reported by Bessels in 1856, and ninety-eight feet longer than that reported by Professor Clark in 1866. ——Subseribe for the WATCHMAN. New Advertisements. We areselling a good grade of tea—green —black or mixed at 28cts per. Ib. Try it. SECHLER & CO. F'UBS, PAILS, WASH RUBBERS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASKETS. SECHLER & CO. Schomacker Piano.’ RACHOMACKER ye THE RECOGNIZED——} STANDARD PIANO OF THE WORLD, ESTABLISHED 1838. SOLD TO EVERY PART OF THE GLOBE. -PREFERRED BY ALL THE LEADING THE GOLD ARTISTS. Emit a purer sympathetic tone, proof against atmospheric action extraordinary power and durability with great beauty and even- STRINGS ness of touch. Pre-eminently the best and most highly improved instrument now manufactured in this or any other country in the world. ———HIGHEST HONOR EVER ACCORDED ANY MAKER— UNANIMOUS VERDICT. 1851—Jury Group,‘ International Exposition—1876, for Grand, Square, and Upright Pianos. Illustrated catalogue mailed on application SCHOMACKER PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURING CO., WAREROGOMS: 1109 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 12 East Sixteenth Street, New York. 145 and 147 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 41-14 1015 Olive Street, St. Louis. —— M188 8. OonNMACHT, Agent, BELLEFONTE, PA. ne Me ine