Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 23, 1897, Image 8
vw. Bellefonte, Pa., April 23, 1897. CorRESPONDENTS.—No communications pub- lished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. : THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY ——Mr. Irvin Alexander and family are now running the hotel at Unionville. ——Madisonburg Knights of the Golden Eagle are talking of starting a band. ——Mrs. Barbara Long, of Penns Cave, is ill at the remarkably advanced age of 98 years. ——The great Adam Forepaugh and Sell’s Bros. circuses combined will show in Williamsport early in May. ——DMr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kimport are now comfortably ensconced in their new home on East Bishop street. Philip Beezer purchased six steers from John McDowell, of Milroy, this week that averaged 1524 1bs in weight. ——A new firm, Hall and Pletcher, are building a stave mill at Howard that will employ six men when in operation. Jack Nason, having purchased the large Hoover property, at Julian, is said to be considering a plan for turning it into a hotel. ———Burglars undertook to rob Noll’s store, at Zion, Wednesday night, but were frightened off before they gained entrance to it. Ira C. Mitchell Esq., has moved his | law office from the second floor, Crider’s Exchange, to his residence, on Spring street. ——Mis. Emma Wolf, of Philipsburg, has a book in her possession that is 295 years old. Itis a history of England, in two volumes, in calf. Charles Garis, of Pleasant Gap, hav- ing passed the necessary civil service ex- amination, has been appointed a substitute mail-carrier for Bellefonte. ——1f you have aly old U. S. coins, from a halt cent to a $50 gold piece, you can re- alize premiums by bringing them to room 39, Brockerhoff house, May 15th. ——The heavy frost of Monday night is thought not to have hurt the fruit trees in this section as the atmosphere was so dry. Ice several inches thick was frozen in some parts of the county. ——The venerable Peter Hoffer, of Cen- tre Hall, is so seriously ill that it is feared he will not recover. He is one of the old residents of that place and a man very well known throughout Centre county. Sheriff Cronister has purchased the Stewart farm, near Martha Furnace, and is making a number of improvements on it. This looks as if the sheriff had made up his mind already as to what he will do when “his term expires. —— Last Saturday was about as raw and unpleasant an April day as could be well imagined yet it was the first anniversary of a day that registered 93° in the shade in Bellefonte. Ou the 13th of March, ’96, it was below zero here. John P. Harris, cashier of the First national bank of Bellefonte, has been ap- pointed by Governor Hastings to be a member of the Pennsylvania commission to the Tennessee centennial, to he opened at Nashville, Monday, May 1st. ——The anticipated convention of the Clinton county societies of Christian En- deavor, that will be held at Beech Creek in June, is already arousing the people of that place and Blanchard to action in the preparation of a good program for the visitors. —Rail-road- officer Barr, of Tyrone, has arrested four tramps whom he thinks are the fellows who have been burglarizing small stations along the upper end of the Lewisburg and Tyrone rail-road for some time. Birmingham, Warriors-mark, Mt. Union and other places had been worked by the gang. H. Wilbur Bickle Esq., lawyer, farmer, ex-Democratic auditor and ex- Prohibition candidate for Assembly, all at the same time, has been compelled to quit farming, owing to ill health and is now living in Milesburg, where he is conduct- ing a provision store. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Bickle’s health is not of the best. Editor Charles R. Kurtz, of the Centre Democrat, is anything hut a ‘stick in the mud’ yet he did that very thing while fishing for trout in Geo. W. Jackson and Co’s., mill dam last Friday evening, and losing his equilibrium he tumbled into the water. After the catastrophe he ambled back to his hotel with the proverb- ial luck of the fisherman, sure enough. tile establishments before long. Walt G. Tallhelm is putting up a building in which he will open a store and J. C. Nason is putting up another, near his home, in which his daughter will conduct the mil- linery business. If Mr. Tallhelm makes as much of a success of his store as he did of the Julian band he will get along nicely. ~—The Undine Easter bali, on Mon- day night, was not as largely attended as it should have been, when the public obliga- tion to so good an organization is taken in- to consideration. There were lots of nice girls there, however, and what more, with first class music, could the firemen have desired to make a good time. The com- mittee, composed of John Beezer, chairman, Frank Walz, Harry Lose, William Flack and Joseph Lose, deserves credit for hav- Julian is to have two new mercan- | 80 successfully handled the affair. WILL IT BE MURDER THAT HE WILL HAVE To ANSWER FOR ?—Walter Murray, a tramp giving his home as Beaver Falls, Pa., is in jail here and another tramp, James W. Porter, who has asked to have his body sent to Patrick C. Clanning, Gil- berton, Schuylkill county, is lying at the point of death at Heaton’s, in Boggs town- ship. Yesterday it was not believed that he could live over the day. Should Porter die Murray will be indicted for murder and from the case that would be brought against him the following story of a stabbing affray could be learned. Last Saturday afternoon a party of four tramps were lounging about a rendezvous near Snow Shoe Intersection, when it was suggested that they throw knives at a mark. The quartet of hobos soon fell to in the sport and were hurling a big two- edged dirk at the end of a barrel with all the dexterity and precision of the man who does the impalement act in. the circus. When the excitement over the sport had reached its highest tension an accident or an intentional stabbing occurred—no one knows which it was, since the stories are so varying—Porter sank to the ground with the deadly dirk buried clear to the hilt in his right side. The knife entered just between the hip bone and the lower rib and cut an upward gash 4 inches wide and as deep as the blade. His companions ran to him and pulled it from his side, but nothigg furth- er was done for his relief until Sunday. The man was left lying out near Gregg’s crossing and suffered frightful agony until Sunday, when Dr. Braucht, of Mileshurg, got word of the affair and went to look after the man. He found him lying by the road- side, with his one side nearly paralyzed and well nigh dead from exhaustion. He was taken on a stretcher to the office of Squire J. Miles Green, where James Krebs, overseer of the poor for Boggs town- ship, found him and sent him to James Heaton’s home where he is now lying. According to the story told by the tramp who staid with him Murray had done the stabbing then constable McMullen and Lew Wallace started after him and soon arrested him, bringing him to the jail in this place on Sunday evening. > Some of the tramps say that the stab- bing was purely accidental and occurred in such a way as to indicate that it was. They say that Porter ran in front of the mark just as Murray was in the act of throwing and too late for him to recover himself, while others say Murray deliberately hurl- ed the knife at his companion. ode A FUNNY ScrRAP.—The whole town laughed when it heard of a scrap that took place, around on Bishop street, about half past seven o'clock on Tuesday evening. As a rule a scrap is anything but a joke, but when it became noised abroad that ex-poor overseer James I. McClure and his thereto- fore bosom friend Al Dale Esq., had gotten at each other in genuine Carson style every one saw something ludicrous in it. The poor Governor is to blame for it all too. You see if he had’nt turned the Dales down for everything they have ever aspired to in county politics they wouldn’t be so ‘‘red-headed” at him, and Al would not have had occasion to speak of him in language so full of tucks, accordion pleats and ruffles as was that he used in McClure’s saddlery on the eventful even- ing. Now Jim McClure is more than a friend of the Governor and he couldn’t be | expected to sit by and leave such language | £0 unresented. He stood between love and duty. He and Dale had swapped huntin’ yarns for years and many a time bad curled up under the same blanket in the woods, while Al had made a veritable mirror out of the nether end of his gar- ments resting on the counters in that Bishop street saddlery, yet, withal, his duty as a friend of the Governor urged him on and on until Al's good right flew out and pasted his one optic, landing the duti- ful James on the floor. He recovered quickly and grabbing a whet-stone fired it at the Blackstonian head, but it missed and Jim was minus some of his pane, at least, for it flew straight through one of his large show windows. . Then Al ran and James stoned him in a very dignified way, of course, until he dis- appeared around the end of Aikens store, then he had a warrant sworn out for the man who dared to assault him in his own shop and Mr. Dale waived a hearing and gave bond for his appearance at-court. It is not known just what bearing this preliminary scrimmage will have on the post office fight. ————— ede His LEG HAD To BE Cur OFF.— William Rodgers, the tramp from Chicago who was thrown to the rail-road tracks and injured by the breaking of a freight train on which he was riding, near Milesburg, Thursday morning, April 8th, will be a cripple for life. He was taken to the Altoona hospital where all efforts to save his leg were with- out avail and it was amputated on Mon- day. The man is in a serious condition. renee dQ] = mrs eerie: ——On Tuesday morning a beautiful spec- | imen of the bird commonly known as the kingfisher flew against the plate glass in the front of Sechler and Co's grocery, on High street, then fell to the pavement dead. It was not with suicidal intent that it had killed itself but the kingfisher was hard pressed by a screeching flock of those pesty English sparrows and evidently did not pay any attention to the direction it was flying. j ee —A bad mule kicked William Woods in the ribs while he was driving it at Nigh ore bank, on Monday morning. One rib was broken and another suffered eompound fracture. FELL INTO THE DAM WHILE ASLEEP. —Little Rebecca Miller, a daughter of James Miller, of Valentine’s iron works, iniraculously escaped drowning, last Fri- day morning, through the heroism of her brother Lewis, who jumped into the stream and rescued her just in the nick of time. She had been sitting at the gates of the dam at tke rolling mill fishing with a par- ty of children and as the little girl has the habit of falling asleep, at any time and any place, she soon became oblivious to her sur- roundings and was fast in the arms of Mor- pheus. In this condition she slid off into the water and was carried swiftly through the gates and down the turbulent stream, until the cries of her companions attracted her brother and was saved. ae ——Master Harry Bentley, a grand-son of proprietor Henry Yearger, of the Brant house, fell from his bicycle, while riding about the Diamond, Wednesday afternoon, and broke his left arm above the wrist. The lad displayed considerable nerve and wouldn't take anything to deaden the pain while the broken bone was being set. His horge is in Joliett, II. EE ——C. H. Bressler, a solicitor for the Lock Haven Democrat hook bindery, has purchased the Mill Hall Times outfit and will run that paper as a Republican organ in Clinton county. ———— ate ——Tyrone has raised enough money to secure the shoe factory that Bellefonte turned down. A board of managers has already been chosen and John P. Harris Jr., formerly of this place, is one of them. ——— i = res— Samuel B. Conrad, of Warriors- mark, started to drive three teams of horses’ to West Virginia, on Tuesday morning. He expects to be five days en- route. His destination isa logging camp in that State, where he will engage in haul- ing. >oe — ——The program for the seventh annual commencement of the Chester Springs soldiers’ orphan schools, of which* Col. Austin Curtin is superintendent, has just been published and shows that the boys and girls at that institution are wide awake and progressive. The school colors are red and black. es Mrs. Grace E. Dutton, a daughter of Col. F. H. Dunham, of this place, and at one time a student in our public schools, is scheduled to give a series of ten lectures on cooking before the Chautauqua assem- bly, at Long Beach, Cal., durifl the sum- mer. She will receive $200 for her ser- vices. ee - Mrs. Emma Leister has sold her fur- niture and other interests in the Potter house, at Philipsburg, to G. W. Mapledor- am, of Johnstown, who took charge of the hotel on Saturday. Mrs. Leister will ga to Philadelphia to live. C. H. McAteer, at one time proprietor of the house, will man- age it for the new proprietor. ay Mrs. John J. Rodrigue, of New York, daughter of Henry Tammany, Decd, and a cousin of Mrs. Margaret Brockerhoff, of this place, died suddenly yesterday morning. The message announcing the death gave no particulars. Her remains will be brought here for burial to-morrow morning. Fa- neral from the Catholic church. wae —The Christian aid society at Jack- sonville will hold an ‘apron social’”’ on Saturday evening. The Hoy brothers will be present and enliven things with music. An apron is expected to be on hand from every State in the Union and they will all be sold. It is a church benefit and all are invited. It will be held in the basement of the Reformed church at that place. abe ——The venerable William Broom Sr., died at his home, in Milesburg, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Old age and a con- sequent collapse of his physical system caused his death. Deceased was 75 years old and is survived by a widow and ten children, three having died before their father. His remains were interred from the Evangelical church, in Milesburg, on Tues- day. Lo — ote —Mr. J. D. Murray, Centre Hall's pharmacist, has just been notified that he is one of the four successful contestants for the $400 prizes offered by the Pabst brew- ing company, of Milwaukee, for the best article on how to abolish cut rates in the sale of patent medicines and proprietary articles. Mr. Murray’s article and photo- graph will be published in leading trade papers. . — Raa .—Our readers are cordially invited to visit the new quarters of G. F. Musser & Co., general fire insurance agents, second floor Centre county bank building. - Mr. Musser has only lately opened in this line and his personal popularity, together with his shrewd business ability, is already tell- ing in the nice business that is being placed with the new firm. Even if You do not contemplate insuring call at the new offices and see how welcome you will be made. ee : ——The presentation of “The Cheerful Liar,” at Garman’s, last Monday night, by Williard Lee and a company of Altoona amateurs was somewhat in the nature of a disappointment to a fair sized house. The play is a cleverly constructed little bit of stage work, but Mr. Lee failed to leave the favorable impression he might otherwise have made by the use of so much pro- fanity. Occasionally a little swear word, in such a case, for instance, as Alice Fischer found occasion to use one in “The Sporting Duchess,’’ adds a spice that noth- ing else will to a stage effect, but when swearing is so repeatedly resorted to a play, otherwise all right, becomes vulgar and coarse, as did Mr. Lee’s production. ——— ' DEATH OF AN AGED CITIZEN.—John Shannon McCormick, one of the best known men in Centre county, died at his home at noon on the 20th inst. He was taken ill but several days before with grip, that cul- minated in asthmatic trouble, and sank rapidly away until death closed his eyes in sleep from which none ever wakens. Thus closes a most energetic and useful life. To his children, who were all at his bedside, the blow comes with crushing weight. But in this their hour of grief this cloud has for them a silver lining. They will remember him as the ever loving and indulgent parent, the honored “citizen, 4 man possessing many noble qualities of heart and mind, always firm in his convic- tionsand invariably found on the right side of moral and religious questions. It was indeed a consistent and straight-for- ward life he lived. His genial disposition, his habitual kind- ness and his steadfast devotion always made him a centre of conversation to a very large body of friends. In early youth he connected himself with the Lutheran church. The cause of temperance and Sabbath observance ever had in hini an ardent advocate. He loved the gates of Zion and neither advanced age, dark nights, nor dripping skies availed to absent him from the Lord’s house. Deceased was born near Penni’s Cave, nearly eighty years ago. In early man- hood he learned the cooper trade, which occupation he followed many years after becoming one of the pioneers of Ferguson Twp., in 1852. Clearing land in day time and coopering at night, by his industry be became the owner of one of the show farms in that section. Politically he was a Demo- crat and never missed hut one general elec- tion. He filled many oifices of trust, both | in church and township and was a strong candidate for sheriff of this county when John Spangler was nominated. In Oct., 1846, he married Sarah Beck. Their union was blessed with nine children. ‘Mrs. Catharine Carson, of Potters Mills , Thomas McCormick, of Warren, O. ; and Samuel McCormick, of Tabor, Iowa ; are _his brothers and sister. The children who mourn his loss are Hon. J. T. McCormick, Pine Hall ; Dr. S. S. McCormick, of Hub- lersburg ; Mrs. Hamilton Seibert, of State College ; Mrs. George Behrer, and Mrs, L. H. Osman, of Pine Hall ; and Chas. B., and Anna B., at home. Three of the chil- dren and their mother died a number of years ago. * The funeral took place at the Pine Hall cemetery, yesterday afternoon, Rev. Aik- ens officating. It was a large gathering of relations, friends and neighbors, all anx- ious to pay a last tribute of respect to the old patriarch. His favorite among wild flowers being laurel a beautiful wreath of it bedecked his casket. I I I _ SUDDEN DEATH oF MRs. Hurrox.— Martha Lena, wife of Joseph Hutton, resi- dent of Union Township, departed this life, on Thursday the 15th of April, A. D. 1897, after a very short illness. She did not feel well on the Sunday previous, having evi- dently contracted a cold which seemed to havesettled on her lungs and heart trouble soon set in and became the most alarming symptom which was the immediate cause of her death. She was an industrious and faithful wife, kind and true to her husband with whom she shared the burdens and joys of life, since March 22, 1849; and who feels very keenly the sore affliction which has fallen to his lot. As a mother she was untiringly devoted to her three surviving daughters, namely : Minerva, widow of the late John G. Hall ; Mrs. Mary Gear- hart, of Curtin, Boggs township ; and Mrs. Susan Logan, of Osceola Mills, Clearfield county. Eight grandchildren and one great grandchild, with her husband consti- tute the immediate relationship of the de- ceased. She was a member of the M. E. church and was aged 67 years, 5 months and 16 days. Her remains were interred in the Hall cemetery, above Unionville, Rev. J. Zeigler officiating. The bereaved share the sympathy of their many friends and acquaintances, especially Mrs. Hall to whom has fallen a double por- tion of affliction. The Master has said : “My grace shall be sufficient for thee.” Z ' I I I OF SucH 18 THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. —It has pleased our all-wise heavenly Father to take one of the dear little lambs of his flock, from the earthly to the heaven- ly fold. Helen Arlie Noll, the little daughter of James and Lillie Noll, of Milesburg, after a brief illness, died on Friday morning, April 16th, aged 7 years, 9 months and 14 days. Death was caused by hemorrage of the throat. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. W. O. Wright conducting the ser- vices. And so on ‘the beautiful Easter afternoon the little body was laid away to await that glorious Easter ‘dawn when Christ shall come again to c'aim his own. Such a fair, bright, lovable child as she was. Truly it can be said of her ‘‘none knew her but to love her.” She was a happy child and seemed to scatter sun- shine wherever she went. In the school- room, in the Sabbath school, where her bright face was seldom missed, in the Junior, Endeavor, in which she was an earnest aud active little worker,—every- where she will be missed. Rarely is a child mourned by all as is Helen. Truly her parents have the heartfelt sympathy of everyone. Her little mission on earth has been fulfilled, and now she has gone to be with Him, -who, when He was on earth, said : ‘‘Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not ; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Lo At the age of 3 years Minnie, the youngest child of Josiah Long, died at her home, in Millheim, last Saturday. She was a bright little girl and will be sadly missed by her parents. Interment was made on Tuesday. ; -— in the iat i of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner, of Milesburg, died last Saturday night and was buried, on Tuesday, in the Advent cemetery near that place. The babe was between seven and eight months old. : News Purely Personal. —Mrs. J. G." Love and her two children are in Tyrone this week visiting the judge's sister. —Miss Minnie Wilkinson and Miss Powell left for New York, Tuesday morning, for a two weeks stay. —Mr. A. F. Hall, of Fleming, spent a few mo- ments transacting some business in this place yesterday afternoon. —MTr. and Mrs. Alfred Mallory, of Altoona, were visitors at the home of Mr. George Mallory, on Pine street, on Friday. —Mrs. Sue MeMicken, of Westport, is visiting Mrs. Shortlidge, who was seriously sick the fore- part of the week. —Mrs. William B. Mingle, of Centre Hall, spent yesterday in Bellefonte, the guest of Mrs. A. C. Mingle, on High street. : —Miss Ruby Lambert, daughter of insurance commissioner James H. Lambert, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mrs. W. F. Reeder. + —Mrs. Mary A. Chambers was in Washington over Easter visiting her brother, Mr. Staples, of Virginia, who is there in a hospital. —dJos. L. Montgomery spent Sunday at Atlantic City, with his fiancee, Miss Elizabeth G. Mufily, to whom he will be married on June 2nd. —Mrs. George Kerstetter, of Lewisburg, and her little daughter were in town over Easter vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tripple. —D. Edwin Wine, of Bustleton, Pa., spent Sun- day at the home.of Col. J. L. Spangler, on Alle- gheny street, the guest of his little friend master Alfred Brisbin. —Miss Nan Schofield, youngest daughter of Hon. James Schofield, of Thomas street, returned from 4 long visit with friends in New York, on Monday morning. —Mrs. Benjamin Beaver, her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Neidigh, post-master Frank Kennedy and Albert Hoy Esq., were State College people in Bellefonte on Wednesday. —L. Olin Meek came up from Philadelphia, last Friday morning, and spent a few Easter loaf days with friends here, up Buffalo Run and at State College. He returned to the city Tuesday even- ing. ‘ : —Mr. Joseph Leathers, of Mt. Eagle, that town where there are so many men of that name and all of them good citizens, was in town last Friday and graciously gave the WArcuymAN a few moments of his agreeable companionship. —Mrs. John M. Bulloci, of Allegheny street, came home from Philadelphia on Friday. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that her treatment in the hospital in that city resulted in restoring her to perfect health again. —Fred Kurtz Jr., of Centre Hall, and Mrs. W. L. Kurtz, of Lewisburg, were in town, on Tues- day. The former to attend to some business here and Mrs. Kurtz tarried until an evening train when she continued westward for a visit with friends in Pittsburg. —Mrs. Minnie Harper and her son Edward came home from Philadelphia, Wednesday even- | ing, where the latter had been operated upon for an abscess on the kidney. Fortunately it was very successful and he will soon be restored to perfect health. —MTr. and Mrs. Charles Murray, of Julian, spent Easter with their daughter, Mrs. John Beezer, in this place. While here they attended the im- pressive services in St. John’s Catholic church. Mr. Murray is one of the pride track foremen for the Pennsy on the Bald Eagle valley. —Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gardner, of Howard, spent Sunday at the home of M. I. Garduer, on Spring street, and while here Mr. Gardner tried his hand at trout fishing. His wife, having all the faith in the world in his ability to catch lots of the speckled beauties, carried a large’ sack to him about noon, but nary a fish had he to put in it. . —Mr. R. H. Kreamer, the gentleman who has so much to do with keeping the C. R. R. of Pa., tracks in safe condition for the monster locomo- tives that run over that road, came up from his home at Nittany and. spent a few hours in town last Thursday night. He is one of the Milesburg Kreamers and that suffices to brand him a very pleasant gentleman. —Mr. John Houser, of Pleasant Gap, spent last Friday in town and his robust, hardy appearance spoke well for the pure climate that is to be found at his comfortable country home away up on Nit- tany mountain. Mr. Houser is not farming him- self any more, but has a son who makes the fer- tile soil of his broad acres produce as fine crops as are harvested anywhere. —We were sorry, on Tuesday, when another gen- tleman dropped in and ordered onr old friend's, Mr. Shuman Lyon's, paper marked up foranoth- er year. Mr. Lyon is oue of those easy mannered old gentlemen with whom it is always a pleasure to meet, but we suppose he was too busy about his Spring township home to come himself this time so had to send a representative. —Mr. Johnston, of Philipsburg, was in town between trains yesterday. He was on his way to Centre Hall where he is looking after some railroad building work in which he has been en- gaged for the last thirty years in the Rockies country and about Chicago. Mr. Johnston is a na- tive of this county and his uncle, William Am¢ merman, was foreman at the old Eagle furnace, at Roland, when that place was flourishing as an iron manufacturing point. —C. M. Bower Esq., went down to Lancaster, on Monday, to be present atthe meeting of the missionary board of the Reformed church of which he is an interested and active member. His son John came home from Franklin & Marshall college, last week, in time for the open- ing of the trout season and is no doubt telling his college chums, by this time, of the eleven beau- ties he caught. Mr. J. S. Rowe, of Centre Hall, the pushing representative of the Altman road making ma- chinés, manufactured at Canton, Ohio, was in town, on Wednesday, looking up some business schemes he has working in this section. Road machinery is becoming popular with supervisors in Centre founty, and Mr. Rowe ought to do a good share of the business as he has an excellent one, —Ferguson township's big land owner, Charles Snyder, made one of his regular pilgrimages to this place last Saturday and pleased his friends by dropping in, here and there among them, for short chats. He is one of the most extensive farmers in the county and it all his places- were pat into one he would have no cause for fearing a size comparison with some of the big Dakota farms we read about. —D. D.. Wood Esq., and supervisor of the val- ley telegraph lines Kilman came down from Ty- rone, Wednesday morning, and managed tosur- vive Bellefonte during the twenty-five minutes between morning trains. 'Tis true that itis a pretty hard job killing time in a small town, but as Jake Herman would say, they "are both ‘‘connoozers,’” and there is no town in Pennsyl- vania_ better calculated for their investigations than Bellefonte. A PECULIAR SWELLING ON THE NECK THAT KILLED HER.—Doctors Braucht, of Milesburg, and Hibler, of this place, are just now puzzled over the strange case of little Helen Noll, the 8 year old daughter of James B. Noll, of Milesburg. On Wed- nesday of last week the little girl, who had always been bright and well, went home from school complaining about a pain in her neck. A swelling appeared that her parents thought was the beginning of an attack of mumps and treated her accordingly. Later Dr. Braucht was called in and thought the symptoms not those of mumps but was not exactly sure of the cause. On Thursday she suffered a severe hemorrhage and hlood flowed from her mouth, nose and ears. The following day she had another one that resulted in her death. As yet the the physicians have been un- able to diagnose the case satisfactorily to themselves, neither one of them had ever experienced a similar one. The remains of the Jittle girl were inter- red Sunday afternoon. — eve SEIBERT—THOMPSON.—A very unpre- tentious wedding was that of George E. Seibert, of Johnstown, and Miss Nora Thompson, of Buffalo Run, on Tuesday morning, though it was none the less _hap-- py for its having been so quietly celebrated. It took place at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Harpster, in Benner town- ship ; and Rev. D. L. Jones, of the Pres- byterian church, officiated. None but im- mediate relatives having been present. . After the ceremony the bride and groom left for Johnstown, where Mr. Seibert is in the employ of the Cambria iron company as a mechanical engineer. He isa son of John Seibert, of Buffalo Run, and is a grad- uate of The Pennsylvania State College. His bride is very well known in this place through her connection with B.C Achenbach’s confectionery and she has hosts of friends here who will Wish her life- long felicity and happiness. —e —DLast Thursday afternoon W. WW. McGhee, a well-to-do young farmer from the vicinity of McGhee’s Mills, Clearfield county, was married to Miss Bertha Long, daughter of J. B. Long, of Howard. The bride’s brother, Rev. W. M. Long. of Pittsburg, performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of guests. The Long home was daintily decorated with cut flowers and the function was a very pretty one. ——Last Wednesday afternoon Maines T. Bowes, of Blanchard, and Nannie Flem- ing, of Gillintown, were married. The wedding took place in Williamsport. The groom isan engineer on the Beech Creek rail-road. They will go to housekeeping at Gillintown. te ——New spring clothing just opened at Faubles’. Prices much lower than ever. It will pay you to investigate. ee GRANT MONUMENT DEDICATION—NEW YORK.—The Penna., R. R. will sell excur- sion tickets, on April 26th, to New York and return at a single fare for the round trip. Tickets good to return until May 4th. Rate, via Lock Haven, or L. and T. branch, $7.91. See age —All kinds of bicycle sundries, re- pairing and enameling in the finest style at Shefler’s ware rooms in the Exchange. eae ——New spring clothing just opened at Faubles’. Prices much lower than ever. It will pay you to investigate. te SHRODER THE HEALER.—Heals the sick merely by laying hands on the patient. This man is a wonder. He came to Belle- fonte yesterday and will be here to treat the sick, to-day, Friday 23rd, and to-mor- tow, Saturday. He is at Garman’s hotel. * —Bicycles enameled any color. Tires vulcanized good as new. Columbia Agency, Bellefonte, Pa. —_—— eee —New spring clothing just opened at Faubles’. Prices much lower than ever. It will pay you to investigate. Bellefonte Grain Market. , Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co. Au * : 3 The following’ are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes ress : edwhonl....... Ln stereesarens 5 Rye, per bushel........... 30 Jorn, shelled, per bushe 30 Jorn, ears, per bushel. 1234 Oats, per bushel, old... 18 Oats, per bushel, new . 18 Barley, per bushel....... 30 Ground Plaster, per ton. .« 800 Buckwheat, perbushel.,.................. 25 Cloverseed, per bushel. $6 00 to $7 00 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co. Potatoes per bushel Onions. sane ggs, per doz Lard, per pound Country Should Sides. Tal Hams allow, per po Butter, per pound The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Pa., at $1.50 per annum (if paid strictly in advance) $2.00, when not paid in advance, and $2.50 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less paid for in advance. : A liberal discount is made to persons advertis- ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows : SPACE OCCUPIED [3m | om | ly One inch (12 lines this ty «$5 88810 Two inches..... of 10) 15 Three inches.. 10015 | 20 uarter Colum 12 (20 | 30 alf Column (10 inches) 20 135 | 50 One Column (20 inches) .| 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per cent. additional. 3 : Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...........20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line hh Local notices, per line.......... “- Business notices, per line 10 cts. — Job Printing of every kind done with neatness and dispatch, The Watchman office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the mostartistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor