Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 29, 1897, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The contents of Major MCKINLEY’S
presidential cabinet one about as myste-
rious as are those of the average fakir’s out-
—If the State would only do something
to make delinquent gubscribers all pay up
the editor would not care how large the
fines that the new libel laws will impose
in cases of guilt.
—The Centre Hall Reporter is in favor
of having the proposed new penitentiary
located here at Bellefonte. What for,
brother KURTZ, is there some hidden sig-
nificance in your suggestion ?
—And now it is rumored that New Jersey
is to have a marriage license law before long.
If it comes to pass what will those Cam-
den preachers do for alivelihood? Now,
what will the do?
—After having decided that the adulter-
ation of whiskey is a violation of the pure
food law of the State the Supreme court of
Ohio ought to rule against the adultera-
tion of the human system with whiskey.
—All the policemen in New York can’t
be Irish or they would never have found
enough to make the fifty-one thousand
evictions that have been made in that city
since MCKINLEY directed his prosperity
—The cold wave that has kept Bellefonte
shivering, since last Sunday; isn’t a cir-
cumstance to the frost that some of the fel-
lows who are urging this contest will get
from the people of Centre county the first
time they come before them.
—The Hungarian coke worker who wag-
ered a keg of beer that he could walk from
Hecla to Calumet in his bare feet will lose
those useful members as a result of his
fool hardiness. They were both so badly
frozen that amputation will be necessary.
He won the bet, hands down, but his hands
will have tobe down for the balance of his
—Some of the Republican papers are re-
cording objections to LYMAN T. GAGE, of
Chicago, as a possibility for Secretary of the
Treasury because they deem him ‘‘too hot’’
on ‘so called sound money.” That is
strange, is'nt it, that any one could be
‘too hot’ on the delusion that gave Mc-
KINLEY the Presidency and put the Repub-
lican party into power?
—Down in Easton the people are up in
arms in righteous indignation because a
gentleman and lady were compelled to
leave the opera house, during a perfor-
mance, in order to escape the showers of
tobacco spittle that fell on them from the |
gallery. It certainly couldn’t have been
pleasant for them, but then think of the
good time the swine was having up above.
—Senator DAVID B. HILL will publish
an article, in the February number of the |
Forum, on ‘‘the future of the Democratic
organization.”” Of course the public hasn’t
seen DAVID’S theory in print yet, but the
caption is enough of a prospectus to bring
about a pretty general concensus of opinion
that if he wants to treat of futures he had
better look after his own. It is darker than
that of the Democratic party.
—Some of the signs of the good times
that the advance agent is to bring along
are beginning to be seen. At Rathmel,
Jefferson county, last week, the picking
miners met and decided to offer their ser-
vices to operators at thirty cents per ton.
This was ten cents less than the regular
price, but the men had no work, could not
get any and were driven to such ends with
the hope of making enough to keep them
from starving.
—MCKINLEY has five fellows for his
cabinet, so they say. SHERMAN, LyMax
T. GAGE, of Illinoise ; RUSSELL A. ALGER,
of Michigan ; Josepn MCKENNA, of Cali-
fornia ; and NATHAN GOFF, of West Vir-
ginia, are now set down as being next to
certainties in the make up of the next
President’s official family. Like lambs
they are being to the sacrifice, for surely
none of them will ever he heard of again
after they get through what is sure to come
in the next four years.
—Governor PINGREE, of Michigan, in
his inaugural address, urged the abolition
of nominating conventions and the direct
voting of the people for various political
nominations. Of course itis his theory
that the wish of the people would ¥e better
carried out under such a plan, but from
the general corruption that is controlling
elections, nowadays, it does not seem ad-
visable that the nomination of a candidate
should be on the same plan as the election.
This would virtually be equal to the hold-
ing of two elections for every office to he
filled and under the present system there
is corruption enough in one, without mak-
ing it possible to double it.
—About the handsomest production we
have ever seen in the form of an anniversary
publication is the book that will commem-
orate the one hundredth birthday of the Mc- |
KELLAR, SMITHS and JORDAN type found-
ers company which was attained last year.
It is exquisitely bound in white and gold and
contains many facts of interest concerning
the growth of printing, besides a complete
resume of the growth of the MCKELLAR,
Smits and JORDAN company which has
lost its name identity in the trust. So
far as its losing its reputation for the pro-
duction of superb type faces, and durable
ones, we are inclined to the belief that the
great age of the corporation will make it
$00 strong to fall into another position than
that of leader, even while handicapped by
the retarding influences of trust control.
“ e
\ S,
NO. 4.
VOL. 42
A Proposed New Road Law.
which the Legislature of Pennsylvania will
be asked to make a law regulating the
maintenance of township roads. The
length of the document makes it impracti-
cable for publication in this issue, but
there are so many good features engrafted
into it that it should interest everyone,
particularly those who are forced to use the
public highways ir their everyday business
The act provides that at the February
election, 1898, three road supervisors be
elected in every township in this Common-
wealth to serve one, two and three years
respectively, and at each succeeding elec-
tion one officer is to be elected for a term
of three years. No person shall be eligible
except free holders and residents in the
township in which they are elected and
any person being elected and refusing to
serve is liable to a fine of $50 for the use of
the road department.
In the organization of the supervisors
they are required to select a treasurer, not
of their number, and to meet regularly,
once a month. For this service they re-
ceive $1.50 per meeting attended. It will
be their duty to levy a road tax not in ex-
cess of 10 mills on every dollar of assessed
valuation for county purposes, but upon
unanimous petition to court, showing due
cause, the right to levy a tax, not in excess
of 20 mills, may be granted. In addition
every male of the age of 21 years or over is
to he taxed $1 a year for road purposes.
Under this act the supervisors would
have entire control of purchasing imple-
ments for work, letting the road-making
out by contract, contracting for bridges and
would be responsible to the state” depart-
ment of agriculture for an annual report,
showing the amount and nature of the
work done and to the auditors of the town-
ship for an itemized statement of their ac-
counts. ;
Taxables would be permitted to work
| out half the amount of their taxes under
| the direction of the road master of their
district, provided they notify the supervis-
| ors prior to th45¢h of April, in cach year,
| of their desire todo so. The balance of the
| taxes would be payable in cash.
Each township would be divided into
| districts embracing not more than twelve
| miles of road and a master would have to
be appointed for each district. It would
| be his duty to work on his roads at least
| seven months during the year and his
wages would be fixed by the supervisors,
as well as those of the taxables who would
desire to work out half their taxes under
| the road master.
| These arc the principal features of the
i proposed act and when carefully viewed it
| looks as if, as a law, they would prove a
boon to the country districts for it means
nothing more nor less than a system of
pikes all over the State and the suspension
of the fruitless township system now in
Under the present system the road taxes
are practically thrown away, every year,
{by a plan of work that is much like the
endless chain of our irredeemable green-
backs. The time has come when some
legislation along this line must be enacted
and this bill seems to be a very fair one, as
it would not be burdensome on the country
people, yet it would give them roads over
which they could get to market with half
the expense that is now expended on con-
veyances and repairs.
The bill introduced by Senator BROwN,
last week, that calls for the appropriation
of $1,000,000, annually, for road purposes
in the State would not prove half as hene-
ficial as this measure and, in fact, might
be an exceedingly unfortunate expenditure
for the State. The trouble with state as-
sistance is that so large a portion of it fails
to reach the point to which it is designed
to aid. Again the departments take their
share'and the jobbers get a whack at it
there is very little left for the original plan.
$1,000,000, annually, would mean only
about $287 to each township in Centre
county. This would be so small as to he
scarcely appreciated, yet the $1,000,000
from which it would have to be extracted
would reduce the State’s ability, still fur-
ther, to properly look after her charitable
and educational institutions.
If we are to have a road law let each
township look out for itself. Don’t ‘tax
the people and then hand the revenue back
to them in the form of appropriations.
| of New York, talked of as a possibility for
secretary of the navy under President Mc-
KINLEY, is the gentleman who made the
address before the class of 90, when it was
graduated from The Pennsylvania State
| College. He is one of the most brilliant
| men who has ever spoken at the College
and those who heard him, on that occasion,
{ will ever remember the remarkable reten-
| tiveness of his mind. Immediately after
| hearing GILBERT A. BEAVER’S oration he
quoted paragraph after paragraph from it
and practically made it the theme of a
beautiful tribute to education and young
| manhood.
We have just received the copy of an act |
A Cause Very Worthy of Support.
It must be a matter of exceptional grati-
fication to Prof. J. T. ROTHROCK, state
forestry commissioner, to see the fruits
that the labor he began years ago is begin-
ning to bear. When he began declaring
that it would only be only a few years un-
til Pennsylvania would be compelled to do
something to preserve or reforest her moun-
tains no one paid much attention to him.
There were a few, directly interested, who
were in accord with Prof. ROTHROCK’S
ideas, but the great masses of the people
thought naught of the subject.
The steady, but sdre, extermination of
the game and fish has started the sports-
man to reflection ; the drying up of hereto-
fore ‘‘never failing’’ springs and streams
has put the farmer and utilizer of water
powers to searching for a cause ; the deple-
tion of the vast wooded areas has gradually
sluffed away the once great lumbering in-
dustry of the State and now hundreds of
thousands of woodsmen, raftsmen, millmen
and laborers are at a loss to understand
why they: are not employéd as they’ were
ten years ago ; climatic conditions, every-
where, are changed and we have sudden
floods and long periods of drought. These,
more than anything else, have awakened
the people to a consciousness that some-
thing is wrong and that that something is
exactly what Prof. ROTHROCK has been de-
claring for a number of yeas.
He was merely in advance of the people,
but he persevered until there has been a
pretty general realization of the .urgent
needs of forestry preservation. The Gov-
ernor, in his last message to the Legisla-
ture, urged that something be done along
this line and the day is not far distant
when Dr. RoTHROCK will find Pennsyl-
vania gladly taking up the course he has
already pointed out.
In a lecture, delivered in Philadelphia
recently, he showed upon a screen mile after
mile of naked hills in the counties of Mif-
flin, Centre, Clearfield, Cameron, Clinton,
Lycoming, Luzerne and Sullivan and stat-
ed that the partial returns in the office of
the commissioner of forestry showed (so
far as reported) for the year 1896, that
there were burned over 178,982 acres of
woodland ; that 121,752,322 feet of stand-
ing timber, and 7,391,030 feet of manu-
factured lumber, along with 30,764 cords
of bark, were destroyed by fire. It cost,
so far as reported, $21,269 to suppress the
flames, and before it was done the reported
money loss aggregated $557,056. Further-
more, he added, it is absolutely certain
that there remains almost if not quite as
much which is unreported.
“Even here,” he continued, “we have
not reached the extent of the possible evil.
Had timber restoration, or, what is the
same thing, protection against forest fires,
been commenced half a century ago, our
lumbering industries might have had ma-
terial for the indefinite future. Instead of
this we stand in full sight of the time when
they will have, in great part, vanished
from our State, and with them will have
gone the $30,000,000 or more which hither-
to have annually been distributed among
the wage earners. It has also become clear
to observing business men that removal of
large bodies of forest means the loss of
water power, and recently the Hon. T. J.
CoOLIDGE, treasurer of the Amoskeag
manufacturing company, after a careful
study of the facts, stated that unless the
forests were restored to the head waters of
the Merrimac river, his company would be
obliged to resort to steam power, and hence
be unable to compete on equal terms with
those who still had constant, regular water
power.” :
John Sherman’s Backdown.
It is remembered how vigorously and al-
most belligerently JOHN SHERMAN, as the
chairman of the senate committee on for-
eign relations, spoke on the Cuban ques-
tion at the beginning of the present session.
There was no other gingo on that commit-
tee or in the Senate who was louder in ex-
pressing sympathy for the cause of Cuban
liberty. That being his attitude, so re-
cently, the country was not prepared to
hear him say, now that he is to hecome
Secretary of State under McKINLEY, that
he does not believe that the 1 ted States
should interfere in the Cuban t “Mle.
If the Ohio statesman is alread owing
the white feather, before he get to the
position in which he will have the Cuban
question on his shoulders, what will be his
attitude after he is confronted by that
trouble in an official capacity With his
backbone weakening, at so early a stage of
the game, those who expect that Spanish
atrocities will meet with reproof~from the |
McKINLEY administration will look in
vain for Secretary SHERMAN to call the
Spaniards to account. Jon~N has shuffled
in his position on the silver question, but
there is every appearance of his backing
out completely on the Cuban question.
——The passing of DAviD B. HILL
should be a forcible reminder to politicians
that to disregard the will of the majority is
to give one’s own death blow.
| 319 and Michael McGarry received 172.
EFONTE, PA., JAN. 29, 1897.
Who 1s Liable for the Costs?
Ever since ABRAM MILLER made up his
mind that he would have himself made
sheriff, if lawyers and unfounded charges
could aid him in doing so, there has been
a contention as to who will be liable for
the costs that are being piled up by his
contest for the office that sheriff CRONISTER
was regularly elected to fill.
It is but natural that MILLER and his
advisers should try to make it appear that
the costs will be trifling. That is the only
way in which they can satisfy the people
can see that the expense of this
going to be far larger than those
ought it are willing to admit or that
the public should know. .
The contestants justify their course by
taking the high moral ground that nothing
is too expensive if it tends to the purifying
of our governmental system. Nor is it,
yet what the people of Centre county want
to know is what super-human faculty is
possessed by the contestants to scent fraud
through the wooden coverings of ballot
boxes that are miles away and in which
competent election boards have made oath
that there is nothing irregular? If there
has been fraud why are the contestants not
required to furnish more positive proof of
it before the county is burdened with ex-
pense? Since when have they become such
sleuths for morality that they are able to
scent dishonesty so far off, and whence
cometh so great a reputation for it that
their unproved statements are taken as of
more worth than the oaths of election
boards ?
These are questions that the tax payer
studies over as he wonders who is to foot
the bills. Such wonderment is likely to
bring little comfort for there can be but
one conclusion : The county must pay the
costs. Though the following ruling of
Judge ARCHIBALD, of Scranton, might lead
some to helieve otherwise there is no ques-
tion in the minds of most of the people as
to who will be liable.
Judge Archibald to-day handed down an
opinion which establishes a precedent the
effect of which will be to discourage trifling
election contests, which have been for years
a source of expense to this county. The
opinion is in the case of John J. Ruddy, who
at the last election was elected to the office
of alderman of the Twentieth ward. He re-
ceived 333 votes, John E. O'Malley received
O'Malley instituted the contest, but, instead
of the costs being on him, they were put on
the men who signed his petition. The peti-
tion set forth that, instead of Mr. Ruddy re-
ceiving 333 votes, he received only 208, and
that illegal votes were cast to the number
of 123. The petition was. not sworn to.
Judge Archibald decides that the thirty men
who signed the petition should pay the costs.
A Vicious Method and Its Remedy.
Congressman TUCKER, of Virginia, is
among the prominent public men who dis-
cern the demoralization that prevails in the
existing method of election of United
States Senators and are of the opinion
that those elections should be taken from
the state’ Legislatures and handed over to
the people.
Mr. DANIEL bases his objection to legis-
lative elections on the ground that as the
Senators do not owe their official positions
to a popular source, they do not appreciate
their responsibility to the popular will.
The character of the method by which they
are chosen places them at too great a dis-
tance from the people, and renders them
careless of the good opinion of those to
whom their service is due.
This is certainly a defect in the system,
but it is not such a defect as would thor-
oughly condemn it. In the earlier period
of the Republic, and in a purer condition
of politics, Senators were elected by state
Legislatures, but they recognized the will
of the people, kept themselves in touch
with public sentiment, and were such
representatives of the States as truly be-
belonged to a democratically representa-
tive form of government.
But things are different now. The vici-
ous feature of the present plan of electing
United States Senators is now displayed in
the opportunity it affords wealthy men to
influence Legislatures to invest them with
the high power of the senatorial office.
This is carried on to such an extent that
millionaires have increased in the United
States Senate to such a number, and the
influence of wealth has become so pre-
dominant in that body, as to be able to
block any legislation that may not suit
the interest of the plutocratic class. Furth-
ermore, state Legislatures have, bec ome so
servile, as well as venal, that if they are not
bought up hy millionaires, in contests for
the United States Senate, they are con-
trolled by party bosses, who manage to
have cither themselves or their henchmen
chosen for the senatorial position.
These are the really vicious features of
the method of electing United States Sena-
tors by state Legislatures, and they are
defects that can be remedied only by en-
trusting such elections to the people.
Be Merciful Unto the Unfortunate.
From the Philadelphia Times.
These are gala days for those who have
every comfort in life, and who, securely
robed against the frigid weather, can en-
Joy the toboggan slide, the merry sleigh
bells and the skating frolic, and when
sated with these pleasures have a comforta-
ble fireside around which to gather and tell
the story of their enjoyment ; but there
are others. *
Winter isa hard time at best for the
children of want, and when an excessive
winter season comes upon us they are
wholly unprepared for comfort by day or
night. Men, women and children are de-
nied the rest that is needed for all because
they have not the coal or the blankets
to ordinarily comfortable. Not only
are their sufferings unusual, but the scant
earnings of many are cut off by the severity
of the weather.
It should be remembered that there is a
much larger proportion than is common of
unemployed not only in this. city, - but
throughout the country, and many more
than the usual number have suffered for
the want of bread and other necessaries of
life. Indeed, many who have ordinarily
been in comparatively comfortable circum-
stances are now, by no will of their own, in
actual want, and we can recall no winter
since 1877-78 when there was wilder dis-
tress amongst the poor than there was
at this time.
These facts appeal, to those who are blest
with plenty. Many of them are suffering
from embarassment, but all who have enough
and to spare should remember that the poor
are always with us, and that it should be a
pleasant duty for each and all to contrib-
ute liberally to temper the sorrows of our
citizens wno are without bread and fuel,
and let it be remembered, also, that they
givedoubly who give quickly.
ee E———————
Wait Until 1900 and See if It is On Its
Last Legs.
From the Philadelphia Record.
It is very cold comfort that the interna-
tional bimetallists get from Mr. Balfour,
First Lord of the British Treasury. He
says there is no probability that the Eng-
lish Government will take the initiative in
any movement toward bimetallism, and
there is so little prospect of an internation-
al conference that it would he premature
to discuss the probable composition of its
membership. When it is remembered that
Mr. Balfour is himself a bimetallist the ici-
ness of his candid parliamentary declara-
tions can be better understood. Evidently
international bimetallism is on its last legs.
Hereafter it will not be considered an avail-
able ‘‘platform’’ delusion.
Cuban Patriots in New York.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.—*“The most im-
portant news that we have yet received
from Cuba,’ said Mr. Du Bose, the first
secretary of the Spanish legation, “reached
us by cable from Madrid last night. It is
a telegram from the minister of foreign af-
fairs, the duke of Tetuan, embodying the
material points of a dispatch sent to him by
the captain general at Havana. The dis-
patch reads as follows: ‘General Weyler,
at the head of fourteen battalions, has tra-
versed the provinces of Havana and Matan-
zas, compelling the principal rebel chiefs
to fly to Las Villas, abandoning their
horses in the river Hanahana, many of the
fugitives perishing in Maritimas. General
Weyler considers that in Havana and Ma-
tanzas there are no longer any great or-
ganized bands to disperse and that both
provinces may be considered-atmost entire-
ly pacified. The sugar properties in the
rear of the troops have already begun to
“The information the minister, Mr. Du-
puy De Lome, authorizes me to give to the
United “Associated Presses,’” said Mr. Du
‘Aside from the fact that it comes from
the minister of foreign affairs, it has been
confir; other sources, and may be
relied upon as being entirely correct. The
legation is very particular not to give out
news officially that cannot be fully sub-
stantiated. This is the second dispatch
that the legation has made public in two
months. The other was the announcement
of Maceo’s death, which was at first denied
here and in New York, and afterwards,
when it could be no longer denied, his
death was imputed to treachery.
“I should explain,” Mr. Du Bose, went
on, ‘‘that General Weyler went on his pres-
ent trip about eight days ago. The pro-
vince of Pinar Del Rio has been under
practical subjection ever since the death of
Maceo ; the only revolutionists now there
are a few scattered guerrilla bands. The
provice of Santa Clara can hardly be said
to have ever been in revolt and as a result
we now have four provinces in which there
is little if any disturbance. When the
new reforms for Cuba are promulgated as,
they probably will be, within the next
fortnight, they will be put into effect in
all the six provinces in Cuba as soon as the
machinery for taking the census, which is
a condition precedent to the reforms, can
be established. You ask if the Cubans are
ready for these new measures. I have no
hesitancy in replying in the affirmative.
The only people who oppose the reforms
and desire a continuation of: the revolution
are the patriots in New York. The rebels
in Cuba are anxious for peace. In my
opinion the days of the insurrection are
About the only fellow who will get
much satisfaction out of the statement that
there was no vacancy for county surveyor,
last fall, and that Jesse Cleaver is not
elected to that office, is Mr. Wetzel, the
Democratic aspirant, who was defeated.
It appears that ’squire J. H. Reifsnyder,
of Millheim, is still the officer, as his term
docs not expire until next year.
——A man who will have his horse |
clipped this kind of weather and then tie
his head back with an over-check rein lacks
every sense of humanity and deserves to be
treated in a like manner, which he surely
will, if not in this life, in the life to come.
Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Spawls from the Keystone.
county $19,326.16.
—Luzerne county has 1327 liquor license
applicants, an increase of 100.
—An unknown man was frozen to death
near Tomhickon on Sunday night.
—A freight train crashed into a coal train
on the Reading railroad, at Snydertown, and
smashed six cars.
—The Plymouth coal company’s store at
Plymouth was robbed and.John McLoughlin
arrested on smspicion.
—Judge Scott, at Easton, Monday heard
fifty-nine applications for liquor licenses,
and granted all but nine.
—Sallie Sullivan, 14 years old, was fatally
burned trying to kindle a fire with kerosene
at her home near Hazleton.
—P. F. McMahon, assistant post-master at
South Bethlehem, was stricken with paralysis,
and js in a critical condition.
—The county commissioners of Luzerne
offer a reward of $250 for the capture of Wm.
Shafer, who broke jail three weeks ago.
—An addition to the Cambria county poor
house isto be built next spring. The ac-
commodations at present are too limited.
—It took the public safety committee of
Pittsburg’s city council just about ten min-
utes to kill the anti-theatre hat ordinance.
—John Bailey, of Shamokin, fell from a
Reading freight train onto the ice in crossing
the river at Sunbury and was seriously hurt.
—Wahile trying to rescue her two children
Mrs. William Croyte perished with them in
their burning home at Bedford, on Saturday.
—A special committee yesterday reported
to the Lebanon court that twenty-three doc-
tors were defectively or illegally registered
in the county.
—The waterback in the kitchen of Robert
Warnick, South Bethlehem, exploded Mon-
day and Mrs. Warnick and her baby were
badly burned by flying coals.
—The entire board of school controllers of
Hazleton is said to hold office illegally, hav-
ing been elected under an act which has
been declared unconstitutional.
—Theodore W. Johnson, of Baltimore, a
civilian inspector of armor for the govern-
ment at the Bethlehem iron works, is critical-
ly ill at his hotel with paralysis of the jaw.
—Steward Weiland, aged about 15-years,
while skating with some companions at a
mill dam on the Quemahoing one mile south
of Jenners, in Somerset county, broke
through the ice and was drowned.
—Forged assignment of contractors’ esti-
mates on city work have been discovered in
Pittsburg, on which $19,500 was raised. Con-
tractor W. J. Dunn places the blame on a
confidential clerk, whose relatives will proba-
bly make the loss good.
—Mrs. Margaret Kunkle, aged 87 years,
living with her daughter in Indiana county,
was burned to death while alone in her room.
She was attacked by heart discase and fell
into the grate. When the daughter went
into the room she found her mother dead.
—David M. Steyer, editor of the New
Haven Herald, is in jail at" Uniontown, Pa.,
on the charge of entering the prothonotary’s
office and making the docket “satisfied”
upon judgments against him. The penalty
for the offense is $2,000 fine and seven years
in the penitentiary. ’
—A few years ago Thomas Truby, of Clear-
field. was a. forty pound boy running around
DuBois. At the present time he weighs 263
pounds and is “agroin.” Tommy is a pretty
good chunk of a fellow but he is not near as
large a man physically as his father, Hon.
Jake Truby is politically.
—George Stewart, a young man cmployed
ona portable saw mill on the farm of W. B.
George, near Homer City, slipped on the
running platform. Before the machinery
could be stopped, his head was brought into
contact with the saw and one half of it cut
off. The trunk then returned to the saw
and cut off his right arm. Death was in-
—Monroe H. Kulp and Co., have bought
of the Beck estate, of Lewisburg, some 1,800
acres of timber tract, that will @ cut the
coming season and shipped to the coal re-
gions. This acreage is about 9 miles from
West Milton and it is said a railroad from the
latter point to the place of purchase will be
laid connecting with the P. & R. R. R. for
quick shipment.
—1It is now certain that the First National
bank of Hollidaysburg will re-open its doors
on Wednesday, January 27th, after having
been closed and in charge of a United States
bank examiner for forty-three days. No
lists of officers and directors of the re-organ-
ized institution have yet been given out. It
is good news to the depositors of the institu-
tion that the bank is to open without a cent
of loss to them.
—Stanley Bernski was frozen to death
within ten yards of a house at Eleanora,
near DuBois, Monday morning. = With a
companion he had been at Punxsutawney.
They started to walk home, nine miles, but
separated. Burnski was found by Farmer
Muth and driven within one block of home.
He walked a short distance, but fell, and was
unable to rise. Friends are searching for the
dead man’s companion, as it is believed he
was overcome by cold in an unfrequented
place. :
—Necar Houtzdale there resides a family
who have a little child 7 years of age that is
no larger than an ordinary five month baby.
The child isindeed a pitiable sight to be-
hold, as it sitsin alittle box and wildly stares
at the ceiling. When the poor unfortunate
tot was but a few month oid its parents had
it vaccinated and shortly after blood/poison-
ing set in, from which time it has never
grown a particle. The child is an imbecile
and has never shown a particle of reason, or
uttered a sound all on account of the vile
practice of vaccination.
—The building of the Altoona Evening
Gazette was badly damaged by fire Tuesday
morning. While a press was being cleaned
with benzine the can containing the fluid
exploded, setting fire to the combustible ma-
terial in the vicinity. Before the flames
were extinguished, the press room furniture
and presses were slightly damaged. A large
amount of Pennsylvania railroad work and
other job work ready to be delivered was
destroyed. The composing room was not
disturbed by the fire, and the paper came out
as usual Tuesday having been run off’ at the
Tribune office.
—The November election cost Lugerne