Fauble’s OA¥ YOU Think of a better way to economize than to : SAVE 3; THE PRICE OF YOUR SPRING This is exactly what we will do for you. showing the GREATEST ASSORTMEN r SUIT, We are CLOTHING OF suing in the country and will sci others ask fa that are strictly all wool, the ors, made in first class style, ers ask $ro.00 AND GOODS SEE OUR PRICY them for just 14 what = a own $5.00, > latest styles and col- the same kind oth- N IMMENSE STOCK OF c= 42-11-3m 117 West High Street, Picture and Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles, and Fixtures at Wonderfully Low Prices. ——A CORPS OF EXPERT PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS. —— S. H. WILLIAMS, BELLEFONTE, PA. ———— All Through Brush Valley. Dan Brungard, of Rebersburg, is very ill The robins have again returned to their homes in Brush valley. = Last Saturday, Brush valley had its first thunderstorm of the season. Miss Rose Corman, of Rebersburg, visited relatives and friends at Salona last week. Messrs. Cyrus Rhote and John Thompson, of Salona, were in our valley last Thurs- day. Huston McKibbens and his wife, of Parvin, spent Saturday and hay at Harvey Mil- ler’s. * Rev. Stover, of ete ibn, who had born ill for the last few weeks, is again able to be up again. Th sale of Geo. Brungard, of Rebersburg, was well attended last Saturday afternoon in spite of the thunderstorm. Mr. Hosterman, who is teaching the gram- mar school at Rebersburg, will teach a term of summer school at the same place. for. NOC OTHER. 7 x” \ ida f3-Ulhnte 17, 42-10 Nontgosntery & Co. Piue Grove Mention. % a SPRING DESIGNS IN ——CLOTHING. O The bright Spring sunshine seems to casts its rays upon us these days, for our store is bubbling over with nice new goods. Clothing in all the novelties. Suits, Spring Overcoats and extra Trousers just received. The new ““Guyer’’ Hat isthe neat- est and dressiest the Boston factory has yet produced, and all well dressed men should have one. Also the “Dunlap’’ and many other shapes. Ask to see the latest fad in Negli- gee Shirts, just opened new and fresh. All the Suitings and Trouserings are in and our tailoring department is complete. Prices the lowest—for best workmanship. MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. 42-10 suits him ex the wet weathe Bob Leed says [Farmer in-doors « rh No. 7. of Tyrone’s carly part actly « 1s he is Iul-a-by-baby to a little Rox BD. i. Bye, Bug. « s here in the teuben Bierly, ot Rebersburg, is digging the cellar for his new house in the West end. { Misses Ella Brungard and Bella Krebs. i of Rote, for the last week, have been vis- | {iting relatives in and around Rebershurg. Samuel Bierly, of Tylersville, spent Sun- I day at the old Bierly homestead, near Reb- | exsburg, where he was born, 67 years ago. Report says, that Messrs. John Harter and Calvin Morris, of Rchersburg, will start anew store in Mr. Harter’s building which | Mr. Miller vacated on Monday. Lawrence Barner, of Carrol, intends to give organ and piano instructions during the sum- A canvass will be made “ner in our valley. thie week, which will decide the matter. Small, of Rebersburg, has the | 1 route from Rebershurg to Coburn Smell is just the right person, he knows how to accommodate the | heeanse f people. | Toward Miller, the energetic merchant i of Rebersburg, who bought Mr. Sam’l Waite’s just Miller's store, iin the fall, moved his goods into the same on | store house, opposite Miss Winifred Wolf, of Rebersburg, who has been visiting relatives and friends at Williamsport and Lock Haven, came home Tuesday, with a smile which only a pleas- ant trip can bring. On Saturday the trout fry arrived for the new dam, which has recently been made be- hind the mountain land, known as John Shultz’s land, but recently bought by W. R. Bierly and Wm. H. Frank. C. C. Loose, of Rcbersburg, has finish- ed the lumber job above Emanuel Har- ter’s. Some time this spring Mr. Loose will move his saw mill out on the Brun- gard property, which he recently bought. To THE BRUSH VALLEY SILVER CLUB.— Wm. J. Bryan’s book ‘‘The First Battle,” which has just been published, is being sold in our valley by several agents, and we sin- cercely hope that all of the 200 membersiof our club and all others, will sccure a copy, as itis sold cheap. The book contains his biography written by Mrs. Bryan ; all his most import- ant speeches delivered in Congress and while on his famous campaign tour throughout the United States; the principal addresses and documents of the campaign of 1896; all of which are a faithful presentation of the rise and development of the silver movement. It is also the best treatise on the money question of our country viewed as being gov- erned not by monopoly but by democracy. It has the election returns, explanations and Bryan’s address as to the duty of silver Demoerats in the future. The book is finely illustrated and substantially bound. No ad- voceate of silver and democracy can afford to be without it. President. H. LE. BIiErLyY, Major Dick for Sceretary. Chicago, March 21—An Ackron, Olio, special says : Major Charles Dick, reecived, vesterday, from Chairman !anna, the formal tender of the secretaryship of the Republican National committee and he wired his acceptance. There will be & salary of $5,000 a year attached to the office. Major Dick was offered, by Presi- dent McKinley, both the positions of fourth assistane postmaster general and treasurer of the United States hut declined. { Monday. Mv. Miller has a nice store room | now and will be soon ready old customers. mer ! Lyon & Co. nee orders, { I JOX Se 0). business | nen, vent several of the week making a final settlement of his | sale, Col. Musser, of Bellefonte, was here be- ns on Tuesday looking after his in- tween tr: surance husiness and a iioproved in | health D. L. Miller Ssundayed at Moshannen with | his'son J. A. B. Miller, wio has from his recent illness sutliciently to close his | school, James Dawson, one of the P. I. pany’s most trusted enzinecers, visited grandpa Miller's comfortable country | home last week. Miss Gertrude winter with a sore foot. ed the cause, and : she is now improving. Rev. C.D. of his venerable who died at Milroy, enticth year of his age, Miller has heen suffering all Dr. an ingrown nail, Aikens is attending the huria uncle, Thomas Hassenfelt, on the 23rd, Miss Tillie, youngest danghter of D. 1, Miller waz happily married several weeks recovered | Woods remov- | on Tuesday | in the sev- | O - = | to wait upon his | Gr IS SURPRISING -——Subseribe for the WATCHMAN. Lyon & Co. 0 0 R. com- | and his family | { i i dow prices of high grade qualities, other of the woudertuliy low have many agreeable ago in Tyrone to George Christine, of that | town. The groom isan enginder RB. R. and we ean assure him that he has got- ten an excellent wife, Mrs. Margaret Lytle has Iy from her recent attack of pneumonia that recovered so nears Andy is ence more able to his pet bear, which cee self by chewing up the family carriage or any thing else it gets ils paws on. : asionally amuses it- Mail route agent Gaur frem Missouri spent | several days here and at MeAley speeting the sub-division lettings ahout to take place. He will find it a diflieult matter to : " ie | dispose of the rezent route from Fairbrook to Penna. Furnace at the very low rate. Ag his suggestion a petition will be forwarded to the post office authorities at Washington to re- establish the old route from this peint to Penna Furnace via. Fairhrool amd Rock Springs. On last Thursday while the festivities of the bigdinner were progressing at the par- sonaze John Grove and Miss Hannah Belres and Harry Eyer and Mary A. Harpster ith the vegister’s sanction and had Rev. AR perform the solemn marriage cere- mony which united them, we for life. After the ceremony Mr. Grove and his bride returned to their home near Shilel and Mr. Eyer and his bride to Marengo. Both are un to date young farmers and arc deserving of the good hel; Iv mates they got. nn + ar est ses. Shaken Up. hope, MONTREAL, March 25 —A heavy shock of earth- -quake shook the center of this city this evening and Aa great consterna- tion. Large buildings shook like reeds and there was a general rush of the inmates for the doors. So far no damage has been reported. Dispatches from various points in this province and from Eastern Ontario report similar shocks but without any dam- age of consequence. on the P. | to give his attention | json. We ave : = “wr try ANT ov TNTOVY Tr - * OPENING AN IMMENSE STOCK AND WILL SAVE VOI MONEY On all goods bonght here. Keep yourself posted as to our very low a and you will never pay too much for any qualities you buy. We quote only 1 ax . ATES | a few of our many bar | | i GOODS—A speeiud lot of Black n. wide, handsome quality for skirts or dress at surprisingly low figure of... DRY A full line of Light Figured Mohairs® in the ge=Opening daily a new 42-9 43¢ | that we are underselling all our competitors and still keep the lead in Friends and neig prices at which we are offering goods. surprises ip store Mohair, + i Toned Efieets, beautiful colors combined 5.0 | at the low figure of.. “3% | CAPES—“Your Capes for £2.00 are handsoinur Ce {and better. quality than I saw in other stores for I £6.00." These were the ex words of a lady 3 . v =v} 0 cen shopping elsewhere Gh A falliline ofnew coloringsin thivery mehton ho had he n shonping els where and bought able cheeks, that are so popular this se a%of=— | her new Spring Cape from us. New capes X e., due. 45¢. und up. $1.60 up. —0 CARPETS—A full ‘line of new Carpets from 12%c. up; full line of new Mattings from 1o0c. up. , line of Men's, also Shoes—Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Oxford Ties. rere) ee LYON & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. nbors are telling cach & —— OUR OPENING THURSDAY As our MILLINERY OPENING | EVENT-OF THE SEASON,” HATS ever seen in TRIMMED models for the French Ve have had as most artistic creations of have toned down so that they will than even the originals. Remember THURSDAY Spring. It emin Our line of FAN wes evervthing that is no CY SILKS ior We place on sale { 22 PIRCES GENUINE KAl K New SPRING DRESS GOODS We covey the hoon line amd —an how vou the correct andy _ We are nict contented with past ue out Go our former cffors, You will find 1Y Aicre ninienht “Too Bad But Indeed Unirue.” : — Permit me, through the to correct an evil re- port that the editor of the Easton, Pa., (4? published in the WarenMaN of the Lxh, the title of las Too Bad, But He saya: shurg in Centre county, SE is about the «of neglect and de- erected within Not a single cont of paint. Dear Editor columns of your paper, inst., under Indeed Too True.” “The town of Mil community, Lvervthing about is a sample the size of Nazaveth town has the appenr cay. No ew house ha 1ts limits in at least six years. building can hoast of a recent Ken The fences are dilanidated. Most of {he houses are shutterless, and the people gen- erally have a lock of don’t ecareativeness, that is far from encouraging. ‘The only person we saw at the Milesburg station that looked as if he had any ambition to move, was a white man painted aad dressed up like an Indian. He was evidently a stranger.” I should like him, to tell us in his next article, how Mileshurg is to blame for this painted Indian stranger stopping at the Mileshure station, any more than it is to blame tor kis, being dumped eff, by the rail- road company ? It was about the same time that & tramp had stolen conductor Grubb’s grip, at Williamsport, P2., with a lot of dupli- We | for those who pay us a visit this rea- | SILKS—New Silk for 2L25—in the fleets, Waists from 20cts. up to Brocade, Persian and Polkadot Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing; | along the road at ticket offices until he reach- We cate forms et celra, in it. He sold coupons ed the Mileshurg station, receiving cash for them, and was first detected and checked oft, at this “don’t caveative Nazareth.” ile quit the tr ww of the Bald Eagle valley, and struck ROTI RTS ye RENT. — A number of desivable houses for r Apply to A. M. Hoover, real estate agent, Bolicfonto, Pa, aE he Bush H a Floor, ols, A Foll Line of Sprivg and Sumner Sui ings is Now Being Shown fo Purchasers of Fine Clothing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 42-7-3m NEW, SOME IN N TESTED GARDEN AND FLOWER 5 AT HALF PRICE, FEDS We offer great bari: Ltiarden and Flower Seeds, as wel of the Best Selection, Orders by Mail given Special Attention, An inquiry on a vostal eard will receive prompt answer, FIELD SSDS, Choice Clover Seed ana Timo- thy Seed, including Barley, Seed Oats, Spring Rye and Spr ing Wheat, Seed "Potatoes. Tarden Tools and Spray Pumps. Corn Planters, Champion and Pennsylvania Grain "Drills. Chilled Plows, Cultivators, Spring Tooth rows at a Way Down Prices. Har- -—CON NKLIN?W AGONS.— In short. We have everything for the Farm and Garden. Don’t fail to visit us and examine our Stock before purchasing, Iverybody is welcome, McCALMONT & CO:, Bellefonte, Pa, our OPENING artists imported this Spring which we AND FRIDAY, We will also show a hand:ome line ew Waists 1s ir 1s occasion. f NOVELTIES in Dress a HODEer thin i SHORTLIDGE & CO., State College, Pa. 42-11-1y : | ; or : : Katz & Co. Limited. Wall Paper Store. T HE GLOBE. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND MILLINERY. \ MILLINERY DISPLAY will take place @ AND FRIDAY, APRIL 1st and 2nd. 1s always looked forward to as “THE we promise our lady friends and patrons that our EXHIBIT this season will far out-do any thing we have heretofore shown and will be the handsomest display of AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES Bellefonte. DISPLAY some of the suit the AMERICAN taste much better the dates. APRIL 1st and and, of NEW SILKS for the coming and stylish for this season. especially good. SILKS. A JAPANES KE WASH is [Jer vard. in all the new shades and colors. Goods Bettefonte, . 1 Zs to buy. GOODS. always strivinz to 3 in WASH DRESS hicvements, but a new SPRING RAIMENT very pleasing tot rect style to bay. 40-12 KATZ & (Ty jig of Lege 77 ans ferro HL Copel rm. for the mountains at once, leaving his rom- pany behind him. XNaturaliy he soured on Milesburg. [infer from his article that he is from “Nazareth” and as it has been before asked: Did you ever hear of any good thing coming out of Nazareth Fhey he is tell- ing stories he should remember that ancient one, related, about A and Saphira, and it is well for him that that just rule, that prevented them from increasing their 5 perity hy lying is notin force, Why he wl ros- in his ease. have struck Lis ings at t Milesburg, it is hard son, unless he was mad at himself or fully possessed of satan. Ife don't tell % single truth from ihe tirie he reaches the Milesburg station until he leaves it. There have been more than 1 dozen fine dwe ling houses built and about as many remodeled and painted. Two fine brick churches, a town hall, a fine Odd Fellow's hall and a three or four sto VE buggy and carvi: Le manufactory, built, : Udoing iL prosperot busine SS within much tess tine than six y The fences and streets are in as wood conditio nif not hetter than any cimitoviy mall town in the State--her sister tow n-Beliefonte--not excepted —Milesbury station, is fuily from one-half, to a mile trom the town, at the nearest point and the rail-rosd trick along, an old planing mill dita nidnted, deserted, and not used for almost twenty years, and the old lumber and coal yards, tracks and tres tles of the Snow Shoe Co, more tha I twenty years in ruins—th She etacies - lie between the should travelers, on rail and the beautitnt and thriv- ing town of Mile CITIZEN A rm rs eA ee oi Adv ertis Now ATION.—No- #' un application uf Common Pleas of thesday wsth day of April te i under and by virtue of the Common : “Th t to provide Firemen’s the ch mater «the m Wtengnee and sn on of fireinen, the purpose of Which | : £ of benefits to member jar ed in the « harge of their daty as fircinen, and for the raising of expenses nece wary for the m ain- te Lt ice of such association, et wd for i s to have, possess and enjoy all the r and priviles 3 of the said” Xet of s supple Tents Win, Assem- SINGER, Solicitor. COURT i at pubiie Pa, at 2 APRIT SALI !— There ale at the Court clock p. ni. on ceased, in Walker town A GOOD pany, near lieela deceased, und contd ling tion, ur orchard and outhuildi Goad Ww ater, act of land No, © de econsod, Walker tow djoining ? nt Bo ACRES, TIMBER never- Estate of Samuel Wi alkey, hip—a tract of excellent 1 on the northwest, ¢on- LAND. 3 ate of Samuel Walkey, decensed—a tof land 1n Walker townshij p timb: red with white oak and chestnut : : will & ka zood farm pag, adjoining lands of Dive 15, MecCalmont, levenstein and John Carner, containing about TWENTY-FIVE ACRES TERMS OF RALE.—One- third of the purchase monsy toe paid in eash on confirmation of sale ; one-third, in one year with interest ; and the bs \l- ance, one third, in two years with interest, de- ferred payments to bear interest from the con- firmation of sale, and to he secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, HENRY WALKEY, Trustee of the estate of Burhara Wi alkey, Dec’d. HENRY WALKEY, Adm'r. of the estate of Sam’l’ Wh alkey, Dec’d. 42-12-4¢ JOHN M. KEICHLINE, Attorney. . a