Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 08, 1897, Image 3

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    EERIE IE ys
; Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 8, 1397.
—_If sheep are to be well cared for dur-
ing the winter, they should have a well
drained yard kept as dry and clean as pos-
sible and no other stock should be allowed
to enter it; and it should have a high
board fence on the west and north
sides, if not otherwise protected. Con-
nected with the yard, there sould be a
warm shed well covered, where they can
be comfortable in the coldest weather.
This should be large enough for them to
move about freely without crowding each-
other. There need be but one full door
opening out into the yard, but enough half
height doors to allow free passage back and
forth from the yard to the pen. These
doors can be left open in mild weather,
but may be closed during very cold weath-
er, only taking care that the penis kept
clean and well ventilated all the time.
"The feed racks and troughs may be placed
at the closed side and at the ends of the
> They should be made like an ordinary
cow’s rack, only that the bars should be at
such a distance apart that the sheep can
get his nose between two adjacent ones,
but not his head. The bottom should be
at least one foot from the ground and the
rack should be inclined backward about
six inches at the top, to prevent seeds and
dirt from falling upon the head and neck
of the sheep while feeding. The back of
the rack should incline from °the front
enough to have an opening at the top wide
enough to receive the hay or fodder, and
steep enough to cause the feed to slip down
toward the bottom as the rack is emptied.
The racks should not be continuous but in
sections of about five feet in length, with
+ space enough between two adjacent ones to
allow the feed to be putin at the ends.
With such racks the sheep will not waste
their food, but will have a supply as long
as there is anything for them to eat.
If sheep are to be fed in the yard, the
racks should be placed at the best protected
and driest part, and in this case they may
be made of box racks so that both sides
can be used. These crate racks should be
constructed with the bars leaning away
from the sheep as directed for the pen racks
only that the backs may be made for these
double racks, by placing in the box crate,
which will be a foot narrower at the top
than the bottom, a roof shaped double
back made of light boards, with inclination
cnough to make the feed slide toward the
bottom. This should extend in the centre
above the racks sufficient to keep the hay
or straw or whatever the feed may be, sepa-
rate in the two twin racks.
The sheep should be supplied with
plenty of pure, fresh water. Not ice or
snow. Stunted and shaggy sheep in the
spring are generally produced by careless
and insufficient feeding and shelter during
the winter.—Faam News.
__The essentials of a dairy farm are a
roomy, clean, dry, light and well ventila-
ted stable or cow house. To produce good
milk, cows must be comfortable, and these
conditions not only add to their comfort.
but are absolutely necessary to keep them
in the best of health.
Healthy and clean cows, which appear
well-fed and contented.
An abundance of pure water to which
cows are given access at least twice a day.
Teed of good quality ; the grain and
coarse fodder should be free from dirt, de-
cay or a musty condition.
Provision for washing and sterilizing or
scalding all utensils which come in contact
with milk.
Provision for straining, aerating, and
cooling the milk in a clean atmosphere,
tree from all stable and other odors. This
treatment should take place immediately
after the milk is drawn from each cow.
Facilities for storing the milk and keep-
ing it cold.
Especially great cleanliness in regard to
everything connected with the dairy. The
atmosphere of the stable should be pure
and free from dust when milking is being
done. Employesshould carefully wipe the
ndders and wash their hands: before milk-
ing, and should be in clean clothes.
Whitewash is a good disinfectant, and
should be seen in many more stables, and
land plaster should be sprinkled about to
absorb moisture and odors.
—The pasture lot is the most valuable
plot on the farm if it is permanent and well
adapted for the purpose, and its future use-
fulness depends upon its treatment during
the winter as well as during other seasons.
Enterprising farmers never neglect the
pasture, and manage to keep the grass in
good condition year after year, but the
* pasture is treated by some asa source of
supply which is expected to produce until
it ‘‘runs .out.”” There are many reasons
why the pasture fails, one of which is that
the land cannot produce one kind of crop
year after year without refusing to respond
to the crop which has been grown upon it,
yet the land maybe in excellent condition
for some other crop. Again grasses differ,
and as the particular kind of plant food for
certain varieties becomes exhausted, other
grasses thrive and crowd the first. varieties
out, because the existing plant food is
adapted for supplying their wants. It is sel-
dom that a farmer will plow his pasture
field, but unless he regards the grass crop
as deserving of the same attention as any
other he will reach a point where the past-
ure will fail and must be plowed or re-
newed in some manner. There is entirely
too much dependence upon the pasture
during the growing season. In ad-
dition to the constant cropping of the
there is injury from the feet of
the cattle, and as a herd of cattle trample
over every square inch of ground, frequent-
ly the soil becomes very compact and a por-
tion of the grass is killed. The pasture
should be used as an adjunct to grain—that
is, as a source of green food, and not asa
source for the main supply. If the time
occupied by cattle on the pasture could be
reduced one-half not only would the grass
grow to better advantage, but the pasture
would not become exhausted as soon as
when the cattle are kept on the grass all
the time. This can be done by only al-
lowing the cattle on the pasture a portion
of the day—early in the morning or in the
afternoon—allowing more grain as a sub-
stitute for the grass. As grass benefits the
animals because of its dietary effect the
cattle would thrive as well with a few
hours’ grazing from a good pasture as from
one on which the grass is short and over
which they must travel more in order to
secure a supply, as well as being saved
from insect annoyances to a large extent
by being kept at the barn during a portion
of the day. The signs of decay in a
pasture is the scant herbage provided,
and the first thing to do is to apply lime
early in the spring or after frost in the
fall, keeping the stock off when the graz-
ing season opens until the grass makes
sufficient growth to secure more root
a, gon
ar eae ore
of Baroda, India.
‘Some of the &ostliest Things.
The most expensive royal regalias in the
| world are said to be those of the maharajah
First comes a gorgeous
collar containing 500 diamonds, arranged
in five rows, some of these as large as wal-
nuts. A top and bottom row of cmeralds
of equal size relieve the lustre of the dia-
monds. A pendant is composed of a single
brilliant called the “Stars of the Deccan,’
and there are aigrettes, necklaces, brace-
lets, rings and chains to match. The ma-
harajah’s own special carpet, ten by six
feet in extent, made entirely of pearls,
with a big diamond in the centre and on
each corner, cost $1,500,000.
The largest price for a cane was bid at
an auction in London of the walking sticks
which were once the property “of George
III. and George IV. It was £18, or $90,
and was given for a walking stick of ehony,
with a gold top, engraved ‘‘G.R.” and
with a crown, and also containing the hair
of the Princesses Augusta Elizabeth, Mary
Sophia, and Amelia, and inscribed, “The
Gift of the Princess Mary, 1804.”
The costliest crown is that worn by the
Russian czar on ceremonial occasions. It
is surmounted by a cross formed of five
magnificent diamonds resting upon an im-
mense uncut but polished ruby. The ruby
rests on eleven large diamonds, which in
turn rest upon a mat of pearls. The cor-
onet of the empress is said to contain the
most beautiful collection of diamonds ever
massed together.
The costliest rugs in the world are own=
ed hy the shah of Persia and the sultan of
Turkey. Each possesses a mat made of
pearls and diamonds, valued at over $2,-
500,000. The Carleton club, London,
owns the largest mat or rug ever made.
The largest sum ever offered or asked for
a [single diamond was $2,150,000, which
the nizam of Hyderabad agreed to give
Mr. Jacobs, the famous jeweler of Simla,
for the Imperial diamond, considered the
finest stone in the world.
The biggest price ever paid for a horse in
America was $125,000, given by J. Mal-
colm Forbes, of Boston, for Leland Stan-
ford’s Arion, a trotter.
The costliest building of modern times is
the state capitol of Albany, N. Y. Over
$20,000,000 has been expended on it.
IE Leghorn pullet, exhibited at a
Ne® York chicken fair in 1892, was valued
at $100.
In the year 1635 a tulip bulb was sold
in Holland for $2,200. It weighed 200
The shah of Persia has a tobacco pipe
worth $400,000.
A Girl With 8000 Warts.
The most hideous-looking human being
that has ever heen seen in Germany is
Barbara Blattner, a young woman, of 17
who lately applied to the Berlin City
Hospital for treatment. She was found to
be reinatkably free from organic disease,
but her skin was literally covered with
warts, the physicians who examined her
estimating the total number on her body
at not less than 8000. A similar case, al-
though hardly as bad, was that of Lizzie
Kench, a girl, who was in the Baltimore
Hospital a few years ago. She had about
5000 warts on different parts of her body.
Saving Bank Fails.
The Omaha Savings bank failed to open
its doors Saturday morning, and is in the
hands of the State Banking Board. A
meeting of the clearing house was held and
it is presumed they took action which
caused the savings bank to close.
Total liability of the institution is $350, -
000 and the assets exceed the amount by |
$200,000. The securities are excellent and
but little loss can result to depositors.
Professor E. B. Voorhees, of the New
Jersey Experiment Station, is of the opin-
jon that the higher readers used in the
country schools should contain mostly arti-
cles devoted to farm matters. The charac-
teristics of breeds, soils, plants, foods, cul-
tivation of crops, and other subjects would
prove not only interesting reading to pu-
pils but also at the same time instruct them
in the very lines which will in the future
be mest beneficial to them.
——Congressman Sprague, the new rep-
resentative from the 11th Massachusetts
district, is the richest member of the
House. His wife issaid to possess $25,000,-
000, and on her wedding day she gave him
a check for $1,000,000, a sum he has since
greatly increased. Mr. Sprague was a
young lawyer in Boston before his mar-
Collis P. Huntington some time ago
built a palatial residence on Fifth avenue,
New York, at a cost of $2,500,000. But
his family has never moved into it on ac-
count of a superstition of Mr. Huntington’s
that its occupancy would be speedily fol-
lowed by his death.
— Mrs. Maria S. Saxton, an aunt of
Mis. McKinley by marriage, has been in-
vited by Major and Mrs. McKinley to
make her home in the White House with
them, and has accepted the invitation.
She is one of Mrs. McKinley’s warmest
personal friends. :
“My wife’s mother is coming round to
spend the winter with us.”’
‘‘Has she sent you word ?”’
“Yes ; a barrel of apples and two tubs
of butter arrived yesterday.”
Made of It.
The Reverend Mr. Longnecker (solemnly)
—“Man is made of dust.”’
Young SKoffington—‘‘So the girls think,
— The budget of estimates for the ex-
penses of the New York city government |
next year reaches a total of $50,000,000,
the highest ever known there.
— “They say that women can always
pick out goods that will wash.”
“True enough ; but why do they always
pick out children who won’t?”
father and seriously injured another man
with a shotgun at Emporia, Kan.
A ap GD Ae gp HW Ww
TRE % —
: : =
i Tours to Florida.
| * No district in America presents, during
the Winter season, so many varied at-
tractions as the State of Florida. Besides
its climate, which to one escaping from the
cold and unhealthful changes of the North,
seems almost etheral, it is pre-eminently a
land of sport and pleasure. Along its
cleven hundred miles of salt water coast
and in its twelve hundred fresh water lakes
are fish of every conceivable variety, from
the migratory tribes common to Northern
waters to the tarpon, pompano and others
of a more tropical character. = Nowhere in
all our broad land can the angler find a
greater variety of game or better sport.
Here also the most enthusiatic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, panthers and
wild cats roam at large through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may be found in abundance through-
out the State. The more noyét sport of
alligator and manatee hunting may also be
indulged in by the more adventurous
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, its fishing and hnnting, and its
extensive forests, Florida presents unri-
valed attractions for the valetudinarian,
the lover of nature, the sportsman and the
explorer. . :
To this attractive State the Pennsylvania
railroad company has arranged four person-
ally conducted tours during the season of
1897, leaving by special train, January 26th,
February 9th and 23rd, and March 9th.
The first three tours will admit of a so-
journ of two weeks in this delightful land ;
tickets for the fourth tour will be valid to
return until May 31st by regular trains.
Rates for the round trip, $50.00 from New
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and pro-
portionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other infor-
mation, apply to ticket agents, special book-
ing offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, assist-
ant general passenger agent, Broad street
station, Philadelphia. .
FE ——
A Visitor's Surprise.
Just before leaving these shores which
yielded so magnificently -in box office
office receipts, the Rev. Dr. John Watson,
however, that surprised me.
courtesy of your officials. On the rail-
roads, on the tram cars—I mean the trolley
and the cable— and in your streets I en-
countered only polite treatment.
It is generally understood, of course, by
those in Europe who have not traveled in
this country that our conductors and
brakemen wear guns and bowie-knives, and
carve up passengers on the slightest pro-
vocation, while the engineers wreck a train
just to get even with any traveler whose
looks do not meet with his approval. The
cold-blooded pirates who ran our tram cars
are even worse—in the European under-
standing—and broiling passengers who do
not have the right change on live wires is
trolley lines that run between New York
suburbs of the metropolis.
Dr. Watson’s surprise was undoubtedly
genuine, but in his tribute to these men he
might have gone much further and said
that they are the most intelligent men of
their employment anywhere. The best
the men who command
street cars.
count of the Inauguration via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the benefit of those who desire to at-
tend the ceremonies incident to the in-
auguration of President-elect McKinley,
| the Pennsylvania railroad company will |
sell tickets to Washington March 1st, 2nd,
3rd and 4th, valid to return from March 4th
to Sth, at the following rates : From New
| York, $8.00; Philadelphia, $5.40; Baltimore,
$1.60 ; Harrisburg, $5.06 ; Williamsport,
$8.79 ; Buffalo, $11.20 ; Rochester, $10.48 ;
Altoona and Pittsburg, $10.00; and from
all other stations on the Pennsylvania sys-
tem at reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most interest-
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract
a large number of people from every section
of the country.
The magnificent faculties of the Penn-
sylvania railroad make this line the favor-
ite route to the national capital at all times,
and its enormous equipment and splendid
terminal advantages at Washington make
it especially popular on such occasions.
— The most remarkable thing in the
politics of Pennsylvania for many a year is
the profound silence that pervades the edi-
on the senatorial question. Reading them,
one would think there was no such thing
going on in the state as a senatorial contest
unparalleled in the intensity of bitter feel-
ing it has evoked, and the prodigious ef-
forts and great sums of money that are be-
ing expended to control the result. What
adds to the mystery is that both the lead-
ing candidates are Philadelphians. The
newspapers appear to be afraid to cham-
pion or oppose either Wanamaker or Pen-
rose. They are muzzled on the one hand
by their advertising columns, and on the
other by what appears to be public senti-
ment, which compelled the withdrawal of
| Penrose from the mayoralty contest. It is
| very quecer.—Post.
| .
| THE FACT THAT DocTtors—Frequently
{ advise change of air and climate to those
| suffering from catarrh is proof that catarrh
| is a local and climatic disease. Therefore,
| unless you can leave home and business,
| you should use Ely’s Cream Balm. Ap-
| plied directly to the seat of the disease, it
| effects instant relief and satisfactory cure
| after short continuance. No mercury nor
| injurious drug is contained in the Balm.
— Black Hills (Dak.) gold mines ex-
pect to turn out this year $10,000,000 in
better known as Ian Maclaren, left this
kindly souvenir: ‘I found one matter, '
That was the
a pastime that is of daily occurrence on the
and Chicago and New Orleans and other |
Reduced Rates to Washington on Ac-
torial columns of the Philadelphia papers |
Cleared $32,000 on $700.
Fabulous Returns From Investment in a Wrecked
YORK, Pa., Jan. 2.—Frederick Shoff,
who purchased fourteen spans, or over half
of the wrecked Pennsylvania railroad
bridge that crossed the Susquehanna river
at Wrightsville, has gotten his part of the
bridge on shore.
Mr. Shoff paid $700 for the fourteen
spans, and will clear about $32,000 by the
transaction. Fifty men and fifteen horses
and mules were at the work about forty
days, at a cost of about $100 per day, or
The iron Mr. Shoff sold for $5000. He
secured about 2,500,000 feet of lumber,
which is finding a ready sale at $12 to $15
per thousand feet, or about $33,500.
Business Notice.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Caniohie,
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, N
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
New Advertisements.
ters of administration on the estate of
Samuel Brickley deceased late of Howard borough,
having been granted to the undersigned he re-
quests all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make payment and those having
claims against the same to present them duly au-
thenticated for settlement.
41-49-6t. oward, Pa.
XECUTOR’S NOTICE. — Letters tes-
tamentary on the estate of the late Philip
W. Barnhart, of Boggs township, Centre county,
Pa,, having been granted the undersigned they
réquest all parties knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate settlement and
those having claims to present same, properly
| authenticated, for payment.
Address Bellefonte, Pa. H. O. BARNHART,
41-47-6t Admias.
| Castoria.
0 ORY 0
A 8 T 0 B11 A
| <C 18 » 0 B 1 A
C A 8 v 0 BE 1 A
C Xx ¢ mm Gg BE I A
c A 5s T 0 BR 1 A
that England has to offer cannot compare ;
either in politeness or in intelligence with |
our trains and
Do not be imposed upon, but insist upon Lav-
| ing Castoria, and
! see that the fac-
simile signature of
ison tho wrapper. We shall protect Jourselves
and the public at all hazards.
tablished house in Pennsylvania.
payable §15 weekly and expenses.
stamped envelope.
Reference. Enclose
; Advertisemeints. |
men or women to travel for responsible es-
Salary $780-
Position per,
self-addressed |
The National, Star Building, |
Dr. Salm.
ANTED.—Gocd homes for two boys,
aged six and eight years.
boy and girl, aged eleven years.
Pres. of Children's Aid Society,
Apply to
Also twins—
Bellefonte, Pa.
Daily and
Daily, by mail - -
Sunday, by mail
Tue SUN.
The first of American Newspapers,
Constitution, the
American Spirit. These first,
and all the time, forever.
Price Se. a copy. By mail, $2 a year.
Address"\THE SUN, New York.
$6 a year.
43 a year,
MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist,
Von Grafe Infirmary,
> 3
last wi
of Greg
17 First and fin
Bellefonte, Dec. 23, 1896,
{and final account of W J Carlin, ad-
late of Miles
EGISTER’S NOTICE: >The following
accounts have been ex
and filed of record in the Register’
inspection of heirs and legatees, cre jitors and all
others in anywise interested, and will
ed to the orphans’ Court of Centre count;
firmation on Wednesday,
A.D. 1897.
1° The first and final account of George P H:
administrator of, etc., of Robert A Hall, late of
Union township, deceased. :
2 The second partial account of G
son, surviving executor and trustee,
last will and testament of
of Bellefonte Boro, dec’d.
3 The third partial
son, surviving execu
last will and testament of Thos
of Bellefonte Boro, deceased.
4 The fourth partial account of Geo
surviving executor and trustee,
ll and testament of Thomas R Reynolds,
late of Bellefonte Boro, dec'd.
5 First and final account of Edward T Tuten,
administrator of ect, of Ms \ P Tuten, late of
Bellefonte Boro, decd.
¢ First and final accountor Edith S Vonada,
administratrix of, ete, of George W. Vonada, late
g township.
7 Firstand final
the 25th day
12 The account of Emma R Rachau, sole sur-
viving executrix of, ete, of Israel Vonada, late of
Gregg township, dec’d.
13 The final account of
istrator of, etc
14 Secon
ministrator of, ete, of ¥ P Vonada,
township, deed.
First and final
administratrix of, ete,
Ferguson township,
The final accou
dian of Lydia L Gregg,
Gregg, late of Boggs township, decd.
al account of W S Sellers ex-
ecutor of, ete, of Davis Sellers, late of Patton
township, dee’d.
The firstand final
office for the
eo W Jack- *
under the
Thos R Reynolds, late
1 account of Geo W Jack-
tor and trustee, under the
R Reynolds, late
W Jack-
under the .
account of J C Snyder, admin-
istrator of, ete, of Benj F Snyder, late of Boggs \
township, deceased.
8 First and final accoun
admr, of, ete, of John W Rider, late of Ferguson
township, dec’d.
9 Account of John H Mill
oe of Geo Eckel, late of Ferguson townsh
10 Hirst and final account of E B Peters, trus-
tee to sell real estate of Hannah Resides, late of
Benner township, deceased.
11 The account of Geo 8 Gray,
of Catharine Gray, late of Half Moon township,
t of Sam’l G Rider,
er, administrator of,
executor of, ete,
John H Leech, admin-
of W W Leech, late of Harris
account of Maggie B Gates,
of John C Gates, late of
int of W H Musser, guar-
minor child of Theo
account of Wm _T Leath-
ers, Jr., and A H Leathers, executors of, ete, of J
B Leathers, late of Howard township,
19 First and vfinale account of
executor of, ete, of Maria Meek,
Moon township,
The first anc
Wm S Gray
late of Half
1 final account of H W Ifarsh-
berger admr. D B N of, ete, of Warren 8 Lucas,
late of Curtin township, deceased
Aug. 8, Sep. 5, Oct. 3-31, Nov. 28, Dec.
26, Jan. 23, Feb. 20, March 20,
April 17, May 15, June 12,
July 10.
tarrh, and cured by Dr. Salm.
Rev. J. D. Leister, Swales, Pa.
: : . : Replying to your
in wn as to testimonial with my signature,
sublished by Dr. Salm, will say, that T was under
Lis treatment for 10 months for my hearing. It
was catarrh of the middle ear, and like yourself,
could hear better some days than others, could
hear better in noise. My hearing was very much
improved by the treatment, and have no doubt,
but that he can help you. Dr. Salm appears to be
an honest man, and he will tell you the truth,
whether he can help you or not. If I were you, 1
would certainly consult him. 1 was longer afflict-
ed than you. ~My hearing was bad in one ear for
about 35 years, and in the other for about 24 or 25
years. Hoping that your hearing will be entirely
restored. Iremain.
Bedford Co. Bedford, Pa., Isaac Pierson.
Case of Catarrh Cured by Dr. Salm.
Rev. J. D. Leister, Swales, Pa.
Yours came to
hand to-day. Dr. Salm treated my 13 year old boy
for catarrh in the head, and cured him in 6
months. I don't know whether he can cure you
or not, but on examination he will tell you the
truth. I know a man here, that he examined,
and he told him that he could not be cured.
know other people, that he has done a great deal
t 41-15-1mn 77 Murray St., N. Y. 41-51-4t
Schomacker Piano.
I. i re &
instrument now manufactured in this or any other country in the world.
1851—Jury Group, International Exposition—1876, for Grand, Square, and Upright
Illustrated catalogue mailed on application
1109 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
12 East Sixteenth Street, New York.
145 and 147 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.
1015 Olive Street, St. Louis.
Miss S. OHNMACHT, Agent,
of good in other cases.
Madisonburg, Centre Co., Pa. Ben Limbert.
After the Country Doctors ilad Given Him Up
as Incurable, Dr. Salm Cured Him.
I must truly say that Dr. Salm has treated me
well and I have improved wonderfully under his
<killful treatment, even after our country doctors
all gave me up as incurable.
: J. F. Weidenmeirer.
Paxtonville, Snyder Co., Pa., Aug. 24th, 1806.
Case of Catarrh Cured by Dr. Salm.
For 7 years I have hada bad case of catarrh,
took cold continually and almost always had
headaches ; a bad stomach, as well and too many
accompanying troubles to mention. But now, at-
ter only a short treatment of Dr. Salm, I am al-
most a new man.
: Henry Treon.
Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Sep. 9th., 1896.
Received Great Benefit.
I have received great benefit from the 3 months
treatment, 1 have taken from Dr. Salm, tor which
I feel very greatful.
D. I. Porter.
Butler, Butler Co., Pa., Aug. 1st, 1830.
THE GOLD Emit a purer sympathetic tone, proof against atmospheric action —_—
STRINGS eXirantli ary Per An QuIshifiey with grea wei ad yeh Dr. Salm Snatched Her From Her Grave.
ness of touch. Pre-eminently the best and most highly improved Mr. Secretary i—
You asked me why I did not come
back last month. The medicine Dr. Salm gave
me helped me so much, that I thought it was not
necessary to return at present, but however, if 1
need any further treatment he is my physician.
He cured me of scrofula, about one year ago,
snatched me, you might say, from the grave.
This is saying a good deal, but it is true.
Mrs. A. E. Meyer.
Linden Hall, Centre Co., Pa., July 14th, 1806.
Cured of Stomach, Liver and Nerve Trovble by
Dr. Salm.
For more than 7 years I have had a bad stom-
ach, liver and nerve trouble. Became so weak
that I couldn’t work any more. For 6 and one
half years I have tried the best doctors in the
country but got worse and worse, but now, after a
short treatment with Dr. Salm, Iam able to at-
tend to my daily labors again, putting in a good
days work. Eat splendidly and have gained
greatly in weight. pg R. Enders.
Dalmatia, Northumberland Co., Pa., Sep. 9th, 1896.
Nobody Has Done More for My Health Than
Dr. Salm.
I have only taken a half month's treatment and
in that time, 1 dare say, no one could have done
more for my health than Dr. Salm, as I feel a
great deal better. William H. Knepp.
China Hall.
Robert Love, colored, Killed his
—— The average orange tree of Mexico |
raises one thousand oranges a year.
New York state’s share of the Raines
law receipts for 1896 was $3,564,014.
A gude New Year to ane and a’,
And mony may ye see
And during a’ the years to come,
Oh, happy may ye be.
| We have some elegant selections for the Holiday Season. Just What You Want for a Christmas Present.
see the finest display in Centre county.
High Street
China Hall.
than ever is our Stock of China Ware.
Come and
Troxelville, Snyde. Co., Pa., Aug. 3rd, 1806.
Catarrh and Bronchitis Cured by Di. Salm.
For some years I have been in bad health. Suf-
fered very much from ecatarrh and brouchitis,
lost flesh “continually, coughed a great deal anc
there didn’t seem to be a spot about me that
didn’t ache. So I went to Dr. Salm, who comes
here every four weeks, for treatment. Iam so
much pleased with the improvement that I want
everyone to know it. I can eat finely, feel a good
deal “stronger, and I know I will oon be myself
again. Mr. Henry Keithan.
Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Sep. 0th, 1896.
end ¢
Address all communications to hox 760,
Columbus, O.
Hard of Hearing for 35 Years, Caused by Cai’
a MRE 3 A SRG lS in Wl rth
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