Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 19, 1897, Image 1

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dnk Slings.
—To fight with -one’s neighbors is to
publish one’s own life behind the scenes to
the gossiping world.
—There were some dead game sports at
the race on Monday, but Tuesday GEORGE
FAsiG had a dead-game-horse.
—The Cretan war began to look as if
Turkey would be thoroughly drowned in
Greece before the powers stepped in and
said this : ‘This has gone far enough.”
—Allegheny is still hanging out a claim
for the state capitol. . About the omly in-
ducements that can be offered to have it
moved out there would be that it would be
nearer home for Allegheny Members.
—There is war in the price of biscuits.
The big bakers have started fighting and
the prices are going down. With biscuits
the matter of a rise isa very easy thing
to produce, he it either in price or dough.
—11 it were not for the fact that most of
the streets are paved over there the an-
nouncement, that one Clearfield merchant
has bought $1,000 worth of clover seed for
the spring trade, would lead us to believe
that the good people of that nice old town
intend turning the streets into cow pasture.
—Talk about annexing Hawaii. Why
we have more than we can do now to take
care of ourselves. Just watch for what the
next four years are going to bring forth and
it will be found that the United States are
quite large enough to have troubles of their
own, without going after pieces of sand-
—The two Tennessee negroes, who had
the pleasure of digging their own graves
before they were hanged by a mob for hav-
ing burned and plundered a house, must
have had a very different sensation from
that of the fellow who occasionally sur-
vives to read his own obituary, as pub-
lished in over-anxious newspapers.
—Six months ago the whole of the civil-
ized world was trying to make believe that
it was spoiling for a chance to lick Turkey
for the Armenian atrocities. To-day
Greece wants to take up the world’s battle,
alone, and the selfish old world is afraid
Greece might gain a few feet of territory, so
she says: ‘‘You must not fight Turkey.’’
Turkey needs a licking and if it were to be
done by Greece everything would be
smoothed up.
—Private DALZELL and master work-
man SOVEREIGN both might devote their
time to better deeds than writing inflam- |
matory articles for publication. The latest
craze that seems to have struck them is the
desire to incite the masses to war. DAL-
ZELL thinks we ought to go to war with
some foreign nation, while SOVEREIGN
says civil war would be the only method of
alleviating the distress of the masses and
bringing about a more equable distribu-
tion of the country’s goods. Such utter-
ances unfortunately voice the not dared-to-
be-spoken sentiments of thousands of men
and show the trend of the current that is
bearing our government on to more cru-
cial trials than any of her past contests in
arms have heen. A rotten monetary sy
tem is responsible for such a situation and
unless it is purged there will be no govern-
ment to maintain any system at all.
—Very few Bellefonters realize how near |
the result of Tuesday’s election came to
annihilating the organ of the Prohibition-
ists. The trouble that threatened to end
the career of the cold water sheet yester-
day morning is said to have all come out of
the way the Prohibitionists in town voted
on burgess and justice in the North ward.
The story runs ;that Mr. HARSHBERGER,
who is a good christian gentleman, got red-
headed because he imagined the Prohibs
didn’t vote for him for justice and E. R.
CHAMBERS Esq., who knows he didn’t get
their votes for burgess, fanned this hotness
into a regular blaze until Mr. HARSH-
BERGER concluded to issue an execution on
the Magnet office and shut it up forever as
an exponent of water and unfermented
communion wines. - Mr. HARSHBERGER,
having been an endorser for proprietor
BAILEY, found it easy to issue the execu-
tion but he found, also, that there are
others. Mr. “BAILEY found another en-
dorser and the Magnet goes on, so do Mr.
—The shrievalty contest has about run
its course. The counting of the ballots
disclosed a very different state of affairs
from what the contestants expected and the |
great cry of illegality and fraud is now be-
ing excused by the MILLER-ites by saying
that they were mis-informed. In the one
precinct, Worth township, where there was
asworn statement that twenty votes had
been counted for CRONISTER that had been
marked in the circle at the top of the Re-
publican column and then opposite the
Democratic candidate’s name, there was not
one of such ballots found, and so it was all
over the county... The fact of the matter is
that in all of the forty-four districts ex-"
amined there were only four such votes for |
CRrONISTER while nine were for MILLER.
The count gives MILLER a majority of 630
votes, with 125 in dispute.
not included ave
put the majority the other way.
his report to-day and then the court will
decide in what way the 125 disputed bal-
lots are to be counted. While Mr. CRON-
ISTER has undoubtedly been a gainer by
the investigation there is no telling what
the outcome will be.
The precinets |
Democratic and would
The mas- |
ter, C. P. HEWES Esq., will probably file |
BELLEFONTE, PA., FEB. 19, 1897
NO. 7.
A Farmers’ Monetary Convention.
The interests that find their benefit in
cornering the money of the country through
the instrumentality of a restrictive stand-
ard of yalue, have had their convention at
which they counseled together as to the
measures required to maintain the advan-
tage afforded them by the present monetary
system. The parties who compose the
bank syndicates, who constitute thé mem-
hership of monopolistic combines, who de-
rive large gains from note shaving and
money lending, who grow rich by taking
advantage of the necessities that compel
the mortgaging of farms and other proper-
ty, and who amass unlimited wealth from
the profits of government bond sales, met
in conference at Indianapolis and took ac-
tion for the measures that may continue
the advantage which the gold standard
and a consequently contracted currency
afford them. It was entirely natural for
them to declare their preference for finan-
cial policies and a monetary system that
have been so advantageous to them. Why
shouldn’t they favor conditions in money
matters that have had the comfortable
effect of making so many of them mil-
lionaires ?
These interested parties having had their
convention, an arrangement is being made
for the farmers to get together in confer-
ence, at Washington, on the 5th of March,
for consultation and expression on the
question of the currency. They have as
good a right to express their views on the
monetary situation as had the syndicates,
monopolists, money lenders and bond deal-
ers who met at Indianapolis and declared
for the maintenance of the gold standard
and the retirement of the greenbacks, and
it is not at all likely that there will be any
resemblance in the views of the two con-
The far mers have not found that the
policy which has controlled the currency
since the demonetization of silver has been
conducive to their prosperity. Since the
commission of that crime they have seen a
steady decline both in the value of their
| farms and salable property, and in the
market price of their products. While
there has been an enormous increase in the
wealth of the moneyed class, the only thing
that has increased with a large class of
farmers, . particularly in the West, is the
incumbrances on their farms in the shape
a living at the prices of agricultural pro-
ductions that have fallen in proportion to
the appreciation of standard money.
The farmers have long been dissatisfied
with this situation, the cause of which is
quite apparent to their intelligence. It
was on account of this dissatisfaction that
the larger bulk of them voted at the last
election, with the Democrats, for free silver
| and a return {o the monetary system of the |
| constitution. Many of them, however,
| were fooled by the promise that MCKINLEY
{ “would do something for silver,”” and it is
the calculation of the Republican politicians
| to humbug them by protective duties on
| agricultwial productions that are not affect-
ed by foreign competition and therefore
| need no protection. But notwithstanding
| these attempted delusions the great majori-
i ty of American farmers are convinced by
| hard experience that the appreciation of
{ the circulating medium in its relative
| value, as a result of the gold standard, has
had a most depreciating effect upon the
profits of their business, and that the con-
| sequent contraction of the currency has
| greatly contracted their prosperity.
We have not been informed of the line
of procedure that is intended to be follow-
ed at this proposed farmers’ convention,
| but it is altogether probable that the evils
and abuses in the existing monetary policy
and system of currency will be the subject
of its deliberation and expression. Its be-
ing held in Washington, immediately after
the inauguration of ‘‘the advance agent of
prosperity’ in the presidential office, may
serve to warn him of the utter failure of
his agency if he shall persist in carrying
| out the policy of the goldbugs.
Pualitzer’s Shameless Assumptions.
What a fraud the New York World is,
and how thoroughly contemptible are its
| pretensions. Among the daily evidences
of this fact is its presumptuous and fraudu-
lent declaration, made some days ago, that
as ‘‘the World last year warned the free-
silverites of the inevitable consequences of
their platform and policies of repudiation,
| confiscation and disorder, so now the World
warns the vietprs against their present
course of extravagant ostentation, of mon-
opolistic and legislative greed, of defiance
| of Democratic ideas and ideals, of outrag-
| ing public opinion, and public morality.’
The warning it claims to have given the
‘‘free silverites'’ last year consisted of its
slanderous misrepresentation of the plat-
form and purpose of the Democratic party
in the presidential campaign. Iaving en-
[rolled ‘itself, from mercenary motives,
| among the hired supporters of Wall street
| interests, it insulted the Democracy, which
| it had deserted, by the shameless charge
| that the most Democratic, patriotic and
of mortgaces, and the difficulty of making
really conservative declaration of principles
ever made by any political party, express-
ed an intention of repudiation, and was
designed to produce disorder; and for this
insult it claims credit as having given
warning to the ‘‘free silverites.”’
To complete its contemptible assump-
tion it now poses as the monitor of the
‘“‘victors,”” whom it helped to place in the
position in which they can practice the ex-
travagance and monopolistic greed, which
this fake journal now so ostentatiously
makes the object of its admonition. The
most ordinary discernment could under-
stand that the monopolists, bank syndi-
cates and expectant beneficiaries were pour-
ing their millions into the Republican
campaign for the express purpose of bring-
ing about the reign of extravagance and
spoliation against which the fraudulent
World now assumes to raise its voice, and
it was in aid of these monopolistic and
spoliatory designs, as purposed in the cam-
paign conducted by MARK HANNA, that
Pulitzer’s shameless paper stigmatized the
Democrats with being repudiationists for
demanding that silver should he. restored
to its constitutional place in the currency
of the country, and called them anarchists
for maintaining the Democratic principle
that personal liberty and State rights should
not be violated by arbitrary and irregular
Former Profligacy Surpassed.
The fifty-fourth Congress will close its
ignominous career on the fourth of next
month without having passed a single act
beneficial to the country, hut with a record
for extravagant expenditure that surpasses
any of its predecessors. Its appropriations
have already gone beyond the billion-dol-
lar mark, with the certainty that what it
will add to the government’s bill of ex-
penses before its final adjournment will ex-
ceed the reckless profusion of previous bil-
lion-dollar Congresses.
In view of the fact that there is a treas-
ury deficiency of nearly $50,000,000, this
squandering of the public money is posi-
tively criminal. A depleted treasury, how-
ever, is no check upon the prodigality of
lawmakers each of whom is anxious that
his ‘‘district’’ shall get as large a share as
possible out of the public porksbarrel. Is
it any wonder that the billion limit has
been passed when cvery scheme proposed
to take money out of the treasury has heen
pushed through ‘by that mutual assistance
known as log-rolling, and the swag has |
been pooled in the general appropriation |
hills ?
This system of public plunderis being
practiced at a time when for the alleged
reason of a deficiency of revenue it is claim-
ed that the tax on the necessaries of life
must be increased, and a tariff bill is being
prepared for that purpose by the same Con-
gress that has helped to empty the treasury
by its profligate appropriations.
expenses of government, would have saved
at least two hundred millions of the billion
which this Congress will have spent, hut
Republican policy would prefer squander-
ing the public money in order that there
may be an excuse for tariff taxation.
Spain’s Falling Cause.
The winter season, most favorable for
the Spanish campaign in Cuba, is drawing
to a close, with the rebellion no nearer
suppressed than it was when the patriots
first took up arms to resist their oppressors.
General GOMEZ, with an apparently in-
creased force, is drawing closer to the walls
of Havana which shelter WEYLER, the
boastful Spanish warrior, who is calling for
reinforcements to resist the enemy whom he
was going to have completely exterminated
before the opening of spring.
WEYLER’S method of warfare, in which
he has combined treachery and butchery, is
proving to be a complete failure. He has
succeeded in procuring the murder of the
heroic MACEO, but the place of that gal-
lant leader has been taken and is being
ably filled by GoMEZ, who is pressing the
minions of the Spanish power to the wall.
The policy of extermination, which WEY-
LER has attempted asa means of removing
his Cuban enemies from the face of the
earth, has only had the effect of increasing
their number and inspiring them with a
fiercer determination to throw off the hate-
ful Spanish domination. The massacre of
the sick captured in Cuban hospitals, the
cold-blooded execution of prisoners, and
the outrages committed upon Cuban wom-
en and children, have been features of
WEYLER’s method of campaigning, but
they have produced the results which in-
variably follow such barbarous expedients.
The patriot cause has grown in strength
while the waning power of Spain is man-
ifested in the exhaustion of her resources,
both in men and money. Every day that
the conflict is prolonged diminishes the
Spanish ability to suppress the rebellion, !
and improves the prospects of Cuban free-
——=Subseribe for the WATCHMAN.
Moderate |
economy, without stinting the reasonable |
The Right of Lavish Expenditure.
One of our exchanges, in discussing the
lavish expenditure of some of the extreme-
ly rich, who give entertainments that cost
fabulous sums of money, the BRADLEY-
MARTINS, for example, who spent over
two hundred thousand dollars on a ball,
maintains that such people have a right to
spend their money as they please. This
assertion is mainly correct. There is no
authority that could or should puta re-
straint upon their expenditures ; but it is
not the amount of their spending that is
objectionable so much as the methods of
accumulation that enable one class to grow
so immensely rich that they can indulge in
such profusion, while others are limited to
the scantiest earnings. There must be
something wrong in the system that pro-
duces such inequality.
If an examination could have been made
into the methods by which the millionaires
who sported at the BRADLEY-MARTIN ball
as imitation kings and queens, dukes and
dutchesses, it would no doubt have been
found that most, if not all, of them owed
their immense wealth to unequal and un-
fair advantages and privileges given them
in competing with their fellow men for the
good things of this life. No doubt among
those revelers were found members of
monopolistic combinations that have de-
stroyed competition by unfair means, and
driven other men, more honest than them-
selves, out of business. No doubt the
managers of great trusts were there, also
railroad magnates, whose wealth was ac-
quired by the dishonest practice of wreck-
ing companies and robbing the small in-
ventors ; stock waterers who draw divi-
dends on unsubstantial investments ; tar-
iff beneficiaries made plutocratic by the ad-
vantage derived from taxation on the nec-
essaries of life ; owners of vast estates that
are exempt from the payment of a govern-
ment tax ; Standard oil operators who have
grown rich beyond computation from the
enjoyment of privileges and benefits which
venal Governors and Legislatures have
taken from the people and conferred upon
that great monopoly ; and there was no
doubt present at that lavish entertainment
representatives of the banking class who
have made millions in government bond
sales, and whose wealth is increased, day
by day, through the advantage which the
gold standard confers by enabling them to
control a contracted currency to the great
| disadvantage of the generality of people.
| Our contemporary is correct in saying
| that the plutocratic class have a right to
i spend their money as they please. The
wrong makes its appearance in the eco-
nomic conditions and business methods
which enable them to get more than their
share, and to lavish their unfair gains in
ostentatious displays when so many of |
their fellow mortals have scardely the
means of living.
The Heroic Greeks.
The sympathy of the Christian people
has been aroused in behalf of those subjects
of the Turkish Sultan who have been made
the objects of persecution on account of
their Christian faith. The cruel treatment
of the Armenians equalled the worst abuse
that was ever practiced by Mohammedans
on those who differed with them in relig-
ious belief, and what made these later out-
rages more aggravating to Christian feel-
ings was that they were allowed to be per-
petrated without any earnest effort on the
part of the European powers to prevent
them. Active interference by such nations
as England, Russia, Germany and France
would have effectually stopped the horrors
to which the Christians in Turkey have
been subjected, but their indifference ac-
tually encouraged the cruel conduct of the
Turks, and all this was allow. 2d because
selfish jealousy of each other restrained the
action of the Christian nations.
And now another caseis presented in
which the Turks propose to enforce their
sovereignty over the Christian = people
of the island of Crete, who have often re-
belled against it. While they are preparing
to exert their power against the rebellious
Cretans, with their usual ferocity, heroic
little Greece steps into the arena as the
champion of the islanders who are of the
same blood and religious faith as the
Greeks, and challenges the Mohammedan
power. Nothing in recent history has so
stirred up the sentimental feeling of the
civilized world as this heroic incident. The
very name of Greece, with all its glorious
associations, is an inspiration, and this no-
ble attitude of the descendants of the old
Greek heroes excites the enthusiastic sym-
pathy, of all enlightened people.
| But though the Greeks may be a match
for the barbarous Tarks, what could they
| do as against the interference of the great |
| powers of Europe? Appearances indicate
| that their interposition will allow the Turk, |
| as in the case of Armenia, to again exercise |
| his merciless sway. What a blot this would |
be on the civilization of the age.
} —Takoit av a political prognostica-
| tion, that council-man-elect W>M. SHORT-
| LIDGE, West ward of Bellefonte, will be
{ an aspirant for legislative honors in ’98.
For the Warcnmax., !
(Inscribed to a school-mam and school-master
who solved the problem of life February 10th,
The Matthew Maties are correct
When figuring, as they do,
That all its parts‘make up the whole
And one and one are two ;
But we are able to affirm
In earnest—not in fun—
'Tis also true as Holy Writ
That one and one are one.
For proof whereof ask little Bess
Her thought upon this thing ;
Inquire of him who bears the name
Of Israel's ginger-king ;
Consult the poets :—all their rhymes
In this wise ever run : :
“Two souls with but a single thought—
Two hearts that beat as one.”
And have you heard the word sublime
Of Swedenborg the seer 7—
The wedded twain one angel ace
And so to heaven appear.
It follows, then, that each is half—
The better half is Bess ;
O, may the love that makes you one
Thus ever keep and bless!
In selfhood each a fraction is,
Love makes the integer ;
Love loves to add and multiply,
As you may well infer.
Subtraction and division—these
He does abominate,
But in the present worth of hearts
His interest is great.
Thus with this new arithmetic
Begin life's larger school ;
One rule is all you need to know—
Love is the only rule.
Work out your questions by this rule
And I will guarantee
Each problem you will quickly solve
And end with “Q. E. D.”
Such a Law Would Take the Ginger
Out of Bellefonte’s Great Sport.
From the Butler Democratic Herald.
Coasting accidents are reported all over
the country. There is no good reason why
young folks should not participate in this
invigorating sport, but the matter ought
to be governed by common sense. How
people of ordinary good gense can consent
to clithb on a *‘bob’’ with 15 or 20 others
and start on an excursion that may result
in the death of one or all of the party be-
cause of some very simple accident, is one
of the thingy past finding out. If coasting
were carried on with reasonable sized sleds
or coasters there would he quite as much
sport and very little, if any, dcager at-
tached to the sport. Why should not the
Legislature restrict fool-hardiness in coast-
ing as well as in other matters ?
A Man Who Had the Courage of His
From the Doylestown Democrat.
Democrats throughout the country will
learn with regret of the death of William
P. St. John, former president of the Mer-
cantile national bank, which occurred at
his home in New York city. Mr. St. John
was one of the staunchest advocates of the
free coinage of gold and silver in the East,
and after the Chicago convention resigned
his position as president of the bank to be-
come treasurer of the Democratic national
committee. With limited means at his
command he accomplished a great work.
Mr. St. John was regarded in New York
as one of the most able financiers in that
Claim She is a Pirate.
WASHINGTON, Feb.—The United States
supreme court to-day heard argument in
the case of the United States vs the steamer
Three Friends, on the motion of the attor-
ney-general for a certiorari to the circuit
court of appeals for the Fifth circuit to
bring the case to the supreme court, the
steamer having been libeled for condemna-
tion on the charge of violating the neutral-
ity laws. Assistant Attorney Whitney
made the first argument for the government.
He said it was clear that the steamer had
been equipped to be employed against the
Spanish authorities by the Cuban insur-
gents. The only question, he said, was
whether the statute was applicable for
the reason that the belligerency of the Cu-
bans has not been formally recognized. It
was true in the technical meaning of inter-
national law that the Cubans had not been
recognized as belligerents but even if this
was the case, there were other statutes con-
cerning piracy and enlisting men for hostil-
ities against a friendly power which was ap-
plicable. Asa matter of fact there was
nothing in the statute to require a recogni-
tion of belligerency to set the law in mo-
W. Hallett Philips and A. W. Cockrell
appeared for the owners of the Three
Friends. Mr. Philips desired to know if
the question as to whether the words ‘‘col-
ony, district, or people’ in the law of 1817
applied to the insurgents was presented by
the record in this case. No such body as
the republic of Cuba was, he said, any-
where referred to. He claimed that there
could be no mistake as to the legal mean-
ng of that word ‘‘neutrality.’”” He assert-
ed that the words ‘‘insurgents’” and ‘‘revo-
lutionists’”’” have no legal meaning, but
that when recognized by a neutral govern-
ment, such recognition amounts'to a recog-
nition of belligerency or independence.
Mr. Cockrell urged that the libel failed to
show the criminal intent of the offending
persons, and that it did not even show who
the offending persons were.
/ |
Attorney-General Harmon, for the gov- |
ernment, said that while the Cuban insur-
rection had not shown itself to be strong
enough to warrant the recognition of bellig-
erency, still there had been suflicient
recognition that a state of war existed. So
far as formal recognition was concerned, he
claimed that the insmgents were better off
without it. At the conclusion of Mr.
Harmon's argument -the court adjourned,
without announcing any opinion, until the
first Monday in March.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—A freight train cut off both legs of Amos
Hershberger, 14 years old, of Palmyra.
—The Reading collieries will work but
three days of three-quarter time each this
—An engineand twenty freight cars were
wrecked in a collision at East Mahanoy junc-
—Another lift is to be sunk at the Lehigh
valley coal company’s York farm colliery,
—The Senate Monday confirmed the nomi-
nation of H. M. Bennett to be postmaster at
Derry station. =
—While'playing with the baby Harry Alli-
son, a Mercer county farmer, committed
suicide by shooting himself.
—Joe Natacoski, another of the men im-
plicated in the Luzerne county jail delivery,
was caught on Saturday night.
—During a fight in a Mahanoy City saloon
George Petro was badly cut and Andrew
Mahr received a serious wound on the head.
—Three prisoners charged with drunken-
ness escaped from the Lebanon police station
by prying off the bars at the window of the
—Burglars got away with a large sum of
money from the rectory of St. Luke’s P. E.
church, Lebanon, while the family were at
—Twenty-one members of Wilson’s bur-
lesque company, composed of New York and
Philadelphia performers, are stranded in
—The secretaries and physical directors of
the Young Men’s Christian Associations of
the State met at Pottsville on Tuesday and
—During a row at Boiling Springs, Cum-
berland county, Robert Donnelly was proba-
bly fatally shot by James Smith, who fled to
the mountains.
—When retiring on Saturday night Jack
Kinsley, a Lehigh valley baggage master, at
Wilkesbarre, accidently turned on the gas.
The physicians think he will recover.
—Judge Buffington in the United States
court at Pittsburg refused new trials to J. A.
Culp and others, convicted at Scranton of
using the mails for fraudulent purposes.
—The Christian Endeavor societies of
Lebanon celebrated the sixteenth anniver-
sary of the Lutheran society with a union
service in Zion Lutheran church, Sunday
—J. A. Rodier, of Centerville, Crawford
county, witnessed the inauguration of Martin
Van Buren as President of the United States
on March 4th, 1837, and has been present at
the inauguration of every President since.
He expects to be in Washington, March 4th,
1897, to see William McKinley take the oath
of office.
—A German made a record at the court
house in Clearfield the other morning that is
not likely to be equalled soon. He called at
the prothonotary’s office, got a certificate of
divorce, secured a certificate of naturaliza-
tion, and then went to the register and
recorder’s office and got a marriage license—
all in the forenoon. Clerk Rowles offered
him another certificate, but he said he al-
ready had one of that kind for five years.
—-Jos. Foreman, Jr., a brakeman on onc of
‘ the coal trains on the Moshannon branch,
had a severe toothache Tuesday morning
last. As his long train was running parallel
to the public road, he espied a doctor travel-
ling along in a buggy. He jumped off a car
at the head of the train, approached the doc-
tor, and ask him if he could pull & tooth for
him. The doctor replied that he could,
when the brakeman took a seat on a stump,
and in less time than it takes to tell it, the
tooth was out and the brakeman was on his
train again before the last car had reached
the point where he had made use of the
stump as a dentist's chair.
—James B. Denworth, of Williamsport,
who was convicted in that city in October
last for extorting illegal pension fees from
Mrs. Irene Figg, a soldier's widow, received
his sentence at Pittsburg yesterday. He was
called before Judge Buffington, who imposed
a sentence of a fine of £1, cost of prosccution,
and undergo three months’ imprisonment in
the Lycoming county jail. The amount in-
volved in the case is about £230. The pen-
sion secured by Denworth for Mrs. Figg
amounted to 3189. Of this he advanced to
her on different occasions $211. When the
pension was paid he gave her $57 more, leav-
ing a balance in his hands of $230, which is
the amount he was convjcted of extorting
from her.
—A Curwensville correspondent te the
DuBois Courier says : ‘‘In conversation with
George Gibbs, a passenger engineer on the
T. & C. branch, the other day, he modestly
informed us that he has traveled on his
engine on an average of 3,000 miles per
month. This average he has made since
1871. Twenty-five years in that time he has
actually made 900,000 miles, or a distance
that would encompass the globe twenty-five
times, at the rate of 25,000 miles for each
circuit. This may prove an astonishing
statement to some, but if they stop to figure
it there is no doubt of the correctness of it.
Mr. Gibbs is rated as one of the most careful
and efficient passenger engineers in the
Pennsy’s service.”
—Sixty-five years ago Hiram Lukens en-
tered the Intelligencer office at Doylestown to
learn printing, and he is there yet, setting
type as fast as anybody around the place.
His record of continuous service with one
establishment is probably unequalled in the
business. Several times the management has
changed hands, but he has never left his
case. Three sets of floor boards have worn
away under his feet in that long time, and
130 pairs of thick soled boots have been put
on the retired list. For over 19,500 working
days his eyes have been trained on the type,
but still his vision is unimpaired, and he
handles ‘the smallest size with case. It is
fair to estimate that he has set and dis
tributed an average of 8,000 ems of type a
day, or a total in sixty-five years of 156,000.-
000 cms. This is equal to 28,883 columns of
common type—cnough for all the reading
matter in the Record for over a year and a
half. Beside attending to ordinary duties he
has trained at least 150 apprentices, but not
one of the lot could ever show so clean a
proof as he. Very few of them approached
him in point of rapid composition.