Terms, $2.00 a Year, in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., March (9, 1897. - EbpiTor. a. P. GRAY MEEK, - - The Shrievalty Contest Ended at Last. The tax payers of Centre county can now take a long breath as the last peg by which ABRAM MILLER could hang on to the of- fice of sheriff has been pulled and the con- test that has been disturbing the public mind since last December is positively ended. On Monday Judge LoVE filed the follow- ing decree with the prothonotary, finally disposing of the case and practically grant- ing the prayer of MILLER’S counsel, pub- lished in our edition of the 5th inst., and asking that the costs be placed on the county. THE DECREE. R. V. MuLier et al (In the court of Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace in and versus for Centre county No. 3 W. M. Croxister. | January S. 8. 1897. In this case the contestants filed their petition December 3, 1896, laying the ground to contest the election of W. M. Cronister, sheriff of Centre county, who had been returned as duly elected at the general election of Nov. 3, 1896, by a majority of sixteen votes over Abraham V. Miller, his com- petitor for the office. The chief ground for the contest alleged specific- ally in the petition was that a number of ballots, in the several districts named, had been illegally marked by the voters that were counted for W. M. Cronister that should nov so have been count- * ed, and that a number of ballots in the several districts named were legally marked that should have been counted for A. V. Miller, the contest- ant, that were not counted for him, and that a re- count of the ballots would show that the said Mil- ler had been duly elected by a considerable ma- jority of the legal votes polled. We held the pe- tition, which was in due form and specific in its allegations of fact to be sufficient, and called upon the contestee to answer. The answer of contestee was duly filed Jan. 2nd, 1897, denying generally the allegations in the contestants petition and alleging additional mat- ter, charging that a large number of illegal votes had heen polled and counted for the contestant. At the same time to wit, Jan. 2nd, 1897, the con- testee filed quite a number of affidavits of election officers, denying generally, that illegal votes were polled or counted for the contestee in a number of the precincts named in the contestant's petition, but did not specifically deny thatany ballots were marked as alleged in contestant's petition. Jan. 2, 1897, contestant presented a petition ask- ing for the impounding of certain ballot boxes. As the best evidence of how a ballot is marked is the ballot itself, we made the order that the bal- lot boxes be impounded. Jan. 16th, 1897, the contestee (notwithstanding the affidavits of the election officers, filed Jan. 2nd, 1897), presented a second petition settin forth that a large number of ballots were marke with a cross in the circle attop of Democratic ticket, and with a cross opposite the name of A. V. Miller that were ato Miller, and should not have been, and contained other allegations of ballots illegally marked and counted for contest- ant and asked that certain ballot boxes, about twenty in number, be impounded. The order im- pounding the same was made, Knowing that the best evidence of illegally marked ballots was the ballots themselves, and believing that an examination and a recount of “the ballots, impounded at the instance of both the . contestant any the contestee, would most prob- ably determine the contest one way or other, on Jan. 28th, 1897, we appointed C. P. Hewes, Esq., examiner and competent clerks, and ordered a recount of the ballots. The examination of the ballots and recount evinced that the information upon which the contest was based was incorrect, and practically made no change in the result of the election as returned by the election officers. This the contestant admits by petition present d to the Court, March 2, 1897. While we are satisfied the contest was commenc- ed in good faith, and upon what was regarded as reliable information as to how certain ballots were marked, yet we are gratified to know that the in- vestigation, so far as it went, clearly shows no illegal voting to have been done and that the re- sult shows that W. M. Cronlster was duly and legally elected as returned by the election officers. The only question left to determine is the dis- position of the costs, which are as follows : Examiner's fee..... ....8110 00 R. F. Hunter, clerk. . 56 00 H. C. Brew “on 55 00 Constable Montgome: days impounding boxes 65 30 Constable Dunlop, mileage 455 and 19 days IMpoUNAIng DOXer.... ........ccccicrieererirnes $350 60 Inasmuch as the ballot boxes were impounded at the instance of both the contestant and con- testee, each practically asking for about an equal number of ballot boxes to be impounded, Bo as the contest was commenced in good faith, we are of the opinion it is proper that the county pay the costs, and so order, and now March 15th, 1897, for the foregoing reasons it is ordered that the coun- ty pay the costs as above set forth, and the record costs in this case, By the Court, Jonx G. Love, P. J, The ruling of the court in placing these costs on the county will tend to encourage other office grabbers to contest as MILLER did. In addition to the costs recited above there are $26.10 record costs and about $12 for returning ballot boxes. This would run the total up to $388.70 which should have been divided among the thirty signers of the MILLER petition. The amount would have been only $12.95 a piece yet it would have proven a dear lesson to some of those men, who either went into the con- test through partisan bitterness or decep- tion. It would have taught the latter class to be more careful and given the former a taste of what might have been a very bitter dose had the contest been allowed to goon. - The court’s apology for placing the costs on the county will cause a smile to flit over the countenances of most who read it. Had the MILLERites not brought the proceed - ings Mr. CRONISTER would not have had to -a8k anything in his favor. From the view . that judge LOVE takes of it we would infer that Mr. CRONISTER was expected to sit with his hands folded and let CHAMBERS, FURST, ef al, go for him without making any defense, whatever. However, it is all over now. The tax payers will remember who tried to steal their franchise and “pile oosts onto them. : It is not probable that the master’s re- port will ever be filed so that there will be no ruling on the ballots reserved for the court’s inspection and we must take the actual count for Mr. CRONISTER'S majority. It was found to have heen increased from 16 to 26. Two Fine Posies and Their Wants From the Altoona News, Congressman Arnold, of the Clearfield district, has been looking around and, find- ing that almost every other Member from Pennsylvania is a candidate for the next Republican nomination for Governor, has concluded to get into the business himself. Senator McQuown will now want to have the capitol removed to Clearfield. ——Subseribe for the WATCMAN. will be our turn then. Concluded from page 1. Congress Convened in Extra Session. Mr. McAleer, of Philadelphia, who got a pretty good seat on the Democratic side, was screened from view as soon as he took it by an immense floral shield three feet high bearing a design of a keystone in red rose- buds and adorned with yellow ribbons. James R. Young, the Philadelphia newspa- per man who defeated Mr. Reyburn, was the only other Pennsylvania Member who had flowers on his desk. PRESIDENT MCKINLEY'’S CONGRESS. MESSAGE TO TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES : Regretting the necessity which has required me to call you together, I feel that your as- sembling in extraordinary session is indis- pensibie because of the condition in which we find the revenues of the government. It is conceded that its current expenditures are greater than its receipts, and that such a con- dition has existed for now more than three years. With unlimited means st our com- mand, we are presenting the remarkable spectacle of increasing our public debt by borrowing money eet the ordinary out- lays incident upon even an economical and prudent administration of the government. An examination of the subject discloses this fact in every detail and leads inevitably to the conclusion that the condition of the reve- nue which allows it is unjustifiable and should be corrected. We find by the reports of the secretary of the treasury that the revenues of the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1892, from all sources, were $425,868,260.22, and the expenditures for all purposes were $415,953,806.56, leaving an excess of receipts over expenditures of $9,914,453.66 During that fiscal year $40, 570,467.98 were paid upon the public debt, which had been reduced since March Ist, 1889, $259,076,890, and the annual interest charge decreased $11,684,576.60. The receipts of the government from all sources during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1893, amounted to $461,716,561.94 and its expen- ditures to $459,374,887.65, showing an excess of receipts over expenditures of $2,341,674.29. Since that time the receipts of no fiscal year, and, with but few exceptions, of no month of any fiscal year, have exceeded the expenditures. The receipts of the govern- ment from all sources during the year ending June 30th, 1894, were $372,802,498.29; and its expenditures $442,605,758.87, leaving a def- icit, the first since the resumption of specie payments, of $69,803,260.58. Notwithstand- ing there was a decrease of $16,769,128.78 in the ordinary expenses of the government, as comipared with the previous fiscal year, its income was still not sufficient to provide for its daily necessities, and the gold reserve in the treasury for the redemption of green- ks was drawn upon to meet them. But this did not suflice, and the government then resorted to loans to replenish the reserve. In February, 1894, $50,000,000 in bonds were issued and in November following a second issue of $50,000,000 was deemed nec- essary. The sum of $117,171,795 was realized by the sale of these bonds, but the reserve was steadily decreased until on February Sth, 1695, a third sale of $62.315.400 in bounds, for $65,116,244 was announced to Congress. The receipts of the government for the fiscal year ending June 304k, 1895, were $390, - 373,203.30, and the expenditures $433,178,- 426.48, showing a deficit of $42,805,223.19. A further loan of $100,000,000 was negotiated by the government in February, 1896, the sale netting $111,166,246, and swelling the aggregate of bonds issued within three years to $262,315,400. For the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1896, the revenues of the govern- ment from all sources amounted to $409,475,- 408.79, while its expenditures were $434,678, - 654.48, or an excess of expenditures over receipts of $25,203,245.70. In other words the total receipts for the three fiscal years ending June 30th 1896, were insufficient by $137,811,729.46 to meet the total expenditures. Nor has this condition since improved. For the ‘first half of the present fiscal year the a of the government, exclusive of postal revenues, were $157,507,603.76, and its expenditures, exclusive of postal services, $195,410,000.22, or an excess of expenditures over receipts of $37,902;396.46. In January of this year the receipts, exclusive of postal revenues, were $248 316,994.05, and the ex- penditures, exclusive of postal service, $30,- 269,389.29, a deficit of $5,952,395.24 for the month. In February of this year the receipts, exclusive of the postal revenues, were $24,- 400,997.37, and expenditures, exclusive of postal service, $28,796,056, a deficit of $4,395,- 059, or a total deficiency of $186,061,580 for the three years and eight months ending March 1st, 1897. Not only are we without a surplus in the treasury, but with an increase in the public debt there has been a corres- ding increase in the annual interest from $22,603 683 in 1892, the lowest of any year since 1862 to $34,387,297 in 1896, or an in- crease of $11,493,414. It may be urged that even if the revenue of the government had been sufficient to meet all its ordinary expenses during the past three years, the gold reserve would still have been insufficient to meet the demands upon it and that bonds would necessarily have been issued for its repletion. Be this as it may be, it is clearly manifested, without denying or affirming the correctness of such a conclusion, that the debt would have been decreased in at least the amount of the de- ficiency and business confidence immeasur- ably strengthened throughout the country. Congress should promptly correct the ex- isting conditions. Ample revenues must be ge not only for the ordinary expenses of the government but for the prompt pay- ment of liberal pensions and the liquidation of the principal and interest of the public debt. In raising revenue, duties shall be so levied upon foreign products as to preserve the home market, so far as possible, to our own producers to revive and increase manu- factures ; to relieve and encourage agricul- ture ; to increase our domestic and foreign commerce ; to aid and develop mining and building and to render to labor in every field of useful occupation the liberal wages and adequate rewards to which skill and indus- try are justly entitled. The necessity of the passage of a tariff law which shall provide ample revenue, need not be further urg The demand of the hour is the prompt en- actment of such a measure, and to this ob- ject I earnestly recommend that Congress shall make every endeavor. Before other business is transacted, let us provide suffi- cent revenue to faithfully minister the government without the contracting of fur- ther debt, or the continued disturbance of our finances. [Signed] WiLLiAM McKINLEY, EXECUTIVE MANSION, March 15th, 1897. Jerry Simpson Wants Room. But He is Willing to Wait Four Years For i WASHINGTON, March 14.—Jerry Simp- son, of Kansas, formerly a picturesque fig- ure known as ‘‘The Sockless Statesman from Medicine Lodge,’ is here again as a member of the House of Representatives. He says : ‘I am glad to be called a Pop- ulist, but I am not here as an obstruction- ist. The Republicans elected a President and also elected a majority in the House of Representatives. They havea right to pass a tariff bill. They made lavish prom- ises of prosperity, and they ought to have a chance to redeem those pledges. I be- lieve in free trade and direct taxation. When my party comes into power in 1900 I want the Republicans to step aside and let us try our theory on the people. It, It is their turn now. If their ideas practically carried out can bring prosperity to the people I will be a Republican again. But I haven't any idea that a tariff bill with higher protec- tion than was contained in the McKinley bill will give us prosperity. But we will give the old party a fair show.” Corbett Knocked Out in the Fourteenth Round. A Fast and Furious Fight.—The Californian Lost By One False Move.—His Blunder Fatal to Him. —He Qave Fitz the Opportunity to Land on His Stomach and the Cornishman Ripped in the Smash That Was Followed by One on the Jaw and Thus the Battle Was Ended—Corbett Was So Mortified and Angry That He Lost His Head After He Was Counted Out And Made Another Rush at His Opponent, Who Took The Assault Calmly. CARSON, Nev., March 17.—After two years of doubt and vexatious postpone- ment, the heavy weight championship of the world was decided beyond cavil when Robert Fitzimmons sent James J. Corbett helpless to his knees with a left hand blow under the heart after one minute and 45 seconds in the 14th round of their battle in the arena. here to-day. The contest was won in the simplest manner and the knock- out was the result of one unwary move on the part of Corbett. After the first minute of the 14th round had been spent in a few harmless clinches and counters Fitz made a fake lead with his right for the jaw. It was a simple ruse, but it caught the Cali-- fornian napping. Instead of keeping his body inclined forward and throwing back his head just a trifle to allow the blow, which was of the very slightest kind to slip by, Corbett contemptuously bent his head and chest backward and thus pro- truded his abdomen. Fitz's eyes flashed and like lightning he saw and availed him- self of his advantage. Drawing back his left he brought it up with terrible force, the forearm rigid and at right angles to the upper arm. With the full force of his won- derful driving muscles brought into play the Cornishman fairly ripped the blow up the pit of Corbett's stomach at a point just under the heart. Corbett was lifted clean off his feet, and as he pitched for- ward Fitz shot his right up and around, catching Jim on the jaw and accelerating his downfall. Corbett sank on his left knee, and with his outstretched right grasped the ropes for support. His left arm worked convulsively up and down while his face was twitching with an expression of greatest agony. Referee Siler threw up his hands on the call of ten and left the ring. There were some cries of ‘‘foul” when the referee declared Corbett out, but they were unheeded by anybody, as the battle was won fairly and squarely. THE FIGHTERS’ OWN VERSIONS OF IT. “I never saw such a clever man in my life” said Fitz, this evening. ‘‘He got away from me time and again when I thought I had him dead to rights. I knew I could wear him out, so I kept coming right along until my opportunity arrived. He was weak in the last round, and all his cleverness could not kéep him out of that left punch under the heart. The only blow that really worried me was the one which split my lip. The others I never felt. He fought fair, and hereafter he may have my respect if he continues to merit it.” . Corbett’s version of his own Waterloo did not vary greatly from Fitz’s ‘‘I made a mistake in not keeping away,”’ was the way he put it. “Fitz I knew to be a ter- rific puncher, but I never calculated on his being able to reach me. If the sixth round had lasted 10 seconds longer I would have landed him to a certainty. His nose was clogged with blood and his legs were wobbling. The gong sounded just as I was about to plug him with my right and end the battle. He recuperated wonder- fully and I stayed away from him until I thought he was about right for another drub- bing at short range. My neglect in not standing off when he tapped me on the cheek in the fourteenth lost me the char pionship. That heart punch simply choked meoff. I could not breathe or move for 15 seconds, and it was several minutes before I realized that I had committed a breach of etiquette in trying to follow up my op- ponent after he put me out. I meant it when I said I would be his friend here- after. He whipped me fair and square, but I don’t think he is the best man yet, and we will have another go if money can bring him into the ring.” EX-U. 8. SENATOR INGALLS STORY OF THE FIGHT. CARSON, Nev., March 17.—The delegates to the convention began to gather at the Coliseum soon after breakfast. The weather was of incomparable lovliness. The Sierras were marble, the sky turquoise and the wind was tempered to the lambs that were shorn later in the day. The amphitheater, which, like a huge bowl with tiers of benches ascending from the platform in the center to the upper rim, filled gradually till by noon it contained an audience of seven or eight thousand well dressed, orderly, decorous, average Ameri- can citizens, miners, merchants, farmers, cowboys, ranchmen, lawyers, with some toughs and crooks that, like beasts of prey, follow every crowd, seeking whom they may dzvour. There were a few women in- terspersed among the multitude, attended by fathers or husbands or brothers. The boxes, which were little pens with chairs near the platform, in which the price of a seat was $40, were partially occupied by men in the garb of cities with Vandyke beards and the aspect of opulence, culture and refinement. It had been bruited abroad that the event would occur at 10 o'clock, but there was the customary delay for belated trains, for the kinetoscope, or ‘some reason not disclosed, and it was near- ly noon by the time the gladiators entered the building. During the interval the au- dience was good humored and patient. Noted arrivals were greeted with applause and delegates Sullivan, Sharkey and ‘‘One-Eyed’’ Connolly made brief ad- dresses from the platform upon issues of the day. The entrance of Fitzsimmons and Corbett in grotesque bath robes, bare headed, with attendants bearing red fans, bundles of cloths and sponges, buckets ands bottles, was like the opening procession of one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operas, and it may as well be said here as elsewhere that the entire performance, with the single in- cident mentioned hereafter, lacked earnest- ness and sincerity, and left the impression of a duel on the stage. The convention was called to order by the national chair- man, who announced the name, of the ref- eree, timekeepers and other officials and presented them to the audience, which re- ceived them with applause. Corbett’s countenance was dark and drawn, lined deeply with the furrows of care and con- cern. He posed obviously and smiled com- placently. Fitzsimmons had the visage of a freak, with a silly, open-mouthed grin, and an uncouth, awkward, shambling gait like a ‘clown. Their appearance, when their robes were thrown off and they were stripped for the ring, was grotesque. = With the exception of a small breech cloth they were naked. Their stockings were rolled loosely down over the tops of their thin, flat soled shoes. Laced to their wrists were stuffed gloves that prevented cutting or mutilation. Three minutes for sparring and one for rest was a round. The blows fell muffled and the contestants seemed to be on good terms and frequently smiled even in the most violent encounter. When the gong was struck by the time keeper they promptly retired to their respective corners, sat down in their chairs and were diligently fanned, rubbed, sponged and wiped by the men in red sweaters as grooms care for a horse. They seemed to be fatigued early, perspired profusely and breathed with their mouths open. During some of the rounds Corbett hit Fitzsim- mons on the face, making him look like a great school boy, with his glove, and gazed around with a smile like Banquo at the banquet of Macbeth. And so it went on for nearly an hour, the audience sitting quietly as at a theater or in a circus or at a ball game, with oc- casional cries of applause at some agile movement, or some resounding blow, and then without warning the most surprising, unexpected and inexplicable event occurred, the first, the last and the only dramatic in- cident of the occasion, like the catastrophe of a tragedy that falls before the climax has been reached. The auditors bad grown a trifle listless. Bets were still offered at 100 to 75 on Cor- bett. He was not marked by the attacks of his adversary, whom he seemed to touch almost at will. But it was observed that his blows had little effect npon the tough, obderate trunk of Fitz. They lacked steam and force. The early predictions of a short, sharp, and decisive battle by the partisans of both had already been dis- proved. 7 The tension was relaxed among the spec- tators, who had apparently concluded that the struggle might be indefinltely pro- longed without decisive results. Corbett advanced from his corner tothe last round rapidly, with agile step and confident smile. There was the customary display of gymnastics, feinting and prancing for- ward and backward, ducking and dodging, followed by a repetition of the apparently harmless exchange of futile blows which had become fatiguing by their previous monotony. The pugilists had separated near the western side of the platform, and Fitzsimmoms turned with a buffoon grin to the audience, when Corbett, who was still erect, suddenly tottered, a swift spasm shuddered through his limbs, he sank slow- ly upon his left knee, his head fell forward upon his knotted chest and a deadly pallor overspread his features. He leaned for an instant upon his right hand in the precise attitude of the dying gladiator in the famil- iar statue described by Byron when his manly brow ‘‘consents 10 death, but con- quers agony.”’ Then he clutched the rope with his gloved hand and pulled himself, with tremendous effort, to his knees. Meanwhile, the fatal bell was tolling its knell—one, two, three, four, five six, seven; eight, nine—and before he had fully regained his feet it struck 10, and the bat- tle was over. The audience seemed quite as much dazed as the defeated pugilist for an instant, and was uncertain what had happened or how it was done. There was tremendous tumult, hubbub and confusion and a wild rush for the platform, with cheers for ‘Fitzsimmons. Corbett, mean- time having recovered from the effects of the concussion of head or heart, and ex- asperated by defeat,’ sought to renew the conflict, and for a moment a general fracas seemed imminent. The platform was a furious hurly-burly of struggling attend- ants, officers, detectives and spectators, which the referee was powerless to calm. But it soon subsided, the victor and the vanquished had an amicable interview in the conqueror’s corner, and Fitzsimmons departed for glory, fame and fortune. JOHN J. INGALLS. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. WANTED—A. Lester Sheffer, agent for the Columbia and Hartford bicycles, wants to trade bicycles for two horses. Enquire or addresshim at his rooms, in the Ex- change, Bellefonte, Pa. — ll ts ——Ex-sheriff John P. Condo moved to Millheim, on Tuesday, and the band of that town gave them a delightful serenade on the evening of their arrival. Mr. Con- do will embark in the store business in Millheim and his old deputy, C. A. Weav- er, will be one of his clerks. a ——The second public rehearsal of the State College choral society will be given in the chapel, at that institution, this evening at 8 o'clock. Thirteen instru- mental and vocal selections are on the pro- gram and the best talent at the College has been drawn upon for the evening’s enter- tainment. —Do you ride a bicycle? If you don’t and want to learn you now have an oppor- tunity as A. L., and Paul B. Sheffer have opened their riding school, for the season of '97, on the 3rd floor of the Centre Co., bank building. Open each® Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons and evenings. For terms apply to A. L., or Paul Sheffer. Ee A STATE COLLEGE LIVERYMAN IN TROUBLE.—John Corrigan, Jr., the State College liveryman, got himself in trouble, in Lock Haven, the other day by trading horses with a man named Bewers, of Jersey Shore. The two dealers met at Look Haven to “swap,” but before the bargain was closed Corrigan is accused of having taken the Bowers’ horse from Peck’s stable, leaving his own, and driving off home. Bowers got a warrant out for Corrigan and followed him to State College where he gave bdil for a hearing in Lock Haven. He settled the trouble, on Tuesday, by return- ing the hose and paying the costs. Corrigan claims that he understood that the trade had been fully agreed to and had no idea of sneaking Bowers’ horse away. Miss Ella Holter. The sudden death of Ella Leah Holter. daughter of H. C. Holter, of Howard, was a sorrowful shock to her relatives and friends in that place last Saturday morning. The ‘young girl had been troubled with a gore throat for a few days and the night before had complained somewhat of it, but it was not supposed to be serious. She arose Satur- day morning and was sitting at the break- fast table when she became much worse and died before 8 o’clock. Deceased was 16 years old and was very popular in Howard. Her amiable disposition and lady-like manners made her hosts of friends who are grieved at her sudden death. Her remains were buried in Schenck’s ceme- tery on Sunday morning, at 10 o’clock. Her parents, five brothers and four sisters sur- vive. Others of the family have been troub- led with sore throat, an ailment similar to the one with which she suffered and it was thought to have been diphtheria, but they are improving now. The Howard High school, from which she would have graduated this spring, passed the following resolutions on her death : WHEREAS, It has [least Almighty God, in his allwise providence, to remove from our midst by death our most worthy and esteemed schoolmate, Ella L. Holter, there- fore be it Resolved, That we bow in humble submis- sion to the will of Him who doeth all things well, trusting that our schoolmate has been taken from ournumber to that union above where ties have no separation. Resolved, That we tender the family our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of sad bereavement and commend them to Him who has promised to relieve the sorrowing. Resolved, That by the death our dear schoolmate our school has lost a worthy studenggnd the family a loving daughter. Resolved, That a copy of this resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased and published in our county papers: that the classmates wear a badge of mourning and our schoolroom be draped in mourning until the close of the school term. Signed by the committee in behalf of the High school. NELLIE KLINE, FANNIE HOLTER, MARY WEBER, Wy. HENSYL, WALTER PLETCHER. Committee. Hublersburg. Services in the Reformed church next Sun day evening at 7 o’clock. Rev. J. M. Runkle made a flying visit to Altoona this week. Mrs. Love, of this place, has been laid up, the past week, with grip. Mr. Cole, of Loveville, spent Sunday with his friends in this place. March weather seems to be very pleasant over-head but humanity is in the mud below. Joseph Kinzer, of Lancaster, Pa., recently made a short visit with his uncle, Ed. L. Bergstresser, of this place. Miss Ida McAuley, of this place, and Miss Hattie Hockman, of Bellefonte, are at pres- ent visiting friends and relatives in Lock Haven. On Monday Wm. Zimmerman moved his household effects from Nittany to Hecla, where he contemplates building a house dur- ing the summer on his own property. Adam Garbrick, of near Coleville, made a flying tour down through Nittany valley in the interest of his soap manufactoring estab- lishment, which he has erected near the above mentioned place. The song service, last Sunday evening, was lead by John Hoy Jr. The program was very admirably carried out. Subject : “The World's Need of a Redeemer.” H. E. Bierly read a very appropriate essay on the same subject. Select readings were made by Mrs. L. H. Yocum, Charles Lee, and others. Rev. J. M. Runkle gave a very interesting talk on the subject. The attendance was very good and we invite everybody to attend this ser- vice, for it is an excellent auxiliary to get people interested in church work. : Pine Grove Mention. Grandmother Keichline is suffering with throat trouble. Mrs. Ira Hessand her two interesting little boys are visiting Centre county relatives. Pine Grove academy will open April 5th, for a term of ten weeks. The prospects in- dicate a large school. Cap’t. J. M. Kepler has returned from an all winter's stay at Hot Springs, in Arkansas hale. hearty and well. At the communion services in the Preshy- terian church, last Sunday quite a number of people were taken into the church. We hope the bounty bill now hefore the Legislature will become a law so that Ed. Bubb need not be out of a job. The many friends of Hall Bottorf will be glad to learn of his improvement from an operation for appendicitis, which was pér- formed in the German hospital in Philadel- phia on the 10th. Congratulations are being showered on John Niece upon the arrival of a little girl at Grandpa Koch's. W. B. Ward is doing duty as nurse for number seven who is a girl doing well, but Mrs. Ward is very ill. There are many sick people all through the valley. In fact in many of the schools half of the scholars are unable to attend on ac- count of bad colds or the grip, which has as- sumed the proportion of an epidemic. Rev. D. Y. Brouse and family are spending their yearly vacation with friends here. Last Sunday evening the Rev. preached’ an ex- cellent sermon in the Methodist church and it was thoroughly appreciated by the goodly crowd. SE Forty dollars were realized from the supper given in the lecture room of the M. E. church on the afternoon of the 11th. Twice that amount could have been made had the com- mittee in charge kept up the supplies. It was largely patronized by the Bellefonte ex- cursionists. Thursday of this week Mrs. Athalia the better-half of Rev. C. T. Aikens reached her thirtieth year stone, and in honor of the event the fatted gobbler was killed. Mrs. A. presided over the feast with her customary grace and dignity and the guests thoroughly: enjoyed the occasion. : Our former townsman Dr. Thomas, of Latrobe, is among the office seekers at the Washington. The Doctor has a foreign mis- sion bee buzzing in his head and will be con- ‘tent to represent Uncle Sam at Honolulu, and enjoy the invigorating effects of the Sandwich islands. : At a congregational meeting held in the Presbyterian lecture rooms last Monday at 2 o’clock, David Barr presided. Mrs. Kate Woods was elected treasurer, A. S. Bailey trustee and W. H. Roush janitor. Treasurer Mitchell’s report was accepted as read and showed the church in a creditable condition. More funds have been paid to missions than for many years. ° Last Thursday, at 2 o'clock, at the parson- age, Rev. Aikens pronouced Emanuel B. Weaver and Mary A. Goodwin man and wife. They journeyed down Pennsvalley, and upon their return will go to housekeeping in part of Miss Sue Campbell’s large brick house, at the Glades. The groom is an up to date farmer and is deserving of a good wife which we hope he got. The hack load of boys, who came from the College to this place last Thursday evening, had better made their calling and election sure or else return the large church lamp, Miller Wagner's little dorg and everything else they could lay their hands on, as our town dads have found out who the boys are and are seriously thinking of making matte.s interesting. Turn on the light boys. Centre Hall. John Foster, of Aaronsburg, accompanied by his sister, Mary, spent Monday evening -among friends in town. John isan ardent “Mason.” An account was given in last week’s issue of the sad accident of Miles Arny We are pleased to say he is in perfect health again, and is now teaching school. Our enterprising manufacturer of wheels W. W. Boob, is now fitting vehicles with rub- ber tiresand ball bearings and during the summer months will keep bicycles in stock. Miss Grace Alexander, who is taking a course at State College, spent Sabbath in Centre Hall. 'Tis strange we always have strange young men in town when Miss Grace returns. : Miss Roxana. Brisbane has just returned from an extended visit, to her sister, Mrs. Boone, of Schnectady. N.Y. ; also friends at Albany, N. Y. and Williamsport. She reports having had a lovely time. Mrs. John Puff is seriously ill, having been confined to her bed for a long time with con- sumption. Her little baby, aged six months, is not expected to recover from an illness of considerable length. Veterinary surgeon John Rider is kept busy these days looking after the good health of cattle and horses. The doctor also assists State veterinary Pearson in the examination of cattle infected with tuberculosis, Miss Emily Alexander has returned from an extended visit to the East and will now be ready to give her attention to those de- siring to study instrumental or vocal music. Those who know her musically will not hesitate in saying that she is peculiarly fitted for that popular art. The public sales through the valley are, as a general thing, largely attended. Stock is selling at good prices. Cattle of all kinds and hogs are sold at figures which return a profit to the seller. Farm implements, when in good repair and of good make, also bring- ing all they are worth. Rev. M. S. Derstine and wife are paying the formers’ mother a visit. Rev. Derstine is a young minister, who will receive his first charge at the coming conference. He is able in every respect and will gain the confidence . respect and love of his people wherever he is located. Messrs. Wolf and Crawford, of the central produce company, are shipping almost week- ly a car load of produce, apples, potatoes, etc. The company handles a large amount of produce, that heretofore was almost dead stock on the farmer's hands. While prices are low at present, the producer is still able to sell since shipping is regularly carried on by the firm noted above. Penns valley is to have a new mutual fire insurance company. The formalities nec- essary prior to the issuing of a charter by the State are being effected. One of these requisites is the guarantee of having $200,000 insurance, which has already or about been secured. There is considerable interest being taken in the new insurance company by business men all over the val- ley. It is not definitely settled yet where the headquarters will be. Let the ball move, and when a loss occurs the proposed com- pany should pay its insurance “instead of go- ing into the building business. Mrs. Eisenberg’s Sunday school class of the Reformed church gave an entertainment Saturday evening. Those who took part in it displayed more than ordinary talent, and taken asa whole the affair was an entire success from every point of view. Among the new features introduced was the singing of “The Lorely,” a German hymn, known to every one acquainted with that language. The tableaux were beautiful and original, the colored lights showing them to the best advantage. The singing by the class, as well as the solos rendered by Misses Kreamer and Alexander, were well received. Many of the other participants arc entitled to special mention were it not for limited space. Some few weeks ago the building of the proposed grange hall was urged in these col- umns. While it is regretted that the an- nouncement can not be made that the hall will be built this coming summer, the readers will be gratified to know positively that the enterpriseis not dead, but is occupying the minds and attention of the proper persons, which will culminate within at least three years in the completion of a structure of modern design costing nearly or altogether $5,000. This is not talk on paper, nor was your correspondent’s informant talking through his hat when the statement was made that Progress grange could, without hampering itself, erect a hall, this year, cost- ing $2520, and beside equip it in such a style that would surprise those not acquainted with the resources, ingenuity and business tact of the promoters. Don’t sneer at the grange or its officials, it is an institution worthy of the respect and support of all. If you will consider the bustle and stir about town during the September days for the last ten years, you can get a hint at what the grange acpiviplishal in our midst.and that without a dollar's capital to start with. The writer could surprise the most sanguine ex- pectations of the optimist if he were per- mitted to give to the public the plans laid by the head oflicials of the grange movement for the advancement and completion of the various projects now under wayin connec- tion with that organization. Howard. Mrs. Alex Henderson, who has been sick at her daughter's home in Tyrone, returned home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. F. Smith, wife of Dr. C. F. Smith, started on a pleasure trip to Philadelphia on Tuesday morning. Messrs. Theoph and Will Pletcher, two prominent farmers who reside near this place, are confined to the house with pneumonia. W. L. Cooke, station agent and one of the most prominent citizens of this place, at- tended his cousin’s funeral, Mrs. Emma Mahaffey, at Mahaffey, on last Thursday. The newly organized board of health is having its first experience with diphtheria. Five cases and one death were reported last week. They have quarantined the houses, thus keeping the disease from spreading. On last Wednesday the scholars of the High school gave a birthday surprise party for their teacher, Mr. E. S. Latshaw, who re- sides on Walnut street. He celebrated the 32nd year of his life that evening. Ice cream, cake and all kinds of delicacies were served and every one who was there reports having had a good time. .