All Through Brush Valley. Charles Smull, of Smithtown, Penns val- ley, wasin our valley last Saturday. The few sales which have been held in our valley during the last month have been well attended. Fred Fell, of Rebersburg, will again work for Mr. Brown, the lumber man, in Clear- field county, during the summer. Miss Winifred Wolf, of Rebersburg, left for Williamsport and Lock Haven, on Tuesday, at which place she will visit her relatives. Misses Grace Miller and Alma Gramley, both of Rebersburg, were in Harrisburg last week. Their trip to the capitol city wasa pleasant one. Thos. Auman, who is teaching school at Woodward, was at home over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Auman expects to teach a term of summer school at the same place. Perry Winters, of Kreamerville, expects to move his family out on C. C. Loose's lumber job, at Brungard’s, in the spring. He will keep a boarding house for the lumbermen. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Abner Wolf left for St. Louis after spending the win- ter at her parents home, Mr. Wm. Bair's, of Rebersburg. Their home visit was very much enjoyed. Charles Smull, of Rebersburg, who is our up to date U. 8. mail driver, has his new barn finished at his new home, at the west end of Rebersburg. Mr. Smull be- lieves in doing things up in a short time. On Monday morning, Miss Bertha Brun- gard, who was suffering with lung fever, died at her home near Wolf's Store. She was buried yesterday at the Brungard’s church ; Miss Brungard was the daughter of Ira Brun- gard, and she was about 14 years old. New Advertisements. R RENT. —A number of desirable houses for rent. Apply to A. M. Hoover, real estate agent, Bellefonte, Pa. 42-10-3t* CATs = persons are hereby no- tified that I have purchased the following effects, the property of John Neidigh, of Fergu- son township, at constable’s sale, on Feb. 20th, 1897, and left same with him during my pleasure and no one will molest same at peril of prosecu- tion. A bay mare, zet single harness, a calf, two horse wagon, epring wagon, hay ladders, wheel _ barrow, 2 horses, set tug harness, forks, corn planter, plow, harrow, hay rake, cultivators, mower, scythe, 3 hog hangers, household furni- ture. 42-10-3t. MRS. REBECCA NEIDIGH. Elvan McGUINESS, TAILOR. McClain Block, opposite the Bush House, Second Floor. A Full Line of Spring and Summer Suit- ings is Now Being Shown to Purchasers of Fine Clothing. 4 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. -3m QOMETHING NEW. TESTED GARDEN AND FLOWER SEED AT HALF PRICE. . We offer great bargains in papered Garden and Flower ot as. well as, og seeds of the Bent Selection. Orders by Mail given Special Attention. An inquiryon a postal card will receive prompt answer. FIELD SEEDS. —Choice Clover Seed and Timo- thy Seed, including Basics: Seed Oats, Spring Rye and Spring Wheat, Seed Potatoes. Garden Tools and Spray Pumps. Corn Planters, Champion and Pennsylvania Grain Drills. Chilled Plows, Cultivators, Spring Tooth Har- rows at a Way Down Prices. —CONKLIN WAGONS.— In short. We have everything for the Farm and Garden. Don't fail to visit us and examine our Stock before purchasing. Everybody is welcome. McCALMONT & CO., Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & CO., State College, Pa. 42111y Jewelry. CLOCKS, — [0)— We are offering a specialty in a ——HIGH GRADE—— 8 Day, Half-hour Strike Mantle Clock, Cased in Solid Walnut or Oak, Handsomely Carved and EVERY ONE FULLY GUARANTEED. PRICE ONLY $3.50. F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, 4148 High St. BELLEFONTE, PA New Advertisments. Bicycles. Bicycles. Katz & Co. Limited. Se OUSE TO RENT.—A six room brick : house, on west High street, to let. Very desirable home for small family. 42-7-tf 8. A. McQUISTION. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Let- ters testamentary on the estate of John G. Hall, Dec'd. late of nion township, Centre. county, Pa., having been granted the undersigned he notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present them, profeny authenticated, for settlement, and those knowing themselves in- debted thereto to make immediate 6 ent. 42-6-6t.% Administrator. A vrioes NOTICE. —In the orphans court of Centre county, in the matter of the estate of Delia J. Riter, late of Ther town- ship, Centre county, Penn’a., deceased. The un- dersigned auditor appointed by the orphans court of Centre county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the executors of said decedent's estate, to and among those legally entitled thereto will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Belle- fonte, Pa., on Tussay, April 6th, A. D. 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time and place all parties interested may appear and present their claims or forever after be debarred from coming in on said fund. W. E. GRAY, Auditor. 42-10-3t. ee COAST LINE TO MACKINAC TAKE THE D. &C. MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO NEW STEEL PASSENGER STEAMERS The Greatest Perfection yet attained in "Boat Construction—Luxurious uipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and flicient Service, in- suring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY Four Trips PER WEEK BETWEEN TOLEDO, DETROIT AND MACKINAC PETOSKEY, ‘‘THE 800,” MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. Low Rates to Picturesque Mackinac and re- turn, including meals and Berths. From Cleve- land $18 ; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. BETWEEN DETROIT and CLEVELAND Connecting at Cleveland with earliest Trains for all points East, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. SUNDAY TRIPS JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPT. ONLY. EVERY DAY BETWEEN CLEVELAND, PUT-IN-BAY and : TOLEDO. Send for illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. DETROIT, MICH., THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM 42-10-7m NAV. CO. TO Montgomery & Co. ; QPRING DESIGNS IN ——CLOTHING.— The bright Spring sunshine seems to casts its rays upon us these days, for our store is bubbling over with nice new-goods. the Suits, Spring Overcoats and extra] Clothing in all novelties. Trousers just received. | The new ‘‘Guyer’’ Hat is the neat- ] est and dressiest the Boston factory has yet produced, and all well dressed 'men should have one. Also the “Dunlap” and many other shapes. Ask to see the latest fad in Negli- gee Shirts, just opened new and fresh. All the Suitings and Trouserings are in and our tailoring department Prices the lowest—for is complete. best workmanship. " MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. Wall Paper Store. AN IMMENSE STOCK RN —. Picture and Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles, and Fixtures at Wonderfully Low Prices. 42-11-3m 117 West High Street, A CORPS OF EXPERT PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS.—— S. H. WILLIAMS CIOLUMBIAS Age 20 YRARS. ehm——g Age, 8 YEARS. HARTFORDS I Time proves all things. Our experience is worth many dollars and much peace of mind to you in your selection of a wheel. A beautiful Cabinet picture for 10 cts. at Columbia Agency. em (em A few Second hand Columbias at bar- gains and the best $50 wheel on the market. Riding School 8rd Floor Centre County Bank Building. Sales Room and Repair Shop ; Srsers Exchange. PURCHASERS TAUGHT FREE. A. L. SHEFFER, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA. Fauble’s § ue GLOBE. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND MILLINERY. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR SPRING WEAR WILL BE SEEN THIS SEASON AT BELLEFONTE'S FAMOUS BARGAIN STORE—THE GLOBE. NZ THE HANDSOMEST, * Our Corset department is now supplied with all the best brands. We carry the well known C. B.—Thomson’s Glove Fitting— American Lady—McGraw's Platinum Bone—Model Form—Heil- ners & Hertzop Leather Tipped and all the leading brands. We are daily receiving new Serges, Henrietta and all wool nov-- elties, the latest that are being shown in the Eastern markets. All winter goods go now at prices without regard to cost. We are slaughtering prices without fear of competition. Our Stock of Men's, Boys’ and Childrens’ Spring J and Summer Clothing—all new goods—is now ready and awaits your inspection. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Ever shown in Central Pennsylvania. Goods were never so Pretty and never so low in price as now and probably never will be again. A visit will convince you that NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY. ——— TRY IT. FAUBLES', Bellefonte, ‘Pa. et Our Millinery department this season will be one of the best at- tractions in the store. Although we have always been first to ad- vance the season’sstyles, yet this year it will be more attractive than ever. 40-15 KATZ & CO. L'td. Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. LYON & CO. aves sem {()) m—— 0 ™, IT IS SURPRISING—— ; 0 —0- That we are underselling all our competitors and still keep the lead in - low prices of high grade qualities. Friends and neighbors are telling each other of the wonderfully low prices at which we are offering goods. We: have many agreeable surprises in store for those who pay us a visit this sea:. son. We are OPENING AN IMMENSE STOCK AND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY On all goods bought here. Keep yourself posted as to our very low prices and you will never pay too much for any quahties you buy. We quote only a few of our many bargains: Bicycles. Bicycles. o o 1} o o 0 o 0 o o o o o ° Woe FE Yes, WHY Do BICYCLISTS BECOME ® KEATING Je ENTHUSIASTS? 2 They note the quick response as the pedal is touched, the smoothness of motion as they glide along, the perfect trueness of the frame under the hardest strains, and then discover why we advised them to ° No Swaying Frames - - - - - No Binding of SEE THAT CURVE. Catalogue telling about the new double roller ¢hain, free. . . . . . Dealers Wanted, Mention WATCHMAN. 42-7- 3m SILKB8—New Silk for Waists from 20cta. up to 81.25—in the Brocade, Persian and Polkadot Effects. : Lv DRESS GOODS—A special lot of Black Mohair, 54in. wide, handsome quality for skirts or 45C dress at surprisingly low figure Oficerrrisser A full line of Light Figured Mohairs* in the Two i Toned Effects, beautiful colors combined 2 5C : at the low figure of. ...cceceeeenniniicnsnnrannanass CAPES—*Your Capes for $3.00 are handsomer and better quality than I saw in other stores for $6.00." These were the exact wordsof a lady RIDE A KEATING. Bearings - - - - - KEATING WHEEL CO. MIDDLETOWN, Ct. Formerly Holyoke, Mass. BELLEFONTE, PA. o o 0 o o o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 —— A full line of new colorings in the very fashion- able checks, that are so popular this season— 15¢., 20¢., 30c., 45¢. and up. new Mattings from 1oc. up. 42:9 who had been shopping elsewhere aid bought her new Spring. Cape from us. New capes $1.00 up. ; RE CARPETS—A full line of new Carpets from 1234C. Up; full line of pa@-Opening daily a new line of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing; also Shoes—Men's, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Oxford Ties. BH LYON & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA.