Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 26, 1897, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., March 26, 1897.
Every day is a fresh beginning
Every morn is the world made new,
You who are weary of sorrow and sinning,
Here is a beautiful hope for you,—
A hope for me and a hope for you.
All the past things are past and over ;
The tasks are done and the tears are shed.
Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover ;
Yesterday's wounds, which smarted and bled,
Are healed with the Jenaling which night has
Yesterday now is a part of forever,
Bound up in a sheaf, which God holds tight.
With glad days and sad days, and bad days,
which never
Shall visit us more with their bloom and their
Their fullness of sunshine or sorrowful night.
Let them go since we cannot re-live them,
Cannot undo or cannot atone ;
God in his mercy receive, forgive them!
Only the new days are our own;
To-day is ours and to-day alone.
Here are the skies all burnished brightly,
Here is the spent earth all reborn,
Here are the tired limbs springing lightly
To face the sun and to share with the morn
In the chrism of dew and the cool of dawn.
Every day is a fresh beginning ;
Listen my soul to a glad refrain,
And, spite of old sorrow and older sinning,
And puzzles forecasted and possible pain,
Take heart with the day and begin again.
—Susan Coolidge,
What Two of McKinley's Supporters
Think of him Now.
The President's message is not reassuring.
He has called’ Congress together, he says,
because ‘‘the current revenues are greater
than the receipts, gand because ‘‘with un-
limited means at 0% command we are pre-
senting the remarkable spectacle of increas-
ing our public debt by borrowing money to
meet the ordinary outlays incident upon
even an economical and prudent adminis-
tration of the government.’’
If the President means these last words
as a compliment to the late administration
they may be excusable, but as a statement
of the cause of the deficit they are certainly
misleading. The total revenues of 1892,
which he refers to as a model, would not
have met the expenditures.of any one of
the last four years, and the revenues of any
one of these years would have more than
met the total expenditures of any year pre-
vious to 1891. The reduction of revenue
has been small compared with the increase
of expenditures, and yet the President has
not a word to say in behalf of economy,
but urges ‘‘ample revenues,’’ not only for
“liberal pensions’ ‘but other purposes.
Nor can the omission of all reference to
the currency or the evasion of the well es-
tablished connection of the recent loans
with the maintenance of the gold reserve
be regarded as candid or statesmanlike.
The treatment of these loans, as though
made merely for current expenses, might
serve the purpose of the Bryan campaign,
but it is now unworthy of a President’s
The fact that the largest annual deficit
«occurred in 1894, when there had been no
«change in, the revenue laws, should have
been sufficient to suggest that there were
-other causes at work. In this year, the
President says, ‘notwithstanding there was
a decrease of $16,769,128.78 in the ordinary
expenses of the government, as compared
with the previous fiscal year, its income
was still not sufficient.”’ He neglects to
say that the expenses of the previous fiscal
year were forty-four millions greater than
those of the year preceding. Nor does he
think it worth while to remark that since
1893 . the revenue have constantly and
largely increased. To call attention to
that would compel the acknowledgment
that the condition he deplores was brought
about first by the currency legislation of
1890 and the resulting panic, and secondly
by the extravagant appropriations piled
up, against the protest of the executive.
The special message will be read as an
invitation to Congress to continue in this
path of extravagance. That is probably
not Mr. McKinley's intention, but he has
missed the opportunity to emphasize the
need of economy, and Congress, with a part
of its billion-dollar appropriations thrown
back on it by President Cleveland’s passive
veto, will be only too ready to take ad-
vantage of the omission and plunge into a
fresh debauch, trusting to the dubious re-
sources of the Dingley tariff to provide the
means.—Phila. Times.
It is generally agreed that, unless he
changes his mind, Mr. McKinley is about
to call Congress together in special session,
and that the principal, if not the only,
work of the session will be the enactment
of a tariff law. The bill that will be pre-
sented to the House of Representatives is
doubtless that which is being prepared by
Mr. Dingley, and, whatever it may be, it
will be quickly passed by the popular
branch of Congress, in which the Republi-
cans have a plurality of 82 over the Demo-
crats, and of 51 over all parties and fac-
tions. There is some doubt expressed as
to the attitude of the Senate. There are
now 44 Republican Senators—two less than
a majority. Mr. Teller and Mr. Dubois in
the Fifty-fourth Congress were opposed to
their party on the tariff question, in the
hope, however, of securing something for
silver from their gold-standard party asso-
ciates. But it is probable that Mr. Teller
and Mr. Dubois’s successor may be ‘‘con-
ciliated’’ by concessions to the wool-grow-
ing interest, and that they will vote for a
tariff bill. If this be so, there will be then
46 votes in favor of the measure. To this
number may be added Mr. Pritchard of
North Carolina, and Mr. Kyle of South
Dakota, who, in return for Republican sup-
port in their contests for re-election, have
to support a Republican tariff measure.
These two added to the others make 48 in
favor of tariff revision. It is also said that
the silver Republican Cannon of Utah, and
the populist’ Senator Allen, have been con-
ciliated, and that Senators Jones and Stew-
art, of Nevada, may be counted on, so that
it is probable that the Republicans will be
able ta command at least 50 votes, leaving
40 votes against the bill. Moreover, there
is no Democratic Senator who can make an
effective opposition to the bill. In the
first place, there are Democratic senators
who are inclined to protectionism, and who
even if there be a chance to securea point
for their old-time party cause, will make a
half-hearted struggle, or will be treacher-
ous. Gorman, Smith, and Murphy may
be expected to do all in their power to help
the Republicans if their assistance be re-
quired. Mr. Mills is the only Democratic
Senator who is fully equipped to lead in
debate on a tariff bill, but his infirmities of
temper have grown upon him to such an
extent that he is no longer listened to with
patience or respect. Mr. Jones of Arkan-
sas is thoroughly informed for the purposes
of committee work, but he is nota debater,
Mr. Gray, Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Turpie, Mr.
Caffery are the only Senators upon whom
the opposition to tariff leglislation can
wholly depend. They are all admirable
debaters, but they will not resort to par-
liamentary tactics to prevent action on the
bill or to compel the adoption of amend-
ments. Parliamentary tactics for the pre-
vention of a vote are of more than doubtful
validity, but they may always be proper-
ly resorted to in order to compel discussion
and amendment. Unfortunately, the
Democratic senators who are skilful in this
sort of parliamentary warfare are not to be
counted on for active opposition to any
measure that will increase the burdens of
tariff taxation.
It is evident that the Republicans are
very likely to secure the enactment of any
tariff bill that Mr. Dingley may report ;
but ought they to make the attempt to in-
crease tariff taxation, and if they do make
such an attempt at all during Mr. McKin-
ley’s term, ought they to undertake it at
the beginning of the term, and when busi-
ness is anxiously waiting for that return of
prosperity which it was predicted would
be sure to follow Mr. McKinley’s triumph
over Mr. Bryan ?
The assertion that rates of duty are to be
increased for the purpose of obtaining need-
ed revenue may be dismissed at once asa
mere pretence. The rates in the new tariff
bill, like those in the McKinley bill, will
be dictated by the manufacturers, for whose
profit the increased taxation is to be levied.
Senators and representatives who are theor-
etically charged with the duty of legislat-
ing for the general welfare will once more
become the active agents of private inter-
ests, and therefore, in an important degree,
hostile to the general interest. The private
citizens who are cencerned in the bill do
not care what may be the effect of larger
rates of duty on the public revenues, but
the public men who must present it and
vote for it know that increased duties often
reduce revenues, and that under the Mec-
Kinley law, for example, which raised the
average rate of duty from 44 per cent. to 50
per cent., customs revenues fell in four
years from $225,317,076 to $128,831,869,
while under the Wilson bill revenues from
customs duties have incfeased.
It is not revenue that is to be sought hy
tariff legislation, but increased profits for
private interests. The protected interests
themselves are not unanimously in favor
of an increase of taxation. Some manu-
facturers of steel and iron have protested
against a change in their schedules. Mr.
Farquhar, a large maker of ploughs, has
told the Ways and Means Committee that
lower rates of duty have so benefited his
business and cheapenced his cost of produc-
tion that he now commands the markets of
the world forgone kind of plough, having
driven his English competitors out of busi-
ness. There is a disagreement between
the wool-growers and the manufacturers
of wool, which is due to the fact that the
latter have enjoyed the advantages of free
raw material.
As to the effect of an extra session on
business in general we quote from Mr. Far-
quhar’s speech :
‘‘It is superfluous’ he said, ‘to remind
you that the talk of an extra session is un-
settling business, is locking up capital that
would go at once into productive enterprise
if assured of the continuance of present con-
ditions, is depriving labor of employment
by repressing enterprise, and is only wel-
come to those who in one way or another
prey upon the public, because you know it
and you see it. You know it in your rea-
son ; you see it it in the backset with which
reviving business after the forward start
that followed the November election has so
disastrously met.’
Besides, there is the political problem
which ought to be considered by the Re-
publicans before they enter upon the pro-
tected tariff enterprise. Mr. McKinley was
elected by Democratic votes. It was dem-
onstrated in the last issue of the Weekly
that the changes in Democratic counties
alone gave to the Republican candidate 132
electoral votes. These Democrats voted for
Mr. McKinley on the distinct understand-
ing that he and his party were to consider
the money question as paramount. And
now if the money question is to be aband-
oned ; if the only currency experiment to
be undertaken is the old game of hood wink-
ing the silver men by pretended efforts for
international bimetallism ; if no step what.
ever is to be taken in behalf of a reform of
our crde currency system ; if Mr. Gage is
to be placed at the head of the treasury de-
partment only to be muzzled ; if a tariff
policy is to be pursued which would have
cost Mr. McKinley these 132 electoral votes
had it been the issue of the campaign—is
there any reason why the more than a mil-
lion of Democrats who voted for the Re-
publican national candidates last Novem-
ber should ever again trust a Republican
promise? An extra session of Congress
and the enactment of a law increasing tar-
iff taxes are an invitation to the election of
a Bryan House of Representatives in 1898.
The only thing that can possibly prevent
such an unhappy consummation will be the
organization of the sound money Democrats
in the South, in the hope of electing a suf-
ficient number of representatives there and
in the East to give them the balance of
power. If Mr. McKinley and his advisers
are wise, there will be no extra session and
no tariff legislation.— Harper's Weekly.
Mill Hall 4s in Luck.
A company is to be organized shortly at
Mill Hall to manufacture a patent steam
and water ve. The capital stock it is
stated will be'$30,000 and the factory will
give employment to from 50 to 60 hands.
A plant will be erected it is said for the
purpose of manufacturing the valves on a
large scale. The valve of which brief men-
tion was made in the Eupress several weeks
ago is a great improvement over all others
and will meet with ready sale. The enter-
prise is being pushed by the Mill Hall
board of trade and there is every reason to
believe that the erection of the plant is an
assured fact.
——Thousands suffer from Catarrh or cold
in head and have never tried the popular
remedy. There is no longer any excuse, as
a 10 cent triai size of Ely’s Cream Balm
can be had of your druggist or we mail it
for 10 cents. Full size 50 cents.
ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City.
A friend advised me to try Ely’s Cream
Balm and after using it six weeks I believe
myself cured of catarrh. It is a most val-
uable remedy.—Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand
Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.
——Convivial Party—*‘‘I beg your—hic
—pardon, sir, but would you mind takin
this piecerchalk an writin m’ addresh on
m’ back ? You shee—hic—I know where
I live, now} only I don’ wanter g' ome, an
when I do wanter g’ome 1 shan’t rec’lect
where I live.”
The Mississippi Floods.
The Waters Have Spread Over Much Country—Lives
The warning sent out by the govern-
ment signal service Saturday that the Miss-
issippi river and all its tributaries would
continue to rise has been fulfilled to the
letter. The communication with the
flooded section has become difficult, but
dispatches received from widely separated
points show that all have suffered alike.
It is estimated that a section of country
with an area equal to that of the state of
Missouri is now under water and that the ;
worst is not over. Advices from Cairo, |
Paducah, Memphis and Helena show that !
the region beginning north of New Madrid, |
Mo., west to and including the valleys of i
the St. Francis, the White and the Ark- |
ansas rivers in Arkansas, east in Kentucky |
and Tennessee of the valleys of the Ten-
nessee, the Cache, the Obion and the Zazoo
rivers, and south to the Red river, are un-
der water. The intervening ranges of
hills and high ground are the only places
of refuge.
The dispatches received here tell but one
story—lives lost, stock drowned and a
country desolated. At Cairo, Ill., the
river reached 50.9 feet and rising slowly,
which is but one foot short of the high
record of 1883. All the country south of
there to Memphis is submerged. A relief
steamer from the flats below Bird’s Point
brought in four families. It is reported
that a flat boat containing a number of
people was sunk at Island No. 10.
All the cotton fields in the valley of
Forked Deer river in Tennessee are under
water. The Memphis Relief association
has five boats at work. These boats go to
points that that are some twenty miles
from streams navigable in ordinary stages
of water. The unanimous opinion of St.
Louis river men is that conditions must
become worse before there can be per-
manent relief. They say that numerous
breaks in the lower levees are really bless-
ings, as they are natural outlets for the
melting snows of the north.
Memphis, Tenn., March 21.—The levees
for a stretch of 15 miles from and south of
Osceola, Ark., went all to pieces to-day.
There were some 15 or 26 breaks, in extent
from 200 to 1,000 yards, and the water
from the overburdened river is sweeping
over the St. Francis basin, to return to the
river just above Helena. Breaks are ex-
pected at Luxora, on the same side, but
above Osceola. Most of the women and
children had left Osceola, only the men re-
maining to strengthen and guard the
levees. These were to-day taken across the
river to the Tennessee side, which is se-
cured by a tall bluff. Below, also on the
Arkansas side, there is a break at Modoc.
Along the Mississippi front every levee is
reported intact and in no immediate danger.
Engineers here are rather dubious, how-
ever, about their holding out, although
every material break on the opposite side
is a relief to just that extent. The acres
of farming lands submerged through the
breaks already occurred aggregate well up
in the thousands.
The sorrow, the desolation, the dismal-
ness of the flood cannot be realized or des-
cribed. ‘Only those who have experienced
the horror of escaping with their lives can
understand the situation. Some have lost
their lives. The wealthy have been heavily
damaged, and the poor have lost their all,
and to-day they shiver for want of sufficient
clothing and shelter, and feel strongly the
pangs of hunger. They are huddled to-
gether in temporary places of safety, and
are provided with little, if any food. The
low-lands opposite Memphis are inundated
for about forty miles out. The little towns
of Ashport and Gold Dust, Tenn., are up |
to the windows in water, and the houses in
the low places are up to the eaves. On
the opposite side of the river the towns are
in equally as bad condition, except Osceola.
The low islands are also flooded, and many
of the inhabitants have lost everything
they possessed. From above Ashport, to
below Plum Point, which is over 100 miles,
is a low levee which always has been am-
ple protection ; now it is mostly under
water. It is impossible to estimate the
loss of property. So far the loss of life re-
ported is placed at fifty.
Marton, a small town on the Kansas city,
Fort Scott and Gulf railroad is inundated
from Marion Bayou, and the relief steam-
ers go from here daily to gather up the
suffering ones. Some are found on rafts
floating with nothing but corn to eat, and
some are on their house tops absolutely
starving. Relief skiffs from Memphis are
going all through the woods across the riv-
er rescuing people and stock. They tow
flatboats, on which the live stock and
household effects are loaded. When they
reach Memphis there is a company of wo-
man who meet the boats and serve the
refugees soup and sandwiches and direct
them to shelter. Rations were issued to
750 people, besides meals served to 538.
Every boat brings an additional number.
Five lines of railway going out of Memphis
are stopped on account of washouts. There
is information to the effect that at points
below ‘Helena the water has gone over the
levees, and the levees being in such a
mushy condition from the rains it is not
thought possible to protect them much
longer from the flood.
The people are already fleeing for their
lives. The hundreds of men who had heen
watching the levees have about all been
taken away and their labor will be utilized
in saving the lives of other people.
HELENA, Ark., March 21.—The river
situation here to-day is no better ; in fact,
it looks more serious and work is going on
night and day raising the levees from one
end of the city to the other. The water is
coming in the northern suburbs, where it
has beeh expected for several days, but as
it only affects a portion of the town occu-
pied by small cabins principally, no danger
to the city proper is apprehended.
The Kate Adams brought up a dozen
families this morning from the overflowed
district below, among them C. W. Alfray,
who has been living at Modoc tintit within
a few days ago, when he moved over to
Rescue, only to get into worse than ever,
the levee breaking at Rescue last night.
He left this morning at 5 o'clock, and at
that time the break was 200 feet wide and
there with quarter-boats, and the Ralph has
also gone down and will look after the
rescuing of the people and the stock. The
water has gone over the levee below Modoc
and is flooding the White river bottoms.
The people down there have all got out of
the way, and no loss of life is expected.
VICKSBURG, Miss., March 21,—Tools and
materials are being rushed forward on every
train to the levees in MississippA__ There is
no news from the Lea levees, The river
rose eight.tenth of a foot here in the last
twenty-four hours. This is an abnormal
rise at this stage of water, and it is now
forty-four and three-fourths. The Yazoo,
now bank-full, is largely responsible.
A Brutal Outrage.
On Saturday Mrs. Pope, wife of a wealthy
lumberman, residing at Wharton, Potter
county, went to Galeton, where she drew
$900 from the bank and started home on
the Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad:
While waiting for the Fall Brook train at
Ansonia she decided to walk from the sta-
tion to the village, and while on her way
was accosted by a man who demanded her
money. She refused and was struck over
the head with a club. She was found
unconscious and bleeding by a stage driv-
er She was unable to give a good de-
scription of her assailant. It is presumed
that he followed her from Galeton.
—1In round numbers the duties collec-
ted in the New York custom house for the
week following the introduction of the
Dingley bill amounted to $7,500,000 as
against $2,000,000 collected for the week
preceding its introduction. This is a hard
nut for those to crack who claim the rev-
enues will be increased by the higher du-
ties. How are you going to increade rev-
enues by shutting out imports from which
revenues are gathered ?— Post.
Humors, pimples, boils, are very an-
noying. They quickly disappear when
the blood is purified by Hood’s Sarsapa-
rilla. :
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Personally Conducted Tours—Matchless
in Every
COAST will leave Harrisburg, Altoona, and Pitts-
burg by special Pullman train on March 27, 1897,
returning on regular trains within nine months.
Round trip tickets, including all tour features go-
ing and transportation only returning, will be sold
at the following rates : From Harrisburg £197.00 ;
Altoona $194.20; Pittsburg $187.20. One-way
tickets, including all tour features going, $138.25
from Harrisburg, $136.75 from Altoona, and §133.-
25 from Pittsburg. Proportionate rates from other
For detailed itineraries and other information,
apply at ticket agencies, or address J. G. San-
som, acting Pass. agent western district, 360
Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. 42-10-3t
New Advertisements.
Many a reader of this in WilkesBarre
has seen the large watch sign that hangs
out at No. 40 North Main street. It is
there to tell the people who see it that Rob-
ert W. Haight, watchmaker, ete., can be
found at that location, and perhaps you
may doubt the following, in which case
youean always find Mr. Haight at this ad-
dress, ready and pleased to verify it.
Watchmaking, as it is called, is no doubt
thought to be a comparatively easy busi-
ness on the constitution of a man, but this
is not the case. The constant stooping po-
sition maintained while at work brings
with it many aches and pains. Such posi-
tions in time effect the action of the kid-
neys, and this is just what it did in the
case of Mr. Haifht, and he began to look
for a remedy that would relieve. At last
he was rewarded. One day he read of
Doan’s Kidney Pills. Nothing was claimed
for them but that they were a kidney cure.
All the ills the flesh is heir to were not set
down as being subject to their wondrous
influence, and this inspired confidence in
them. The symptoms described by kid-
ney sufferers were his symptoms. He be-
gan taking them. Three or four doses
brought a change, and day by day he grew
better, and now he says: “Iam entirely
over my trouble. Home remedies I have
used, but found but little relief of a tem-
orary nature. My greatest trouble was
ameness and stiffness in the back, with
sharp, shooting pains in the region of the
kidneys. I consider Doan’s Kidney Pills
a good and safe remedy, and I recommend
them to others.” No better proof of merit
can be offered than#he plain facts as stat-
ed by those who know by experience.
Call on Mr. Haight if you doubt this.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents
Mailed by Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the U.S. Remember
the name, Doan’s and take no other. 42-9.
Ov Oat-meal and flakes are always fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
growing all the time. Major Dabney is
INMuminating Oil.
For Sale by The Atlantic Refining Company
——She—Wasn’t she natural
sleeping scene ?
Her Husband—Very. She couldn't
have been more natural unless she snored.
in the
New Advertisements.
AUTION.—AIl persons are hereby no-
tified that I have purchased the following
effects, the property .of John Neidigh, of Fergu-
son township, at constable’s sale, on Feb, 20th,
1897, and left same with him during my pleasure
and no one will molest same at peril of prosecu-
tion. A bay mare, set single harness, a calf, two
horse wagon, spring wagon, hay ladders, wheel
barrow, 2 horses, set tug harness, forks, corn
planter, plow, harrow, hay rake, cultivators,
mower, scythe, 3 hog hangers, household furni-
UDITOR’S NOTICE. —In the orphans
court of Centre county, in the matter of
the estate of Delia J. Riter, late of Liberty town-
ship, Centre county, Penn’a., deceased. The un-
dersigned auditor appointed by the orphans court
of Centre county, to make distribution of the
balance in the hands of the executors of said
decedent's estate, to and among those le ally
entitled thereto will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office in the borough of Belle-
fonte, Pa., on Tuesday, April 6th, A. D. 1897, at 10
o'clock a. m. at sg time and place all parties
interested may appear and present their claims
or forever after he debarred from coming in on
said fund. W. E. GRAY, Auditor.
We are offering a specialty in :
8 Day, Half-hour Strike Mantle Clock,
Cased in Solid Walnut or Oak,
Handsomely Carved and
i TE we SE E—
41-46 -
$5,000 $5,000
All combined in an immense Stock of Fine
To-day Prices
have Dropped
Travelers Guide.
Condensed Time Table.
Travelers Guide.
Schedule in effect Nov. 16th, 1896.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10 a. m., at Altoona, 1.00 p. m., at Pittsburg,
6.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 2.15
p. m., at Altoona, 2.55 p. m., at Pittsburg, 6.50
p. m. :
Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone
6.00, at Altoona, 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11.30. ?
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10, at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at Philadel-
phia, 11.15. p. m. .
Leave Bellefonte, 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
2.15 a. m., at Harrisburg, 7.00 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 5.47 p. m. :
Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive
6.00 at Harrisburg, at 10.20 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven,
10.30 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m., arrive at Williamsport, 3.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, at 9.30 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven
10.30. leave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at
Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23
at Tyrone,
p. m. :
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m.. arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m., arrive at Williamsport, 3.50, leave
4.00 p. m., Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia
11.15 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 9.30 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 a.
m., arrive at Harrisburg, 3.22 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m.
Juosye Noyes, at 6.30 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
urg, at 9.15 a. m., Harrisburg 30 a.
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.. Zune,
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m.,
4.47, at Harrisburg,
1:15 p. m.
General Manager.
arrive at Lewisburg,
7.10 p. m., Philadelphia at
General Py ssenger Agent.
o% @ . { ai
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- " | ad = |
PMO P.M A.M . |P.M.
720, 3 35) 8: 50/6 1
72 321! 8 14/6 04
728 323 8a 146 02
Ta 326 8: 095 57
741 336 8 02(5 52
T45, 340 8 59/5 48
754 349) 8: 5115 39
801 355 90 44/5 32
8 06) 359 9 0 38/6 25
808 401 9 35/5 21
800 402 9 33/5 19
817, 408 92 23/5 08
es eues 9 5 0
8 21 9s « 4 o
8 25| 9: 54 57
8 26| 9 56
8 31| 9 HE
8 36, 95 4 46
8 42] 9 | 516 4 39
8 47] | Bigler...... | 511 953432
853) 450 10 10\....Woodland....| 506 9 47/4 27
8 56) 4.53) 10 13... Mineral Sp...| 505 9 44/4 24
9 00 457] 10 17{... .. Barrett...... 501] 9 40/4 20
9 05 502 10 22|......Leonard....| 4 56/ 9 35/4 15
9 09) 506 10 28 .....Clearfield..... 452) 9 31/4 09
9 14| 511] 10 34... Riverview... 4 58| 9 26/4 03
9 201 517] 10 41 ...Sus. Bridge...| 4 43] 9 203 56
925 522 10 46. Curwensville.| 4 39] 9 15.
.I 10 52
2 | B
3 | x
P.M. | . M. | A.M. . . . [P.M
6:00} 215 11 10...... Tyrone.......| 8 10| 12 30/7 15
5 54) 200 11 (4 ..East Tyrone...| 8 16/ 12 367 21
Sian) 205,11 00........ Vail... 8 20| 12 40/7 25
546, 201] 10 56 ...Bald Eagle....| 8 24 12 447 29
540........] 1049. Dix... 8 30! 12 507 35
8 B37 creer] 10 40. 8 33! 12 52/7 38
535 15110 44 8 35] 12 54/7 40
528 145 10 36.. 8 42/ 1 00|7 47
521) 139/10 28 8 49) 1 06/7 54
5 12 131 10 20 8 58) 1 14/8 03
5 03 1 23! 10 11|.....Uni «f 907 1 238 12
4 56, 1 16! 10 04/Snow Shoe In 915 1 30{8 20
4 53, 113} 10 01|...Milesburg, 918; 1338 23
4 44 3... 928 1 42/8 31
4 32 9 411 1558 43
4 25 949 2 04/8 51
420 9 53 2 088 55
4 14/ 12 38) 9 24|......Howard....... 959 © 14/9 01
4 05 agleville....| 10 08] 2 23/9 10
4 02 |.Beech Creek...| 10 11] 2 26/9 13
3 51 |«...Mill Hall......| 10 22| 2 37/9 24
3 49 ...Flemington...| 10 24| 2 39/9 26
345 5/...Lock Haven..[ 10 30! 2 43|9 30
P.M.| P. M. | A. M. |Lyv. Arr. A.M. | pom. (PM.
EASTWARD, Nov. 16th, 1896. WESTWARD,
P.M. [ A. M. [Lv Ara. a | Pom.
215 6 30] -.Bellefonte...........| 9 00] 41:
221] 635 ..AXemann... 855 41
2 24 8 52{ 40
327 8 47| 4 0
2 34 8 42| 3 58
2 38 8 37] 353
243 833] 348
2 48 828 344
2 55 8211 3 37
3 02 8 15! 331
3 10] 807 323
317 801, 317
3 25 752 308
3 32 744] 302
3 38 7 38] 256
3 41 T34 253
3 49 724 245
3 52| 719, 241
3 59 712] 234
407 7:02] 295
4 15 653 218
417 . 6 50; 216
4 22 . 6 45) 212
42 - 6 38) 2 07
4 35 . 629 158
4 39 . 624 153
4 47 5. sewisburg 615 145
4 55] 9 25. ...Montandon.. 540, 138
P.M. [A.M [Ar Lva mle
of |.
ad 12 { |
2 | % |Nov. 16th, 1906. ¥ |
85 [2 |
P.M, | A. M. Lve.| A. mt.
seesss 4 25; 9 20! Scotia........| 10 00,
4 08] 9 03|....Fairbrook....| 10 19
4 02] 857 Musser...... 10 26
3 56] 8 51/Penn. Furnace| 10 33
350 8 4 reosre ostler..... 10 40
3 44 8 3 Marengo...... 10 46
iin 8 33....Loveville. ...| 10 51
338 8 29/ Furnace Road. | 10 58!
3 31 8 26|....Dungarvin...| 11 01
323 8 18|Warriop's Mark| 11 10
314 8 09....Pennington... 11 20
303, 7 58........ Stover....... 11 32
85, 7 50l..... Tyrone...... 11 4
P. M. | A. M. |Lve, r.l a.m
Time Table in effect on and after
READ powN READ vp. ‘ Nov. 16th, 1896.
EE Nov. 16th, 1896. Jeane ny Sa <sesstanas 11 20 a. m. and 3 15 p. m.
i: 3 Arrive in Bellefonte «-142p.m. “ 52 p. m.
No 1|No 5No 3 No 6No 4iNo2 | | ore Inllstonre re “700% m “105 f m.
Arrive in Snow Shoe...... 9 00a. m. “ 2 52 p. m.
a. m.|p. m.|p. m. Lve, Ar.|p. m.[p. m.|a. m.
+720 % 45 Ys 45| BELLEFONTE. [10 15| 6 10(10 10 ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAIL-
7 34] 7 59] 3 57|.... .Nigh.... v b 57-9 56 ROAD.
7 41 8 05] 4.03|..........4{0a.........| 9 56] 5 51] 9 50 >
7 46| 8 13] 4 08|.HECLA PARK. ¢ 5 46| 9 45 | Schedule to take effect Monday, Nov. 16th, 1896.
7 48 8 15| 4 10|...... Dun kles...... 9 49| 5 44| 9 43 :
7 52| 8 19| 4 14|...Hublersburg...| 9 45| 5 40| 9 39 bid od OUR ou
7 56| 8 23( 4 18! ...8nydertown.....| 9 41| 5 37/ 9 35 Nor Ss : ‘x. Lv i¥o
73581820) 4 20... Nittany......| 9 39/ 5 35] 0 33 | NO ltNo.3ltNo.1| STATIONS. Ling olin, 4[FNO
8 00| 8 27| 4 22/. H 9 37| 5 33] 9 31 9 { ,
8 02] 8 29] 4 24/. .| 935 531] 9 29 7 2)
8 04 8 31] 4 26/....Clintondale....| 9 33] 5 20| 9 2g | F-M:| A. | Am. Lv. Hetonte ist |p ra
8 09) 8 36| 4 31|..Krider’s Siding.| 9 28| 5 24] 9 21 | 4 20| 10 30 6 30/.... Bellefonte... 8 45/ 2 10/6 40
8 16) 8 42) 4 36]... Mackeyville....| 9 23] 5 18] 9 15 | 4 20 10 37} 6 37/..... Coleville......| 8 40 2 00/6 30
8 23| 8 48] 4 42/...Cedar Spring...| 9 17( 5 12 9 0g | 3 30) 1042 640)... Monis.......| 831 1556 25
8 25| 8 50| 4 50!.........Salona....... 9 15| 5 ni Bo ype] YH Lae
SN SMU LHALL 110 018 Go 1 | 300s © ee rie dp teh
930] 045... Jersey Shore......... T 755 | 445 11 02| 7 00[......Briarly.......| 8 24 1 306 07
10 05| 10 20|AIT. } war pORT Hi 400] +7 25 | 4 48] 11 05] 7 05/...... Waddles. .| 820 125/603
+10 20[*¥11 30|Lve Arr.) 240| *6 55 | 4 50 11 08] 7 08...Lambourn...., 818 1 226 00
5 05] .7 10]i.... oo PHILA, eine 18 35*11 30 | 5 00| 11 201 17. Krumrine Li i Lr to
-Atlantic City......... 504 TL 33 7 22) UNIV. Inno 803 T0250
6 45 ~NEW YORK.........| $4 30 505 11 35 7 22 State College..| 8 ) 1 00|5 40
(Via Tamaqua.) gon umes . |
7 25) 19 30.......... NEW YORK......... 2730 | 910/11 24) 7 28)... Strubles....... TAT 1045 30
(Via Phila.) 517 | 784 ...Bloomsdorf...| 7 40 5 23 m.[p. m. | 520 | 7 37/Pine Grove Cro. 7 37] 5 20
p, m.ia. m. Arr.
*Daily. tWeek Days. 46.00 P. M. Sundays.
110.10 A. M. Sunday.
Purnaperpuia SteeriNe CAR attached to East-
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M.
General Superintendent.
Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg,
Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect
with train No. 3 for State College. Afternoon trains
from Montandon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53
from Lock Haven connect with train No. 5
for State College. Trains from State College con-
nect with Penn'a R. R. trains at Bellefonte.
1 Daily, except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS Supt.,