Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 26, 1897, Image 7

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    State College. :
Located in one of the most Beautiful and —
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undenominational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra-
tion on the Farm and in the Laboratory.
ical and practical. Students taught original study
with the microscope.
3. CHEMISTRY with an unusuzlly full and
horough course in the Laboratory. 5
These courses are accompanied with very exten-
sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and
the Lory ; Ancient and Modern, with orgi-
nal investigation. 5
(optional), French, German and English (requir-
ed), one or more continued through the entire
lied. :
i MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work
with study, three years course ; new building and
i t,
SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
Ee s &o. :
oa) oe MILITARY SCIENCE ; instruction theoret-
11. S (
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
vice. as
years carefully graded and thorough. Val
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1806.
Examination for ad-
Term opens Sept. 9, 1896.
rp fk \ For Catalogue
mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th.
of other information, address.
27-25 State College, Centre conaty, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
van K. RHOADS.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
~——DFALER IN—/™—
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312.
For all Billious and Nervous
Diseases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system.
{ laTannH
for a generous
contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other inju-
rious drug.
It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief at once.
It Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al-
lays Inflammation, Heals and Protects the Mem-
brane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
Full Size 50c. ; Trial Size oe. at Druggists or by
ELY BROTHERS, 59 Warren St., New York.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is
probably atentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co., receive
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any
scientific journal, weekly, terms, $3.00 a year;
$1.50 six months. Specimen copies and Hand
Book on Patents sent free. Address
41-49-1y 361 Broadway, New York City.
New Advertisements.
ANTED—AN IDEA—Who can think
of some simple thing to patent? Pro-
tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & Co., patent attor-
peys, Washington, D. C., for their £1,800 prize of-
er. 41.31.
Bellefonte, Pa., March 26, 1897.
Federal Extravagance.
It is a singular commentary upon the
times that the newly elected President, in-
stead of being able to compliment public
tive expenditures of public money, deems
it his duty to warn them against official ex-
travagance. It is a still more singular com-
mentary that this President, in his inaug-
ural address and by almost his very first
official act, invalidates his plea for economy
by words and acts which give the broadest
encouragement to extravagance.
If to his declaration, ‘‘Economy is de-
manded in every branch of the Government
at all times, but especially in periods, like
the present, of depression in business and
distress among the people,’’ he had added :
“And I purpose at all times, by virtue of
the veto power vested in the President, to
keep the appropriations within the hounds
of the revenue receipts, which I deem
ample for the Government economically
administered,’”’ he would have solved for
his whole term the question of a treasury
deficit and at the same time taken a long
step towards restoring business confidence.
But President McKinley proposes to in-
crease the revenue to fit the appropriation
by a method which the people of this coun-
try have pronounced against and do not
want. The first move of the Advance Agent
to restore prosperity is crab-like. Me-
Kinley’s Congress has met in extra session
“‘to stop deficiencies by .the restoration of
that protective legislation,”’ to use the
President’s own words. Congress cannot
| do that, and because two-thirds of the peo-
ple believe it cannot be done, business con-
fidence has not been restored.
A recent incident shows the indifference
to economy in public expenditures, even
among men high in public life. Fome one
remarked in Speaker Reed’s presence that
the last Congress was the second Republi-
can billion-dollar Congress. “Well,”’
Reed promptly replied, ‘‘isn’t this a billion
dollar country 2’ As long as lawmakers
feel that way towards public expenditures,
so long will there be a deficit in the treas-
ury, and the higher the tariff the greater
the deficit.
Another incident in Congress last Feb-
ruary shows the utter disregard prevalent
for anything like economy. Senator But-
ler, while discussing the merits of the rail-
way mail subsides, said : ‘In addition to
the heavy appropriation in this bill to pay
the railroads, there is another item of $3,-
000,000 to pay these roads for the annual
rent of postal cars. That is twice as much
as all these cars are worth. There are not
more than 500 postal cars in use, and they
cost about from $2,500 to $4,000 each.
Therefore, the government could buy every
one of these cars for less than $2,000,000.
These cars last about twenty years, yet
this bill proposes to pay $3,000,000 an-
nual rent for them for twenty years, or
$60,000,000 all told, which is $58 000,000
in excess of paying for them outright.
(This is in addition to the regular mail
charges for carriages). This is the most
reckless and astounding business proposi-
tion that I have ever heard of. Yet this
morning, when I moved toamend this item
by providing that the Postmaster-General
should not pay more rent than 10 per cent.
of the cost of the cars, what did the Senate
do ? It voted the amendment down. How
Senators can justify their votes to their
consciences and to their duty to their tax-
payers is beyond my comprehension. Here
we vote away millions of the people’s
money into the pockets of the railroads
without a single reason or excuse_for S0
doing. No Senator has dared to try. to
give a single reason or excuse. It is shame-
ful, it is robbery ; but this is not all. Mr.
President, the pending bill proposes that
in addition to the high prices we pay for
hauling the mails, in addition to the high
price we pay for car rent, we shall pay a
special extra subsidy over and above the
i high price we pay per ton for carrying the
| mails and the high price we pay for rent of
postal cars.”’—Doylestown Democrat.
Talk That was not Cheap.
A Rochester manufacturer dropped into
a long-distance telephone office recently
and told the young woman in
charge that he wished to talk to New York.
Thereupon he was promptly connected and
at once proceeded to talk. He talked quite
a little while. Then he had an after-
thought and talked again. Then the man
in New York thought of something and the
Rochester man talked some more. Out-
side the booth two men were pacing the
floor, one of whom wished to have his canal
boats lying in the slips at Buffalo painted,
and the other was anxious to reach the
head of the great salt industry of Syracuse.
They paced with more or less patience
while the Rochester man talked. At last
the door opened and the talker emerged.
‘‘How much do I owe?” he asked of
the girl in charge.
‘*Are you aware,”’ she said, ‘‘that you
have been in the booth for some time ?”’
‘Oh, yes,”” he said. ‘‘I suppose your
regular charge for New York is three dol-
lars and a-half ?’
‘‘Yes,” she said in a business-like way,
‘‘three dollars and fifty cents for five min-
utes. Your bill is twenty-five dollars and
A Scoop Net Measure.
The Dingley tariff bill as presented for
the consideration of the House is a produc-
tion covering 163 pages—a dreary and soul-
wearying recital of things to be taxed. All
the things that men produce are carefully
scheduled from a to z, and a penalty affix-
ed for bringing them into the United States
unless excepted in the free list. These
things which by any oversight or accident
have not been named in the schedules are
covered with a ‘‘blanket’”’ tax of 10 per
cent. upon unmanufactured and 20 per
cent. upon manufactured stuffs.
There is no business of any kind which
will remain unaffected by this discriminat-
ing, disorganizing, disastrous, meddling
with trade and industry. And there was
not the least necessity for it! A ten line
tariff act imposing a specific permanent
duty of 1} or 2 cents a pound on sugar and
a temporary duty of $1 a barrel on beer
would have filled the void in the treasury
and left the business of the country undis-
turbed. ,
But this would not have satisfied those
political philosophers who have arrived at
the conclusion that government is a game
of grab.— Phila. Record.
Simple Yet Comprehensive.
At is said that Mr. Amborn, who died at
Peabody lasv week, left instructions for an
unostentatious funeral and a very humble
| monument with a simple inscription. How
{would this do: ‘‘Amborn—Amdead.”
| —Kansas City Journal.
officials for wise, economical and conserva-
‘your taste may desire.
It is easy to ruffle one’s feelings, and some
people are more susceptible to little un-
kind innuendoes than others. The habit of
thinking before you speak will save many
an after regret.
The next thing on the program that
will take the attention of our women kind
is the selection of her bicycle suit. Those
who are going to ridé “for the first season
will need new ones, and the veteran will
need to furbish up from the wear and tear of
former years. The two things to be con-
sidered in selecting a costume for wheeling
are comfort and appearance, and even the
most enthusiastic cyclist would loath to at-
tain one at the expense of the other.
There are three styles of skirts and the
same number of styles of jackets, and us-
ually you can obtain ready made any style
skirt with-any style jacket, as preferred.
The skirts are the combination one, the di-
vided and the plain round skirt. The jack-
ets, the blazer with one button, the Eton
and box fly front one, the latter the new-
est of the new and a novelty of the season
of '97. Do not confound the divided skirt
with bloomers. One is a circular flaring
skirt that hangs straight down as a skirt,
but is divided from just below the hips,
while bloomers are very full trousers that
fasten just around the knee. The latter
are not worn by refined women. They at-
tract attention, make you conspicuons on
the wheel and look exceedingly awkward
when off.
Suits come in serge, cloth, linen, Ken-
tucky homespun, tweed, cheviot, heather
mixture and similar materials. There is
no difficulty selecting ; they are so varied
and pretty. Dealers and those ,who know
say that brown and light tan with its varia-
tions, are the shades most worn, while gray
is a good second. Of course, those who wish
to be in the height of style will choose the
box fly front jacket, as it is the very latest,
but as this is a semi-double-breasted
sacque affair, bottoned under a fly all the
way down, it only displays a little of the
shirt waist at the neck and is much. warm-
er. The objection to the Eton jacket is
that as the weather grows cooler it is prac-
tically no protection at all. The ideal bi-
cycle skirt is the combination kind, com-
bining knickerbockers and skirt. It is
caught under about the knee in the back,
so as to fall on either side of the saddle in
a straight line, hiding the seat. It cannot
fly up and it obviates the necessity of a
pair of knickerbockers under-neath
These last however are falling into in-
nocuous desuetude and are being super-
seded by equestrian tights. These will
come this summer in silk and lisle just for
this purpose. The best skirts have a strap
on each side, with three hutton holes work-
ed in-each. The straps fasten to buttons
that hold the fullness together on each side
so it cannot fall back and get tangled in
the wheel or chain. This is an excellent
idea, as such a mishap very often proves
disastrous to women riders.
Leguings cost but Pittle, but they stretch
and wiinkle in such an ugly fashion that
it is muen better to pay a little: more and
wet high hoots. These come in canvas or
leather, black, brown, tan, and blue. The
shades of tan and brown are much prettier
and softer this year than last. Golf hose
will be more worn than ever, and with it
either low shoes or half-high ones, the
last named only reaching about four inches
above the ankle.
There is very little difference in the hats
shown from those of last year. The
Tam O’Shanter Infanta and Alpine are in
the lead. The Alpine of stitched cloth
with bow and quills on the side is really
the prettiest of the three.
Disheveled hair does not give the effect
of stray love locks. Some women striving
to get this appearance only succeed in mak-
ing their coiffure untidy and so spoil the
whole effect of their appearance.
Miss Beatrix Jones, of New York City,
is a leading authority on forestry. She
has also won recognition as a clever land-
scape gardener.
There is no habit so easy to acquire or so
hard to break as the use of slang. It viti-
ates our speech, and especially marks a
woman as ordinary, though she may be of
eminently refined birth and education.
To converse well, even elegantly, is only a
matter of cultivation. Study the se-
lection of your words, and after
awhile it will be second nature to use
only such as are essentially above criticism.
All cannot be fluent conversational-
ists, but all can speak correctly, using only
such language as expresses what you wish
to say, but not in the slangy fashion that
too many young people think chic and
convincing. -
It may sound smart and cute in some ears
to be fluently familiar with all up-to-date
slang phrases, but the best people, the re-
fined and cultivated members of society,
will never be able to discover any beauty
in this knowledge. To be slangy is deemed
to be popular by “many, we know but itis
a deplorable idea, and it is a pity to let the
trend of one’s education flow in such a
wrong direction.
Many girls use slang-as they puff ciga-
rettes, thinking to make an impression up-
on men by their worldly ways, the little
‘fast’ touch in its dangerous proximity
to the extreme edge of the border line of
decornm possessing that strange fascination
that has belonged to forbidden fruit since
the days of Eve.
The men whose good opinion is worth
having, not cultivate the socie-
ty of slangy girls. Its use may be only a
habit, but slang will impress the hearer
with a feeling that the nature of the wam-
an employing it is in touch with its brus-
querie and its unconventional idioms.
Purity of speech may not necessarily im-
ply elevation of intellect or character, but
the impression it conveys is infinitely su-
perior to, the one engendered by an inti-
mate acquaintance with slang, no matter
how expressive it may be.
A New York woman lawyer has a law
class of fifteen female pupils. Their aver-
age age is about 27.
The jacket fronts which will be exten-
sively worn this spring may be round,
square, pointed or cut into any fancy shape
They may be high
or low, but no matter what the shape they
always give the effect of a a jacket over a
full vest or waist. For the summer season
pique, duck and canvas and linen will be
used. A pique gown just finished, to be
taken South, is of pale green. The gored
skirt is trimmed around the bottom and
half way up with five rows of white braid.
The, jacket is most elaborately braided,
both back and front, with the same braid,
put on to cross itself. The white braid
against the pale green pique is extremely
effective, and the whole costume is most
charming. The shirt waist worn with it is
white dimity, but there is an extra shirt of
pale green Madras, with ghecks of white.
Bicycles. Bicycles. Attorneys-at-Law.
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle-
fonte, Pa. All professional business will
receive prom baiention Office in Hale building
Soa ite t t 3
C CQLUMBIAS AGE 20 Yrars. opposite the Court House 36 14
Time proves all things.
| A beautiful Cabinet
picture for 10 cis.
| at Columbia Agency.
Sales Room and Repair Shep
Crider’s Exchange.
Our experience is worth
many dollars and much peace of mind to you in
your selection of a wheel.
A few Second hand
Columbias at bar-
gains and the best
&50 wheel on the
Riding School 3rd Floor Centre County Bank Building.
Allegheny St,
The Dingley Dose.
The Dingley dose is a severe dose to the
class of Republicans who think it
time to come down a peg from their high
tariff attitude, and to get ready to meet the
tendency of our business condition to reach
out for a world wide market. The Dingley
bill is a higher high tariff measure than the
McKinley bill. It is based on the high
tariff idea altogether. It isa bill for pro-
tection and not for revenue.
It is very doubtful whether it will in-
crease revenue to anywhere near the extent
claimed for it ; and it is apparent that the
increase that will come will arise from ar-
ticles, such as sugar, that are taxed for
revenue purposes, and not from the gener-
al line of commodities upon which the tax
is laid clearly for the purpose of protection.
These Democrats who went along with
the Republican procession and either voted
directly for McKinley or indirectly, by
voting for Palmer, must feel very cheap
and very sore, one would think, under the
developments of this extra session, called
What the Seeker After Rosy Cheeks
’ Should Eat.
She may fill a whole cuphoard with lo-
tions, and spend half of her time in the
beautifying bath tub, but success will not
crown the efforts of the seeker after beauty
unless she turns her attention also to her
diet list. Clear complexions do not wait
on the fickle, nor rosy cheeks on the morn-
ing griddle cake.
" The woman who intends to have a good
complexion must make a careful sudy of
the food question. It goes without saying
that sugary substances must be banished
from the hill of fare. Candies are of couse
excluded. Cakes follow in their wake. As
for pies and all other compounds of flour
and grease, they are fatal to clear skins.
Bread that is doughy or starchy ranks al-
most as low as pastry in the estimation of
the seeker after good looks.
Alcoholic drinks are banished almost en-
tirely ; their effect, even 1n small quanti-
ties, bring a mild form of congestion of
blood in the face, which eventually coars-
solely for the purpose of repealing the tar-
iff law of the last administration of their
particular political friends, and enacting in
its stead high protective law, which is an-
ti-Democratic in every line and feature of
What these fools think of their folly we
do not know ; but if they have any Demo-
cratic blood in them, it must be sorely
offended. The probability isthat most of
them do not have any ; but some must
have bad ; and if they can congratulate
themselves on their wisdom in helping to
put in control of their country a party that
in the first hour of its power seeks to enact
a high protective tariff and that declares it
will attend to no currency or other legisla-
tion until this greater object of its being is
had ; we can only say that they are won-
drous made ; and need a thorough recon-
struction before they can deem themselves
Democrats again.— Lancaster Intelligencer.
A Perry County Sensation.
Arrests for a Murder Committed Twenty-Eight
Years Ago.
Perry county has a sensation now that
even eclipses in interest the late Duncan-
non murder. On Saturday last, Hugh
Smith aged 63 years, was arrested charged
with having murdered Malinda Snyder, an
eighteen year old girl, in Liberty Valley
twenty-eight years ago. The girl who
was a mute and weak-minded, disappeared
from her home at that time and no trace of
her was ever discovered, although thorough
search was made. The arrest of Smith it
is said, was brought about through state-
ments made by John Shull, a cousin, be-
cause of a quarrel he had with Smith.
Smith's motive in killing the girl is not
clear but he had been unduly intimate
with her or struck her in a fit of anger. It
is claimed she was at Smith’s house and
annoyed him, refusing to he driven away,
and that he struck her in the head with a
hatchet, killing her instantly. The girl
weighed over two hundred pounds, and
Smith found it necessary to call in his broth-
er Samuel to assist in disposing of the
body. Shull was also called in, who fired
Kendig’s saw mill, and while the atten-
tion of all the neighbors was directed to the
fire, the girl’s body was chopped up and
burned. Hugh Smith has been twice
married, and it is claimed that his first
wife on her death hed wanted to tell some-
thing but her husband drove the people
out of the room and refused to allow her to
talk. It is believed she desired to tell of
the crime of which she was a witness.
Smith protests his innocence. He is in
poor circumstances, but his eldest son says
he will spare no expense to clear him.
The district attorney says he has affidavits
and evidence to prove most of the charges.
Samuel Smith and John Shull were ar-
rested on Monday as accessories.
——When a person begins to grow thin
there is something wrong. The waste is
greater than the supply and it is only a
question of time when the end must come.
In nine cases out of ten the trouble is
with the digestive organs. If you can re-
store them to a healthy condition you will
stop the waste, put on new flesh and cause
them to feel better in every way. The
food they eat will be easily digested and
appropriated to the needs of the system,
and a normal appetite will appear.
Consumption frequently follows a wast-
ing of bodily tissue because nearly all con-
sumptives have indigestion. The Shaker
Digestive Cordial will restore the stomach
to a healthy condition in a vast majority
of cases. Get one of their books from your
druggist and learn about this “ew and val-
uable remedy.
When the children need Castor Oil, give
them Laxol ; it is palatable.
——1If some people could realize that the
world doesn’t care‘a rap what size shoes
they wear they would be a good deal more |
Lock THE Door.—Before the horse is
stolen. Purify, enrich and vitalize your
blood and build up your physical system
before disease attacks you and serious sick-
ness comes. Hood’s Sarsaparilla will
make you strong and vigorous and will ex-
pel from your blood all impurities and
germs of disease. Take Hood’s Sarsaparil-
la now.
Hood’s Pills are the favorite family ca-
thartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25
ens the texture as well as ruins the color of
the skin. For somewhat similar reasons
| all sorts of narcotics and stimulants are to
be avoided. Whatever excites the nerves
for overheats the lool ‘tends toward the
final destruction of the smooth, peachy
texture whieh is the chief of every woman’s
ambition to attain.
i Whatever has the effect of producing a
| healthy action of the digestive organs is
good for the complexion. Acid and laxa-
| tive fruits especially, if taken at breakfast,
"are good. Graham bread and toast rank
; high among the bread beautifiers. Red and
! juicy meats, green vegetables, milk and
"eggs, are all conducive to the attaining of
a brilliant complexion.
Millions Lost in Cattle.
Specials to the Minneapolis Journal from
Mandan and Dickenson, N. D., state that
. it is believed generally among cattlemen
i that 75 per cent. of range animals have al-
| ready succumbed to the winter, the chinook
of Tuesday coming too late to save them.
It is impossible to travel over the range.
and no exact figures can be had. Bad land
ranges, which have been overcrowded the
past few years, will have but few cattle
this season. It is stated that Pierre Wi-
baux. a cattleman of Wibaux, Montana
and Dakota, puts his losses at $1,000,000.
Last fall he put 250,000 young cattle on
the ranges, and all are dead.
——A tack in the road—business end up
—will puncture a hundred dollar bicycle
and throw a $50,000 rider. A button,
half sewed on, will cause more real unkind
words in a minute, when it comes off,
than a man can repent of in a month,
The arrival of a new-born baby ina neigh-
borhood will cause more commotion than the
departure of ten grown-up people. The
little annoyances of life seen the biggest.
Those unsightly eruptions, painful boils, annoy-
ing pimples and other affections, which appeur
so generglly at this season, make the use of that
grand Spring Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla a
necessity. The kidneys, liver and bowels are
overmatched in their efforts to relieve the
clogged system. Dizzy headaches, bilious
attacks, failure of appetite, coated tongue, lame
back, and that tired feeling are some results,
From the same cause may also come scrofula,
neuralgia, sciatica or rheumatism.
All these troubles and more may properly be
called “Spring Humors,”” and just as there is
one cause, a cure is found in just one remedy,
and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the impure blood
enriches blood which is weak and thin, vital-
izes blood which lacks vitality. Thus it reaches
every part of the human system.
For your Spring Medicine—to prevent or cure
. Spring Humors, take
The best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
All druggists, 81, six for §5. Get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. The favorite cathartic,
New Advertisments.
42-1 SECHLER & CO.
ORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s
building, north of the Court House. 4
b © Gane & REEDER.—Attorneys ®t Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. 28 13
B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law, Practices
v in all the courts. Consultation in Eng-
lish and German. Office in the Eagle building,
Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22
S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a
J ° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court
fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega
business attended to promptly. 40 49
OHN KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
#) Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new
building, north of Court House. Can be consulted
in English or German. 29 31
C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite
Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
Je Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange,
second floor. All kinds of legal business attended
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
39 4
S E. NOLL, M. D.—Physician and Surgeon
Ve offers his professional services to the
fii. Office No. 7 East High street, Bellefonte,
Pa. ‘ 42-44.
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity.
N. Allegheny street.
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
offers his professional services to the
Office No. 20,
11 23
J IE. WARD, D. D. S,, office in Crider's Stone
os). Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High
Sts. Bellefonte, Pa.
Gas administered for the painless extraction of
teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 24-11
» ' to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle-
fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 7 56
Fire Insurance written on the Cash or Assess-
ment plan. Money to loan on first mortgage.
Houses and farms for sale on easy terms. Office
one door East of Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank,
Bellefonte, Pa. . 24-12
Represent the best companies, and write policies,
in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasenable.,
rates. Office in Furst's building, opp. the Court,
House. 25
By recent changes every room is equipped with
steam heat, hot and cold running water and
lighted by electricity. One hundred and fifty
rooms with baths,
100 rooms, 82.50 per day | 125 rooms, $3.50 per day
: 4.00 =
25 « 5.00 * 125
Steam heat included.
41-46-6m L. U. MALTBY, Proprietor
A. A. KonLeecKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodions Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en-
tirely refittea, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second. to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort ix ex-
tended its guests,
8®.Through travelers on the railroad will find
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes, 24 24
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