Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 09, 1897, Image 1

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    i iat
ink Sings,
a P.
—Poor Governor PINGREE, of Michigan,
won’t be able to boss his own potato
patches, in Detroit, now that that city bas
turned down his candidate for mayor and
elected a Democrat.
—President McKINLEY is going to take
a short trip down the Potomac for recrea-
tion, you know. We do hope and pray
that he wont cultivate a craze for duck
shooting while away.
—The King of Siam is on his way to
visit the United States. He won’t prove
as popular as Lt HUNG CHANG because he
won’t have a yellow jacket, a peacock
feather or a propensity for asking ques-
—The two young men who rode from
New York to Philadelphia on horseback,
on Saturday, in six hours and fifty-two
minutts, would hardly feel like taking their
meals from any other place than the man-
tle for a few days.
—VFlies and potatoes bugs have both put
in their appearance. Sort of biological
blue points that precede the plethoric ban-
quet of prosperity puddings and wind
sauces that MCKINLEY confidence will stuff
the people with this summer.
—The society girls of Springfield, Ohio,
who are going to run a leading dry goods
store in that city one day for sweet charity’s
sake, will find the novelty quite exciting
unless some one of their beaux takes it into
his head to buy some underwear that
—We were always under the impression
that Ohio and Illinois were pretty clear of
wooded areas but a comparison of the vote
of Tuesday, with that of last November,
proves that hosts of Democrats must have
taken to the woods last year, Tor the re-
turns now indicate that they are showing
up from somewhere.
—In Altoona they have a ball and chain
gang and all the wandering WILLIES are
forced to join it. The tramps are set to
work in stone quarries under the super-
vision of a man who is now complaining to
council that the bad urchins of that city
are making his job unbearable by calling
him ‘hobo driver.”’
—The President made JoHN HAY an
need fora summer cottage in America.
Ambassador HAY has tendered the Presi-
dent the use of his cottage during his ab-
~ sence abroad and there are those who think
the President really does know something
about making hay while the sun shines.
—The announcement that QUAY has
“gone home to take a short rest’’ piques
our curiosity to know what made him tired.
Up to date no cause has been found for his
physical or mental exhaustion unless i;
might have been that ride back from Flori-
da and DAVE MARTIN'S proclamation that
he has retired as a Philadelphia boss.
—Professor LucILA BLAKE, holding the
chair of electrical chemistry in the Kansas
University, has made the rather startling
assertion that negroes can be made white
by means of an electrical current. If such
be the case the white negro will be almost
as much of a curiosity as BARNUM’S white
elephant and, probably, as great a fake.
—The present Congress is making a rec-
ord for getting away with things quick.
It took only an hour or so, on Wednesday,
to introduce a resolution appropriating
$200,000 for the relief of Mississippi flood
sufferers, pass it and get the President's
signature to it. This plan of doing things
quick would" be particularly acceptable if
Congress would only follow it in the search
for prosperity.
—The plan of the state prohibition party
leaders tomake the Rev. Dr. S. ¢. SWAL-
Low their candidate for state treasurer will |
appear as a full endorsement of his at- |
tack on the administration and might great- |
ly augment that party’s vote in the eam- |
paign next fall. Dr. SWALLOW would |
make an interesting object on the stump, |
as he would be very apt tosaya few things
under such conditions that he didn’t think |
of when he was attacking that Harrisburg !
gang in his PonnaBurio J Methodist.
—The new United States battleship |
Towa was tried over the government prov-
ing grounds, off the Massachusetts coast,
on Wednesday, and by making seventeen
knots an hour earned $200,000 in premi-
ums for her builders. This is the last boat
on which the government will offer premi-
ums for excess “over contract speed, as the
days of experimental ship building are sup-
posed to be over. Itisa good thing, too,
for the way ship builders have been ring-
ing in on Uncle SAM of late years with their
unexpectedly (?) speedy boats has heen
enough to tie the bowels of the treasury in
—Not that they don’t need it, but it is a
question whether the charity of the United
States would be advisedly spent on Cretan
and India sufferers. England is wholly
responsible for the deplorable condition of
the people of the latter country, while her
greedy, colony grabbing propensities are
largely to blame for the failure of a satis-
factory adjustment of the troubles of the
former island. She should render needed
assistance to them instead of oppressing.
The United States will have enough to do
taking care of the Mississippi flood sufferers
and if we are called upon we might do as
England did for our ill-fated Johnstown 3
send our sympathy.
and thus robbed him of his
= Ae emacralic
me} ie
VOL. 42
APRIL 9. 1897 7.
The Popular Reaction.
The local elections earlier in the sea-
son, in New England and other sections,
including our. own State, showing large
Democratic gains, indicated a reaction from
the November election, and were the fore-
runners of the revulsion that was found to
follow the election of McKINLEY. This
change ‘in the political current is continued
in the result of the town and city elections
which came off in Ohio, on Monday, where
there has been a most decided change from
the majorities of last fall. Cincinnati,
which gave a majority of 20,000 for Mc=
KINLEY, in November, now elects a Demo-
cratic Mayor by a plurality of 7,000.
There is a Democratic gain of 2,000 in
MARK HANNA'S city of Cleveland ; Can-
ton, the home of MCKINLEY, goes Demo-
! cratic by a handsome majority ; Spring-
| field, the home of BUSHNELL, reverses its
Republican majority by electing a Demo-
cratic Mayor ; in Columbus, the capitol of
the State, MCKINLEY’S majority of 3,000
is wiped out, and other towns show a simi-
lar change.
These may be regarded by superficial ob-
servers as local expressions that have but
little significance ; but when they are seen
to occur in widely separated sections of the
country, in New England, Ohio, Michigan
and Illinois, as well as in Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and New York, as has been the case
in the recent spring clections in those
States, they may be regarded as the first in-
dications of the reaction against the party
that carried the presidential election last
Such a reaction is unavoidable. It is
bound to come. When a party has carried
its point by gross deceptions practiced upon
the people, and its promises turn out to
have heen recklessly made and unfaithfully
performed, its punishment at the hands of
the people is sure to follow.
The Decision Against Railroad Pooling,
The anti-trust law, passed some years
ago by Congress for the restraint of mo-
nopolistic combinations, received its first
recognition from the courts by the recent
decision of the United States court which
declared railroad pooling to be unlawful.
There was always a way found to evade
this kind of law, the expedients resorted to
for that purpose having been usually assist-
ed by the unfaithful prosecuting officers of
the government, which were facilitated by
the loose construction of the statute.
It is a noteworthy circumstance that
there has been much difficulty in enforcing
this law against combinations of capital
formed for the restraint of trade, which has
been construed to include railroad pools,
but the legal authorities have experienced
no difficulty, whatever, and displayed no
hesitation, in applying it to trades unions
and other combinations of workingmen,
and enforcing it against them. Capital, con-
federated for the purpose of monopolistic
extortion, has been allowed to escape
| through the meshes of the anti-trust law,
but the cqurts put such a forced construc-
tion upon it as to bring within reach of its
penalty the unions formed by workingmen
for the protection of their interests. There
was no impediment, whatever, to a decision
i of the courts, after the Chicago riots, that
the working people who had participated in
| that difficulty had violated the law that
| prohibited the restraint of trade, and to
| facilitate its enforcement against members
{of trades unions ; even the irregular method
| of ‘injunction’ was resorted to.
| It is remembered how the railroad com-
| panies, and the great monied interests built
up by monopoly, rejoiced over the enforce-
ment of the law against workingmen who
had interrupted trade, and denounced as
| anarchists ev eryhody who didn’t view the
action of the courts in that matter as they
| did ; but now since there has been a de-
| cision against the railroads; under this anti-
trust law, the complaints from - capitalistic
| quarters are loud and deep, and a Republi-
| can Senator, FORAKER, of Ohio, hastens to
offer a bill to relieve the railroads from the
decision of the supreme court which ad-
judged pooling to be a violation of the law
against the restraint of trade.
We donot contend that it may not be
best for general business interests, and the
regularity of trade, that there should be
some restriction upon the freight cutting
practiced among railroads, with the hostile
purpose of undermining each other, when
there is no agreement among them as to
uniformity of rates, nor does such uniformi-
ty, effected by pooling, constitute a com-
bination in restraint of trade similar to
that which is exerted by trusts that are
formed to restrain competition in industrial
productions, such as the Standard oil com-
pany, the sugar trust, the beef trust, the
coal combine, and not omitting the great
gold trust that does business in Wall street.
Wedo believe that railroad companies ought
to have some latitude in preventing piratic-
al freight cutting, which is inimical to a
settled condition of the transportation busi-
ness, and hence a drawback to general
trade interests ; but the point we make is
that when a law is passed that is adjudged
to apply to laboring people, as well as to
railroad companies, it is ungqual justice to
enforce its penalties with precipitate haste
against the one,- as in the Chicago cases,
while the courts, in enforcing it against the
other, move with a halting gait.
JAN still
An Unavailing Complaint.
There was but little use for representa-
tive McCALL, of Massachusetts, to kick
against the exorbitant rates of the DiING-
LEY tariff bill, which he did in the debate
in the House on that measure. The lead-
ers of his party had decreed that the inter-
est of a special class of beneficiaries should
be the chief object of the bill, and therefore
it was idle for him to protest against duties
which on account of their excessive char-
acter could not stand, but ‘“‘would be an
invitation to further agitation, and be the
germs of a new reaction,’’ as he put it.
It was pitiful and yet ludicrous to hear
this Republican representativé complain
about this scheme of spoliation, devised for
the advantage of the trusts and similar
monopolies, and driven through Congress
regardless of the fact that such an extreme
measure, as Mr. McCALL declared, was
bound ‘“‘to put the country again through
the crucible of tariff agitation,” and to
place ‘‘the commerce and trade of this great
country constantly in danger of change by
tariff legislation.” The Massachusetts
representative made his moan over this
outrage upon the commercial peace and in-
dustrial stability of the country, but never-
theless voted for the hill, as did other Re-
publican Members, who thought as he did,
but had to submit to the DINGLEY whip.
Representative McCALL's ‘greatest grief,
as expressed in his speech, was that this
insane sort of tariff legislation was caleu-
lated to play into the hands of the Demo-
crats. The Democratic party, he said, had
not been killed by the last election, for,
notwithstanding the fact that 1,000,000
Democrats voted for MCKINLEY, Mr. BrRY-
received 6,500,000 votes” and
therefore he declared it to be an act of
folly for his party ‘‘to put weapons in the
hands of its adversary,” by passing an ex-
cessive tariff bill, ‘‘thereby alienating those
splendid allies who came to us from the
Democratic party.”
If it be true that 1,000,000 Democrats
voted for MCKINLEY, those ‘‘splendid
allies”” whom Mr. McCALL doesn’t want to
have alienated, must, by this time, be
thoroughly disgusted with the buzzard’s
feast which DINGLEY is serving up for
them, with the probability that every one
of them will be back in the Democratic
ranks three years hence, with an increased
determination to overthrow the party of
tariff robbery.
Strictly Jeffersonian.
A Philadelphia contemporary that has
always been inclined toward the Democratic
party, but was foolish enough to allow
itself to be switched off the Democratic
track last year by the ridiculous fear that
free silver would reduce its dollars to fifty
cent pieces, comments upon the celebration
of JEFFERSON'S birthday, in Washington,
on the 13th inst., with the remark that ‘a
good way to celebrate it would be for cer-
tain followers of the level headed THOMAS
to recant such anti JEFFERSONIAN heresies
as they imbibed in last fall’s campaign.’
We are at a loss to know what anti-JEp-
FERSONIAN heresies were imbibed by any
who supported the Democratic presidential
candidate and platform last fall. Was it
in conflict with JEFFERSONIAN principles
to support free silver? When was the
“level-headed THOMAS" ever committed to
gold monometalism ? When and where did
he ever declare that gold should be"the ex-
clusive standard money of ?
When did he say that silver should be so
set to one side as a measure of value that
a small class of bankers, composing a
money trust, and controlling the gold
market, should be able to control the
money of the country? Where can it be
found in any of his declarations or publica-
tions that he regarded silver merely asa
subsidiary currency, and that its free coin-
age was a violation of the public faith and
in effect repudiation ?
If it can be shown that JEFFERSON en-
tertained any such views in regard to silver,
and that those who advocated its freejcoin-
age conflicted with any of his principles
and doctrines in regard to the constitutional
money of the country, then it may be said
that the free silver Democrats have some-
thing to recant before they can properly
participate in a celebration of JEFFERSON’S
birthday. But they have nothing to recant,
for on the currency question, and on every
other point included in their platform last
year, they planted themselves on strict
were alive to-day he would be shoulder to
shoulder with WILLIAM J. BRYAN con-
tending for the money of the constitution.
—It will bea trifle embarrassing to
President MCKINLEY should he be called
upon to sign the DINGLEY bill. That in-
strument puts a higher duty on sugar than
the WriLsox bill did and vhe fact that Presi-
, dent MCKINLEY’S own law had that com-
modity on the free list will make this
DINGLEY change appear as a parade of the
President’s failure to know what was need-
ed when he was framing bills in]/Congress.
—— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
The, Expenses of Quay Legislation.
The Altoona Gazette has taken up the
fight against the inevitable and has been
mercilessly attacking QUAY methods in
Pennsylvania with the hope of furthering
holy JouN WANAMAKER’S chances to be
made state treasurer. While there isslight
chance of any other person getting a Re-
publican state nomination, than one who
has been touched hy the ‘‘old man’s’ fin-
ger of preferment, these fights in the Re-
publican ranks redound to the good of
Pennsylvania in their exposals of the ex-
travagant methods of Republicanism.
Though the reckless waste of state money
to create places for party workers has been
shown, time and again, Pennsylvania tax-
payers go on voting the robbers into power,
year after year, with apparently no desire
to put an end to extravagance that has re-
duced the State toa condition bordering on
bankruptcy. Everyone of these fights,
however, bring about a certain amount of
reformation and the Gazette hopes to check
some of the Quay legislation that is con-
templated at this session by encouraging
the support of WANAMAKER, as the leader
of a rival faction.
While it is not our intention. to impugn
the motives of our Altoona contemporary
the public will be prone to believe that
there is *‘a nigger in the wood-pile’” some-
where. However this may be it is interest-
ing to know just how the Quay people in-
tend going about their plans for making
places for henchmen at the expense
of the State. The following list of places
hope to accomplish and what it will cost.
Three commissioners at £5,000
a year 315 000
Trave ling expenses 5 000
One chief examiner 3 000
One secretary J =, 2 000
Clerks, stenographer and
messengers . 10 000
State prison commission :
Estimated expense for com-
mission, clerical force and
general running expenses 50 000
Horseshocing board :
Istimated expense 10 000
New capitol building commission :
To be composed of fifteen
members, estimated hotel,
traveling and incidental ex-
penses and clerk hire 15 000
Railroad commission :
Salaries and Tam expenses,
estimated 25 000
One additional stonoaratior
and typewriter to the health
officer of Philadelphia . .. 1 000
Bureau of geology and mines :
Ixpenses of six commissioners 3 000
One state geologist ; 3 000
Two assistants © 3 000
A stenographer “1 600
State board of barbers :
Five managers, i : 2 500
One secretary . . 600
Board of gas, clectric Hight and water com-
mission :
Three members 14 000
One secretary 3 600
Annnal ApD7peiakion § for ex-
penses : 30 000
School book board :
Expensesof board . . . . 500
Text book commission :
Twenty- eight commissioners :
$5 per day, puny anys . 4 200
Expenses : 5 000
Department of mines : ’
One commissioner 4 000
ive elerks . . . . 9 400
Apparatus and books 2 000
County health officers :
Sixty-seven county health
officers, average salary
and expenses 40 000
Publication of Permsylvania archives
Twenty volumes at 0 por
volume 10 000
Estimated cost of BpAT tor
compulsory physical educa-
tion and gymnastics in every ’
public school + 250 000
Estimated cost of apparatus for :
compulsory illustration of
weights, and measures and .
arithmetical tables 50 000
New fish sub-hatchery in
Wayne county. os 3 000
3,000 copies State librar y cata-
logue . . 3 000
Publication of one nr of
Smull’s Handbook for each
public school in the State 12 000
Publication of 12,000 copies of _
school laws and decisions 5 000
$598 400
Grand total per annum
Arbor Day.
To-day is Arbor day. What are you
going to plant for your country and
humanity ? With the terrible desolation
of the Mississippi valley and the prospects
of the total flooding of the cotton crop,
we are obliged to face the fact that with
us, alone, is the remedy. As long as our
hills and mountains were covered with
trees, floods and droughts were almost un-
heard of. Now they devastate spring and
fall, and summer and winter. Some
one has aptly said: ‘When a woodsman
fells a tree in-the North it costs a life in
the South”, and you have but to read
We have recklessly wasted our tim-
ber until wood of every kind is getting
scarce and much of the mountain-land
is like unto a desert. In Denmark the
law compels a man to plant two trees for
everyone he cuts down, here he is given
every licenses to deforest the land and the
trouble is he can not be made feel the ef-
fects alone.
Now plant a tree, or a hundred if
you have the land, and you will find
that you have planted for yourself,
| your family and your country.
to be created will give an idea of what they |
The Farmer's View of the Recent Shricy-
alty Contest in Centre County.
From the Patron—Non-Political.
This is a dangerous precedent. Itis an
easy thing to allege irregularity or fraud,
when an election does not result as desired.
Thirty petitioners may readily be secured
setting forth presumptive fraud (as in this
case, ) and under cover of the recent decree
of the court placing the costs of contest
upon the tax payers, involve us in constant
trouble and annoyance. Besides it is a
serious: charge to assert that the election
officers of nearly half the precincts in ‘the
county do not respect the sanctity of their
oatlis, to hold the election fairly and hon-
estly. If the court had placed the costs in
the above case upon the petitioners, it
would have had a restraining influence in
the future, and made petitioners a little
more careful in making allegations of ille-
gality and fraud, From the decision of the
court public opinion appeals.
A FovesRunntr of a Bryan Tide.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
The success of the Democratic tickets in
many municipal elections warrants the
Intelligencer in expressing the liveliest sat-
isfaction at the emphatic evidence thus
given that the Democratic party is still the
party of the people. Tts. triumph at no dis-
tant day may be confidently expected. As
a rule the results of municipal elections
furnish no certain clue to the general drift
of public opinion upon national politics,
but in this case the Democratic gains are so
decided and general that it is impossible to
avoid the conclusion that the utter failure
of the Republican campaign promises of
sudden prosperity, and the stubborn pur-
pose of more high tariff folly, have had
their natural effect upon people who were
frightened or bullied into opposition to the
Democratic ticket last November.
Yes, Charity Begins at Home.
| From the Ww illiamsport Su Sun.
Let England take care of her own starv-
ing subjects in India. The people of the
United States have enough to do in alle-
viating the suffering of her own people in
the flooded districts of the southwest.
ing to oppress the Christians in Crete and
shows little disposition to relieve the dis-
tress of the people in India. Why should
the United States trouble herself over the
condition of a foreign nation, when she has
tens of thousands of people within her own
dominions who are homeless and destitute ?
All the Old Feltows Are Getting in Line.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
Mrs. Schofield, on Sunday, presented
Lieutenant General John M. ‘Schofield, 0.
S. A. (retired), witha fine healthy ‘girl
baby. General Schofield was retired 18
months ago on account of the age limit.
He is now 66 years old. Mrs. Schofield,
who is 32 years of age, was formerly Miss
Georgia Kilbourne, of Keokuk, Iowa.
The Schofields have been partied six years.
Fails to Put in an A apearaiite.
The prosperity that was to follow the
election of Major MCKINLEY is proving it-
self to be one of a most elusive character.
It keeps in hiding when it ought to be
beaming on the country with a benignant
smile, and blessing the land with its bene-
was said to-be the advance agent, has not
only failed to attend the advent of McCKIN-
LEY’s administration, but business is flatter,
money becomes scarcer, and the times most
tration that was going to make everybody
prosperous and happy.
While prosperity lingers in its approach,
the expectant tariff beneficiaries help to re-
tard its progress by acting in a way that
prevents its arrival on schedule time.
They are beginning to cut the wages of the
workmen in advance of the passage of the
tariff bill from which they are going to de-
rive such large profits. The proprietors of
the big iron mills at Pittsburg have noti-
fied their employes that a cut would take
place on Monday, and this singular evi-
dence of prosperity is to be resisted by a
strike. There are similar evidences of
prosperous times in the Clearfield region,
where the men are on the verge of
striking to resist a cut in mining
rates and in other industrial localities,
with the prospect of a repetition of the
wage reductions, lock-outs and strikes that
were so numerous when the fipst McKIN-
LEY tariff was in operation. Now this
may really be prosperity, but the working-
men may be too obtuse to recognize it.
Those who promised that flush times
would follow MCKINLEY’S election find it
difficult to explain why prosperity lingers
on the way and fails to put in an appear-
ance. They will find the explanation still
more difficult after DINGLEY’S tariff goes
into operation.
——The latest edition of the Clearfield
| Public Spirigwas an eight page, handsomely
of the terrible loss to know it is true. |
illustrated and printed number that ap-
peared last Friday, devoting almost the en-
tire space of the paper to exploiting the
town of Clearfield. The paper would be a
credit to any office and Mr. SAVIGE may
well be proud of a work launched so unos-
——The Magnet thinks that the fact
that there are only ten natives of
Centre county confined in the Danville
asylum, is evidence that all of Cen-
tre county’s crazy people are not at Dan-
ville.” The Magnet is right.
Great Britain is at present engaged in aid- |
The fact is that prosperity, of which he |
perversely grow harder under an adminis- |
Spawls from the Keystone.
— Uniontown will have a new radiator fac-
tory to cost $25,000.
—The First National bank of Greensboro
has authority to organize with $50,000 capital.
—Citizens of Wilkesbarre will hold a mass-
meeting to protest against increase in water
—Quay carried the Republican primaries at
Bloomsburg, Berwick and Catawissa on Sat-
—York's police census gives that city a
population of 25,613, an increase of 10,000 in
ten years.
—Easton’s mysteriously missed ex-chief
burgess, Robert H.
sick in New York.
—Another blast furnace has been added to
the various mills that have recently resumed
operations at Steelton.
—Before his hooks had been examined tax
collector W. S. Ball, of Erie, committed
suicide with strychnine.
—Forillegal voting at a Democratic pri-
mary Joseph Polluck was sent to jail for
three months at Reading.
—Bishop Breyfogel, who is about to depart
for Japan, was given a fine send-off at the
hands of Reading Evangelicals.
—Henry W. Hey, of Shartlesville, Berks
county, was instantly killed while attempting
to board a train near Williamport.
—Dr. Swallow stole a march on the state
officials at Harrisburg and made a tour of the
ruins of the capitol on Saturday.
—Motormen and conductors employed by
the Scranton railway company have disband-
ed their union and will divide the $600 in its
—On the ground that it had been secured
by fraud the wholesale liquor license of
Aaron D. Allwein, at Lebanon, was revoked
by Judge Ehrgood. ’
—Rev. Solomon L. Rhoades preached a
special sermen Sunday evening to Sedgwick
Camp, Sons of Veterans, in St. John’s M. E.
church, Pleasant Hill. :
—Masked burglars whom Peter Schultz:
back surprised while they were looting his
store at Shamokin, fired on him, killed his
watchdog and escaped
—Haviug booked orders for 18,000 squares
of roofing slate, mostly for export, the Mea-
dowbrook slate company, near Slatington,
has enlarged its factory.
—Altoona’s driving park association has
until to-morrow to decide whether it will
spend $10,000 on extra lands and thereby
capture the next State fair.
—The coroner's jury investigating the
death of Howard Morgan, who was killed in
Kingston mine, censured a number of miners
for violating the mine laws.
—Howard Morgan, aged 19, a driver, em-
ployed in the mines, of the Kingston coal
company, at Wilkesbarre, was crushed to
death by a car jumping the track.
—The United Evangelical congregation at
Myerstown has purchased a site fora new
church. They lost the old edifice to the
Evangelical association in the courts.
—DuBois people contemplate the purchase
of goats for the furnishing ofa milk supply,
as they are less expensive to keep than cows,
and will not be subject to a borough ordinance.
—The Young Men's Christian Association,
of Danville, tendered a large reception to
Hon. J. H. Littleficld, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
a former law student of President Lincoln,
Saturday evening.
—The working hours in all the depart-
ments of the Beech Creek shops at Jersey
Shore were reduced from ten to eight hours
Thursday. Scarcity of work caused the
—Charles Shaffer, a fourteen-ycar-old boy
at Bloomsburg. was struck on the head by a
stone thrown by a playmate, and both tables
of the bone were so badly crushed as to render
trepanning necessary.
—Two “knights of the road,” who arrived
| in Lock Haven on Monday afternoon on a
| west bound freight, report that as the train
was traveling at a high rate of speed near
Williamsport a man walking along the track
| attempted to board it, when he missed his
footing and was thrown under the wheels.
They reported the accident to the conductor,
who, upon the arrival of the train had them
detained and they were taken to Williams-
port that afternoon as witnesses at the coro-
ner's inquest.
—A petition is being circulated among the
depositors of the late banking firm of Gard-
ner, Morrow & Co., Hollidaysburg, directed
to John Cree, assignee, requesting him to ex-
haust all remedies of the courts in an effort
to procure the original article of agreement
of the co-partners of the defunct institution.
It is believed that the missing document
forms an asset and paper valuable to the
depositors, and upon the procuring of this
document depends in a measure the fate of
depositors representing an aggregate amount
of $100,000. :
—State Senator Steinman hasa mule named
Jim, that has reached the two-score mark,
and has been on the ‘‘pension’ list for some
time, his only duty being to look after the
welfare of his body during the working
hours of his forty companions. One day re-
cently old Jim, after having made several
close surveys of the barn-yard, continued his
journey to the mine blacksmith shop and
knocked at the door for admission. Black-
smith McCue answered his knock at the door
and persuaded him with a stick to leave.
Jim, however returned, this time limping
and displaying to the notice of Mr. McCue
that he was minus a shoe. After four new
shoes had been set old Jim nodded his ap-
proval and departed for home.
—Amos Shoop, aged 64, residing at Belle-
view, near Harrisburg, while driving Fri-
day night’ was kicked to death by his horse
and his dead body was found on Eighteenth
street near his home. Deceased was a well-
known farmer. He had been infHarrisburg
yesterday and it was on his way home that
the fatal accident occurred tofhim. The true
circumstances of his death are not definitely
known, although the coroner’s jury rendered
a verdict that death was due to being kicked
by his horse. The top of the old man’s head
was literally kicked off and death was in-
stantaneous. The report of his death was
somewhat confused by a rumor to the effect
that it was Harry Shoop, the undertaker, at
Fourteenth and Chestnut streets, which was
not the case. :
McDonald, was found