Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 02, 1897, Image 4

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    aT FA ——— - —
- very essence of criminal libel is wanting.
steam fitters will be
Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance. ®
Bellefonte, Pa., April 2, 1897. \
P. GRAY MEEK, - - EpiTor.
More About Doctor Swallow’s Prose-
The SWALLOW case is a singular episode
in the public affairs of this State and is
likely to produce greater results than can
be comprehended by the state officials who,
by legal prosecutions which prove nothing
in their’ behalf, have overborne, for the
time being, the doctor’s efforts to arouse
the people to a fuller consciousness of the
fact that corruption prevails in the ad-
ministration of the state government.
The weakness of Dr. SWALLOW'S posi-
tion as the defendant in the libel suits
which the state administration precipitat--
ed upon him with the object of crush-
ing him, consisted in his having published
charges, which, although they were of com-
mon report, were difficult to prove true.
His charges having been made categorically,
his prosecutors had the advantage of being
able to select for prosecution only those in
which the defendant was least likely to
have the advantage of evidence ; but even
with the advantage of such selection they
are charged by the doctor, in his open let-
ter to the Governor, with having seduced
some of his witnesses with official favors
and contracts.
Be that as it may, the whole character of
the proceedings was such as placed the doc-
tor at a disadvantage. But as there was
nothing to show that there was anything
in his motive that savored of malice, the
The action of Dr. SWALLOW, in making
his publication, has the appearance of that
of a conscientious man who, believing that
public wrongs were being committed, and
knowing that there was no possibility of
their disclosure through the investigation
of a corrupt Legislature, took it upon him-
self to make charges which he honestly be-
lieved were in the interest of the public.
If he is to be punished for this the public
will be the greater sufferer, and the cause of
good government will be the loser by such
a stroke at the liberty of the press.
In the suit brought by superintendent
DELANEY is presented the remarkable cir-
cumstance of a verdict against Dr. SWAL-
Low for charges of the same character as
those made on the floor of the House by a
reputable Representative, whose urgent
demand for an investigation was slurred
over by a legislative body that isin the
habit of ignoring or white-washing charges
of official malfeasance. We trust the ver-
dict against the doctor will not h the end
of the DELANEY suit, but that it will be-
commenced, de novo, as the defendant is
anxious that it shall be, and conducted in
a manner that will get at the facts con- |
nected with superintendent DELANEY’S
official conduct.
Big New York Strike.
As Was Threatened Steam Fitters and Helpers Go
NEW York, March 29.—A strike of the
steam fitters in this city. in which between
30,000 and 60,000 men may be involved,
was declared to-day, when over 1,100 steam
fitters refused to go to work in their shops.
The bosses Saturday announced that the
agreement between themselves and their
employes would no longer he considered,
and the men refused to sign new rules.
Thomas Cunningham and Thomas Hume,
walking delegates of the steam fitters, and
James Nugent, delegate for the helpers,
declare that if the old agreement existing
between their association and the bosses
has been violated at all it has been violated
by the bosses alone. AVilliam J. O’Brien,
another labor leader, declared that the
backed by every
building trade represented by the board of
walking delegates. The result may he the
cessation of work on every building in the
course of erection in the city.
The union rate of wages for an eight-
hour day is $3.50 a day to steam fitters, and
$2 a day to helpers.
King of Siam Coming. i
_TAcoMmA, Wash.,, March 29.—News ar-
rived yesterday from Hong Kong that the
king of Siam has arranged to visit Europe,
leaving Bangkok the first week in April.
The trip will be made on the royal yacht |
Machachakri as far as Genoa. Halts will |
he made by the royal party in Italy, Swit-
zerland and France, but the longest stay
will be in England, where the king desires
to take part in the jubilee celebrations.
Joining his yacht in England, he will pro-
ceed to Sweden Denmark and St. Peters-
burg, returning to Siam through the United
States. The royal yacht will again meet
his majesty in Hong Kong in September
and convey him back to Bangkok. He
desires to spend some time in the United
States, believing that his kingdom will
enjoy large and increasing trade with this
country. A large retinue of servants will
accompany him.
Costs in the Swallow Suit.
The Clergyman Objects to Paying the Mileage Ex-
penses or Men Who Have Passes to Harrisburg.
HARRISBURG, March 30. Rev. Dr. Swal-
low is figuring on paying the costs in his |
first libel suit. He has notified the Dau-
phin county Prothonotary, though, that he
objects to giving up mileage for people who |
came from the ends of the State on annual |
or other passes. To-day the following |
We was received by the witnesses in this
city :
“Beloved : All witnesses claiming fees
or mileage; subpoenaed by the defence on
the two cases of libel already tried, will
kindly present their bills and receive pay-
ment at the office of the Pennsylvania
Methodist, between .the hours of 2 and 6
P. M. Tuesday, March 30), or as soon there-
after as convenient.
S. C. SwaALLow.”
Some of the witnesses are afraid they may
receive an exhortation instead of a fee.
Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Defiance to All Europe.
Vassos Virtually Challenges the Combined Powers.
—The British Admiral Declares That the Greek
Cc der in Crete Has Practically Declared
War Against the Foreign Concert—Grecian War-
ships Operating in the Gulf of Salonica—Turkey
Has Assembled 15,000 Soldiers on the Frontier
—The Austrian Emperor Tells His Parliament
That He Has Hopes of the Preservation of
LoNDON, March 29. —Mr. Curzon, under
foreign secretary, concluded a statement in
the House of Commons to-day by reading
a dispatch from the admiral commanding
the British fleet in Cretan waters, saying
that Col. Vassos, the Greek commander,
had practically declared war against the
powers. Cheers from the Irish benches
greeted the admiral’s dispatches announc-
ing that the Cretans had attacked the
Turkish garrison at Malaxa after the rep-
resentatives of the powers had warned them
to refrain. Because of this action by the
Cretans the foreign admirals decided to
treat them as enemies (cries of ‘‘Shame’’),
and to demand more troops from the pow-
ers in order to keep them in subjection.
Col. Vassos received warning from the ad-
mirals to this effect and replied to it by
ordering the capture of the blockhouse
at Malaxa and followed up his success by
attacking and capturing the earthwork fort
at Suda. :
A dispatch to the Times, from Salonica,
says that two Greek cruisers and a Greek
gunboat were sighted in the Gulf of Salon-
ica yesterday, and their appearance provok-
ed unwonted activity on the part of the
garrison in expediting the formation of
earth redoubts around the bay, upon which
were mounted Krupp and Armstrong guns.
The dispatch also says that the move-
ment of Turkish troops to the fron; on the
Greek border continues unrelaxed. With-
in the past month 65,000 troops have passed
through Salonica on their way to the
frontier and the total number of soldiers
now under command of Edhem Pascha,
commander-in-chief of the Turkish forces
near the Greek border, has reached 150,000.
Subsequently, Mr. Stanhope, Radical,
moved to reduce the salary of Prime Min-
ister Salisbury, his object being wo call at-
tention to Crete. Mr. Curzon warmly re-
pelled the charge made by Mr. Stanhope
that the government was helping Turkey.
Crete, he added, had been taken from
Turkey, whose troops were confined to the
towns in the east, and she had been pre-
vented from sending re-inforcements.
At this point one of the Irish members
shouted * ‘Tommy Rot.”” The speaker
warned him that he must not repeat that
expression. Mr. Stanhope’s motion was
rejected by a vote of 163 to 60.
VIENNA, March 29.—The new Reichs-
rath was opened to-day by Emperor Fran-
cis Joseph. In his address he said that
though the powers condemned the attitude
of Greece they did not mean to encourage
Turkey resisting the reforms which the
powers had demanded that the Porte should
institute ih, the Turkish domains. He
continued :
‘‘Thanks to the common action of the
powers, the dangers arising from Greece's
action in Crete having been minimized and
we are now permitted to hope that the con-
cert of the powers, despite differences of
opinion on the part of some and hesitation
on the part of others, will lead toa solu-
tion that will be eminently satisfactory.
I say this above all in regard to the Cretan
question, upon which my government: is in
accord with the powers, who have taken
measures to preserve the territorial status
quo and suppress tendencies and aspirations
menacing to peace.”
Cubans Pefeated.
The Successor of Maceo, Ruis Rivera, Has Been
Captured by the Spanish.
Havana, March 29.—General Hernan-
dez Velasco, who is operating in the hills
of the province of Pinar Del Rio, has sent
a report to the government which has caus-
ed much elation to all classes of loyal
Spaniards. He says that while his com-
mand was in the vicinity of Cabezadas, in
the Rio Hondo district, yesterday, they en-
countered. a party of rebels, 100 strong,
who were under the command of Ruis
Rivera, who was appointed to the com-
mand of the insurgents in Pinar Del Rio
after the death of Antonio Maceo. The
rebels occupied a strong position and fought
stubbornly, but after an engagement,
which lasted an hour, they were defeated
and dispersed. :
Before the rebel position was captured a
grenade was thrown by the Spaniards,
which fell among the insurgents and, ex-
ploding, wounded many of them. This
caused a panic and many of the rebels fled.
Shortly after the explosion the Spanish in-
fantry penetrated the rebel position. They
found Colonel Bacallao, chief of staff to
General Rivera, attempting to carry the
latter, who had been wounded by three
Mauser bullets, to a place of safety. Both
were made prisoners. Lieutenant Terry,
i of the insurgent party, who had been badly
wounded, was also captured. The rebels
carried some of taeir dead with them, hut
left on the field ten bodies that they were
unable to remove. The Spanish loss was
only one man killed and one lieutenant
and twenty-four privates wounded. Gen-
eral Velasco sent General Rivera, Colonel
Bacallao and Lieutenant Terry, in charge
of two companies of troops, to San Cris-
tobal, at which place the party arrived at 8
o'clock last evening. Lieutenant Terry
was so badly injured, however, that he
died on the road. ;
Speaking to a soldier at San Cristobal,
General Rivera said that he had been kind-
ly treated by his captors. He complains
greatly of the pains of his wounds, but is
cool and self possessed. General Velasco
is still operating in the vicinity of Cabe-
Private advices have been received here
to the effect that C. C. Crosby, the cor-
respondent of a Chicago newspaper, was
killed while witnessing the recent combat
at Juan Criollo, near Arroyo Blanco. It
is stated that he was with the rebels., No
official report of the death has been made.
Reduced Rates to New York via Penn=-
sylvania Railroad, Account Dedica-
tion of Grant Monument.
For the dedication of the Grant monu-
mental tomb, April 27th, the Pennsylvania
railroad company will sell tickets from all
points on its line to New York, April 26th
(and from points within one hundred and
fifty miles of New York, April 26th and
27th), good to return until April 29th, in-
clusive, at rate of a fare and a third for the
round trip. Tickets for military com-
panies in uniform, numbering fifty or more,
traveling in a body on one ticket, will be
sold at rate of single fare per capita for the
round trip.
The parade on this occasion will be the
grandest military demonstration since the
war. Thousands of veterans, United States
regulars, and state militiamen will be in
line. 42-13-4t.
-—-Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Delta Being Overflowed.
Three Big Breaks in the Mississippi Levees in and
About Greenville—Whole Counties Submerged—
Ten Thousand People Working for Land and
Property—Four Negroes Were. Drowned.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., March 30.—There
are now three breaks in the levee that pro-
tects the Mississppi delta from the waters
of the river. One in seven miles below
Greensville, Miss, at Wayside, one
40 miles north of Greenville, at
the head of the delta, which is 100
feet wide and becoming deeper and
longer as the water rushes through it. The
third occurred at an early hour this morn-
ing, seven miles of a point opposite Arkan-
sas City, and at last reports a stream as
wide as the Hudson was tearing through it
and covering the country for miles in the
The river from the north to the south is
like a mighty crescent. The water from
the upper crevasse has already cut through
the Yazoo & Mississippi rail-road and is
tearing through the plantations to the
south. At the middle crevasse the floods
from the north have joined forces with
these waters and together they are inundat-
ing the .country scuthward. The upper
waters will reach the lower crevasse to-
night, and the united water from three
flood gates will, with hourly increasing
force and volume, rush over the country
and finally be thrown back into the main
river at the mouth of the Yazoo, a few
miles north of Vicksburg.
The whole territory from the main river
east to several small streams will be for the
most part under water in 48 hours. The
region marked for destruction is probably
a hundred miles long and from 25 to 30
miles wide. The country is as fertile as a
northern garden. Greenville is in great
will probably flood that town.
Probably 10,000 people are working with
a desperation born of despair to save their
home and property. The whole machinery
of the state and the Illinois Central rail-
road is being brought into play. It is cur-
rently reported to-night that the levee in
front of Laconia Circle, Ark., has broken.
If this should be true, 30,000 of fertile cot-
ton land will be flooded by morning.
The river is stationary at Memphis to-
night and the gauge indicating 36.2 feet
The steam tug El Rio Rey, chartered hy
the St. Louis ‘‘Republic’’ as a flood relief
boat, sunk in 40 feet of water this morn-
ing at the foot of Beale street. The crew,
five in number, escaped, but lost: all their
VICKSBURG, Miss.,, March 30. —The
three breaks in the levee on the Mississippi
side, all series ones, have caused conster-
nation in this city, as the water. going
through the breaks will inundate a large
portion of the great delta, the most valu-
able of the planting lands in this state.
Should the river remain at flood height for
any great length of time more thon two-
thirds of Bolivar county, at least one-half
of Washington county, all. of Issaquena,
over half of Sharkey and about one-fourth
of Yazoo county will be inundated.
At Natchez, Miss., the planters are ten-
dering their teams and labor to assist in
holding the levees.
President Maxwell, of the Fifth Louisi- |
ana district levee board, says he feels that,
unless some unforseen event occurs, the
Louisiana levees will hold.
GREENVILLE, Miss., March 30.--The coun-
try around and about Greenville is now
flooded but it is believed the town will
be saved. The planters are working
like beavers, moving their stock and corn
to places of safety. The negroes on the
great plantations are being cared for, and |
no destitution is reported.
At St. Charles; Ark, this morning, four
negroes were drowned while crossing the
back water in a leaking boat. Their
names are : Ned Stillums, Frank Stillums,
Charley Doumas and Ed Doumas.
Great Storms and Floods.
Five Deaths Caused in Texas—Damages Amount Up
To Nearly Two Million of Dollars.
AusrIN, Tex., March 29.—The cyclone
yesterday killed one person at Clarkesville
and two at Buda, and fatally injured three |
at Calvert. A tremendous rain fell here
and at San Angelo, Dallas, Houston, Nev-
asato, Smithville, Corsicana and Kenney.
Vast damage was done to farming lands
and other property.
| Eagleville.
An enormous body of water is pouring |
past Dallas to-night.
risen fully 40 feet, and is rising now a foot
an hour. John Gist and Miss Ruby Smith
were drowned in a branch of the Trinity
near Era, in Cook county, yesterday even-
ing. Railroad managers estimate the dam-
age to property of various lines in Texas at
not less than $500,000. No trains can go
south from Dallas before to-morrow on the
Santa Fe, the Central or the Missouri,
Kansas and Texas. The general property
loss in Texas from the storm is estimated
at from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000.
HELENA, Ark., March 29.—The situa-
tion is worse here to-day. The river rose
24 inches during the past 24 hours, and
hundreds of men are at work strengthening
the levees. A break, now 500 feet wide,
has occurred in the levee near Knowlton’s.
This will leave the water into all the coun-
try down to Laconia.
NEw ORLEANS, March 29.—The river
has reached the top of the levees -in this
city and this morning began running over
into Mandeville street.
CARIO, Ill, March 29.—The river fell
one-tenth of a foot in the last 24 hours,
but the severe rains this afternoon will off-
set the fall and by to-morrow the flood
from the north is expected to reach here
and the river will go higher than ever.
The government boat, Minnetonka, reached
here last night from Gold Dust. She res-
cued 125 persons and 200 head of cattle.
St. Louis, March 29.—The river is rising
and is now within four feet of the danger
line. An immense flood is on its way
down and may be expected here within
the next 48 hours.
Great Loss in Texas.
DALLAS, Texas, March 30.—Great dam-
age from Sunday’s storm was greatest in
Central Texas. Railroad bridges and tracks
are gone in many places and passenger
trains are running irregularly on the San-
ta Fe, Waco and Northwestern, Texas Cen-
tral and Texas Pacific and the Missouri,
Kansas and Texas. Damage to barns, out-
houses and growing crops will be enor-
Hundreds of head of stock have been
drowned. Hillsboro reports the loss there
will be large. At Waco the Brasso river
has flooded the whole eastern end of the
town, one hundred blocks being under
water. That stream is higher than at any
time since 1884. Losses on merchandise
in the storm district will be large and the
railways claim they have suffered more
than for twenty years. The flood of wat-
er has not passed out and every stream is
still out of its (banks. The Trinity river
here has risen rapidly and communication
with the Western suburbs is cut off.
Trinity river has,
More Powerful Than Steam.
Chemist Trippler Believes That He Has Discovered a
Wonderful New Motive Force.
NEW YORK, March 29. — Charles E.
Trippler, a millionaire chemist and inven-
tor, believes that he has discovered a force
with 20 times the expansive power of
steam. It all came about through an ac-
cident, and just how he is to utilize his
discovery he does not yet know. For more
than five years Mr. Trippler has been ex-
perimenting with a compound concocted
by himself, which is capable of producing
intense cold. While he was exhibiting the
properties of the compound to his friends
in the cafe of the Hotel Endicott on Satur-
day night and had frozen a glass of whisky
by pouring a portion of his liquid upon it,
R. J. Dean, one of the spectators, lit a
match and held it close to the frozen
whisky. Instantly there was a loud re-
port, and the air was filled with fragments
of splintered glass, which found resting
places in the flesh of the men who sur-
rounded the table. Four of them were
seriously cut about the face and body. Mr.
Trippler declares that the explosion has
opened to science a new field of inquiry,
the exploration of which will probably re-
sult in the discovery of a new and;amaz-
ing motive power. The question to be
settled is what was the gas which produced
this explosion. Mr. Trippler has written
to Prof. Duert, of the Royal society, in
London, for his opinion on the phenomenon.
The Cleveland’s Entertained.
The Ex-President and His Wife the Guests of
President and Mrs. Patton,
PRINCETON, N. J., March 30.—Presi-
dent and Mrs. Patton, of Princeton Universi-
ty, to-day gave a dinner to Mr. and Mrs.
The water from the middle break | Cleveland to meet the different branches of
| the University, Charles E. Green, of Tren-
ton, and J. Bayard Henry represented the
the board of trustees; and professors
Baldwin and Magie the faculty. The
alumni of the University were represented
by William Hornblower and Adrian H.
Joline, of New York. Rev. Dr. Purves
was present as a member of the theologi-
cal Seminary faculty, and Edward Howe
as the representative of the town of
| Princeton.
——A small frame dwelling house at
State College, owned by Clyde Thomas,
was destroyed by fire on Tuesday night.
a G
——The venerable D. R. Boileau, of
Milesburg, is confined to bed and no hopes
are entertained for his recovery.
——Lessons on how to attend to one's
{ own business at $3 a head are pretty expen-
sive, vet there are some enthusiastic bicy-
clists in this place who have been paying
that price lately.
— ~The marriage of a young man who
will be well remembered in this place has
just neen announced from Los Angeles,
Calil mia. We refer to Dr. William
Humes Roberts, a son of Luther Roberts, at
one time teacher in the Bellefonte Academy.
Dr. Roberts: was married to Miss Juliet
Hughes Boal, on Thursday, March 18th.
— — The Christian congregation at How-
ard is building a new church. Work is
being pushed on the foundation and the
corner stone will be laid in a few weeks.
It is the desire of the congregation to have
the structure dedicated before the conven-
tion of the county Christian Endeavor |
societies, to be held there next August.
——On next Friday evening, April 9th,
the Imperial mandolin and guitar club of
this place, the orgamzation that was greeted
by such tremendous applause during the/
recent Bellefonte production of “THe
Drummer Boy of Shiloh,” at Garman’s,
will give a concert, in Kune’s opera house,
If the boys give the: citizens
of Eagleville a whole concert of such music
as we have heard them play on numerous
occasions it will indeed by a rare musical
treat to all who have the good fortune to
hear it.
Semmes >be
“PICTYRE AND SoNG.’—The delightful
entertainment given in the Presbyterian
chapel, last evening, will be repeated to-
night and those who failed to take advan-
tage of the opportunity to attend will have
another. Prof. and Mrs. J. J. Lowe tell
the story of the life of Christ by lime light
reproductions of famous paintings and
blend the sweet melody of their voices in
the explanation, which is set to music.
It is at once unique and entertaining.
Admission costs only 10 and 20cts.
the affectionate and sensitive animals none
have these senses more fully developed
than dogs and it seems the higher the breed-
ing, the more delicate do they become.
A singular case of this trait of dogs in be-
coming offended at attention shown to
other objects is reported by our old friend,
Mr. Robert McKnight. of Buffalo Run.
Since moving to his farm he had come into
the possession of a fine Scotch collie, a
dog that manifested almost human intelli-
gence. As was naturally the case the dog
soon ingratiated himself into the affections
of the house-hold and there was no end of
the pride and trouble they took in teach-
ing it tricks and various cute capers.
As it happened, however, a new-comer
arrived to share part of the attention that
was lavished on the collie. One of the
daughters was’ presentéd with a little
pup and as it was the gift of a friend
it was at once admitted on equal foot-
ing with the older animal. At first
the old dog treated it as friendly as
could be and would romp and play with it
ING.—The smartest creations in spring
millinery to be seen anywhere will be
shown at the Gerson Herrman opening, in
Philipsburg, on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, April 7th, 8th and 9th. Mr. Herr-
man has taken the I. V. Gray’sstore, in that
place, and if fine goods and careful business
methods can make a success of the place he
intends doing it. oh
The millinery department will be kept
par excellence and with Miss Sara Crissman
at its head nothing but the daintiest and
most fashionable effects will be shown.
cr epee
FAMILY.—The general. committee of the
Mattern family organization will meet in
the Herald building, Tyrone, on Tuesday
afternoon, April 8th, to talk over plans for
the next renunion of the family, which
will be held some time during the coming
The executive committee consists of the
following persons : Rev. John A. Mat-
tern, president, Newton Hamilton ; G. P.
G. Mattern, Osceola Mills ; Jacob H. Mat-
tern, Warriors-mark ; John W. Mattern
and Miles G. Mattern, Philipsburg ; Jerry
C. Mattern, Hollidaysburg ; Dr. Frank
Mattern, Milesburg ; Wade Mattern, Al-
toona ; James A. Robb, Roaring Spring ;
Miles Mattern, Collins Mattern and Samuel
T. Gray, Half-moon.
letin gave forecasts of the storm wave to
cross the continent from March 30th, to
April 3rd, and the next will reach the Pacific
coast about April 4th, cross the rest of
Rockies country by close of 4th, great cen-
tral valley 6th to 8th, eastern States 9th.
Warm wave will cross the west of Rock-
ies country about April 4th, great central
valleys 6th, eastern States 8th. Cold wave
will cross the west of Rockies country
about 7th, the great central valleys 9th,
eastern States 11th. Temperature of the
week ending April 3rd will be about'or a
little above normal, and rainfall, principal
ly during the last days of March, about
normal. The third disturbance in April
will reach the Pacific coast about 10th,
cross the west of Rockies country by close
of 11th, great central valleys 12th to 14th,
eastern States 15th. *
Warn wave will cross the west of Rock-
ies country about 10th, great central val-
leys 12th, eastern States 14th. Cool wave
will cross the west of Rockies country
about 13th, great central valleys 15th. east-
ern States 17th.
Spring Mills.
Garden making is now in order.
H. B. Miller after an absence of two years
has returned, and will again make his home
in our village.
So much moving was done in our village
this week that many families were obliged
to double up.
Commercial agents passing through here
report business very sluggish all along the
line, orders very light and few of them.
Wm. Finkle, a popular young man of our
town and an employee of Allison’s mill,
moved to Mifflintown on Tuesday last, very
sorry to lose Mr. Finkle.
The contest for post master here is becom-
ing very lively. The ‘‘battle royal” is about
coming in earnest. The contest has finally
dwindled down to J. P. Long, J.
N. Leitzel, C. A. Krape and C. A. Moyer, all
men of influence and ability.
The Penn literary society of this village,
held their annual entertainment in the town
hall on Friday evening last, to a large
and appreciative audience. The program
was quite lengthy, and consisted of music,
recitations, ete. The pieces produced were
‘John Smith,” ‘“Love’s Stratagem’ and
“The Spellin Skewl.”” The characters were
taken by the members of the society. Of
course with nearly all novices in the field,
not much was expected and consequently no
one was disappointed. An oration by J. V.
Reyer was not delivered with the speaker's
usual ability, his negro melody however, was
decidedly good and caused considerable mer-
riment. H. N. Meyers made some clever
“hits’’ in his declamation, and rattled off’
his piece in a lively and satisfactory manner.
Mr. Meyers is a speaker of considerable
ability. The recitations by Misses Sallie
Richardson and Kathryn Shirer were decid-
edly brilliant’ These young ladies are ac-
complished readers, and present a fine and
attractive appearance on the stage. The
band played several pieces of nmiusic, but with
rather more volume than necessary for the
size of the room. The scenes called ‘‘shad-
ows’’ were inexplicable, the ‘shadows’ were
supposed to act a part as delivered by an in-
visible ‘‘spook,’’”” but if they did anything
it was generally the opposite. They
might just as well have commenced with
the last scene as far as connections
were concerned. The scenes were simply a
jumble of incomprehensible ‘‘spooks’” with-
out a beginning or end.
Centre Hall.
Dr. Alexander has again purchased a new
driving horse. The Dr. takes great pride
in driving.
The town has been very lively this week as
vans loaded with hcusehold goods are con-
stantly moving to and fro.
James Lohr, of Philadelphia, formerly of
this place, was scen in town Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. W. W. Boob sold her millinery goods
until they both would be’tired out and lie | to Mrs. Carrie Osman and Annie Dinges.
down in a heap together to rest.
happy condition did not last Jong, however,
as jealousy soon got the upper hand and
the pup seemed to be crowding the *other
dog out. Gradually it became despondent,
would not play anymore and would go off
and lie in the snow banks all day long. In
vain did they try to coax it up with good
things to eat, but the collie was heart-
The | They will do business on Church street.
The DEMocrRATIC WATCHMAN is generally
accepted as the neatest, cleanest, best printed
and above all the newsiest paper published in
the county. -
Miss Minnie Weaver, of Penn’s Cave, com-
pleted her term of school last week, and is at
present visiting with relatives and friends in
Centre Hall.
Mrs. F. M. Crawford and daughter Grace,
broken and couldn’t be bought in that | Migs Ella Storer, of Clifford, Michigan, and
way. Finally he slunk away and not a sign | §, W. Smith and wife spent several days at
or trace of him has been heard of since.
Lamar with relations recently.
Were it not for the exercise derived from
bicycle riding, it is safe to say some of our
bright young men about town would become
so afflited- with that fatal disease ‘‘Rest,”
that in a-short time they would be unable to
move about town.
The aquarium in the window of Murray's
drug store is now completed. It is one of the
largest in the county. The fish lying among
the rocks on the marble hottom look very
pretty. More fish will be added soon, and it
is the intention of the owner to put several
species of water lilies in also.
Dr. Charles Smith, living on the old Cus-
tard farm, one mile below Lamar is in feeble
health. Dr. Smith is well known in Centre
and Clinton counties, having practiced his
profession for more than fifty years. He first
hung out his shingle, with M. D. attached,
about half a century ago at Tusseyville,
when doctors were a rarity and patients
many. By dint of his own efforts he amassed
considerable wealth, and to-day owns five
fine farms in Clinton and Centre counties,
which were bought when farm land was at
its highest point in value. He was very suc-
cessful in his profession, and is held in the
highest esteem by all who know him. Al-
though he has entered upon the shady
side of eighty, Dr. Smith has the fullest
use of his mental faculties and is replete
with reminiscences of many years ago.
Thursday next is election day in the bor-
ough. The future of Centre Hall will be
settled one way or the other. If you want
the town to be dwarfed, vote against the new
w. cheme. If you want to go- down to
posterity asone who aided an attempt to drive
away industries from our midst, vote against
Deininger’s plans for an abundant supply of
water. If you want to see Centre Hall put
in a position can invite and urge new
industries to locate here, vote for more water.
If you want to throw off the twelve per cent.
annual tax yoke, vote for the town council's
plan to furnish abundant supply of pure,
fresh water for all purposes and all times—
day and night, summer and winter. If you
want a lower insurance rate vote for a suffi-
cient water supply that can fill its mains and
afford fire protection. If you want to be a
progressive citizen, act accordingly on Tues-
day, and vote for the one thing the borough
needs—more water.
William Alexander Michael died Tuesday,
morning, after an illness of about one week
with pneumonia. He was aged 67 years, 7
months and 7 days. Deceased moved to the
Peter Hoffer farm, west of Centre Hall,
from near Milroy, exactly five years prior to
his death. He was a thorough Christian man
and devoted much of his time to the study
of the scriptures, and consequently was well
versed in God’s Holy Word and. could repeat
many of the Psalms from memory. He was
kind to all, and his heart was without
enmity. In his young days he married Nan-
cy Smith, who, with eight children, survives
him. The children are Mrs. Ellen Weadner,
Middle Creek, Pa.; James S., Vira, Pa.;
Samuel S., Garfield, Kas.; Mrs. Mary Mat-
thews, Bushnell, Il1.; Mrs. Susan Saul, Centre
Hall; Joseph K., Nattawa, Mich.; Kanh-
well, Doris, West Va., and Geo. A., who lives
{ at home. The funeral took place Thursday.
{ Interment was made at Centre Hall.
near two o'clock, as your correspondent was
about to cross the county line into Clinton
county at Dry Run, a few score of people
anxiously looking into the rapid flowing
stream, led the ladiesaccompanying the scribe
to become inquisitive. A dozen suggestions
were advanced as to the cause of the gather-
ing upon the bridge. just this side of Lamar,
the guesses were all wild. The crowd had
assembled to witness an immersion to take
place in a few moments. Our party halted
and dismounted, and presently the Rev. Win-
| ters, pastor of the Renovo and Lock Haven
Baptist churches, with a band of singers and
those who had accepted the faith, William
Billet and Mr. and Mrs. John Shady, came
marching down the road. The water's edge
reached, the reverend dressed in a very ordi-
nary suit of clothes, overcoat and common
rubber boots, opened by reading scripture
passages from Matt. 3; Acts. 8; 26; Romans
6, in support of his method of baptizing.
The form of this law was surely fulfilled.
The preliminaries over, the minister removed
his overcoat and Mr. Shady threw off his
coat and vest and then stepped into the mid-
dle of the stream which was between four
and four and one-half feet in depth. At this
season of the year Dry Run isa misnomer
as the water came with a rush and was of un-
usual depth, although the writer has often
seen the creek bed as dry as powder and
not sufficient water in the low places for a
mile to fill an ordinary baptismal bowl.
From the second the believers stepped into
the water until their feet struck the dry
ground just two minutes were consumed—
actual time. The dip was backward, and re-
quired considerable exertion on the part of
the minister to put his believers on their
equilibrium, but he was equal to the task and
performed his duty to perfection. While the
minister and his converts were taking their
positions, the choir sang a stanza of the hymn
‘Happy Day, When Jesus: Washed my Sins
Away.” - :
Just as Mr. Billett stepped into the water a
snow squall opened up for real business. He
is near or altogether sixty years old, and age
has removed his natural head covering. As
he wus standing in the water a white crown
of the beautiful fell upon his head. The im-
mersion was a considerable strain upon him.
The believers were the result of a series of
meetings held by Rev. Winters in the old
United Brethren church for the past two
weeks or more. The immersion on Satur-
day did not attract as many spectators as
gathered ; on February 27th, at Snavely’s
creek, back of Henry Snavely’s near the
junction, when Rev. Kunes of the Evangeli-
cal United church, immersed five believers
in the persons of Frank, Dane and Irvin
Raub, Thomas Williams and John Shade.
The latter was one of the company Saturday.
Books, Magazines, Etc.
Among other interesting and striking features,
the April number of The Forum will contain the
following articles, Has the Senate Degenerated ?
by Senator George I. Hoar; Arbitration the Only
Solution of the Financial Problem, by Allen Rip-
ley Foote ; Retrenchment or Ruin? by Hon. J.
Sterling Morton, Ex-Secretary of Agriculture ;
The United States and Cuba, by Henri Rochefort ;
The Utility of the Spelling Grind, by Dr. J. M.
Rice; The Fur Sea as an Animal, David Starr Jor-
don, chief of the Bering Sea Commission for 1896
and George Archibald Clark, Secretary of the
Commissioner; Shall Nevada be Deprived of her
Statehood ? by William E. Smythe. The Forum
Publishing Co., 111 Fifth Avenue,New Youik.