/ a \e= ~ . Bellefonte, Pa., April 16, 1897. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Once on a time —oh, long ago, When all the world was young, The sea was made of lemonade, And the land of chewing gum. The birds were built of peppermint, And lived in sugar trees, And there were no arithmetics, Or slates or geog’a’'phees ! A little boy and little girl Ruled as a king and queen— They put the old folks into jail "Whenever they were mean ; And then the boys could play all day And stay out in the rain, And never swallowed horrid stuff, For no one had a pain ; And no one had to brush his hair, Or ever wear a hat— 1 Oh, how I wish I'd only lived In such a time as that ! — Chicago Record. THE LILIES OF BERMUDA. Grown in Fields and Harvested for the American Market.—Methods of the Growers.—The Bulbs Produced in Such Great Quantities and at Such Slight Expense That Our Home Florists Cannot Compete. The impressions of a country drive in Bermuda, especially along some unfre- quented highway like that known as the “Middle road,’’ are not soon to be forgot- ten. The way leads from Hamilton to Flat’s village, through the parishes of ‘Smith and Devonshire. Everything strikes you as strange and novel—the country people, more black than white ; the women curtseying when they meet you ; the men bidding you a cheerful good morning ; the white-walled cottages peering through shrubbery ; the omnipres- ent gray bounding walls, which form part of the natural rock upon which these islands are builded ; and above all, the vegetation. Of our deciduous trees—oaks, beeches, maples, poplars,—there is hardly a trace to be seen, nor is anything to re- place them. All the islands are covered more or less with cedar trees—not at all like the far-famed cedars of Lebanon, nor the colossal growths of Central America, nor yet those with which we sometimes adorn (or shall I say deface) our gardens and cemeteries. These are small and bushy and resembling stunted firs. But the wood, when it is found large enough, is said to be excellent for ship-building. As the building of ships, has been since time out of mind, a prominent industry on these islands, the older land-owners who are not ‘‘up’’ to the new fangled notion of bulb raising by which the present genera- tion is enriching itself, refuse to allow their land to be cleared, except tree by tree, as required at the shipyards. Yuceas, or ‘Spanish bayonets,”’ spring by the way- side, and aloes occasionally with flower stems raising 20 or 30 feet, and thickets of bamboo sending willowy tufts 40 feet into the air. . DENSE JUNGLES OF BANANAS. Many species of cacti abound, some cul- tivated in the garden, like the Turk’s cap, _—"the melon cactus and the night blooming cereus.. One of the latter plants in front of a house on Middle road covers an area equal to a fair-sized room, and I counted more than 200 superb flowers upon it. Such sights are calculated to make the Northern tourist downhearted thinking of his own little conservatory, where with in- finite pains, he may sometimes succeed in nursing into scanty bloom, things that are here the commonest weeds! This small mid-ocean world has many characteristics -distinct from either Europe or America. In place of Northern cornfields you see long stretches of bananas, growing in al- most impenetrable thickets ; and in lieu of the vineyards and olive groves of the same latitude of the other side of the Atlantic here are endless fields of onions and Easter lilies. Now and then you come across tropical bits of scenery—sunshiny patches of palm land, overgrown with coarse brack- en and bordered with dense jungles of ba- nanas. The fruit of the latter, by the way, is an article of food almost as highly prized here as in the rural districts of Bolivia, where I once existed for a month without bread, boiled bananas being the universal substitute. In the Bermudas bananas de not quite fill the place of the staff of life, but they are served at every meal, break- fast, luncheon. dinner and supper, raw and cooked in a variety of strange ways. These island bananas are considerable smaller than those you buy in the market at home, but much sweeter and pleasanter to the taste—probably because fully ripe and eaten fresh from the stock, instead of being picked green for shipment and allowed to soften. WHY THE ROOFS ARE WHITE. Bluebirds, red cardinals and golden o1- ioles flit numerously before you,” and the modest little ground-dove is another fre- quently-met member of the Bermuda bird fauna. Straggling lines of white roofs and chimneys, peeping above and between the ragged fringe of banana patches, have an attractive appearance. The country houses are lower than those in town, but long and rambling ; and every one of them is roofed with stone, and glaringly whitewashed, as the law directs. It is a Govermment edict that all householders shall keep the roofs of their dwellings in condition to catch as much rain water as possible, in order to he independent of the public reservoirs, for fear of a water famine in this springless land. Even the fishermen’s cottages, set in groups in the little coves along shore, are of stone, washed as white as snow ; and all with the universal green shutters, hung at the top so as to act as a screen, admitting light and air at the bottom. The Bermudas never repair an old house, but leave it to crumble to de- cay, because building material costs almost nothing, and it is easier to construct a new one. Consequently, you meeta great many picturesque ruins by the wayside, with roofless walls and gables, weather-stained and vine-hung. Sometimes it is a large old manor house, with gaping windows and weed-choked doorways; through which nobody ever comes or goes, unless it be ghosts in the ‘‘witching time,’’ or, more frequently a solitary chimney, rising fron a shapeless mass of moss-grown stones, speaking of household fires never more to be rekindled, and of somebody‘s heartache in remembering unreturned days. SCENES NEAR HAMILTON. About a mile from Hamilton you pass the military station called Prospect ; and perhaps a mile further on an extensive salt morass, bordered by some fine cedar trees. Luckily there are no snakes in this happy island, and so far as reptiles are concerned, you may explore with safety the thickets of scrub and palmettos in search of queer aquatic plants not to be found elsewhere, But there is some danger nevertheless of verdure-covered sink holes, or of a sudden plunge through an opening in the roof of some deep cavern, whose floor may he the sea, for this coral reef if honeycombed with them. At one edge of the pond stands the old parish church of Devonshire—an anti- quated structure long since abandoned for the new one near by. It is surrounded by ancient cedars—the very ghost of trees, stretching bony, leafless limbs above the graveyard, whose mossy stones bear many quaint inscriptions. Flatt’s village, just beyond, is the central place from which to visit some of the loveliest scenery of the islands. Before the abolition of slavery, which put such a damPer on agriculture. this was one of the principal ports of Ber- muda—a thriving town of considerable trade. The shores of the pretty inlet were lined with wharves, where vessels re- ceived and discharged their cargoes. But now the capacity of this warehouse can only be guessed by the extent of their ruins. Everything wears a look of desola- tion, the molding walls, many of them with stately carved portals, draped with vines and prickly cacti, and overshadowed by:plantains and gigantic paws. Over the gateway of one of them leans the largest mahogany tree of Bermuda. It is an in- fant of only 30 years growth, but its ‘‘waist”’ already measures over seven feet. Unnumbered branches shoot out four feet from the ground, covered with dark, glossy leaves, and its top is as flat as a floor. A PECULIARITY OF THE ANIMALS. Although Bermuda soil is said to be ex- traordinarily fertile, yielding with a mod- erate amount of care two crops of Irish po- tatoes and ore of sweet potatoes in a single year, or two, and sometimes even three crops of barley, oats and corn—you are as- tonished at the uncultivated look of the whole country. Here and there are bits of garden—always running up into the ubi- quitous cedar bush ; but most of the land seems to be used for grazing purposes —and very indifferent grazing, too. You notice one peculiarity among the four- footed denizens of the island, viz., that they are all black and white. Another od- dity is that all the animals appear to be at anchor—cattle, goats, pigs, donkeys, even the hens tug at the end of a tether, as if perchance they might be tempted to de- sert their island home. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Most fruits will grow in the Bermudas, both those of the North and the tropics, but the truth is while some lemons, oranges, peaches, strawberries, etc., are ‘seen in the gardens, not nearly enough is produced for home consumption. So, too, with the vegetables. No climate in the world is better adapted for the raising of potatoes, tomatoes, beets and onions, and the place is so circumstanced geographically that it ought to be, and to a certain limited extent is, the market garden of our Eastern cities. But it is the old story of shoemakers’ who have to go without shoes, or taking coun- try board for the sake of bread and new- laid eggs to find that such things bring too much money to be eaten where they grow, and are only to be had in town. If you want to eat Bermuda potatoes and onions while in Bermuda you must bring a barrel of them along with you from New York, for they are all exported to that city and to Philadelphia, and sold at high prices ahead of the Northern season, while others are imported from New York at a lower price. In the early days of the colony, when affairs were under the control of the company, large crops of tobacco were successfully cultivated and became an important arti- cle of export to England. But now there is not a tobacco plantation in the Bermudas. EASTER LILIES. During the seventeenth century a brisk trade was carried on with oranges and lemons ; but that, too, dwindled away. Shipbuilding and the manufacture of salt at Turk’s Island flourished for a time, after the decline of agriculture, and Ber- muda carried on considerable commerce with the West Indies, the British provin- ces that the United States in ships built of her own cedar. That trade has slipped away ; and nowadays beyond the cultiva- tion of arrow root and lily bulbs, and the early vegetables which are shipped to our | land, there are no industries of account in he islands. The Bermudas claim that theirs is the very best arrrow root in the world. and certainly brings the highest price in market. A lily farm is a rare sight—acres of odorous blossoms of waxy whiteness. You do not find them along the shores of this islands, because the At. lantic winds are too severe for the delicate flowers ; but inland, in sheltered places, generally in ‘‘pockets’’ at the base of the hills, where the soil is rich and red, But the popular impression. that the lilies are - grown for the sake of supplying Northern markets with blossoms for the Easter seas- on is erroneous ; the lilies themselves are only a by-product, incidental to the grow- | ing of the bulbs, which. are the important | article of commerce with Europe and Amer- ica. True, a good many lilies are sent to New York for the Easter week, but at any | other time of the year the visitor is wel- | come to help himself to all he can carry. The bulbs are dug and shipped early in the ! summer. Florists in this country get them i during the latter part of July, and plant them in pots, which are kept ‘in the shade. As soon as they are sprouted the pots con- taining them are brought into the green- house, so that the plants may be forced in- to bloom by Christmas. Those intended for Easter are started in the pots a few weeks later. [It is very important to judge accurately of the time required because lil- ies that are worth $3 the day before Easter Sunday are hardly worth a cent on Mon- day. THE LILY FARMS. The soil and climate of the Bermudas seem to be especially adapted to lily grow- ing, and for 80 years past their culture has been an increasing industry. It is easy work, or Bermudans would not indulge in it— merely scratching the ground in proper places being quite enough. The outer por- tion of each bulb consists of scales, you know, overlaying one upon the other. These scales represent layers, and at the base of each of them isa bud. Each bud represents a plant. The Bermuda farmer saves a few of his bulbs every year for seed, as the Northern farmer saves potatoes for the same purpose. . He pulls off the scales and plants them in September, in shallow boxes of moist sand. From the bulbs spring delicate rootlets, which quickly ex- tend through the sand, seeking for mois- ture. As soon as the roots are sufficiently formed the embryo plants are set out. By the following summer little bulblets are developed. These the farmer calls his stock. It takes about 60,000 of them to plant in an acre. They keep on growing through all the mild weather of this latitude, and in the following June are ready to be dug. An acre of land ought to produce 40,000 marketable bulbs, with a diameter from 4 to 7 inches. It takes four years and some- times longer to produce the great bulbs from 9 to 14 inches in diameter, from which spring the tall stalks crowded with, many blossoms. The earliest bulbs are dug out by the middle of June thoush they are not fully ripened until three or four weeks later. The tubers must be picked up as soon as they are taken out of the ground, because half an hour of glaring sunshine would ruin them irretrievably. No curing is necessary. They are merely packed in sand, which seems to preserve them bet- ter than any other material. RIVALS OF AMERICAN FLORISTS. The grower has boards, with four holes of different sizes in them, and the bulbs are ‘‘sorted’’ by being passed through these holes. You see the lily fields covered with plants varying in height from a few inches to two or three feet. Thesmall ones are the stalks of the young bulbs ; the tall- est ones are sent to the United States for the Easter trade. The bulbs are packed in strong wooden boxes strapped with iron, each box containing perhaps 400 bulbs of ordinary size. The bulbs which are dug in June for the United States markets have already flowered in March. It is only dur- ing the last few years that the Bermuda lily farmers have hit upon the plan of cut- ting the flowersand shipping them to the United States to compete with the Easter lil- ies furnished by the American florists. Thus the bulbs may be said to furnish two crops. The flowers of their first season may be marketed from Bermuda, while the roots from which these blossoms were obtained are forwarded three months later to the United States that they may yield a sec- ond crop when potted and forced by Ameri- ican florists. Naturally this sort of compe- tition is regarded by the United States flor- ists as highly objectionable. Owing to the weekly lines of steamers now plying be- tween New York and the Bermudas, mak- ing the trip in 70 hours, the island farmer can easily flood the markets with cut flow- ere at less price than our florists can afford to sell them as those of the latter have been produced indoors at great expense. Given the proper condition of soil and climate, bulb-gowing is profitable and cer- tain. The farmer can be reasonably sure of the price from year to year, and he usually expects to realize a profit of $2 per thousand bulbs, sold in lots of 100,000. Hyacinths, tulips and crocuses are grown in vast quantities on the dykes of Holland, their cnltivation being one of the most impor- tant industries of that country. Here the work in the lily field is largely done by negroes, though you may sometimes see white men, women and children in the small patches. After the ground has been once scratched up with a plow. the culti- gation is entirely with and implements, chiefly with a large mattock-like-hoe. One who has never seen a Bermuda lily field cannot be made to realize what it looks like, or what a superabundance of the beautiful blossoms there is here during a portion of the year. Stately flower stalks are much more common here than daisies and dande- lions at home, and are given away by the thousands. Children on the road throw great bunches of them into passing car- riages, and actnally the number of them at last become cloying and visitors tire of the ever-present odor. The most success- ful lily-grower in the Bermudas is General Hastings, formerly of the U.S. Army, a nephew-in-law of the late President Hayes. His place called Fairyland, is rightly named. Here the main island is cut up most marvelously into little bays, isthmus- es and peninsulas, like the bits of a puzzle map, and coves are in turn studden with green islets reposing in magical beauty on a summer sea. Being wounded almost un- to death in the Civil War, General Hastings came here for his health, and having some- how managed to evade the law forbidding alien ownership of land in the islands, has remained for happiness. And truly a more dreary existence can easily be imagined than to live among, the lilies of Fairyland.— Philadelphia Record.—Fannie B. Ward. A course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla tak- en now will build up the system and pre- vent serious illness later on. Get only Hood's. ——There ars more wrecks in the Baltic Sea than in any other place in the world. The average is one wreck a day throughout the vear. ——To cure a cough or cold in one day take Krumrine’s Compound Syrup of Tar. If it fails to cure money refunded. 25cts. ——The female brain commences to de- cline in weight after the age of 30, the male not till ten vears later. ——The growth of nails on the left band requires eight or ten days longer than those on the right. Business Notice. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Fae-simile signature of Chas. H. Fletcher is on the wrapper of every hottle of Castoria. ra When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, tt When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ‘Tourists. To Travelers and Others. Are you going West ? If so, we beg to call your attention to the lines of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway—Block system: through trains between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids and Kansas City, connecting with all lines at St. Paul, Omaha and Kansas City for all points West, Southwest and Northwest. We reach all the principal cities and towns in North- ern Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, South and North Dakota. Train service and equipment is Of the best; every safety appliance used. Should you contemplate a trip west, for business or pleasure, address John R. Pott, district pas- senger agent, Williamsport, Pa., naming the place you desire going to, and he will either write or visit you, giving the lowest rates of fare and fur- nish any information desired regarding the trip. Write him for pamphlet, “Letters from Farmers in South and North Dakota.” It is handsomely illustrated and will be sent to any address upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. 42-13-3t. “From Frost to Flowers.” Perhaps you are going to California, to Arizona, to Texas, to Mexico. If so, you will want to £0 the right way, which is the best way. By the best way we mean the pleasantest way, the most comfortable way, the safest way. Investigation will show you that this way is via New Orleans and the Southern Pacific heenuse its Sunset Limited is the finestand the fastest train across the Continent. 2 Because its line is the only broad gauge road into Mexico. Of course you will not see any snow storms if yougo to California this way, but your way will lead through a country of wonderful interest and novelty. Any Southern Pacific Agent will be glad to give you full information. Or, if you prefer to read about it, we have a 205 page book, beautifully illustrated, entitled “Through Storyland to Sun- set Seas,” which we will send you on receipt of 10 cents in stamps to pay postage. It tells all about the Southwest and the Pacific Coast. We have a delightful book on Mexico, entitled “Vamos A Mexico,” which we will send to any applicant on receipt of 4 cents. Of course we have plenty of other literature on Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, California, dealing with the climate, health re- sorts, agriculture, ete. S. F. B. MORSE, - General Passenger and Ticket agent, 42-15-1t New Orleans. New Advertisements. PrrsToN HEARD FROM THE LITTLE CONQUEROR ARRIVES AND PEOPLE ARE TALKING. From the Pittston Gazette. Surprise, wonder and admiration fol- low in the track of the little conqueror. People are talking about it every- where, and such cases as that of Mrs. J. H. Butler, a resident of Pittston, are getting to be every-day occur- ences. Our representative called on Mrs, Butler at her place of residence, No. 139 Searle street, and she gave the following brief account of her case. She says: ‘‘About a year ago I began to have severe pains in my back in the region of my kidneys. Sometimes the pain was worse than at others, and with each attack it grew more severe, The last attack I had left me so I could not lift anything at all that had any heft to it, and the hardest part was to attempt to rise from any stoop- ing position. I can only describe the pain as a continuous dull one, inter- spersed with sharp piercing ones in the small of my back. If I attempted to rise from a chair after continued sitting 1 found it a difficult matter. I managed to get along in this way with my household duties, for I was determined not to give up, but I felt many times as though positively must. I read of some ofthe cures per- formed by Doan’s Kidney Pills, and comparing the symptoms described with mine I concluded the Pills would help me, and I procared a box and be- gan to take them regularly, according to directions. Within three days I felt better and continued to improve every day. I must admit they have pertect- ly cured me, and this much sooner than I could have anticipated possible. I am perfectly satistied with the re- sults; and glad to be able to inform other sufferers about Doan's Kidney Pills, =o that they may know what to use who are in that condition.” For- sale by all dealers, Price 50 cents, Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffy Nu Y., sole agents for the U.S 41-15 ‘und sound, you can depend on them. SECHLER & CO. Wall Paper Store. AN IMMENSE STOCK Picture and Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles, and Fixtures at Wonderfully Low Prices. 42-11-3m 117 West High Street, A CORPS OF EXPERT PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS. S. H. WILLIAMS, BELLEFONTE, PA. INuminating Oil. A FO RTF] ~——=======THE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT == 0 O0——AND————0 {BURN CROWN ACME OIL } 0——GIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.—0 39-37-1y 5 - AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. For Sale by The Atlantic Refining Company. Ov Oat-meal and flakes are always fresh New Advertisements. ° OCK CRUSHERS AND ROAD MA- CHINES.—The Altman Co., of Canton, Ohio, warrant their machines and they must give satisfaction. THESE CRUSHERS ARE MOUNTED THE BEST. and most convenient. Prices to suit the times. For particulars address. J. S. ROWE, 42-13. Centre Hall, Pa. SOMETHING NEW. TESTED GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS AT HALF PRICE. We offer great bargains in papered Garden and Flower Seeds, as well as bulk seeds of the Best Selection. Orders by Mail given Special Attention. An inquiry on a posial card will receive prompt answer. FIELD SEEDS.—Choice Clover Seed and Timo- thy Seed, including Barley, Seed Oats, Spring Rye and Spring Wheat, Seed Potatoes, Garden Tools and Spray Pumps. Corn Planters, Champion and. Pennsylvania Grain Drills. > Chilled Plows, Cultivators, Spring Tooth Har- rows at « Way Down Prices. —CONKLIN WAGONS.— In short. We have everything for the Farm and Garden. Don’t fail to visit us and examine our Stock before purchasing. Everybody is welcome. McCALMONT & CO., Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & CO., State College, Pa. 42-11-1y Saddlery. go.000 $5,000 $5,000 ———WORTH OF—— HARNESS, HARNESS, HARNESS | SADDLES, BRIDLES, PLAIN HARNESS, FINE HARNESS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, Elec. All combined in an immense Stock of Fine Saddlery. [ine NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS...... | To-day Prices have Dropped | THE LARGEST STOCK OF HORSE COLLARS IN THE COUNTY. JAMES SCHOFIELD, 33-37 BELLVONTE, PA. Travelers Guide. Te COAST LINE TO MACKINAC TAKE THE MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO | NEW STEEL PASSENGER STEAMERS | D. & C. ll The Greatest Perfection yet attained in !Boat | Construction—Luxurious Equipment, Artistic i Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service, in- suring the highest degree of | COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY ; Four Tries PER WEEK BETWEEN | TOLEDO, DETROIT AND MACKINAC | PETOSKEY,. ‘ ‘THE S00,” MARQUETTE "AND DULUTH. | Low Rates to Picturesque Mackinac and re- turn, including meals and Berths. From Cleve- land $18 ; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50. | DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. | BETWEEN DETROIT and CLEVELAND Connecting at Cleveland with earliest Trains | for all points East, South and Southwest and at | Detroit for all points North and Northwest. | BUNDAY TRIPS JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPT. ONLY. EVERY DAY BETWEEN | CLEVELAND, PUT-IN-BAY and TOLEDO. b Send for illustrated Pamphlet. Address | A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. DETROIT, MICH., THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM 42-10-7m NAV. co. 2 (CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNA. Condensed Time Table. Travelers Guide. PEX NSYLVANIA. RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Schedule in eftect Nov. 16th, 1896. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD, Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive “at Tyrone 11.10 a. m., at Altoona, 1.00 p. m., at Pittsburg, 6.05 p. m. Leave Bellefonte 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 2.15 Pp. m., at Altoona, 2.55 p. m., at Pittsburg, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.00, at Altoona, 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11.30, _ VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at T rone 11.10, at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at Philadel- phia, 11.15. p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone 2.15 a. m., at Harrisburg, 7.00 p. m., at Phila. delphia, 5.47 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone 6.00 at Harrisburg, at 10.20 p. m. ! VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.30 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven 2.43 p. m., arrive at Williamsport, 3.50 Pp. m. Leave Bellefonte, at 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, at 9.30 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven 10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven 243 p. m,, arrive at Williamsport, 3.50, leave 4.00. p. m., Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia 11.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 9.30 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 a. m., arrive at Harrisburg, 3.22 a, m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte, at 6.30 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, at 9.15 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m. Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.. 2 Leave Belle onte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewisburg, 4.47, at Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia at 11°15 p. m. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD. General Manager. General Passenger Agent. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD, R. R, NORTHWARD. | BOUTHWARD, o s | s . | Si . 2 » 8 Z [Nov. 16th, 1896. i xd = 5% = E35 % - - | z A i i | | meme P.M.! P. M. | A. M. |Lv. Ar.| P. M. | A. M. [P.M 720 315 820... Tyrone teres) 8 55| 11 20/6 10 726 321 82..E. Tyrone... 84911 14/6 04 728 323 828..Tyrone S...|....... 11 14{6 02 731 326 831. .Vail......... 8 45 11 09/5 57 T41 336] 842 ...Vanscoyoe....| 8 38 11 02 5 52 7 45! 3 40; 8 47|.....Gardner...... 8 35| 10 59(5 48 7 54 3 49! 8 57(...Mt. Pleasant... 8 27| 10 515 39 801! 355 905... Summit...... 8 20) 10 44(5 32 8 06! 359 9 09[.Sandy Ridge...| 8 14] 10 38/5 25 S08! 401 91... Retort....... 8 11| 10 35/5 21 8 09 402 9 13|....Powelton ~.! 8 09] 10 33|5 19 8171 408 921... Osceola...... 7 59] 10 23/5 08 aneiee | 411, 9 28]..0sceoladune..|.......\....cel5 04 8213 416 oa... Boynton...... 755 10 19/5 01 825 419 9 35...... Steiners.....| 7 51| 10 15/4 57 826 423 9 42. Philipsburg... 7 50 10 14/4 5 831) 428) 047 ...Graham.....' 7 46! 10 09l4 51 8 36! 433 952... Blue Ball.....! 7 41] 10 04/4 46 8 42/ 4 39 ¢ Wall 18 4 39 847 4 4 +.B; v: 4 32 8 53 450 7 4 27 8 56 4 53 72 4 24 900 457 T 4 20 9 05) 502 7 415 9 09! 5 06 7 4 09 914 511 7 4 03 9 20 517 7 3 56 925 547 7 3 51 5H 43 3 35 ! 381 327 | 557 3 21 POLI P.M. | AD v P.M. BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. sl 218 I shiz 2 s E Nov. 16th, 1896, 2 # | = i £13 18.1 P.M.| P. M. | A. M. ATT. Lv. A mM. Pm. |P.y. 600; 215 1110...... Tyrone.......| 8 10] 12 307 15 5 4 2 09 11 (4 ..East Tyrone...| 8 16] 12 36/7 21 5501 205. 11400......Nail,....... 8 20] 12 40{7 25 546; 2 01] 10 56 ...Bald Eagle. 8 24| 12 44|7 29 540......... 10:49 ,....... DIX... 8 30; 12 5017 35 5 31l.........{ 10.46 .......Fowler....... 8 33] 12 52|7 38 535 151/104... Hannah...... 8 35| 12 54|7 40 528 1 45| 10 36 ..Port Matilda...| 8 42 1 00(7 47 521] 1 39] 10 28 M 8 49 1 06|7 54 512] 1 31} 10 20 8 58 1 14/8 03 5 as 1 23 10 11).... i ~] 900 1 238 12 4 56) 1 16| 10 04/Snow Shoe Int.| 9 15| 1 30/8 20 453 113 10 01 ...Milesburg.. «| 918] 1 338 23 444 105 9 53...Bellefonte.... 9 28] 1 42/8 31 4 32 12 55{ 9 41]..... lilesburg 9 41) 1558 43 4 25 12 48! 9 34.5. Curtin... 9 49) 2 04l8 51 4 20.,....... | 9 30..Mount Eagle...| 9 53 2 0sls 55 4141238 9 241....... Howard....... 9 59] 2 14{9 01 405 1229 915. .Eagleville....| 10 08] 2 2319 10 4 02! 12 26/ 9 12|..Beech Creek...| 10 11] 2 26/9 13 3 51 12 16] 9 01]... Mill Hall 10 22 23719 24 3400........ | 8 59|...Flemington...| 10 24] 2 39/9 26 3 45] 12 10) 8 55...Lock Haven..| 10 30| 2 43[9 3) P.M.| P.M. (AM. Lv. Arr.| A.M. | P.M. Py. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. EASTWARD. Nov. 16th, 1896. WESTWARD. MAIL. EXP. | | MAL EXP. | Srarioxs. : P. 3 2 Ar a.m |row 2 le ...Bellefonte.. i 900 415 oi | ...AXxemann... | 855 410 2 4 Pleasant Gap. | 852 aor 2% edn... or...., | 847 403 2: Dale Summit.........| 8 421 3 58 Lr ....Lemont... ~| Sia7ll 3 53 2 ....0ak Hall oll 8 330 0 48 2 .Linden Hall.........| 8 28] 3 44 253 70nd Gregg... 821 337 3 .Centre Hall.. i 815 331 3 .Penn’s Cave. 807 32 3 -Rising Spring.. S01] I 17 3 erhy......c 752] 308 3 7 3 02 3 7 2 56 3 7 2 53 34 v 2 45 3 58 7 2 41 3 54 7 234 C4 7 225 +4 653 218 4 6 2 16 4 6 45 212 4 207 4: 1 58 4: 153 4 | 145 4 138 P.M. | A AY. . MN. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. EASTWARD. UPPER END. WESTWARD. 2 13] 2 FZ [Nov. 16th, 1896. x | x _ = = co IE I= | +N, AT. Lve.la. Mm. |p. & | 4 5 8 57|... ...Musser...... 10.261 5 13....... 8 51/Penn. Furnace| 10 33| 5 8 45/......Hostler..... 10 40) 5 8 39/... .Marengo...... 10 46) 5 8 35... Loveville. ...| 10 51] 5 8 29(.Furnace Road. 10-38] hs 331 8 20/.... Dungarvin,.. 11 01 tered 3 23| 8 18 Warrior's Mark|" 11. 10 reese 314 8 09... Pennington... 11 20 rier 3 03{ 7 58......8tover.......| 11 32 50...... Tyrone...... 11 40 P.M. | A. um. |Lve. Ar. a. wm. ‘BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after 4 & - tWeek Days. 26.00 P. M. Sundays. 11,10 A. M. Sunday. PuitAperpHIA SieeriNg CAr attached to East- bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M. J. W. GEPHART. *Daily. General Superintendent. READ DOWN | READ up. Nov. 16th, 1896. TT) Nov.a6th, 1896. mE Joase Show Ghee, sssiatern 11 20a. m. and 3 15 p. m. No 1/No 5/No 3, ~~ oR dnt [A an ya We Ta ! Arrive in Snow Shoe...... 90am. * 25pm. : p.n 4. m./p. mp. mm. Lye. Arp. np. In. ja. m, = =~ = +1 o0/ F745 3 45 BELLEFONTE. [10 15/ 6 1010 10 BELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAIL- 7 a 7 59 Vi .(10 02] 5 57 9 56 ROAD. 5 « 31 5 7 1 5 0 7, > a : a 2 2 Schedule to take effect Monday, Nov. 16th, 189. 7 48 8 15] 4 10,...... Dun kles...... 9.49) 5 44 9 43 | WESTWARD EASTWARD 7 52| 819] 4 14 wHpjershurg.. 9 1 5 40| 9 39 read down read up 7 56 8 23] 4 18|...Snydertown.....| 9 41| 5 37] 9 85 | \—— : Tr. N 7 58) 8 25( 4 20|.......Ni 9 30) 535 933 No lio. 3/+No. 1 SrAToNs. Lino, 2liNo, 4|TN 8 00] 8 27] 4 22. 937 533 931 _ 9 J 8 02 8 29] 4 24........ 935 531 92 | = | 8 04) 831) 4 26... Clintondale....| 9 33] 5 20) 9 26 | I: Hellethnter aul Dole 8 00| 8 36) 4 31\. Krider's Siding. 0 28 5 24/ 9 21 | 4 Coleville......| 8 40| 2 00/6 30 8 16| 8 42| 4 36 ...Mackeyville....| 9 23 518/915 4 an 8 37 1 55/6 25 8 23| 8 48 4 42|...Cedar Spring... 9 17/ 5 12) 9 09 13 835 14716 20 8 25| 8 50 4 50/.........SaloDa....... ; oo7| 3 831 14006 15 8 30| 8 56 4 55/...MILL HALL... vor [35 Sha 13o1n 9 30 756 | 4 45 11 02] 7 00...... Briarly.......| 8 24 1 30/6 07 10 05) 1( 17 25 | 4 48] 11 05] 7 05|...... Waddles.....| ‘8 20] 1 256 63 $10 20{*11 30|Lve *6 55 | 4 50 11 08 7 08|....Lambourn....| 8 18| 1 22/6 00 505 710]. *11 30 | 5 00 11 20; 7 17|... Krumrine.....| 8 07| 1 07/5 46 5 504] 11 33, 7 22(....001v, Inno.| 802 1 02/543 6 45 a 5 05 11 35 7 25|..8tate College.| 8 00] 1 005 40 w ont tq 0 NEW YORK gy | B10) TT 20, 7 28] ore BiTOD OR oT 4 TOI v 25 19 a0\......... pL HY 27 30 517! 7 34]... Bloomsdorf... 5 23 p. m.la. m.|Arr. Tvels, m.|p. m. | 5 20 | 7 37iPine Grove Cro. 520 Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg, Williamsport; Lock Haven and Tyrone connect with train No. 3 for State College. Afternoon trains from Montandon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53 from Lock Haven connect with train No. 5 for State College. Trains from State College con- nect with Penn'a R. R. trains at Bellefonte. } Daily, except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS Supt.,