Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 05, 1897, Image 5

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last issue was published a full report of the
proceedings during the first week of the
quarter sessions court, together with the
report of the grand jury, sentences imposed,
and the action on the shrievalty contest.
The session, this week, was short and
uninteresting, except to those who had
contests up for adjustment. The business
was disposed of as follows :
Michael Canaan vs. Orrin L. Schoon-
over, plea trespass. Settled.
David Rothrock, administrator, of Henry
Rothrock, deceased, in part of the use of
David Rothrock and John I. Rothrock vs.
Henry Rothrock Jr., with notice to John
Woods, George Garbick, Sallie J. Kelley,
William Kelley and David Kelley as terre
tenants ; plea scire facias, sur mortgage.
This case is special.
James Auman vs. the Central railroad
of Pa., plea trespass. Non suit.
Alfred Thompson and E. C. Schildt,
trading as Thompson & Schildt vs. Wm.
Oswalt, plea replevin. Settled.
Montgomery & Co. vs. R. C. Irvin, de-
fendant, and H.R. Curtin, administrator,
of Ect., of Constans Curtin, deceased.
Garnishee, plea attachment execution.
Verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $135.36.
Michael Nicholas vs. R. M. McClain and
Isaac Thomas, trading and doing business
as A. M. McClain & Co., plea assumpsit.
Montgomery & Co. vs. R. C. Irvin, de-
fendant, and H. R. Curtin, administrator
of ete., of Constance Curtin, deceased ;
garnishee plea attachment execution. Ver-
dict in favor of the plaintiff, for $270.34.
John A. Mann vs. George Deitz, Rob’t.
J. Mann and James R. Fye, plea assump-
sit. Continued.
Wm. Mann vs. Robert Cooke Jr., plea
assumpsit. Non suit.
Frank Witchy and Morgan Griffith, trad-
ing as Witchy & Griffith, vs. William
Parker, plea assumpsit. Verdict in favor
of the plaintiffs for $720.
John M. Long, endorser, vs. William TT
Leathers and Allison H. Leathers, exe-
cutors of Etc., of John B. Leathers, de-
ceased, who was endorser for W. M. Leath-
ers, plea assumpsit. Non suit.
George R. Boak vs. George Bowes, Ar-
thur Graham, and Harry Fye, plea eject-
ment. Verdict in favor of the plaintiff
against George Bowes for the land des-
cribed in the writ.
W. H. Williams and Jennie B. Williams
administrators of Etc., of Aaron Williams, |
deceased, vs. S. R. Pringle, executor of
Ete., of Terrence McAlarney, deceased, plea
scire facias sur mortgage. Verdict in favor
of the plaintiffs for $325.20.
Rose Sternberg Lyon vs. Gustave Lyon |
and Tillie Lyon, plea trespass. Continued.
S. R. Schumaker vs. D. M. Butts, A. M.
McClain and Isaac Thomas, trading and
doing businessas D. M. Butts & Co. plea
assumpsit. Continued.
C. L. Beck vs. Dr. J. A. Bright, plea
trespass. Continued.
Mattie Garland vs. Amos Garland, plea
subpeena in divorce. Counsel have agreed
to take the testimony ona rule.
Catharine Sentman and
man, her husband ; John Mays, Mary L.
Walker and Philip Walker, her husband ;
Anna E. Mills and John Mills, her hus-
band.; Maria Hondeshed and Wesley
Hondeshell, her husband ; Phebe Hon-
deshell and Benjamin Hondeshell, her
husband ; Harriet: Roley, Jacob Mays,
Matthias Mays, John Freeze, Mary Holt,
and her husband ; Elizabeth Myers and
William Myers, her husband ; William
Freeze, Ferdinand Freeze, Philip Freeze,
Mary A. Mays, John Henry Mays, Jacob
Mays, George Mays, and Hannah Mays,
the last five being minors and acting
through their guardian ad litem, Matthias
Mays, heirs and legal representatives of
"Mary Ann Mays, deceased, vs. Rebecca
Parker and Mathias Parker, plea eject-
ment. Verdict, on Tuesday morning, in
favor of the plaintiff for the land described
in the writ to be retained upon the pay-
ment of $169.36 in one year with interest.
J. P. Sebring vs. F. G. Ingram, plea re-
plevin. This action is brought to settle
the title to a lot of corn, oats and hay on
the farm of the plaintiff, claimed by the
* plaintiff on account of a debt owing to him
by the defendant, under a contract of a
written lease. Verdict in favor of the de-
J. H. Reifsnyder vs. Hannah Reed, plea
assumpsit. This action was brought to
recover money paid to the defendant by
the plaintiff while settling up the estate of
-the defendant’s deceased husband. Verdict
in favor of the defendant, for $170.32.
John A. Hunter vs. John I. Thompson,
Wm. Thompson, James I. Thompson and
William Emenhizer, plea trespass. Sete
tled. :
Mary M. Frank vs. the borough of How-
ard, plea ejectment. Verdict in favor of
the land described in the writ, with stay of
execution for sixty days.
Frick Company vs. Joseph G. Carson,
pleas assumpsit. Judgment confessed in
open court in favor of the plaintiff for $225
with stay of execution for thirty days.
S. G.
SUPERIOR COURT.—The Superior court of
Pennsylvania will sit at Williamsport, next
week, beginning Tuesday, February 9th.
The cases that are on the calendar from
this county are the following :
Wilson et al vs. Downing, appellant.
Appeal from the common pleas court.
Attorneys D. F. Fortney, C. P. Hewes,—
A. O. Furst.
Love vs. Central railroad company, ap-
pellants. Appeal from the common pleas
court. Orvis, Bower & Orvis,—W. E.
Rimestone vs. Reifsnyder, appellant.
Appeal from the common pleas court. Ira
C. Mitchell,-—Wilbur F. Reeder.
Jevrett Sent- |
i Philipsbu
. Haines
— Thos. H. Murray, Esq., bought the
elegant home of the late William A. Wal-
lace, in Clearfield, on Friday, for $2,900,
subject to a-mortgage on it. It was
sold at sherifi’s sale. The price is ex-
tremely low as it is one of the finest resi-
dence properties in the town.
N1GHT.—There will be a special train over
the Central railroad of Pennsylvania to-
night in order to accommodate persons be-
tween Lock Haven and Bellefonte who
want to see the thrilling war play ‘The
Drummer Boy of Shiloh,” at Garman’s |
opera house, to-night. The train will
leave Mill Hall at 5:05 p.m. stopping at
all points along the line. The remarkably
low fare of 50 cts. from Mill Hall and re- |
turn has been granted for this excursion
and it is likely thata large crowd will be
here. Co. H, N. G. P., of Lock Haven, and
the G. A. R. post of Mill Hall have been
invited and will possibly attend in a body. |
> — ‘
The Bellefonte Central railroad will run a
special train from Bellefonte to Pine Grove
to-night after the great war drama, ‘The
Drummer Boy of Shiloh,’ is over. It will
stop at all points along the line and in or-
der that every one will be able to see the
thrilling play the following low round trip
fares have been issued :
From Pine Grove —50cts.
i Bloomsdorf —50
«State College—50
¢¢ Waddle —30
These tickets will be good to come to
Bellefonte on either of the afternoon trains
and return on the special that will leave
after the show is out.
CENTRE COUNTY.—It is hot generally re-
garded as an item of much importance, the
dog tax in Centre county and the disburs-
ments for sheep that have been killed by
dogs, but the following schedule, taken
from the auditor's statement, will divulge
a different view of it:
Bellefonte... z
Centre Hall 21 00 !
Howard Bo 19 50 |
Milesburg 27 09 |
South Phili
Benner Tow
Howard Ae
Patton $
Rush £8
Snow Shoe +
Walker he
57210 |
The outstanding amount, uncollected, is
T2805 TH!
All Through Brush Valley.
On Monday morning Supt. Gramley left |
for Ferguson township. |
Thomas Auman, who is teaching school
at Woodward, was at his Rebersburg home
over Sunday.
Calvin Zeigler, who had been teaching
school near Unionville, is among the Rebers-
burg boys again.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Aust Gramley, of
Rebersburg, went over to Logantown to sce
their friends.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fell, of
Rebersburg, were at Tylersville, visiting
old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Strokecker, of Reb-
ersburg, were in * Sugar valley on Sun-
day to attend Mr. Lamy’s funeral.
Edward Nearhood, who is clerking for
merchant Wolf, at Centre Hall, was among
his friends in Rebersburg on Saturday even-
According to old sayings, since the ground
hog did not see its shadow, on Tuesday, the
weather will not be so severe the coming six
Last Thursday evening, at Rebersburg,
Charles Bierly and Miss Ada Weber both of
Rebersburg, was marrid®by Rev. M. George.
The wedding took place at the bride's.
Mrs. Wm. Stitzer, of near Rebersburg, is
seriously ill with a paralytic stroke suffered
last Thursday morning, when she and her
son Henry were about ready to start for
Aaronsburg to attend a funeral.
Scott Kerstetter, who has been sawing lum-
ber for the last year in Huntingdon county
for Mr. Hewit, came back to Brush valley
again, last Saturday, to saw for our lum-
berman, C. C. Loose, near Rebersburg.
It seems as if Scott prefers to saw in Brush
Valley at his old place. :
The Reformed and Lutheran people of
Madisonburg, will have a musical convention
next week, beginning on Monday evening.
Prof. Enos, of New York, will conduct the
couvention. All who can are cordially invit-
ed to attend. Concerts free Friday and Sat-
urday evenings.
Centre Hall.
Helen Hosterman, daughter of Dentist G.
W. Hosterman, is seriously ill with mumps
which have taken a peculiar turn.
Miss Emily Alexander is absent on a visit,
Tyrone and Philadelphia being among the
places she will stop. She is fulfilling several
invitations to sing in churches, and a voice
full and rich will her listeners hear.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Breon trined their
house over to ascore or more of young Ameri-
ca’s future leaders in the various arts and in-
dustrious Tuesday evening. Tobe Perry's
guest simply means that you own his all for
the time being. The children who enjoyed
the family’s hospitality will long remember
their benefactors.
| throat.
Rev. J. M. Rearick, Jr., made his appear-
ance Sunday morning. After taking a curso:
ry view of the situation the youth decided to
accept Mr. and Mrs. Rearick’s invitation to
make their home his future place of abode.
There wasno Anglo-American treaty sign-
ed or umpire appointed, but the infant at
once acknowledged the suzerainty of its par-
Daniel Houser, living a short distance west
of town, went to Philadelphia last week to
secure the services of an eye specialist. From
some unaccountable reason his one eye be-
came very sore about the beginning of Scp-
tember last, and treatment by local physi-
cians seemed of no benefit. Lately his other
eye became effected, and to save the sight of
it, Mr. Houser decided to have an operation
But for the presence of Dr. Alexander at
the “Chicken-pie’* supper held by the Re-
forms Saturday evening, the accident hap-
pening Mrs.Cyrus Gordon might have result-
ed seriously. While Mrs, Gordon was
cating her portion of the pie, which was in-
deed of Rorer flavor, a tiny bone lodged in
her throat and it required considerable effort
on the part of the doctor and patient to dis-
lodge it.
Last week mention was made that a tie
vote at the Democratic caucus put Messrs
Krumrine and Sweetwood on equal footing
for the nomination of supervisor of public
roads. As yet the combatants have not
agreed which shall be the nominee, and the
indications are that they will not beable to
come to an understanding among themselves.
! In order to have their names placed on the
ticket nominations papers would have to be
| filed, in which event the Democratic column
would be without a nominee for the office of
supervisor of roads. Taking all things into
consideration, would it not be policy to
reconvene the caucus and have the vacancy
regularly filled.
After looking over the various congiega-
tions of this beautiful town of churches, last
Sunday, the writer became thoroughly con-
vinced that Christianity (?) was the cause of
much physical weakness among many who
professed to be followers of the Healer of the
Lame. Itisa time honored custom in this
place to stand when prayer is being offered,
and it is the desire of the pastors, without
doubt, that the custom in vogue be adheared,
to, but it is gradually yiclding to those who
prefer not to follow the steps of their sainted
grandfathers. No, and the example is set
by the younger, the robust, who presist is
lounging in their pews or chairs, while those
old in years, past sixty, seldom sit during
the exercises when the official head indicates
that all should vises” It is no doubt possible
that a conscientious Christian can sit in his or
her pew during a prayer service with impu-
| nity so far‘as he or she is concerned, but how
about tlie example set for others! Such acts
onthe part of leading members in the church
Jegets a feeling of antipathy among those
> ! outside the church, as well as the youths, for
what may be regarded as a proper posture
when in communion with our Heavenly
| Father.
If you don’t believe this, note the
effects on children whose parents are chronie
loungers in the church pew.
Pine Grove Meniton.
The whole country is frozen up and so is
our mill. Potatos and apples froze in cellars
that were thought to be frost proof.
Mrs. Mary McCauley, after spending some
weeks at her old home in Petersburg, is back
to spend the balance of the winter with her
son Stewart.
John Rea and Samuel Wilson, two of Hunt-
ingdon’s successful farmers, braved the re-
cent blizzard looking after stock and bar-
Charles, the youngest son of Captain J. M.
Kepler, is very sick with ulcerated sore
At first it was feared diphtheria
would develop but the boy is some better.
Capt. W. F. Heberling, of Benore, with his
two interesting little girls, Sundayed with old
comrades here and is still as staunch a Bry-
anite as ever. He reports the men all idle
as the works are shut down until spring.
Last Tuesday, ground hog day, was so
cloudy that his hogship failed to see his
shadow, so the little animal is not responsible
for the weather of the next six weeks. The
thermometer registered at 30° snow flakes fell
all day and the sleighing was excellent.
The telephone is at last connected and we
are in direct communication with the world
both by long and short distance. With the
station in good working order and P. F. Bot-
torf acting as agent we are well fixed indeed.
Miss Alice McWilliams returned, last Satur-
day, from her visit at the Mountain city.
With her came Mrs. Mary Jane Stewart, who
is visiting the McWilliams home near Fair-
brook where she is having a good time wit h
her old friends. . :
Grandmother Krebs has in her possession a
flax hackle which has belonged to her fami-
ly for one hundred and twenty-three years.
She still delights to talk over old times and
while her mind is not so clear as it once was
is still very entertaining.
Last Saturday evening the members of the
State College Epworth League to the number
of sixty came over in a sleighs and sleds to
have a real social time at the residence of
Misses Anna and Alka Musser. The evening
was certainly a very enjoyable one, and, with
songs, recitations and the like the entertain-
ment was equally pleasing to the hostesses
and guests.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuhn, of Dakota,
I1l.,, are East visiting old friends and
relatives. We are glad to learn that he
still adheres to his former Democratic prin-
ciples. A quarter of a century ago he tolled
the grists in the Ard mill at this place when
his flowing white beard was jet black.
Rev. J. M. Goheen is greatly improved in
health. When he arrived home last May
from his mission work he was so weak that
he could talk buta few minutes at a time.
He is so much better now that he expects to
return to his inission next summer. Last
Sunday he lectured to a large and apprecia-
tiye audience at Lemont and, in the afternoon,
to a good audience in the Presbyterian church
at Boalsburg.
Orders have been issued from the assistant
postmaster general at Washington, that after
Feb. 15th, the mail route from Shingleto wn
to Fairbrook would be abandoned. That
means the mail to this place will be by train
and a carrier from Boalsburg to Shingletown.
The present contractor, Mr. Henry's route
will be from Fairbrook via. Rock Springs
to Penna. Furnace with same connection as
County Supt. Gramley in his pleasint
courteous manner circulated among our
schools in the_garly part of the week and
found them all in excellent condition. Prof.
Gramley has not only the esteem of the teach-
ers but the respect and good will of the young
Americans who appreciate his instructions
and kindly greetingsin the school room. He
is the right man in the right place.
On Friday night of last week a jolly sled-
ding party came over thc mountain from
Stone valley and halted at the home of Dice
Thomas on the Branch. It was 10 o’clock
when they arrived and after supper the light
fantastic toc was tripped until breakfast time,
when the party turned their faces homeward.
They had their own musicians and grub with
them and some of the boys who joined them
on this side of the mountain had a decided
hankering for sweet cider. :
The pop corn sociable held at the home of
ex-county commissioner H. C. Campbell was
a decided success. The rooms were decorated
from ceiling to floor with pop corn. . Mrs.
Nannie Meck, of State College, was home to
preside at the piano. More than one hundred
guests were present from Spruce Creek val-
ley, Tyrone, Stormstown, State College and
this place. The treasury of the Fairbrook
Sunday school is $18 the richer and the
minds, of those present, a store of pleasant
memories for the evening was full of enjoy-
ment and fun.
N ittany Items.
Samuel Cole and wife, of Zion, spent Sun-
day in our village.
Elmer Snavely killed four foxes, last Mon-
day. A good day’s wages.
Sunday morning the thermometer. regis-
tered 14 degrees below zero at this place.
Misses Helen Beck, Belle Shafer and Alma
Pletcher attended the institute, at Howard,
and report it quite a success.
Prof. S. W. Batler and lady, of Romola,
were enjoying the sleighing last Sunday and
stopped for dinner in our town.
There is excellent sleighing, and a large
crowd in attendance at the Hublersburg pro-
tracted meeting. Clintondale and Lamar at-
tended one evening by having four horses at-
tached to the sled in which they were hauled.
Thomas Grooms died, Jan. 29th. of con-
sumption. He had been a sufferer for three
years, when death came to his relief. Mr.
Grooms had been married twice, leaving no
children to his second wife, but four survive
him from the flrst marriage. All of them
are adopted in different families of this State.
Rev. W. K. Dichl performed the last sad
rites, and his remains were laid te rest in
Snydertown cemetery.
New Advertisments.
14 interest in a patent bag holder to any
person who will furnish $60 to patent. Every
farmer, graindealer and miller wants one. Patent
office search already made. Address orinquire at
Bellefonte, Pa.
ANTED.—We want one good man,
having horse, as permanent superin-
tendent for Centre county, to attend to our busi-
ness on salary. Must send along with applica-
tion, strong letters of recommendation as to hon-
esty, energy and ability. First-class man only.
State occupation. Address P.O, hox 1632, Phila-
ters of administration on the estate of
‘W. M. Scholl, deceased, of Union township, hav-
ing been granted the undersigned he hereby
notifies all persons having claims against said
estate to present same, properly anthenticated,
for payment, and those indebted to same to make
immediate settlement.
42-3-6t Att'y. Administrator.
A UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Orphans
Court of Centre county. In real estate of
John A. Bechdel late of Liberty township, de-
cea®ed : The undersigned Auditor appointed by
the said court to distribute the balance in the
hands of the accountant to and among those
legally entitled to receive the same, in the above
estate, hereby gives notice that he will attend to
the duties of his appointmentat his office in the
borough of Bellefonte on Wednesday, February
24th, A. D. 1897, at 10a. m., when and where ail
persons interested are requested to be present and
present their claims or be forever debarred from
coming in on said fund.
42-5-3t H .C QUIGLEY, Auditor.
delphia, Pa.
Worth $100.00 3 ear and more to all who
own land, a garden, orchard or conserva-
tory ; covers, in plain language, by practi-
cal’'men, the care and cultivation of flow-
ers, fruits, plants, trees, shrubs, bulbs,
&c., and tells how to make home grounds
America’s brighest and most reliable family gar-
dening paper. Established 50 years. Illustrated.
$1.00 a year.
To introduce it to new readers we will send
AMERICAN GARDENING three months (13
numbers to any address on receipt of Tex CENTS,
in stamps or coin. Sample free
42-4-2t P. 0. Box 1697, N. V.
- Jewelry.
Our stock of Watches was
never so complete, and
prices never so low.
from $4.00 up to any price
you desire.
Come and see what great value we
can offer you.
On February 1st we begin our An
prices on all our strictly speaking.
and see us within the next two weeks.
All Ladies’ Coats priced heretofo
Ladies’ Coats former price from §
price of $5.00.
off the old price.
Our Men’s and Boy's Suits are sol
Men’s, Ladies’ and Childrens Wo
This is a genuine Reduction Sale.
cut all Winter Goods and to reduce st
You can save dollars by coming t
Katz & Co
. Limited.
nual Inventory and we find it much
easier to invoice cash in bank than merchandize on our shelves.
To reduce our stock to a low point we have made great reductions in
if you want to get ten dollars worth of merchandise for five dollars come
re at from $4.00 to $6.00 now go at
7.00 to $12.00 now go at the uniform
All our $15.00 and $20.00 Coats now go at $7.50.
We have cut the price on all our Dress Goods. One third off of the old
All our Red and Grey Flannels one third off.
Woolen Hosiery, Blankets, Gloves and all winter goods, 33 per cent.
d one-third off former prices.
ol Underwear, one-third off.
Our only object in it being to close
ock as low as possible.
0 see us,
BRATZ & CO. 11d,
Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors.
Lyon & Co.
We know by long experience that
We give only a
New line of Dress Ginghams, real value 8c
our price 36
Better qualities in Dress Ging-
hams and Zephyrs, real value
15.and 20C., OUP Price. .esreseeenerins 10 and 12¢
Soft finished Chambrey Ginghams, in all the
colorings, real value 10c., our price............ 8c
Special bargains in Table Linen—a guaran-
teed fast color Turkey red Table Linen... I5C
62in. half bleached Damask, great value
at 50c. our nn tetas 37%c¢
A 2yds. wide half bleached Damask—fine
and heavy
A good yard-wide unbleached Muslin
A good sheeting Muslin
] unbleached, real
value 6c., our price...
A good yard-wide bleached Muslin
time of the year our prices must be the lowest and our values the best.
pare our prices and values with those of others and you will always come
We are opening new goods every day that tells us Spring is coming
if we want to keep trade booming this
Complete line of the better grades ‘of
bleached Muslins at lowest prices.
A good heavy quality unbleached Sheeting
21£ yds. wide real value 23c.. our price... 20C
New Cretonnes, real value 8c., our price........
New Percales, real values
12¢. 15¢. and 20c. our price 9, 10 and 1 2c
New Spring Dress Goods in the fancy we aves
and mixtures, 44in. wide, real value 50c.,
our price
A full line in better qualities 50., 74c., and
98c., that are worth almost double this
Men's OVERCOATS | Ladies’
at cost. Men's, Ladies’ and Children’
cost. If you will give us a call you wil
In Addition to the Early Spring Opening, we will Continue the
Youths’ Misses’ {Ladjes . Whireana Naur
Boys’ AT COST. Children’s AT COST. i Children’s AT COST.
Dress Cloths in the Winter weights at cost. Blankets at cost. Flannels
s Winter Boots and Winter Shoes at
| convince yourself that we are selling
the best values lower than other merchants sell poor qualities.