Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 09, 1897, Image 5

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    Mr. and Mrs. Steward Weber, who were Montgomery & Co.
Katz & Co. Limited.
New Advertiseffients.
teaching school at Milesburg, are now at
their old homestead. Steward will teach a
term of summer school this spring at Rebers-
burg. ‘
Geo. Krumrine, of Williamsport. who was
in Rebersburg during the last week, will have S i o
an operation performed on his eye, which is . = |
as good as blind, at the Philadelphia hospital,
on Saturday.
Puella Dornblaser, who is a wide-awake : |
temperance worker of Mackeyville, was in |
Rebersburg, last Saturday, to see how our
Brush valley missionaries were making pro-
gress in the good cause.
Mrs. Duck and Sallie Bierly, - her sis-
ter, both of Madisonburg, moved last Thurs-
day into Rebersburg into Sam Carlin’s re-
modeled house. They will carry on the
millinery business at Rebersburg.
Prof. Newcomer, who will conduct a mu- — ClLOTHING.—
sical normal at Rebersburg for six weeks, .
successfully organized a class of 15 to start
with. There are qujte a number yet who will
join the class. A number are attending
from a distance. '
The bright Spring sunshine seems
New Advertisements.
to casts its rays upon us these days,
MONEY TO LOAN.—TIn sums ranging | fOr our store is bubbling over with
from $500 to $3,000 on first class real es-
tate security. Apply to Ini
Sat “WC GATBR MORRISON, Bellefonte, Pa, MICE NEW goods.
Clothing in all the novelties.
Suits, Spring Overcoats and extra
Trousers just received.
= The new ‘‘Guyer’’ Hat is the neat-
est and dressiest the Boston factory
Silver novelties in great
varieties for this Easter
has yet produced, and all well dressed
season, including |
men should have one. Also the
PRAVER-BOOK MARKERS, “Dunlap” and many other shapes.
BOOK MARKERS Ask to see the latest fad in Negli-
gee Shirts, just opened new and fresh.
All the Suitings and Trouserings
rare in and our tailoring department
is complete, Prices the lowest—for
» best workmanship.
TABLE WARE, Fle., Etc., Bellefonte, Pa
. .
Our stock throughout is complete.
We do‘all we.-advertise and very
often a little more. We are the mon-
ey-saving Dry Goods Store of Belle-
largest Dress Goods
Here you will find all the elegance,
all the style and all the price modera-
We are in a position to cater to the
Dress Goods wants of all. Whether
your taste be of the most fastidious,
or your purse of the most limited, we
can suit you.
Our low prices on every thing
place us in a position to outclass and
out sell all other Dress Goods stocks.
Our special offerings in Silks will
continue for this week.
See our elegant line of Wash Silks
and India Silks.
Where to buy their new Easter
Bonnets is now a leading question
with the ladies.
Our Millinery opening and display
last week left no doubt in the minds
of the multitude of our visitors that
we are the only representatives of chase in
stylish Millinery in Bellefonte.
We have everything that is new
and stylish and our New York buyer
has standing orders to send us
first class goods just as soon as they
make their appearance.
You are always sure of seeing the
new things here.
i Do not fail to visit. our Millinery
Department before making your
Spring investment in head gear.
Our large sales enables us to pur-
large quantities. Large
; buyers always have concessions made
to them in prices.
We guarantee our prices are fully
one third less than any other Millin-
ery establishment in town, and our
work outranks them in every particu-
cop Hy
: | 40-15 KATZ & CO. Ltd.
41-46 High St. BELLEFONTE, PA Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors.
Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. Fauble’s
Jueveco- ———
() mm en
" Men's All-Wool Suits, nobby Spring and Sum-_ | 1.75, 1.98, 2.30, 3.00, 4.00, up to the best. These
INEY SIYI08. Lc cesuerunessenrisiarsessrrenrsrecaars seenuarrens $3.75 prices are less than manufacturer's cost.
Men's All-Wool Suits, better qualities, nobby ! 250 Children’s Knee Pants, ages 4to 15 years
styles... 8L50, 5.50, 6.75, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 | —a regular 25¢. RAHEY insane Our price 17e¢.
A nobby Youth's Suit, ages 14 to 19 years, in; Better qualities Children’s Knee Pants
all colors, Light and Dark Plaids........... ’ 5 ) the bos
Fisvereinsans cere 230. 40c¢., 50c., T5¢., $1 and up to the best.
eeereernnreenn 82.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 and up to the best. | ey it TAS tho bout
Am —————— A newand full assortment of Men's Pants at
the following bargain prices.............c..couecvvnene. .
66c., T5¢., 98¢., $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00
We have closed out an entire stock of Chil-
dren’s Suits, © ich we will sell to you at manu-
facturer’s cost. 200 Children’s Suits, ages 4 to
15 years—manufactu ? ices 0c retai : :
years—manufacturer’s prices 90c., retail A special lot of Men's Pants, assorted sizes,
PriceiL.28,.. ....c.covssre reece cesstrencennns of Our price 74c in All-Wool, that are selling at 83, 3.50 and 4.00
—— will now be sold at the rem: 3 i
A better quality Children’s Suits—$1.24, 1.49, of $1.69. : alll
mre ( ) roms
Bey=The very latest styles and shapes—Men’s Derbys, Alpine and Crush-
ers, in Black, Light and Brown.
Men's Derbys............. 98c., $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Men's Crushers 35c., 48c., 75¢., $1, 1.25 up to the
Ri. very best. -
A full assortment of Men’s and Boys’ Golf,
Eaton and Bicycle Caps in Plain Checks an
all the Latest Mixtures : also Tam O'Shanters, Also a splendid line of Boy's and Children's
Hats. We can sell you a very nobby Child's
. : Tr Se Hat for the low sum of.........ooceeruvenne “ores
Men's Alpines...50c., T5c., $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 arsitersesssererris 25¢., 35¢., 50¢., and up to the very best.
a. ee
....-...MEN’S, BOYS! AND LADIES’ SHOES........
re (Freee
Be¥~One lot of Neck Ties in all the new colorings—Tecks and Four-in-
Hand—cheap at 25 cents ; our price 16 cents,
42-9 --
OF $10.00.
t Bellefonte, Pa.
| house, stable and other out-buildings.
McClain Block, opposite the Bush House,
Second Floor.
A Full Line of Spring and Summer Suit-
ings 18 Now Being Shown to Purchasers of
Fine Clothing.
By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, Fieri
Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co. Pa. and to me
directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at
the Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pa.,
at 10:30 o'clock a. m. the following described real
estate : 2
No. 1. All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land in Half-moon township, Centre
county, Pa., bounded and described as follows :
Beginning at a post : thence by land of Samuel T.
Gray and S. P. Gray, south 60° west 67 perches to
stones : thence by land of John 8. Gray's heirs,
south 5214° west 52 perches and 22 links to stones:
thence by land cf William H. Blair, south 413°
east 304 perches to pine knot. thence by Penn-
sylvania Furnace lands, north 5434° east 12024
Poros to post: thence by land of the said Geo.
Iattern, north 41° west 298 perches to a post, the
place of beginning, containing 227 acres 78 per-
ches net measure (subject to the reservation in
deed from John Mattern and wife and George
Mattern and wife to John B. Mattern, recorded in
Deed Book *‘O” No. 2, page 25, and also in deed
from Moses Thompson and wife, et al to John B.
Mattern et al. Recorded in Deed Book “U” page
25.) The said having been conveyed to John B.
Mattern by the said deed.
Thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling
house, bank barn, wagon shed, corn crib, wash-
house and other out-buildings.
No. 2. All that certain messuage, and tenement
and tract of land situate in Patton township, Cen-
tre county, Pa., bounded and described as fol-
lows : Beginning at a post: thence by land of H.
G. Hartsock’s heirs, north 5514° east 31 perches to
a stone : thence south 1414° east 5 perches to a
ost : thence north 55° east 23 perches and 14
inks to a post : thence by land of John Chambers’
heirs, north 4014° west 44 perches and 12 links to
a stump : thence north 557° east 86 perches to a
black oak : thence by land of Jacob Gray, north
40° west 141; perches to chestnut oak : thence
5514° west 43 perches to a red oak : thence north
62350 west 20 perches to breast of foundry dam:
thence along breast of said dam by land of Jacob
Gray, north 40° west 4 perches and 15 links to
stones : thence by land of John B. Mattern, south
47° west 40 perches to stones: thence south 35°
east 32 perches and 5 links to a post the place of
beginning, containing 19 acres and 128 perches
net. The said having been conveyed by John C.
Hartsock and wife to Jacob Mattern by deed
recorded in Deed Book page
Thereon erected a store room, five two-story
frame dwelling houses, blacksmith and wagon.
maker shops.
No. 3. All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate in Patton township, Centre
county, Pa., bounded and described as follows :
Beginning at stones by the foundry dam : thence
by land of John B. Mattern, south 48° west 44 per-
ches to stones: thence by land of Tsaac Gray,
north 11° west 86 perches to stones in creek:
thence along said creek south 68° east 2524 per-
ches to stones on south-east bank of said creek :
thence by land of John B. Mattern, south 294°
east 39 perches to stones: thence by land of
Jacob .Gray, south 16° east 12 perches to stones
the place of beginning, containing 14 acres and
25 perches net. No buildings.
No. 4. Also another tract of land situate as
aforesaid and adjoining the same, beginning in
the public road leading to Martha : thence along
said road north 57° west 46 perches : thence south
914° west 26 perches to a post: thence by land of
John B. Mattern and line between Huston and
New Advertisements.
John Keen’s estate north 814° west 8014 perches
to stone : thence alon land of John Weaver,
north 67%4° west 30 perches to the place of begin-
ning, containing 175 acres and 72 perches neat
measure, being the same tract of land conveyed
by the fairs of Henry Smith, deceased, to Mrs.
Mary Buffington by their deed dated January 14th,
A. D. 1881.
Thereon erecteda frame dwelling house, bank
barn and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Isaac T. Buffington and Mary Buffing-
All that certain tract of land situate in Worth
township, Centre county, Penn’a., bounded and
described as follows : Beginning at post : thence
by Bald Eagle valley railroad 4214° west 19 per-
ches to a post : thence along raflroad south 370
west 54 perches to post: thence by land of W.
U. Beckwith, north 34° west 65 perches to stones :
thence by Bald Eagle valley Plank road north 39°
west 56 perches to hemlock : thence by land
formerly owned by W. Simpson, south 49° east 62
erches to post the place of beginning, contain-
oz 24 acres and 104 perches be the same more or
Thereon erected a two-story, frame dwelling
house and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be wold as -
the property of 8. R. Pringle, Executor.
All the following described premises situate in
the town of Rebersburg, in said Miles township
county of Centre, and State of Penn’a., bounded
on the north by Main street, on the east by lot of
James Mallery : on the south and west by alleys
and known or marked on the general plan of said
town of Rebersburg as lot number 11.
Thereon erected a Soto frame dwelling
house, stable and other out-bui dings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Catharine Erhard and Cyrus R.
All that certain lot of ground situate in Philips-
burg, Centre county, Penn’a., bounded and de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest
corner of lot of Emiline Meyers, on Front street:
thence along Front street, northwest 22 feet to
corner of lot of Neil Davis: thence northeast
along lot of Neil Davis, 120 feet to estate of Mrs.
tan : thence along said estate lot south-
east 22 feet to lot of Emiline Myers : thence along
said lot 120 feet to Front street, and the place of
beginning being a lot 22 feet fronting Front street,
and 120 feet deep, and being the central portion of
lot number 52 in the plan of Philipsburg borough,
and having erected thereon a large hotel building
and known as the “American House,” and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Dorsey Meyers.
All that certain tract of land situate in Harris
township, county of Centre and State of Penn’a.,
bounded and nite as follows to wit : Be-
inning at a stone corner : thence along land of
3 H. Meyer, south 2934° east 64 perches to stone :
thence along land of same, south 784° and 43 per-
ches to stone : thence along land of same, south
634° east 33 5-10 perches to stone : thence along
land of David Keller, south 7734° west 56 perches
to stone : thence along land of Hezekiah Hummel,
deceased, north 12° west 8 perches to stone :
thence along land of same, south me west 53
perches to stone: thence along land of Robert
Condo, north 114° west 47 4-10 perches to stone :
thence along land of Wesley Meyers, north 70°
east 47 perches to post: thence along roid to
mountain, north 4° west 5 perches : thence along
same road, north 282° west 30 perches to stone :
thence along land of Robert Condo, north 63° east
30 5-10 perches to the place of beginning, contain:
ing 41 acres and 99 perches neat measure. :
ery erected a two-story, frame dwelling
house, bank barn and other out-buildings.
Relzed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Samuel Grove,
All that certain messuage, tenement and ot of
ground situate in the township, of Spring, county
of Centre and State of Penn’a., bounded and de-
seribed as follows : Beginning at corner of gar-
den fence adjoining lot of Augustus Cox : thence
along a public road leading from the borough of
Bellefonte to Foster Tate farm now the William
H. Humes farm east one hundred and forty-twy
feet to a post : thence aon lana of the nah of
William A. Thomas deceased, north one hundred
a post : thence along lands of the heirs of Wim. A.
three feet ton post: thence along lands of the
said Augustas Cox, wouth ninety-three feet to a
Patton township, north 56° east 4034 perches to
stones : thence south 2015° east 33 perches into
road the place of beginning, containing 4 acres
and 102 perches net. The said tracts having been
conveyed by Isaac Gray and wife by deed record-
ed in Deed Book page: No buildings.
No. 5. All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate in Patton township, com-
mencing at a stone by lagd of said Mattern and
H. G. Hartsock’s heirs, south 39° east 18 3-10 per-
‘ches to stones : thence north 58° cast 1314 per-
ches to stones : thence north 39° west 183-10 per- |
clies to stones : thence sonth 58° west by land of
said Mattern, 1334 perches to place of beginning,
containing 134 acres. The said land having been
conveyed by John Chambers to John B. Mattern, |
by deed recorded in Deed Book , page
No buildings, |
No. A. Ail that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate in Patton township, described
as follows : Beginning at an old spruce : thence
along land of Isaae Gray, north 20150 west 2
perches : thence by same 32° west 22 perches to a
post; thence north 67° east 135 perches to a!
eech , thence sonth 29° cast along i) of Jonas
Stine, 105 perches to a chestnut: thence along
land of Jacob Gray, south 714° west 135 perches
to place of beginuing, containing 83 acres and 29
perches net. The said tract of land having been
conveyed by the Administrator of John Moyer,
deceased, to Mattern brothers by deed recorded
in Deed Book , page: No buildings.
No. 7. All that messaage, tenement and tract of
land situate in Huston township. Centre county,
Pa., described as follows: Beginning at stones on
top of Muncy Ridge on line between Patton and
Huston townships: thence along aid line south
65° west 66 perches to stones : thence bv lands of
S. T. and M. D. Gray, north 31° west 14612 perches |
to stones : thence by land late of C. ‘Beckwith, !
north 63° east 7214 perches to stones: thence
south 32° east 127 perches to stones : thence south
30° east 22 perches tostones the place of begin-
ning, containing 63 acres and 133 perches net. The
said tract having heen conveyed by deed from
Administrator's of Jeremiah Mayes by deed to
John B. Mattern, recorded in Deed Book 5
page———. The one tract as land herein de-
scribed is sitnated in Half-moon township, Centre
county, Pa. Buildings, ete.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Jacob Mattern, et. al.,, Administrators.
All that certain messuage, tenement and tract
of land situate in the township, of Boggs, county
of Centre, and State of Penn'a., bounded and de-
seribed as follows to wit : Beginning ata corner
(an elm) on the bank of the Bald Eagle creek :
thence down said creek on the northern side
thereof and by the several courses of the same
north 50° east nine perches to a corner: thence
north 5714° east 62 perches toa corner: thence
530 east 29 perches to a corner : thence north 60°
east 32 perches to a corner: thence north 68° east
9 perches to a corner : thence north 32° west 142
perches to a corner: thence north 36° east
108 perches to a corner: thence north 40140
wert 126 perches to a corner: thence south
55° west 100 perches to a corner: thence
south 32° east 105 perches to a corner:
thence south 58° west 113 perches to a cor-
ner : thence south 32° east 92 perches to a cor-
ner in the Bellefonte and Philipsburg turn-pike
road : thence by the same north 37° east 18 per-
ches to a corner : thence south 22° east 38 per-
ches to a corner : thence by the Bald Eagle val-
ley railroad south 714° west 3114 perches to a cor-
ner : thence south 32° east 37 perches to the place
of beginning, containing 194 acres and 27 perch-
es, be the same more or less,
Thereon erected a two-story dwelling house,
barn and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of W. H. Wagner, with notice to
Susan Wagner, terre tenant.
All that certain lot of ground situate in the bor-
ough of Bellefonte, bounded and described as fol-
lows to wit : On the west by Spring street : on
the south by Stephen Brown alley : on the east
hy Locust alley and on the north by lot of the
estate of Philip Benner, deceased, being lot on
Spring street, in the borough of Bellefonte, known
upon the plan of the said borough as lot No. 139.
Thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling
, taken in execution, and to be sold as
t roperty of Joseph I. Montgomery, Admin-
All that certain messuage, tenement and tract
of land situate in Penn township, Centre county,
Penn’a,, bounded and described as follows : Be-
ginning at a stone : thence along land of John
Weaver, north 73352 west 2214 perches to a stone :
thence north 1380 west 7014 perches to stone :
thence south 753° west 17 to stone : thence along
land of I. B. Smith and others north 1° west 123
erches to stone: thence along land of W, K.
Weiser, north 88° and 99 3-10 perches to pitch
pine and stone: thence along land of W,
Smith, south 14° west 92 perches to stone : thence
along same north 824° east 751-10 perches to
stone : thence along land of Daniel Bressler,
south 214° west 958-10 perches to stone : thence
along land of Henry Krumrine, south Ve west
41 perches to white oak : thence along land of
post + tne west Alne 2.0% 4° a post: twnee
south seventy-three feetsix and onc. half il
to the place of beginning. Being the same rom
ives which Samuel Dawson by deed dated 28u..
day of Junuary 1877, and recorded in Centre
county in Book W, number 2 granted and con-
veyed to Isaac Dawson party hereto, together
with all and singular the buildings improvements,
ways, waters, water courses, rights, liberties,
privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances
whatsoever unto hereby granted premises he-
longing or in any wise appertaining and the revi-
sions and remainders, rents, issues and profits
Thereon erected a one and one-half story. frame
dwelling house and other ont-baildings.
Seized, talken in execution, and to be soli as the
property of Isane Dawson.
No. 1. All those two certain pieces or tracts of
land, bounded and described as follows to wit
The first situated part in Howard township’ and
part in Liberty township, Centre county, Penna,
eginning at stones and witnesses: thence on
line of Belle Poorman, south'¢o® east 3614 rods to
B. Weber's line : thence alongdsaid line and lands
of Albert Schenck and A. L. Holter, north 36° east
141 rods to post and witnesses on land of David
Confer : thence along said line north 20° west 917
rods to post and witnesses : thence south 47° west
abont 150 rods to the place of beginning, contain-
ing 20 acres and 8 perches more or less,
Thereon erected barn and other out-buildings,
No. 2. The second piece and tract of land ad-
joining the above described land, said lot or piece
of land lying and being in Howard township,
hounded as follows : On the east by land of Eliza-
heth Leitch, on the south by land of B. Weber,
on the west by land of Mary Schenck and on the
north by land of Belle Poorman, fronting on the
line of Mary S:henek 635 perches and being in
depth about 12 perches, containing St perches.
Also the privilege of ingress and egress on a road
to be 15 feet wide, the said road beginning at the
northwest corner of the second picce of land above
described : thence along line of Mary Schenck
and Michael Pletcher 3% rods at or near public
road, said road to be opened by =aid Martha Hanes
and to be for tha joint use of the said Martha
Hanes and Rudolph Hanes and their heirs and
assigns forever. ~-
Thereon erected a one’and one-half story, frame
dwelling house.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold is the
property of A. W. Emenhizer.
All that certain messuage, tenement and tract
of land situate in Patton township. Centre county
and State of Penn’a, bounded and described as
follows to wit: Beginning at stones on line af
land of Thomas A. Shoemaker : thence south 50°
west along said land of Shoemaker, M. A. Furst
and Samuel T. Gray one hundred and eighty per-
ches to stone : thence south 41° east along land of
John B. Mattern 208 perches to stones on line of
Pennsylvania Furnace lands : thence along same
north 51147 east 3114 perches to stones: thence
north 41°" west along same land 31 perches to
stones : thence north 51° east along lands of
Pennsylvania Furnace and lands of Bellefonte
Furnace Co., 245 perches to post: thence south
30140 east along lands of Bellefonte Furnace Co.,
55 perches to a post: thence north LH east
457-10 perches to line of land of Centre Furnace
Co. : thence north 3014° west along land of heirs
of Moses Thompson 55 perches to stones : thence
north 414° west along land of Samuel T. Gray
#514 perches to a post : thence south 55° west by
lands of Mattern brothers 99 porohies to stones :
thence by lands of same, north 42° west 3) per-
ches to a post : thence by same, south 37° west
2514 perches to a post : thence by lands of same,
north 3914° west 176 perches to the point of be-
ginning, containing three hundred and eighty-
five acres more or lesz. Together with all the
right and interest that the said Geo. Mattern has
in and to a certain ore lease, dated the 23rd day of
December A. D., 188¢, between the said George
Mattern et al of the first part and Geo. C. Potts,
of the second part covering a portion of the land
above described, said lease being duly recorded
in the Recorder's office of Centre countyy Penn-
Thereon erected two twa-story, frame dwelling
houses, bank barn and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold us the
property of George Mattern.
All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnate
in South Philipsburg borough, Centre county and
State of Penn’a., bounded and described as fol-
lows : Beginning on the Tyrone turn-pike at the
most northerly corner of lot No. 384 : thence along
the same, south 47° west 150 feet to 16 foot alley ;
thence along the same, north 43° west 66 feet to
lot No. 381 : thence along the same, north 47° east
150 feet to the Tyrone pike: thence along the
same, south 43° east 66 feet to the place of begin-
ning being lots Nos. 382 and 383 as laid out in the
plot of South Philipsburg borough and having
erected thereon a two-story, frame dwelling house
and other out-buildings. -
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Barbara Cowher and John Cowher.
TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged until pur-
chase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Office, W. M. CRONISTER,
Bellefonte, Pa., April 8th, 1807. Sheriff,
aim RIN
and sixty-six feet and six and one-half inches to.
Thomas deceased, west one hundred and thirty~-