Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 08, 1897, Image 6

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_sionand through the golden gate which
Deworratic late.
Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 8, 1897.
How toolish is the pessimist,
Dizpondent and forlorn,
Who always when he gets a rose
Goes hunting for a thorn.
The optimist has better sense,
The charm of life he knows,
He doesn’t mind a serateh or two
If he can get the rose.
So do not be a pessimist,
Cankerced with discontent ;
The optimist has heaps of fun
That doesn’t cost a cent.
—Sommerville Journal.
Reception at the White House.
New Year's Day was Observed in a Grand Manner.
The Weather Raw and Cloudy.—The President, His
Cabinet and Their Families Exchanged Greetings
with High Dignitaries—The Reception a Brilliant
New Year's Day broke raw and cloudy
over the national capital, but the weather
was not allowed to mar the success of the
great annual reception given by the chief
magistrate at the executive mansion to
official and unofficial Washington.
The reception this year was a brilliant
success. For three hours, from 11 o'clock
till 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the recep-
tion contined. The cabinet and diplomatic
corps, the judges of the supreme court, the
senators and representatives and the other
dignitaries of the government arrived in
regular order, and after passing through
the parlors and exchanging many greetings
with the receiving party, gathered in the
East room. Here appeared the full bril-
liancy of the occasion. The elegantly
gowned ladies, the members of the diplo-
matic corps in full court costume and the
officers of the army and navy in uniform,
moving through the throng, made a kaleid-
oscopic picture of colors.
The general public stood in line for hours
outside the White House gates until the
officials had all been received. Then for
over an hour they streamed in.
The first of the apartments to be entered
by callers upon passing through the lobby
—the Red room, so called from the pre-
railing tone of the “hangings and uphol-
sterings-—was least lavishly bedecked with
flowers, largely because it was intended
only for a waiting room.
But just adjoining it the Blue parlor,
famous in the history of receptions, was
decorated with exquisite taste. Tall
palms, interspersed with azalias, foliage
plants and gigantic ferns, hid from view
the closely drawn curtains, which shut the
light of day from the rooms. Solid banks
| sador, and Lady Pauncefotc.
court costume. The red fez of the Turkish
minister and the striking robes of the Chi-
nese minister and representatives of other
Oriental countries added to the effectiveness
of the scene. The Korean minister and his
“suite, wearing their small black, box like |
hats, attracted much attention.
After the diplomatic corps had been ve-
ceived, Chief Justice Fuller and other
members of the supreme court and others
of the federal judiciary, accompanied by
their ladies followed. These in turn, were
succeeded at 12:25, by the senators, repre-
sentatives, the commissioners of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, the judicial officers of
the district, ex-ministers of the cabinet and
The congressional contingent was notice-
ably small. Senator Sherman, of Ohio,
and Senator Morrill, of Vermont, came
through first of the Senators, and Repre-
sentatives Sayers, of Texas, of the Repre-
At 11:40 the representatives of the army
and navy corps and the officers of the mil-
itia of the district were received. Major
General Miles, the commander of the army,
and Adjutant General Ruggles headed the
officers of the army, who were resplendent
in full uniform.
All of the officers stationed at Fort My-
ers were in line. Admiral Ramsay and
Commodore Matthews headed the officers
of the navy, and Colonel Hayward and his
staff those of the Marine corps.
At noon came Secretary Langley and the
regents of the Smithsonian institution ;
Mr. Proctor, the president and other mem-
bers of the civil service commisson ; Mr.
Morrison and members of the interstate
commerce commission ; Commissioner of
Labor Wright Assistant Secretary Curtis of
the treaury department Assistant Post-
master General Jones, Assistant Secretary
Rockhill, of the state department, and other
assistant secretaries and bureau chiefs.
At 1:15came the Associated Veterans of
the war of 1846, the Grand Army of the Re-
public, Loyal legion, the Union Veteran
legion and the members of the Oldest
By 12:25 the general public was admit-
ted. The carlier arrivals all had taken their
leave, and much of the brilliancy of the
reception room had departed.
Character and Hypnotisin.
An Individucl's Strength is Power Against All Con-
There would be little indeed in hyp-
notism and the scientific world might right-
ly ignore its importance as a subject of in-
vestigation if it were proved to have noth-
ing more in it than the dominance of one
will over another or the power of so-called
“‘suggestion’”’ to control human minds,
says Harper's Bazar.
But, as with any other subjéct worth in-
vestigating, much more is revealed to the
of the rarest flowers covered the mantles,
and a beautiful and unique runner of ivy
crept along the cornice and around the |
light from a hundred electric globes, sus-
pended in crystal chandeliers and placed |
around the walls, and the effect of the!
lighting up on the delicate rohin’s ege blue
tint of thesilken tapestry which covered
the walls, and the golden and blue up-
holstery of the massive farnishings, was
extremely effective.
Very appropriately, thie decorations of
the next of the suits—the Green room—
were of an emerald cast, and while there
was an apparent absence of flowers an in-
specticn of what seemed to be only foliage
disclosed the presence of many rare and
curious orchids and prettily marked |
grasses and small palms, all imbedded in
green jardinieres.
The East room was the glory of the
house. Since the lass reception it had been
renovated completely and it was fairly re-
splendent with gold and silver and white.
In its vast proportions the contents of a
whole conservatory of plants and flowers
were swallowed up without, in any sense, |
crowding the decorations. |
In the magnificent East window stood a
gigantic pyramid of green, made up of |
stately palms and rubber plants towering
ap toward the high ceiling, founded in
masses of ferns and grasses interspersed |
with big blazing red poinsettas.
The three great crystal chandeliers were
the centres of perfect jungles of creepers
and asparagus and smilax, while on the
mantels were enameled jardinieres filled
with quaint Chinese primroses and ciner-
arias and other bright hued fiowens.
Promptly at 11 o'clock the signal was
given from the western stairway and the
Marine Band struck up the familiar strain
of “Hail to the Chief,”” as the President
and Mrs. Cleveland descended the stair<
way arm in arm, then came the Vice Presi-
dent and Mrs. Stevenson, the Secretary of
State and Mrs. Olney, the Secretary of the
Treasury and Mus, Carlisle, the Secretary
of War and Mrs. Lamont, the Attorney
General and Mrs. Harmon, the Postmaster
General and Mrs. Wilson, the Secretary of
the Nayy and Miss Herbert, the Secretary
of the Interior and Mrs. Francis, the Sec-
retary of Agriculture and Mrs. Morton.
Allpassed along the wide corridor that
separates the north and south of the man-
guards the doorway of the blue-room. The
men of the Cabinet stepped out of line very
quickly, but their feminine representatives,
whether wife, daughter or sister, becoine
important figures in a White House recep-
The gown that Mrs. Cleveland choose for
her last morning reception, was an ex-
quisite one of heavy corded silk, in a shade
of gray, so dull that only a very beautiful
woman would care to wear it at any hour,
much less at 11 o'clock in the morning.
The full round skirt was severely plain,
while the bodice was of white chiffon em-
broidered in seed pearls and tiny gold
spangles, with the favorite bolero of the
silk also pearl embroidered, and soft folded
girdle of the same material as the skirt.
The sleeves were particularly modish and
graceful, fitting the wearer's perfectly
molded arms very closely, but with droop-
ing ears of silk, caught on the shoulder
with small pearl ornaments. She wore no
jewels but a single diamond pin, which
fastened her high chiffon collar and dainty
diamond-edged side combs which held her
soft, dark hair close to her well-shaped
head. At her belt she had a large bunch
of violets.
Though a trifile paler than usual, she
was as handsome as ever. She had a pleas-
ant smile and greeting for each of the eight
thousand visitors who passed before her.
She will be remembered as the most charm-
ing, as well as the most beautiful, mistress
the White House has yet known.
As soon as the receiving party had taken
their places in the blue room, the door into
‘the red room room was opened and the
reception began with the entry of the mem-
bers of the diplomatic Corps, headed by
i at first sets out to discover.
student of hypnotism than that which he
No sooner,
for instance, has he established beyond
Over all streamed the soft § question proofs of the power of mind over
‘mind and
of ‘‘suggestion’ in control,
than he is forced to recognize how little
potency lies in either when compared to
that great power of resistance to them
which is generated by an individual’s own
strength of character.
No hypnotism in the world, as a great
authority has shown, can make a really
temperate person, when under hypnotic
control, simulate or yield to drunkenness ;
nor can a truly modest person be induced
to do that which would, in waking hours,
savor of immodesty. The man with true
dignity of soul keeps his dignity intact,
and one of real kindness of nature shows
no glimmer of harsh feeling. .
And thus, as can’ teadily be seen, one
more proof from an ‘unexpected source has
been added to those already in our posses-
sion going to show the “valée and power of
character, of that witich a man inherently
and intrinsically is rather han that which
he appears to be. It mikes out, too, even
a harder case against, Adam, who need
never have yielded to Eve but for a weak-
ness in himself.
Spoiled a Funeral.
Supposed Dead Boy Sits Up in His Coffin During the |
Singing. ~
ging —
Frank Dougherty, aged 14, of” Wilming-
ton, Del., was supposed to have died Tues-
day. Mis funeral was set for Friday. A
wake was arranged for Thursday night,
and began early and continued until day-
break. Dennis” McDougall, a cousin of
Mrs. Dougherty, had Been very foud of the
voung man, and showed his reverence of
Irank’s memory by remaining beside
the coffin all night.
~~ While the others were asleep he kissed
the lips of the supposed dead boy, and
noticed that the lips moved faintly. The
mourners were arouse, but after waiting
six hours preparations for the funeral ser-
vice were resumed.
The mourners formed in a circle about
the coffin and were singinga hymn when
suddenly the corpse sat up in the cofiin
and opened its eyes.
The doctors say that he is now on the
road to complete recovery.
Locomotives Going Abroad.
The growing importance of our trade in
the exportation of locomotives is seen in
some statistics for 1896, gathered by the
Railroad Gazette.
The total number of locomotives built in
the United States during the year was
1175, an increase of 74 over that of the
previous year. Of these, 309 were for
foreign railroads, the bulk going to South
America. Japan and Russia were also
good buyers, the former country having
already placed orders for seventy engines
for the new year. Many of the locomo-
tives were of the highest standard and
have given the utmost satisfaction.
The growth of the trade is seen in the
fact that in 1894 only eighty were ex-
Forty-five Stars for the Flag.
The American flag on and after next
Fourth of July will have 45 stars. A
notice has been sent to the army and navy
officials to that effect. An order has been
issued also to the custodians of public
buildings throughout the United States to
begin at once to put in the additional stars
in all old flags or secure new ones which
must comply with the order. There will
be six rows of stars. The first, third and
fifth rows will have eight stars each, and
the second, fourth and sixth, seven stars
Miss Mary E. Garrett, of Baltimore,
daughter of John W. Garrett, asks $7,000 a
year from the estate for the care of her
brother, Henry S. Garrets, weak minded.
She also wants $150,000 for the Baltimore
Poor Association.
Sir Julian Pauncefote, the English ambas-
All wore full |
——No crime in the year that has just
ended is more horrible than the one per-
petrated by train wreckers in Alabama, hy
which more than twenty lives were de-
stroyed. But, while we view with feel-
ings of horror the fiendish deed, we think
that measures should be adopted by rail-
road companies which will reduce to the
minimum the danger from villains who can
be guilty of the perpetration of such a
crime. The fiends, in the case under dis-
cussion, deliberately removed a rail, know,
ing, of course, that a fatal wreck must
bly was to plunder the bodies of the
dead, dying and wounded, for no other ex-
planation can be given.
——Poisons engendered by food fer-
menting in a dyspeptic stomach are the di-
rect cause of rheumatism, gout, bronchitis,
liver and kidney complaints, asthma, pneu-
monia and many nervous ailments.
These results are prevented by the use of
the Shaker Digestive Cordial, a remedy
discovered and prepared by the Shakers of
Mount Lebanon, N.Y. It is in itself a
food and has power to digest other food
taken with it. Thus it rests the diseased
stomach and finally masters the worst cases
of dyspepsia. It acts promptly and fresh
strength and increase of weight soon fol-
lows. The first *dose, taken immediately
after eating, abates the pain and distress
so dreaded by dyspeptics. Trial bottles—
enough to prove its merit—10 cents.
Laxol is the best medicine for children.
Doctors recommend it in place of Castor
——The Greek cross to be erected to the
memory of the late Lord Tennyson on the
cliffs at Farringdon will be unveiled by a
royal dedicatress. Princess Beatrice,
seventh child and fourth daughter of Queen
Victoria, will, in her capacity as Governor
of the Isle of Wight, perform this service
in honor of the Queen’s great laureate.
The Princess and the Queen are both re-
puted to be ardent admirers cf the poetry
of Tennyson.
School Report.
Following is a report of Eagle rolling mill
school, Boggs township, for the month ending Jan.
1st., 1807. No. of pupils enrolled : boys, 16 ; girls,
13; total, 20. Those who were present every day
are Flora Gearheart, Austin Deters, Joseph and
Howard Spear. Those missing one day are Irene
and Orpha Spear, Hattic Adams, Effie Bickle and
Joseph Adams. Those not missing any words in
spelling are Irene and Orpha Spear, Flora Gear-
heart, Laura Bryan, Austin Deters, Joseph and
Howard Spear, Claire Butler and Thomas Adams.
Parents and citizens are invited to visit the
school. M. V. Tuomas, Teacher.
Letters from Farmers.
In South and North Dakota, relating their own
personal experience in those states, have been
published in pamphlet form by the Chicaco,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, and as these letters
are extremely interesting, and the pamphlet is
finely illustrated, one copy will be sent to any ad-
dress, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Ap-
ply to John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
486 William Street, Williamsport Pa. 42-1-3t
Every Day Excursions.
To all parts of the world can be arranged for
any day in the year, for one or more persons, up-
on application to any principal ticket agent of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Itinera-
ries carefully prepared for excursions to Califor-
nia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, and to any
part of Europe.
all expenses, Tickets furnished for the complet
journey. It is not necessary to wait for any so-
called “Personally Conducted Excursions.” In
these days of progressive enlightenment, with
the English language spoken ps land under
the sun, one does not needAo depend upon the
services of guides for a Thesing but can go it
alone or in small family parties, with great com-
fort and security, and at one's own convenience,
Write to John R. Pott, district passenger agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway Williams-
port, Pa, for details if you are contemplating a
trip. 41-48-3t,
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Personally Conducted Tours—Matchless in Every
Three tours to CALIFORNIA and the PACIFIC
COAST will leave Harrisburg, Altoona, and Pitts-
burg January 27, February 24, and March 27, 1897,
Five weeks in California on the firs’ ‘our, and
four weeks on the second. Passengers on the
third tour may return on regular trains within
nine months. Stop will be made at New Orleans
for Mardi-Gras festivities on the second tour.
Rates from all points on the Penna. RR.
tem; First tour, £310.00; second tour, $350.00;
third tour, $210,00. From Pittsburg, £5.00 less for
each tour.
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Flori-
da, will leave New York and Philadelphia January
26, February 9 and 23, and March 9, 1897. Rate,
covering expenses en route in both directions,
$53.00 from Pittsburg, and proportionate rates
from other points. :
For detailed itineraries and other information,
apply at ticket agencies, or address Thos. E.
Watt, Pass, agent western district, 360 Fifth Ave-
nue, Pittsburg, Pa. 41-48-3m
Their intention proba- :
Estimates furnished, including
lL. Sys-
| :
i ‘Tourists,
The Crop Outlook in South Dakota for
r 1897.
It requires but a small amount of rain-fall in |
South Dakota to mature the crop. During 1896
South Dakota had, up to September 30th, three
and seven-tenth inches more of rain-fall than for
any of the previous sixteen years. Since Septem- |
ber 30th there has been added at least three or
, four inches to the excess, making a gain of near-
eight inches more than the average. Early in
| November there were heavy rains, depositing
i over two inches, and since then there have been
| heavy snows, and about a foot of snow covered
the ground on November 25th. Dakota farmers
have abundance of hay and great supplies of oats,
barley and corn. Wheat has advanced about sev-
enty cents a bushel in local market, and prospects
for further advance are good. The ground will
come out in the spring better soaked than ever
before. The prospect for better prices next year
is good. There are thousands of people in the
east who could do no better than go to South Da-
kota now and bny their sced and feed for next
year, and move out in the spring. First-class
farming land in South Dakota, along the lines of
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, can now
be bought at from £10 to §15 an acre. The cream-
ery industay and stock-raising in South’ Dakota
will greatly increase during 1897. For further in-
formation address W. E. Powell, General immi-
gration agent, 410 Old Colony building, Chicago,
or H. F. Hunter, immigration agent for South Da-
kota, 295 Dearborn street, Chicago, Ill. 41-48-2t.
New Advertisements.
As you lean back in your chair with
your feet on the fender and peruse
your evening paper, you must be
amazed at the columns devoted to
advertising patent medicines, the
schemes employed to bring the reme-
dies before the readers notice and the
ingenuity displayed in wording testi-
monials so as to make them conform
to the advertised claims. The tongue
runs glibly over half a column of intro-
ductory matter and then as a rule,
winds up with the gist of some testi-
monial received from a sufferer of
some malady. Read them carefully
and notice this. Chicago and St. Louis
examples do duty in New York. Cali-
fornia residents flit before Maine citi-
zens in regular succession like the
connected scenes in a Panorama. Is
it not hard to indorse an act perform-
ed in some far away hamleteven if em-
bellished with all the adjectives that
the Anglo-Saxon language can fur- |
nish. Reverse the case and read the
testimony of Mr. Jas, Rhine of 2nd
Thompson St. The impression left is
convineing, conclusive. Says he :(—
“My trouble in the back started from
a slight strain. It developed into a
urinary difficulty, the most marked
being an excessive desire to urinate; ———
particularly at night. My back hurt
to stoop, to straighten up~and if I
made any awkward or unthought of
move. I always got-a reminder in’
the shape of a sharp, piercing twinge.
I got a box of Dean's Kidney Pills for
it at Green’s Pharmacy. They cured
» me. I age pleased at the result, for
one year of it is as long as any man
Cao¥ to stand of Kidney complaint.”
~~ Doan’s Kidney Pills for sale by all
dealers, price 50 cents per box. Mail-
~~ ed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
New Advertisements.
All combined in an immense Stock of Fine
To-day Prices a
have Dropped 7
33-37 BELL ¥ONTE, PA.
Travelers Guide.
Condensed Time Table.
Reap vr.
Nov. oth, 86... 7 tt
No 6 No 4 No2
| |
No 1/No 5 No 3
t i | |
Ov Oat-meal und flakes are always fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
)Haiuenis MEDICINE.
It will cure Croup in three (3) doses,
and is a preventive for Diphtheria,
Croup, Ete. Also cures all forms of
Sore Mouth and Sore Gums,
Water Street,
41-42-3m* |
Illuminating Oil.
———==="=="oTHE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT ==
For Sale by The Atlantic Refining Company.
All who are interested in furthering the sale of HON. W. J. BRYAN'S NEW BOOK should cor-
respond immediately with the publishers. The work will contain
An Account of his campaign tour
His biography, written by his wife.
His most important speeches.
The results of the campaign of 1896.
A review of the political situation.
Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the
cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enormous sale.
W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers,
341-351 Dearborn St......CHICAGO.
a.m. p.m. p. m. Lye. AT. |p. |p. mm. a. 1m.
17 20.47 4513 45! BELL 10 15 6 10/10 10
734 7589 357.......N {10
7 41 8 05] 4 0: wes B00 cl
746 813] 4 ECLA PA C..| 9!
7 48 ol 4 . Dunkles......
7 819 4 Hublersburg...
756) 8 23] 4 snydertown
7 58 8 25) 4 2 Nittany.
8 00] 8 27] 4 2 Huston
802 820 42 Jamar. 2
8 04] 8 31] 4 26/.....Clintondale. ...| :
8 09; 8 36] 4 31. Krider's Siding.| 9 9 21
8 16! 8 42| 4 36]... Mackeyville....| 9 & 915
8 23] 8 48) 4 Cedar Spring...| 9 2) 9 09
8 25 8501 45 .sSnlona....... 9 15 511; 9 07
830; 8 55] ..MILL HALL... 19 10{5 0549 01
9 20] 9 4h Jersey Shore......... IF T5301 755
10 05] 10 20; Ar 25
YN wsropony Live, 400040 0
jw MPORT ea 2 10) G55
.~-PHILA. 30
| 18 35%11 :
tlantic City.. } |
110 200%11 30/Lve
505 710...
G45 y EW YORK.........! 1 20!
| (Via Tamaqua.) |
7 25{ 19 30l. NEW YORK.........| 27 3)
| |
(Via Phila.)
| |
25 |
| |
p- m.ja. mf Arr. a. m. |p. m.
*Daily. TWeek Days. 26.00 P. M. Sandays.
110.10 A. M. Sunday.
Pumaverenia Sceering CAr attached to East-
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M.
General Superintendent.
N.Y.C.L H.R. R RCo, Lessce.
Condensed Time Table.
EXP, 5 Nov. 16th, 1896. EXP. [MAIL.
No. 37|No. 33
P.M. | P. M.
1 554
a 1 34 .
9 3¢! 1 10{.
9 05 12 35
5| 12°
12 15
12 11}.
12 05). Olanta
11 59|. Mitchells..
5| 11 40|Lv earfield Jun 4
11 31 .CLEARFIELD. 6 25
1121 1c....Lv| 6 35
n 12. Woodland. 6 45
11 05). ...Bigler..... 6 52
10 58]. .Wallacetop........... 6 57] 6 59
10 50 Morrisdale Mines....! 7 06] 7 07
10 41|Lv..... ..Munson. Ar] 735] T15
} 55) 10 16|Lv , TT40| THO
10 36|Ar Munson. Nr TT
10 32|.... 722 72
10 12 T 40] T 42
9 50]. 757 801
9 43]. 804 808
8 48]. 8 48) 8 57
8 33). 901 910
8 25]. 907 917
8 15. 916] 9 27
8 00 929 940
7 55]... 930 945
+7 25|....WILLIAMSPORT.. 0 05] 10 20
. M. |Lv. a AN Pom
~Phila. & Reading Ry...| a. a. |r. um,
5|Ar..... W MSPOR Lv [$10 20{*11 30
511 30 A
27 30
A. M. | A, M.
*Daily. tWeek-days. 25.00 p. Mm. Sunday. 110-55
A.M. Sunday. “bh New York passengers travel-
ing via Philadelphia on 10.20 A. ». train from
Williamsport, will change cars at Columbus Ave.,
Connections. —At *Williamsport with Philadel-
hia and Reading Railway. At Jersey Shore with
fall Brook Railway. At Mill Hall with Central
Railroad of Pennsylvania. At Philipsburg with
Pennsylvania Railroad and Altoona & Philipsburg
Connecting Railroad. At Clearfield with Buffalo
Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. At Mahaffey and
Patton with Cambrian & Clearfield Division of
Pennsylvania Railroad. At Mahaffey with
Pennsylvania & North-Western Railroad.
Superintendent. Gen'l Passenger Agent,
Philadelphia, Pa.
r Travelers Guide.
Schedule in eftect Nov. 16th, 1896.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10 a. m., at Altoona, 1.00 p. m., at Pittsburg,
6.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 1.05 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 2.15
p. m., at Altoona, 2.55 p. m., at Pittsburg, 6.5
p. m.
Leave Bellefonte,” 444 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.00, at Altoona, 7.40, at Pittsburg «t 11.20,
Leave Bellefonte, 9.53 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.10, at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at Philadel-
phia, 11.15. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.65 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
2.15 a. m., at" Harrisburg, 7.00 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 5.47 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.4% p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.00 at Harrisburg, at 10.20 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven,
10.30 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
; 2.43 p. m., arrive at Williamsport, 3.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, at 9.30 p. In.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven
10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.40 p. m., arrive at
Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.23
p-m. ?
Leave Bellefonte, 1.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven
2.43 p. m.,, arrive at Williamsport, 3.50, leave
4.00 p. m., Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia
11.15 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.31 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 9.30 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 a.
m., arrive at Harrisburg, 3.22 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, at 6.30 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, at 9.15 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.,
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m..
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewisburg,
4.47, at Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Philadelphia at
11:15 p. m.
[Nov. 16th, 1896. 2 1
| 2 [5h
i 14] I]
4 51
3/... Mineral Sp...
... ... Barrett
6|..Curwensville ..
H ..Rustic..
3505 00 SF i A ve Ye
2 | ie
2 1
10 10 = ig | FXPRESS
. |P.
[ 7
5 35| 2 54[7 40
528 14 2 1007 47
521 139] 10 8 49 1 06(7 54
512 131 10 2 8 58) 1 14/8 03
5031 123 10 907 123812
4560 1 16{ 10 9 15) 1 30/8 20
455 11310 918 1338 23
444 105 9 9 28 142/831
4321 1255 9 9 41] 1 55/8 43
4251248 9: ) 9 49) 2 04(8 51
4 20 9 30..Mount Eagle...! 9 53 2 088 55
4 14) 1: 9: ~Howard......i 959 2 W901
405) 1299 9 Eagleville....| 10 08] 2 23[9 10
4 02! 12 26! 9 12.Beech Creek...] 10 11; 2 26/9 13
351) 12 16, 9 01... Mill Hall......| 10 2 2 37/9 24
Bag Flemington... 10 21] 2 39/9 26
3 45] i Lock Haven..| 10 30; - 2 43/9 30
Py | A ov |
EASTWARD. Nov. 16th, 1896. WESTWARD.
P.M. 1am Ly Ar AM | PoM
3: ...Bellefonte. tf 900] 415
..AXemann.. 8 55) 4 10
Pleasant Ga 8 52| 407
8 47 403
8 421 3 58
837 353
833 348
8 28 3 44
bi .GTOCR..... 821 33
30: Centre Hall 815 331
3 Penn's Cave.. 307 32
3 Rising Spring, sol; 317
3 2 Zerby. 752 308
33 Coburn. T4] 302
3 ...Ingleby. 7 38 256
3 addy Mountain. 731 253
3 Cherry Run. 724 245
3 ..Lindale... 719] 24)
35 Pardee. 7120 234
+ 07 Glen Iron 7 02) 225
4 15] Milmont 653 218
417 Swengle 650] 216
4 22 arber 645 212
4 27 Mitlinburg. 638) 207
435 Vicksburg. 620 158
439 Biehl... 624 153
4 47 Lewisburg. 615 145
4 55 AMontandon... . 540| 138
P.M. Lyla. mp wn
2 iz! iz
% {| ® Nov, 16th, 18006: % !' XN
== | = =
- HC] ~
Lve.| A.M PM
4 Scotia..,..... 10 00) 4
4 airbrook....| 10 19] 5
-4 02! 357i. ..Musser.....| 10 26] 5
356) 8 51iPenn. Furnace| 10 33; 5
.| 350 845... Hostler.... 10 40| 5
J 348 530... Marengo... 10 46) 5
nn | s35l....Loveville....] 10 51] 5
1 3 38, 8 29.Furnace Road.| 10 58 5
.| 3.3L 826... Dungarvin...| 11 01} 5
.l 3231 8 18 Warrior's Mark| 11 10| 5
.| 314 8 09..Pennington...| 11 20, 6
| 3 031 7 a8........Stover....... 1132 6
{ 2356 750... Tyrone...... 11 40) ©
I PM. | AM. (Live, Ara. aw (pom
Time Table in effect on and after
Nov. 16th, 1896.
Leave Snow Shoe,..........11 20 a. m. and 3 15 p. m.
Arrive in Bellefonte....... 1 42p. m. * 5 20p. m.
Leave Bellefonte «00a. Mm 205p m
Arrive in Snew Shoe..... .900a.m. *“ 252p.m
Schedule to take effect Monday, Nov. 16th, 1896.
read down i read up
V0 lin. als 4 8 I~. din. aN
Bo VV. lito.) Tareas [No.2 No. 4t 0
al i |
P| Aon | ALL |Lv. Ar, A ml pow Pu
420) 10 30| 6 30 ....Bellefonte....| 8 45/ 2 10/6 40
4.26 10 37 6 37/0. Coleville....| 840] 2 006 30
430 10 42 6 400... Mortis.......| 837 1556 25
4 33 10 47) 6 44.....Whitmer..... 835) 1476 20
4 38) 10 53] 6 50|.Hunter's Park. 8 31] 1 40,6 15
4 41 10 56) 6 53,...,.Fillmore...... 8 28| 1366 12
4 45 11 02] 7 00! Briarly. | 824! 13016 07
4 48) 11 05 7 05|......Waddles.....| 8 20 1 25/6 03
4 50/ 11 08] 7 08|...Lambourn....] 8 18} 1 22/6 00
5 00] 11 20{ 7 17|...Krumrine.....[ 8 07] 1 07!5 46
men | rr i
5 04 11°33 . nv, 10No.| 802) 1025 43
5 05) 11 35 State College..| 8 00 1 00/5 40
STO TT 20) 7 28| woes DiTODIC ce 1 TT 01)5 30
5 17} v lp Dloenisdort, | 7 40! 323
5 20 | 7 37/Pine Grove Cro.! 7 37| 520
Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg,
Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect
with train No. 3 for State College. Afternoon trains
from Montandon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53
from Lock Haven connect with train No. 5
for State College. Trains from State College con-
nect with Penn'a R. R. trains at Bellefonte.
+ Daily, except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS Supt.,