Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1897, Image 3

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    Remon fan
Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 22, 1897.
—Shredded corn fodder makes good feed,
good bedding and good manure. Shred
when perfectly dry and store under a rain-
proof roof, in not too great bulk, and it
will keep all right.
“Lime water is considered very good for
scours in lambs. Where it is to be fed to
all the sheep, a quart of slacked lime is
put in a trough and 50 gallons of water
put in. When thoroughly settled the
sheep will drink it without hesitation.
—The time to prepare for the garden is
now. Get the manure ready and have it
well rotted, making it as fine as possible.
The best gardens are those which are given
manure liberally and which can be well in-
corporated with the soil. By rofting the
manure many seeds of weeds will also be
—Great Britain has more than 30,000,-
000 sheep on a territory not greatly in
excess of Minnesota and Iowa. France
has 20,000,000 on a much smaller area.
With their high-priced land they seem
able to make profit out of their sheep.
This country has room for a much greater
—It will cost but little to maintain a
co-operative organization of farmers to
fight insects. One neglectful . farmer in a
community may undo al=the work of the
others. It is almost useless for a farmer to
destroy a San Jose scale, cabbage butterflies
and catterpillars if his neighbor allows the
pests to have full sway.
—The soft unpripened nubbins of corn
will fatten a pig more quickly than the
ripe ears will. So to boil the small potatoes
with corn ears, and feed the thick mush
thus resulting, when it is nearly cold, will
fatten pigs quickly and cheaply. Pork
may be made for two cents a pound in this
way, after the pigs have run on a clover
—If care is taken to select only good
milk cows, and breed them to a sire whose
ancestry show a good record in the dairy,
you can depend upon the cows that come
from such breeding being good dairy ani-
mals. There is less risk of failure in this
than in almost any other line of breeding.
Proper care in selection will almost in-
_ variably give satisfactory results.
—A gardener who was very successful in
winter with hot-house plants, in which he
produced cucumbers, tomatos, peas, ete.,
under glass, gave as the secret of his suc-
cess that he kept a hive of bees in the hot-
house, and raised the temperature suffi-
ciently to induce the bees to come out and
fertilize the blossoms, which is an impor-
tant matter in growing some kinds of vege-
—In order to keep up the vitality of the
plant and to obtain a delicious and health-
ful product, the rhubarb root should be re-
planted occasienally. If the stool remains
undisturbed for a number of years it be-
gins to decay in the centre, and soon the
whole plant becomes diseased. As the
plant is propagated by division it can be
kept in the healthiest condition by dividing
the stool, and replanting the different por-
—Lima beans pay as a crop, and in esti-
mating for next year a portion of the land
should be set aside for that purpose. As
there are now dwarf large Lima beans
poles are being discarded. A crop of string
beans may be grown between the rows un-
til the Limas get well under growth, and
the two crops may be cultivated by horse
power. If the hills are mulched, the
plants will escape drought should it pre-
—Every farmer who burns wood even
partially for heating and cooking should as
early in the winter as possible cut and pile
enough wooed to last a whole year. This
will save many complaints during the
summer, and be much easier done now
than in warm weather. Besides, dry wood
burns without the waste of the heat, al-
ways lost in turning its sap into steam.
‘When using green wood, chips and small
limbs will dry out more quickly than will
the body of the tree, especially if the small
limbs are spilt.
—LEnglish breeders carefully note at
what age the steer shows the greatest gain,
and for the largest profit feeds accordingly.
In a test a calf was weaned at 12 days old
and fed skimmed milk and linseed meal,
and later on chopped roots, bran and hay,
with cut grass in summer. He was weigh-
ed every three months and it was found
that when 2 years old he gave a profit, but
after that he lost, which is quite mn ac-
cordance with our experience in this coun-
try, that steers are most profitably fed up
to 18 to 24 months if fed liberally from the
—=Soft corn is more often wastefully fed
to hogs than put to the best uses it is cap-
able of. It is moist, and when eaten easily
ferments in the stomach of animals that do
not ruminate, and especially of the hog
which gets as a rule no coarse food to dis-
tend its stomach and aid digestion. A few
nubbins twice a day to cows giving milk
will be digested nearly as well as will the
grain when ground. The soft corn on the
ear is with the cob brought up in the cud
and is there most thoroughly chewed,
while if corn meal is fed alone it goes di-
rect to the third stomach, and is there very
poorly digested. :
—Those who grow clover should never
fail to use lime or wood ashes. Lime is
cheap, and there is no excuse for omitting
it. Where wood ashes are difficult to ob-
tain it is better to procure the potash salts.
An advantage in wood ashes is that they
contain both lime and potash, the lime
being in an excellent form for application
to the soil. Ashes contain phosphoric acid
also, as phosphate. The clover will pro-
vide the soil with nitrogen, hence clover
and wood ashes will make any soil fertile
if clover can be made to grow upon it. The
use of ashes must depend upon their cost,
however, but lime can be easily and cheap-
ly obtained at all times.
—An 80-pound lamb will bring more
money than a full-grown sheep, provide it
gets into the market early. Lambs which
come in February and reach the market in
July, requiring five months to weigh 80
pounds, are considered as having made
good progress. If the lamb can be made to
produce 80 pounds in four months, it is
equivalent to having it come in January,
or a month earlier. With the use of the
mutton breeds such lambs can be produced
in three months, thus gaining not only two
months in earliness, but also in quality.
This is important when it is taken into
consideration than a gain of two weeks
may double the price of the lamb.
The Disappearance of our Forests.
This is the time when the thoughtful
man casts his eyes back over the year just
ended, and, recognizing his faults and mis-
takes, resolves to avoid them, if possible,
a the coming year. And it would prove
equally profitable if the community should
indulge in a little wholesome retrospection.
One of the glaring mistakes of the past year
is the utter disregard of the average citizen
for the preservation of our forests. It is
said that ‘‘within two years one acre out of
every nineteen in Pennsylvania has been
rendered so worthless by our reckless man-
agement of the woods that the owners have
refused to pay taxes upon it’’ It is also
claimed that ‘‘uncontrolled forest fires
burn up year after year about one million
dollars worth of property. and the poten-
tial loss to the state by the destruction of
young timber and of forest soil reaches a
large sum which can hardly be estimated.’’
Here also is another unpleasant fact: ‘In
six years prior to 1894 the valleys of the
west branch of the Juniata alone lost by
floods not less than one million dollars
from the unrestrained freshets which had
swept down from our treeless hills and
mountain sides.” These are no fanciful
statements, no figures of speech ; they are
taken from the report of the State Forestry
Commission, which shows that Pennsylva-
nia’s forest area has been deplorably neg-
lected and mismanaged.
The same freshets that run to waste
down the desolated hillsides bear with
them quantities of what was once forest
soil. This rich loam becomes mud in our
drinking water ; and this, together with
other more harmful ingredients, must be
gotten rid of. The stripping of the soil
from the fields does infinite harm ; but the
destitution which must result may be
stopped by a prompt recognition of the evil
and a timely remedy.
Public attention should take up the sub-
ject, and the people should demand that
reservations be set apart by the legislature
atcertain points in the State where sup-
plies of pure and wholesome water may be
guaranteed by proper cares of the forests.
Money appropriated for this purpose would
not only benefit the present generation,
but would prove of inestimable value to
our children. There is a society of well
known citizens, with headquarters at No.
1305 Arch street, the purpose of which is
to keep up a ‘forestry crusade ;’ and it is
now asking for assistance to carry on this
good work. It would certainly be repre-
hensible if the people of Pennsylvania
should turn a deaf ear to the crying needs
of the present year for adequate protection
of fast-disappearing forests.—Philadelphia
Is It Overproduction ?
Immediately after the election the great
Massachusetts Fall River mills were started
up with a whoop and hurrah. Gold-bug
newspapers throughout the country printed
the news with tremendous headliness, and
commented upon it editorially as one of
the most impressive evidences of the return
of prosperity. To-day a few of them, a
very few of the most honest of them, print
briefly the news of the prospective closing
of these same Fall River mills for lack of
orders. Naturally they give no prom-
inence to this bit of news, and prefer not
to talk about it, but unpleasant though the
facts may be, it is well to look them in the
face. .
Boston advices and comments upon the
| situation printed in our news to-day show
a lack of demand for the product of the
mills, which is ascribed to overproduction.
Before the election the closing down of
mills and the general quiet in manufactur-
ing was ascribed to either overproduction
or lack of confidence, but now, with Mec-
Kinley clected, of course, there can be no
lack of confidence and so it must be over-
That is a large and handy word, but it
does not appear to mean very much ; for
when we try to find what may be the limit
of demand over and above which produc-
tion has been carried, we discover that
there is no such limit in sight ; that there
is always a demand unsatisfied ; that there
are plenty of people who want the products
of those I"all River mills, for example, but
have not the wherewithal to pay for it. |
And these people in turn may then as truly |
be said to be suffering from overproduc-
tion, because the things they make, or sell
in stores, or cultivate on farms, are not
bought, although many want them who
are unable to pay for them.
This fine word ‘‘overproduction’ thus
stands for nothing more than a general
statement of the depressed state of business
which we well know to exist. It does not
explain it,” or give even a theory of its
cause. It is, in fact, a false and mislead-
ing word, for there is and can be no such
thing as overproduction of anything s8
long as there are unsatisfied needs for that
Men are as eager to work and as eager to
exchange the products of work as ever they
were, and the trouble is with the money
that forms the measure of the exchange of
those products.—Lancaster Intelligencer.
Finger Became a Noose.
Novel Case of Flesh Grafting by Which a
Woman's Organ of Smell Was Replaced.
It is due to the skillful surgery of Dr.
Joseph P. Tunis, of Philadelphia, that Mrs.
John Edwards, of Chester has a nose like
anybody else. The third finger is missing
from Mrs. Edward’s right hand, but is now
a part of her face, for it was grafted there
to form a new nose for her.” Mrs. Edwards
was admitted to the Methodist Episcopal
hospital late in the fall to be treated for a
cancerous growth. This ailment was
checked, but it had left an unsightly blem-
ish where the patient’s nose had been.
Mrs. Edwards agreed when Dr. Tunis sug-
gested the operation by means of which
one of her fingers was to be made to take
the place of her nose.
The patient was etherized, and the opera-
tion was begun. Dr. Tunis cut off the end
joint of the third finger of her right hand,
and disarticulated the remaining two bones.
The hand was held in position over Mis.
Edward’s face, and the boneless flesh was
laid over the damaged nose and stitched to
the face. Bandages of crinoline, spread
with plaster of Paris, held the arm firmly in
place. In three weeks the finger was
firmly grafted to the face. It was
then treated with a preparation of cocaine
and was severed from the hand, and Mrs.
Edwards has left the hospital with a new
nose, hardly less perfect in form than her
original one.
——J. Pierpont Morgan, the banker, is
going to give the New York Lying-in hos-
pital a building, costing $1,000,000. That
will be one of the greatest charitable do-
nations ever given by one individual. But
then it should he remembered that other
persons could do the same thing if they
had made as much money as Mr. Morgan
did out of government hond issues. That
important fact should not be forgotten.
High Art in Harrisburg.
In the opinion of members of the House
of Representatives art has reached the high-
water mark in Harrisburg. Something
like $70,000 has been expended in fitting
up the hall where our representatives will
gather. Mr. Crothers, of Philadelphia, in
a somewhat pointed speech, has proclaimed
the allegorical pictures which appear upon
the walls to be indecent. He furthermore
said that the hall looks more like a circus
band wagon than the Assembly Chambers
of legislators. He was not without sup-
port. And yet in spite of these pungent
criticisms the Representatives passed a
resolution of thanksgiving for the ornate
surroundings provided them.
There is no doubt that the hall of the
House of Representatives will attract much
attention. It has been fitted up in the
most lavish style. It may be said that
high art has been invcked, for the ceiling
is high, and there is a good deal of art
work upon it. There is a tremendous ex-
panse of red paint, broken with regular
stripes of green and gold. All around the
sides of this. Assembly Chamber are panel
paintings representing consumptive Greeks
in various styles of attire. Some of these
men, women and children are clad in gor-
geows costumes. Others are clad in no
costumes at all. All of them look as
though they might be benefited by a course
in physical training. If appearances indi-
cate anything most of them are suffering
from diseases of one form or another, but
they are all painted upon a magnificent
and sparkling background of gold.
If this hall were intended for a beer gar-
den or a concert garden it might be praised
but for a gathering place of sedate and dig-
nified lawmakers it is wholly out of place.
How any man with a true idea of art could
vote for a resolution of congratulations is
entirely beyond comprehension. The dec-
orations of such a chamber should be digni-
fied and sombre. Had the mahogany pan-
el scheme which the effervescent major De-
laney provided as the lower tier of decora-
tions been carried throughout the hall
would have been less like a circus tent.
But those who have had the fitting up of
this wonderful place have given us tinsel
and high colors and impossible human fig-
ures, and have made the Assembly room of
the Pennsylvania Legislature a reproach
upon even the most ordinary sense of art.
The members of the House may organize
themselves into a beer garden before B
session is over, but they ought not to be
led into excesses by concert garden sur-
roundings.— Inquirer.
He Wanted Fiction.
How an Agent For a Real Estate Firm Tackled Mrs.
Ella W. Peattie.
One of the short stories included in Mrs.
Ella W. Peattie’s recent book, ‘‘A Moun-
tain Woman,” is called ‘‘Jim Lancy’s
Waterloo.” It was originally printed in
Harper's and created quite a stir through-
out the west because of the faithfulness
with which it depicted the hardships of
farm life in certain sections of Nebraska.
Immediately after the story appeared
Mrs. Peattie received a storm of protests
from land agents and real estate dealers,
who swore that she had done the state of
Nebraska irreparable injury. One immi-
gration company believed it would be a
good idea to get another story from Mrs.
Peattie’s pen to offset the damaging effects
of the first. Itsent one of its agents to
The real estate man explained that his
company owned a large tract of land which
it wanted to place on the market and
wanted to know whether Mrs. Peattie
would write & pamphlet booming the en-
“Why, sir, I am afraid you don’t un-
derstand the sort of literary work I do,”
protested the writer. ‘I do not write
pamphlets and commercial work for adver-
tising purposes. I write nothing but fic-
The agent drew closer, cleared his
throat with an apologetic cough and re-
marked confidentially : “That's it, mum.
Tlfat’s what we want—fiction. We don’t
want any more facts.”’—Chicago Times-
The New Mint Building.
The drawings of the new mint building,
at Philadelphia, have been nearly com-
pleted and will soon be made public. It
is proposed to erect a substantial structure
of granite three stories high above the base-
ment. The entrance will be on Spring
Garden street, the widest street in Phila-
delphia, and will be of an attractive and
imposing design. Plans will be made for
setting the heavy machinery in the base-
ment, but the lighter machinery and the
clerical offices will be in the upper stories.
The building will be in the form of a hol-
low rectangle, with a spacious court in the
center. There will also be ample parking
on all four sides fronting Spring Garden,
Sixteenth, Buttonwood and Seventeenth
Fines for Wearing Theatre Hats.
Women to Pay $3 Each for Persistently Offend-
The ordinance passed recently by the
city council, Chic2zo prohibiting the wear-
ing of hats in the theatres and amusement
houses during the performance went into
effect Saturday. The penalty is directed
against the woman who persists in wearing
a hat at the theatre, making her liable to a
fine of $3.
Dragged a Mile by a Runaway.
Driver's Ear Gone and Cheek and Shoulder Scraped
On Saturday near Williamsport a team
driven by John Borgeson ran away, drag-
ging him for nearly a mile over the frozen
ground. His feet were entangled in the
reins, and when the runaway was stopped
it was found that Borgeson’s right ear had
been scraped off and his cheek and should-
ers worn to the bone.
—Spring is a better time to set trees
than fall, because at that season, trees ase
beginning to grow and will therefore, be
in a condition to respond more readily to
treatment, while in fall they are®unlikely
to establish themselves before cold weather
sets in. Preserve the roots to the fullest
extent, and do not disturb the tree until
after it has ripened and has shed its foli-
age. If the roots are cut away as they are
almost invariably are in spring planting,
be sure to cut back the top proportionately.
remem —
——I should think it would irritate
you, Dr. Pounder, to see members of your
congregation falling to sleep during your
“Not at all, madam,’ replied the preach-
er; ‘‘on the contrary, it delights me. Sleep |
isa sign of an easy conscience. Those who |
can sleep do not need sermons.’’
| sha, of Butler city, died on Sunday from
Buckeye State’s Senior Senator Accepts
McKinley’s Choicest Gift.
First Portfolio Placed—Responsible Post to Round
Out a Long and Brilliant Congressional Career—
Hanna Goes to the Senate—General Alger Strong-
ly Hinted at as the Next Secretary of War.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13th.—Positive an-
nouncement was made to-night that Presi-
dent McKinley had tendered the state
portfolio to Senator John Sherman, of Ohio,
and that the distinguished Buckeye states-
man has accepted and will be the premier
of the incoming administration.
Speculation as to who would be the Ohio
member in the cabinet of the president-
elect has persistently hovered about the
names of Senator Sherman and Mark
Hanna, the chairman of the national com-
mittee, the former being mentioned in con-
nection with the state and treasury portfo-
lois, and the latter in connection with the
head of the treasury and postoffice depart-
ments. It has been known for some time,
however, that Mr. Hanna’s ambitlon was
a seat in the United States senate. The
retirement of the Ohio veteran senator to ac-
cept the position of premier in Mr. McKin-
ley’s cabinet will probably open the way to
a gratification of the ambition. Mr. Sher-
man’s term as senator would expire two
years hence, March 4th, 1899.
The vacancy created by Mr. Sherman’s
retirement will be filled by appointment
by Governor Bushnell pending the assem-.
bling of the Ohio legislature in January,
1898. It is understood that the old war
in Ohio between the Sherman and Foraker
factions has ceased, and that complete har-
mony has been restored among the leaders.
This carries with it the stromg implication
that Governor Bushnell will appoint Mr.
Hanna to the vacancy in the senate when
Mr. Sherman steps out to assume the grave
responsibilities connected with the head of
the department of state.
Senator Sherman declines to make any
statement relative to the important an-
nouncement made to-night, but this in no
wise militates against its authenticity.
The definite announcement that Mr. Mc-
Kinley has selected the keystone of the
arch upon which his administration will
rest recalls the fact that it was Mr. Cleve-
land’s selection of Judge Walter Q. Gres-
ham for secretary of state of the present
administration which was first given to the
As secretary of state Mr. Sherman will
round out a brilliant public career which
began 42 years ago in the house of repre-
sentatives, and bring to that exalted post
a ripe experience which covered four terms
in the lower branch of congress and six |
terms in the upper house, besides four years |
at the head of the treasury department un-
der Mr. Hayes’s administration.
It 1s significent, in connection with the
knowledge that Mr. Sherman will be Secre-
tary of state, that General T. A. Alger, of
Michigan, while here a few days ago, had
a conference with the Ohio senator, at
which, it is understood, all their past dif-
ferences were adjusted and reconciled.
This strengthens the belief that General
Alger is also to be a member of Mr. Mc-
Kinley’s cabinet, the post he is to fill being
that of secretary of war. Reports, how-
ever, also persistently associate the name
of Senator Hawley, of Connecticut, with
this portfolio.
As the fact that Senator Sherman was to
be. secretory of state was not generally |
known in Washington to-night, it occa- |
sioned no gossip or comment.
Death Resulted from Foot Ball. |
Orville Henshaw, son of Marcine Hen- |
blood poisoning, aged about 19 years. |
About a year ago young Henshaw had his
leg injured in a foot ball game, and to save |
his life at the time the doctors amputated !
the limb above the knee. He never fully
recovered and blood poisoning ensued.
A Grand Success.
“If a Christmas present is to be judged !
by the element of surprise it contains,
Mrs. Hunker’s gift to her husband was a
grand success.”’
‘What did she present him with !”’
“Triplets,” |
——Terrible as are the ravages of the |
plague in Bombay, it is said they are sur-
passed by the horrors of the famine now in
full swing in Central India. Thousands of
men, women and children are dying daily.
The English people are contributing nobly
to the relief fund, but what they can give
will be ineffectual in the presence of the
dreadful want, and the whole world should !
hear and respond to the cry of the starving. |
——Alexander was ‘‘Great’’ at thirty,
Napoleon, the conqueror of Italy at twen- !
ty-six ; George Washington a colonel at
twenty-three ; Stonewall Jackson dead at
thirty-eight, Commodore Perry, the vic-
tor on Lake Erie at twenty-eight ; Alex-
ander Hamilton in Congress at twenty-five;
William Pitt, Prime Minister at twenty-
seven ; and John Calvin twenty-seven when
he wrote his ‘‘Institutes.”’ |
——There are 52 penitentiaries and over |
16,000 jails in the United States. They |
cost $500,000,000 to build. Over 900,000
persons wore incarcerated in the year 1892.
The criminal expense to the country is not |
less than $100,000,000 annually. ;
——During the past year Mexico export-
ed $1,800,000 worth of tobacco, cigars and
cigarettes, mpre than ever before.
Demme esses
Business Notice. i
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
——A teacher was one day explaining
addition of fractions to a lad of 9 years.
She said :
‘I can no more add one-third and one-
fourth without bringing them to a common
denominator, than I can add three girls
and four boys.”’
‘But I can do that!” he cried, ‘‘seven
children,’’ then added quickly, ‘‘Ah ! but
that is reducing them to a common de-
nominator !”’
——DB’Jones—That was a good scheme I
worked on my neighbor, Bugly, last even-
B'Jinks—What was that ?
I got him into an argument about lawn
mowing, and insisted he knew nothing
about it ; he got so excited that in order to
prove his point he lit in and mowed the
whole yard.
——The miners in the Massilon district
Ohio, have a chance to study ‘sound’
money at short range. Notices have been
posted that the price of pick mining will
be reduced from 61 cents to 51 cents per
ton. This does not sound as nice to the
mine workers as the promises made before
election and they are out on strike to re-
sist the reduction.
Heir to a Fortune.
A report comes from Sugar Valley to the
effect that a Green township farmer has
been informed by attorneys in Philadel-
phia that he is one of the heirs to a fortune
of $2,000,000. The fortune comes to him
through his connection with a family nam-
ed Baker.
Kelly : “Oi hev bad news fer ye,
Mrs. Murphy. Yer man’s foine new watch
is smashed all to pieces. An it was such a
foine wan, be dad.”
Mrs. Murphy : ‘‘An how was it afther
happening 2’ .
Kelly: ‘“‘A ten ton rock fell on him an
smashed it into smithereens.”
——His Satanic Majesty : “What is that
terrible odor ?”’
The Attendant: ‘It’s that last man
from New York. He had a Sunday paper
in his pocket.”’
0 CRY 0
A § ® g RB I A
cC A = TT 6 BRI Qu
C A 8 TT 0 BR1 3K
C 4 8 TT 0 R11 AX
ec 4 8 TT 0 5 1 A
Do not be imposed upon, but insist upon hav-
| ing Castoria, and
| sce that the fac-
simile signature of
ison tho wrapper. We shall protect Lourselves
and the public at all hazards.
41-15-1m 77 Murray St, N. Y.
New Advertisements.
Y men or women to travel for responsible es-
tablished house in Pennsylvania. lary $780-
payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position per,
manent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The National, Star Building,
Chicago. . 41-39-4m.
W ANIED.—Good homes for two boys,
aged six and eight years. Also twins—
boy and girl, aged eleven years. Apply to
Pres. of Children’s Aid Society, Bellefonte, Pa.
ters of administration on the estate of
Samuel Brickley deceased late of Howard borough,
having been granted to the undersigned he re-
quests all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make payment and those having
claims against the same to present them duly au-
thenticated for settlement.
41-49-6t. Howard, Pa.
We are selling a good grade of tea—green
—black or mixed at 28cts per. 1b. Try it.
EGISTER’S NOTICE.—The following
accounts have been examined, passed
and filed of record in the Register’s office for the
inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all
others in anywise interested, and will be present-
ed to the orphans’ Court of Centre county for con-
firmation on Wednesday, the 25th day of Jan-
uary, A. D. 1897. :
1 The first and final account of George P Hall,
administrator of, ete., of Robert A Hall, late of
Union township, deceased.
2 The second partial account of Geo W Jaclk-
son, surviving executor and trustee, under the
last will and testament of Thos R Reynolds, late
of Bellefonte Boro, decd. : )
3 The third partial account of Geo W Jaclk-
son, surviving executor and trustee, under the
last will and testament of Thos R Reynolds, late
of Bellefonte Boro, deceased. :
4 The fourth partial account of Geo W Jack-
son, surviving exccutor and trustee, under the
last will and testament of Thomas IR Reynolds,
late of Bellefonte Boro, dec'd. ?
5 First and final account of Edward T Tuten,
administrator of ect, of Maria P Tuten, late of
Bellefonte Boro, dec’d.
6 First and final account of Edith S Vonada,
administratrix of, ete, of George W. Vonada, late
of Gregg township. 7
: : rat andl final Seoqunt of JC yer, admin-
1strator of, ete, of Benj I Snyder, late of Boggs
township, deceased. ; i or
8 First and final account of Sam’l G Rider,
admr, of, cte, of John W Rider, late of Ferguson
township, decd.
9 Account of John H Miller, administrator of,
elo of Geo Eckel, late of Ferguson township
aec'd. .
10 First and final account of E B Peters, trus-
tee to sell real estate of Hannah Resides, late of
Benner township, deceased.
11 The account of Geo S Gray, executor of, ete,
of Oatharine Gray, late of Half Moon township,
12 The account of Emma R Rachau, sole sur-
viving executrix of, ete, of Israel Vonada, late of
Gregg township, dec'd.
. 13 The final account of John H Leech, admin-
istrator of, ete, of W W Leech, late of Harris
townshlp, dee’d.
14 Second and final account of W J Carlin, ad-
ministrator of, ete, of FP Vonada, late of Miles
township, deed.
15 First and final account of Maggie B Gates,
administratrix of, ete, of John C Gates, late of
Ferguson township, dec'd,
16 The final account of W H Musser, guar-
dian of Lydia L Gregg, minor child of Theo
Gregg, late of Boggs township, decd.
17 First and final account of W S Sellers ex-
ecutor of, ete, of Davis Sellers. late of Patton
township, decd.
18 The firstand final account of Wm T Leath-
ers, Jr, and A H Leathers, executors of, ete, of J
B Leathers, late of Howard township, dee’d.
19 First and i finale account of Wm S Gray
executor of, ete, of Maria Meek, late of Half
Moon township, decd.
20 The first and final account of H W Harsh-
berger admr. D B N of, ete, of Warren S Lucas,
late of Curtin township, deceased.
Bellefonte, Dee. 23, 1896, Register.
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