Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 07, 1897, Image 4

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    - tended to.
Bellefonte, Pa., May 7, 1897.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - Ebpiror.
The Meeting of the Democratic County
The Democratic county meeting meeting
at headquarters, in this place, last Monday
was very fairly attended and the business
that was brought before it was promptly at-
Under the apportionment that
was made there will be a gain of ten votes
in the next county convention. The num-
ber of delegates was increased from 79 to
89, the following precincts having made
gains at the last election that entitles them
to additional representation under the rules
of the party: South Ward Bellefonte §,
Centre Hall 1, North Benner 1, College
Boro., 1, West Gregg 1, Harris 3, Liberty 1,
Marion 1, Middle Miles 1, South Potter
1 and South Rush 1.
The half votes in the South ward of
Bellefonte and Harris Twp., were deemed
the most equable way of settling a condi-
tion that made those. two precincts tie for
the tenth delegate.
It was the opinion of the committee that
the lately divided precincts of Walker
township should send their delegates to the
next county convention as they did before
the township was divided and that after
the fall’s election it can be more satisfac-
torily determined what representation
each precinct shall have.
The meeting was an enthusiastic one and
chairman TAYLOR infused as much life
as possible into his committeemen. He
assured them that the fact that this will be
a comparatively small campaign isn’t going
to deter him from making it a hot one.
—The State Legislature has finally
passed the libel bill framed by the Penna.
state editorial association.! The bill pro-
vides that in a proceeding for libel, malice
must be shown on the part of the writer
and also that in no case can the defendant
in any prosecution for libel be indicted for
~the—printing or publication of the same
libel upon the same individual in more
than one county of the State.
——The United States Senate failed to
ratify the famous general arbitration treaty
that ex-Secretary OLNEY drew with Eng-
land as the last deed of import of the
CLEVELAND administration. The vote was
43 to 26, just 4 short of the necessary two-
thirds. Nineteen Senators did not vote
and RODGER Q. MILLS, of Texas, made a
strong appeal against its ratification
Rivers are Falling.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 4. — The river at
Memphis continues to fall, the decline for
twenty-four hours being 1.7, showing 35.1
feet of water above the zero mark on the
gauge, which is a foot and a half helow the
danger line.
Volo Clear of the Turks.
The Greek Victory at Velestino Was a Crushing
One for Moslems.—Vultures Feeding on Dead.—
King's Soldiers in Three Divisions, Awaiting an
Attack.—Confidence Put in Smolenshi.
VoLro, May, 3.—The Greek troops are
eltated over their rout of the Turks at ve-
lestino. They think that good luck is with
them, and the great confidence imposed in
General Smolehski has helped restore the
the morale of the soldiers.
Smolenski has fought two battles against
the Turks coming from Larissa to Velesti-
no. They were repulsed with heavy loss.
Cavalry charges are of no avail in a coun-
try lined with ditches, where the horses
stumble at every step.
The Greek artillery kept up an effective
fire, and on the battlefield, which I have
just visited, I saw over one thousand dead
The Turks were obliged to retreat on La-
rissa, leaving their dead and wounded. I
spent four hours on the field. The Turk-
ish cavalry must have suffered very serions
losses, judging from the horses and men
lying dead.
The Greek cavalry, being exhausted by
service, it was impossible to harass the re-
treating troops,
Many dead bodies lay in the trenches,
and the vultures are already swarming in
the plain of Velestino.
The Greeks had not realized up to- last
night the fullness of their victory, and ex-
pected a renewed attack this morning.
Nothing was in Sight by 6 o'clock this
morning, and reconnoisances were sent in
the direction of Pharsala and Volo. After
a search of two hours they discovered that
the Turks had abandoned the field. This
fact was soon confirmed by peasants and
The situation here seems to be improving
under the command of Smolenski, who did
as well with the artillery at Reveni. The
Greek troops seem to have a better chance
of holding the ground which remains.
The army is divided into three divisions.
Twelve thousand men under command of
Smolesski, are at Velestino to defend the
approaches to Volo ; 5,000 men are encamp-
ed at Pharsala, and the rest of the
army, with Prince Constantine, 10,-
000 in number, is at Dokomo, south of
Pharsala. These last will have to stand an
attack of the Turks from Trikila, which
was occupied yesterday by troops.
The Greek fleet has just arrived in the
harbor and the panic which prevailed for
the last three days is lessened. Three
cruisers, one French, one English, and one
Italian, are also here. The consuls have
behaved splendidly, being the only persons
in the town who had not lost their heads.
CANDIA, Island of Crete, May 3.—The
admirals commanding the, fleets of the for-
eign powers in Cretan waters had a confer-
ence yesterday with the insurgent leaders
at Palookastro. The Cretans were promis-
ed complete anatomy, including the condi-
tion that the nomination of their ruler
should be subject to the ratification of the
Cretan assembly. The insurgent leaders
cut the discussion short, and reiterated that
their motto remained, ‘‘Annexation to
Greece or death.”
There are renewed reports here to-day
that the Greek troops are about to be with-
drawn from the Island of Crete.
at The Pennsylvania State College and is par
53.4 tons.
forms a comprehensive display of the natura
geologically aranged.
mospherie influences. pt
it presents an exposure of every kind of stone found in this State.
geological order and include 381 samples procured from 139 localities.
This reproduction is of a polylith or stone shaft that has been erected upon the eampus
ticularly interesting to Pennsylvanians because
They are arranged in
The base block is
conglomerate, 6 x 6 x2.5 ft. Phe column is 5 ft. square at the base, 32.7 ft. high and weighs
This poiylith constructed by the School of Mines of The Pennsylvania State College
| resources of the State in structural materials,
It is a prospecting guide to the explorer for stone, and furnishes a
comparative test of their durability, by an equal exposure of all the quarry products to at-
Limestone. Slate. Sandstone. Granite. Marble, Total.
Pennsylvania....... | $3,055,913 $1,647,757 500,000 $300,000 $59,787 $5,563,451
oe | 300,000 ogg RL, 1,007,718 300,000 3,254,647
ey 1368713 a 1,449,659 a, 3,018,372
Massachusetts......| T5000: nn, 339,487 1,918,894 2,000 2,335,381
Maine | 700,000 sl 1,400,000 a 2,240,154
New York 1,043,182 91,875 415,644 68,474 207,828 1,827,003
Indiana... 1,658,976 ee 60,000 carircne ai 1,718,976
Illinois | 1,687,662 OFS ae 1,694,220
Connecticu 154,333 397,853 779,361 1,331,547
Georgia... | 12,000 0005 508,481 689,229 1,220,385
$15,308,056 $2,608,700 $4,211,314 $5,804,324 $2,825,710 $34,088,316
land rock. .
The compact varieties of grey and dark
dant and very accessible to Philadelphia.
abundantly supplied. Very large deposits
abound in the South Western counties.
State should be a heavy producer; in color
and durability some equal the best; and
cement rock.
brown stone exist in Eastern Pennsylvania.
In 1895 eight States produced more granite than Pennsylvania; five, more marble
three, more paving blocks; two, more cement; one, more sandstone ; none, more Port-
granites, gneiss and voleanie rocks are abun-
In red and brown sandstones the State is
of the equivalent of the famous Connecticut
Firm and beautifully colored sandstones
But it is in marble and limestone that this
they range from white to black ; in strength
in variety, from the oolite to the dense
War Will Continue.
LoNDON, May 5th—The Athens corre-
spondent of the Timessays : ‘‘The cabinet
sat until day break (Tuesday) hearing the
reports of the ministers from the front, and
finally decided to continue the war.
General Smolenski has declined to accept
the post of chief of staff of the crown prince,
as he prefers to remain with his own bri-
gade. The decision of the government is
momentous, but it is difficult to say
whether it is absolutely final.
A special dispatch from Arta says a
force of 6,000 Greeks, commanded by Col-
tepigadia, has been engaged by the Turks.
A battle is now in progress.
CONSTANTINOPLE, May 5th—It has been
decided to increase the strength of the
Turkish army in the European provinees
to 600,000 men in order to be prepared for
all emergencies, including the troops in
Anatalia. Turkey will soon have 568,000
troops under arms. Four transports with
Turkish troops on board passed through
the Darndanells on Sunday on their way to
the Aegean Sea. Their ultimate destination
is not* known.
LARISSA, May 1st—(Delayed in trans-
mission. )—The road from Salonica hence
is covered with troops on their way to ve-
inforce Edham Pasha’s army of occupation,
although the Turkish forces already in
Greece suffice to assure the success of the
Turks. Perfect order prevails everywhere.
The soldiers are full of enthusiasm and are
anxious to take the offensive. Intoxicated
with their success, they are clamoring for
a resumption of active operations. Now
that Trikhala is captured, more important
action is expected shortly. The [Italian
volunteers wha have been captured by the
Turks loudly denounce the treatment they
were subjected to while with the Greeks.
They refer in terms of contempt to the cow-
ardice of the Greeks. .
ATHENS, May 4th—The Ephomois says
that owing to the war, the fetes in celebra-
tion of the King’s birthday have been post-
poned. A personage connected with the
surprise that Greek had never employed
German officers to organize her artillery,
which, he added, if well organized would
be excellent.
A dispatch from Pharsala says the
Turks have avoided making any further
attack upon Velestino, contenting them-
selves with reconnoitering the neighborhood
of that place.
The Greeks, it is announced, occupy
strong positions which enable them to re-
pulse superior forces.
RoME, May 4th=-T"he Athens dispatch says
that Riccotti Garabaldihas had a long con-
ference with King Georges~avho ‘‘seemerl
more preoccupied with his position in the
eyes of the powers than with the war.”
His Majesty, it seems, was in excellent
Continuing the dispatch says that M.
Ralli, the Greek premier. after suggesting
that Raccotti Garabaldi should enroll
“Greeks among the Italian volunteers, now
requests him to suspend the enrollment of
Italians, leading to the belief that secret
negotiations to end the war are proceed-
PARts, May 4th—The Gil Blas says the
king of Greece used the crisis in the affairs
of his country to speculate in Greék and
Turkish bonds with the result that his
majesty had cleared 30,000,000 to 35,000,-
000 francs.
onel Biaractharis, while advancing on Pen-
court says that Emperor William, of Ger- .
many, in admitting the superiority of the :
Greek over the Turkish artillery, expresses
Facing Each Other.
Greeks and Turks in Close Quarters, Turkish Vic-
tory Seems to Be Assured.
ATHENS, May 5.—A dispatch from the
front says that the Turkish forces, at noon
| to-day, were drawn up in battle array on
the plain of Pharsalos, facing the Greek
army, numbering 23,000 men. It is ex-
i pected here that a general engagement be-
| tween the opposing forces is commencing.
! LARISSA, May 3.—The batteries of how-
| itzers arrived here this evening from Elas-
sona. and fourteen battalions of infantry,
, four squadrons of cavalry and four batter-
| ies of artillery have been sent to reinforce
the Turkish troops fighting at Velestino.
The victory of the Turks seem assured,
; The prisoners taken report that the popu-
i lation, including that of Volo, is disposed
{-tosubmit, and from various sources it is
* learned that the Greeks are badly demoral-
ized and discontented with the crown
prince and his officers. We are awaiting a
definite result at Velestino hefore making
a general advance.
The inhabitants of Larissa denounce the
commander of the Greek troops and even
accuse him of treason. They hope for an
early intervention on the part of the pow-
ers, in order to prevent the complete ruin
of the country. It is stated here that the
crown prince of Greece ordered Larissa to
to be burned previous to evacuating the
place. But, it is said, there was no time
to carry out his instructions.
There was a striking feature in Friday’s
cavalry charge. Colonel Mahmoud Bey
was fired upon by a Greek officer, who sent
four bullets from his revolver in the direc-
tion of the Turkish officer. Mahmoud Bey
then galloped ahead of his men and with
one fierce blow of his sword, completely
Ruma the Greek officer’s head from his
LARISSA, May 5.—Six divisions of Turk-
ish troops have marched forward to Phar-
salos, and it is understood here that the
porte has given Edhem Pasha a free hand.
HARRISBURG, May 4.—The new capitol
commission has adopted a program setting
i forth the conditions under which the com-
petition among architects is to be held.
. The problem to which the commissioners
invite the attention of architects is the de-
signing of a group of buildings, chief
among which will be the legislative build-
ing. This building is the only one at pres-
ent authorized to he erected, but as it must
eventually form part of of. -build+-
ings, the competitive program will cover.
the designing of the entire group, to aon-
tain three department buildings. [In ad-
dition to the present executive building]
and a historical building. a
The provisions. of the program ensures
the seftction by a board of experts to the
: eight best designs submitted in competi-
, tion. The commissioners will chose one
"of these designs and will appoint its author
| as the architect of the building. The se-
| lection in both cases will be made without
| the knowledge of the identity of the com-
The commission has invited six archi-
tects, three from Pennsylvania and three
from other States, and will pay them $1,000
each in compensation for taking part in the
| competition. Beyond this these com-
petitors will stand upon equal footing with
i all others.
All drawings will be forwarded to State
! Treasurer Jaywood, secretary of the com-
mission, at Harrisburg, not later than 12
o'clock noon July 25th, 1897.
Pittsburg’s Big Fire.
It Probably Resulted in Two Deaths. Destroyed
About $3,000,000 Worth of Property.
PITTSBURG, May 3.—It is believed that
last night’s fire, which was the most dis-
astrous that has visited Pittsburg since the
great fire of 1845, except during the riots
of 1877, destroyed $3,000,000 worth of
property, and it probably resulted in two
deaths and the injury of four others. The
burnt section extends from Fifth street to
Cecil alley on Penn avenue, and from Cecil
alley to Fifth street on Liberty street,
covering an area of several acres.
The names of the killed, missing and in-
jured are :
Killed—George Atkinson, No. 15 engine
Missing—George Thomas, No. 15 engine
Injured—Elmer Croko, No. 7 engine
company, struck on the head by falling
bricks ; Michael Daley, No. 7 engine com-
pany, cut and bruised and arm broken by
falling arc lamp ; George Meekin, No. 7
engine company, struck by falling bricks
and bruised.
A number of other firemen are missing
and are supposed to be buried under the
walls at Liberty avenue and Cecil alley.
Some of the larger sufferers-by the fire
and their estimated losses are :
T. C. Jenkins’ wholesale grocery, totally
destroyed ; stock valued at $400,000, in-
surance $150,000 ; building valued at $100,-
000, insurance about $5,000.
Joseph Horne & Co., retail dry goods ;
totally destroyed ; stocks and building
valued at $1,000,000, fully insured.
Horne’s office building, totally destroy-
ed ; valued at $100,000 ; insurance, $60,-
Methodist Book Concern building, val-
ued at $125,000 ; badly damaged ; loss
about $20,000 ; insured.
Phipps’ building, valued at $100,000 ;
slightly damaged ; loss, about $5,000 ; in-
The Duquesne theatre and the Surprise
clothing company’s immense stores were on
fire several times, but were saved with
small loss.
A number of other neighboring business
houses and tenants in various buildings
suffered greater or less individual losses,
the aggregate of which it is impossible to
give at present.
The fire broke out, no man knows how,
about midnight in the wholesale grocery
building of T. C. Jenkins & Co , and burnt
with great fury until 4 o’clock this morn-
ing before it was finally controlled. The
insurance has not yet been figured up, but
.| it must surely exceed $1,500,000.
LATER.—Fireman Atkinson’s mangled
remains have been taken from the ruins.
George Thomas and the other missing fire-
men have all turned up. The injured men
will all recover. :
The Dead Piled in Heaps.—One Hundred Corpses Laid
Out Waiting for Claimants.—Many Distressing
Scenes.—Society People as Well as the Borgoise
Were Victims—The Firemen Worked @Gallantly but
Fruitlessly,—How the Conflagraticn Started.
PARIS, May 4. — Hundreds of lives were
lost and as many more persons injured in a
fire which destroyed a charitable bazar in
the Rue Jean Gouzon this afternoon.
Thirty bodies have been recovered and
many are reported missing. From 1,500
to 1,800 people were in the place at the
time and a terrible panic ensued. The
strong trampled upon the weak, the young
crushed the old to the floor, and heart-
rending shrieks rose from all sides as the
flames swept through and into the strug-
gling masses. :
The bazar was patronized by the aristoc-
racy, and the fire broke out over stall No.
13, occupied by the Duchess D’Uzes, one
of the most prominent society women in
France. The structure was 300 feet long
by 180 feet wide and almost entirely of
wood. Before the firemen could arrive the
roof of the hazar crashed in, burying num-
bers of those. who had been anable to make
their egress from the building. The whole
wooden structure was blazing before the
firemen could reach the bazar. The roof
and almost the whole building collapsed,
falling on the unfortunate people, many of
whom are supposed to have previously suc-
cumbed to the stifling smoke.
In spite of the efforts of the firemen, some
time elapsed before the charred bodies
could be pulled from the smoking and
burning mass of debris covering the spot
which but a short time before had been the
scene of so much gaiety. One hundred
corpses have been laid out in the Palais
D’L'Industrie. It is believed that another
hundred are beneath the ruins.
The building was erected in the flim-
siest manner, the nudity of the scaffolding
inside being concealed by tapestry hang-
ings of the most inflammable matter.
Moreover, there was only one exit. The
bazar was in full swing when suddenly
about 4 o'clock, the cry of fire rose in the
quarter where the kinemategraph was
being exhibited. One of the survivors tells
his experience :
* The dead bodies were piled in heaps,
especially near the exit, where the charred
remains were four feet deep, arms, legs and
skulls mingled in inextricable confusion.
In some cases only the trunks remained,
with no vestige of clothing on any of the
The firemen arrived at 6 o'clock and a
company of infantry followed to clear the
ruins and search for corpses. All the cabi-
net ministers now in Paris went imme-
diately to the scene.
Policemen, their hands covered with
gloves, have heen deputized by the prefect
of police to pick out the portions of re-
mains and to wrap them in pieces of cloth,
to be transferred in ambulances to the
Palais D’L’Industrie. The remains present
a horrible spectacle of limbs, burned and
twisted. On all sides can be seen stretchers
piled with mutilated corpses, skulls split
.apen.and brains. exuding.
Miss Elsie Bushbeck, of Philadelphia,
the Misses: Hawthorn and Dreher, were of
the few who escaped, although not un-
The search in the debris will continue all
night. The fire originated on the left side
of the bazar. The illuminating apparatus
of the kinematograph exploded and set fire
to the Turkish curtains and hangings. In
a few moments the flames spread along the
whole side of the bazar.
The whole of the highest society in Paris
is in a horrible pell mell-—husbands seek-
ing and calling for wives, and fathers seek-
ing and calling for daughters.
Bodies completely nude, limbs twisted
in writhings of agony, some still having
shreds of clothing which assist recognition
in spite of horrible disfigurement, bones
visible through fire-eaten flesh, some mere-
ly skeletons or grinning skulls blackened
with smoke.
At 6:50 p. m. only six bodies have heen
recognized with certainty.
As soon as President Fauie heard of the
disaster he sent the most pressing inquiries
for full particulars to the prefect of police.
All the theatres in Paris are closed to-
AT PHILIPSBURG.—The fifty-first annual
session of the state council of the O. U.
A. M. isnow in session in Philipsburg. |
That place is in holiday attire in honor of
the several hundred prominent secret so-
ciety men who are there and much busi-
ness of importance to the order has been
transacted. The home papers publish
the following concerning the meeting.
Philipsburg is gay with bunting and the
national colors lend brightness to the town
in spite of weeping skies. The thermometer
and barometer are but poor indicators of
the welcome the state convention of the
O. U. A. M. was given by the people? The
delegates began to arrive in town on Mon-
day and every train brought additional
visitors until between two and three hun-
dred had arrived, many of them prominent
in the order, and all of them nice looking
men. The convention held its first session
at 10 a. m. Tuesday. Mr. Eli Townsend,
representing burgess Simler, made an ad-
dress of welcome in which he voiced the
welcome of the citizens to the visitors, and
spoke very flatteringly of the Mechanics
and also of the town and its advant-
ages. Ex-S. C. Saybolt responded on be-
Ralf of the order and explained the aims
and ‘benefits of the organization. Pres-
ident Hornbecker presided over the meet-
ing, at the close of which they went into
secret session.
Despite the inclemency of the weather
Tuesday evening the state council repre-
sentatives indulged in a street parade,
headed by the International band. About
170 members of the order were in line, and
made a fine appearance. On account of
the showers which were prevailing many
did not venture out.
The election tellers reported the follow-
ing result of the election of state officers
for ensuing year : S. C., Geo. H. Lavely,
of Johnstown ; 8. V. G., Rev. J. F. Flegal,
Duncannon ; 8S. C. Secretary, Walter Gra-
ham, of Philadelphia ; S. G. Treas., Chas.
H. Kurtz, of Philadelphia ; S. C. Induc.,
L. Watkins Moore, Fernwood ; S. C. Ex.,
E. M. Shade, Chambersburg ; S. C. Pro.,
S. A. Rankin, Roscoe ; Natl., Rep., Chas.
H. Kurtz, Philadelphia ; Natl. Rep. to fill
unexpired term of Rev. J. F. Flegal, H.
M. Holstein, Harrisburg.
The next meeting place of the state
council will be at Reading. :
~The funeral aid, auxiiliary to the O.
U. A M. met in fourthannual convention,
on Monday afternoon. The aid is in a
flourishing condition. having 85 councils
with a total membership of about 2,000.
Death benefits having been paid on nineteen
members during the year, amounting to
——AIll kinds of bicycle sundries, re-
pairing anthenameling in the finest style at
Sheffer’s ward rooms in the Exchange.
New spring clothing just opened at
Faubles’. Prices much lower than ever.
It will pay you to investigate.
Centre Hall.
The members of the Evangelical association
turned out Monday and constructed a .walk
in front of the parsonage and church.
Miss Grace Smith returned from Williams-
port on Wednesday evening, where she had
been visiting friends for the past ten days.
Communion will be celebrated Sunday,
evening, May 16th, in the Lutheran church,
It was postponed from last Sabbath on
account of the heavy rains on that day.
The genial and popular landlord of the
Eutaw House, at Potters Mills, Jas. §. Reish, |.
accompanied by his wife, spent several hours
in town Wednesday transacting. business and
shaking hands with his many friends here.
Minor improvements are being made on
the street opposite the Reformed church. The
council has not decided to what ex-
tent labor will be expended on the streets,
but doubtless the work began last season will
be continued.
The heavy and continuousrains, the latter
part of last week and the beginning of this,
rendering out door work by the farmers im-
possible, was taken advantage of by a large
number of them to transact business in town
and to pay social visits to their less busy
friends here.
W. J. Smith, the town farmer, will try an
experiment with crimson clover and Canadian
field peas, as well as a large quantity of
sweet ensilage corn. He is the first to try the
above crops in this section, although they
are largely grown in other localities in Penn-
sylvania. His experiment may prove valu-
able to the farmers who will learn by object
lessons. :
A drive through Pennsvalley or a look
from the top of Nittany mountain, since the
bountiful rains of the forepart of the week, is
discouraging to the pessimist. At uno time of
the season for the past few years have the
fields looked as promising. One year ago
there was scarcely a good wheat field to be
seen in the valley, to-day just the reverse is
the case, and the indications are for an enor-
mous hay crop as nine tenths of the hay
fields are clover.
E. M. Hewett will have the interior and
exterior of his house repainted before occupy-
ing it. The saw mill was shipped from his
recent lumber job and is being taken to the
seven mountains, where Mr. Hewett has a
large tract of timber land to operate upon.
He thoroughly understands lumbering which
enables him to do a profitable business, His
return to this place is looked on with pleas-
ure by those who have business or so-
cial relations with him. .
At a meeting of Samuel Shannon Post heid
Saturday afternoon, the usual arrangements
were made for Decoration day. Decoration
coming on ‘Sunday, the post decided to per-
form the ceremonies the following Monday,
beginning at Farmers Mills in the ‘morning,
thence to Spring Mills, George's Valley, Pot-
ters Mills, Centre Hill and closing at Centre
Hall at 6 p. m. Rev. Eisenberg, of the Re-
formed churche has been invited to deliver
the oration at this place. Rev. J. M. Rearick
will preach the annual sermon to the post
Tuesday previous to Memorial day at
George's Valley at ten a. m. :
Potatoes are worth but ten cents when you
can sell them. There are hundreds of bush-
els for sale in the valley that can
not be marketed Many farmers are con-
vinced that to dabble too largely in what be-
longs to the specialist is dangerous business
from a financial standpoint.
The Los Angeles Herald gives a splendid
portrait of Miss Anna Flora Burkhard who
was recently married to Byron Erkenbrecher,
a millionaire starch manufacturer. Miss
Burkhard was one of the prettiest snd most
fashionable ladies on the Pacific ¢« st and is
a granddaughter of Susan Harpster, sister of
the Harpsters of this place where she was
raised and married to ‘‘Wash’’ Neff, brother
of Dr. P. Neff. The Neff family moved west
where the husband died, subsequently the
widow married Mr. Burkhard, whose daugh-
ter is mentioned above. So much for a pret-
ty girl who is doubtless proud of the fact that
her ancesters once resided here.
Supervisors Bruss and Krumrine, of Potter
township, are feeling the tax-payer’s pulse to
find out whether it would be advisable to
purchase a first-class stone crusher. The
thermometer shows a rather elevated tem-
perature, owing to the present debt of the
township caused by mismanagement of ex-
supervisors, but the crusher is needed and
may possibly be purchased. With the Ham-
ilton road bill in sight, the authorities could
not make a mistake by adding this necessary
machine for the construction of good roads.
The average Centre Hall Democrat is proud
because, the county committee gave the
borough an additional delegate. That sounds
good for the borough Democracy, and shows
the falsity of the repeated statements that
the Democrats are in cahoot with the Repub-
licans. Those who are Democrats from
principle don’t even mind being called mon-
grels and all sorts of ugly names, by those
who are constantly asking for more pie
from the Democratic county organi-
zation, but go on voting for every man in the
Democratic column not for pie’s sake but be-
cause they always have been Democrats.
North precinct of Potter township also
gained a delegate.
The smart man was around town a few
weeks ago and tried his hand on the town
school board and, no doubt, others in the
township. He "had a set of Mocks which
formed a cube and sphere, and gave all the
information necessary for the civil service
examination for a first class appointment
under McKinley. The school board thought
the blocks very useful but the price, nearly
forty dollars was a stunner, and the board
wisely concluded to leave the wise man go.
The forty dollars will help pay the ad-
tional two months school, advocated by
many of the borough residents. A straw
vote, which may be taken soon, will
without doubt show a large majority for
ten months of public school. The coming
school board is not made of the same mater-
ial that boards are sawed from.
Water is still running over the tongues of
the populace. A committee is having the
option held by councilmen C. F. Deininger
for certain water rights transformed into
leases for ninty-nine years, the condition be-
ing less than those named in the option held
by Deininger as an individual. This shows
conclusively that those who claimed they
knew what they were talking about, had
thought little on what they were saying when
an effort was made to delude the public and
make believe that Deininger intended to
bleed the borough! Your correspondent
does not claim infalibility but anyone who
would wilfully misrepresent things as they
are, would necessarily impugn Councilmen
Deininger’'s motives in every, action taken
in the town council for the public good.
Water we must have, and water we will have.
Pine Grove Mention.
Gossip has a wedding near at hand.
Mrs. Samuel Moore, of State College, Sun-
dayed with her aged mother, on Main street.
Supervisors Archey and Gray will have no
trouble in finding mud holes in the highways
W. A. Tanyer is anxiously awaiting an ex-
press package with which he is going to sup-
ply every household in the land with articles
of use and ornament.
Mrs. Hezekiah Ewing spent the early part
of the week visiting her daughter Mary, at
Mill Hall, who has recovered sufficiently
from her recent illness to attend school.
George and Ella Graham are mourning the
death of their little son, William Leslie, who
died at their State College home on last Fri-
day. His body was brought here on Sunday
and buried in the new cemetery at three
o’clock. f
George D. Gitt, one of Hanover's most
prosperous business men, is visiting his sister
Mrs. Aikens, at the Lutheran parsonage.
He is pleasant and agreeable and has made
so many friends here that time does not drag
while he stays.
Our young Wanamaker, on Main street,
N. Titus Krebs, has just received a large as-
sortment of goods from Philadelphia and
New York. The newest styles and designs
in dress goods and notions of every descrip-
tion at lowest prices.
Our popular miller J. D. Wagner has suc-
ceeded in putting the mill into excellent or-
der and is now running it on full time. His
grade of flour is so good that we are sure his
head would be turned if he could hear all
the praise the women are heaping on him.
D. C. Gingrich, so well and favorably re-
membered by the patrons of the Oak Hall
mill and who exchanged politics last fall, for
the grocery business at Juniata, has sold out
and returned to his old haunts to look about
for a ‘new: undertaking. We would not be
surprised to see him develop into a full
fledged huckster.
Little did we think when we last mentioned
J. B. Ard’s trotter that he would speed it
so soon, but last Saturday afternoon he gave it
a trial. In company with his friend Major
Everts he took a drive and as_the clouds. -
looked a little leaky they both got out to fas-
ten down the curtains of the buggy when the
trotter started off. For two miles it had the
right of way and kept up the pace and the
gentlemen followed on the walk. Fortunate-
ly some good Samaritan caught the horse and
brought it back so that the passengers, by
speeding it well on the home stretch, were
able to make the 5.30 train for State College
otherwise the major would have missed his
Sunday school lesson.