Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 07, 1897, Image 5

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    Spring Mills.
Under the able leadership of Wm. Brown,
the Spring Mills band has become the
pride of our village. It meets every
Friday evening for practice and it almost
equals a concert” Mr. Brown is a teacher of
unquestionable ability.
The junior base ball team of our village
are preparing themselves for several sharp
contests they expect to be engaged in during
oming summer. The club consists of
very active young lads who are not to be
“trifl>d with on the diamond. The club will
be in full uniform this season.
The quarterly conference of the M. E.
church of this circuit, convened here on
Monday last. Dr. Monroe, the presiding
elder, officiating. All the reports were quite
satisfactory. The conference was well at-!
tended. Communion on the previous Sun- |
day. The Reformed church of our village, :
also had communion on Sunday last. - i
As the time draws near for the appointment |
of our postmaster, all the applicants are
active and on the alert. Everything being
fair in war, love and polities, of course every
little mine set up is fiercely exploded, every
advantage looming up, no matter how slight,
is seized with the same avidity, as it is said .
the grim messenger holds fast to our colored
brother. Messers. Long, Leitzel, Krape and
Moyer are the most prominent—if not the!
only applicants.
D. H. Rule, the well known landlord, :
says that business is brightening up, quite
lively with him of late. If it only continues
he observed, I will be perfectly satisfied,
but then—he added with a sly wink and one
of his good natured smiles, you know just as
well as I do that “If” is a conjunction and
always applied toa doubt. After this little
episode, he cautiously inquired if I took
sugar in mine or—preferred a cigar? Being
rather inclined towards temperance, I accept-
ed the latter.
Major Huss, the jolly shoemaker of our
village, remarked to me a day or two since—
‘““Where the duce are all the gold dollars
we were promised last fall after Me-
Kinley’s election ? The way those gold ora-
tors talked then, I fully expected to have a
barrel full of gold pieces by this time. But
bless my soul,’”’ he continued “I hardly ever
see a silver dollar now, to say nothing of the
gold ones.” ‘‘However'’ he added, “‘with-
all these ups and downs—but there
is a fired sight more downs than ups—
I want you to know I make stylish boots and
shoes, and I don’t care a button about gold
monometallism, but will be perfectly satisfied
Admiral Meade Dead.
WASHINGTON, May 4. — Admiral Meade
(retired ) United States navy, who has been
ill in Washington for three weeks past,
died to-day at -Dr. Johnson’s private
Admiral Meade was one of the best
known officers of the modern navy ; saw
hard service before, during, and after the
civil war, and cruised in all parts of the
world on important naval and diplomatic
During the last administration he and
the President had a serious disagreement
resulting from the admiral’s criticism, in
an interview, of the policy of the admin-
; Anthem
to receive payment in the played out Re-
publican scare crow of 53 cent dollars, Of
course the major is a Democrat all over.
All Through Brush Valley.
Mr. Diehl has gone to Zion to
Reuben Bierly has erected a new house
for himself, and also one for Mr. Winter at
Kr eamerville.
Mrs. William Bierly was recently very
agreeably surprised when a number of her
| friends dropped in for a birthday party.
! THE CoNcerT.—The concert, last Friday
eyening, in the Evangelical church, was a
revelation to the audience as to the musical
capabilities, vocal and instrumental, of our
young ladies and gentlemen. Under the in-
struction of Messrs Newcomer and Zcigler,
the following program was rendered :
“Hark ! the Song”.
By the Class.
OVOrtUre.. c.ocieresseeacsaioamsresssere “Crown of Vietory.”
> By the Class.
QUArtetie...cccosneeennraacarroorersnrorrsdirsernons “Surf Side."
Misses Bessie Stover and Vera Morris,
Messrs Ream, and Geo. Nearhood.
Vi0HD S0l0..coccrseseesessensersssesnsens “The Lost Chord.”
Miss Byrd Stover.
IRE... 01001 sc cun20sn rn nurse ersnessernness “0 Swift We Go.”
By the Class.
S0lo.................t “Ah When in Happy Childhood.”
Miss Grace Guiswite.
rll en “Winter Evening Joys.”
By the Class.
Piano Pell... .....0000isecenserninnnentornaeceascrsaserssonaasanns
Misses Wolf and Morris.
8010...c00reenrerrnernririnsinmesresiens “Out on the Deep.”
Orpha Bierly.
Anthem.... ...“The Lord will Comfort.”
By the Class.
010. 0s iuviianiseis saesriinsirersssnnisie “Six o'clock, P. M.”’
Miss Meta Royer.
Violin S0l0..... ....cccevrersceinerrervaseses “Ch Fair Dove.”
Miss Villa Morris.
Duett......c.....ic iframes “The Forest Nymphs.” |
Miss Orpha Bierly and Miss—
..From “Mozart's Twelfth Mass.”
Miss Grace Miller.
Chorus......................oecen enone “The March of Life.”
By the Class.
Piano Electric Flash,
Misses Grace Miller, Wolf and Alma Gramley.
GIRL, ..coeciecei rier seine “Hark ! the Sleigh Bells.”
By the Class.
...*Ah Shout Men of Strength.”
Miss Alma Gramley, with chorus by the Class.
Three S0l08.,..........»- NS frist tan rhiria ents fan aihs tn iy i
Misses Grace Miller, Alma Gramley, and Wolf.
Hymm.......d. i. “The Lord My Shepherd Is.”
First verse the old way of singing and the
second the new way.
By the Class.
There are several voices which, we think
could be trained without much effort, to sing
the classical oratorios. The students are
taught harmony of music and indeed
the great improvement made by all of the
students in the short time greatly surprised
the hearers.
New Advertisements.
list prices, almost cut in two. All £100
bicycles at $60 and $50 bicycles at $35. Single
Por double tube tires at 5 per set. Other cycle
sundries at correspondingly low cut rates. FEx-
amine stock and be convinced.
McCalmont & Co's Warerooms, Bellefonte, Pa.
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
_— — ——
If you are a thinking person, read these facts over carefully and then de-
cide for yourself whether you are going to pay high prices for cheap goods
or cheap prices for good quality goods.
We invite every person from Belle
fonte and Centre county to come in and see that we substantiate every state-
ment we make in this circular.
Calicoes, Towelings, Table Linens.—We are the
only store that selis a fast color Calico worth 5c.
and 6e., in light or dark colors, for 3c. You can
only get it at our store—and all linen Toweling
worth 10c. for 6c ; if you want the better up to 18¢
per yard, we have it. You can get it nowhere else
—a fast color Turkey red Table Linen at 15¢; if
ou want them up to 50c. per yard, we have them.
ou can only buy it from us—a heavy white
Table Linen at 17c. We give you the most value
for your money when you buy our Table Linen at
25¢. The two yards wide white Damask is worth
90c—you can get it from us alone for 75c. We
will give the best value to be had, whether it is in
the low Driced Table Lineng or in the finest, $1.15
per yard. :
Ginghams.—A fine, soft finished Chambray
Ginghams, all colors, 8c; if you want the fine
Zephyr Gingham, we have them up to 25¢.
Organdies.—The fashionable wash material this
season are Organdies. We can give you a hand-
some quality, an excellent assortment in dark or
white ounds, from 7c. up to the fine imported
Organdies. A full line of Colored Lining to
White Goods.—Our line of White Goods in Dimi-
ties, Swisses (plain or dotted), Organdies and
French Muslins has never been se complete as
this season. We can give the assortment in
qualities from Te, to 50c. a yard. Batists in linen
effects, with different colortngs: we have the
largest assortment at 15c. a yard.
Checks, Checks.—The very fashionable woolen
dress goods are Checks; we can give you the se-
lection in the broken, mixed snd decided Checks
from 10c. to 65¢. per yard.
Mohairs.—You can only get it at our store—a 52
in. Mohair, regular 75c. quality, at 45¢ ; Figured
Mohairs, in all colors, 25¢.
Black Dress Weaves.—We can show you the most
complete line in Black Goods at prices that are
proof of our money-saving sale; Entamines in
all wool Ae. a yard ; Serges, all wool, 20c. to $1.25;
Henriettas, all wool, 34c. to 90c ; Silk Warp Hen-
riettas (these qualities cannot be matched at
these prices) $1 quality 8lc. the $1.25 quality 98c.
Silks.—Our line of Silks for waists or dresses
was never so handsome and large as this season.
A pretty figured China Silk, 2 colors, navy and
black, at 20c. a yard. A handsome line of Silk
Glacee, 36in. wide, 3 yards make a large waist,
only 50c. a yard: Brocaded Silks and colors, light
and dark; also Black, 65¢. up.
Ladies’ Ready Made Skirts & Shirt Waists.—A
full line of Ready Made Skirts, black and colors,
81,50 up; a full line of Ladies’ Shirt Waists, 25c.
up—detachable Collars and Cuffs, elegant patterns
and styles. : .
Ladies’ Capes.—Elegant line, from $1.00 upf
Lace Curtains and Fixtures.—We have the largest
assortment, the lowest prices, from 49c. to §3:00
per pair. We can give you the Curtain Poles in
walnut or cherry, antique oak or white ivory fin-
ish, brass and wooden trimmings.
Umbrellas and Parasols.—Our Umbrélla and
Parasol stock ix exceptionally large this season.
We can give you a fast black 26 in. nt 50¢. up; a
fast black 26in. Gloria Silk, Dresden handle, at
90c ; a navy blue 26in; Gloria Silk, fancy natural
uality Gloria—Dresden or natural hook handle,
1.00 up ; a good assortment in the 28 and 30in.
Glorias. A handsome line of Silk Parasols in new
figured silk-egects; also White Sitk ank White
Chiffon Parasols. |
Corsets—The most complete line of Corsets ever
brought to this, town. e can fit the short-
waisted, stout, or long-waisted thin customer. We
can give a Contil Corset at 25c. or the celebrated
C. P. Corset at $1.50 ; Glove-Fitting Corsets, short,
medium and Jong: High Busts from 50c. to $1.20
in the similar or heavy Corsets. A good Summer
Corset for 35c. better at 50c. best at 85c. We have
Sonnets—P. N. H. & 8. in the different forms,
stouts and thing. A full line of Children's Cor-
sets and Corset Waists, 25. to 50c.
Hosiery—Fast Black Hose, sizes 5 to 814, 5c. per
pair. A full Seamless Hose, children's sizes 5 to
8%; Fast Black 10c. £5 pair. A better quality
narrow ribbed Fast Black, 12%4c. A full regular
made Hose, sizes 5 to 8% Fast Black, 18c. per
pair. A full regular fine guage, Fast Black chil.
dren’s Hose, all sizes, 25c. dies’ Fast Black
Hose 5c. Ladies’ Hose, Fast Black, seamless,
10c. to 25¢c. A handsome Silk Lisle thread Hose
at 50c.. A full line of Ladies’ Cream Colored Hose
from 5c. to 50c. A full line of Tan Colored Hose
in ladies’ and children’s. Men's Hose in Black,
Tan and Mixed, from 5c. to 35c.
Summer Underwear—Ladies’ and Children’s
Ribbed and Gauze Underwear, long or short
sleeves, from 5c. to 50c. ; Men's Underwear in
gauze from 20c. to 50c. apiece.
Shirts—A good 36in. long Working Shirt at 25c.
A full line of Laundried Shirts, inall colors, 49¢c.,
74c., 81.00, $1.25, 81.50.
Values are as Varied as People.
A%~We only want your business—by giving you
in exchange for your money full 100 cents value
in merchandise.
Clothing—You can get it only at our store—
Men’s All. Wool Suits 83.75; Men's All-Wool Cassi-
mere Suits, Light Brown, Navy Blue, $4.98 ; Men’s
All-Wool Suits, in new Browns, Plaids and Checks,
87.00 to £10.00; Men's All-Wool Cheviot Suits,
Black and Navy Blue, $4.75 to $10.00 ; Men's Fine
Dress Suits, Black and Blue Clay Worsted, $4.90
to $15.00 ; Youth's Suits, ages 14 to 19 years, in
Cheviot, Brown Plaids, Cassimers dnd Clay
Worsteds, from $2.00 to $12.00.
Children’s Clothing—You can only get it from us
—& nice, nobby Child's Suit, ages 4 to 15 years,
74c. a suit ; up to $1.25, $1.50 and $5.00.
Straw Hats—We are headquarters for Straw
Hats. A full and complete assortment of Men’s
Boys® and Children’s Hats in Dress Hats anc
Working Hrts fron 10c. up to 1.25. All the new
and nobby shapes.
Shoes, Shoes—You can only get it at our store—
Men’s Fine Dress Shoes, lace or congress, $1.15 to
$§; Men's Fine Russet Lace Shoes, $1.50 up ;
“Ladies’ fine Dongola Leather, black or rasset,
$1.25 up; Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s fine
Oxfords, black, russets and patent leather, Tac.
up ; Children’s fine School Shoes, 50c. up; In-
fant’s Shoes, 2c. up:
Carpets, Mattings—A full line of Carpets from
12}5c. up. Mattings from 10c. per yard up.
Special Prien in furnishing Carpets for society
halls and churches. i
handle, 9%0¢; the handsomest Umbrella, in good
ga¥Come in and convince yourselves that we mean to do even more than
we have room to say in this paper.
& CO,
south by land of John B. Thompson, and on the
New Advertisements.
UDITOR’S NOTICE—In the Orphan’s
court of Centre county, in the matter of |
the estate of John Sweetwood, late of Potter town-
ship, Centre county, Pa. Notice is hereby given
that the undersigned has been appointed an !
auditor, in the above estate, to pass upon the-ex-
ceptions filed, restate the account in accordance
with his findings, and make distribution of -the
balance, to and among those legally entitled to
receive the same and that he will attend to the |
duties of his appointment at his office, in Belle- |
fonte, on ofa the 26th day of May, A. D.,
1897, at 10 o'clpck a: m:, when and where all parties
interested ar¢ requested to be present.
42-18-3¢ J. K. JOHNSTON, Auditor.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be-ex-
Bose at public sale, at the court house, in the
rorough of Bellefonte, Pa., on
SATURDAY MAY 20th, 1897.
at 10:30 o'clock a. m. the following real estate :
All that certain tract of land situate in Liberty
and Howard townships, bounded and described as
follows, to wit : On the north by land claimed by
Jacob Holter, on the east by public road, on the
west by land of same, containing about 40 acres.
Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, bank barn and other outbuildings.
_ All the right, title and interest of the defendant
in a certain tract of land situated in Liberty and
Howard townships, bounded and described as fol-
lows: Commencing at a pine at public road,
thence by land of Jacob Holter, south 43 degrees
west, 184 perches to a post; thence by-land of Jo-
seph Gardner, north 4234 degrees west i145 perches
to stones; thence by land of David B. DeLong,
north 31 degrees east 27 perches to stones, thence
by same 78 degrees east 39 perches to stones;
thence by land of Henry Thompson, south 22 de-
grees east 13 perches to a post ; thence by same
south 87 degrees east 69 perches to post, and north |
80 degrees east 94 perches to stones; thence by
public road, south 50 degrees east 5 35-100 perches
to the place of beginning, containing 93 acres
and 621 perches, net.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Jacob Holter.
Terms :—No deed will be acknowledged until
purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Office W. M. CRONISTER,
Bellefonte, Pa.. May 6th, 1897. Sheriff
cling and they pronounce it beneficial. There
has only been one drawback and that has been
the saddle. There has been but one perfect sad-
dle on the market which they could recommend,
that is the
New Advertisements.
Katz & Co. Limited.
Physicians have been for years interested in cy-
Bi: /
The base is made of metal that cannot
warp or change its shape.
It has cusp-
ions where cushions are required to re-
ceive the pelvis bones and a space so that
there can be no possibility of pressure on
the sensitive parts and positively prevents
saddle injury.
and all other high grade bicycles will |
come fitted with the CHRISTY SAD-
DLE if you ask for it. High grade
makers have adopted and will furnish
the CHRISTY without extra charge
WHY ? Simply because upon careful exam-
ination they have come to the conclu-
sion that it was necessary to offer to
their buyers a Saddle that would not
prove injurions—and hurt cycling—
and their decision was without hesita-
tioninfavorofthe . . , , | . .
CHRISTY ..Anatomical...
The only Anatomical SADDLE
Saddle built right.....
Booklet, “Bicycle Saddles
Standpoint,” free.
from a Physician’s
Fauble’s =
To have your clothing fit.
To have your clothing well
To have your clothing
To buy your goods fully 25 per cent. less than others ask.
look stylish.
Bellefonte, Pa.
Bicycles. o Bicycles.
ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
e W HY? e
=. GT]
CR —————————————————————————
© They note the quick response as the pedal is touched, the smoothness of
motion as they glide along, the perfect trueness of the frame under the hardest =
: strains, and then discover why we advised them to
o| >
i | - No Swaying Frames - - - - - -
of No Binding of-Bearings ~~ - - -
| ’ .
= Catalogue telling about the new
i double roller chain, free. . . . . . °
.l * * MIDDLETOWN, Ct.
Formerly Holyoke, Mass. |
Dealers Wanted, Mention WATcumAN.
“ 42-7-3m |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0° % a 9% ° 0 0 oc
Everybody wants to get the most that their dollars will buy, and no
clear minded person ever paid more for an article when they knew tney
could buy it for less elsewhere.
We draw the crowds by underselling. We are tireless in our efforts to
give the people bargains. Lo
Every statement we make you'll find to be a fact. Every offering
you'll find to be a reality.
The special prices we placed on some of our goods last week demonstrat-
ed to us in a very forcible and pleasing way, that our advertisements are read
with interest by the buying public. Nearly all the goods we advertised were
asked for, and in almost every instance the sale was made. Our advertise-
ments can be relied on an we never advertise anything unless we have a suf-
ficient quantity on hand, as we do not wish
“A few more specials for this week.’
White Crochet Bed Spreads full size the $1. 25 kind, for 8gcts.
Lace Curtains 3 yds. long per pair 75Cts.
Linen Crash for skirts 17cCts.
Challies just the thing for warm weather dresses 4cts.
Ladies Calico Wrappers full sizes 59cCts.
Buttermilk Soap 3 cakes in box, per box 10Cts.
Gloria Silk Sun Umbrellas 98cts.
Box Paper containing 20 sheets and 20 envelopes scts.
Ladies Waist Sets gcts.
Chenille Curtains an extra good quality per pair $1.98.
Cotton Bed Blankets just the thing for this time of year,
white or gray, per pair 45cCts.
Children’s Suits from 4 to 15 years 6gcts.
Children’s Suits « ¢ 98cts.
Children’s Suits strictly all wool $1.50
Children’s Suits the kind they ask you elsewhere $4 for, we sell $2.25
Men’s all wool stylish Suits, $5.00
Boys Knee Pants : 25cts.
Men's good working Pants 75Cts.
Men’s good suits sold everywhere for $5.00 our, price $3.08
Black Clay Worsted the $10.00 kind $7.48
Men’s working Shirts, good ones 25Cts.
Eight store people last week in our Millinery Department, and we
could scarcely wait on our trade. We are doing a Millinery business that
would be a credit to a Metropolis. No one gan offer you half a large an as-
sortment. Our styles have no peer in this or any other market, and we are
band will never grumble at the price of your hat if you buy it at the Globe.
SEE OUR 15, 25 and 48cts. SAILORS.
KATZ & CO. Lhd.
Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors.
3 .
Montgomery & Co. New Advertisements.
high grade inspected Nursery Stock. Many
! new specialties offered this year for the first time,
as well as the standard varieties of fruits and or-
namentals. No previous experience necessary,
0 Write for terms, stating age, etc.
Hoorxs, Bro. & Tuomas, Maple Avenue Nurseries.
© | 42-15-4t* West Chester, Pa.
| : ters of administration on the estate of J.
| | Shannon McCormick, late of Ferguson township,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign-
ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment and
those having claims against the same will present
them for payment. “JOHN T. McCORMICK,
42-18-Gt¥ State College Pa.
— pies,
CLOTHING. McClain Block, opposite the Bush House,
.. Second Floor.
A Full Line of Spring and Summer Suit-
ings is Now Being Shown to Purchasers of
You can depend upon what we say. | Fine Clothing.
Goods bought and sold on a small
; H S| Y, v. ART NF J D A V >
. 3 ewelry.
Money refunded if goods are in any J > .
way unsatisfactory.
All the new shapes in Straw Hats. ==
Bicycle suits in all colors, also in BELTS
Crash. : Se
Fashion's endorsement has
made this the most pop-
ular style of the year.
Gauze Wool. We have them in aii
shades of leather from
Summer underwear in Gauze and
A handsome display of Children’s
Clothing. : $1.00 UP
Washable neckwear.
Cool Things for Hot Weather.
(Cuff links and 4 Buttons)
Bellefonte, Pa. >
| | | —0]—
| {
vy ;
| |
41-46 High St. BELLEFONTE, PA.
making prices that lay out our competition in the dreary cold. Your hus-