Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1897, Image 6

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Belle onte, Pa., Jan. 22, 1897.
About Rosa Bonheur.
Scarcely a woman artist of time is of
quite so much interest as the French
woman, Rosa Boheur, both for her success
in art and her peculiarities. She was born
in Bordeaux and her father was a drawing
teacher. She was a contrary child refusing
to study and roaming at will over the fields
and through the woods. At 4 she was pos-
sessed of a passion for drawing and as high
as she could reach the whitewashed walls
were covered with crude drawings. Her
father moved to Paris when Rosa was very
young and their first apartments were
above a bathing establishment. There was
a school for boys in the building and Rosa
attended it with her two little brothers,
not at all abashed at there being no other
girls to play with.
After 1830 times were hard with the
Bonheur family and Rosa’s father was out
of work. When her mother died an aunt
took charge of her, but Rosa pined for her
father and he finally took her back. She
was apprenticed to a dressmaker, but did
not like the, work and would steal away to
assist the dressmaker’s husband, who man-
ufactured percussion caps. Rosa did not
stay long here and as her father was too
busy with his studies to look after her she
occupied herself in coloring views for the
Brissons, friends who painted heraldic de-
vices, kaleidoscodic views, ete. Mme.
Bonheur says now that she never thinks of
her poor little earnings at that time with-
out emotion. Then her father sent her to
boarding school, where she upset affairs
with her rough, boyish ways and was sent
away in despatr.
She went back to her father’s house,
where a room was fitted up as a sort of
studio and she amused herself there while
he was running about Paris giving drawing
lessons. One day he came back and found
her at work on her first oil painting from
naturc—a bunch of cherries. “That’s
fine,”’ said the surprised parent. ‘In fu-
ture you must work earnestly.” Affairs
grew brighter after that ; some titled pa-
trons were, found, and the studio became
the rendezvous for a clever company.
When Roza Bonheur began to paint in the
Louvre she was called the little Huzzar on
account of her costume and independent
ways. However, the copies she made sold
rapidly and the students ceased to laugh at
her. She went to the country and became
fascinated with the individuality of ani-
mals made some studies and received a
medal for a salon picture. The studio
where Rosa and her father worked was a
strange medley of disorder, and the father
himself was eccentric. When he received
ege, beaten until it is very light and
thick. Secure freshly roasted peanuts,
shell them and chop very fine. Stir
money he would take a handful and toss it
among the bewildering accumulation of |
stuff in the room. When the day came |
that there was no money in the house they |
would search the heap and would always |
find a dollar or so to live on.
Resolved to succeed in her line Rosa
Bonheur worked Lard and even frequented
the slaughter house of the Roule. Her
presence surpised the rough men there and
they were dispesed to make things uncom-
fortable for her. About this time a drug-
gist asked her hand in marriage, but as she
naively says : ‘The drug store had no at-
tractions for me and so I refused him.”’
She took a studio of her own and worked
harder than ever.
She hecame engaged upon her famous
painting, ‘The Horse Fair,”” and to facil-
itate her work adopted masculine attire,
securing the permission of the prefect of
police. Her appearance, she says, was
very boyish. When her ‘Horse Fair”?
was exhibited and sold for $8,000 she says
she felt like a millionaire. It finally sold
for 860,000. She visited Scotland and was
charmed with the country.
In 1%5% Rosa Bonheur bought the es-
tate of By, where she lives to-day. It is
in the heart of the forest of IFountaine-
bleau, and she paid $10,000 for it, build- |
ing her own studio There she has since |
lived happily, removed from the world and
surrounded by her beloved animals. In
1865 she was busy painting when her maid
rushed in crying, ‘Mademoiselle! The
empress | The empress is coming I” The
artist just had time to throw a skirt on
over her woolen trousers and exchange her
long blue blouse for a velvet jacket, when
the empress’entered, bearing the decora-
tion of the Legion of Honor, which she be-
stowed on the artist, who was afterward
invited to breakfast at Fountainebleau,
where she was most kindly treated by the
At present Mme. Bonheur lives very
simply, getting up with the dawn and go-
ing to bed at dark. She walks or drives,
paints, smokes cigarettes and reads. Her
favorite books are the Bible and works on
hunting, history and travel. Before she
commences a picture she studies the sub-
ject exhaustively, prefacing this with con-
scientitious studies from nature, looking
for the exact sky and surroundings which
will suit her subject. Not till she has
found them does she touch a brush to her
The Indian Famine.
Out of a population of 2,000,000 in the
district of Jabalpur, in India, 90,000 are
said to have perished from famine, and ru-
mors of revolt against the government are
rife. It is probable India will always have
the recurrence of famine. The climate is
such that the country from time to time
is subject to terrible destroying droughts,
during which crops and cattle alike perish.
The failure of food follows, and death reaps
a wide harvest. But the climate is not
alone in the responsibility for the failure
of the crops and the consequent suffering.
The peculiar religious doctrines of the peo-
ple make long pilgrimages popular, and
everything is neglected by little armies of
the faithful, who waste their time and their
accumulated means to visit some religious
spot. The veneration with which many
things are regarded prevents the introduc-
tion of sanitary measures, which could be
remedied, prevail in many parts of India,
inviting epidemic and aiding famine.
The British government is doing what it
can to construct irrigating canals, establish
better systems of cultivation, and better
hygienic practices, but the innovations in a
country where religion and caste prejudices
are so inflexible are received largely with
distrust and with opposition. If revolt |
shall follow the famine, the Lorror will on-
ly be increased by the bloodshed -to ensue, |
to say nothing of the evil results of the neg- |
lect of crops that need every encourage-
ment in this extremity. The British can- |
not make favorable weather, but they |
could ameliorate the condition of the un- |
fortunates if British advice and inethods
were more closely followed.—Pittsburg |
——Look out for colds at this season.
Keep yourself well and strong by taking
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great tonic and
blood purifier.
| appearatico,
Made of Peanuts.
Many Palatable Things Nutritious and Dainty.—
Soups, Sandwiches and Desserts That Can Be
Constructed with the Simple Groundnut as
Foundation—The Doctors Have Indorsed the
The nutritious and extremely palatable
peanut, which has been a decidedly popular
feature of the country circus and the
country fair for so many years, is now re-
ceiving an honored place among the nut
family, regardless of the fact that it is dug
from the ground like the potato instead of
being gathered from a tree. Doctors have
found that the peanut is ‘‘an article of food
rich in albumen, of which it contains 50
per cent, with 10 per cent of fat and
nitrogenous extractive matters.” And
these little ground nuts, as they were form-
erly called, are recommended as a valuable
article of food, in the form of soups, pur-
ees and mush.
The Chinese koil peanuts and roll them
fine, mold them into a dough and bake.
The contriving housewife has already dis-
covered that peanuts can be used to great
advantage in many ways, of which here
are a few :
Finely chopped peanuts eaten in mitk in
place of the rolled mush so much used,
make a dish very higly thought of, and one
very acceptable for the belated shopper or
to be eaten at bedtime when a light lun-
cheon is required.
Peanuts rolled fine and added to the
bread stuffing for ducks greatly improve it.
There are several ways of using peanuts
for sandwiches. One way is to roll the
meats very fine and stir them thickly in
mayonnaise dressing and spread between
thin slices of bread. Another method is to
roll or pound the shelled or skinned pea-
nuts and spread them thickly upon thin
slices of buttered bread. Sprinkle lightly
with salt before putting the slices together.
Still another filling is made by salting the
powdered nut meats and mixing them with
enough Philadelphia cream cheese to hold
them together. Spread this on squares of
thin bread or crackers. These sandwiches
are particularly nice to serve with lettuce
A peanut paste served on bread is made
thus: For an ¢gg beat a tablespoonful of
butter to a cream and into it stir a table-
spoonful of sugar and the yolk of an
chopped nuts with the other ingredients un-
til you have a thick paste that will spread.
Slice bread into very thin slices and cut.
them into some fancy form, such as rounds
Personally-Conducted Tour via Pennsylvania Raii-
At 8:13 A.M. Wednesday, January 27th,
a special train of Pullman composite, din-
ing, sleeping, compartment, and observa-
tiop cars will leave the handsome Jersey |
City depot.of the Pennsylvania railroad,
bound for San Diego, California, and con- |
veying the first of the Pennsylvania rail-
road company’s personally-conducted tours
to the Pacific coast. :
This train will be the finest that ever.
crossed the continent, and the tour it carries ;
is one of the most elaborate and complete
ever conceived for trans-continental and
pleasure travel. In charge of an affable and
experienced tourist agent, asssisted by a
highly-accomplished chaperon, this party,
without fear of missing train connections,
and without any of these petty annoyances
incident to individual traveling, crosses the
American continent with as much comfort
and ease as it would spend a week at the
Waldorf, stopping, too, at St. Louis, Kan-
sas City, Las Vegas Hot Springs and Santa
Fe, and visiting their principal points of
interest. A bath room, barber shop, and an
upright piano will be found on the train,
and every other convenience and luxury of
a first class hostlery.
The great object of this touris to escape
the insalubrious climate of the East and to
sojourn for a time amid the transcendent
beauties of California, breathe its invigora-
ting air and bask beneath its matchless
sky. A grander attraction could not he
offered, nor a more perfect method of reach-
ing it. ,
Five weeks will be allowed in this ‘‘Par-
adise of the Pacific, during which tourists
will visit Los Angeles, Passadena, ‘‘Ye Al-
pine Tavern,’’ Santa Barbara, San Bernar-
dino, Mt. Hamilton, and the garden spot
of the earth, Del Monte.
Returning, tourists will stop at Salt Lake
City, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs
Manitou, Denver and Chicago. Two days
will be spent visiting the famous and sub-
lime freaks of nature in the Manitou re-
Tickets for this tour, including railroad
transportation, Pullman accommodations
(one double berth), meals en route, car-
riage drives, and hotel accommodations go-
ing and returning, and transportation in
California, will besold at rate@f $310.00
from all stations on the Pennsylvania rail-
road system east of Pittsburg.
Apply to ticket agents, tourist agent at
1196 Broadway, New York, or Geo. W.
Boyd. assistant general passenger agent,
Broad street station, Philadelphia.
triangles or diamonds, and spread them
thickly with the nut paste. Beat the white
of the egg very stiff, and add to it a. tea-
spoonful of powdered sugar. Pile this mer-
ingue upon the spread bread and scatter a
few finely chopped peanuts over the top. |
Heat a shovel, fillit with hot coals and hold |
it over the meringues long enough to very |
lightly color them. These sweet sandwich- |
es are nice to serve with chocolate or cof- |
fee in the cvening. They may also be |
served for a dessert. In this case a little |
| bit of currant jelly or a preserved cherry |
put into the centre of each piece adds to its i
: |
Peanut meringue shells are nice to serve |
with plain ice cream. Beat the whites of |
four eggs very light and stir in three quar-
ters of a pound of powdered sugar, a table-
spoonful of flour and a cup of finely
chopped peanuts. Drop the mixture hy
spoonful upon buttered papers and bake in
a rather cool oven. Place a shell on each
side of a large spoonful of ice cream and
put a 1i¥tle whipped cream over the top in
Another dessert is peanut croquettes. |
Put a gill of milk and half a pint of bread
crumbs in a sancepan and stir over the tire
until there is a smooth mass. Add half a
cup of finely chopped peanuts which have |
had a tablespoonfal of sherry poured over |
them. Stir in the well beaten yolks of 2
eggs and remove from the fire at once. |
When the mixture becomes cold, form it |
into balls and roll them in ege and cracker
| dust. Fry them a delicate brown in hot
| lard. Drain on brown paper at the mouth |
of the oven so they will keep hot, and
serve them with a caramel sauce.
For salted peanuts, shell and skin the
peanuts and to a cup of nuts stir in a table- |
spoonful of melted butter or oil and a ta- |
blespoonful of salt. Let them stand one |
hour ; then drain and place them on a |
bright pan and put in a moderate oven. |
Cook until they are a nice brown, stirring |
them frequently so that they will brown
evenly. |
Peanut soup is made like a dried pea |
soup. Soak 14 pints of nut meats over-
night in 2 quarts of water. In the morn-
ing add three quarts of water, a bay leaf, a
stalk of celery, a blade of mace and a slice
of onion. Boil this slowly for four or five
hours, stirring frequently to prevent burn-
ing. Rub through a sieve and return to
the fire. When again hot, add a cup of
cream. Let the soup boil up once, and it
is ready to serve. Serve croutons of bread
with this soup.
To make asalad with peanuts soak a cup
of the nut meats in olive oil, drain them
and mix with two cups of finely cut celery
and a dozen pitted olives. Mix them with
a mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce
leaves. This is a nice salad to serve with
To make peanut jumbles weigh a scant
half pound of butter, add a half pound of
powdered sugar and stir them to a cream.
Add two beaten eggs and a little nutmeg.
Take one cup of finely rolled peanuts and
stir them in with three quarters of a pound
of flour. Break off pieces of the dough and
roll them in sugar on the molding board |
with the hand and form themTinto rings on
a buttered pan, leaving a space between
them to spread. Put 4 half peanuts on
each ring and bake them in a moderate
oven to a very delicate brown.
Peanut wafers are delicious. To make
them stir to a cream half a cup of butter
and a cup of sugar. Dissolve a scant half |
teaspoonful of soda in half a cup of milk
and add it to the creamed mixture, and
then stir in 2 cups of flour and beat the
mixture vigorously. Turn a baking pan
upside down, wipe it very clean, butter it
and spread the, wafer mixture over it, us- |
ing a knife to make the mixture smooth |
and quite thin. Sprinkle the top thickly
with finely rolled peanuts and bake the
wafers in a moderate oven until browned.
As soon as the tin is taken from the oven
cut the cake into squares and place them
on a molding board to cool. Put these wa-
fers into a tin box to keep crisp.—New
York Sun.
‘Merely a Hint.
He—“Nature abhors a vacuum.”
She—‘“Yes, bit hature probably never
sat up all night hoping, every time she
yawned, that he would take the hint.”’
Then he grabbed his hat and went.
No Earthly Use.
no friends ?”’
Beggar (sobbing )—‘‘No leddy ; I hain’t |
got nuthin’ but relatives.
Reduced Rates to Washington on Ac-
count of the Inauguration via Penn-
sylvania Railroad.
For the benefit of those who desire to
attend the ceremonies incident to the in-
| auguration of President-clect McKinley, |
the Pennsylvania railroad company will :
sell excursion tickets to Washington March
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, valid to return from
March 4th to 8th, at the following rates :
From: Pittsburg, $10.00; Altoona, $9.80 ;'
Harrisburg, $5.06, and from all other sta-
tions on the Pennsylvania system at 1e-
duced rates.
This inauguration will be a most inter-
esting event, and will undoubtedly attract
a large number of people from every scc-
tion of the country.
The magnificent facilities of the Penn-
sylvania railroa.{ make this line the fa- |
vorite route to the national capital at all
times, and its enormous equipment and
i splendid terminal advantages at Washing-
ton make it especially popular on such oc-
casions. 42-1-8¢.
——The eremation of sixteen, inmates of
an orphan asylum in Texas, early Satur-
day morning, when the institution in which
they were cared for was destroyed by fire,
is another fearful and,impressive warning.
Doubtless the managers of the institution
did all that was in their power to save
their charges after the fire was discovered,
and they did save more than 200, but it is
evident the house was a tinder box and
the means of escape inadequate to the occa-
sion. The expediency of keeping large
bodies of children in an institution were
tragedies of this sort are always possible is
very doubtful. There is no excuse for the
institution unless the effort to find homes
for humanity’s waifs and strays fails.
Letters from Farmers.
In South and North Dakota, relating their own
personal experience in those states, have been
published in pamphlet form by the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, and as these letters
are extremely interesting, and the pamphlet is
finely illustrated, one copy wiil be gent to any ad-
dress, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Ap-
ply to John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
486 William Street, Williamsport Pa. 42-1-3t
Pennsylvania I Railroad Company.
Personally Conducted Tours—Matchless
in Every
Three toursto CALIFORNIA and the PACIFIC
COAST will leave Harrisburg, Altoona, and Pitts-
burg January 27, February 24, and March 27, 1897.
Five weeks in California on the first tour, and
four weeks on the second. Passengers on the
third tour may return on regular trains within
nine months. Stop will be made at New Orleans
for Mardi-Gras festivities on the second tour.
Rates from all points on the Penna. R. R. Sys-
tem; First tour, $310.00; second tour, $350.00;
third tour, $210,00. From Pittsburg, $5.00 less for
' each tour.
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Flori-
da, will leave New York and Philadelphia January
26, February 9 and 23, and March 9, 1897. Rate,
covering expenses en route in both directions,
$53.00 from Pittsburg, and proportionate rates
from other points.
For detailed itineraries and other information,
apply at ticket agencies, or address Thos. E.
Watt, Pass. agent western district, 360 Fifth Ave-
nue, Pittsburg, Pa. 41-48-3m
The Crop Outlook in South Dakota for
It requires but a small amount of rain-fall in
South Dakota to mature the crop. During 1896
South Dakota had, up to September 30th, three
and seven-tenth inches more of rain-fall than for
any of the previous sixteen years. Since Septem-
ber 30th .there has been added at least three or
four inches to the excess, making a gain of near-
ly eight inches more than the average. Early in
November there were heavy rains, depositing
over two inches, and since then there have been
heavy snows, and about a foot of snow covered
the ground on November 25th. Dakota farmers
have abundance of hay and great supplies of oats,
barley and corn. Wheat has advanced about sev-
enty cents a bushel in local market, and prospects
for further advance are good. The ground will
come out in the spring better soaked than ever
before. The prospect for better prices next year
is good. There are thousands of people in the
east who could do no better than go to South Da-
kota now and buy their seed and feed for next
year, and move out in the spring. First-class
farming land in South Dakota, along the lines of
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, can now
be bought at from £10 to §15 an acre. The cream-
ery industay and stock-raising in South Dakota
will greatly increase during 1897. For further in-
formation address W. E. Powell, General immi-
gration agent, 410 Old Colony building, Chicago,
or H. I. Hunter, immigration agent for South Da-
kota, 205 Dearborn street, Chicago, I11. 41-48-2t.
New Advertisements.
As you lean back in your chair with
your feet on the fender and peruse
your evening paper, you must be
amazed at the columns devoted to
advertising patent medicines, the
schemos®@niployed to bring the reme-
dies before the readers notice and the
ingenuity displayed in wording testi-
monials =o as to make them conform
to the advertised claims. The tongue
runs glibly over half a column of intro-
ductory matter and then as a rule,
winds np with the gist of some testi-
monial received from a sufferer of
some malady. Read them carefully
and notice this. Chicago and St. Louis
examples do duty in New York. Cali-
fornia residents flit before Maine citi-
zens in regular succession like the
connected scenes in a Panorama, Is
it not hard to indorse an act perform-
ed in some far away hamlet even if em-
bellished with all the adjectives that
the Anglo-Saxon language can fur-
nish. Reverse the case and read the
testimony of Mr. %, Rhine of 2nd
Thompson St. The impression left is
convincing, conclusive. Says he :—
“My trouble in the back started from
a slight strain. It developed into a
urinary ditticulty, the most marked
being an excessive desire to urinate,
particularly at night. My back hurt
to stoop, to straighten up and if I
made any awkward or unthought of
move. I always got a reminder in
the shape of a sharp, piercing twinge.
I got a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills for
it at Green's Pharmacy. They cured
me. Iam pleased at the result, for
one year of it isas long as any man
cares to stand of Kidney complaint.”
Doan’s Kidney Pills for sale by all
dealers, price 50 cents per box. Mail-
ed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Ov Oat-meal and flakes are always fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
INuminating Oil.
Two Weeks in Florida.
To see Florida is a pleasure ; to visit it is
a vprivelege; but to spend a fort-
night within its borders is an epoch.
There is a great satisfaction in wit-
nessing the ripening of tropical fruits in
their own native land, and a peculiar joy
in wrestling with old ocean’s waves when
lakes and rivers at home are all icebound.
One appreciates the wonders of modern in-
vention and railroad development upon
leaving the neighborhood of good skating
one day and finding himself in the vicinity
of good bathing the next. Yet this dan be
done, and the man who prefers hunting or
fishing will will take his accoutrements
along with him, for Florida extends a cor-
dial invitation to all sportsmen.
Whoever would exchange for two weeks
the uncertain climate of the North for the
delightful and Spring-like sunshine of
Florida should take the personally-conduc-
ted Jacksonville tour of the Pennsylvania
railroad which leaves New York by special
train January 26th. Excursion tickets for
this tour, including railway transportation,
Pullman accommodations (one berth), and
meals en route in both directions while
traveling on the special train, will be sold
at the following rates : New York, $50.00 ;
Philadelphia, $48.00, and at proportionate
rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other infor-
mation apply to ticket agent at 1196 Broad-
way, New York, or to Geo. W. Boyd, assis-
tant general passenger agent, Broad street
station, Philadelphia.
——1It looks very much as if Major Mec-
Kinley in taking John Sherman out of the
senate to make room for Mark Hanna has
precipitated a bitter conflict in his own
state, which may land Hanna high and
dry. He is about the most objectionable
personality in the Republican party to-day,
because his reputation and political methods
rest solely on hoodle and arrogance. Gov-
ernor Bushnell, instead of appointing
Hanna to the Sherman vacancy, will call
an extra session of the legislature and be
himself a candidate. As the legislature is
a Foraker institution; body and breeches,
both McKinley and Hanna will have to
come down handsomely and arrange other
mortgages, or the Cleveland boodler will
never sit among the conscript fathers. We
believe it was President Cleveland who ob-
served that a mortgaged president must
necessarily have rough sledding.— Post.
New Advertisements.
5.000 $5,000 $5,000
All combined in an immense Stock of Fine
have Dropped
{ To-day Prices }
For Saie by The Atlantic Refining Company.
All who are interested in furthering the sale of
respond immediately with the publishers.
An Account of his campaign tour
HON. W. J. BRYAN'S NEW BOOK should cor-
The work will contain
His biography, written by his wife.
His most important speeches.
results of the campaign of 1896.
A review of the political situation.
Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the
Mrs. Wellment—‘‘Poor fellow ! have you | cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enormous sale. Address
W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers,
41-51-1t 541-551 Dearborn
‘Travelers Guide.
Condensed Time Table.
Travelers Guide.
Schedule in eftect Nov. 16th, 1896.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
EL a. m., at Altoona, 1.00 p. m., at Pittsburg,
.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 2.15
p. m., at Altoona, 2.55 p. m., at Pittsburg, 6.50
Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.00, at Altoona, 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11.30.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10, at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at Philadel-
phia, 11.15. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
2.15 a. m., at Harrisburg, 7.00 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 5.47 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.44 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.00 at Harrisburg, at 10.20 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven,
10.30 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m., arrive at Williamsport, 3.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, at 9.30 p. m.
Leaye Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven
10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at
Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m,, arrive at Williamsport, 3.50, leave
Ir m., Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia
15p. m,
Leave Bellefonte, 8.31 p.- m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 9.30 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 a.
m., arrive at Harrisburg, 2.22 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
urg, at 9.15 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.. = :
Leave Belle onte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewisburg,
Ih at Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia at
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731 32 05 57
T 411 336 215 52
745 340 5 48
754 349 539
8 01 355 5 32
8 06 3 59 5 25
8 08 401 55 21
809 402 519
8 171 4 08 5 08
411 sceola June.. 5 04
4 16 Boynton... 5 3 5 01
4 19] Steiners.. ...| 5 31! 10 15/4 57
4 23 hilipsburg... 5 30] 10 14{4 56
8 4 28 .Graham...... 5 26) 10 0914 51
8: 4 33 Blue Ball... 5 21] 10 04(4 46
8 439] ¢ .Wallaceton ...| 5 16] 9 58/4 39
8 4 44 10 04 .......Bigler ...... 511 9 53/4 33
8 j 4 50) 10 101... Woodland..... 5 06] 9 47/4 2T
8! 4 53 10 . Mineral Sp...| 505 9 44/4 24
9 4 57 10 .. Barrett 9 40/4 20
905 592 102 .Leonard 9 354 15
9.00] 506 10 281... 9 31/14 09
914 511 1934s... 9 26/4 03
9200 517] 10 41]... 9 20:3 56
9 25 3 22! 10 46! 9 153 51
; 10 52 13 35
, 11 02 i3 ay
. '11 06!....Grampian '3 91
I . | AW, AY,
| w
o | & = < |= 2
20 FI 8 EF
Rial t E 2 1z
w IA] joo gd
P.M. | | A.M A. M. | P.M. P.M.
6 3 11 10 8 101 12 30/7 15
5 0 11 04 8 16) 12 36[7 21
5 5] 11 00. 8 20f 12 40/7 25
5 4 10 56 8 24 12 44/7 29
5 .| 10 49 3 ..| 8 30{ 12.507 35
5 10 46 .......Fowler......]. 8 33] 12 52|7 38
5 31 1048 ..... Hannah...... 8 35] 12 54/7 40
5 5] 10 36 ..Port Matilda... 8 42] 1 00|7 47
3: 10/28... Martha......| 849] 1 06/7 54
5 1 10 2 858 1148 03
5 0: 23) 10 11]....Unionville 907) 123iS12
4 16/ 10 04:Snow Shoé Int.| 9 15] 1 30/8 20
45 | 10 01]... Milesburg.. ...| ¢ 1338923
4 4 ( ; 1 42(8 31
4 3 1.558 43
42 2 04/8 51
4 2 088 Hd
41 Howard.. 2 14/9 01
4 Eagleville 2 23i9 10
4 Beech Creeks... 2 2619 13
3 2 37/9 24
3 lemington... 2 3919 26
3 Lock Haven..| 10 ) 2 43/9 30
P. WwW, Arr , In,
EASTWARD. Nov. 16th, 1896. WESTWARD.
—_— STATIONS: | me
P.M !a wm Ly Ar. A. M
2 150 6 30] Bellefonte
2 63: AXxemann.
2 6 38 Pleasant Gap.
2 6 41 LT
2 3 6 Dale Summit.
ye 6 ..Lemont...
..0ak Hall.
..Linden Hall.
..Centre Hu
Penn's Cave.
digi i
Kh ww
Paddy Mountain.
..Cherry Run..
3 2
3 sindale.. 19) 241
3 5b 12) 2 34
4 02! 225
4 53 218
4 50! 2 16
4 45 212
4 38] 207
43 20; 158
4 624i 153
4 47 615 145
4 55 540 133
P.M, Yv ia. MPN,
9 i
® » x
i 141 |
A. M. |Ar.
9 20..
9 0
8 57 |
8 51|Penn. Furnace
8 45!......Hostler.....
8 39/... .Marengo......
8 35|....Loverville. ...
eveis 3 38) 8 29|.Furnace Road.
Toren 3 31 8 26/....Dungarvin...
3 23| 8 18 Warrior's Mark
3 14] 8 (9)...Pennington...
3 031 7 58....... Stover.......
iron 2 55 7 50]..... Tyrone......
P. M. | A. nm. |Lve.
Time Table in effect on and after
Nov. 16th, 1896.
READ pDOowN | Reap we
9% TT | Nov. ath, 1806. | Ty Lonvs Snow Basel] 20 a. m. and 3 15 p. m.
v erin No 6/N rrive in Bellefonte ~-142p.m, * 5p. m.
No 1}No 5No 3 Ra 580 N02 | Lonve Bellefonte orm 7 00 me ** 3 oo > m.
y Arrive in Snow Shoe 0008. m, ¢“ 252 p.m.
a. m. Ye i) . m. | Lve. Ar.|p. mM.|p. In.[a. m.
1 20 % 1513 $5 BRLLEFONTE. [10 15/76 10/10 10 ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAIL-
7 2 7 59] 3 57)........Nigh. 110 0z| 5 57) 9 56 ROAD. x
41.8 05 4 03y.......... Zion.........| 9 561 5 51; 9 50 7 T
7 46| 8 13] 4 08/_HECLA PARK..| 9 51| 5 46 9 45 | Schedule to take effect Monday, Nov. 16th, 1896.
748) 8 15| 4 10|...... Dun kles......| 9 49| 5 44| 9 43 | WisTwATD CEA
7%2| 8 19] 4 9 45! 5 40| 9 39 yood down read up
7 56) 8 23] 4 Dl NST] mos Tamm,
7 58] 8 25] 4 930 535 033 NO. LNg uliNo 1] STATIONS. Hin, line, q[tNO
S00] 8 27] 4 2 q 37 533] 9 31 5| i | | er
3 & Sold as
2 0 5 » 3 2 s oo 5 a 2 2 POL] AL ML Lv. Ar, A.M. | P. M. (P.M.
8 on 8 36] 4 31.1 9 28 5 24] 9 21 | 4 20] 10 {Bellefonte ..., 8 45 2 10{6 40
3 16] 8 430 4 SF Mackayvilie Sf oo 85) 5 1a 043 [1 20) 1097) 9 90). Coleviin...| 840) S004
8 23| 8 48) 4 42) Cedar Spring...| 9 17) 5 12, 9 op | 4 301 10 42 6 dO\..... Wen] 23 1 mes
8 25] 8 50 4 50/.........SalonA,...... 015! 5 91] nop] 1 33] 10.49) Gall. Whitmer. ..} S85 520
8 30] 8 35] 4 55)... MILL HALL... to 10/45 05119 01 4 38 10 53{ 6 50.Hunter's Park.| 831} 1 40/6 15
: ay ah ih a 4 41! 10 56| 6 53|...,.Fillmore......| 8 28 1 36,6 12
9301 9 45... Jersey Shore......... 430] T55|4 450 11 02] 7 00 .Briarly.......| 8 24! 1 306 07
10 05) 10 20(Arr. WMs' PORT | Lve| 4 00| 17251448 1105 7 05| Waddle ~ 8201 1 25:6 03
110 20*11 30{Lve ne fArr.| 2 401 *6 55 { 4 50| 11 08; 7 08|..Lambourn....| 8 18] 1 226 00
son] Taal) -| 18 35%11 30 11 20717). Krumrine...!| 8 07] 10715 46
6 45]
) 4D)
(Via Tamaqua.) |
7.25] 19 301.......ce] EW YORK......... |
| (Via Phila.) |
p. m.ja. m.|Arr. m.[p. m.
*Daily. +Week Days. 26.00 P. M. Sundays.
“110.10 A. M. Sunday.
Partanerenia Speerine Car attached to East-
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P, M, and
West-hbound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M.
General Superintendent.
~UDIv, Inne, | 802 1 02,5 7
State College..]| 8 00] 1 J05 40
doves rubles... 7 7) 1 04;5 30
| | omsdorf..., 7 40, 5 23
5 20; | 7 37/Pine Grove Cro.| 7 37 5 20
Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg,
Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect
with train No. 3 for State College. Afternoon trains
from Montandon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53
from Lock Haven connect with train No. 5
for State College. Trains from State College con-
nect with Penna R. R. trains at Bellefonte.
+ Daily, except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS Supt.,