Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 15, 1897, Image 4

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Post.—Saturday evening will be a memor-
able one in the history of Gregg post, No.
95, G. A. R., of this place. Business
and social sessions were held in the post
rooms that night and those who were there
had every reason to enjoy both.
The bysiness end of the meeting was to
install the new officers for 1897, a list of
whom have already been published in this
paper. Retiring commander F. Peebles
Green was in the chair, but soon made way
for commander Joseph Green, of the Geo.
L. Potter post at Milesburg, who was in-
stalling officer.
as possible and at its conclusion the camp
fire was lighted. S. B. Miller was master
of ceremonies and handled things in a most
enjoyable manner. The High school choir
sang patriotic airs, speeches were made by
F. Peebles Green, commander David Bart-
ley, Clement Dale Esq., D. F. Fortney
Esq., Francis Speer, W. C. Young, of Pine
Grove Mills; Mr: Oliver, of Philadel-
phia ; S. H. Williams, W. H. Musser and
Joseph Green, comrade Swires, of Miles-
burg, told a few droll stories and sang a song
and the post poet, W. T. Fitzgerald, read
an original poem entitled : ‘“When we
marched down to Dixie land some thirty
years ago.”’
—In frightful squalor Mrs. Oscar An-
drews, a former Centre county girl, slowly
starved to the death that released her from
further misery last Saturday afternoon.
She was the daughter of Benjamin Bennet,
of Unionville, the man familiarly known
in Bellefonte as ‘‘Huckleberry’’ Bennet,
and lived in Altoona, with a husband who
seems to have been worse than a brute.
The story of her sad death is about as fol-
About noon Saturday chief of police
Foust was notified that a woman named
Mrs. Andrews was lyingsick in a wretched
hovel, on Fourth street, near Eighth avenue,
with no one to care for her. Sergeant
Peters was detailed to investigate the case,
and upon his arrival at the house found a
a state of affairs that was truly appalling.
Lying on a rude couch on the upper
floor of the hut he found the woman dying
She was Mrs. Margie Andrews, wife of
Oscar Andrews, an individual who is not
supposed to have more than ordinary intel -
ligenece. The room where the woman lay
was indescribably filthy and almost bare of
furniture. The dying woman was clad in
the thinnest and dirtiest clothing, while a
few ragged comforts were all that protected
her from the chilling blasts that whistled
through the broken windows.
The physician who was called, discovered
that her illness was due to child birth
which occurred several weeks ago. Since
that event she had no attention except
what little aid could be rendered by an
aged colored man, who lived with Andrews.
The husband was often absent for days,
selling pinchbeck jewelry, and earning his
own meager livelihood. Dr. Smith pre-
scribed what remedies he could, but
in spite of the delayed medical aid, she
died in misery at 3 o’clock Saturday after-
Coroner McCartney was notified, and up-
on investigation, discovered that the neigh-
bors had frequently urged Andrews to send
his wife to the hospital or to the almshouse,
but he always stubbornly refused. Mrs. |
Andrews’s father, Benjamin Bennet, of
Unionville, went up to see her, and insisted
that she be better cared for, but Andrews,
as usual, turned a deaf ear to his entreaties.
According to Andrew’s statement he was
married to the woman ten years ago. Sev-
en children were born to them, all of whom
are dead. Her maiden name was Margie
E. Bennet and she was 29 years of age.
An examination of the body after death
showed several ugly bruises on the left side,
such as would result from kicks.
The Altoona Tribune says that coroner
McCartney has made a thorough investiga-
tion of ‘the circumstances leading to the
death in that city of Mrs. Oscar Andrews,
and stated last evening that her death was
nothing but slow murder. The woman
had been ill for some time and Dr. Smith,
who was called in about Thanksgiving,
said she was suffering with Bright's dis-
ease at that time far advanced. This, how-
ever, does not explain the large and dis-
colored spot which appears on the abdomen
of the deceased. A physician who looked
at the body yesterday informed the coroner
that the discoloration was undoubtedly due
to a kick or a blow.
—— es
Pine Grove Mention.
The Telephone poles are up.
Miss Anna and Alka Musser are up in the
Mountain City for a week.
Dr. 8. 8S. McCormick, of Hublersburg, was
one of the passengers, recently, over our new
Mrs. George Danley is quite poorly at her
home, on Main street, with a complication of
diseases incident to old age.
Daniel Barr desires us, in behalf of
himself and sister, to express their thanks to
the kind friends for the Christmas present.
The Democratic caucus will be held at the
Centre school house, Saturday, Jan. 23rd, at
one o'clock p. m. Let there be a full turn
out and a good ticket nominated.
Geo. E. Weaver,
months has been chief accountant for a New
York firm, is again measuring out justice by
the yard from behind his father’s counter in
our town, =
We are sorry to note the serious illness of
our friend Wesley Meyers, who has been suf-
fering with inflammation of the stomach. He
is attended by two doctors who report a
slight change for the better, and we are
heartily glad to note the 1esult.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Weaver are mourning
the death of their baby girl, Mabel Florence,
whodied on the 9th inst., of catarrhal fever.
The death angel waits not till the harvest is
ripe but gathers one here and another there
and it is not for us to inqure as to the selec-
tions of his sheaves.
The ceremony was as brief |
Nittany Items.
Many persons are confined to their homes
on account of sickness.
David Zimmerman, of Pittsburg, visited
his brother here this week.
Noah Yearick has returned from Illinois,
where he spent the summer.
Thomps Allison, of Howard, delivered
quite a lot of beef this week at wholesale
Chicken thieves visited John Minnick’s
hen roost, recently, and took quite a number
of his choice fowls.
One of our esteemed neighbors, George
Young, will move to Hecla, on the McMul-
len farm, this spring.
There will be a general waking up, about
April 1st, in this locality as quite a number
of changes will take place.
The Methodists of Lamar, are conducting
a protracted meeting this week. No seckers
arg forward at this date.
The Nittanv Cornet band, is climbing to
the top ; to hear them render their latest se-
lections would attract the attention of any
lover of music.
The schools, under the supervision of Miss
Grace Beck, W. H. Markle and Alfred Robb,
are progressing and peace and good will
reigns supreme.
Last Tuesday quite a number of teams
transferred Will Zimmerman’s lumber to
Hecla, where he expects to erect a cozy man-
sion, for the widow and orphans.
A straw stack on the premises occupied by
R, F. Emrick' recently blew Over and there
was great difficulty to extricate three head of
cattle. Farmers look ‘‘aleedle out.”
Lyman Emrick is suffering extreme pain
in his affliction. Doctors met at his home
last Saturday to amputate one of his limbs,
but owing to his weak condition it was de-
All Through Brush Valley.
Miss Bertha Housman, of Kreamerville, is
seriously ill.
Mr. Neven Dotterer, of Clintondale , is vis-
iting his friends at Rebersburg
Mrs. Showers, of Clintondale, was a pl eas-
ant visitor at Clem Gramley’s last week.
Miss Houtz, of Columbia, is a pleasant
guest of Joseph K. Moyer’s, at Centre Mills.
Miss Eve Moyer, of Centre Mills, has been
obliged to nurse a felon for the last week.
Miss Lydia Gutelius, of Mifflinburg, was
visiting her relatives in Brush Valley last
| week.
Mrs. Hannah Krape, of Clintondale,
visited her relatives in Brush Valley last
The Lutheran people, of Rebersburg, in-
church by Feb. 10th.
Some of our people around Rebershurg, are
filling their ice houses ; the ice is about’five
inches thick.
Mrs. Yoder, of Logantown, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crouse, at Rebe rs-
burg last week.
"Prof. Emmon Hazel, of Madisonburg, was
among his old friends at Rebersburg on
Saturday evening.
Mr. John Ocker, of near Rebersburg, will
move to Union county some time in March.
We are sorry to lose Mr. Ocker.
who for the last six’
Wm. Bierly, of Rebershurg, was over
| to Tylersville, on Tuesday, to see his brother
| John, who is seriously ill.
Last Saturday some of Rebersburg’s expert
skaters were at Wolf's Store on Mr. Weay-
er’s dam, where they had a very pleasant
and Mrs. Wm. Brungard, of Mifflin-
burg, were pleasant visitors among their
many relatives in and around Rebersburg
last week.
In a few weeks Mr. C. C. Loose will move
the steam saw mill, which is now at David
Moyer’s, over into Penns valley, about two
miles east of Aaronsburg.
Mr. Albert Steininger, who works on
C. C. Loose’s Union county lumber job, was
a pleasant caller among his many friends at
Rebersburg, last Saturday.
What seems to be the matter with our Sil-
ver club at Rebersburg ? The president should
be reminded of the facts that this new or-
ganization is only in its infancy, therefore
he should not fail to cxercise the greatest
care, since it was a very promising or-
ganization last fall.
ANOTHER WEDDING. — Luther" Miller,
of Kreamerville, and Miss Edith Muma, of
Rebersburg ; were married at the residence
of Rev. Muma last Saturday evening, Mr.
Miller, is the son of James Miller and is
teaching school two miles west of Coburn.
Heis a respected young man. Miss Muma,
is the daughter of Rev. Muma, of Rebersburg.
May life be long and happy for them.
Books, Magazines, Etc.
New York's famous thoroughfare, Broadway,
has been the scene of some wonderful events.
But the one scene which still stands as the most
remarkable, in point of enthusiasm, is Louis Kos-
suth’s famous ride up Broadway, in 1851. Kos-
suth had already seen and passed through a
crowd of 100,000 people in his triumphal ride up
the great thoroughfare. The culminating mo-
ment, however, occurred when the great Hungar-
ian patriot reached the corner of Broadway and
Ann street. The sight that burst upon him stag-
gered him for the moment. In the open square
directly before him was massed together a quar-
ter of a million of people, and when this vast con-
course broke into a united cheer Kossuth was
fairly bewildered. No man saw this great event
so well and advantageously as did Parke Godwin,
the veteran New York editor and Kossuth’s clos-
est friend in America. Mr. Godwin was with
Kossuth, and for the first time he will now tell
the story of the marvelous event in the February
Ladies’ Home Journal. The actual scene at Ann
street wil! also be shown in a picture by De Thul-
strup, showing Kossuth in his carriage as the
great scene bursts upon him.
The January Forum opens with an extremely
interesting study of “Pope Leo XIII” by the
Vicomte E. Melchior de Vogue, who traces brief-
ly, but with perfect freedom, the successive de-
velopments of this lofty genius, and the corre-
sponding increase in the prestige aud moral
power of the Papacy throughout the world. The
Vicomte de Vogue's frequent visits to the Vati-
can, and the high esteem in which he is held by
the Pope, lend unusual weight to his article. Mr.
0. D. Ashley, President of the Wabash Railroad,
discusses the tariff question from the point of
| view of a business man; advocates “middle
tend to hold services in their remodeled |
ground’ between the two extremes of policy ; and
suggests the appointment of a bi-partisan commit-
tee to collect evidence on the subject, with a view
to reporting such changes as may in its opinion
be advantageous to the industrial interests of the
country. Dr. J. M. Rice continues his valuable
series of articles on The Problem of Elementary
Education, with a paper on “The Essentials in
Elementary Education.” Herr Alexander Mosz-
kowski, the eminent German Musical critic, con-
tributes a brilliant paper on some “Modern Com-
posers in the light of Contemporary Criticism’ —
Wagner, Rubinstein and Brahms. “The Wanton
Destruction of American Property in Cuba,”
brings out a vigorous protest from Mr. Fernando
A. Yznaga, who, after showing that this destruc-
tion is unnecessary, that it has already cost
American citizens more than $50,000,000, advo-
cates interference by the United States Govern-
ment and the annexation of Cuba by purchase.
Hon. Alonzo B. Cornell, ex-Governor, of New
York, contributes a very timely article on the
paralyzing effect upon business of Presidential
elections, suggesting as aremedy that the Presi-
dential term be !lengthened to 6 years, and the
Congressional term to 3 years. He recommends
that ex-Presidents be elected members of the
Senate. Mr. J. Gennadius contributes an ex-
tremely interesting paper on the work of the
American School of Archwmology in Greece, de-
scribi ng the discovery of an ancient Greek thea-
tre at Thorikos.
The Forum, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, $3.00a
Mrs. Julia Taft Bayne has written for the Feb-
ruary St Nicholas an article about “Willie and
Tad Lincoln.” While the president's sons were
living in the White House, Mrs. Bayne's brother
was their most intimates playmate, and 8e her-
self, then a young girl, saw much of them. Mrs.
Bayne describes the pranks of the Lincoln boys,
and tells of a minstrel show that was given in the
White house. /
Seven general officers in the civil war will con-
tribute toa discussion in the February Century
of the paper by Duncan Rose, “Why the Confed-
eracy Failed,” published in a recent number of
this magazine. The writers are Gens. S. D. Lee»
Joseph Wheeler, E. P. Alexander, and E. M. Law
of the confederate army, and Gens. Don Carlos
Buell, 0." 0. Howard, and Jacob D. Cox, of the
Union Army.
Beginning with the February issue, which is
the initial number of Vol. XIV,, the Monthly II.
lustrator Publishing Co., announce some import-
ant changes in their popular magazine.
It will appear in a new dress, but under the old
favorite title of Home and Country, a name which
stands forall that is dearest and best in the hearts
of the American people, It isthe firm belief of
the publishers that progressive ideas will always
find favor in the eyes ot the public, and that a
really good article will find a ready sale. In ac-
cordance with these views the magazine will be
enlarged one-third above its present size, and new
departments added, which will endeavor to cover
as fully as possible all the topics of interest of the
day, aided and embellished by the finest illustra-
tions it is possible to produce.
First-class fiction, both in serials and short
stories, will be a prominent feature, and contribu-
tions in these lines will find a ready market in
the columns of Home and Country. .
Watch for the February number. You will like
it. If your newsdealer does not have it write us
for sample copy, and we think you will want to
subscribe. The price is 10 cents per copy, or
£1.00 per year .
The Monthly Iustrator Pub. Co., 66-68 Centro
St., New York.
The most important feature of the January
magazine number of The Outlook is the appear- |’
ance of the initial chapters of Mr. Justin Mec-
Carthy's “Story of Gladstone's Life.” Mr. Me-
Carthy’s fame as a novelist, biographer, historian,
parliamentarian and Irish leader makes whatever
he writes of peculiar interest. He hasfound no
more congenial employment than in biographical
work: In the opening chapters of this life we
find the same pleasant conversational style which
distinguished “A History of Our Own Times.”
There is a special value to this biography over
most—if its continuation fulfills the promise of
these first chapters—namely, in giving to us por-
traiture rather than comment, personality rather
than politics. Nevertheless we are sure that the
politics must receive due appreciation from one
who has had such just reason to be grateful for
Mr. Gladstone's espousal of the Irish cause,
There is an interesting combination in fall that
Mr. McCarthy writes, of the cool-headed nglish-
man with the acute Celt, of sturdiness and humor,
of strength and agility. The opening chapters of
this “Life” describe the Gladstone family, their
home at Liverpool, youug William's school and
college days at Eton and Oxford, his thought of
becoming a clergyman, his triends and contem-
poraries, his first parliament and his early ap-
pearance in public life. The value ofthe text is
doubled by reascn of the illustrations. These are
of peculiar interest, since they are in large part
from photographs taken at Hawarden by special
permission of Mr. Gladstone. Among them is a
notable portrait of Mr. Gladstone at the age of
twenty-eight. A reproduction from this picture
was made many years ago, but the engravings
from it entirely ‘lost the force of the original.
The present illustration, however, shows the
oung statesman exactly as he SDpenry in Brad-
ey’s painting. We are told that the portrait was
as faithful as the picture is beautiful. £3.00 a
ear. The Outlook Company, 13 Astor Place,
ew York.
New Advertisments.
14 interest in a Jaton; bag holder to any
erson who will furnis $60 to patent. Every
armer, graindealer and miller wants one. Patent
office search already made. Address or inquire at
42-2-4t Bellefonte, Pa.
Our stock of Watches was
never so complete, ‘and
prices never so low.
Jrom $4.00 up to any price
you desire.
Come and see what great value we
can offer you.
41-46 High St. BELLEFONTE, PA.
New Advertisements.
" Katz & Co. Limited.
Mx EY TO LOAN.—On first mortgage.
Apply to
ry A. M. HOOVER.
*42-1-2t, Real Estate Agent. Bellefonte, Pa.
NN OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that
the first and partial account of Nathaniel
Beirly committee of Harry Saylor will be pre-
sented to the court on Wednesday, January. 27th,
1897, and unless exceptions be filed thereto on or
before the second day of said term the same will
be confirmed. W. F. SMITH, Proth'y.
42-1-3t. Dec. 28, 1896.
the Honorable J. G. Love, President Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial
District, consisting of the county of Centre and
the Honorable Corlis Faulkner, Associate Judge
in Centre county, having issued $helr proces,
bearing date the 1st day of January to me irected,
for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the
Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and
to commence on the 4th Monday of Jan. being
the 25th day of Jan. 1897, and to continue two
weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus-
tices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of
said county of Centre, that they be then and there
in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the fore-
noon of the 25th, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations, and their own remembrance, to do
those things which to their office appertains to be
done, and those who are hound in recognizances
to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall
be in the jail of Centre county, be then and there
to prosecute against them as ‘shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 1st day
of Jan. in the year of our Lord, 1897, and the
one hundred and twentieth-first year of the inde-
pendence of the United States.
41-42-4t Sheriff
By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, Fieri
Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co. Pa. and to me
directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at
the Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pa.,
at?10 o'clock a. m. the following described real
estate :
All the right, title and interes
ants in and to all that body of lan ¢hich Con-
stans Curtin, deceased, John Curtin, ew Gn.
Curtin, deceased, and Roland Curtin, deceased,
held as tenants-in-common, situate in the County
of Centre, connecting with and forming the prop-
erty known as the Eagle Iron works property, in-
cluding all the lands in any way connected there-
with, five-eighteenths of which said lands were
agreed to be conveyed by John Curtin to James
B. Curtin, H. R. Curtin "and John G. Curtin by
Articles of Agreement bearing date the 13th gday
of March, 1874, and recorded in Centre county in
Miss. Book “KE,” page 388, etc.; another five-
eighteenths of Nic were agreed to be conveyed
by Constans Curtin to Austin Curtin, Andrew G.
Curtin, Jr., James B. Curtin, H. R. Curtin and
John. G. Curtin, by Articles of Agreement bearing
date the 28th day of April, A. D. 1877, and record:
ed in Centre county in Miss. Book “E,"” page 262,
etc.; and another five-eighteenths of which Ro-
land Curtin, by Articles of Agreement bearing
date the 13th day of March, 1874, agreed to convey
to Austin Curtin and Andrew G. Curtin, Jr., said
agreement being recorded in Centre county in
Miss. Book “E,” page 387, etc.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Curtin’s & Co.
Ri that certain tract or piece of land situate in
the township of Boggs, County of Centre and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded “and described as
follows : Beginning at a post, thence north 50° east
202 per by lands of Humes heirs and P. W. Barn-
hart to stone, thence north 22° west 55%; perches
to a white oak, thence south 7734° west 11 perch-
es to a white oak, thence by lands of P. W. Barn-
hart, north 19° west 155 perches to stones, thence
by lands of Roland Curtin’s heirs south 684° west
221 perches to pose by rock oak, thence by land
of Curtins south 20° east 123 perches to white oak,
thence by land of Samuel Bumont south 40° east
152 perches to the place of beginning, containing
310 acres and 27 perches and allowance,
Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, bank barn, wagon shed and other outbuild.
eeu, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Joseph L. Neff, administrator of
ete. of Mary Nett, deceased.
All that certain messuage tenement and tract of
land or piece or parcel of land situate lying and
being in the township of Patton county of Centre
afd State of Pennsylvania bounded and described
as follows to wit: Beginning at a white oak :
thence along lands late of Wm. Thompson now C.
Dale north 344° west 328 perches to stones :
thence along land late of Gen. James Irvin now
Brockerhott'heirs south 7214° west 75 perches to
stones : thence along Centre Furnace lands
south 342° east 350 perches to stones: thence
north 5504 east 73 perches to the place of begin-
ning containing 15¢ acres and 107 perches. It
being the same which Moses Thompson et ai by
deed recorded in the office for recording of deeds
in and for Centre county in Deed Book T. page
734 conveyed to James Pennington as by refer-
ence thereunto will more fully and at large ap-
pear. Together with all and singular the bui dings
improvements, hereditaments, and appurtenances
Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, bank barn, and other out-buildings.
Seized taken in execution, and to be oo as the
property of John W. Cooke.
All that messuage tenement and lot of ground
situate in the borough of Bellefonte county of
Centre and State of Pennsylvania bounded and
described as follows to wit : Beginning at a point
on southeast cornerof Linn and Ridge streets :
thence southerly along Ridge street two hundred
feet to Lamb street : thence easterly along Lamb
street sixty feet: thence northerly on a line
parallel with Ridge street seventy feet: thence
£oSiarly on a line paaes with Linn street sixty
feet to line of lot of Dr. R. L. Dartt : thence north-
erly along said lot of Dartt one hundred and
thirty feet to Linn street : thence westerly along
Linn street one hundred and twenty feet to the
place of beginning (excepting and reserving the
following described lot which was released from
line of said mortgage bounded and described as
follows to wit : ras at the northeast cor-
ner of lot and home property of said Woodcock
on Linn street in Ds town of Bellefonte Centre
Co. Penn'a and extending east along said Linn
street 60 feet: thence south 130 feet to lot of
James Zimmerman : thence west along said lot of
Zimmerman (60) feet to house lot of said Wood-
.cock : thence north along said house lot of said
Woodcock 130 feet to Linn street the place of be-
Thereon erected one two story frame direliing
house on Linn street, two two-story frame dwel-
ling houses, stable and other out-buildings on
Lamb street. .
Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Anna C. Woodcock, administratrix of
ete., of J. A. Woodcock, deceased.
All the defendants right title and interest in
and to that certain piece of land situate in Curtin
township Centre county, Pa., bounded and de-
scribed as folllows to wit: Beginning at the pub-
lic road near the grave yard, on W. S. Lucas farm
thence north 34° west 44 rods, thence along land
of W. 8. Lucas south 50° west 8714 rods, thence
along lands of J. McCloskey’s heirs north 40° west
61 rods, thence along land of J. Winsel and J.
Robb north 50° east 126 rods, thence south along
land of J. W. Packer south 34° east 62 rods,thence
south 51° east 554-10 rods, thence south 665° west
12 rods, thence south 59 2° west 46 rods to the
lace of beginning, containing 62 acres more or
Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, barn and other outbuildings.
f the defend-
propery of Franklin C Packer, administrator of
ohn J. Packer, deceased.
All that certain lot or piece of ground with the
appurtenance thereto belonging situate and ly-
ing in the south side addition to Philipsburg,
Rush township, County of Centre and State of Pa.
and known as lot No. 13, bounded and described
as follows : Beginning at the corner of lot No. 4,
thence at right angles to Second street along lot
No. 14 one hundred and seventy-six (176) feet to
an alley, thence along alley north thirty-three
(33) feet, thence to line of Second street one hun-
dred and seventy-six (176) feet, thence along this
street to the place of beginning, having thereon
erected a two story frame shingle roofe building
18 x 28 feet.
Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Charles P. Nelson.
All the right title and interest of the defendants
in and to those certain premises situate in the
Boro of Howard, Centre county, Pa., bounded on
the north by Main street, on the west by lands of
B. Weber, on the south by lot of Patrick Martin,
and on the east by premises of Patrick Martin,
Being and extending in front on Main street 82
feet and in depth 262 feet.
Having thereon erected a two story dwelling
house and all necessary out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as
the property of Mary Ellen Hayes, et al heirs ete.
TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged uml pur-
chase money is paid in full, .
Sheriff's Office, W. M. CRONISTER,
Bellefonte, Jan. 5th, 1897. Sheriff.
Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as the |
500 packages Writing Paper put
up in quarter reams never sold be-
fore under z2scts. a package, now
17 cents.
100 boxes Writing Paper includ-
ing note paper and envelopes. Usu-
ally a roct. leader, we bought them
cheap, You get them cheap, per
box 5 cents.
20 Doz. Mens white Handker-
chiefs, a job lot of these and some
of them worth as high as 25cts. a
piece, they all go for the same
price 5 cents,
10 Doz. Ladies’ fancy bordered
he mstitched Handkerchiefs a regu-
lar 1oct. quality. Now 5 cents.
50 Doz. Mens and Youths Sus-
penders full length and good ma-
terial, would be a bargain at 15cts.
We close out the lot per pair gcts.
Suspender you have never bought
15 Doz. Men’s Suspenders.
before under 25cts, now rgcts.
Good Bleached Muslin per yd, sc
Unbleached ¢ 4Yc
cc cc
Best Calicoes ge 4c
Good Dress Ginghams 5C
cc Apron 6c 3 4%c
¢ Bed Ticking it 7c
© “ Heavy Shirting. te 5C
and a thousand others equally as
Mens’ good EveryDay Suitsg3.98.
Youth’s good School Suits 87cts.
Ladies’, childrens and Misses
Coats at 50 per cent,
R eduction of all former prices.
To secure the pick of this lot it is
best to come early so that all the
choice ones will not be gone be-
fore you have your chance at't hese.
A call will convince you what
we are doing in this Department.
We have so many odds and ends
here left over from the ‘season’s
trade that it is impossible for us to
itemize them. We guarantee to
save you at least 25 per cent on all
Dress Goods you buy.
We guarantee every article that
as represented.
passes through our hands to be.gxactly
KATZ & CO. L'Wd.
Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors.
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
lower prices.
We ‘are determined to keep ahead of all competition and again make
We sacrifice Profits to clear stock.
All Winter goods must go, a comparison of prices and goods 1s all we
ask, we wan# your trade and have made prices that will astonish every close
and judicious buyer in the country, all winter goods retailed at wholesale
Scotch Beaver
Plgsh Cording
Rolled brim and
Shield front
Men and Boys
Winter Caps
at cost
One lot of Men’s Winter Caps
mixed stock that cost wholesale
from 75c. to $1.00 a piece, must
go at 25 cents.
We have yet a
good assortment
of Capes and
Coats, Have
ought them for
spot cash in large
quantities which means the lowest manu-
facturers price, we will give you the bene-
fit of these bargains. Must clear the win-
ter stock. All we have now go at cost.
We have all sea-
son been giving
the best values
at the lowest
prices, must
clear the entire
stock Ladies Union suits that were 60cts
and 75cts. now go at 403ts. The $1.25
values now go at 90cts. Ladies underwear
the 25cts. quality now at 16cts., Childrens
underwear the 12t. quality now at 5c.
Men’s and Boy’s underwear sold at the
same sacrifice.
One lot Dress Cloths in
SPECIAL the novelty mixtures all
BARGAIN wool cheap at 50cts.
now go at 25 cents.
One lot rough effects in
BARGAIN the newest coloring and
NO. 2. mixtures cheap at 22cts.
to close out the lot now
+ go at 15 cents.
FLANNELS White, Grey, Red and
Blue flannels.
All we have on hand at cost.
BLANKETS White, Red and Grey
All we have at cost.
MENS AND BOYS We have the best
BOOTS line of boots in
the county—
bought them
right, and have been selling them cheaper
than any other store. What we have on
hand now go at cost.
One lot of Ladies felt shoes cheap at
$1.00 now go at 72 cents.
This is what you save :
The $4.50 Blankets now $3.00
The $3.00 A £4 $1.98
An all wool red blanket that was consid-
ered a bargain at $3.50 now goes at $2.25.
The $2.00 quality now $1.25
The $1.50 bt 95¢ts and so on.
& CO.