Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 19, 1897, Image 1

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a A SR RRS mT,
Ink Slings.
—An ill omen for St. Patrick's day, :
The result of the fight doth prove, I ween,
T *will fill the Irish heart with dismay
That the red hath triumphed over the green.
—Clearfield chickens are getting it in
the neck this week.
—Not a month and the trout fisherman
will have gone on record as a modern
—Everybody seems to have lost sight of
Harrisburg and the Legislature since the
big fight.
—The fact that CORBETT went to grass,
on Wednesday, seems to bear out the theory
that he is a worn out plug.’
—CORBETT must have had an overdose
of confidence. Perhaps he had a corner on
the kind MCKINLEY’S election was to
supply. ‘
—With all their up-to-date knowledge of
such affairs old JOHN SULLIVAN beat all
the other fellows in his estimate of the
length of the fight. He said it would last
fourteen rounds and it did.
—Ten thousand six hundred and seventy
five presidential post masters in these
United States will be tickled to learn that
MCKINLEY will remove none, except for
cause, until their rezular four years’ terms
have expired.
—Crete is to have autononomy and her
ports are all to be blockaded by the pow-
ers. If no one is to get in or out who will
know whether she has autonomy or not, for
the Cretans have vowed that they don’t
know what it means.
—Under the new libel law that is now
before the Legislature it will be necessary
to prove malisciousness or falsity before
anything can be recovered. This will
prove a great boon to publishers who have
become afraid to tell the truth for fear of
being prosecuted for libel.
—About the hardest hit fellow by the
news that came from Carson City, yester-
day, we imagine, must have been the sport-
ing editor of the Philipsburg Bituminous
Record who has been giving his readers
lengthy dissertations, weekly, for some
time, on thé certainty with which CORBETT
would knock FITZSIMMONS out. ~~
—General HORACE PORTER has been
offered one of the foreign iissions and
the PULLMAN palace car company has offer-
ed ex-Seeretary JOHN G. CARLISLE the posi-
tion of general counsel for thecompany at a
salary of $25,000. ‘We are glad to see that
the porter is hot the only fellow in the
PULLMAN service who is getting a rake-off,
—President MCKINLEY has shut his eyes
to everything else than the tariff. Suppose
it did' raise more revenue. It is not rev-
enue ‘we want. It is'work. The Ameri-
can people don’t care & straw whether there
are ten cents or ten hundred million dollars
in their treasury, as .long as: they have
work: For with’ plenty of ‘work they
would cheerfully pay taxes to supply any
deficiency. a
—W. L SHAW, of Clearfield, wants to
be made consul at Bordeaux, France, un-
der the present administration. As that is
the city where the celebrated ‘‘Bordeaux
Mixture” for killing fungus growth on
fruit trees comes.from the Democrats of
Clearfield county might induce Mr.
SHAW to send them home a few casks for
use on their political vines and fig trees.
He could afford to be magnaminous enough
to do that for them. ——
—The York safe company is reported to
:have started its plant to working night and
day. This is, no doubt, in anticipation
of a demand for safe receptacles for the
keeping of MCKINLEY’S much promised
prosperity or might it be for the surplus
coin that is expected to swell the coffers of
monopolists when the high tariff is restored.
Certain it is that asafe place will be needed
if the condition of the common people is
continued in such distress for they will all
be reduced to thieving’in order to subsist.
——The Philadelphia Times celebrated
its twenty-second birthday on Sunday.
The success of that journal ought to go a
great way toward dispelling the supersti-
tion of ill luck that is supposed to follow
the number thirteen, since it made its
debut on the thirteenth day of the most un-
propitious month of the year. If the prin-
ciple of the Times were as much to be ad-
mired as its mechanical excellence it would
indeed be the ideal metropolitan daily, but
unfortunately that journal has been mixed
up in so many political intrigues that it
has not the influence it ought to wield in
——“Omnia Gallia divisa est,’ in Cesar,
but in Flint, Michigan, things are differ-
ent. There is no division of gall up there.
The whole stock seems to be centered in
what iscalled the American machine com-
pany that is just now busy sending out
one of the biggest hearted advertising
propositions it has ever been our good
fortune to receive. It is truly a marvel
that such enlargement does not bust the
pericardium of this Flint concern. After
telling newspaper men that other bieycle
makers have asked them too much for
their product the gray matter that is back
of this American machine company has
conceived the notion that the offer of a
bicycle, listed at $25.00, ought to draw $20
cash, a 3} in. double column display ad-
vertisement for four months and a thirty-
three line reader one time out of newspaper
men. Verily, we hope that there isn’t a
publisher in the land so unfair as to take
such advantage of a manufacturing con-
cern as is here possible.
“VOL. 42
Congress Convened in Extra Session.
President MCKINLEY, as he had previ:
ously declared to be his intention, issued
his proclamation for the meeting of Con-
gress on the 15th inst., in extra session,
and that body is now in session for the en-
actment of tariff measures, ostensibly to
supply a deficiency revenue, but really to
enlarge the advantage of those who will be
benefited by increased tariff duties.
It is difficult to see how a line of policy
that will check importations will increase
the revenue through that source. The in-
tended protection cannot be effected with-
out keeping out foreign goods, and if for-
eign importations are prevented how will
revenue flow from duties which produce:
that result? We saw how this thing work- |*
ed in the operations of the first MCKINLEY
tariff. The amount of revenue it produced
was so inadequate that the large balance in
the treasury was soon exhausted, and the
finances of the government brought to a
condition of absolute depletion, compelling
the CLEVELAND administration to resort
to loans. Isn’t it singular .that after such
experience President MCKINLEY wants to
try this thing over again as an alleged
means of supplying a deficiency of revenue ?
“But there is more reality in his design
when viewed as an intention to benefit cer-
tain protected interests. True MCKINLEY-
ism consists in bounties provided for favor-
ed beneficiaries, and it is chiefly for this
purpose that the extra session of Congress
has been called.
This being the President's evident de-
sign, the question arises whether those who
are opposed to his high tariff policy, be-
lieving that it can be productive of no good
to the country, should ' offer strenuous op-
position to it? Such opposition could in-
terpose obstructive. tactics. in the Senate
which would prolong the contest over the
proposed tariff measure all summer, and
keep the country in a state of uncertainty
that would only increase the prevailing
business depression.” But wouldn’t it be
better wisdom on the part of that oppo-
sition. gather’ to facilitate than to impede
President. MCKINLEY's. demonstration of
the complete failure of his tariff policy as a
restorative of prosperity? Wouldn't it be
better in the end to give the couptry the
thorough surfeit of MCKINLEYism which
four years” experience of it :will furnish, in
order that thepes there might bé a rid-
dance of this high tariff nuisance. for all
time ? - :
The opposition to the MCKINLEY policy
will have everything to.gain by such a
couse. If, contrary to all. economic rea-
son, the restoration of MCKINLEY protec-
tion should prove to be a benefit to the
country, those. who had opposed it would
certainly not object to the benefit ; but
there is such assurance of common sense
and past experience that it will utterly fail
to restore prosperity, that its oppodents
could wish for no better method of securing
its complete and final condemnation than
by giving it an unobstructed chance to.
prove its utter futility. This will, of course,
give us about the roughest four years that
the business of this country has ever seen,
but there will be an ultimate profit in such
experience, rough as it may be, by the con-
viction it will bring to the public mind
that relief is to be found, not in tariff taxa-
tion, but in the restoration of those mone-
tary conditions that existed before the
demonetization of silver.
Spinning a Woolen Rope.®
Wool has never been considered a fit ma-
terial for the manufacture of cordage, but
the Republican tariff tinkers are making a
wool rope that will prove to be sufficient’
for the purpose of hanging themselves.
The new tariff proposes not only to take
wool off the free list, but actually to in-
crease the barbarous wool duties of the
first MCKINLEY tariff. The woolen manu-
facturing industry is to be subjected to
this disadvantage, and the people are to
have the cost of their clothing increased,
for no other reason than to satisfy the
claims of the Ohio sheperds for political
service rendered the Republican party, and
to secure the votes of Senators from the
sheep-raising States of the Rocky mountain
region which are necessary to insure the
passage of this measure of general spolia-
The wool rope which the tariff mongers
are thus spinning will be found doing its
work three years hence when the people,
exasperated by the robbery practiced upon
them in the increased price of their cloth-
ing, together with other extortions from
the same high tariff source, will swing the
old party of protected trusts and monopo-
lies from the political gallows, dangling at
the end of a copd of its own making. Pun-
ishment of that kind was inflicted upon it
in 1892, the culprit, however, managing to
survive the neck-stretching which it then
experienced, but the next execution will
be more thoroughly performed.
——Read the best and most reliable
news. It will be found in the WATCH-
(After hearing a sermon on Martin Luther)
‘‘Here stand I. Otherwise I cannot do.
God helpme. Amen.”’—O heroic heart!
Thy mighty pulses make mine own togtart
And for the love of freedom beat anew.
Thou teachest me: He is the freeman true
Whom Truth makes free ; of Truth he is a part;
The Gospel—liberty’s eternal chart—
To that alone his fealty is due.
What earthly power can fetter such a man ?
Let tyrants fulminate and plot his fall,
Let popes decree and put him under ban,
Let devils rage,—he can defy them all :
The body and its life destroy they may—
The lite he lives in God abides for aye.
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight.
The result of the prize fight at Carson
City, Nevada, on Wednesday, while a sur-
prise to the majority of those who follow
up such brutal encounters will not prove a
matter of much concern to the public in
general. The defeat of CORBETT, who has
been the champion bruiser of the world
since he wrested the championship belt
from JOHN L. SULLIVAN, at New Orleans,
in 1892, has raised up another idol for the
pugs to worship and brought about the
down-fall of a man whose career as a prize
fighter has been brilliant but marred by a
display of temper that has made him a
most despicable object of public notoriety.
After CORBETT had defeated SULLIVAN
no words.of abuse were strong enough to
heap on his fallen opponent. . Every aspir-
ant for championship honors was treated
with contempt by the young Californian
who seemed to think that he could scare
them all off with foul words rather than by
fair contest. Parading under the misap-
plied title of ‘‘gentleman Jim’ he “spat
upon the man who has at last had an .op-
portunity to prove himself his superior: in
a fistic encounter and it was only two days
before the fight that CORBETT refused
FrTzs1MMoNs’ proffered hand when’ they
met, by chance, on the roadside. near their
training quarters: Such‘ evidences of - a
bully’s nature have gone a long way to re-
move any regret that.the public might
have felt at his defeat. Though SULLIVAN
became debauched and little better than a
cur after his downfall ; while he was yet
‘in the ring he preserved whatever of dig-
nity might be the: portion of a man who
poses a8 the champion bruiser of the world.
champion of the world and by virtue of the
position, if there can be any virtue in it,
must meet all comers. = While there
should not be aught but contempt and pity
for men so depraved as. to follow such a
business, FITZSIMMONS can court a certain
respect by conducting himself as a gentle-
man under the prize fighter’s code and not
making a cloak of the word under which
to conceal a contemptible character.
A Want of Logical Harmony.
President MCKINLEY’S inaugural address
had the merit of making no definite prom-
ises. It was in all respects, a non-com-
mittal document, except in respect to the
tariff, about which there is no uncertainty
in his expression. He makes it clearly un-
derstood that he favors higher duties for
the purpose of protection. While his views
are definitely worded on this subject, he
expresses a hope that the merchant marine
may be restored and employs language that
may be construed as a disapproval of the
But there is an absence of logical har-
mony in what he says on these subjects.
The system of protection, which is the
leading theme of his inaugural, and the
principal feature of his policy, has been the
chief cause of the decline of our merchant
marine, and has been largely promotive of
those monopolies that operate in the form
of trusts.
If the President proposes the restoration
of the high tariff duties under which our’|
foreign commerce has languished and the
extortions of protected monopoly have been
encouraged, he can hardly expect that such
a policy will restore our merchant marine
or put a stop to the operations of the trusts.
——The editor of the Gazette seems to
have had too much feet for the shoe
“L. A. G.”’ presented him with through
the WATCHMAN issue of March 5th. At
least it would appear so from the extent of
his wincing in last Friday’s issue of that
paper. We had no idea that the communi-
cation was going so near the raw spots on
the political epidermis of our brother else
we might have taken some of the salt
out of it. A newspaper man in a dilemma
is a sad sight to behold and the editor of
the Gazette must certainly have been in a
great one when he had to accuse the
WATCHMAN of his own trick of writing
letters to itself. No, no, dear friend, the
WATCHMAN never had to resort to such
means for correspondence and if you would
like to see the original of that letter come
down and we will show it to you.
——The Governor’s plans for the rebuild-
of the Capitol have at least one redeeming
feature, that of cheapness.
The Weller Labor Bill.
The passage of the WEILER bill through
the lower house of the state Legislature
indicates an encouraging progress of that
salutary measure towards final enactment,
but past experience with legislation intend-
ed for the benefit of labor teaches that the
danger of defeat usually presents itself at
the final wind up. Adverse interests have
a way of effecting a failure in the end.
The WEILER bill is commended by every
principle of fairness and equity. It pro-
vides greatly needed protection for labor
organizations by restraining corporations in
this State from interfering, by intimida-
tion and coercion, with employees who may
associate for their mutual protection and
benefit. It provides an adequate penalty
for the punishment of any officer or agent
of any corporation in this Commonwealth,
who ‘‘may coerce, or attempt to coerce, any
employee of such corporation by discharg-
ing them or threatening to discharge them
from employment because of their connec-
tion with any lawful organization which
such employees may have formed, joined, or
belong to.”’
The provisions of such a bill as this
merely accord to working people the same
right to associate, combine and organize
for their own benefit that is claimed and
practiced by corporations when they pool
their interests in the formation of trusts
and other confederated monopolies. The
minions of plutocracy, however, condemn
the self-protective organization . of labor as
a species of anarchism, while they see in
the banded monopolies nothing but a prop-
er association of capital for the protection
of great vested interests.
The merits of such a bill. as this cannot
be relied upon to insure its passage through
such a body as the Legislature of Pennsyl-
vania. Capitalistic power and corporate
influence have long been entrenched in
Pennsylvania legislation. They have suc-
ceeded 80 often in defeating the working
people’s ‘claims to legislative recognition
that there is but little assurance of the final
success of the. WEILER bill. The working
people can expect bat little favor frem a
legislative body whiok, notwithstanding its
jndifference to the claims of labor; and its
preference for corporalg interests, is return-
ed. to power at every succeeding election by
incvensed majorities. If ‘so unlikely a
thing as the final passage-of this labor bill |
shall occur it will, in. all probability, be
found to have been intentionally made so
defective as to be inoperative, resembling
in that respect JOHN SHERMAN’S anti-trust
law, which was ingeniously designed not to
seriously inconvenience those monopolies.
The Swallow Libel Suits.
The official parties at Harrisburg who
have prosecuted Rev. Dr. SWALLow for li-
belously assailing their reputations as pub-
lic officers have not imparted to their pro-
| ceedings an appearance that is calculated
to gain either the sympathy or respect of
the people. In their concerted procedure,
including almost the entire list of State of-
ficials, from Gov. HASTINGS down to cus-
todian DELANEY, there appears a vindic-
tive determination to jump on the reverend
gentleman with the entire weight of the
state administration, and to overwhelm
him with the consternation which such a
formidable array is intended to produce.
Those state functionaries have certainly
a right to protect their official reputations,
but the way they have gone about it looks
as if the design was to intimidate the al-
leged offender with a great parade of crimi-
nal law, and the precipitation with which
the suits were rushed into court has the
suspicious look of an intention to posefbe-
fore the public as injured innocence that
had no other resort than the law for its
But though Dr. SWALLOW’S charges were
of a sweeping, and, no doubt, exaggerated
character, they should not have furnished
occasion for libel suits. They were made
in what he believed to be the public inter-
est, withodt personal malice towards any
of the ies accused, and as all the mem-
bers of the state administration are fully
conscious that the air is full of reports of
mal-administration at Harrisburg, just such
as Dr. SWALLOW gave expression to in pub-
lication, they should have been glad to
have the opportunity of proving before a
competent body of investigators that such
reports were not true, if that were really
the case. Such a committee of investiga-
tion, in whose earnestness and honesty the
people would have had confidence, could
have been selected by the Governor and
Legislature from the many citizens of high
character which this State could furnish.
This would have been the most satisfactory
and effective way of clearing the state ad-
ministration of the cloud of suspicion that
rests upon many of its actions, and would
have been well worth the trouble for such
an object.
But the inculpated officials at Harris-
burg prefer a different kind of vindication.
They gvould rather crush their accuser with
the pains and penalties of numerous libel
suits, which will disprove nothing, than to
resort to a method of inquiry that would
get at the facts and determine whether
what they had been accused of was false or
NO. 11.
"Congress Convened in Extra Session.
House has an Easy First Day.—Organized Early,
Re-Elected Reed and Old Officers, and Then
Quit Till Yesterday.—Three Committees Named.—
Grow Was Not Allowed an Honor He Thought
Due Him.—Men Who Make Ways and Means.
* WASHINGTON, March 15.—The Fifty-
fifth house of Representatives organized to-
day for the work before it, and then ad-
journed until Thursday. Although ' the
proceedings were perfunctory, the scene
was a brilliant one:
Great crowds were attracted to the gal-
leries hours before noon. But the gen-
eral public had small opportunity to view
the proceedings... The section opposite the
speaker’s rostrum, commonly known as
the ‘‘Black Belt,”” which has a seating ca-
pacity of about 300, was given up to the
public. The other galleries were strictly
reserved for ticket holders. The most
striking feature of the scene on the floor
was the number of new faces. Many old,
familiar figures, conspicuous in the shock
of parliamentary battle, had ‘disappeared,
and in the new lists were new and untried
As the hands of the clock pointed to 12,
Major Alex McDowell, of Pennsylvania,
the clerk of the House, rapped the House to
order, Rev. Mr. Couden, of Michigan, the
blind chaplain, delivered the invocation,
appealing to the throne for God’s blessing
on the work of the new congress and the
new administration.
The vote on speaker, which resulted,
Reed (Rep.), 199; Bailey (Dem.), 144;
Bell (Pop. ), 21, and Newlands (Silverite),
1, aligned several heretofore unclassified
members. All the Populists voted for
Bell. Of the fusionists, three—Baker and
Jett, of Illinois, and Marshall, of Ohio, vo-
ted for Bailey ; one, Maxwell, of Nebraska,
voted for Bell, and three, Jones and Lewis,
of Washington, and Todd, of Michigan,
did not vote. Two of the Silverites, New-
lands, of Nevada, and Shafroth, of Colora-
do, did not vote, and Hartman, of Mon-
tana, voted for Newlands. .
Speaker Reed was enthusiastically re-
ceived in his aDbeararice in the house after
his election, and made a graceful and dry-
ly humorous speech in assuming the gavel.
Mr: Grosvenor presented a resolution,
which was adopted for the election of the
candidates for the other offices of the house
selected by the Republican eaucus, as fol-
lows : Clerk, Alexander McDowell, Penn-
sylvania ; sergeant-at-arms, Benjamin F.
Russell, of Missouri ; deorkeeper, William
J. Glenn, . of New York; - ter, . Jo-
seph C. McElrey,” of Ohio, and chaplain,
Henry N. Couden.. © try
‘The speaker-announced the members of
committees on rules, ways and means and
EN aE Tea,
ules, the speaker end 3
.Dalzell (Penn.), Republicans; Sd
{Tex.). and McMillan - (Tenn.), Demo-
orats. . . . : . 3
-Ways and means—Dijngley of Maine,
Payne of New York, Dalzell of -Pennsylva-
nia, Hopkins of Illinois, Grosvenor of Ohio,
Russell of Connecticut, Dolliver of Iowa,
Steele of Indiana, Johnson of North Dako-
ta, Evans of Kentucky,- Tawney of Minne-
sota, Republicans, Bailey of Texas; McMil-
lan of Tennessee; Wheeler of Alabama, Mc-
Laurin of South Carolina, Robertson of
- Louisiana and Swanson of . Virginia, Demo-
crats. .
Mileage — Wright (Mass.),. Barnham
Cal. ), Booze (Md.), Republicans ; Cooper
Tex. ), and Lewis (Ga.) Democrats.
All the. old Republicans are reappointed.
and Mr. Bailey of Texas, Mr. Robertson of
Louisiana and Mr. Swanson of Virginia are
added to the Democratic membership. In
view of the action of the Democratic cau-
cus, Mr. McMillan who was at the head of
the minority of the committee, was super-
seded by Mr. Bailey, although Mr. McMil-
lan was left on the committee. r
When Mr. Henderson (Rep., Ia.), of-
fered. the usual resolution for the adoption
temporarily of the rules of the last house,
an effectual attempt was made, under the
leadership of Mr. Hepburn, an Iowa Re-
publican, to limit the operation of the rules
of the last congress, which were adopted
temporarily, to 30 days. The Democrats,
Populists and 14 Republicans supported
him, but they were defeated, 183 to 152.
The president's message was applauded
vigorously, as was Mr. Dingley when he in-
troduced the new tariff bill.
The four appropriation bills which failed
to receive President Cleveland’s signature
were reintroduced. All are unchanged ex-
cept the general deficiency bill, which “has
been altered by striking out almost the en-
tire list of senate amendments.
Ex-Speaker Grow, anticipating that the
usual courtesy would ' be extended to him
of selecting his seat without submitting to
the chances of the lottery, placed his
hat on his old ~ desk, before the draw-
ing began. But as Congressman Adams, of
Philadelphia, insisted that Congressman
Harmer, the oldest member of the house in
continuous service, should be allowed the
same courtesy as ex-Speaker Grow, with
Mr. Holman, of Indiana, the proposed ex-
emption from the lottery fell through and
all the Members had to take their chances
Although it was a good while before Mr.
Grow's name was called, his preemption of
his old seat was respected by those who had
choice before him and he took it again. It
is an aisle seat well back in the third Re-
publican section, and later three other
Pennsylvania Members also took places
in it.
Mr. Arnold, of the Twenty-eighth dis-
trict, after a long wait, got a chair in the
row next to the last in the second Republi-
can section. Mr. Hicks, of Altoona, stood
until he was glad to get any sort of a seat.
He went into the ‘‘Cherokee strip,”’ the
last section on the Democratic side on the
extreme right of the speaker.
Mr. Harmer, of Philadelphia, had simi-
lar bad luck, while Mr. Adams, who tried
to get Mr. Harmer exempted from the lot-
tery arrangement, was the first Pennsylva-
nia member called, and went back to his
old seat in the first row of the first section.
Continued on page 4.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—Pittsburg is to have an $800,000 hospital,
with 314 beds.
—Lebanon county is flooded with counter-
feit silver dollars. ~
—The York safe factory began running
night and day Monday.
—The Pennsylvania railroad’s station at
Lancaster is to be radically improved.
—The Pittsburg association of ‘‘Forty-
J niners’’ banqueted Monday evening with
none but California goods.’
—Lebanon women dare not go into the
city streets at night so many of the fair sex
have been robbed of late.
—Birdshoro is excited because a Reading
girls refuses to desert the Salvationists and
go home with her mother.
—A stroke of paralysis caused Mrs. John
Shaud to fall down her cellar stairs and sus-
tain fatal injuries, at North Cornwall.
—Br. W. F. Crofts, of the reform bureau,
at Washington, D. C., delivered three ad-
dresses in Media Sunday on the reform move-
—Seven persons were baptized in Antietam
creek, at Waynesboro, Sunday as the result
of a revival in the German Baptist Brethren’s
—Young William Schopped was almost
killed by bruises and exposure in conse-
quence of falling from a freight train near
—A contest between M. L. Connelly and
W. A. Lynn for the Third ward seat in Eas-
ton council resulted in a judicial decree de-
claring both ineligible.
—Judge Schuyler has decided at Easton
that county commissioners and not prison
inspectors have the right to appoint the
engineer at the county jail.
—Frank Butz’s house, at Allentown, was
entered by a robber while the family were at
church, but the barking of a little dog
frightened the intruder off.
—Judge Walling, of Erie, recently sen-
tenced a bicycle thief to ten years and one
month, solitary confinement in the peniten-
tiary. In the course of his remarks the judge
said that in his opinion it was as heinous a
crime as stealing a horse. :
—A few evenings ago Porter Stewart, aged
16, of Westport, with a number of com-
panions was jumping on and off freight trains
between his home and Shintown. While
making his last attempt, Porter slipped and
fell and the wheels passed over his right arm,
severing 1t at the elbow. J. W. Kepler and
Daniel Potteiger took the boy to his home,
where Drs. Gilmore and Weymouth attended
him. Theboy is in a critical condition.
—John McPherson, an aged colored man,
who has been an inmate of the Lock Haven
city almshouse for four years past, died Mon-
day morning of a complication of diseases.
He was said to be the- oldest colored man in
this section of: the State. His exact age is not
known but many people are ofthe opinion
he was nearly if not altogether one hundred
years ld. He was'for many years employed
as a farm hand on the Crane farm near Jer-
sey Shore. :
—The authorities at Erie are up in-arms
against street walkers in efforts to break up
that evil. An Erie exchange says that ‘Josie
and Kitie Moore were defendants to a charge
of street walking in ‘police court the other
terning, The girls had been warned re-
peatedly to cease this infraction of the city
law, but paid no attention ta the admonitions.
The mayor fined them $10.and costs each, in
default of which they were sent to jail for a
period of 60 days.”
.—The cases of criminal libel on which Dr.
Swallow is charged have been set down for
trial in the Dauphin county court on Thurs-
day March 18th. Dr. Swallow has retained
as counsel in addition to ex-deputy attorney
general Stranahan and E. W. Jackson Esq.,
two other well-known lawyers, Messrs. James
Scarlet, of Danville, and Thomas H. Murray,
of Clearfield. The lawyers on the other side
are Weiss & Gilbert, district attorney Gra-
ham, of Philadelphia ; George Kunkel Esq.,
Albert MillarjEsq., and C. H. Bergner Esq.
—The Honesdale Herald recently received
a $5 bill from a farmer for subscription ac-
count. The editor pasted a small tag on the
bill for identification and immediately paid
it out and detailed a reporter to keep track
of the note for the rest of the day. The re-
porter followed the bill on its travels and at
night reported that it had paid eighteen dif-
ferent debts—amounting in all to $90—and,
strange to relate, was again in possession of
the farmer who paid it to the Herald man in
the morning.
—The largest herd of cattle which the law
has ever ordered slaughtered in the history
of the world was killed on the 22nd ultimo.
They belonged to Wyoming county, and
were owned by Louis and John C. Piolett,
the former being a member of the Legislature
from Bradford county. The herd numbered
one hundred and sixty-eight cows of the
finest looking Durhams, and all were pro-
nounced afflicted with tuberculosis by the
state veterinarian, and 156 of them, on being
slaughtered, revealed that the diagnosis was
right. The loss to the owners will be about
—On We .nesday a young and well dressed
man was struck by a train near Mifflintown.
He was walking on the track and stepped out
of the road of a freight train. He was struck
by a passenger train and was so badly injured
that he died the next day. In a memorandum
book in his pocket was found the address of
John Miller, of Jersey Shore. It was pre-
sumed that was his name and word was sent
to Jersey Shore. It has developed that he
was the son of Mrs. Sophia Miller, who re-
sides in Clinton county, about eight miles
from Jersey Shore. Young Miller was buried
at Mifflintown.
— Miss Bessie Earley, a DuBois girl, is the
heroing “of the town on account of an ad-
venture she had Tuesday. She was on the
road introducing ‘‘Grandma’s yeast,’ ! the
Courier says, and when on a small bridge
which spans Toby creek, the lady dropped a
small hand satchel she was carrying and
most of the, contents fell into the stream.
Without further ado she descended to the wa-
ter’s edge, plunged into the cold stream and
gathered up the articles all except the mile-
age book, which was floating gently down
stream. Miss Earley waded after it, and as
she is not extremely tall, the water soon
came up to her waist, but she kept bravely
on and soon captured the recreant book and
waded victoriously ashore with chattering